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ISSUE DATE: NAME: PHONE NUMBER: MAIL ADDRESS: Contents/Precautions Before Using this Terminal Setting Up Connecting to the Internet Settings Overseas Use Appendix/Troubleshooting INSTRUCTION MANUAL ‘12.6 L-04D

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    Before Using this Terminal

    Setting Up

    Connecting to the Internet


    Overseas Use





  • PrefaceThank You for Purchasing the “L-04D”.Before or while using the L-04D, be sure to thoroughly read this manual to ensure its correct use.

    Before Using this Terminal• L-04DsupportsLTE,W-CDMAandwirelessLAN

    systems.• Becausethisterminaloperatesusingradio


    • Becausethisterminalconductswirelesscommunication,thereceivedinformationmaydifferfromtheactualtransmittedoneifthetransmitteddigitalsignalcannotproperlyberestoredaccordingtoconditionssuchasmovingintoapoorsignalarea.

    • DOCOMOisnotresponsibleforanyeconomiclossesincurredthroughlostcommunicationopportunitiescausedbyexternalfactorssuchasmalfunctionorelectricaloutage.

    • ThisterminalcanbeoperatedinXiarea,FOMAPlus-AreasandFOMAHIGH-SPEEDAreas.

    • Thisterminaldoesnotsupporti-modefunctions(i-modemail,connectiontoi-modesites(program)ori-αppli,etc.)

    SIM Unlock• ThisterminalsupportsSIMunlock.WhenSIM

    unlockisactivated,othercareer'sSIMisavailable.- ForSIMunlock,visitadocomoShoporagency.- TheseparatechargeforSIMunlockisrequired.- PleasenotethatSIMunlocktakesseveraldays.- Whenusingothercareer'sSIM,LTEsystemisnotavailable.Also,someotherservicesorfunctionsmayberestricted.DOCOMOdoesnotguaranteeanyoperation.

    - FordetailsonSIMunlock,visitDOCOMO'swebsite.


    ■ The URL of PDF for INSTRUCTION MANUALhttp://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/support/trouble/manual/download/index.html* TheURLandtheinformationcontainedin


  • 1Contents/Precautions

    Supplied Accessories

    L-04D Terminal (including the warranty)

    Back Cover L31

    Battery Pack L17 L-04D INSTRUCTIONMANUAL


    L-04D Setting Up Manual


    Wireless LAN Initialization Sticker




    Case (sample)


  • 2 Contents/Precautions

    How to Read this Manual


    L-04D Manual is composed of “L-04D Setting Up Manual” and “L-04D INSTRUCTION MANUAL”.

    ■ “L-04D Setting Up Manual” (In Japanese only)The following contents such as connection to game console or iPod touch are described.

    • SuppliedAccessories• InsertingtheminiUIMandAttachingthe

    BatteryPack• ChargingBattery• TurningPowerOn/Off• ConnectingtoaWirelessLANTerminal• Troubleshooting

    ■ “L-04D INSTRUCTION MANUAL”The following contents such as connection to computer, specifications and configuring various settings are described.Read this manual by PDF. To view this manual, Adobe Reader (Version 6.0 or later is recommended) is necessary.

    • Contents/Precautions• BeforeUsingthisTerminal• SettingUp• ConnectingtotheInternet• Settings• OverseasUse• Appendix/Troubleshooting

    • Notethatin“L-04DINSTRUCTIONMANUAL”,“thisterminal”refersto“L-04D”.

    • Notethatin“L-04DINSTRUCTIONMANUAL”,“PC”referstoboth“WindowsPC”and“Mac”.

    • Operationproceduresandimagesmaydifferdependingonenvironment.

    • Reprintingallorpartsofthismanualisprohibited.

    • Informationcontainedinthismanualissubjecttochangewithoutpriornotice.

  • 3Contents/Precautions

    SuppliedAccessories………………………………………1HowtoReadthisManual……………………………… 2Contents…………………………………………………… 3FeaturesoftheL-04D………………………………… 4SafetyPrecautions(ALWAYSFOLLOWTHESEPRECAUTIONS) ……………………………………………………… 5HandlingPrecautions ……………………………… 16Before Using this Terminal …………… 21NamesofPartsandFunctions…………………………21DisplayOverview……………………………………… 22UsingminiUIM………………………………………… 24AttachingandDetachingtheBatteryPack … 27Charging………………………………………………… 30TurningPowerOn/Off ……………………………… 33AvailableCommunications………………………… 34AttachingandDetachingthisTerminalto/fromaPC…………………………………………… 37Setting Up ………………………………… 39SettingUp……………………………………………… 39ConnectingtoaWirelessLANTerminal ……… 40MakingOtherSettings……………………………… 49Connecting to the Internet …………… 50InternetConnection ………………………………… 50ConnectingtotheInternet………………………… 50

    Settings …………………………………… 51Logging-intoL-04DConnectionManager…… 51ConfirmingConnection/SettingConditionsofthisTerminal ……………………………………… 54SettingWirelessLAN ……………………………… 55SettingNetwork ……………………………………… 62SettingSecurityFunctions……………………………… 67ManagingtheSystem ……………………………… 68Overseas Use …………………………… 72InternationalRoamingService(WORLDWING)… 72ServicesAvailableOverseas ……………………………72BeforeUsingOverseas……………………………… 73SettingtheSearchingMethodsforAvailableNetworksandAccessPoint ……………………… 75Appendix/Troubleshooting …………… 76OptionsandRelatedDevices …………………… 76Samples………………………………………………… 76Troubleshooting ……………………………………… 77ErrorMessages ……………………………………… 84WarrantyandAfter-SalesService ……………… 84UpdatingSoftware…………………………………… 86ResettingthisTerminal …………………………… 89MainSpecifications ………………………………… 90ExportAdministrationRegulations……………… 91IntellectualPropertyRights …………………………… 95Index……………………………………………………… 96


  • 4 Contents/Precautions

    Features of the L-04D“Xi” is a service of DOCOMO supported by LTE (Long Term Evolution) which is the international communication standard.FOMA (Freedom Of Mobile multimedia Access) is the name of a service provided by DOCOMO based on the W-CDMA system, which is certified as one of the global standards of 3rd generation mobile communication systems (IMT-2000).

    ■ Compatible with Xi data communicationThisisasuperhighspeeddatacommunicationofupto75Mbps*forreceivingdataandupto25Mbps*forsendingdata.* AvailableonlyinapartofXiarea.• RefertoDOCOMOwebsitefordetailedareas

    supportXi.• Communicationspeedistheoreticalvalues


    • ItisalsoavailableforFOMAareawhichisoutofXiarea.

    ■ Correspondence with the FOMA HIGH-SPEED AreaYoucanenjoyhighspeedcommunication(Besteffortsystem)atamaximumof14Mbpsforreceivingand5.7Mbpsforsending.• Communicationspeedistheoreticalvalues


    • Fordetailsofareassupportingamaximumof5.7Mbpsforsending,viewDOCOMOwebsite.

    • Sendingandreceivingdatamaybecome384kbpsevenwithintheFOMAHIGH-SPEEDarea.

    • Sendingandreceivingdatabecome384kbpsinFOMAareaoutofFOMAHIGH-SPEEDarea.

    ■ International Roaming ServiceDatacommunicationsareavailablethroughusing3Gnetworkinforeigncountries.(→P72)* “WORLDWING”isusuallyappliedalongwith


  • 5Contents/Precautions


    ■ Before using this terminal, read these “Safety Precautions” carefully so that you can use it properly. After reading the safety precautions, keep this manual in a safe place for later reference. ■ These precautions are intended to protect you and others around you. Read and follow them carefully to avoid injury, damage to the product or damage to property. ■ The signs below indicate the levels of danger or damage that may occur if the particular precautions are not observed.

    DANGERThis sign indicates that incorrect handling has a high possibility of causing death or serious injury.

    WARNINGThis sign indicates that incorrect handling poses a risk of causing death or serious injury.


    This sign indicates that incorrect handling poses a risk of causing slight injury or damage to the product or property.

    ■ The following symbols indicate special warnings regarding product usage.

    Denotes things not to do (prohibition).

    Denotes not to disassemble.

    Denotes not to use where it could get wet.

    Denotes not to touch with wet hands.

  • 6 Contents/Precautions

    Denotes mandatory instructions (matters that must be complied with).

    Denotes to unplug from the outlet.

    ■ “Safety Precautions” are explained in the following 7 sections.GeneralPrecautionsforTerminal,BatteryPack,AdapterandminiUIM …………………………… P6PrecautionsforTerminal………………………… P8PrecautionsforBatteryPack …………………P10PrecautionsforAdapter…………………………P12PrecautionsforminiUIM…………………………P13PrecautionsonUsingnearElectronicMedicalEquipment ………………………………P14MaterialList…………………………………………P15PrecautionsforSample(Case) ………………P15

    General Precautions for Terminal, Battery Pack, Adapter and miniUIM

    DANGERDo not use, store or leave the terminal or its accessories in places with a high temperatures, such as near fire, near heating appliance, in direct sunlight or in cars under the blazing sun.Fire,burns,orinjurymayresult.

    Do not put the terminal, battery pack, adapter or miniUIM in heating appliances such as microwaves or high pressure containers.Fire,burns,injury,orelectricshockmayresult.

    Do not disassemble or remodel the terminal or its accessories.Fire,burns,injury,orelectricshockmayresult.

    Do not get the terminal or its accessories wet with water, drinking water, pet urine, etc.Fire,burns,injury,orelectricshockmayresult.

  • 7Contents/Precautions

    Use battery packs and adapters specified by NTT DOCOMO.Otherwise,fire,burns,injury,orelectricshockmayresult.

    WARNINGDo not subject the terminal or its accessories to strong force, severe shocks, or throw them.Fire,burns,injury,orelectricshockmayresult.

    Keep conductive foreign objects (metal, pencil lead, etc.) away from the charging terminal or external connector. Do not insert such objects inside the terminal.Fire,burns,injury,orelectricshockmayresult.

    Do not cover or wrap the terminal or its accessories with bedding, etc. while using or charging.Fireorburnsmayresult.

    Make sure to turn off the terminal and stop charging before you go to a place such as a gas station where flammable gas is generated.Otherwise,catchingfiremayresult.

    If the terminal or its accessories have an unusual odor, heat, discoloration or distortion while using, charging or storing, immediately take the following actions:• Remove the power plug from the

    outlet or cigarette lighter socket.• Turn off the terminal power.• Remove the battery pack from the


    CAUTIONDo not place the terminal or its accessories in unstable locations such as wobbly tables or slanted locations.Theterminaloritsaccessoriesmayfall,resultingininjury.

    Do not store the terminal or its accessories in humid and dusty places, or in high temperatures.Fire,burns,orelectricshockmayresult.

  • 8 Contents/Precautions

    If children use the terminal or its accessories, a guardian should explain the precautions and correct operations. The guardian should also make sure that the instructions are followed during use.Otherwise,injurymayresult.

    Keep out of reach of babies and infants.Otherwise,accidentalswallowingorinjurymayresult.

    Pay extra attention when using the terminal connected to the adapter for a long time.Whenusingtheterminalforalongtimewhilecharging,thetemperatureoftheterminal,batterypackoradaptermaybecomehigher.Someuserswhocontinuouslytouchahotterminaloritsaccessoriesmaydeveloprashes,itching,oreczemadependingontheirphysicalhealthorexistingmedicalconditions,oralow-temperatureburnmayresult.

    Precautions for Terminal

    WARNINGDo not get liquids such as water or foreign objects such as metal pieces or flammable materials into the miniUIM attachment part of the terminal.Fire,burns,injury,orelectricshockmayresult.

    Turn off the terminal in places where use is prohibited such as airplanes or hospitals.Electronicdevicesorelectronicmedicaldevicesmaybeadverselyaffected.Followtheinstructionswhenusinginmedicalfacilities.Youwillbepunishedifyoutakeactivityprohibitedbylawsuchasuseoftheterminalinairplanes.

  • 9Contents/Precautions

    If you wear any implanted electronic medical devices, contact the manufacturer or dealer of the electronic medical device to ask about the effect from radio waves.Electronicmedicaldevicesmaybeadverselyaffected.

    Turn off the terminal in places near highprecision electronic devices or devices using weak electronic signals.Electronicdevicesmaybeadverselyaffectedbyreasonssuchasmalfunction.* Electronicdevicesthatmaybeaffected:


    When the display part is broken, avoid touching the broken glass or exposed parts inside the terminal.Thesurfacepanelofthedisplayisshatterproofplastic.However,ifyouaccidentallytouchbrokenorexposedparts,youmaybeinjured.

    CAUTIONDo not use the broken terminal.Fire,burns,injury,orelectricshockmayresult.

    If the display is broken and the internal material leaks out, do not apply the liquid to your skin such as face or hand.Blindnessorinjurytoyourskinmayresult.Iftheliquidcrystalgetsintoyoureyesormouth,immediatelyflushwithcleanwaterandconsultadoctor.Also,iftheliquidcrystalgetsonyourskinorclothing,immediatelywipeitoffwithalcohol,andthenwashwithsoapandwater.

  • 10 Contents/Precautions

    If you use the terminal in a car, contact the car manufacturer or dealer to ask about the effect from radio waves.Dependingonthetypeofacar,in-carelectronicdevicescouldbeadverselyaffected.Inthiscase,stopusingtheterminalimmediately.

    Itching, rash or eczema may be caused depending on your physical conditions or predisposition. If an abnormality occurs, stop using the terminal immediately and consult a doctor.• Forthematerialofeachpart


    Look at the display in a well bright place, keeping a certain distance from the screen.Otherwise,failureofeyesightmayresult.

    Precautions for Battery Pack ■ Check the battery type by the label attached to the battery pack.

    Description Battery Type

    Li-ion00 Lithium-ionbattery

    DANGERDo not get any metal objects such as wire come into contact with the battery terminal. Do not carry or store the terminal together with any metal objects such as a necklace.Ignition,explosion,overheatingorleakageofthebatterypackmayresult.

    Do not attach the battery pack forcibly if you are having trouble attaching it. When attaching the battery pack, check the direction of the battery pack.Ignition,explosion,overheatingorleakageofthebatterypackmayresult.

    Do not throw the battery pack into fire.Ignition,explosion,overheatingorleakageofthebatterypackmayresult.

    Do not pierce the battery pack with a nail, hit it with a hammer or step on it.Ignition,explosion,overheatingorleakageofthebatterypackmayresult.

  • 11Contents/Precautions

    If the battery fluid gets into your eyes, immediately flush with clean water and consult a doctor. Do not rub the eyes.Otherwise,blindnessmayresult.

    WARNINGIf you find any trouble on the battery pack such as distortion caused by a drop or scratches, never use the battery pack.Ignition,explosion,overheatingorleakageofthebatterypackmayresult.If the battery leaks or emits unusual odor, immediately stop using the terminal and keep away from the open fire.Otherwise,theleakedbatteryfluidmayignite,resultinginfireorburst.

    Be careful not to let your pets bite the battery pack.Otherwise,ignition,explosion,overheatingorleakageofthebatterypackmayresult.

    CAUTIONDo not dispose of old batteries with ordinary household waste.Ignitionorenvironmentaldamagemayresult.Coverthebatteryterminalswithanon-conductivetapeandtakethemtothedocomoShop,etc.ordisposeoftheminaccordancewithlocalwastedisposalregulations.

    Do not use or charge a wet battery pack.Ignition,explosion,overheatingorleakageofthebatterypackmayresult.

    If the liquid inside the battery pack leaks out, keep the liquid away from your skin such as face or hands.Otherwise,blindnessorinjurytoyourskinmayresult.Iftheliquidgetsintoyoureyesormouth,orattachestoyourskinorclothing,flushwithcleanwaterimmediately.Iftheliquidgetsintoyoureyesormouth,immediatelyflushwithwaterandthenconsultadoctor.

  • 12 Contents/Precautions

    Precautions for Adapter

    WARNINGDo not use a damaged adapter cord.Fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.

    Do not use the AC adapter in a place with high humidity such as a bath room.Fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.

    The DC adapter is only for a negative (-) grounded vehicle. Do not use it with a positive (+) grounded vehicle.Fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.

    If it starts to thunder, do not touch the adapter.Electricshockmayresult.

    Do not short-circuit the charging terminals when the adapter is plugged into the outlet or cigarette lighter socket. Also, never touch the charging terminals with fingers or other bare skin.Fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.

    Do not place heavy objects on the adapter cord.Fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.

    When inserting the AC adapter into the outlet or removing it, do not contact metal objects such as a metal strap.Fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.

    Do not touch the adapter cord or the outlet with wet hands.Fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.

    Use the adapter at the specified power source and voltage.Also, when charging the terminal overseas, use an AC adapter available overseas.Usingatthewrongvoltagemayresultinfire,burnsorelectricshock.• ACadapter:100VAC• DCadapter:12V/24VDC(for

    negativegroundedvehiclesonly)• ACadapteravailableoverseas:


  • 13Contents/Precautions

    If the fuse of DC adapter blows, replace it with the specified fuse.Otherwise,fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.Forthespecifiedfuse,seeanindividualinstructionmanual.

    Keep the power plug dust free.Otherwise,fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.

    When plugging the AC adapter into the outlet, plug it in firmly.Otherwise,fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.

    When removing the power plug from the outlet or cigarette lighter socket, do not forcibly pull the adapter cord, instead hold the power plug and pull it out.Otherwise,fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.

    If you do not use the adapter for a long time, unplug the power plug from the outlet or cigarette lighter socket.Otherwise,fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.

    If liquids such as water get into the adapter, unplug the power plug from the outlet or cigarette lighter socket.Otherwise,fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.

    Before cleaning the adapter, pull the plug out of the outlet or cigarette lighter socket.Otherwise,fire,burnsorelectricshockmayresult.

    Precautions for miniUIM

    CAUTIONBe careful not to touch the edge of miniUIM when removing it.Otherwise,injurymayresult.

  • 14 Contents/Precautions

    Precautions on Using near Electronic Medical Equipment ■ The description below meets “Guideline on the Use of Radio-communication Equipment such as Cellular Telephones - Safeguards for Electronic Medical Equipment” by the Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference.

    WARNINGBe sure to adhere to the following regulations inside medical facilities.• Keeptheterminaloutofoperating


    • Turnofftheterminalinhospitalwards.• Turnofftheterminalinhospitallobbies


    • Ifthemedicalfacilityhasspecificzoneswhereuseorpossessionofmobileterminalsisprohibited,followthoseregulations.

    Turn off the terminal in crowded trains or other public places where implanted cardiac pacemaker or defibrillator wearers could be nearby.Operationofanimplantedcardiacpacemakerorimplanteddefibrillatormaybeadverselyaffectedbyradiowaves.If you use an electronic medical equipment such as an implanted cardiac pacemaker or implanted defibrillator, use the mobile terminal 22 cm or more away from the implanted cardiac pacemaker or implanted defibrillator.Operationofanelectronicmedicalequipmentmaybeadverselyaffectedbyradiowaves.

    Patients using electronic medical equipment other than implanted cardiac pacemakers or implanted defibrillators (using outside medical facilities for treatment at home, etc.) should check the influence of radio waves upon the equipment by consulting the manufacturer.Operationsofelectronicmedicalequipmentmaybeadverselyaffectedbyradiowaves.

  • 15Contents/Precautions

    Material List

    Part Material/Surface treatment

    Frontcover PC,PCandABS/Paintfinish



    Backcover PCandGF10%

    Batterycover PC/Paintfinish




    Label PET/Antireflectioncoating

    Connector NiandGold/Platedcoating

    Precautions for Sample (Case)

    WARNINGDo not place the case in cooking equipment such as microwave or high pressure container.Smoking,ignition,ordamagemayresult.

    CAUTIONDo not leave the case in humid or dusty places, in high temperatures, water, or direct sunlight.Distortion,discolorationorcolorstainingmayresult.

  • 16 Contents/Precautions

    Handling Precautions

    General Usage Guidelines ■ Keep the equipment away from water.Thisterminal,batterypack,adapterandminiUIMarenotwaterproof.Donotusetheminplaceswithhighhumiditysuchasabathroomorwhererainmaygetthemwet.Ifyoucarrythemclosetoyourbody,moisturefromsweatmaycorrodetheinternalpartscausingamalfunction.Notethatmalfunctionsdeemedtobecausedbywaterarenotcoveredbythewarranty,andmaybeimpossibletorepair.Sincethesemalfunctionsarenotunderwarranty,evenwhenrepairispossible,itwillbedoneattheuser'sexpense. ■ Clean the terminal with a dry, soft cloth (Lens cleaning cloth).• Rubbingthedisplayroughlywithadrycloth,it

    maybescratched.• Dropsofwaterordirtleftonthedisplaymay

    causestains.• Iftheterminaliswipedwithalcohol,paint


    ■ Keep the connector contacts clean with a dry cotton swab, etc.Cleantheconnectorcontactswithadrycottonswabtopreventcontactsfromgettingdirtywhichcanresultinintermittentconnections.Becarefulnottobreaktheconnectorterminalswhencleaning. ■ Do not place the equipment near air conditioner outlets.Condensationmayformduetorapidchangesintemperature,andthismaycorrodeinternalpartsandcausemalfunction. ■ Do not use excessive force using the terminal or the battery pack.Ifyouputtheterminalinabagfullofitemsorsitdownwiththeterminalinthepocketofyourclothe,itmaydamagethedisplay,andinternalcircuitboard,andthebatterypackandcausetheterminaltomalfunction.Also,whiletheexternaldeviceisconnectedtotheexternalconnectionjack,itmaydamagetheconnectorandcausemalfunction. ■ Do not rub or scratch the display with metal objects, etc.Thedisplaymaygetscratchedanditmaycausedamageormalfunction. ■ Carefully read the individual manual attached to the adapter.

  • 17Contents/Precautions

    This Terminal ■ Avoid using in extremely high or low temperatures.Thisterminalshouldbeusedwithinatemperaturerangefrom5℃to35℃andahumidityrangefrom45%to85%. ■ This terminal may adversely affect fixed phones, televisions or radios in use nearby. Use as far as possible from such appliances. ■ Keep a separate record of any information stored on this terminal and store the copies in a safe location.DOCOMOassumesnoresponsibilityforthelossofanyofyourdata. ■ Do not drop this terminal or subject it to shocks.Damageormalfunctionmayresult. ■ Do not insert an external device to the external connector crookedly or do not pull it when it is inserted.Damageormalfunctionmayresult. ■ If the terminal is connected to a PC with the microUSB Connection Cable, remove this terminal from the PC when transporting.Damageormalfunctionmayresult. ■ It is normal for the terminal to become warm during use or being charged. You can continue to use it.

    ■ Do not use the terminal without the back cover.Thebatterypackmayfallout,resultingdamageormalfunction. ■ Do not place magnetic card near the terminal.Dataonmagneticmediasuchascashcards,creditcards,telephonecardsorfloppydisksmaybelost. ■ Do not place a magnetized item near the terminal.Astrongmagneticfieldmaycausemalfunction.

    Battery Pack ■ The battery pack is a consumable item.Dependingontheusage,abatterypackmayrunoutofitschargeextremelyquicklyevenifitisfullycharged.Purchaseanewbatterypackspecifiedinthismanual. ■ Charge the battery pack in a place with an ambient temperature between 5 ℃ and 35 ℃ . ■ The actual usage time of the battery pack depends on the usage environment or the deterioration level of the battery pack. ■ The battery pack may swell as the battery life is near its end depending on the battery pack condition, but it is not a malfunction.

  • 18 Contents/Precautions

    ■ When you store the battery pack, avoid the following conditions.• Fullycharged(immediatelyafterchargingis

    completed)• Nobattery(thestatewherethepowercannot


    Adapter ■ Charge the battery pack in a place with an ambient temperature between 5 ℃ and 35 ℃ . ■ Do not charge the battery pack in the following areas.• Inareasofexcessivehumidity,dustorvibration• Nearland-linephones,TVsorradios ■ It is normal for the adapters to become warm while using or charging the terminal. You can continue to use it. ■ Use the DC adapter only when the car engine is running.Otherwise,thecarbatterymaybeexhausted. ■ When using an outlet with a latch mechanism, follow the instruction manual of the outlet.

    ■ Do not give a strong impact to the adapter. Also, do not deform the charging terminals.Malfunctionmayresult.

    miniUIM ■ Do not put excessive force on the miniUIM when inserting or removing it into this terminal. ■ Do not insert and use the miniUIM with another IC card reader/writer. Please note that you are wholly liable for any damage or malfunction as a result of such action. ■ Always keep the IC portion of the miniUIM clean. ■ Clean the miniUIM with a soft, dry cloth (Lens cleaning cloth). ■ Be sure to keep a separate note of the information registered to this terminal.DOCOMOassumesnoresponsibilityforthelossofanyofyourdata. ■ Visit docomo Shop to return the expended miniUIM for the environmental purpose. ■ Do not scratch, touch carelessly or short circuit the IC portion.Datalossormalfunctionmayresult. ■ Do not drop or give shock to the miniUIM.Malfunctionmayresult.

  • 19Contents/Precautions

    ■ Do not bend or put heavy things on the miniUIM.Malfunctionmayresult. ■ Do not insert miniUIM into the terminal with labels or stickers attached on.Malfunctionmayresult.

    Wireless LAN (WLAN) ■ Wireless LAN (WLAN) uses radio waves to enable communications between compatible devices, thus allowing connection to a local area network from anywhere within range. However, there is a risk of data interception by malicious third parties unless security is established. Users are advised to assess their responsibilities and accordingly configure security settings.• WirelessLAN

    DonotusewirelessLANnearmagneticdevicessuchaselectricalappliancesorAV/OAdevices,orinradiowaves.- Magnetismorradiowavesmayincreasenoisesordisablecommunications(especiallywhenusingamicrowaveoven).

    - WhenusednearTV,radio,etc.,receptioninterferencemayoccur,orchannelsontheTVscreenmaybedisturbed.

    - IftherearemultiplewirelessLANaccesspointsnearbyandthesamechannelisused,searchmaynotworkcorrectly.

    • FrequencyBandThefrequencybandusedbythewirelessLANfunctionofthisterminalisindicatedonalabelinthebatterycompartmentoftheterminal.Thefollowingexplainstheindicationsonthelabel.


    2.4 :Thisradioequipmentusesthe2400MHzband.

    DS :ModulationschemeistheDS-SSsystem.

    OF :ModulationschemeistheOFDMsystem.

    4 :Theestimatedinterferencedistanceis40morless.



  • 20 Contents/Precautions

    • 2.4GHzDeviceCautionsTheoperatingfrequencybandoftheWLANdeviceisusedbyhomeelectricappliancessuchasmicrowaveoven,industrial,scientific,consumerandmedicalequipmentincludingpremisesradiostationsforidentifyingmobileunitsusedinthemanufacturinglinesofplants(radiostationsrequiringalicense),specifiedlowpowerradiostations(radiostationsrequiringnolicense)andamateurradiostations(radiostationsrequiringalicense).1. Beforeusingthedevice,confirmthat


    2. Ifthedevicecausesharmfulradiointerferencetopremisesradiostationsforidentifyingmobileunits,immediatelychangethefrequencybandorstopusing,andcontact“GeneralInquiries”describedonthebackofthismanualforcrosstalkavoidance(e.g.partitionsetup),etc.

    3. Ifthedevicecausesradiointerferencetospecifiedlowpowerradiostationsoramateurradiostations,contact“GeneralInquiries”describedonthebackofthismanual.

    CAUTION ■ Do not use the modifi ed terminal. Using modifi ed terminal results in violating the law of Electromagnetic Compatibility.ThisterminalhasbeencompliedwithtechnicalstandardofwirelessequipmentstipulatedbylawofElectromagneticCompatibility.Asaproof,“Technicalstandardcompliancemark ”isindicatedintheinscriptionseal.Ifthisterminalismodifiedbyturningthescrewtothelefttodisassemble,technicalstandardcompliancebecomesinvalid.Pleasedonotusethisterminalduringthetimewhentechnicalstandardcomplianceisbeinginvalid,sinceyouareinviolationofthelawofElectromagneticCompatibility. ■ Keep this terminal 15 mm or more away from your body while communicating. ■ Do not tamper the basic software.Repairsmaynotbepossiblewhentherepairofficejudgesthatthesoftwareisremodeled.

  • 21Before Using this Terminal

    Before Using this TerminalNames of Parts and Functions a

    Displayb Power button:


    c Wi-Fi button:Holddownthebuttonforover2secondstoset/cancelpowersavingmode.Duringpowersavingmode,wirelessLANfunctionandnetworkcommunicationfunctionareoff.Whenthedisplayhasgoneoff,pressthePowerbuttontolightenthedisplay,thenpresstheWi-Fibutton.

    d WPS button:Holddownthebuttonforover2secondstoconnecttheotherwirelessLANdevicetothewirelessLANofthisterminalusingWPSfunction(UnavailablewhenWEPisset).Whenthedisplayhasgoneoff,pressthePowerbuttontolightenthedisplay,thenpresstheWPSbutton.

    e External connector:ThisconnectstoACAdapterormicroUSBConnectionCable.

  • 22 Before Using this Terminal

    f Xi antenna:Networkcommunicationantennaisbuiltin.

    g Back cover:Removingthebackcover,theminiUIMslotguideisunderthebatterypack.

    h Sub-antenna:Sub-antennaisforimprovingthecommunicationqualitybyusingpluralantennas.Thisantennaisbuiltin.

    i Wi-Fi antenna:WirelessLANantennaisbuiltin.


    • Whenthisterminalisputonthemetalobjectssuchasasteeldeskortable,theperformanceoftheantennaisaffectedandthecommunicationspeedmaybecomelower.

    Display OverviewThe signs (icons) that appear on the display indicate these states (press the power button to display the icons):

    a Levels of radio wave receptionStrong Weak


    b Types of networks available during connection:LTE:3G(HSDPA/HSUPA,W-CDMA)

    Internetconnectionisunavailablewhenaniconshows notconnectedappearsonthedisplayofthisterminal.

  • 23Before Using this Terminal


    c Activating global roamingd States of network connection


    e WPS function available(→P58)f Wi-Fi auto off function set(→P56)g Battery level

    High Low

    Blinking :Thebatteryisalmostexhausted.Chargethebattery.

    h Wireless LAN function ONItdisappearswhenwirelessLANfunctionisOFF.

    i Number of connecting terminals to wireless LAN

    j Network data usageTheamountofdatacommunicationisdisplayed.Datacommunicationinoverseasisnotbeaddedtothisamount.Also,theamountofdatacommunicationwithintheinternationalroamingareaisnotdisplayed.

    ■ IndicatorsThedisplayshowsthechargingstateofbatterypack,wirelessLANstates,nameoftheconnectingnetwork,etc.(Examplesareshownbelow.)

    Charging ActivatingWPSfunction









  • 24 Before Using this Terminal

    Using miniUIMA miniUIM is an IC card that stores personal information such as your phone number. Without the miniUIM installed in this terminal, you cannot use data communication. For details on handling the miniUIM, refer to the miniUIM manual.

    Only the miniUIM can be used in this terminal. If you have the UIM card or the FOMA card, exchange it at a docomo Shop.

    Inserting the miniUIMWhen inserting the miniUIM, hold this terminal with both hands.• Turnthepoweroffandremovethebattery


    a With the IC chip side down, insert a miniUIM under the miniUIM slot guide in the direction of arrow.



    miniUIM slot guide


  • 25Before Using this Terminal

    Removing the miniUIMWhen removing the miniUIM, hold this terminal with both hands.• Turnthepoweroffandremovethebattery


    a Slide the miniUIM in the direction of arrow to remove.


    • DonotlosetheremovedminiUIM.• CheckbothsidesoftheminiUIM.


    • BecarefulnottotouchorscratchtheminiUIMIC.

    • InsertingaminiUIMinthereversedirectionmaycausemalfunction.

    • InsertingorremovingtheminiUIMwithanexcessiveforcemaycausemalfunctiontotheminiUIM.

  • 26 Before Using this Terminal

    Security CodesA miniUIM has PIN1 (Personal Identification Number) code.The default setting for the PIN1 code is [0000]. The PIN1 code is a 4 to 8-digit security code to be entered every time this terminal is turned on for user verification to prevent any unauthorized use by others.

    If your miniUIM is set to require a PIN1 code, data communication cannot be performed until the PIN1 code is entered.

    Use the miniUIM before verifying the PIN1 code, or set the miniUIM not to verify the PIN1 code (→P64) in advance.

    ■ Changing PIN1 CodeYoucanchangethePIN1codetoanynumber.Topreventanyunauthorizedusebythirdparties,changeittoyouroriginalnumber.IfyouimproperlyenterthePIN1codefor3timesinarow,furtherentryislockedautomatically(PIN1Lock),sobesuretokeepaseparatenoteofthenumbersyouset.• “ChangingtheSecurityCode”(→P65)

    ■ Unblocking PIN CodeTheunblockingPINcodeisthenumberin8digitsusedtounblockthePIN1code.Detailsarewrittenintheapplicationofthecontract(aduplicatecopy)duringthesubscription.YoucannotchangetheunblockingPINcode.IfyouimproperlyentertheunblockingPINcodefor10timesinarow,theminiUIMlocksautomatically.


    • DonotsetPIN1codetonumbersthatcanbeeasilyguessed,suchas“birthdate”,“partofyourphonenumber”,“numbersfromaddressorroomnumber”,“1111”,“1234”,etc.Also,makeanoteofyourPIN1codeandkeepitwell.

    • KeepyourPIN1codeawayfrombeingknownbyotherpeople.DOCOMOassumesnoresponsibilityforthelossofanyofyourdataresultsfromabuseofPIN1code.

    • IfyouforgetyourPIN1code,you(ifyouarethesubscriber)arerequiredtobringyourID(driver'slicense,etc.)andminiUIMtoadocomoShop.Fordetails,pleasecontact“GeneralInquiries”onthebackofthismanual.

    • UnblockingPINcodeiswrittenontheproposalformhandedinattimeofcontractindocomoShop.ThesubscriberswhosignedthecontractotherthandocomoShoparerequiredtobringyourID(driver'slicense,etc.)andminiUIMtoadocomoShop,orcontact“GeneralInquiries”onthebackofthismanual.

  • 27Before Using this Terminal





    OK Incorrect entry 10 times in a row



    Attaching and Detaching the Battery Pack

    Use the Battery Pack L17 for this terminal.


    • Alwaysturnoffthisterminalbeforeremovingthebatterypack.Ifthebatterypackisremovedwhilethepowerison,thisterminalmaynotworkcorrectly.

  • 28 Before Using this Terminal

    Attaching the Battery PackWhen attaching the battery pack, hold this terminal with both hands.

    a Insert a fingernail into the groove at the bottom of this terminal, and pull up in the direction of arrow b while pressing in the direction of arrow a to remove the back cover.

    Back cover Groove

    * Donotremovethebackcoverasdescribedbelow.



  • 29Before Using this Terminal

    a With the “ ” side of the battery pack up, align the metal contacts of both the battery pack and this terminal, attach the battery pack in the direction a, and then push it down in the direction b.Fitthedepressionsofthebatterypackintotheprojectionsofthisterminal.



    bCheck the direction of the back cover and attach it to the terminal. Press each tab to close it firmly.

    Detaching the Battery PackWhen attaching the battery pack, hold this terminal with both hands.

    a Insert a fingernail into the groove at the bottom of this terminal, and pull up in the direction of arrow b while pressing in the direction of arrow a to remove the back cover.

    Back cover Groove

  • 30 Before Using this Terminal

    bPut your fingertip at the concave part of this terminal, press in the direction a, lift it in the direction b, and then remove it in the direction c.


    Concave part

    cCheck the direction of the back cover and attach it to the terminal. Press each tab to close it firmly.


    ■ Battery pack life• Thebatterypackisaconsumableitem.The


    • Whentheusabletimeaftereachrechargingshortensbyapproximatelyhalfcomparedtoanewbatterypack,itisrecommendedthatthebatterypackbereplacedwithanewoneassoonaspossible.Thebatterypackmayswellasthebatterylifeisnearitsenddependingonthebatterypackcondition,butitisnotamalfunction.

    • Ifyoumakecommunicationwhilethebatterypackisbeingcharged,thebatterylifemaybeshortened.

    ■ Charging• Fordetails,seetheinstructionmanualforthe

    ACAdapter03(optional).• ACAdapter03canbeusedfor100Vto240VAC.• TheplugshapeofACAdapter03isfor100V


    • TochargethebatterypackwiththeACorDCadapter,makesurethatthebatterypackisinsertedintothisterminal.

  • 31Before Using this Terminal

    • Plugorunplugtheconnectorslowlyandsecurelyavoidingexcessiveforce.

    • Ifyoustartchargingthefullydrainedbatterypack,thisterminalmaynotbeturnedonforawhile.

    • Ifyoumakecommunicationwhilecharging,theinsideofthisterminalmaybecomehotandchargingmaystop.Inthiscase,endthefunctionsinuseandwaituntilthisterminalbecomescooldown,andthentrychargingagain.

    • Dependingontheusagecondition,chargingmaystopbeforethebatterylevelbecomes100%.Inthiscase,removethebatterypackandattachitagaintocontinuecharging.

    • Donotremovethebatterypackwhilecharging.Ifthebatterypackisremoved,thepowerdoesnotcorrectlyturnonorthebatteryisnotcorrectlycharged.Inthatcase,removethebatterypackandallcablesfromthisterminal,andreconnectthem.

    ■ Do not charge the battery pack for a long time (several days) with this terminal power on.• Ifthisterminalisleftwiththepoweronforlong


    ■ Approximate battery pack usage & charging timeTheusagetimemayvarydependingontheoperatingenvironmentandthebatterypackdeterioration.

    Continuous communication time

    LTE Approx.4hours



    Continuous stand-by time

    LTE Approx.160hours



    Battery pack charging time

    AC Adapter Approx.200minutes

    USB Approx.270minutes

    • Continuouscommunicationtimeistheapproximateusagetimewhenyoucannormallysendandreceiveradiowaves.

    • Continuousstand-bytimeisapproximateusagetimewhenmovingwithnormalradiowavereceptionlevel.

    • Communicationtimeoroperatingtimemaybereducedbyhalfdependingonthebatterylevel,setfunctions,operatingenvironmentsuchasambienttemperature,orradiowavereceptionlevel(poororweakradiowavereceptionlevel).

  • 32 Before Using this Terminal

    • Dependingonnetworkconditionsinthecountryyoustay,usagetimemaybecomeshorterthanthedescribedvalues.

    • Theestimatedchargingtimeisthedurationoftimetochargeafullydrainedbatterypackwiththisterminalturnedoff.Thechargingtimebecomeslongerwiththisterminalturnedon.

    Charging with AC AdapterThe charging procedure using optional AC Adapter 03 is described here.

    AC Adapter

    Plug to AC100V outlet

    microUSB connector(with the inscribed B side up)

    USB connector

    a Insert the USB connector of the microUSB Connection Cable to the AC Adapter, and insert the microUSB connector straight to the external connector of this terminal with the inscribed B side up.

    bInsert the power plug of AC Adapter to an outlet.Batterylevelisdisplayed,andchargingstarts.Whenchargingcompletes,thebatterylevelicondisplaysfullcharge.

    After charging completes, pull AC Adapter connector straight out.• Makesuretoinsert/pulloutACAdapter


    Charging with a PC

    Connect this terminal to a PC with microUSB Connection Cable, and this terminal can be charged with the PC.• FordetailsonconnectingtoaPC,see


  • 33Before Using this Terminal

    Turning Power On/Off

    Turning Power On

    a When this terminal is turned off, hold down the power button for over 2 seconds.Whenturningpoweron,networksearchforXiareaandFOMAareaetc.starts.Whenthisterminalisconnectedtothenetwork,thenetworknameappearsonthedisplay.Also,connectiontoawirelessLANterminalisavailable.

    Turning Power Off

    a When this terminal is turned on, hold down the power button for over 2 seconds.

  • 34 Before Using this Terminal

    Available Communications

    Basic UsageYou can perform data communication at a speed of up to 75Mbps* for receiving data and up to 25Mbps* for sending data by connecting up to 10 PCs or game consoles compatible with wireless LAN function.

    * AvailableonlyinapartofXiarea.*1 FordetailedareasthatsupportsXi,referto

    NTTDOCOMOwebsite.*2 Communicationspeedistheoretical


    PC, game console, etc.

    This terminal

    Wireless LAN

    Xi data communication/FOMA data communication

    Wireless LANYou can connect up to 10 PCs or game consoles compatible with wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n) simultaneously.• ThisterminalsupportsWPSfunction.Whenyour


    • ThisterminalcannotconnecttoawirelessLANaccesspoint.

    Xi Data Communication/FOMA Data Communication

    Fees for these communication methods are based on the amount of exchanged data. You can perform data communication at a speed of up to 75Mbps* for receiving data and up to 25Mbps* for sending data by using a connection that allows Xi data communication (LTE) or FOMA data communication (3G) such as “mopera U”, one of DOCOMO's Internet connection services.

    * AvailableonlyinapartofXiarea.*1 FordetailedareasthatsupportsXi,referto


  • 35Before Using this Terminal

    *2 Communicationspeedistheoreticalvalueswhensendingandreceivingdatawhichdoesnotshowtheactualones.Theactualcommunicationspeeddependsoncommunicationenvironmentandnetworkcongestion.

    • Dependingonbandwidth,communicationspeedforreceivingistheoretically100/100/75/37.5Mbps(withbandwidthof[20/15/10/5MHz]),andforsendingis50/37.5/25/12.5Mbps(withbandwidthof[20/15/10/5MHz]).

    • FortheFOMAHIGH-SPEEDareasoutsideXiarea,themaximumspeedforreceivingdatais14Mbpsandforsendingis5.7Mbps.

    • Sendingandreceivingdatabecome384kbpsinFOMAareaoutofXiareaandFOMAHIGH-SPEEDarea.

    • Thecommunicationspeedvariesdependingontheaccesspointandradiowavestatus.

    • Thecommunicationspeedvariesdependingontheoverseascarrierornetworkwhenusingoverseas.


    • Notethathighcommunicationfeesarechargedwhenperformingcommunicationswithlargeamountofdatasuchasbrowsingwebsiteswithmanygraphicsordownloadingdata.

    • Datacommunicationmaytakemoretimeorbecomedifficulttoconnectdependingonthenetworkcongestion.Forcustomerswhousealargeamountofdatacommunication(Approximate1GBytedataormoreisusedwithinthelastthreedaysincludingthecurrentday),itmayhavedifficultiesinsendingandreceivingdataontime.Also,datacommunicationmaygetdisconnectedwhenalargeamountofdatacommunicationoccursatatimeorwithinacertainperiodoftime,whenbeingconnectedforalongtimeorwhenconnectingseveraltimesinarowwithinacertainperiodoftime.

    • Thisterminaldoesnotsupport64Kdatacommunication.

    • ThisterminaldoesnotsupportRemoteWakeup.

    • ThisterminaldoesnotsupportFAXcommunication.

  • 36 Before Using this Terminal

    Usage Notes ■ Internet service provider (ISP) feesFeestoanISPmayberequiredtoconnecttotheInternet.ThesefeesareaddedtotheXiservicefeesandarepaidtoyourISPdirectly.Fordetailsonconnectionfees,contactyourISP.Youcansubscribetosuchas“moperaU”,oneofDOCOMO'sInternetconnectionservices.Chargeforsubscribing“moperaU”isrequired.Forserviceandconnectionsettingsof“moperaU”,visitthe“moperaU”website.http://www.mopera.net/ ■ User authentication to access networksTheIDandpasswordwillbeprovidedbythenetworkadministratorofyourISPortheaccesspoint.Fordetails,contactyourprovideroraccesspointnetworkadministrator.

    Internetconnectionisunavailablewhen“Notconnected”iconappearsonthedisplayofthisterminal.TopmenuofL-04DConnectionManageruClick“ネットワーク設定(NETWORK)”u“プロファイル(Profile)”,confirmthatthesettingsarecorrect. ■ Requirements for communicationThefollowingconditionsmustbemettoperformcommunicationsusingthisterminal.However,aconnectionmaynotbeestablishediftrafficisheavyatthebasestationorifradiowavesareweak.• ThisterminalmustbeinXinetwork,FOMA

    networkorDOCOMO'sroamingservicearea.• TheaccesspointcorrespondstotheXidata


  • 37Before Using this Terminal

    Attaching and Detaching this Terminal to/from a PC

    Attach this terminal to a PC to charge this terminal with microUSB Connection Cable.

    Attaching to a PC

    microUSB connector(with the inscribed B side up)

    USB connector

    a Turn on a PC.

    bWith the inscribed B side up, insert the microUSB connector of the microUSB Connection Cable straight to the external connector of this terminal.

    cInsert the other connector of microUSB Connection Cable to the USB port of the PC.• Forthefirsttimeconnectionafter


  • 38 Before Using this Terminal



    * Donotcancelthedriverinstallationhalfwayorremovethisterminal.Withoutthedriver,Softwareupdate(→P86)cannotbeperformed.

    Detaching from a PCRemove microUSB Connection Cable.

  • 39Setting Up

    Setting UpSetting Up

    Before using this terminal, make settings to connect your wireless LAN terminal to this terminal's wireless LAN.You can also change the wireless LAN and other settings according to your environment.

    Operating EnvironmentsUse this terminal under the following operating environments.

    Item Requirement





    Item Requirement






    *1 DOCOMOdoesnotguaranteetheoperationundertheenvironmentofOSwhichisupgraded,addedormodified.

    *2 RequiredmemoryoravailableharddiskspacemayvarydependingonthesystemenvironmentofaPC.

    *3 ThisisonlyforMacwithIntelCPU.For latest information of operating environment, visit DOCOMO's website.


    • Thesoftwaremaynotworkdependingonyouroperatingsystemenvironmentandtypeofdevice.DOCOMOdoesnotguaranteeanyinquiryoroperationotherthantheoperationenvironmentdescribedinthismanual.

  • 40 Setting Up

    Flow of SetupSetup is made in the following procedure.

    Connect your wireless LAN terminal to this terminal's wireless LAN (→P40)

    Setting the Internet connection (→P50)• FormoperaU,thissettingisnotnecessary.• Forsettingprocedures,see“Registeringthe



    • Tochangethisterminal'ssetting,connectthisterminaltoaPC,changethesetting,andthenconnecttheotherwirelessLANterminal.* Youcanchangethisterminal'ssetting


    Connecting to a Wireless LAN Terminal

    Setting procedures vary depending on the wireless LAN you use. The procedures for the following terminals are described here.• WindowsPC(ForWindows7/WindowsVista)

    (→P41)• WindowsPC(ForWindowsXP)(→P43)• Mac(→P44)• iPad(→P45)• iPodtouch(→P46)• NintendoDS(→P46)• PSP(→P47)• WPScompatiblewirelessLANterminal(→P48)


    • Makeoneofthesesettingswhenyouconnectthisterminaltoeachterminalforthefirsttime.Onceyouhaveset,theterminalconnectstoitautomaticallyonlybyturningpoweron.

    • ToconnecttoawirelessLANwithoutWPSfunction,enteringSSIDandSecuritykey(WPA2sharedkey)settothisterminalisrequired(→P41).Confirmitinadvance.

  • 41Setting Up

    • Thisterminalcanconnectupto10wirelessLANterminalssimultaneously.

    • ForWindowsPCandMac,youneedtologinwiththeuseraccountwhichhasadministrativerightbeforehand.

    ■ SSID and Security key (WPA2 shared key) printed areaCheckSSIDandSecuritykey(WPA2sharedkey)ontheincluded“WirelessLANInitializationSticker”.Also,SSIDandSecuritykey(WPA2sharedkey)isprintedonthestickerinsideofthisterminal.Removethebatterypacktoseeit(→P27“AttachingandDetachingtheBatteryPack”).


    Connecting to Windows PCThe setting procedure when security mode of this terminal is set to “WPA2-PSK/AES” is described here.

    For Windows 7/ Windows Vista

    a Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds.Thisterminalturnson,andthewirelessLANfunctionturnson.

    bTurn on the wireless LAN function of a PC.

    c (Start) u Click “コントロールパネル (Control panel)” u “ネットワークとインターネット(Network and Internet)” u “ネットワークと共有センター (Network and sharing center)”.“ネットワークと共有センター(Networkandsharingcenter)”windowappears.

  • 42 Setting Up

    dClick “ネットワークに接続 (Connect to a network)”.

    eClick the item which shows SSID (Default: “L04D_XXXXXXXX”, →P41) set to this terminal, and click “接続 (Connect)”.

    fIn “セキュリティキーまたはパスフレーズ (Security key or pass phrase)”, enter Security key (WPA2 shared key) (→P41) set to this terminal, and click “OK”.Click“接続(Connect)”forWindowsVista.

    gSelect “このネットワークを保存します (Save this network)” and “この接続を自動的に開始します (Start this connection automatically)”, and then click “閉じる (Close)”.ForWindows7,skipprocedure7.

  • 43Setting Up

    For Windows XP

    a Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds.Thisterminalturnson,andthewirelessLANfunctionturnson.

    bTurn on the wireless LAN function of a PC.

    cClick スタート (Start) u “コントロールパネル (Control panel)” u “ネットワークとインターネット接続 (Network and Internet)” u “ネットワーク接続 (Network connection)”.

    dDouble-click “ワイヤレス ネットワーク接続(Wireless network connection)”.“ワイヤレスネットワーク接続(Wirelessnetworkconnection)”windowappears.

    eClick the item which shows SSID (Default: “L04D_XXXXXXXX”, →P41) set to this terminal, and click “接続 (Connect)”.

    fIn “ネットワークキー (Network key)” and “ネットワークキーの確認入力 (Confirmation of Network key)”, enter Security key (WPA2 shared key) (→P41) set to this terminal, and click “接続 (Connect)”.

  • 44 Setting Up

    Connecting to MacThe setting procedure for Mac OS X 10.7 when security mode of this terminal is set to “WPA2-PSK/AES” is described here.

    a Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds.Thisterminalturnson,andthewirelessLANfunctionturnson.

    bIn the Apple menu, click “システム 環境設定...(System environment setting...)” u “ネットワーク (Network)”.

    cSelect “Wi-Fi”, and click “Wi-Fiを入にする (Turn Wi-Fi on)”.ThewirelessLANfunctionofMacturnson.


    • Whenthemessage“すべての優先するネットワークを利用できません(Allpreferrednetworkscannotbeused)”appears,click“キャンセル(Cancel)”,andclick“新しいネットワークに接続することを確認(Confirmtoconnecttoanewnetwork)”tocanceltheselection.

    dClick “ネットワーク名 (Network name)” and select the item which shows SSID (Default: “L04D_XXXXXXXX”, →P41) set to this terminal.

  • 45Setting Up

    eIn “パスワード (Password)”, enter Security key (WPA2 shared key) (→P41) set to this terminal, select “このネットワークを記憶 (Remember this network)” and click “接続 (Connect)”.

    Connecting to iPadThe setting procedure for iPad when security mode of this terminal is set to “WPA2-PSK/AES” is described here.

    a Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds.Thisterminalturnson,andthewirelessLANfunctionturnson.

    bOn the iPad Home screen, tap “設定 (Settings)”.

    cTap “Wi-Fi” to set Wi-Fi to “ON”.

    dTap the item which shows SSID (Default: “L04D_XXXXXXXX”, →P41) set to this terminal.

    eEnter Security key (WPA2 shared key) (→P41) set to this terminal, and tap “Join (接続)”.

  • 46 Setting Up

    Connecting to iPod touchThe setting procedure for iPod touch when security mode of this terminal is set to “WPA2-PSK/AES” is described here.

    a Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds.Thisterminalturnson,andthewirelessLANfunctionturnson.

    bOn the iPod touch Home screen, tap “設定 (Settings)”.

    cTap “Wi-Fi” to set Wi-Fi to “ON”.

    dTap the item which shows SSID (Default: “L04D_XXXXXXXX”, →P41) set to this terminal.

    eEnter Security key (WPA2 shared key) (→P41) set to this terminal, and tap “Join (接続)”.

    Connecting to Nintendo DSThe setting procedure for Nintendo DSi when security mode of this terminal is set to “WPA2-PSK/AES” is described here.

    a Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds.Thisterminalturnson,andthewirelessLANfunctionturnson.

    bIn DSi menu of Nintendo DSi, touch “本体設定 (Unit settings)”.

    cTouch “インターネット (Internet)” u “接続設定 (Connection settings)”.

    d“上級者設定 (Advanced settings)” u Touch one of the access points which shows “未設定 (No setting)”.

    eTouch “アクセスポイントを検索 (Search an access point)”.

    fTouch the item which shows SSID (Default: “L04D_XXXXXXXX”, →P41) set to this terminal.

  • 47Setting Up

    gEnter Security key (WPA2 shared key) (→P41) set to this terminal, and touch “OK”.

    hTouch “OK”.Thesettingissaved.

    iTouch “はい (Yes)”.Theconnectionteststarts.

    Connecting to PSPThe setting procedure for PSP-3000 when security mode of this terminal is set to “WEP” is described here.


    • Thisterminalcannotconnecttothenetworkwiththedefaultsecuritymode“WPA2-PSK/AES”.Changethesecuritymode(→P57)beforeusingthisterminal.

    a Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds.Thisterminalturnson,andthewirelessLANfunctionturnson.

    bTurn on the wireless LAN switch of PSP.

    cFrom the Home screen, select “設定 (Settings)” u “ネットワーク設定 (Network settings)”, and press “○” button.

    dSelect “インフラストラクチャーモード (Infrastructure mode)” and press “○” button.

    eSelect “新しい接続の作成 (Create a new connection)” and press “○” button.

  • 48 Setting Up

    fSelect “検索する (Search)” and press “

    ” of direction buttons.

    gSelect the item which shows SSID (Default: “L04D_XXXXXXXX”, →P41) set to this terminal, and press “○” button.

    hConfirm the displayed SSID, and press “

    ” of direction buttons.

    iSelect “WEP”, and press “

    ” of direction buttons.

    jPress “○” button.

    kEnter WEP key (→P57) set to this terminal, and press “

    ” of direction buttons.

    lConfirm the displayed access point name, and press “

    ” of direction buttons.

    mConfirm the displayed settings, and press “

    ” of direction buttons.

    nPress “○” button.Thesettingissaved.

    oPress “○” button.Theconnectionteststarts.

    Connecting to WPS Compatible Wireless LAN Terminal


    • SettingproceduresvarydependingonthewirelessLANterminal.RefertotheinstructionmanualofyourwirelessLANterminal.

    • WhenthePINcodeofWPSfunctionisspecifiedtoyourwirelessLANterminal,youneedtoselect“WPSPIN”(→P59)in“WPStype”(→P59),andsetthespecifiedPINcodeto“WPSPIN”inadvance.

    • Whenthesecuritymodeofthisterminalissetto“WEP”,WPSfunctionisnotavailable.

    • When“SSIDBroadcast”is“Disable”,theWPSfunctionisnotactivated.

    ■ When “WPS type” is “Push button”

    a Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds.Thisterminalturnson,andthewirelessLANfunctionturnson.

    bSet the wireless LAN function of the target terminal to ON, and make the WPS function setting as required.Theoperationvariesdependingontheterminal.

  • 49Setting Up

    cPerform the connecting operation of the WPS function on the target terminal.Theoperationvariesdependingontheterminal.

    dPress the WPS button of this terminal for over 2 seconds.eFollow the onscreen instructions of the target terminal to on.

    Theoperationvariesdependingontheterminal. ■ When “WPS type” is “WPS PIN”

    a Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds.Thisterminalturnson,andthewirelessLANfunctionturnson.

    bStart the web browser on PC which is connected with the wireless LAN, and login to the setting page (L-04D Connection Manager).

    cSet the wireless LAN function of the target terminal to ON, and select “WPS-PIN” access.Enterthe8-digitWPSPINonthewirelessLANterminal.

    dEnter the 8-digit WPS PIN displayed on the wireless LAN terminal in WPS PIN field of WPS setting page on L-04D Connection Manager setting page, and click [Apply].When“WPSOK”isdisplayed,youcouldaccesstoWPS.

    Making Other SettingsYou can change the settings of this terminal according to your environment by starting Web browser on the PC connected via wireless LAN and displaying the setting page of this terminal.* Youcanchangethisterminal'ssettingwiththe


    For details, see “Settings” (→P51). ■ Setting Wireless LANYoucanchangethesettingsofwirelessLANandthebasicsettingsofLAN. ■ Setting NetworkYoucanchangethesettingsofaccesspointandminiUIM. ■ Setting Security FunctionsYoucansetthefirewallfunctionofthisterminal. ■ Managing the systemYoucanusemanagementfunctionsofthisterminal,suchassavingthesettings,confirmationoffirmwareversion,etc.

  • 50 Connecting to the Internet

    Connecting to the InternetInternet Connection

    To connect to the Internet with this terminal, the subscription to the Internet service provider (mopera U, etc.) compatible with the service and data communication is required.For details, visit DOCOMO's website.

    Register the settings for connection with the Internet service provider to Profile of this terminal.For details on the setting method, refer to “Registering the Access Point Settings (Profile)” (→P63).• Upto10profilescanberegistered.• WhenconnectingthisterminaltomoperaU,this


    Connecting to the InternetYou can use the Internet by turning on this terminal to connect automatically to the access point set to the Profile. Check if your wireless LAN terminal is connected to the Internet.For selection method of access point when multiple Profiles are registered, refer to “Searching network” (→P62).

  • 51Settings

    SettingsLogging-in to L-04D Connection Manager

    You can make various settings by starting Web browser on a PC connected via wireless LAN and displaying the setting page (L-04D Connection Manager).


    • Youcanchangethisterminal'ssettingwiththeconsoleotherthanaPC,whichisequippedwithabrowser.However,somemenusandsomebrowsertypesmaybeunavailable.

    • ThesettingpageofthisterminalsupportsthefollowingWebbrowsers.Windows:MicrosoftInternetExplorer6,7,8,9, Firefox,GoogleChrome,OperaMacOSX:Safari5.0* Dependingonthebrowser,somescreens

    anditemsmaynotbedisplayed.* Enablecookiesonyourbrowser(saveand


    a Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds.Thisterminalturnson,andthewirelessLANfunctionturnson.

    bTurn on a PC and the wireless LAN function.ThisterminalisconnectedtothePCviawirelessLAN.• Whenconnectingforthefirsttime,wireless


    cDouble click the shortcut of L-04D Connection Manager on the desktop screen, or start a Web browser and enter “” in the address entry field, then press Enter key.“Login”screenappears.• “”isthedefaultsettingofthe


  • 52 Settings

    dEnter “Admin” in [Username] field, enter the log-in password (default: “1234”) in [Password] field, and then click [Login].• In[Language]field,youcanselecta



    eWhen “PIN1 code verification” screen appears, enter PIN1 code in [PIN1 code] field, and then click [Apply].FordetailsonPIN1code,see“SecurityCodes”(→P26).

  • 53Settings



    • Foryoursecurity,itisrecommendedtochangethedefaultsettingoflog-inpassword.Fordetails,see“ChangingLoginPassword(Modifypassword)”(→P68).

    The Setting Page Screen

    a Top menuClickamenuitemtoswitchthesettingpage.Youcanselectthefollowingitems.• STATUS(→P54)• WLAN(→P55)• NETWORK(→P62)• SECURITY(→P67)• SYSTEM(→P68)Thesubmenuappearsforsomeitems,andyoucanswitchthesettingscreen.

    b [Logout]Clicktologoutfromthesettingpage.

    c Setting screenThesettingitemsforthefunctionselectedfromthemenuitemsappear.

  • 54 Settings

    d Clicktoeditthesetting.

    e Clicktorefreshtheinformationonthe“Status”screen.

    Confirming Connection/Setting Conditions of this Terminal

    a Click [STATUS] in the top menu.“Status”screenappears.• Click[Refresh]torefreshtheinformation.

    Network selection*

    : Theconnectingbandisdisplayed.

    Network name* : Theconnectingnetworknameisdisplayed.

    FOMA/Xi signal strength*

    : Thecurrentlevelofradiowavereceptionisdisplayed.

    Wi-Fi status : ThestatusofthewirelessLANfunctionisdisplayed.

    Connected clients

    : ThenumberofcurrentlyconnectedterminalsviawirelessLANisdisplayed.

    Wi-Fi auto off : ThesettingstatusoftheWi-Fiautoofffunctionisdisplayed.

    WPS : TheoperatingstatusoftheWPSfunctionisdisplayed.

    UIM card : PhonenumberofminiUIMisdisplayed.

    Network data usage*

    : Thecurrentamountofdatacommunicationisdisplayed.Datacommunicationinoverseasisnotbeaddedtothisamount.

    * WhentheminiUIMisnotinserted,theitemsdonotappear.Onthe“Status”screen,“DOCOMOUIMcardhasnotbeeninsertedproperlyorisinvalid”appears.

  • 55Settings

    Setting Wireless LAN


    • WhenusingwirelessLANoverseas,checktheavailablefrequencyband,laws,regulationsorotherconditionsofthecountrybeforehand.

    Setting Basic Functions of Wireless LAN

    a In the top menu, click [WLAN].

    bIn the submenu, click [Basic Setting].

    cOn the setting screen, set the required items.

    SSID (Default: L04D_XXXXXXXX)Setthenetworkname(SSID)ofthewirelessLAN.Youcanenterupto32letterswithone-bytealphanumeric,“-(hyphen)”and“_(underbar)”.

    Country (Default: JAPAN)Selectacountrynamewherethisterminalisused.(WhenJAPANorKOREAisselected,youcanselectupto13channels.WhenCANADAorUNITEDSTATESisselected,youcanselectupto11channels.)Channel (Default: Auto)SelectachannelofwirelessLAN.IEEE802.11 Mode: (Default: 11b/g/n)SelectanoperationmodeofwirelessLAN.• 11bonly• 11b/g• 11gonly• 11nonly• 11b/g/n(Whenthesecuritymode(→P57)issetto“WEP”,orwhenthemodeissetto“WPA-PSK”or“WPA2-PSK”and“TKIP”isselected,“11nonly”or“11b/g/n”cannotbeselected.)SSID Broadcast (Default: Enable)SelectwhethertodisplaySSIDonthewirelessLANterminal.• Enable:SSIDisdisplayed• Disable:SSIDisnotdisplayedPrivacy separator (Default: Disable)SelectwhethertoprohibitcommunicationbetweenwirelessLANterminals.• Enable:Communicationisprohibited• Disable:Communicationisnotprohibited

    dClick [Apply] to save the setting.

  • 56 Settings

    Setting Wi-Fi auto off Function

    a In the top menu, click [WLAN].

    bIn the submenu, click [Wi-Fi auto off].

    cOn the setting screen, set the required items.

    Wi-Fi auto off (Default: Enable)SelectwhethertosetthewirelessLANfunctiontooffautomaticallyandpowersavingmodewhennoclientconnectionismadeinacertainperiod.• Enable:ThewirelessLANfunctionissetto

    off• Disable:ThewirelessLANfunctionisnot


    ■ When Enable is setWi-Fi off time (min) (Default: 10)When“Enable”issettoWi-Fiautooff,selectthetime(minutes)tosetautomaticallytooff.• 10• 30• 60

    dClick [Apply] to save the setting.

  • 57Settings

    Setting Security Mode of Wireless LAN

    a In the top menu, click [WLAN].

    bIn the submenu, click [Security].

    cOn the setting screen, set the required items.

    Security mode (Default: WPA2-PSK)SelectthesecuritymodeofwirelessLAN.• Open• WEP• WPA-PSK• WPA2-PSK• WPA/WPA2-PSKmixedDependingontheSecuritymodesetting,thefollowingsettingitemsaredifferent.

    ■ When Open is setLimitation of clients (Default: 1)Thenumberofterminalswhichcanbeconnectedisdisplayed(itcannotbechanged.). ■ When WEP is setWEP key1-4 (Default: XXXXX)EnterWEPkey.Youcanenter5,10,13or26letterswithone-bytealphanumeric.For5-letteror13-letterkey,useakeywithone-bytealphanumeric(0-9,a-z,A-Z).For10-letteror26-letterkey,usehexadecimalnumbers(0-9,A-F).OnlythespecifiednumberofWEPkeyin“CurrentWEPkey”isjudgedforlettertypetoenter.Current WEP key (Default: 1)SelectthenumberofWEPkeytouse.ForWirelessLANterminalwhichcannotspecifytheindexofWEPkey(iPodtouchandIPad,etc.),WEPkey2-4cannotbeused.Limitation of clients (Default: 10)Thenumberofterminalswhichcanbeconnectedisdisplayed. ■ When WPA-PSK is setEncryption type (Default: TKIP)Selecttheencryptiontype.• AES• TKIP

  • 58 Settings

    WPS shared key (Default: XXXXXXXX)EnterSecuritykeyofWPA.Youcanenter8-64letterswithone-bytealphanumeric.For64-letterkey,usehexadecimalnumbers(0-9,A-F).Limitation of clients (Default: 10)Thenumberofterminalswhichcanbeconnectedisdisplayed. ■ When WPA2-PSK is setEncryption type (Default: AES)Selectanencryptiontype.• AES• TKIPWPA2 shared key (Default: →P41)EnterSecuritykeyofWPA2.Youcanenter8-64letterswithone-bytealphanumeric.For64-letterkey,usehexadecimalnumbers(0-9,A-F).Limitation of clients (Default: 10)Thenumberofterminalswhichcanbeconnectedisdisplayed. ■ When WPA/WPA2-PSK mixed is setWPA/WPA2 shared key (Default: XXXXXXXX)EnterSecuritykeyofWPA/WPA2.Youcanenter8-64letterswithone-bytealphanumeric.For64-letterkey,usehexadecimalnumbers(0-9,A-F).

    Limitation of clients (Default: 10)Thenumberofterminalswhichcanbeconnectedisdisplayed.

    dClick [Apply] to save the setting.

    Setting WPS Function


    • WPSFunctioncannotbeusedwhen“WEP”issetfor“Security”(→P57).

    a In the top menu, click [WLAN].

    bIn the submenu, click [WPS].

    cOn the setting screen, set the required items.

    WPS (Default: Enable)SelectwhethertouseWPSfunction.• Enable:WPSfunctionisused• Disable:WPSfunctionisnotused

  • 59Settings

    ■ When Enable is setWPS type (Default: Push button)SelectatypeofWPSfunction.• Enableonly:WhenconnectwithWPStype


    • Pushbutton:WhenyouusetheWPSbuttonorconnectwithWPStypeafterclicking[Apply]button

    • WPSPIN:WhenyouconnectbyenteringthePINcode(8-digitnumber)forWPS

    WPS PINEnterthespecifiedPINcode.

    dClick [Apply] to save the selected WPS setting.ThesavedWPSsettingisvalidevenafterrestartingofthisterminal.

    Setting MAC Address Filter

    a In the top menu, click [WLAN].bIn the submenu, click [MAC address filter].cOn the setting screen, set the required


    Restrict mode (Default: Disable)SelectanoperationmodeofMACaddressfilterfunction.• Disable:MACaddressfilterisnotused• Allow:Allowstheconnectiononlytothis

    terminalwiththespecifiedMACaddress• Deny:Prohibitstheconnectiontothis

    terminalwiththespecifiedMACaddress ■ When Allow or Deny is set

    Mac addresses entry field appears.Enterthespecifiedterminal'sMACaddress.Youcanspecifyupto10MACaddresses.

    dClick [Apply] to save the setting.

  • 60 Settings

    Setting DHCP Function

    a In the top menu, click [WLAN].

    bIn the submenu, click [DHCP].

    cOn the setting screen, set the required items.

    IP address (Default: mask (Default: server (Default: Enable)SelectwhethertouseDHCPfunction.• Enable:DHCPfunctionisused• Disable:DHCPfunctionisnotused

    ■ When Enable is setStart IP address (Default: IP address (Default: DNS (Default: DNS (Default:

    dClick [Apply] to save the setting.

  • 61Settings

    Confirming Connected Clients

    a In the top menu, click [WLAN].

    bIn the submenu, click [Connected clients].

    cThe connected terminal's information appears.• Click[Refresh]torefreshtheinformation.

    dTo disconnect, click in the “Disconnect” field.

    Setting UPnP FunctionTo use the application using the UPnP function, set to “Enable” the UPnP function.

    a In the top menu, click [WLAN].

    bIn the submenu, click [UPnP].

    cOn the setting screen, set the required items.

    UPnP (Default: Disable)SelectwhethertousetheUPnPfunction.• Enable:UPnPfunctionisused• Disable:UPnPfunctionisnotused

    dClick [Apply] to save the setting.

  • 62 Settings

    Setting Network

    Selecting an Access PointYou can specify the access point network.• ThisfunctionisunavailableinJapan.

    a In the top menu, click [NETWORK].

    bIn the submenu, click [Searching network].

    cOn the setting screen, set the required items.

    Mode (Default: Auto)Selectwhethertospecifytheaccesspoint.• Auto:Theaccesspointtoconnectis

    automaticallyselected.• Manual:Selectwhenyouspecifytheaccess

    point.Click[Apply]tosearchtheavailableaccesspointandregisteritto[Operators]. ■ When Manual is set

    Operators (Default: none)Selectanaccesspointtoconnect.

    dClick [Apply] to save the setting.

  • 63Settings

    Registering the Access Point Settings

    Register, edit or delete the access point settings. You can register up to 10 access points.• Bydefault,thesettingformoperaUisregistered


    a In the top menu, click [NETWORK].

    bIn the submenu, click [Profile].

    cTo register a new access point, click [Add New].

    ■ To edit an existing access pointa In [Current profile], select an access point

    to edit.b Follow Procedure 4.c Follow Procedure 6.

    ■ To delete an existing access pointa In [Current profile], select an access point

    to delete.b Click [Delete].c Click [OK].

    dOn the setting screen, set the required items.Profile name (Default: mopera U)Enteranaccesspointname.Youcanenterupto15letterswithone-bytealphanumeric.APN (Default: mopera.net)EnterAPN.Youcanenterupto99letterswithone-bytealphanumeric,“-(hyphen)”,“@(atmark)”,“.(period)”and“_(underbar)”.Username (Default: None)Entertheusernamespecifiedbytheprovider.Youcanenterupto64letterswithone-bytealphanumeric,“-(hyphen)”,“@(atmark)”,“.(period)”and“_(underbar)”.Password (Default: None)Enterthepasswordspecifiedbytheprovider.Youcanenterupto32letterswithone-bytealphanumeric,“-(hyphen)”,“@(atmark)”,“.(period)”and“_(underbar)”.

  • 64 Settings

    Authentication (Default: CHAP)Selecttheauthenticationmethodoftheaccesspoint.• None• PAP• CHAP

    eTo register a new access point, click [Save].

    fClick [Apply] to save the setting.

    Protecting the Terminal with the Security Code

    When this function is set, network communication is locked and entering the security code (PIN1 code) is required when logging in to the setting page.

    a In the top menu, click [NETWORK].

    bIn the submenu, click [PIN1 lock].

    cOn the setting screen, set the required items.

    PIN1 lock statusThecurrentsettingconditionisdisplayed.• Enable:PIN1lockisset• Disable:PIN1lockiscanceled

    ■ When Enable is setPIN1 code to disableEnterPIN1codesettotheminiUIMcard. ■ When Disable is setPIN1 code to enableEnterPIN1codesettotheminiUIMcard.

    dClick [Apply].

    eWhen “Enabled” is set, hold down the power button for over 2 seconds to turn the power off, and then turn on again.

  • 65Settings

    Unlocking PIN Lock

    If you improperly enter the PIN1 code for 3 times in a row, further entry is locked automatically. In this case, enter “Unblocking PIN Code” (→P26) to unlock.

    a Enter the unblocking PIN code in [PUK code] field.

    bEnter the new PIN1 code in the [New PIN1 code] field.

    cIn [Confirm PIN1 code] field, enter the same PIN1 code as [New PIN1 code] for confirmation.

    dClick [Apply].

    Changing the Security CodeYou can change the security code (PIN1 code).• Changingsecuritycode(PIN1code)isavailable


    a In the top menu, click [NETWORK].

    bIn the submenu, click [Modify PIN1 code].

    cOn the setting screen, set the required items.

    Current PIN1 codeEnterPIN1codesettotheminiUIMcard.New PIN1 codeEnterthenewPIN1code.Confirm PIN1 codeEnterthesamecodeas[NewPIN1code]forconfirmation.

    dClick [Apply].PIN1codeischanged.

  • 66 Settings

    Displaying Network data usageThe amount of data communication is displayed. Data communication in overseas is not be added to this amount. Also, the amount of data communication in the international roaming area is not displayed.

    a In the top menu, click [NETWORK].

    bIn the submenu, click [Network data usage].

    cOn the setting screen, set the required items.

    Current data usageClick[Refresh]toseethelatestinformation.Click[Reset]toresettheinformationofusage.

    Theusageisautomaticallyresetinthefollowingcases.• 0o'clockonthefirstdayofeverymonth• WhentheminiUIMisreplaced• WhenSIMlockisunlockedMaximum data size (Default: Disable)SelectfromKB,MBandGB,andenterthevalidvalue*.

    * Validvalue:Positiveintegerfrom1to1024Notavailable:Negativenumber,0,decimalpointandanythingotherthanthevalidvalue

    * Evenifmaximumdatasizeisset,datacommunicationwillnotstopwhendatausageisoverthemaximumdatasize.Itisonlyforyourreference.

    Display on modem (Default: Enable)Enable:Theamountofdatacommunicationisdisplayedonthedisplayofthisterminal.Disable:Theamountofdatacommunicationisnotdisplayedonthedisplayofthisterminal.

    dClick [Apply] to save the setting.

  • 67Settings

    Setting Security Functions

    Using Firewall FunctionUnauthorized access via the Internet can be blocked by using the Firewall function. Also, you can set IP filter.

    a In the top menu, click [SECURITY].

    bIn the submenu, click [Firewall].

    cOn the setting screen, set the required items.

    Firewall (Default: Disable)SetwhethertoactivatetheFirewallfunction.• Enable:Firewallfunctionisactivated.You

    cansetIPfilter.• Disable:Firewallfunctionisdeactivated.

    ■ When Enable is setYoucansetIPfilter.IP addressWhenregisteringIPfilter,entersourceordestinationIPaddress.Direction (Default: Source)Specifythedirectionofcommunicationtointerrupt.• Source:Interrupttheaccessfromthe

    specifiedIPaddress.• Destination:Interrupttheaccesstothe

    specifiedIPaddress.IP address filter listListofregisteredIPfilterappears.• :DeleteregisteredIPfilter.

    dClick [Apply].

  • 68 Settings

    Discarding WAN PingYou can discard the Ping request to access from WAN to prevent answering and block the IP information leakage from this terminal and LAN terminals.

    a In the top menu, click [SECURITY].

    b In the submenu, click [WAN Ping blocking].

    cOn the setting screen, set the required items.

    WAN Ping blocking (Default: Disable)SetwhethertoactivatetheWANPingblockingfunction.• Enable:ActivatetheWANPingblocking

    function.• Disable:DeactivatetheWANPingblocking


    dClick [Apply].

    Managing the System

    Changing Log-in PasswordYou can change the log-in password of the setting page.You can enter only a 4-digit number as a password.

    a In the top menu, click [SYSTEM].

    bIn the submenu, click [Modify password].

    cOn the setting screen, set the required items.

  • 69Settings

    Current passwordEnterthecurrentpassword.New passwordEnterthenewpassword.Confirm passwordEnterthesamepasswordas[Newpassword]forconfirmation.

    dClick [Apply].Themessage“Passwordischangedsuccessfully”appears.

    eClick [OK].

    Saving/Restoring the Setting Data

    All setting data can be saved to a PC on which the setting page is opened. Also, saved setting data can be restored in this terminal.

    a In the top menu, click [SYSTEM].

    bIn the submenu, click [Backup & Restore].

    cIn the setting screen, make the following procedures.

    Backup to fileClick[Backup],specifythefilename(Default:webcm_config.cfg)andsavethecurrentsetting.

    * Dependingonthebrowser,thefilenamecannotbespecified.

    Restore from fileClick[参照...(Referto...)]andspecifythefiletorestore.

    dClick [Apply].

  • 70 Settings

    Resetting the SettingsYou can reset all settings of the setting page to default. However, the amount of data communication which is displayed on the display cannot be reset. For resetting the amount of data communication, see “Displaying Network data usage” (→P66).• Youcanalsoresetthesettingsbypressing


    a In the top menu, click [SYSTEM].

    bIn the submenu, click [Reset].

    cClick [Reset].

    dClick [OK].Logoutfromthesettingpageandthecommunicationisdisconnected.

    Confirming the Version Information

    a In the top menu, click [SYSTEM].

    bIn the submenu, click [Version].Theversioninformationoffirmwareandthisterminalappears.

    cMake setting for Software Update.Automatically check new S/W (Default: ON)• ON:Checktheupdatefileautomatically.• OFF:Checktheupdatefilemanually.

  • 71Settings

    ■ When ON is setTheconfirmationmessageforsoftwareupdateappearseachtimeyoulogin.Tomakethemessagenottoappear,setto“OFF”.

    ■ When OFF is setClick[Checknow]tocheckifyouhaveanyupdatefiles,andamessageappearswhenanewfileexists.Forupdateprocedure,see“UpdatingSoftware”(→P86).

    dWhen you have changed software update setting, click [Apply].

    Displaying the Inquiries

    a In the top menu, click [SYSTEM].

    bIn the submenu, click [Help].Theinformationoftheinquirywebsite,phonenumberandtheURLofInstructionManual(PDF)appears.

  • 72 Overseas Use

    Overseas UseInternational Roaming Service (WORLD WING)

    International roaming service enables you to use this terminal domestically in a service area of international carrier associated with DOCOMO.

    ■ Available areaThisterminalcanbeusedin3Gnetworkserviceareas.Also,itcanbeusedinthecountriesandregionsthatsupport3G850MHz.ThisterminalcannotbeusedinGPRSarea.Checkavailableareas.• Beforeusingthisterminaloverseas,seethe

    followingitems.- “MobilePhoneUser'sGuide[InternationalServices]”

    - DOCOMOInternationalServiceswebsite• ForareasoutofXiareasuchasoverseas,


    Services Available Overseas

    Service Description




    • Fordetailsonavailablecommunicationserviceswhileusinginternationalroaming,refertoMobilePhoneUser'sGuide[InternationalServices]orvisitDOCOMOInternationalServiceswebsite.

    • L-04DdoesnotsupportvoicecallorvideophonecalleitheroverseasorinJapan.

  • 73Overseas Use

    Before Using OverseasSTEP1: Before Leaving JapanSTEP2: While OverseasSTEP3: After Coming Back to Japan

    Before Leaving Japan ■ Subscription• Normally,customersapplyfor“WORLDWING”


    • AminiUIMmadeavailablefor“WORLDWING”mustbeinsertedinthisterminal.

    ■ Charging• Usingoverseasmayconsumethebattery

    fasterthaninJapan.• PrecautionsforACadapter(→P12)• ChargingwithACadapter(→P32) ■ Network setup• Youcanchangenetworksetupoverseas.

    (→P75) ■ Usage charge• Thechargeforusage(billforpacket


    ■ Internet access• Foroverseasaccesspointsorsettingsfor

    usingtheInternetoverseas,contactyourISP.• IfyousubscribetomoperaU,visitthemopera


    While OverseasAfter arrival, you need