educational resource document

The Year of Grace Pentecost 2012 – Pentecost 2013 Parramatta Diocesan parishes and schools celebrating together A resource to support schools in the Parramatta Diocese

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  • The Year of Grace Pentecost 2012 Pentecost 2013

    Parramatta Diocesan parishes and schools celebrating together

    A resource to support schools in the Parramatta Diocese

  • Contents:

    Year of Grace Logo explanation Year of Grace & Faith explained Bishop Anthonys words on Year of Grace Definitions of Grace and Faith Significant Dates & Focus National prayers for Year of Grace Prayers for Year of Grace & Faith Ideas for School/Parish Activities Candle transparency Sharing Our Story Unit themes & the connection with the Year of Faith & Grace:

    Primary: Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Secondary: Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

    Mass Suggestions for the Pentecost launch in 2012 Pentecost Mass PowerPoint Liturgy of the Word Suggestions for the Pentecost launch in 2012 Liturgy of the Word PowerPoint

    Sample of the Book mark which will be available suggest 1 per primary student Sample of the prayer card which will be available suggest 1 per secondary student

  • Explanation of the Year of Grace Logo

    There is no one symbol or message that the Year of Grace logo is intended to convey. It is a bright and stylish image which, in looking at it, has many significant symbols and connections that can be drawn:

    The cross The sun A circle that represents the infinity of God The halo incorporating a cross that surrounds the

    head of Jesus in Eastern iconography The host used at Mass The monstrance used in Eucharistic adoration A link with the artistic tradition of our Indigenous people The earthen, ochre colours of Australia A diversity of peoples and cultures, gathered into one community A star-burst Light

    There may be other ways in which the logo speaks to people.

  • 1

    The Year of Grace and Faith explained:

    This year past the Diocese of Parramatta has celebrated its silver jubilee since Blessed John Paul II erected it on 8th April 1986. In 2012 the whole Church marks another Anniversary: the golden jubilee of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. Another blessed pope, John XXIII, gathered the worlds bishops together as one to consider how the Church might best renew herself and respond to the challenges - both internal and external of serving God and humanity today. Beseeching a new Pentecost, the Church had a Gospel confidence that Christ would be with her always and that her mission of worship and evangelization would be carried forward in new ways. To mark this the Church in Australia will be celebrating a Year of Grace from this coming Pentecost (27 May 2012 to 19 May 2013) and the Church throughout the world will be celebrating a Year of Faith from later in the year (11 October 2012 to 24 November 2013). Grace might be said to be our experience of God, especially of His free and undeserved gifts gifts like our very existence, our being redeemed by Christ, our participating in His word and Sacraments in the Church, our personal vocation as Gods adopted children. Every God-given opportunity is a grace, from life itself to our family and friendships, from work and leisure to our participation in all that is true and good and beautiful. Faith is our personal response to those divine gifts or graces. It is our saying yes to them, internalizing them, responding to them. So our two overlapping celebrations of grace and faith over the coming year will, as Pope Benedict XVI has said, be a chance for an even fuller conversation to God, to strengthen our faith in Him and to proclaim Him with joy to the people of our time. (Most Rev Anthony Fisher op, Bishop of Parramatta. Faith in our Future. 2012)

  • 2

    Invitation to embrace the Year of Grace

    Grace is a free gift from a loving God. Grace is a relationship with God that is offered to everyone. God simply waits for our response. It enables us to be the person we are meant to be. St Paul tells us that Grace, comes to us through one man, Jesus Christ as an abundant free gift. Throughout the coming year we implore you to take every opportunity to strengthen your relationship with God and that your life will be a reflection of His love to those you meet on a daily basis. The Year of Grace committee, as you have heard, has developed a number of resources and planned events that will help you to celebrate some of the particular strengths of our Diocese. We are ethnically diverse as can be seen by attending Mass in any one of our

    parishes. As the fastest growing Diocese in the country we have many families in newly

    developing suburbs. Parramatta Diocese has the highest concentration of Indigenous people in an

    urban area. Through Catholic Care we are mindful of the needs and aspirations of people

    with disabilities in our community. Your support and attendance at these events is a visible sign of living out the command of Christ to love one another. As we are asked to put out into the deep and to start afresh from Christ we invite the Holy Spirit to enlighten our communities to open their hearts to Gods Grace in the world. (Diocesan Committee for Year of Grace, 2012)

  • 3

    What do we understand by Grace and Faith? There are many definitions of Grace and Faith. Although other definitions have been cited, within this resource the main reference definition will be that used by Bishop Anthony Fisher in his Pastoral Letter, Faith in our Future. 2012. Grace might be said to be our experience of God especially of his free and undeserved gifts gifts like our very existence, our being redeemed by Christ, our participating in His word and Sacraments in the Church. Every God-given opportunity is a grace from life itself to our family and friendships, from work and leisure to our participation in all that is true and good and beautiful. Bishop Anthony Fisher in his Pastoral Letter, Faith in our Future. 2012. Faith is our personal response to those divine gifts or graces. It is our saying yes to them, internalizing them responding to them. Bishop Anthony Fisher in his Pastoral Letter, Faith in our Future. 2012. Grace is favour, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God. (CCC :1996) Faith is a gift from God. It can only be born in the intimacy of a mans heart as a fruit of grace which moves and assists him and as a completely free response to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. (General Directory for Catechesis 55) Faith is a gift of God, a supernatural virtue infused by him. Before this faith can be exercised, man must have the grace of God to move and assist him (CCC: 153)

  • 4

    Dates: The Australian Catholic Church will be celebrating the Year of Grace from Pentecost 2012 to Pentecost 2013 (27 May 2012 to 19 May 2013). The Church throughout the world will be celebrating a Year of Faith from later in the year (11 October 2012 to 24 November 2013). Parramatta Diocese will combine the celebration of both of these to make The Year of Faith and Grace. The launch will coincide with the feast of Pentecost. Individual schools and parishes will mark the focus of this year according to their own parish calendars. Significant Dates and Focus areas 2012 May 27th - Year of Grace Launch July 1st to September 24th - Vatican 11 documents via Sunday homilies. Focus: Our ethnic diversity Young families with Parramatta being the fastest growing diocese in the country. Indigenous Australians with Parramatta having the highest concentration of

    indigenous people in the urban area. People with disabilities and other needs to build on last years focus of welcome

    and inclusion. 2013 March 17th - National Event Bringing our wounds to Jesus A celebration of

    Repentance March 24th Local event Youth Palm Sunday (Cathedral) November 1st - Face of Jesus, Faces we know A celebration of Holiness All

    Saints Day.

  • 5

    Prayers for the Year of Grace The following is the text of national Prayers for the Year of Grace. In reproducing them, (prayer cards, leaflets, etc.) please include the Year of Grace logo.

    Gracious God, You have blessed this ancient land with many gifts, especially its people. We thank you for the Year of Grace, a time to start afresh from Christ. You invite us to contemplate the face of Jesus your Son, that we may experience a new wave of grace, and that the light of Christ may burn more brightly in our lives. Attune our hearts and minds to the presence of your Holy Spirit, that our Church may be transformed, our relationships be healed, and our nation grow in compassion and justice. With the intercession of St Mary MacKillop, who showed us new ways of living the Gospel, we make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen. Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.

    Alternative: Jesus, as I contemplate your face,

    let me experience your great love for me.

    Reveal your saving grace and give me a grateful heart.

    Heal me of my weaknesses and sin and fill me with compassion for others.

    Gift me with the wisdom of the Spirit and encourage me to be a faithful witness to the Gospel.


  • 6

    Additional prayers for school use Year of Grace 2012

    Infants Prayer (can be said or sung to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)

    Jesus now I want to be, Thankful for your gifts to me. Help me change and help me grow, So your grace Ill come to know. Guide me, teach me, heal me too, As I show my love for you.

    Primary Prayer (can be said or sung to the tune of Amazing Grace)

    Dear God in this your year of Grace, Help me reflect and pray, Believe, seek healing and renew so I will know your way. Help me to give to all I meet, your love in how I act And to respond to those in need with respect and generous care. Help me to show Your Grace to all in the way that I believe And so all people then will know a faith-filled way to live.

    Secondary Prayer

    Breastplate of St Patrick Christ be with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right hand, Christ on my left, Christ where I lie down, Christ where I sit down, Christ where I arise, Christ in the heart of everyone Who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone Who speaks to me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. Salvation is of the Christ Salvation is of the Lord. May your salvation, be ever with us, Lord.

  • 7

    Ideas for School/Parish Pentecost Activities for the Year of Grace: Our Father spoken in own language said at the same time Prayers of intercession in own language National costumes worn to the launch celebration National flags hung in the church for the Pentecost Mass launch Parish Twilight picnic Parish International Food Festival Parish Cultural presentation/concert Icons of Face of Jesus from different cultures Use of the resources from the websites Use the Year of Grace liturgy suggestions. From National Planning committee for

    the Year of Grace These activities are suggestions only. They can be undertaken simultaneously to support parish activities. They are not meant to be taken on by the school as additional/stand-alone activities.

  • 8

    Candle Transparency

    Copy this logo onto an overhead transparency in colour, if possible. P

    lace around plain white candle and

    secure at the back with cello tape. Trim

    the excess transparency.

  • 9

    Family page Grace

    Every God-given opportunity is a grace from life itself to our family and friendships, from work and leisure to our participation in all that is true and good and beautiful. Bishop Anthony Fisher in his Pastoral Letter, Faith in our Future. 2012 Read the words of Bishop Anthony written above. As a family, make a list of all the gifts of Grace which are evident in the lives of each member of the family. Decorate and display the list in your home.

    Recognise God given Grace in your life Each evening, focus on a Grace given to your family and give thanks to God. The evening meal may be a good opportunity for this to take place.

    Share a prayer Dear God, You give us the free gift of Grace. The ... family has received the gift of Grace in many ways, This evening we give thanks for the gift of Help us to find ways to respond in faith and use this gift to benefit others. We ask this in your name. Amen

  • 10

    Family Page Faith

    What is meant by Grace and Faith? By saying Yes to our gifts, we recognize the Grace given to us by God. Our Faith is when we accept the Grace of God and respond.

    Faith is our personal response to those divine gifts or graces. It is our saying yes to them, internalizing them responding to them. Bishop Anthony Fisher in his Pastoral Letter, Faith in our Future. 2012. Using the words of Bishop Anthony Fisher as a guide, have a family discussion about when we have said yes to the gifts of Grace given to us by God. (An example may be that by the Grace of God, our family has good food to eat. How do we use this gift of God to help those who may need to be helped?) Our gifts of Grace Our response in Faith

  • 11

    Share a Prayer Dear God, We know you have given us your gift of Grace, Help us to respond in our actions And to live our faith to those we meet each day. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

    Images of Jesus Use Google images to find images of Jesus from different cultures. Display or print some of these images. As a family, discuss why the images may be important depictions of Jesus for that particular culture. Discuss how the images are similar or different from our own image of Jesus.

  • 12

    The following table highlights, within the units of Sharing Our Story, where teachers can make a connection with the year of Grace. The ideal would be for the connection to be continuous throughout the year.

    Stage 1

    Stage Sharing Our Story Unit Name

    Theme Connection which can be made with Year of Faith and Grace

    Early Stage 1

    1KC1 Gods gifts to us Gods Grace is reflected in the gift of Gods love, our family, our gift of love to others.

    1KC2 Gods gift of His Son

    Gods Grace is reflected in the gift of his son Jesus, who died and rose again.

    1KC3 Gods gift of Love, my family.

    Gods Grace is reflected in the gift of my family, who love me as God loves me. We can show Gods grace by being a loving person in my family.

    1KC4 God is our Creator

    Gods Grace is reflected in the gift of the beauty of Creation. We can show Gods grace by caring for Creation.

    1KC5 We join with members of Gods family in the Church

    Gods Grace is reflected in the gift of the community of the Church. Members of Gods Church family share his gift of grace by helping to serve and care for others. The priests in our parish help us to live as good people and share Gods gift of grace.

    1KC6 Advent: Waiting Gods Grace is reflected in how Mary and Joseph waited for the gift of the baby Jesus.

    1KC7 Jesus birth Gods Grace is reflected in the birth of Jesus, the gift of His Son.

    1KE Living as Jesus showed us

    Gods Grace is reflected in how we give the gifts we have to others. We can show Gods grace by helping those who need to be helped.

  • 13

    Stage 1

    Stage Sharing Our Story Unit Name

    Theme Connection which can be made with Year of Faith and Grace

    Stage 1 11C1 Jesus Our Friend The Grace of God can be witnessed in our friends. Jesus is our friend therefore Jesus is a gift of Gods grace.

    11C2 Lent: Growing Together

    Jesus is our friend therefore Jesus is a gift of Gods grace.

    11C3 Easter Triduum: The Last Supper

    The Grace of God is revealed in the gift of His Son, Jesus. Jesus gave us a very special means of building our relationship with God, at the Last Supper.

    11C4 Easter Season: Together

    The Grace of God can be seen in the members of our family.

    11C5 Baptism Grace is a gift of God freely given and celebrated at the time of their Baptism.

    11C7 Senses: A Gift from God

    The many gifts each person receives are through the Grace of God. Naming the gifts we have and recognizing the Grace of God.

    11C8 Advent: Getting Ready for Jesus

    Gods Grace is reflected in how Mary and Joseph waited for the gift of the baby Jesus. Mary is full of Gods Grace.

    11C9 Christmas: Celebrating Jesus Birthday

    Gods Grace is reflected in the birth of Jesus, the gift of His Son.

    11C10 Advent/ Christmas Combined unit

    Gods Grace is reflected in how Mary and Joseph waited for the gift of the baby Jesus. Mary is full of Gods Grace. Gods Grace is reflected in the birth of Jesus, the gift of His Son.

    11E1 Mission: Sharing with others as Jesus showed us

    We reveal the Grace of God to others when we reach out in love to those in need.

    12C1 Jesus Helps Me to Love

    Jesus is the greatest gift of Gods Love. He shows us how to use the Grace of God, our gifts, in loving others as Jesus did.

    12C2 Lent: Being Alone Jesus is always with us even in times of hurt and disappointment.

  • 14

    Stage 1

    Stage Sharing Our Story Unit Name

    Theme Connection which can be made with Year of Faith and Grace

    12C3 Easter Triduum: Never Alone

    We are never really alone. Jesus is our friend, Jesus is a gift of Gods grace and Jesus is always with us.

    12C4 Easter Season: Jesus is with Us

    The Grace of God is revealed in the gift of His Son, Jesus who is always with us.

    12C5 The Pentecost Story

    The Pentecost event is a time when we reflect on and remember the gift and Grace of the Holy Spirit. It is also a time of increased awareness and appreciation of the Christian community.

    12C6 Reconciliation: Belonging to a Forgiving Community

    Gods gift of Grace is seen especially in the Sacraments which are the signs of Gods gift of love. We can show Gods grace by forgiving those who need healing.

    12C7 Eucharist: Celebrating Gods Love

    The Sacraments are signs of Gods grace and love. Participation at Mass is the acceptance of Gods gift of Grace.

    12C8 Advent: Waiting for Jesus

    Gods Grace is reflected in how Mary and Joseph waited for the gift of the baby Jesus. Mary is full of Gods Grace.

    12C9 Christmas: Waiting is Over

    Gods Grace is reflected in the birth of Jesus, the gift of His Son.

    12C10 Advent Christmas Combined Unit

    Gods Grace is reflected in how Mary and Joseph waited for the gift of the baby Jesus. Mary is full of Gods Grace. Gods Grace is reflected in the birth of Jesus, the gift of His Son.

    12E1 Mission: Loving God and Others Like Jesus

    We reveal the Grace of God to others when we reach out in love to those in need.

  • 15

    The following table highlights, within the units of Sharing Our Story, where teachers can make a connection with the year of Grace. The ideal would be for the connection to be continuous throughout the year.

    Stage 2

    Stage Sharing Our Story Unit Name

    Theme Connections which can be made with Year of Faith and Grace

    Stage 2 23C1 Jesus Shares His Gifts

    Grace is Gods gift to us. Our sharing of our gifts with others reveals the Grace of God to others.

    23C2 Lent: Reaching Out

    Jesus shows us how to reveal Gods grace to others in how he, himself, reached out to others in loving service.

    23C3 Easter Triduum Journeying with Jesus

    The Grace of God is revealed in the gift of His Son, Jesus.

    23C4 The Journey to Emmaus

    The disciples witnessed the Grace of God in the person of Jesus, who they encountered on the road to Emmaus.

    23C5 Sacraments of Initiation

    The Sacraments are signs of Gods Grace. Initiation into the Christian community reflects acceptance of Gods gift of Grace.

    23C6 Mary: A Woman of Faith

    Mary responded to the Gift of Gods grace in her life when she said Yes to God. Hail Mary, full of Grace

    23C7 Caring for Gods Wondrous Creation

    Gods gift of Grace is freely given and is seen in everything we have i.e. our very life, and everything in Creation. We respond to the gift of Grace by respecting and caring for creation.

    23C8 Advent: Making Promises

    The Old Testament reveals the promise of God to send His Son, His gift of love.

    23C9 Christmas: The Promise Comes True

    Grace is a gift from God. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, Gods gift of His son. Gods love graces us with the gift of His Son.

    23E Mission: Reaching out with Jesus

    We reveal the Grace of God to others when we reach out in love to those in need.

  • 16

    Stage 2

    Stage Sharing Our Story Unit Name

    Theme Connections which can be made with Year of Faith and Grace

    23E1 The Nativity Tree Grace is a gift from God. Jesus, the Son of God, is given as a gift of God.

    24C1 Talking and Listening to God

    Grace is a free gift of God. God offers this gift to everyone. We respond to the gift of Grace with prayer as the way we deepen our relationship with God by talking and listening.

    24C2 Lent: An Invitation to Believe

    The gift of Grace is freely given to us by God. We are free to respond to the invitation to exercise faith and to embrace those divine gifts and graces in our actions.

    24C3 Lent Year B: Practices and Promises

    Lent gives us the opportunity to renew and revitalise our relationship with God and the acceptance of His gift of Grace.

    24C4 Lent Year C: A Time for Reconciliation

    Gods gift of Grace is seen in how we relate to the message of Jesus to forgive and to be forgiven. Lent is a time to engage with the message and renew our relationship with God in acceptance of his gifts.

    24C5 Easter Triduum Passover: Exodus

    The Grace of God is revealed in the gift of His Son, Jesus.

    24C6 Easter Season New Life

    The Grace of God is revealed to us in the gift of Gods Son, Jesus.

    24C7 Eucharist: The Structure of the Mass

    The Sacraments are signs of Gods grace and love. The act of faith, as we enter into the celebration of the Mass, is the acceptance of Gods gift of Grace.

    24C8 The Bible: A Special Book

    The Grace of God is revealed in the words of Scripture. When we live by the words of Scripture, we accept the gift of Gods Grace.

    24C9 Reconciliation: Gods Forgiveness and Healing

    Gods gift of Grace is seen especially in the Sacraments which are the signs of Gods gift of love. We can show Gods grace by forgiving those who need healing.

  • 17

    Stage 2

    Stage Sharing Our Story Unit Name

    Theme Connections which can be made with Year of Faith and Grace

    24C10 Advent Year A Prophets of Hope

    The prophets foretold of the gift of Gods Son. We can share the grace of God by being prophets of Gods love.

    24C11 Advent Year B Be a Joyful Messenger

    We bring the joy of the Christmas message, the birth of Gods own Son, to all we meet.

    24C12 Advent Year C: Prepare

    Scripture tells us how John the Baptist reveals the promise of God to send His Son, His gift of love. During Advent we are challenged to reveal Gods grace to those we help.

    24C13 Christmas: A Time to Gather

    Grace is a gift from God. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, Gods gift of His son. We gather as a Christian community to celebrate Gods love and the graces that accompany the gift of His Son. Faith calls us to respond.

    24E Mission: Serving others with Jesus

    We reveal the Grace of God to others when we reach out in love to those in need.

  • 18

    The following table highlights, within the units of Sharing Our Story, where teachers can make a connection with the year of Grace. The ideal would be for the connection to be continuous throughout the year.

    Stage 3

    Stage Sharing Our Story Unit Name

    Theme Connections which can be made with Year of Faith and Grace

    Stage 3 35C1 The Parables of Jesus

    The Parables of Jesus give an example to us of how to respond in love to those in need and to show the grace of Jesus by our actions.

    35C2 The Way of the Cross

    Lent gives us the opportunity to renew and revitalize our relationship with God and to accept of His gift of Grace especially in times of disappointment.

    35C3 Easter Season: Follow Me

    Gods gift of Grace is an invitation to follow the way Jesus showed us to live. We have the opportunity to respond in faith and action.

    35C4 Stories of the Early Church

    The life and faith of members of the early church show us how they responded in faith to the gift of Gods grace.

    35C5 Faith Communities in My Local Area

    The life and faith of members of our local community show us how to respond to the gift of Gods Grace by helping those in need.

    35E2 Mission: Witnessing and Proclaiming Jesus Throughout the World

    We reveal the Grace of God to others when we reach out in love to those in need.

    35C6 Living the Message of Jesus

    Scripture reveals how to use our gift of grace to live as Jesus wants us to live. Our response is our faith in action.

  • 19

    Stage 3

    Stage Sharing Our Story Unit Name

    Theme Connections which can be made with Year of Faith and Grace

    36C1 Servant Leadership Gods grace is revealed in the Gift of Jesus and in the characteristics of Moses as a servant leader. We respond in faith as we live by their example.

    36C2 Crossroads: Easter Triduum & Holy Week

    The Grace of God is freely given and is revealed in the gift of His Son, Jesus. It is particularly revealed in the actions of Jesus in Holy Week as he endures His passion and death which are also freely accepted.

    36C3 The Easter Season: The Road Ahead

    Gods gift of Grace is an invitation to follow the way Jesus showed us to live. We recall the events of Holy Week and reflect on our faith response. We also reflect on Crossroad Experiences in our life and recognize Gods grace as we respond in faith and action.

    36C4 The Story of the Catholic Church in Australia

    We recognize the faith responses made by members of the early Church in Australia. Identify how the Grace of God is present in our own local school community.

    36C5 Eucharist Nourishes us for the Journey

    The Sacraments are signs of Gods grace and love. The act of faith, as we enter into the celebration of the Mass, is the acceptance of Gods gift of Grace.

    36C6 Stewards of Creation

    Gods gift of Grace is freely given and is seen in everything we have i.e. our life, and everything in Creation. We respond to the gift of Grace by respecting and caring for creation.

    36C7 Sacraments of Service

    Sacraments are signs of Gods grace. Key symbols and ritual actions within the sacraments of Holy Orders and Marriage formalize the call to service and revealing Gods grace and love to those we serve.

    36C8 Advent Year A: Wake Up and Be Ready

    Scripture reveals the promise of God to send His Son, His gift of love. Responding to the gift of Grace is saying yes and welcoming God into our life.

  • 20

    Stage 3

    Stage Sharing Our Story Unit Name

    Theme Connections which can be made with Year of Faith and Grace

    36E1 Heroes for God We recognize the faith responses made by members of the Early Church in Australia. Identify how the Grace of God is represented in their lives and how we can learn from them.

    36E2 Living and Sharing in the Mission of Jesus

    Scripture reveals how to use our gift of grace to live as Jesus wants us to live. Our response is our faith in action.

    36C10 Advent Year C: The Jesse Tree

    The people of the Old Testament point the way to Gods greatest gift of love, Jesus. Gods gift of love is reflected in the people in their lives. To respond to the needs of others is to show the Grace of God.

    36C11 Advent/Christmas Sing and Dance with Joy

    Reflect on the gifts of grace evident in the people in our lives who have influenced our growth and development.

  • 21

    The following table highlights, within the units of Sharing Our Story, where teachers can make a connection with the year of Grace. The ideal would be for the connection to be continuous throughout the year.

    Stage 4

    Stage Sharing Our Story

    Unit Name

    Theme Connection

    Stage 4 Images of God Gods gift to us Gods grace is reflected in the action of God in the world

    The life and times of Jesus

    Gods gift of His Son

    Gods grace is reflected on the gift of his son Jesus who died and rose again

    Literary forms in the Bible

    Gods gift of tradition

    Gods grace is reflected in the tradition of the church and the scriptures that document the story

    People of the Covenant

    Gods gift if himself to us

    Gods grace is reflected in the gift of Gods relationship with his people

    The Church Spreads the Good News

    Gods gift of the Church

    Gods grace is reflected in the proclamation of the Good News

    Initiation and Belonging

    Gods gift of our individuality

    Gods grace is reflected in the beauty of our individuality, created in His image

    Reconciliation Gods gift of forgiveness

    Gods grace is reflected in our experience of peace and reconciliation

    Easter Experiences

    Gods gift of Jesus Christ

    Gods grace is reflected in the revelation of Jesus Christ as fully human and fully divine

    Ways People Pray

    Gods gift of relationship

    Gods grace is reflected in our relationship with him that is developed through the experience of prayer

    Religion in the World

    Gods gift of diversity

    Gods grace is reflected in the diversity and tolerance that exists in our world.

  • 22

    The following table highlights, within the units of Sharing Our Story, where teachers can make a connection with the year of Grace. The ideal would be for the connection to be continuous throughout the year.

    Stage 5

    Stage Unit Name Theme Connection Stage 5 Reverence

    for life Gods gift of the strength of the spirit

    Gods grace is reflected in the sacredness of life

    Images of Jesus

    Gods gift of Jesus Christ

    Gods grace is reflected in the revelation of Jesus Christ as fully human and fully divine

    The New Testament

    Gods gift of the Word

    Gods grace is reflected in the proclamation of the Good News

    A call to unity Gods gift of diversity Gods grace is reflected in the diversity and tolerance that exists in our world.

    Eucharist Gods gift of the Eucharist

    Gods grace is reflected in the Eucharist as the source and summit of Catholic life

    Mary and the Saints

    Gods gift of Mary and the Saints

    Gods grace is reflected in the fidelity to church teaching as reflected in the lives of holy men and women

    Christianity in the Middle Ages

    Gods gift of religious life

    Gods grace is reflected in the call to expressions of holiness

  • 23

    The following table highlights, within the units of Sharing Our Story, where teachers can make a connection with the year of Grace. The ideal would be for the connection to be continuous throughout the year.

    Stage 6

    Stage Sharing Our Story

    Unit Name

    Theme Connection

    Stage 6 Search for meaning

    Gods gift of purpose and meaning

    Gods grace is reflected sacred purpose of our lives

    Jesus of history Christ of faith

    Gods gift of Jesus Christ

    Gods grace is reflected I the revelation of Jesus Christ as fully human and fully divine

    Living Texts Gods gift of the Word

    Gods grace is reflected in the proclamation of the Good News

    Christian vocation, leisure and work

    Gods gift of life Gods grace is reflected in the call to expressions of holiness

    A Christian vision of the world

    Gods gift of hope Gods grace is reflected in the proclamation and actions of Jesus Christ as Hope for our world

    Spiritual pathways

    Gods gift of life Gods grace is reflected in the call to expressions of holiness

    Religion in Australia

    Gods gift of diversity Gods grace is reflected in the role religion plays in our Australian culture

  • 24

    Year of Grace Launch

    Suggestions for Feast of Pentecost Mass General Notes Contemplate the Face of Christ is a key phrase from Pope John Paul IIs Novo Millennio Ineunte (NMI) and is a central concern of the Year of Grace. It would be good to have a prominent icon or image of the face of Jesus, or possibly several of them in different styles. The Year of Grace logo may be displayed prominently on a poster or banner, on a screen, and/or an Order of Service that may be handed out. This may be accompanied, on screen or in the hand-out, by the comments about the possible meanings of the logo. The Paschal Candle will be prominent in the sanctuary and lit. (As the Ordo notes, after Pentecost Sunday the Paschal candle is now given a place of honour in the baptistery). Note: The Diocese will have a Year of Grace candle, brought to it from the Bishops Conference earlier in the month. If facilities permit, it may be good to screen material from the website (either before or during the Service) the logo, the interviews with the Bishops, images of the Ritual at North Sydney, with the Year of Grace candles forming the logo, etc. The centrality of prayer is a feature of the Year of Grace. An extended period of time for silent prayer is recommended at key points in the liturgy. Materials may also be distributed, for use in parishes, schools and homes (e.g. prayer cards, leaflets). It is recommended these are distributed at the conclusion with the exception of the prayer card, if it is to be used during the liturgy. Following the liturgy, an opportunity for exposition may be offered.

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    Introduction The following from Archbishop Wilsons letter announcing the Year of Grace may be adapted for local settings: We call the Catholic people in Australia to a Year of Grace . Like the disciples at the first Pentecost, we commit ourselves to start afresh from Christ. For several years the Bishops have been reflecting deeply on the life of the Church in Australia. We have asked how we can better serve the needs of you, Gods faithful people, in bringing the peace and good news of Jesus Christ to our nation. We recognise, firstly, Gods abundant blessings to us. You will know many of these in your own lives. We have seen them, too, in large public celebrations such as World Youth Day in Sydney and the Canonisation of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. We also acknowledge with sadness that we are a Church in need of healing. There are many wounds most especially the wounds of abuse which have left not only those abused but the whole Church in need of healing. There is also the struggle to defend the dignity of the first Australians and those who come as migrants and refugees to our shores. We need to extend the hand of friendship to those of other nations and faiths and to be good stewards of the created world. Most deeply, we desire for the light of Christ to burn more brightly in the heart of each Australian. As Bishops, we asked ourselves where we can turn with so many issues confronting us. Our response in faith is to start afresh from Christ. We make this call, firstly and most urgently, to ourselves as Bishops. We are resolved, in the words of Pope John Paul II, to contemplate the face of Christ. As we address this challenge to ourselves, we invite you to walk this journey with us in hope.

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    General Intercessions Leader: All grace flows from God. Let us now turn to God with our needs and the needs of the world, confident that our prayers will be answered. We pray that in all we do we may start afresh with Christ, contemplating the face of Jesus. Lord, hear us. We pray for our nation that all Australians may become more deeply aware of the grace of God in their lives. Lord, hear us. We pray for a recommitment to prayer, that we may be of one mind and heart in Jesus Christ. Lord, hear us. We pray for repentance for the areas in which we have failed, individually and together, seeking healing and renewal through the grace of Christs forgiveness. Lord, hear us. We pray for holiness, cultivating the many gifts of the Spirit and seeking to grow as disciples of Jesus so as to witness to his resurrection. Lord, hear us. Leader: Dear God, we entrust our efforts in the Year of Grace to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Through this renewed commitment, may the Church in Australia be transformed by the power of Christs resurrection in our lives. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

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    Lighting of the Year of Grace Candle After Communion, there may a ritual lighting of the Year of Grace candle. In church setting, it may be lit from the Paschal Candle. Call to Prayer As we light the Year of Grace candle, may its light be a sign of Christs promise to bring us salvation. The candle is now lit Let us pray in silence, asking for the grace to start afresh from Christ. [extended period of silent prayer] Year of Grace Prayer Gracious God, You have blessed this ancient land with many gifts, especially its people. We thank you for the Year of Grace, a time to start afresh from Christ. You invite us to contemplate the face of Jesus your Son, that we may experience a new wave of grace, and that the light of Christ may burn more brightly in our lives. Attune our hearts and minds to the presence of your Holy Spirit, that our Church may be transformed, our relationships be healed, and our nation grow in compassion and justice. With the intercession of St Mary MacKillop, who showed us new ways of living the Gospel, we make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen. Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.

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    A short litany of saints may now be offered Saint John the Baptist pray for us. Saint Joseph pray for us. Saint Peter and Saint Paul pray for us. The names of other saints may be added, especially local patrons, and of the church or locality. The litany concludes: All holy men and women pray for us. Opening and Closing Hymn Suggestions Abide with me (AOV2-128, NLP-4, TiS-586, TS-2) All you works of God (AOV1-19, GA-397) Amazing grace (AOV1-29, GA-437, NLP-18, TiS-129, TS-18, TS-1718) Come down, O Love divine (AOV1-118, CWB-653, GA-375, NLP-43, TiS-398, TS-71) Now thank we all our God (AOV1-189, CWB-755, GA-425, NLP-166, TiS-106) O Christ, the great foundation (GA-483) Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (AOV1-78, CWB-789, GA-392, TiS-134, TS-433) Legend: AOV As One Voice GA Gather Australia CWB Catholic Worship Book NLP New Living Parish Hymnal TiS Together in Song TS The Source

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    Year of Grace

    Liturgy of the Word General Notes Contemplate the Face of Christ is a key phrase from Pope John Paul IIs Novo Millennio Ineunte (NMI) and is a central concern of the Year of Grace. It would be good to have a prominent icon or image of the face of Jesus, or possibly several of them in different styles. The Year of Grace logo may be displayed prominently on a poster or banner, on a screen, and/or an Order of Service that may be handed out. This may be accompanied, on screen or in the hand-out, by the comments about the possible meanings of the logo. In a church setting, the Paschal Candle will be prominent in the sanctuary and lit. (As the Ordo notes, after Pentecost Sunday the Paschal candle is now given a place of honour in the baptistery). Note: The Diocese will have a Year of Grace candle, brought to it from the Bishops Conference earlier in the month. If facilities permit, it may be good to screen material from the website (either before or during the Service) the logo, the interviews with the Bishops, images of the Ritual at North Sydney, with the Year of Grace candles forming the logo, etc. The centrality of prayer is a feature of the Year of Grace. An extended period of time for silent prayer is recommended at key points in the liturgy. Materials may also be distributed, for use in parishes, schools and homes (e.g. prayer cards, leaflets). It is recommended these are distributed at the conclusion with the exception of the prayer card, if it is to be used during the liturgy. Following the liturgy, an opportunity for exposition may be offered. Opening Hymn See attached suggestions

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    Greeting In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. All: Amen. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. All: And with your spirit. Introduction The following from Archbishop Wilsons letter announcing the Year of Grace may be adapted for local settings:

    We call the Catholic people in Australia to a Year of Grace . Like the disciples at the first Pentecost, we commit ourselves to start afresh from Christ.

    For several years the Bishops have been reflecting deeply on the life of the Church in Australia. We have asked how we can better serve the needs of you, Gods faithful people, in bringing the peace and good news of Jesus Christ to our nation.

    We recognise, firstly, Gods abundant blessings to us. You will know many of these in your own lives. We have seen them, too, in large public celebrations such as World Youth Day in Sydney and the Canonisation of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop.

    We also acknowledge with sadness that we are a Church in need of healing. There are many wounds most especially the wounds of abuse which have left not only those abused but the whole Church in need of healing. There is also the struggle to defend the dignity of the first Australians and those who come as migrants and refugees to our shores. We need to extend the hand of friendship to those of other nations and faiths and to be good stewards of the created world. Most deeply, we desire for the light of Christ to burn more brightly in the heart of each Australian.

    As Bishops, we asked ourselves where we can turn with so many issues confronting us. Our response in faith is to start afresh from Christ. We make this call, firstly and most urgently, to ourselves as Bishops. We are resolved, in the words of Pope John Paul II, to contemplate the face of Christ.

    As we address this challenge to ourselves, we invite you to walk this journey with us in hope.

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    Opening Prayer O God, you sanctify your whole Church in every people and nation; pour out, we pray, the gifts of the Holy Spirit across the face of the earth and, with the divine grace that was at work when the Gospel was first proclaimed, fill now once more the hearts of believers. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. First Reading Acts 4:32-4:35 Responsorial Psalm Ps 117:1-2. 16-17. 22-23. R. v.24 Psalm settings attached (R.) This is the day the Lord has made;

    let us rejoice and be glad. or

    (R) Alleluia. 1. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,

    for his love has no end. Let the sons of Israel say: His love has no end. (R.)

    2. The Lords right hand has triumphed;

    his right hand raised me up. I shall not die, I shall live and recount his deeds. (R.)

    3. The stone which the builders rejected

    has become the corner stone. This is the work of the Lord, a marvel in our eyes. (R.)

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    Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, Alleluia! Open our hearts, O Lord, to listen to the words of Your Son. Alleluia. Gospel John 1:14-15, 16-18 Notes for Reflecting on the Word

    Acts 4:32-4:35 You may wish to focus on the link between the apostles witness to the resurrection of Jesus and the great grace of God that is upon the whole community. In a graced community, the apostles (the leaders, but not only the leaders)

    witness with great dynamism to the resurrection of Jesus. The members of a graced community are of one heart and one mind. In a graced community, no one is in need. Grace is Gods gift revealed to believers in Jesus the Christ/Messiah. John 1:14-15, 16-18 You may like to focus on Jesus as the Christ/Messiah, as the revelation of God, the source of grace and truth, and link this with the Year of Grace as a time to start afresh from Christ Christ/Messiah is a title for Jesus, meaning Gods anointed One. We know God through our encounter with the Word made flesh who lived among

    us. We encounter the Word made flesh in the gospel, in the Eucharist, in the community, in all that has come into being.

    We might attend in this Year of Grace to the fullness of grace, the grace upon grace we have all received.

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    General Intercessions Leader: All grace flows from God. Let us now turn to God with our needs and the needs of the world, confident that our prayers will be answered. We pray that in all we do we may start afresh with Christ, contemplating the face of Jesus. Lord, hear us. We pray for our nation that all Australians may become more deeply aware of the grace of God in their lives. Lord, hear us. We pray for a recommitment to prayer, that we may be of one mind and heart in Jesus Christ. Lord, hear us. We pray for repentance for the areas in which we have failed, individually and together, seeking healing and renewal through the grace of Christs forgiveness. Lord, hear us. We pray for holiness, cultivating the many gifts of the Spirit and seeking to grow as disciples of Jesus so as to witness to his resurrection. Lord, hear us. Leader: Dear God, we entrust our efforts in the Year of Grace to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Through this renewed commitment, may the Church in Australia be transformed by the power of Christs resurrection in our lives. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Lighting of the Year of Grace Candle There may now be a ritual lighting of the Year of Grace candle. In a church setting, it may be lit from the Paschal Candle.

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    Call to Prayer As we light the Year of Grace candle, may its light be a sign of Christs promise to bring us salvation. The candle is now lit Let us pray in silence, asking for the grace to start afresh from Christ. [extended period of silent prayer] Year of Grace Prayer Gracious God, You have blessed this ancient land with many gifts, especially its people. We thank you for the Year of Grace, a time to start afresh from Christ. You invite us to contemplate the face of Jesus your Son, that we may experience a new wave of grace, and that the light of Christ may burn more brightly in our lives. Attune our hearts and minds to the presence of your Holy Spirit, that our Church may be transformed, our relationships be healed, and our nation grow in compassion and justice. With the intercession of St Mary MacKillop, who showed us new ways of living the Gospel, we make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen. Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.

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    A short litany of saints may now be offered Saint John the Baptist pray for us. Saint Joseph pray for us. Saint Peter and Saint Paul pray for us. The names of other saints may be added, especially local patrons, and of the church or locality. The litany concludes: All holy men and women pray for us. Closing Prayer

    Let us pray

    Dear God, Your Son, the Risen Jesus, accompanies us on our way and enables us to recognise him, as the disciples of Emmaus did, "in the breaking of the bread". May he find us watchful, ready to recognise his face and run to our brothers and sisters with the good news: "We have seen the Lord!" We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

    Blessing May almighty God bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Dismissal Go now in peace to love and serve the Lord Thanks be to God Closing Hymn See attached suggestions

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    Opening and Closing Hymn Suggestions Abide with me (AOV2-128, NLP-4, TiS-586, TS-2) All you works of God (AOV1-19, GA-397) Amazing grace (AOV1-29, GA-437, NLP-18, TiS-129, TS-18, TS-1718) Come down, O Love divine (AOV1-118, CWB-653, GA-375, NLP-43, TiS-398, TS-71) Now thank we all our God (AOV1-189, CWB-755, GA-425, NLP-166, TiS-106) O Christ, the great foundation (GA-483) Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (AOV1-78, CWB-789, GA-392, TiS-134, TS-433) Responsorial Psalm Suggestions This is the day (J. Gelineau / R.Proulx Lectionary Psalms: Grail/Gelineau) This is the day (P. Mason Psalms for All Time) This is the day (J. OBrien Psalms for Sundays of the Year) This is the day (C. Smith Responsorial Psalms for the Year) This is the day (C. Willcock Psalms for Feasts and Seasons) Legend AOV As One Voice GA Gather Australia CWB Catholic Worship Book NLP New Living Parish Hymnal TiS Together in Song TS The Source Other resources On the following page are two passages from NMI, either or both of which may be used in the Ritual either by being read out (though not in the same way as a Reading from the Word of God), or being printed in a leaflet or projected onto a screen.

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    A FACE TO CONTEMPLATE 16. "We wish to see Jesus" (Jn 12:21). This request, addressed to the Apostle Philip by some Greeks who had made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Passover, echoes spiritually in our ears too during this Jubilee Year. Like those pilgrims of two thousand years ago, the men and women of our own day often perhaps unconsciously ask believers not only to "speak" of Christ, but in a certain sense to "show" him to them. And is it not the Church's task to reflect the light of Christ in every historical period, to make his face shine also before the generations of the new millennium? Our witness, however, would be hopelessly inadequate if we ourselves had not first contemplated his face. The Great Jubilee has certainly helped us to do this more deeply. At the end of the Jubilee, as we go back to our ordinary routine, storing in our hearts the treasures of this very special time, our gaze is more than ever firmly set on the face of the Lord.

    STARTING AFRESH FROM CHRIST 29. "I am with you always, to the close of the age" (Mt 28:20). This assurance, dear brothers and sisters, has accompanied the Church for two thousand years, and has now been renewed in our hearts by the celebration of the Jubilee. From it we must gain new impetus in Christian living, making it the force which inspires our journey of faith. Conscious of the Risen Lord's presence among us, we ask ourselves today the same question put to Peter in Jerusalem immediately after his Pentecost speech: "What must we do?" (Acts 2:37). We put the question with trusting optimism, but without underestimating the problems we face. We are certainly not seduced by the naive expectation that, faced with the great challenges of our time, we shall find some magic formula. No, we shall not be saved by a formula but by a Person, and the assurance which he gives us: I am with you! It is not therefore a matter of inventing a "new programme". The programme already exists: it is the plan found in the Gospel and in the living Tradition, it is the same as ever. Ultimately, it has its centre in Christ himself, who is to be known, loved and imitated, so that in him we may live the life of the Trinity, and with him transform history until its fulfillment in the heavenly Jerusalem. This is a programme which does not change with shifts of times and cultures, even though it takes account of time and culture for the sake of true dialogue and effective communication. This programme for all times is our programme for the Third Millennium.

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    Similarly, this passage, duly acknowledged and attributed, from Bill Huebsch A New Look at Grace may be read aloud, or reproduced in a leaflet or on a screen.

    We go along in our lives, living everyday in a willy-nilly sort of way

    We dont think much about

    our common tasks ideas, conversations or events.

    They just sort of happen . but every now and then,

    sometimes every day, or even several times per day,

    those plain old words just dont do it. Then you hear us say,

    I just cant tell you how much or Words just cant describe how I feel or Theres no way I could tell you

    And we mean precisely what we are saying:

    weve run out of language, run out of the words we need to describe certain experiences in our lives.

    these experiences are no longer ordinary, common day experiences for us. We begin to identify these experiences as important Only when we are touched and moved by the everyday events and people of our lives, can we be touched and moved by God. Bill Huebsch A New Look at Grace

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    This resource was compiled using resources and with the collaboration of personnel from:

    National Committee for the Year of Grace

    (an initiative for the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference) Diocesan Committee for the Year of Grace

    Catholic Education Office, Parramatta
