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THE TORTUGA POST ________________________________________________________________________ Boletín informativo de la Hermandad de la Costa Bulletin d'information des Frères de la Côte * Newsletter of the Brotherhood of the Coast Notiziario dei Fratelli della Costa Vol. XVIII/2 No 67 VI.20I2 W e all say "Orza!", but who knows ex- actly what that means? It has come to my attention that in some Brotherhoods the passage from Engage to Brother has been a bit casual. I do not mean this from a ceremonial standpoint but from the point of knowledge about the history, costumes and traditions that make up the life blood of our fraternity. This situation may be due to the fact that the mentors of such Engages have not been suitably informed them- selves. Case in point, ask yourself this simple question -- Do you know the meaning of the term Orza? I am ready to bet that the lack of knowledge of this word, which is used extensively throughout our fraternity, is not only surprising, it is shocking. But do not despair Broth- ers and Engages alike, this informa- tion is readily available to you through the web sites www.secoin.org click on the Great- est Dictionary for the definition of the word Orza as well as many other valuable words used throughout our fraternity, and, this information is in Spanish, French & English. Also included in the Greatest Dictionary are the names of distinguished Broth- ers whose selfless contributions have made our fraternity what it is today. In addition, you will find a link http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sec oin/ to Yahoo groups SECOIN, a password protected site, where under the heading Files you can click on Treasures and select Octalogues to find our Octalog, the fundamental law of our fraternity, in many lan- guages including Chinese. There you will also find The Directory for an official list of the world’s Brother- hoods and their contacts as well as other important Brotherhood docu- ments like Ordenanzas y Protocolos prepared by the Chilean Brother- hood. And so my dear Brothers, as we strive to find younger members and before fading into the sunset we must make sure that our history, costumes and traditions which make our or- ganization so special are not lost. Change is inevitable and healthy but please Brothers make a serious effort to better educate our successors. It is vital to our survival. Rascal SECOIN N ous disons tous "Orza!", mais qui donc sait exac- tement ce que cela signi- fie? On a attiré mon attention sur le fait que, dans certaines Confréries, le passage du statut d'Engagé à celui de Frère a parfois été mené de manière un peu légère. Je ne pense pas à la cérémonie proprement dite, mais aux connaissances de notre histoire, de nos coutumes et traditions qui n'ont pas été transmises. Cela est peut-être dû au fait que les parrains de tels Engagés n'étaient pas infor- més eux-mêmes. A ce propos, posez- vous donc la question: Connaissez- vous la signification du mot "Orza"? Je suis prêt à parier que beaucoup ne savent pas. Cette ignorance n'est pas seulement surprenante, elle est aussi choquante. Mais, chers Frères et Engagés, ne désespérez pas: l'infor- mation est à votre disposition sur Internet. Allez donc voir www.secoin.org, Cliquez sur le Grand Dictionnaire pour y chercher la définition du mot Orza (ou d'au- tres termes utilisés dans notre Confrérie), et ceci en espagnol, en anglais et en français. Le Grand Dictionnaire donne aussi des infor- mations sur des Frères qui se sont distingués dans le passé et qui ont fait de notre Confrérie ce qu'elle est aujourd'hui. De plus, en cliquant sur le lien http:// groups.yahoo. com/group/ secoin/ vous accéderez au site Yahoo, protégé par un mot de passe. Cliquez sur Trésor, et vous trouverez l'Octalogue, notre loi fon- damentale, dans toutes sortes de langues, chinois inclus. Et puis vous trouverez au même endroit le Direc- tory, qui vous donne la liste officiel- le des Confréries avec les contacts nécessaires, comme aussi les Orde- nanzas y Protocolos préparées par la Confrérie chilienne. Mes chers Frères, au moment où nous cherchons de jeunes membres, et avant que nous-mêmes ne dispa- raissions dans le crépuscule, faisons donc le nécessaire pour que notre histoire, nos coutumes et traditions qui sont l'essence de notre identité ne se perdent pas: certes le changement est inévitable et salutaire, mais pre- nons la formation de ceux qui nous suivent plus au sérieux. Il en va de la vie de notre Confrérie! Rascal SECOIN Editorial

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________________________________________________________________________ Boletín informativo de la Hermandad de la Costa

Bulletin d'information des Frères de la Côte * Newsletter of the Brotherhood of the Coast Notiziario dei Fratelli della Costa

Vol. XVIII/2 No 67 VI.20I2

W e all say "Orza!", but who knows ex-actly what that means?

It has come to my attention that in some Brotherhoods the passage from Engage to Brother has been a bit casual. I do not mean this from a ceremonial standpoint but from the point of knowledge about the history, costumes and traditions that make up the life blood of our fraternity. This situation may be due to the fact that the mentors of such Engages have not been suitably informed them-selves. Case in point, ask yourself this simple question -- Do you know the meaning of the term Orza? I am ready to bet that the lack of knowledge of this word, which is used extensively throughout our fraternity, is not only surprising, it is shocking. But do not despair Broth-ers and Engages alike, this informa-tion is readily available to you t h r o u g h t h e w e b s i t e s www.secoin.org click on the Great-est Dictionary for the definition of the word Orza as well as many other valuable words used throughout our fraternity, and, this information is in Spanish, French & English. Also included in the Greatest Dictionary are the names of distinguished Broth-ers whose selfless contributions have made our fraternity what it is today. In addition, you will find a link http://groups.yahoo.com/group/secoin/ to Yahoo groups SECOIN, a password protected site, where under the heading Files you can click on Treasures and select Octalogues to find our Octalog, the fundamental law of our fraternity, in many lan-guages including Chinese. There you will also find The Directory for an official list of the world’s Brother-

hoods and their contacts as well as other important Brotherhood docu-ments like Ordenanzas y Protocolos prepared by the Chilean Brother-hood. And so my dear Brothers, as we strive to find younger members and before fading into the sunset we must make sure that our history, costumes and traditions which make our or-ganization so special are not lost. Change is inevitable and healthy but please Brothers make a serious effort to better educate our successors. It is vital to our survival. Rascal SECOIN

N ous disons tous "Orza!", mais qui donc sait exac-tement ce que cela signi-

fie? On a attiré mon attention sur le fait que, dans certaines Confréries, le passage du statut d'Engagé à celui de Frère a parfois été mené de manière un peu légère. Je ne pense pas à la cérémonie proprement dite, mais aux connaissances de notre histoire, de nos coutumes et traditions qui n'ont pas été transmises. Cela est peut-être dû au fait que les parrains de tels Engagés n'étaient pas infor-més eux-mêmes. A ce propos, posez-vous donc la question: Connaissez-vous la signification du mot "Orza"?

Je suis prêt à parier que beaucoup ne savent pas. Cette ignorance n'est pas seulement surprenante, elle est aussi choquante. Mais, chers Frères et Engagés, ne désespérez pas: l'infor-mation est à votre disposition sur I n te rn e t . A l l ez d o n c vo i r www.secoin.org, Cliquez sur le Grand Dictionnaire pour y chercher la définition du mot Orza (ou d'au-tres termes utilisés dans notre Confrérie), et ceci en espagnol, en anglais et en français. Le Grand Dictionnaire donne aussi des infor-mations sur des Frères qui se sont distingués dans le passé et qui ont fait de notre Confrérie ce qu'elle est aujourd'hui. De plus, en cliquant sur le lien http:// groups.yahoo. com/group/ secoin/ vous accéderez au site Yahoo, protégé par un mot de passe. Cliquez sur Trésor, et vous trouverez l'Octalogue, notre loi fon-damentale, dans toutes sortes de langues, chinois inclus. Et puis vous trouverez au même endroit le Direc-tory , qui vous donne la liste officiel-le des Confréries avec les contacts nécessaires, comme aussi les Orde-nanzas y Protocolos préparées par la Confrérie chilienne. Mes chers Frères, au moment où nous cherchons de jeunes membres, et avant que nous-mêmes ne dispa-raissions dans le crépuscule, faisons donc le nécessaire pour que notre histoire, nos coutumes et traditions qui sont l'essence de notre identité ne se perdent pas: certes le changement est inévitable et salutaire, mais pre-nons la formation de ceux qui nous suivent plus au sérieux. Il en va de la vie de notre Confrérie!



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N oi tutti diciamo "Orza!" ma chi sa esattamente ciò che significa?

È venuto alla mia attenzione che in alcune Confraternite il passaggio dallo stato di Aspirante a quello di Fratello avviene in un modo un po’ leggero. Non voglio dire questo da un punto di vista di cerimoniale, ma per la conoscenza della storia, costumi e tradizioni che compongono la linfa vitale della nostra Fratellanza. Questa situazione può essere dovuta al fatto che i mentori di questi Aspiranti non sono essi stessi adeguatamente informati. Caso in questione, ponetevi questa semplice domanda: conoscete il significato del termine Orza? Sono pronto a scommettere che la mancanza di conoscenza di questa parola, che è ampiamente utilizzata in tutta la nostra Frate l lanza, non solo è sorprendente, ma è scioccante. Comunque non disperate Fratelli e Aspiranti perché questa informazione è prontamente disponibile per voi mediante il sito web www.secoin.org cliccare su Greatest Dictionary per la definizione della parola Orza così come di molte altre preziose parole usate in tutta la nostra F r a t e l l a n z a e , q u e s t e informazioni sono in Spagnolo, Francese e Inglese. Nel Greatest Dictionary sono anche inclusi i nomi di illustri Fratelli i cui altruisti contributi, hanno reso la nostra Fratellanza quello che è oggi Inoltre, troverete un link http://groups.yahoo.com/group/secoin/ a Yahoo Group SECOIN, un sito protetto da password, dove sotto la dicitura Files è possibile fare clic su Tesori e selezionare Octalogues per trovare il nostro Ottalogo, la legge fondamentale della nostra Fratellanza, in molte lingue tra cui il cinese. Ci troverete anche l’Indice, un’elenco uf f ic ia le del le Confraternite del mondo e i loro

contatti nonché altri documenti importanti della Fratellanza come Ordinanze e Protocolli preparate dalla Fratellanza Cilena. E così miei cari Fratelli, come noi ci sforziamo di trovare soci più giovani prima di svanire nel tramonto, dobbiamo assicurarci che la nostra storia, costumi e tradizioni che rendono la nostra organizzazione così speciale non vengano persi. Il cambiamento è inevitabile e sano, ma preghiamo i Fratelli di compiere un serio sforzo per educare megl io i nostr i successori. È v i ta le per la nostra sopravvivenza. Rascal SECOIN

T odos decimos "Orza!"; ¿pero quién sabe exacta-mente lo que eso signifi-

ca? Me ha llamado la atención que en algunas Hermandades la etapa para el Enganche a Hermano, ha sido un poco informal. Esto no significa desde un punto de vista ceremonial; pero si desde el pun-to de vista del conocimiento so-bre la historia, costumbres y tra-diciones que conforman la sangre de la vida de nuestra fraternidad. Esta situación puede ser debido a que los mentores de estos Engan-ches, no han sido adecuadamente informados o capacitados. Como prueba, háganse esta simple pre-gunta --¿conoces el significado del término Orza? Estoy dispues-to a apostar que la falta de cono-cimiento de esta palabra, que es utilizada ampliamente a lo largo de nuestra fraternidad, no sólo es sorprendente, es chocante. Pero no se desesperen Hermanos y sigan Enganchando, ya que esta

información está disponible para ustedes en el sitio web www.secoin.org; haga clic en el Gran Diccionario para obtener la definición de la palabra Orza, así como de muchas otras palabras valiosas utilizadas a lo largo de nuestra fraternidad, y esta infor-mación está en Español, Francés e Inglés. También están incluidos en el Gran Diccionario los nom-bres de distinguidos Hermanos cuyas desinteresadas contribucio-nes, han hecho a nuestra fraterni-dad lo que es hoy. Además, en-c o n t r a r á u n e n l a c e http://groups.yahoo.com/group/secoin/ al Yahoo groups SE-COIN, sitio protegido por una contraseña, donde bajo el epígra-fe Files (archivos) puedes hacer click sobre Tesoros y seleccionar Octalogues para encontrar nues-tro Octálogo, la ley fundamental de nuestra fraternidad, en muchos idiomas, incluyendo el chino. Allí también encontraras El Di-rectorio con una lista oficial de la Hermandad mundial y sus con-tactos, así como otros documen-tos importantes de la Hermandad como Ordenanzas y Protocolos elaborados por la Hermandad Chilena. Y por lo tanto mis queridos Her-manos, así como nos esforzamos por encontrar miembros más jóvenes y antes de que caiga el ocaso, debemos asegurarnos que nuestra historia, costumbres y tradiciones que hacen que nuestra organización sea tan especial, no se pierdan. El cambio es inevita-ble y saludable; pero por favor Hermanos hagan un serio esfuer-zo para educar de mejor manera a nuestros sucesores. Es vital para nuestra supervivencia. Rascal SECOIN .

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National NEWS

NEW ZEALAND On March 4th, 2012 the New Zea-land Table of the Brotherhood of The Coast gathered to welcome several visiting brothers and capti-vas from the French and Tahitian tables. Our Captain Undertaker opened the Mid-Summer Feast amidst the mighty roar of canon fire and the clink of lifted glasses. Brotherhood flags and mementos were exchanged between the NZ Table and Jauque and Lisbeth of France (SV Sandantie), and Oliver and Caroline of Tahiti (SV Sam-ara).

Toasts were offered for our own Brothers presently sailing abroad. A fierce battle with fine food and drink then began, and lasted well into the night. Alas, when the can-ons were finally silenced and the smoke cleared, we had suffered several casualties. C'est le guerre.

We of the New Zealand Table are proud of our beautiful country and look forward to sharing it with many of our International broth-ers. And we look forward to meet-ing you in your home nations. Until then, OOORRRRZZZZZAAAA!!!


Le 24 mars la Table de Zeebrugge a organisé à Bruges le Grand Branle-bas National. Celui-ci a lieu tous les 2 ans (année paire) en alternance avec le Grand Boucan National et regrou-pe les 5 Tables de Belgique. Etaient également présents plu-sieurs Frères Néerlandais de la table de Breskens et un Frère Français. Nos Frères de Zeebrugge ont fait fort : drink sur la terrasse du BZYC, beau soleil, petits voiliers en régate, différents Jolly Rogers claquent au vent sur les yachts au

ponton, un spinnaker passe genti-ment, super. Une longue minute de silence est faite en souvenir de nos trop nom-breux Frères ayant mis le cap sur l’Eternité ces deux dernières an-nées. Ensuite, Compte A Flot, Grand Frère National, fait son speech,

recherchant en vain Pietje Potloot (Grand Frère de Zeebrugge) … qui se trouvait en fait juste à côté de lui. Serait-ce l’effet de l’émo-tion ou du breuvage local, la Brug-se Zot. Il salue avec émotion la présence de notre Frère n° 003, Monsieur Champagne, toujours sur le pont.

Il est notre dernier Frère fondateur de la table de Gand, crée en 1955 comme première Table en Belgi-que et une des premières au mon-de. Ce qui lui valut une formidable standing ovation de tous les Frères présents.

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Nous passons à table où d’excel-lents mets nous furent servis par les Engagés des cinq Tables, mets que le Frère Den Pomper et son équipage composé exclusivement de Frères nous ont préparés.

Les différents Grand Frères nous présentent leurs nouveaux Frères et Engagés de ces deux dernières années.

Voici un National qui nous a per-mis de mieux se connaitre entre les différentes Tables belges, de se parler et échanger nos expériences sans nos traditionnelles barrières nationales de langue. Tout le mon-de se comprenait puisque seul le

langage de la Fraternité et de la Solidarité d’Homme de la Mer a cours chez les Frères.

En 2013, il y aura un Grand Bou-can National. C’est au tour de Gand de l’organiser. La date et l’endroit sont déjà définis, le sa-medi 16 mars 2013 à partir de 19h00 au lieu-dit « Het Pand » à Gand.

On vous attend de toutes les tables belges et étrangères, avec vos cap-tives bien sûr. Momo FC234 Scribe National

HAITI Petion Ville le 23 Mai 2012 The Haitian table reunited at Cha-teau Phaenix where we were re-ceived by “L’Epave” . It is always a pleasure for us to spend time with each other. Stickers and Octalogs were turned to Lee, our Captain. Richard Boyer our new “Engage” was present. Topic of the day focused on the arrival of sails donated by “Sails for Sustenance” that will be distrib-uted to Haitian sail boat owners. Thank you Michael Marcaise (Sails for Sustenance). Lee (L’Epave) shared with us a memorable experi-ence he had while he was looking

for a new wheel chair to replace a friend's broken one. He assisted a football game played with handi-capped (leg missing) team. And ask us to find ways to help. Good drinks and good laughter always create a great moment, ‘till the next meeting We are planning the next reunion to happen in Grand Goave for a fish-ing party

Max Bordey International Lookout

GB In Frère de la Côte (GB) we are looking to the future of the Brotherhood….. …. and working hard to

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BAHAMAS News from the Bahamas Table of Abaco

New Brothers On 11th April 2012 the Table in-ducted 3 new Brothers. It was a beautiful moon lit Bahamian eve-ning and the ceremony took place in Barbara Christoph’s Coconut Grove. We were lucky to have visiting Brothers Preston Car-raway and Mike Wagner who as-sisted in the proceedings. Together with their captives and most of the Abaco Table Brothers we had a great evening.

The new Brothers are well quali-fied to join our Table: Carla Maarse (Flag #16), started sailing at the age of 10 with the Royal Dutch Club in Loosdrect in the Netherlands. In 1956 she par-

ticipated in the European Junior Championships in Oslo, Norway. In 1987 she bought a Freedom 40 which she sailed from Canada to the Bahamas and throughout the Caribbean. In 2007 she sailed as crew on an 80 foot yacht from Puerto Williams, Chile to Buenos Aires. Doug Faust (Flag #17), grew up in New England and learned to sail various boats including Light-ning Class, Town Class and Sun-fish. He built his first sailboat, a “lake scow” when he was 14. His first ocean sailboat was a wooden 27’ Gaff rigged Friendship Sloop with no engine! He has partici-pated in many races in many types of boat. Jay Evans (Flag #18), served in the US Navy. He is past Commo-dore and Race Chair of the Chapoquoit Yacht Club. He has raced in many classes and cur-rently sails a Hallberg-Rassy 312, J-32 and Herreshoff 12 in the Ba-hamas and on Cape Cod.

All 3 new Brothers are residents of the island and are active contribu-tors to life on Man o’ War Cay and we welcome them to the Brotherhood.

Abaco Visitors In March we received an e-mail from Domenico Accossato -Table of Turin, Italy, advising us that he and another Brother Pascal Boissy from the Table of Cote D'Azur, France and their Captives Lilla and Nicole were planning to arrive in Marsh Harbour and would be chartering a boat to cruise the Abacos. We organized someone to meet them at the airport and take them to their boat and do a shopping trip. They then sailed over to Man o’ War Cay where we had planned a welcome party. Pascal and our Brother Per Save immediately recognized each other as they had both been on a World Cruise during August 2008 and April 2009. They had sailed in the same Blue Water flotilla from McKay in Australia to Greece. This was a 10,000 NM cruise which took them through many exciting areas including the active pirate waters of the Gulf of Aden. Pascal was on his French flagged S/Y Jupiter and Per on his Swed-ish flagged S/Y Pelle 5. The party became an evening of reminiscing which had not been planned and was a real coincidence. We have also had visits from Mike and Darlene Wagner on their boat Etoile (Corpus Christi), Preston and Sherry Carraway on Blue Moon (Chesapeake) and Scott Ripley (Chesapeake) this year but we would like to see more! Please contact Ted Dowty ([email protected]) if you have plans of visiting the Abacos.

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URUGUAY Zafarrancho Nao Montevideo: El martes 08 del quinto mes del año 2012 se realizó nuestro zafa-rrancho mensual de la Nao de Montevideo en nuestra guarida de la Parva Domus. Este Zaf. se realizó en homenaje a nuestro tripulante muchacho Oscar González, quien zarpara a navegar al Mar de la Eternidad el lunes 07/05/12, realizamos un minuto de silencio en su memoria. 28 hermanos y 5 invitados ocupa-ron nuestras cubiertas. Luego de la lectura del Introito el Capitán Mangueira, solicito permiso al Capitán Nacional Jambo e inicio la maniobra de zarpado, después de lo cual se inició la degustación del bucán, que en esta oportunidad comenzó con una torta pascuali-na. Enseguida se hizo la presenta-ción de los invitados y a continua-ción el invitado de la Capitanía de Montevideo, el profesor Alberto Márquez, nos hizo su presentación y exposición del tema los 100 años del Titanic. La charla por demás interesante con muchas anécdotas, dado que él había tenido familiares a bordo del buque, duro más de 30 minu-tos, en donde la Tripulación guar-do un silencio espeluznante. El profesor Márquez nos mostro el folleto de propaganda del viaje, menú de la ultima cena, la lista de los pasajeros de primera clase, f o t o s , l i b r o s , e t c .

Posteriormente vino el plato prin-cipal que consistió en una buseca, que estaba buenísima, pero no acompañaba el calor que hacía en la noche, lo que a ratos hacía pesa-do el aire.

Más tarde el Capitán Mangueira, mando al cepo a varios Tripulan-tes, entre ellos al hermano Her-mann Leis, quien a cambio de 3 chistes fue liberado de tal castigo; pero el muchacho Gerardo Chim-ko por no acompañar a los bichi-cumas y muchachos a servir paso por el cepo y después el hermano Roberto Lettieri tuvo el mismo final por no usar el pañuelo como corresponde.

Hicieron uso de la caña varios Hermanos, el Capitán Nacional Jambo, nos habló del viaje que se realizará en el mes próximo a Co-piapó, para participar en el Zaf. “Remberto Cabrera” de la Nao Copiapó-Caldera. Entregó infor-mación del piquete inscrito hasta el momento y detalles de los hote-les y demás. El Capitán Mangueira dio las noticias de la Nao Montevideo, indicando que lo más importante es que se está terminando de adap-tar las Ordenanzas y Protocolos al Uruguay, las que están ahora en estudio a cargo de un grupo selec-to de Hermanos, con vasta expe-riencia en la Cofradía y luego se realizara una cámara para darlas a conocer. Informó también que se está traba-jando para la creación de una nue-va Nao. El hermano Pedro Merlino “Loro” nos dio los detalles de la navegación a la isla Martin García que se realizaría el sábado 12/05/12 como hora de zarpe y lugar. Posteriormente se sirvió el postre que consistió en una tarta de man-zanas y canela, todo esto bien acompañado de las pólvoras ne-gras y blancas de la cava de la parva. El Capitán Nacional Jambo nos leyó la Oración al Mar de Salva-dor Reyes y el Oficial Sangrador Daniel Dupont “Tritón”, nos hizo el barrido de cubierta, acompaña-do de los Bichicumas y Mucha-chos. Al finalizar el Capitán Mangueira dio el chipe libre y así pasadas las 00 hrs. se dio por terminado este excelente Zafarrancho. Orza!!! Gonzalo Trías Mangueira Capitán Nao Montevideo

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a bordo del "SKORPIOS " LUGAR: Laguna San Rafaél NAVES: Skorpios II y III " FECHA: 6 al 11 de Sept. 2012


Jueves 06 12:00hrs Captura de las embarca-ciones, zarpe, navegación por ar-chipiélago de Chiloé y cruce del Golfo del Corcovado. Se navegara toda la noche. Viernes 07 10.00hrs visita a Puerto Aguirre por app 2 horas y zarparemos con rumbo al sur navegando los cana-les Ferronave, Pilcomayo, Costa, Estero Elefantes. Fondeando en la noche cerca de Laguna San Rafa-el.

Sábado 08 Entrada laguna San Rafael a las 09:30hrs excursión con los botes por los hielos milenarios. 17:00hrs zarpe con rumbo a las termas de Quitralco Domingo 09 Despertaremos en las termas de Quitralco lugar donde estaremos todo el día. Zafarrancho de com-bate al atardecer hasta que las ve-las no ardan. Lunes 10 Zarpe desde Quitralco una vez terminado el zafarrancho y nave-garemos con rumbo a Puerto Montt pasando por canales Costa, F e r r o n a v e y M o r a l e -da; atravesaremos el Golfo del Corcovado, luego navegaremos bordeando la isla Grande de Chi-

loé, cruzando el canal Apiao y Golfo de Ancud.. Martes 11..recalada en Puerto Montt a las 08.30hrs fin del cru-cero.....

TARIFAS Y CALZOS: Tarifa por el programa completo: Tarifa única por persona en base a cabina doble matrimonial o doble individual: US$1,100 La asignación de calzos se reali-zará en piquetes por NAO y en función de cargos oficiales, rangos y orden de inscripción. Forma de pago: pueden cancelar con tarjeta de crédito en tres cuo-tas o bien con transferencia o de-pósito del 100% de la reserva a la siguiente cuenta: Corp Banca Nº 360285190 a nombre de Naviera y Turismo Skorpios S.A. Las inscripciones se realizarán hasta que se completen los calzos teniendo como fecha tope el día martes 31 de julio de 2012.

Hermanos del Mundo:


1. Contactar a [email protected] 2. Forma de pago. Transferencia bancaria Banco CorpBanca Nº 360285190 a nom-bre de Naviera y Turismo Skor-pios S.A. 4. La reserva se considerará con-firmada una vez recibido los res-pectivos pagos



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USA The Chesapeake Bay Table hosted 140 Brothers, Captives and En-gages with contingents from Aus-tralia, Bahamas, France and Hol-land for the celebration of OpSail 2012 Virginia, and what a great job they did for those attending!

The Zaf started with an evening cruise on board the sailing schoo-ner American Rover, followed closely by Brother Scott Ripley and Captive Michele Workman on the mighty Orza. It was a splendid cruise around Norfolk Harbor graced by a bright orange sunset the likes of which is not often seen. Early the next day attendees boarded boats owned by Brothers to escort the magnificent tall ships slowly sailing single file into Nor-folk Harbor, led by the Coast Guard training ship Eagle – what a stirring sight! All vessels sailed by the 847 ft. Amphibious Assault Ship USS Wasp, her main deck lined with members of her crew in dress whites. The Brotherhood was assigned to escort the 177 ft. barkentine Ga-zela, a noble cod fishing vessel built in 1901 in Portugal to carry fishermen from Lisbon to the Grand Banks. She would depart for the Banks with 35 dories stacked on her deck, a crew of 40, and 90 tons of salt in her hold. Gazela’s fished until 1969, and in

1971 she was acquired by the Philadelphia Maritime Museum. In 1985 her ownership was trans-ferred to the Philadelphia Ship Preservation Guild, a not-for-profit corporation that maintains and operates her today.

The final night was in combat dress for a dinner hosted by Chesapeake Bay's Captain Mike Monteith, during which National Captain Charles Hankins awarded the highest U.S. award “For The Merit” to Savannah’s Albert Seidl and New York’s Charles Fine. The Brotherhood is indebted to both Albert and Charles for their years of dedicated service and contribution to our fraternity. Brothers do not lack for a sense of humor! Presentations by our Dutch Brothers, involving two pair of wooden shoes offered to National Captain Charles Hankins and Table Captain Mike Monteith, were followed by another hilarious presentation by our Australian brothers to the US National Cap-tain involving a brassiere acquired during the World Zaf in Buenos Aires. Rumor has it that it will find its way to the next World Zaf in France. The French representative Bernard Couvercelle made a presentation on the French World Zaf 2014. Bernard also presented SECOIN’s Tony Olmer with a surprise spe-cial gift. The French presentation was followed by Savannah's Cap-tain Albert Seidl with a special award to Bernard Lefevre for his accomplishments on the high seas and his commitment to visit as many Brotherhoods as possible during his around the world trip. Quite and an accomplishment and

an award well deserved! The evening ended on the roof of the hotel where Brothers and Cap-tives were serenaded by a visual extravaganza of fireworks explod-ing over tall ships docked in the harbor. Bravo Chesapeake Bay and thank you for a memorable Zaf. Prior to Norfolk, the New York Table was honored by the visit of the National Captains from Uru-guay, Gonzalo DuPont, and USA's Charles Hankins, as well as the National Captain Emeritus from Chile, Daniel Alvarez. All were hosted at a fabulous dinner featur-ing local seafood at the Greenwich Boat and Yacht Club in Green-wich, CT. After the dinner numerous gifts were exchanged, but most impor-tant The Distincion Gran Boucan-

ero Artiquista was awarded to Robert Coles, Captain of the New York Table, and the Patente de Corso Artiquista - the most pres-tigious award from the Brother-hood of Uruguay - was awarded to National Captain Charles Hankins and SECOIN’s Tony Olmer. This is the first time this award has been awarded outside of Uruguay and was quite an honor for Charlie and Tony to receive. It also should be noted that prior to Norfolk, the Australian contin-gent of 10 Brothers and Captives were hosted to numerous Orzas and much powder by the Houston and San Antonio Tables. This report is respectfully submit-ted by Joe Citarella Vigia with information provided by Tony Olmer

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Report on Buccaneer activities

from Brothers of the Coast

in Portugal

2012 started quite well for Broth-ers of the Coast. In January, a group of Brothers and one Captive joined the annual Dusseldorf Zaf with our Brothers from the Dusseldorf Table, during the Dusseldorf Messe, and had the pleasure to join also a lot of Broth-ers from several other Tables.

Our Table and the Brothers of the Coast have now 3 new Brothers who swear allegiance to the Octa-log and the Law of the Brother-hood, having the official witness of the Brothers, Families and friends.

The Ceremony The first quarter of the year was also filled by a Nautic Zafarrancho held in the Bay of Seixal, a small village opposite to Lisbon in the Tejo river. This village was a very important center of watermills and a main base of all the industry of cereal milling.

The fleet of 8 head to Seixal, tak-ing aboard several Brothers and Families, and we moored on the pleasant bay.. The program for the week end was covering a thematic visit to the live Museum, on a former water-mill totally arrange for this pur-

pose, and also the Museum of miniatures of traditional vessels operating the Tejo river on passed old times when the only way to cross the river was using those sailing boats. At dinner we had a Zafarrancho and some more Brothers also join us, at a small local restaurant.

As usual we continued with our monthly “Fainas” (Zafarranchos), and are prepairing an open and informal Zafarrancho joinning all Brothers of the Coast who are planning to visit or being in Lis-bon for the Tall Ship Race on 18 to 22 of July 2012. More informa-tion will follow soon. As life is a continuous move, some of our elder and also Foun-der Brothers of the Table of Portu-gal, sailed away to Eternity. They were: - “Zé Toi” Sá Carneiro aka “WATERPROOF” - Vasco Rocha Cardoso aka ”PÉ LEVE” - Manuel Correia de Figueiredo aka “FIASCO”. We wished them fair winds head-ing Eternity. Rui Costa “Falcaças” National Captain João Baracho“Eterno” Vigia Internacional

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ITALIA 55° ZAFARRANCHO NAZIONALE NAVIGAZIONE FLUVIALE – “ LA VIA DEGLI ZAR” Da San Pietroburgo a Mosca 23 maggio – 2 giugno 2012 Il tradizionale Zaf. di navigazione dei Fratelli italiani è partito questa volta dal Mar Baltico per raggiungere Mosca dopo 1817 km. di navigazioni in acque interne e 162 mt. di dislivello. Trascorsi alcuni giorni fra “i canali” della sempre interessante San Pietroburg, Venerdi 25 maggio la Motonave LENIN, inizia la navigazione sul fiume Neva che con la sua larghezza da 250 mt. a 1,3 km. preannuncia subito la maestosità dei corsi d’acqua che saranno attraversati.

Sabato 26 in tarda mattinata, dopo quasi nove ore di navigazione sull’immenso lago Làdoga, il più grande d’Europa ed uno dei più vasti nel mondo, i Fratelli giungono a Mandroga sul fiume Svi r . Nel pomer iggio la navigazione riprende su questo fiume che si snoda in mezzo a rigogliose foreste primigenie, punteggiate ogni tanto da piccole case tradizionali che anche a notte fonda sono rischiarate da una luminosità tenue ma persistente. In navigazione c’è stata una riunione di Fratelli che si sono intrattenuti su vari aspetti della vita nella Fratellanza.. Nel corso della cena,

in occasione di uno scontro a golpes de canon, i Fratelli italiani hanno sconfitto degli avamposti di Infiltrados abusivi che si erano piazzati nei pressi delle loro postazioni gastronomiche. Domenica 27, h. 8,00 arrivo a KIZHL. Un’isoletta particolare fra le tante sul lago Onega, ce ne sono 13.000! Un posto protetto dall’UNESCO per la sua storia e per un interessante villaggio museo all’aperto che riflette chiese e case di un’architettura rurale fra le più antiche della Carelia. Notevole la Cattedrale della Trasfigurazione, tutta in legno con 22 cupole che cambiano colore secondo l’inclinazione dei raggi del sole. Nel primo pomeriggio partenza per Gorotzy, navigando su lago Onega, un’enorme distesa d’acqua dolce non sempre calma, infatti in autunno, prima del grande freddo ( circa 30 gradi sotto zero), le onde raggiungono anche altezze sino a 5 mt. Lunedì 28, h. 13,00 arrivo a GOROTZY risalendo il canale Vytegorskij e le sue 6 chiuse che in meno di 40 km. portano dal livello di mt. 32 ai mt. 112 del fiume Kovza e poi del Lago Bianco. Nell’occasione è stato v is i ta to l ’ i n teressante ed imponente Monastero di San Cirillo. In serata, poi, “Cena Pirata”, con i Fratelli che si esibiscono in improvvisate “ tenute de combate”. Martedì 29, h. 15,00 arrivo a JAROSLAV, interessante città russa con ragguardevoli chiese, parchi e musei, dopo aver attraversato il fiume Sheksna, l’imponente bacino artificiale di Ribinsk ed essere entrati nel Volga, il più grande fiume della Russia ( 3530 km.). Ripresa la navigazione è stata lanciata una sfida per il torneo a carte “ Las Pinellas de las Cautivas”, aperto e c c e z i o n a l m e n t e a l l a partecipazione degli altri ospiti della nave, ma vinto all’ultimo arrembaggio dall ’equipe “ Tripulacion de los Hermanos de la Costa de Italia. Risalendo il Volga verso Uglich si può ammirare l’intensa attività commerciale e di navigazione che si svolge lungo il

suo corso. Mercoledì 30, h. 9,00 arrivo a UGLICH, Visi ta a i rest i dell’antico Cremlino della città ed alle interessanti chiese rimaste dopo la distruzione seguita alla costruzione della grande centrale idroelettrica contigua alla città. Subito dopo la partenza tutti sui ponti per fotografare il passaggio dalla chiusa monumentale di Uglich, In serata cena di gala per i Fratelli della Costa, con tutti gli Hermanos in divisa d’ordinanza e tricorno riuniti attorno alle bandiere della Fratellanza. La serata termina con il golpe de canon del Gran Commodoro El Cabeçon, detto Marcello Bedogni, e l’intensa intonazione dell’inno di fratellanza, il coro“ Va Pensiero” di Giuseppe Verdi.

Giovedì 31, h. 13,00 arrivo a Mosca dopo aver percorso il canale Volga – Mosca che con 6 chiuse risale dai 120 mt. della città di Dubna ai 162 mt. del punto più alto del canale, per ridiscendere a livello della Moscowa e quindi alla stazione Fluv iale Nord di Mosca. Giovedì pomeriggio, venerdi e sabato mattina visite guidate e libere a città e dintorni. La temperatura è cambiata, fa più freddo che al nord, c’è vento ed anche il clima sembra presagire la tristezza del fine crociera e della separazione da un incontro così ben riuscito. Sabato 2 giugno, al pomeriggio sciogliete le righe e ritorno ai rispettivi covi, non prima di aver ricevuto i complimenti della Direzione di crociera per l’allegria e la simpatia dimostrata da tutti i Fratelli in questa traversata sulla rotta degli Zar . Spassiba a todos. El Cabeçon

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VALPARAISO, una película maravillosa de Joris Ivens, (comentario de Chris Marker, música de Georges Delerue) :


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Boletín informativo oficial de los Hermanos de la Costa.

The official newsletter of the Brotherhood of the Coast. Bulletin d'information officiel

des Frères de la Côte. Notiziario ufficiale dei Fratelli della Costa

Editor honorario de la parte española: Aldo Devoto Pascualetti ���� Honorary English Editor : René Fiechter ����

Director of the publication and English Editor: Tony Olmer (SECOIN) Phone: (+1) 203-854-9558 @: [email protected]

Editor de la parte española : Rene Olhaberry Gonzalez Tel. fijo: (56 2) 8487193 Móvil: 98217839 @: [email protected]

Editore della parte italiana a.i.: Maurizio Piantoni , tel. 00 39 06 3016622 mobile 00 39 348 7806234 @: [email protected]

Editeur de la partie française , coordination finale et production: Jacques Rial Mobile: ++41 79 356 17 86 @: [email protected]

THE TORTUGA POST Next issue: IX. 2012

Indice Contents Sommaire

Secoin's Editorial, 1 National News, 3

Cartoons / Video, 11

El Tortuga Post es enviado libremente por E-mail a todos los Hermanos que se están inscri-tos en BOC-Lista. Las Hermandades naciona-les están autorizadas para utilizarlo de acuerdo a sus necesidades: copias, traducciones parcia-les, etc, con la condición sin embargo que siempre se indique la fuente. Por su parte, los Vigías internacionales comunicarán con uno u otro de los redactores o a SECOIN las noticias de su fraternidad. Estos comunicados serán escritos en una de los cuatro idiomas oficiales de la fraternidad, y no traducidos normalmen-te. The Tortuga Post is sent free by e-mail to all the Brothers who are on the BOC-List. The national Brotherhoods are authorized to use it to fit their needs: copies, partial translations, etc., with the condition that the source always be indicated. For their part, the International Lookouts will communicate the news of their Brotherhood to one of editors or to SECOIN. These official news will be written in one of the four official languages of the Brotherhood and will normally not be translated. The Tortuga Post est adressé gratuitement par e-mail à tous les Frères qui figurent sur la BOC-List. Les confréries nationales sont autorisées à l'utiliser au mieux de leurs be-soins: copies, traductions partielles, etc., à la condition toutefois que la source soit toujours indiquée. Pour leur part, les Vigies interna-tionales communiqueront à l'un ou l'autre des rédacteurs ou à SECOIN les nouvelles de leur confrérie. Ces communiqués seront rédigés dans l'une des quatre langues officielles de la Confrérie, et ne seront normalement pas tra-duits. Il The Tortuga Post è inviato gratuitamente per posta elettronica a tutti i Fratelli che sono nella BOC-List. Le Fratellanze Nazionali sono autorizzate a utilizzare per le loro esigenze copie e traduzioni anche parziali a condizione che ne sia sempre indicata la fonte. Da parte loro i Vigìa Internazionali comunicheranno a uno dei Redattori o a SECOIN le notizie relative alla loro Fratellanza. Questi comunicati saranno redatti in una delle quattro lingue ufficiali della Fratellanza e di regola non saranno tradotti.

Deadlines, délais, plazos, scadenze for/pour/para/per

2012/2013 :

No. 68 15/09/2012 No. 69 01/12/2012 No. 70 15/03/2013

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Tony Olmer 6 Fourth Street

Norwalk, CT 06855 U.S.A. Phone: (+1) 203-854-9558 Fax: (+1) 203-852-0260

@: [email protected]