eelamancestry requirement phase2

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  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2



    Functional Requirement SpecificationEelamAncestry-Phase-II

    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

    Name Date

    Prepared By Vetrivel.P 02/SEP/11Revieed By Rajaram.S

    Approved By Rajaram.S

    Issued By


    Document Id EA-FRS-II

    Num!er of pa"es 18

    #ersion Draft


  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    $%& 'ser input in (amil)

    *odule) 'ser input in (amilReference) EA-++$

    User can select the language frm the site an! "ase! n their selectin# site

    $ill !is%la& the cntent. If the& selecte! 'amil language# then the& can enter# vie$an! search fr infrmatin in 'amil. 'his %rcess shul! "e ver& seamless an! eas&

    as it $ul! "e in English. If the user search in 'amil# then site $ill !is%la& the search

    result "ase! n the !ata entere! in 'amil. (e $ill !is%la& a message t the userstating that &u can als search in ther language t get mre language s%ecific


    ,%& Family tree ith same puppet)

    *odule) Family tree ith same puppet

    Reference) EA-++,

    (e have integrate! the !ifferent %u%%et si)e fr each generatin f a famil&tree. It $ill give visual treat t the user an! als $e $ill call it is a staircase effect#

    "ecause t% generatins are "ehin! the &unger generatin an! it $ill "e arrange! tsh$ the high level generatin $ill "e in '*P $ith small %u%%et an! current

    generatin $ill resi!es in the "ttm f the famil& tree $ith "ig %u%%ets. +$# SincePhase-1 al%ha users are una"le t !ifferentiate,i!entif& this %u%%ets staircase effect

    an! the& !i!nt un!erstan! the eact %ur%se f having this structure.S# $e nee! t remve this staircase effect an! ma/e all the %u%%et t the

    same si)e0(e $ill fi the si)e !uring the im%lementatin. S# ever& mem"er in the

    famil& tree $ill l/ in the same si)e.

    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    %& Family tree dialo" !o. )

    *odule) Family tree dialo" !o.

    Reference) EA-++

    Dialg " in the famil& tree shul! "e mve! frm the right-han! si!e tleft-han! si!e $ith all the eisting features an! als nee! t change the %resentatin

    f the !ialg ". 2el$ !iagram sh$n the re3uire! %resentatin fr the left-han!si!e !ialg ".

    /%& 0oomin")

    *odule) 0oomin"

    Reference) EA-++/

    4m %tin $ill "e %rvi!e! in the famil& tree %age an! it $ill all$ user t 4**5 thefamil& tree. (e nee! t %rvi!e 5ulti-level )ming 6

    1. User can )m ut as much as the& $ish t see the $hle tree as it is sh$n n$

    an! it shul! "e !ne until the user can still see the clr !ifferences an! thegra%hics !ifferences.

    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    7. (hen the user has )me! int generatins vie$ the gra%hics shul! turn tactual %ictures just as it is n$ $ith muse ver.

    . Remve the muse ver !etails an! re%lace it $ith )m in an! therim%lementatins as mentine! a"ve.

    1%& (ime line)

    *odule) (ime line)

    Reference) EA-++1

    'ime line r Events sh$s re%resentatin f histricall& significant events in

    Eelam. 'here are t$ t&%es f 'ime lines. *ne is t re%resent the histrical events

    an! anther ne is t %ersnal0famil& time lines.(hen user clic/s the Eelamhistr& menu# then the& $ill re!irect t the %u"lic

    eelamhistr& %age# $here the& see the list f histr& events an! if the user have the

    %remium %ermissin# then the& can a!! ne$ histr& event an! als the& can e!it thehistr& events.

    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    'ime line r Event is a sectin that all$ user t create a time lines. (hen theuser has selecte! the A!! t mem"er time-line "uttn an! the !ialg-" %ene! t

    the user t enter infrmatin. 'he user starts ut $ith the &ear an! $hen that isentere! the time-line is filtere! an! the time-line "el$ autmaticall& shifte! t that

    &ear s the user can see all the events alrea!& in the time-line. User can %rcee! tenter mnth an! !ate# an! the& are %tinal. As sn as the user finishes enteringthe infrmatin an! hits the save "uttn the inf sh$s u% n the time-line. After

    the save "uttn %ress# the user shul! "e ta/en "ac/ t the famil& tree. Each usershul! "e restricte! t nl& ne event %er !a&. 'his is t %revent users frm

    u%la!ing multi%le %ictures an! start using the site as a %ht al"um site. 'he

    %icture shul! have a si)e limitatin as $ell.

    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    All the events $ill "e liste! "ase! n the !ates an! "th the A!! Event an!

    famil& tree %age shul! !is%la& the availa"le events list. It is liste! as hri)ntall&

    an! this sectin can "e clse! at an&time. In the famil& tree %age# user can a"le t!rag an! !r% the famil& mem"ers t an& availa"le events. (hen user muse-veran& availa"le event# then it shul! sh$ the num"er f atten!ees t that event alng

    $ith the events !escri%tin an! image0if availa"le.

    Dra""in" in family mem!ers pa"e)

    5em"ers are !raga"le int the time line visuals "el$. $hen a famil&mem"er is !ragge! int an event# the !ata set shul! "e ca%ture! accr!ingl&.

    Fr eam%le6 a I clic/e! n m& father9s gra%hics an! the time-line is sh$n frhim. If there is an event fr m& father fr ma& 17 1:;< that $as m& fathers 1st !a&

    at schl. 'hen# If I $ere t !rag m& gran!father int that event# that event cunt

    shul! increase "& 1. an! $hen I clic/ n the atten!ees# I shul! see that m&

    gran!father atten!e! m& fathers 1st !a& at schl.

    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    'his sectin !eals $ith All the time-line str& visuali)atin. (hen a user is

    signe! in# the famil& tree $ill sta& in the central area. 2& user %ressing the famil&

    an! +atin "uttns# he,she can tggle the time-line visuals t the %ersnal time-linef the %ersn selecte! r t the Eelam =istr& time-line create! an! is availa"le t

    the visitrs. 2& seeing the Eelam histr& time-line $ithin the cntet f the famil&-

    tree# the user can ! the smething as e%laine! in %revius %aragra%h. A usercan !rag a famil& mem"er int an event an! have that !ata ca%ture!. Fr eam%le6a 'here is a Eelam =istr& event calle! 1:>7 electins " I clic/ the natin ta" an! I

    see the event an! I then !rag m& father# mther an! gran!father int that event.'hen 7 im%rtant !ata ca%tures nee! t ha%%en 1 'he 1:>7 electins event shul!

    "e a!!e! t each f their %ersnal time-lines. s that $hen I l/ at their time-lines#I /n$ the& vte! in that electin. 7 'he vent cunt shul! "e increase! "&

    in!icating ne$ %e%le $ere a!!e! t that event. 2ut $hen famil& mem"ers are

    !ragge! int histr& time-line# there names shul! "e inclu!e! in the atten!eessectin. *nl& the %lace f "irth shul! "e a!!e!. s if smene clic/s the atten!ees#

    it $ill sa& %e%le frm ?affna $ere at this event# s n an! s frth.

    'his t$ images sh$s the navigatin f the time-line. (hen the user musever each event# then event shul! magnif& an! sh$ the !etails. User can clic/mre $ith the inf " an! sh$n the full !etails. @lic/ing n the atten!ees shul! !

    the same. 'he user can "e ta/en t the same %age f the event. (hen the usermuses ver t the last event n the screen r gets t that area# the &ear shul!

    autmaticall& increment. S* if the user is vie$ing events frm 1: an! get t theen! f the &ear# it shul! increment t 1:> an! sh$ thse event. s n an! s

    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    frth. *r the user can clic/ n the &ear n the right si!e t the get t the s%ecific&ear he,she $ants. 'he "ar n the &ears in!icate! num"er f events liste! fr that

    &ear. S a &ear that has mre events liste! fr that user# $ill have a lnger "ar.mst im%rtantl& the range f &ears fr each user starts at !ate f "irth an! en!s

    $ith !ate f !eath. Fr famil& mem"ers $h are still alive the en! !ate is thecurrent &ear. 'he time-line visuali)atins shul! autmaticall& range them


    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    4%& *ap)

    *odule) *ap)

    Reference) EA-++4

    Famil& ma% shul! "e !ne $ith mre visual a%%ealing $a&. It shul! "esimilar t Face-"/ frien!s cnnect. Eam%le URB fr this -

    htt%6,,$$$.&utu",$atchCvB%AF&"FVVE an! als !evel%er reference URBfr this im%lementatin is htt% 6,,$$$,71,17,71,$here-are-

    &u, .

    5%& 'ser Statistics)

    *odule) 'ser Statistics

    Reference) EA-++5

    In the famil& tree %age# $e are having a "uttn calle! GDetailsH. (hen userclic/s that "uttn then the& $ill "e re!irecte! t the se%arate %age an! in that %age

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  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    $e nee! t sh$ the !ifferent re%rts t the users. All the re%rts $ill "e la!e!!&namicall& "ase! n the user an! famil& mem"ers !etails.

    '&%es f statics re3uire! 6a%& A"e Distri!ution of livin" )

    'his gra%h $ill sh$s the !istri"utin f age gru% fr entire famil& mem"ers.

    ". Average live E%ectanc&

    'his ra%h $ill tells that average lifes%an f the famil& mem"ers. It shul! list ut theaverage lifes%an fr "th 5ale an! Female. It als tells the lng live! mem"er f that

    famil& alng $ith the "irth an! !eath0If !ata availa"le.

    c. *l!est J Kungest Biving'his $ill list ut the t% &ungest %e%le in the famil& an! als the t% l!est %e%le

    in the famil& tree.

    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    !. 5arrie! Vs Single

    'his gra%h $ill list ut the num"er f marrie! vs unmarrie!.

    e. +um"er f @hil!ren'his gra%h $ill sh$s the num"er f chil!ren against famil&.

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  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    f. 2irth 5nth

    'his gra%h $ill sh$s the mnth f "irth against num"er f %e%les.

    $+%& (amil !uttons)

    *odule) (amil Buttons

    Reference) EA-+$+

    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


      All the "uttns in the site are currentl& !esnt su%%rt multilingual. S# nee! tremve the currentl& availa"le "uttns an! a!! a ne$ multilingual "uttns. If user

    select the 'amil language# then "uttns li/e save# cancel# etc shul! rea! in 'amilan! if the& change the language t English# then it shul! rea! in English.

    $$%&6reate7edit option )

    *odule) Family (ree Invitation

    Reference) EA-+$$

    (hen the invite is !ne $ith a create %tin# there is n e!it %tin fr items

    that mem"er creates. It is right that the& cant e!it the mem"ers f the famil& treethat the& are jining since their right is create "ut the& shul! "e a"le t e!it the

    ne$ mem"ers that the& themselves are creating. *ther$ise even if the& ma/e amista/e the& $nt "e a"le t g "ac/ an! crrect it. It seems the e!it %tin is

    al$a&s retaine! "& the riginal $ner. 'he right %tin $ul! "e the %ersn $h iscreating the mem"er shul! als retain the e!it %tin. an! that %ersn can als

    select the %tin n $hat rights he,she $ants the %ersn that re3ueste! the mergert have. 'his $a& the e!it %tin is al$a&s retaine! "& %e%le $h create ne$

    mem"ers r a!! mem"ers an! the& themselves !eci!e $hat thers $ill !.It is "etter t give ever&ne an e!it $ith a%%rval %ermissin# s the tree

    $ner al$a&s maintain the e!it %tin. S# invite! user $ill "e fall in t$ categries.

    *ne is t just vie$ an! anther is t e%an! the tree. 'he invites t e%an! are%e%le $h can create their $n mem"ers an! the& can e!it them an! als the& can

    e!it the sen!ers tree as $ell# "ut it is u%t the sen!er t !eci!e if he,she $ants tacce%t r reject the e!it. If the sen!er acce%ts it# it $ill "e u%!ate! an! if the&

    rejecte! it then it $nt u%!ate the s&stem.

    $,%& Family (ree Invitation)

    *odule) Family (ree Invitation

    Reference) EA-+$,

    (e nee! t change the invitatin %rcess that $e are having right n$. As%er the Phase-I sc%e# team have im%lemente! the famil& tree an! its merge %tin.

    Phase -I $ill all$ the invitee an! inviters t merge the entire famil& tree. *nl& theinvite sen!er $ill have the rights t set eact %ermissin fr the invite receiver.

    In this %hase# $e are ging t change the lgic an! instea! f cm%lete jin#

    $e nee! t share the famil& tree.(hen a sen!er sen!s invitatin t the user# then receiver $ill acce%t the

    invitatin $ith the %tin t select the %tin f the tree. All the mem"er a"ve that

    %sitin $ill "e merge!,cm"ine! $ith "th the tree an! at the same level# $e $illsh$ the num"er f availa"le mem"ers fr that famil& tree an! $e !nt nee! t

    cm"ine,merge "el$ the mentine! level. S# it $ill l/s li/e %artial merge. 5ainan! mst im%rtant %int t "e nte! is all the $e are nt ging t merge "th the

    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    tree an! ma/ing it int single tree. (e $ill /ee% se%arate tree fr "th f them an!each ne $ill manage their $n tree.

    Bets assume m& gran!father an! &ur gran! father are "rthers an! i have "uil! afull tree inclu!ing m& gran!father# his father 0 m& great gran! father# etc. S#

    technicall& "th f us shul! have the same great gran!father. I sent &u an invitefrm m& gran!father lcatin that is m& in!icatin that I $ant t e%an! frm that

    lcatin an! &u als having &ur $n tree. Bets sa& &u als have &ur $n treean! have "uilt it all the $a& t great gran! father as $ell an! &u see m& invitatin

    an! !eci!e# &ur gran! father shul! merger $ith m& gran! father as a "rther s nm& famil& tree there $ill "e a lin/ that sa&s G vetrivels tree 01> G . S# I can

    navigate u% t m& gran! father an! if I $ante! t see $hat see his "rthers tree# Ican clic/ n that see the !etails &u have liste! in &ur tree# "ut the great gran!

    father an! higher shul! "e smething $e shul! "e a"le t vie$ an! suggest e!itstgether as the tree is cnsi!ere! merge! frm there $e shul! nl& fcus n the

    ancestr %art nl& fr merge an! let the si!es an! "el$ t sta& as each %ersn hascreate! them $ith the tree $ners name liste! an! a lin/ t e%an!.

    $%& *enu chan"es)

    *odule) *enu chan"es

    Reference) EA-+$

    (e nee! t change the menu %art f the current $e"site an! als nee! t

    mve the search frm the se%arate %age t hea!er f the $e"site. S# search $ill "e

    availa"le in all the %ages. (e $ill get the menu similar t the ne mentine! in the"el$ figure. (e $ill %rvi!e the !esign mc/u% fr the menu.


    $/%& Forum)

    *odule) Forum

    Reference) EA-+$/

    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website

  • 8/15/2019 Eelamancestry Requirement Phase2


    Frum $ill "e integrating "& using the %re-eisting frum sft$are an! its

    !esign $ill "e change! "ase! n ur eelam ancestr& theme. EelamAncestr& $e"sitelgin $ill "e s&nchrni)e! $ith the frum lgin. S users frm the $e"site can

    !irectl& access the frum. A!ministratr $ill assign %ermissin fr certain users tma/e them as %remium user an! the& $ill "ecame the m!eratr fr the frum.

    Confidential - Intended only for the Eelamancestry website