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Page 1: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Page 2: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara



P R E Z I O S A 2006 No Body Decoration. Research Jewellery as a re-defi nition of the Human Body Maria Cristina Bergesio, curator Compared with the other arts, jewellery has one peculiarity: its fi nal destination is the human body.The exhibition highlights the evolution of the body-jewellery relationship in the fi eld of artistic re-search and innovation, in contrast to the usual perception of jewellery as decoration or fashion accessory.The human body acquires a fundamental role as a source of inspiration and a necessary comple-tion of the creative process.It is not simply decorated, but is made to participate in an aesthetic transformation, itself becoming an exhibition space for works born out of experimentation.

Wearing a piece of artistic jewellery requires the awareness that one is using one’s own body as a tool for non-verbal communication.The ornament becomes a dual sign, both of the creative universe of the person who made it and, simultaneously, of the personality of the person who has decided to wear it.

Research jewellery is the expression of a Weltanschauung, an outlook on life, just as paintings, sculpture and architecture can be.“The painter uses the canvas as a means of expressing his ideas; jewellery is exactly the same for me” (Gijs Bakker, Zeichen am Körper, 1987).

Guarda PREZIOSA 2006 su Youtube:




Exhibition: 22nd September to 22nd October, 2006

Opening cerimony: 22nd September, at 4 p.m.Visit hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., closed on Monday.Address: Villa Bottini, Lucca23rd and 24th September: meeting with the partecipant artists, Villa Bottini


23rd September: ofi cial opening of “Le Arti Orafe” Lucca’s branch, Via S. Andrea 33,

with musical intervention of Nicola Beller Carbone, sopran.25th September to 22nd October, workshops, conferences, meetings on contemporary jewellery at Le Arti Orafe Academy”, Lucca.


Page 3: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara



• Friedrich Becker

• Bruno Martinazzi

• Gerd Rothmann

• Gijs Bakker

• Christoph Zellweger

• Frédéric Braham

• Naomi Filmer

• Ruudt Peters

• David Watkins

• Marjorie Schick

• Noam Ben-Jacov

Friedrich BeckerEDITION 2006

Page 4: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Friedrich BeckerEDITION 2006

Friedrich Becker

Page 5: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara

Bruno MartinazziEDITION 2006EDITION 2006

Bruno Martinazzi

Page 6: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Gerd RothmannEDITION 2006

Gerd Rothmann

Page 7: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Gijs BakkerEDITION 2006

Gijs Bakker

Page 8: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara

Christoph ZellwegerEDITION 2006 EDITION 2006

Christoph Zellweger

Page 9: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Christoph Zellweger Christoph Zellweger

Page 10: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Frédéric BrahamEDITION 2006

Frédéric Braham

Page 11: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Frédéric Braham Naomi FilmerEDITION 2006

Page 12: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Naomi FilmerEDITION 2006

Naomi Filmer

Page 13: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Ruudt PetersRuudt Peters

Page 14: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


David WatkinsDavid Watkins

Page 15: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Marjorie SchickMarjorie Schick

Page 16: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Noam Ben-JacovNoam Ben-Jacov

Page 17: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara



Page 18: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara



In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara Schmidt, Michèle Heuzé, Liesbeth den Besten, Zachary Androus e Noel Gazzano

Composto da 130 pagine, con immagini a colori dei lavori di ogni artista, il catalogo è stato stampato e cura Maria Pacini Fazzi editore, LuccaIl prezzo di copertina è di 18 Euro

Grafi ca e Layout:Noumeda Carbone, [email protected] l catalogo è disponibile su richiesta, al prezzo di 18 euro, utilizzando l’ap-posito FORM

E’ anche disponibile il VIDEO della mostra, che può essere acquistato insieme al catalogo, al prezzo complessivo (catalogo+video) di 25 euro

Page 19: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Page 20: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Beyond Body Decoration. Jewellery from Ganjam’s Heritage collection

Lucca Preziosa 2006 again intends to expand the scenario, both geographically and culturally, by hosting a selection of 19th-century Indian jewellery from the Heritage collection of the presti-gious Indian company Ganjam. Long necklaces, head ornaments linked to marriage rituals, forearm bracelets, belts…: these objects of great importance are witness to the technical ability and craftsmanship of their cre-ators, and highlight the central role that jewellery had and continues to have in Indian society.

An integral part of daily life, worn by women, men and children, jewellery has a position beyond purely aesthetic gratifi cation: in its forms, in the motifs portrayed and in the act of wearing on the body, it represents the essence of Indian spirituality, sending clear messages via a codifi ed series of legible signs.

Jewellery is recognized as having the power to maintain body and mind in equilibrium and har-mony; its forms are designed to be worn on all the joints and pressure points so as to stimulate the fl ow of vital energy. The human body takes on absolute relevance: in both the contemporary research works and the creations from Indian tradition, we see the semiotic complexity of jewel-lery, which refuses to be reduced to pure ornamental accessory and highlights aspects linked to the decision to “adorn”, to clothe one’s own body – one’s own ego – and display it to the world


Page 21: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Friedrich Becker

1922 - 1997

Friedrich Becker grew up in Grevenstein Sauerland. He graduated from school in Düsseldorf as a trained mechanic.In 1940 he attended the aviation engineering college in Thorn/Weichsel andcompleted his studies from 1947 to 1951 at the in-dustrial art college of Düsseldorf.

In 1952 he passed his degree and opened his own workshop in Düsseldorf. He also worked as an assistant of Professor Karl Schol-lmayer.

In 1964 Friedrich Becker took over the management of the metal design workgroup(gold and silver) at the Düsseldorf Industrial Art School and in 1970 became director of studies and teacher trainer. Three years later he was appointed professor at the Düsseldorf technical college, where he taught until his retirement in 1982.

Friedrich Becker is one of the outstanding celebrity artists of our times. As an internationally renowned goldsmith, a creator of kinetic jewellery and kinetic objects, a designer and last but not least a professor at the Düsseldorf Technical College he made a major contribution to goldsmith art in the second half of thetwentieth century.

As early as the 1950s Friedrich Becker developed hidden mountings with interchangeable stones considered a technical mar-vel at the time (...). This new concept led in the 1960s to kinetics, where Friedrich Becker fi rst introduced thefourth dimension in jewellery design known as Die Bewegung or “The Movement”. In 1997 the London Royal College of Art awarded him the title of honorary doctor.


Bruno Martinazzi

Selected Awards

• 1987 Recipient, Golden Ring of Honour, Asso-ciation for Goldsmiths’ Art (created by Karl Gustav Hansen `82), Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau, Germany • 1976 Herbert Hoffmann Prize, Internationale Schmuckschau, Internationale Handwerksmesse, Munich • 1972 Prize, 4. Internationaler Wettbewerb - Ansteckschmuck, Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim, Germany • 1965 Bavarian State Prize, Munich • 1961 Acquisition Award, International Exhibition of Modern Jewellery, Goldsmiths’ Hall, London

Selected Exhibitions

2001L’Arte Gioiello, D’Artista Dal 900 ad Oggi, Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy; Brune Maritnazzi, La Violenza della Guerra e le Vie della Pace, Castello di Baron Canadese;1994 A Moveable Feast 1964-1994: HWD Collection, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Schmuck Unserer Zeit 1964-1994: HWD Collection, Museum Bellerive, Zurich, Switzerland;Schmuck und Gerät, Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau, Germany (traveled) 199313 Goldschmiede: Von Amsterdam bis Tokyo, Bay-erische Akademie der Schönen Künste, Munich Contemporary Jewelry 1964-1993: Selected Works, HWD Collection, The Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock Schmuck: Die Sammlung der Danner-Stiftung, Galerie für angewandte Kunst, Munich 1992-93 Korun Kieli (The Language of Jewelry) 1964-1992HWD Collection, Röhsska Konstslöjdmuseet, Go-thenburg, Sweden; Taideteollisuusmuseo, Helsinki, Finland 1992 Sieraden, Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Gronin-gen, The Netherlands 1990 Ehrenringträger, Gesellschaft für

Goldschmiede Kunst, Hamburg, Germany 1989 Infi nite Riches, Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, FL Ornamenta 1, Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim, Germany 1987 Solo Exhibition, Helen Drutt Gallery, Philadelphia, PA 1986 Arte Moderna a Torino, Fondazione de Fornaris, Turin, Italy 1985Martinazzi: Contro le Guerre, Basilica di Santa Maria all’Impruneta, Florence (traveled) 1984 Contemporary Jewellery: The Americas, Australia, Europe and Japan, National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto; Tokyo Jewellery International, American Craft Museum II, New York Martinazzi: Sculture e Disegni, Museo Diocesano, Venice 1983,79,76,73,70 International Jewellery Art Exhibition, Tokyo Trienni-als 1982,77,73,70 Schmuck - Tendenzen, Schmuckmuseum, Pfor-zheim, Germany 1982,75 Solo Exhibitions, Galleria Gian Enzo Sperone, Rome 1981 Martinazzi, Museo di Torre Pellice, Turin, Italy Triennale Internazionale: Marmo, Lavoro, Scultura, Carrara, Italy 1980 Schmuck International 1900-1980, Künstlerhaus, Vienna Tin Symposium, Hochschule für angewandte Kunst, Vienna 1978 Martinazzi, Galerie am Graben, Vienna 1976 Internationale Schmuckschau, Internationale Handwerksmesse, Munich 1975 Jewellery in Europe, Scottish Arts Council Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland (traveled) 1974

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18 Orfévres d’Aujourd’hui, Musée des Arts Décorat-ifs, Lausanne, Switzerland 1973 21 Premio del Fiorino, Florence 1972 4. Internationaler Wettbewerb - Ansteckschmuck, Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim, Germany 1971 Gold+Silber Schmuck+Gerät, Norishalle, Nuremberg, Germany 1968 International Jewelry Exhibition, Muzeum skla a bizuterie, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czechoslovakia 1966 Art in Jewelry, Finch Museum, New York 1964 Solo Exhibition, Galleria Il Punto, Turin, Italy (traveled) 1961 International Exhibition of Modern Jewellery: 1890-1961, Goldsmiths’ Hall, London

Selected Public Collections

Centro Direzionale Fiat, Turin, Italy Danner-Stiftung Collection, Munich Fondazione de Fornaris, Turin, Italy Museo d’Arte Moderna, Turin, Italy Museum des 20.Jahrhunderts, Vienna Muzeum skla a bizuterie, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim, Germany Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, London

Bruno Martinazzi


Gerd Rothmann

born Frankfurt, Germany, 1941

Selected solo exhibitions

Body and jewellery, Galerie Zimmer, Düsseldorf, 1974; Jewellery in Europa, Victoria & Albert Muse-um, London, UK, 1975; Neue Formen, Landesmuseum Olden-burg, Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim, and Museum Schwäbisch, Gmünd, 1976; Körper: schmuck, zeichen, raum, Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover, 1979; The tenth year, Electrum Gallery, London, UK, 1981; Körperkultur, Landesmuseum Oldenburg, 1983; Musterbuch, Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, Galerie Spektrum, Munich, and Gemeentemuseum, Arnhem, the Netherlands, 1984; Musterbuch, Museum Bellerive, Zurich, Swit-zerland, 1985; Körpersensationen, Galerie Spektrum, Mu-nich, and Galerie am Graben, Vienna, Austria, 1987; Fingerprints, Rezac Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA, 1988; Signaturen, Museum Schwäbisch, Gmünd, 1990; Virgin, Snug Harbor Culture Center, New York, NY, USA, 1992; Neue Arbeiten, Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich, 1994; Neue Arbeiten, Galerie Delcourt van Krimpten, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,1995; Gerd Rothmann, Galerie Zaunschirm, Zurich, Switzerland, and Galerie Magari, Barcelona, Spain, 1996; Amulette, Villa de Bondt, Ghent, Belgium, 1997; Ringe, Helen Drutt Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1998; Silberne Schalen, Galerie Fred Jahn, Studio, Munich, 1999; Gold und Silber: Rothmann in Bern, Skripto-thek, Bern, Switzerland, 1999; 30 Jahre zurueck, Galerie Biró, Munich, 2000; Goldfi nger, Helen Drutt Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2001; Jewellery, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, 2001; Jewellery, Bayerische Kunstgewerbe Verein, Munich, 2002; Gerd Rothmann, Galerie Fred Jahn, Studio, Munich, 2002; Gerd Rothmann, Museum für angewandte

Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, 2002; Il tocco magico, Oratorio San Rocco, Padoua, Italy, 2003; Magic touch, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 2004; Gefrohnrenes Feuer wie Gold, Galerie Heu-felder-Koos, Munich, 2004; Jewelry: works and words, Ornamentum, New York, NY, USA,

Public collections

Australia National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, ACT; National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, VICInternational Danner-Stiftung, Munich; Die Neue Sammlung, Munich; Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau; Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin; Landesmu-seum für Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte, Oldenburg; Musée des Arts Décoratifs de Montréal,QC, Canada; Museum für angewandte Kunst, Vienna, Austria; Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg; Museum für Kunsthandwerk, Franfurt am Main; Mu-seum of Arts and Design,New York, NY, USA; Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, USA; Münchner Stadtmuseum, Munich; National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan; The Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Prov-idence, RI, USA; Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK

Page 23: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Gijs Bakker

1942 Born in Amersfoort

1958 – 1962 Instituut voor Kunstnijverheidsonder-wijs, Amsterdam1962 – 1963 Konstfack Skolan in Stockholm, In-dustrial Design Department1966 Marries Emmy van Leersum († 1984), with whom he opens the Atelier voor Sieraden (Jewellery Workshop) in Utrecht1968 Gold and Silver Medal for jewellery, Jablonec, Czech Republic1971 – 1978 Lectures at Academie van Beeldende Kunsten, Design Department, Arnhem1987 ¬ 2003 Professor at The Design Academy, Department Living, Eindhoven1988 Awarded Françoise van den Bosch Prijs for jewellery1996 Ra Award 1996 for jewellery. Co-founds with Marijke Vallanzasca the “Chi ha paura…?” founda-tion for jewellery designed by international designers2001 Global advisor American Craft Museum, New York2002 Project “Sense of Wonder”, jewelry collection Chi ha Paura…? Foundation, together with SM’s s’Hertogenbosch , fi rst presented in Milanduring International Furniture Fair.2005 Project “What’s Luxury”, jewellery collection Chi ha paura…? Foundation, together with SM’s s’Hertogenbosch, fi rst presented in Milan, during International Furniture Fair. Retrospective jewellery exhibition “Gijs Bakker and Jewellery”, museum SM’s, s’Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. Mono-graph, Ida van Zijl

Solo exhibitions Gijs Bakker

1965 ‘Sieraden’, Emmy van Leersum and Gijs Bak-ker, Galerie Swart, Amsterdam, The Netherlands1967 ‘Nederlandse edelsmeden 3’. Stedelijk Muse-um, Amsterdam, The Netherlands‘Sculpture to wear by Emmy van Leersum and Gijs Bakker’. Ewan Philips Gallery, London, U.K.1969 ‘Draagbare objecten’. Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands; ‘Objects to wear’, Gijs Bakker, Emmy van Leersum, Nicolaas van Beek,

Nederlands Dans Theater, Den Haag, The Nether-lands; Cleveland County Museum, Middlesborough, England; Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseet, Trondheim, Norway; Power House Museum, Syd-ney, Australia; National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Japan; National Gallery Bratislava, Slowakije; Museum of Decorative Arts, Montreal, Canada; Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel; Cooper Hewitt Museum, New York, USA; Denver Museum of Art, Denver, USA; Schmuckmu-seum, Pforzheim, Germany; Kunst und Gewerke Museum, Hamburg, Germany; Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England; Nederlands Textielmu-seum, Tilburg, The Netherlands; Joods Historisch Museum, Amsterdam, The Neth-erlands; Philadelphia Museum of Modern Art, Phila-delphia, USA; Droog Design collection, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Chi ha paura....? collection, Am-sterdam, The Netherland; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francis-co, USA

Françoise van den Bosch, Bernard Lameris. Travelling exhibition. Smithsonian Institute, Washing-ton, USA; ‘Werfkelder voor multipliceerbare object-en’. Utrecht, The Netherlands1970 ‘Kledingsuggesties Emmy van Leersum en Gijs Bakker’. Galerie Art & Project, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Galerie Plus Kern, Gent, Belgium.1972 ‘Objects to wear’, Gijs Bakker and Emmy van Leersum. Electyrum Gallery, London, UK and Inge-nieursbureau DHV, Amersfoort, The Netherlands1986 ‘New jewellery’. Helen Drutt Gallery, Phili-delphia, USA and Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, The Netherlands1989 ‘Solo voor een solist’, retrospective exhibition Centraal Museum, Utrecht, The Netherlands and Helen Drutt Gallery, New York, USA; KunstRai 1989, Galerie Ra, Amsterdam, The Netherlands1993 ‘Gatenproject’. Galerie Ra, Amsterdam, The Netherlands‘Gatenproject’. Galerie Spektrum, München, Germa-ny1998 ‘‘Holysport/Shot’. Helen Drutt Gallery, Philadel-phia and Sofa Art Fair, New York, USA

2001 ‘I don’t wear jewels, I drive them’. Galerie Ra, Amsterdam and KunstRai, Amsterdam, The Nether-lands and Gallery Helen Drutt, Philadelphia, USA2002 Centre for Contemporary Craft, Houston, USA. Selected Retrospective Exhibition.

2005 Retrospective exhibition ‘Gijs Bakker and Jew-elry’ SM,s Museum, s’Hertogenbosch.Publication oeuvre catalogue by Arnoldsche, Stutt-gart

Work in collections:

Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst, Den Haag, The Neth-erlands; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Nether-lands; Centraal Museum, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Gemeentemuseum, Arnhem, The Netherlands;Haags Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag, The Neth-erlands; Gemeentelijk Van Reekummuseum, Apel-doorn, The Netherlands; SM’s - Stedelijk Museum, s’Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands;


Gijs Bakkert

Page 24: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Christoph Zellweger

19 April 1962, Lübeck, Germany


2002 Prize of the Communauté Française de Belgique, Belgium2002 Swiss Federal Prize for Design, Kulturamt Bern, Switzerland2001 European Ceramic Work Centre, working grant, H’bosch, Holland2000 Werkbeitrag des Kulturamt Bern, stipendium, Switzerland2000 Cultural Research Institute, SHU, one se-mester sabbatical, Sheffi eld2000 D&AD, British Design & Art Direction, mem-bership award, England1998 Swiss Federal Prize for Design, Kulturamt Bern, Switzerland1995 Swiss Federal Prize for Design, Kulturamt Bern, Switzerland1995 Herbert Hofmann Prize - International Award, Munich, Germany1993 Prize by the Kulturamt Graz, Outdoor Instal-lation in the City of Graz, Austria1992 Robinson Charitable Trust Award, London, England1988 Deutscher Schmuck & Edelsteinpreis, rec-ommendation, Germany

Public Collections:

2004 Museum für Angewandte Kunst, MAK, Frankfurt, Germany2004 Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, Zürich, Switzerland 2002 Contemporary Arts Society, England 2002 Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim, Germany2001 Musee d’ Horlogerie, Geneve, Switzerland2000 Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Germany1998 Middlesborough Contemporary Jewellery Collection, England1998 ArCo Permanent Collection of Art, Lisbon, Portugal1997 National Foundation for Contemporary Art -

FNAC, Paris, France1994 British Crafts Council, London, England1993 Angermuseum Erfurt, Germany1990- work in various Private Collections

Major Group & Solo exhibitions (selected):

2005 Natural History Museum Lisbon, Ossarium rosé, personal exhibition, Lisbon, Portugal (s)2005 Design Museum (Centre Cultural de Belem), The Nomad Room, Lisbon, Portugal (p)2005 Swiss National Museum, Intervention Fre-md-Körper, Zürich, Switzerland (s)2004 Foundation Gulbenkian, Meeting Points, Exhibition, Lisbon, Portugal (p)2004 Musee de Design et d’Art Appliqués Contem-porains, Body Extensions, Lausanne, CH 2003 SchmuckProdukt Zollverein, Fremd-Körper, Essen, Germany (s)2003 Galerie Tactile, Fremd-Körper, Solo Exhibi-tion, Geneva, Switzerland (s)2002 Espace Solidor, with Hanagarth (F), Mc Clure (CAN), Cagnes sur Mer, France (p)2002 Raum für Schmuck, with Mattar (D), Gottdorf (D), Köln, Germany 2001 Gallerie V&V, with Eichenberg (NL), de Decker (B), Vienna, Austria 2000 Gallery Hnoss, Solo Exhibition, Gothenburg, Sweden (pp) (s) 2000 Jerwood Prize 2000, Crafts Council Gallery, London (p) (t)1999 Gallery Louise Smit, Solo Exhibition, Amster-dam, Holland (pp)1998 Centro de Arte e Comunicaiao Visual, Solo Exhibition, Lisbon, Portugal (s)1998 European Prize for Contemp. A&D-led Crafts, Vienna, Gothenburg, Paris (p) (t)1997 Forum für Schmuck, Solo Exhibition, Zürich, Switzerland (s)1996 Gallery Poree, with Onno Boukhoudt (NL), Paris, France (s)1995 Galerie für Schmuck, Solo Exhibition, Zug, Switzerland (s)1994 Gallery van Krimpen, with Sigfried de Bück (B), Amsterdam (s)1990 Galerie Off Limits, Solo Exhibition, Zürich,


Switzerland (s)

Exhibitions: (t) travelling/ touring exhibition, (p) publication/ catalogue, (pp) personal catalogue, (s) solo/ major exhibition(*) prize winner/ shortlisted, exhibitions in prepara-tion

Publications: 2005 Catalogue: Black Dog Publishing, London EnglandCatalogue: The Nomad Room – international … Lisbon, Portugal Artikel: Review of Ossarium Rosé -exhibition in Lis-bon, by Liesbeth den Besten NLVormberichten: Amsterdam, BNO 2005, Issue Sep-tember 2005, page 102004 Catalogue: 1000 Rings – Inspiring Adorn-ments for the Hand, Publisher: Lark Books, USA; Page: 170, 202ISBN: 1-57990-508-0Catalogue: Meeting Points - 25 Years of Interven-tions at ArCo, Lisboa, Portugal Publisher: Fundacao Calouste GulbenkianISBN: 972 – 635 – 153 - 72003 Catalogue: Crafts Now - 21 Artists Each from America, Europe and Asia World Competi-tion of Arts and Crafts, Kanazawa, Special Invitation-al Exhibition, Kanazawa World Craft Forum, JapanISBN ? 920-8550Catalogue: Inner Luxury - Joieria Contemporania Internacional Publisher: Fundacio la Caixa, Barcelona, SpainISBN: 84 – 7664 – 814 - 6Catalogue: Corporal Identity – Body Language, 9th Triennial for Form & Content, USA and Germany, MAK Museum für Angewandte Kunst / Klingspor Museum Offenbach / Museum of Art & Design New YorkPublished by the Museums as above: ISBN: 3 – 88270 – 098 – XMagazine: Article in Handwerk&Schmuck, by Dr Barbara Maas

Four pages: Catalogue: Experiment Schmuck: Das Erfurter Schmucksymposium 1984 – 2002Angermuseum Erfurt, Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim, Galerie V&V , WienPublisher: Kulturdirektion der Stadt Erfurt, ISBN: 3 – 9808816 – 0 - 1Catalogue: Masterpieces/Capolavori, l’artista artigia-no tra Picasso e Sottsass, World Crafts Council, Publisher: Fondazione per il Libro la Musica la Cultura, Palazzo Bricherasio, Torino, Italy, page 149Catalogue: by EKWC, European Ceramic Work Centre in S’Hertogenbosch, Holland, published by EKWC2002 Catalogue: Swiss Design 2002 Bundesamt fur Kultur, Verlag Lars Muller PublishersISBN: 3 – 03778 – 001 - 0Catalogue: Slip: Artists in the Netherlands and Brit-ain working with Ceramic.Frans Hals Museeum, Haarlem, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, NorwichISBN: 90 – 8044 – 564 – 9Catalogue: Nature and Time … Catalogue: Art Jewellery in Switzerland in the 20th Century, La Bibliotheque des Arts, Geneva, Swit-zerlandISBN: 2 – 88453 – 094 - 0 Catalogue: Silver in the Field, experimental work-shop, BishopslandISBN: 1 - 899764 - 259Catalogue: European Triennial of Contemporary Jewellery 2002World Crafts Council, Mignault, BelgiumIBSN: noD / 2002 / 6269 / 3Catalogue: Trois Visions d’ un Corps, Bijou Contem-porain, Cagnes sur Mer, Direction des Affaires Culturelles, par la Ville de Cagnes sur Mer, France2001 Catalogue: The Breath of Nature, Cheongju International Craft Biennale 2001, Jikji Publishers, South KoreaISBN: 89 – 89011 – 07 – 8 93600Catalogue: The Art of The Ring, Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USAProduced and Published by Mobilia Gallery, 9/20012000 Catalogue: The Ego Adorned, 20th Century

Christoph Zellweger

Page 25: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Artists’ JewelleryKoningin Fabiolasaal, Antwerp, pages 268 / 269ISBN: 90 - 6625 - 024 - 0 Catalogue: Kunst hautnah, Künstlerhaus Wien, Austria ISBN: 3 - 900926 - 07 - 7Catalogue: Alles Schmuck, Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich, Verlag Lars MüllerISBN: 3 - 907078 - 32 - 2 Catalogue: Jerwood Applied Arts Prize 2000, British Crafts Council ISBN: 1 - 870 - 145 - 860 1999 Personal Catalogue: Christoph Zellweger 1990 - 1999 ISBN: 0 - 9534957 - 0 - 1- Creative Review / Magazine, March 99 issue, fea-ture of catalogue - Unfold magazin, Spring/ Summer 1999 issue, re-view of catalogue - Graphic magazin, November 1999 issue, review of catalogue- Bound for Glory, graphic design year book 1999, Printed Matter- British Art & Design Direction, Award 2000, publica-tionCatalogue, 20th Century Swiss Art Jewellery, A. Rik-lin-Schelbert, VGS St Gallen ISBN: 3 - 7291 - 1093 - 4Catalogue, Nature in Design, Alan Powers, Conran Octopus Publishing ISBN: 1 8409 1046 1Catalogue, Memento Mori / reminder on death, Fo-rum für Schmuck und Design, Cologne, Germany, ISBN: 3 - 00 - 003353 - xCatalogue, 25 Years ArCo- Centro de Arte e Com-municacao visual, LisbonISBN: 972 97987 0 2Catalogue, 100 years at the RCA, Art and Design, by Christopher FraylingISBN: 1 85585 72511998 Catalogue, Dictionaire International Bijou, Edition du Regard, Paris pages 557 / 560, ISBN: 2 - 903370 - 98 - 2Catalogue, European Prize for Contemporary Art & Design-Led Crafts World Crafts Council - Europe

Catalogue, The Ring, Design: Past & Present, Sylvie Lambert, France ISBN: 2-88046-317-3Catalogue, The Royal College of Art, Postgraduate Art & Design, LondonCatalogue, Eidgenossischer Preis fur Gestaltung, Casorella, Castello Visconteo, Locarno, Swiss Federal Offi ce of Culture, Bern, Switzerland1996 Catalogue, 24/8/1997, Alchemy - The Stone of Wisdom, Lappenranta, Finland ISBN: 952 - 5155 - 09 - 9Catalogue, RCA on display, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, GermanyCatalogue, Broschen, 3/5/1997, Ausstellung im Kun-stforum Kirchberg / Desinfarkt, Switzerland Catalogue, 27/07/97, published by CINABRE, 36360 Lucay-Le-Male, France1997 Catalogue, Objects of Our Time, The Crafts Council, London, Martina Margetts ISBN: 1- 870145 - 63 - 1Catalogue, Jewelry - in Europe & America / New Times New ThinkingISBN: 0 - 500 - 27879 - 2 by Ralph Turner, Thames & Hudson,Catalogue, Design of the times: One hundred years Royal College of Art ISBN: 0 - 903685 - 42 - 6Catalogue, Schmuck ‘96, Intern. Handwerksmesse Muenchen, Germany Published by the 1996 Bayerischer Handwerkstag e.V.Catalogue, The Capture of Europe, Cologne - Hax-ham, Germany - England ISBN: 3 - 930246 - 07 - 41995 Catalogue, Priestory Duse - Seelenraeume, Bratislava, Slovakia ISBN: 80 - 85694 - 79 - 4Catalogue, SchmuckSzene ‘95, Inter. Handwerks-messe Muenchen, Germany Published by the 1995 Bayerischer Handwerkstag e.V.Catalogue, Schmuckkunst der Moderne, Mainz, GermanyISBN: 3 - 9803605 - 3 - 9Catalogue, Obverse - Reverse, RCA / Royal Mint, London, England

Christoph Zellweger


ISBN: 1 - 874175 - 01 - 21994 Catalogue, Work / Ethics, Sheffi eld Hallam University, Sheffi eld, EnglandISBN: 0 - 86339 - 4361

Catalogue, Contemporary Art Medals of the World, FIDEM XXIII British Museum, London, Published by FIDEM XXIII, Page 1161992 Catalogue, 5 th International Symposium on Jewellery, Erfurt, Germany Published by the Landesversicherungsanstalt ThueringenCatalogue, 3 eme Triennale du Bijou, Musee des Arts Decorative, Paris, FranceISBN: 2 - 906 450 - 86 – 3 Catalogue, Ringfrei - Mitgliederausstellung des Fo-rum, Cologne, Germany Published by the Forum fur Schmuck und Design e.V. Köln

Christoph Zellweger

Page 26: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Frédéric Braham

November 2, 1967, Antibes, France


1987-92: Workman in jewellery studio, France. Ate-liers de Fontblanche, Nîmes, France.

Selected Exhibitions:

2006, “Koru2”, South Karelia Art Museum, Lappeen-ranta, Finland. “Schmuckszene”, Museum of Art and Design, New York; 58th Internationale Handwerks-messe, Munich, Germany. “XI Schmucksymposium“, Erfurt, Germany. 2005, “Cosmetic Attitude”, solo exhibition, Galerie Biró, Munich, Germany. “Contemporary narrative European Jewellery”, The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh, Great Brit-ain, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, Netherlands. “Du paraître à l’être, un fi l rouge dans le bijou contem-porain français“, Espace Solidor, Cagnes sur Mer, France. “In-corporer”, 4eme biennale internationale du bijou contemporain, Musée des Beaux Arts, Nîmes, France. 2004, “Un vrai bijou!“, Galerie Artcore, Paris, France. “Gold jewelry from Europe, contemporary works“, Castel Museum, Cagnes sur Mer, France. 2003, “18th biennale UMAM, grant Henri Matisse“, Galerie des Ponchettes, Nice, France. 2002, “Plastic in contemporary jewellery“, Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, Hungary. “10 Jahre Gal-erie Biró“, Galerie Biró, Munich, Germany. “Nature and Time“, Goldsmiths House of Germany, Hanau, Germany. 2001, “Nocturnus”, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia. “2eme biennale internationale du bijou contemporain“, Chapelle des Jésuites, Nîmes, France. “Therapeutic Attitude”, solo exhibition, Gal-erie Hipòtesi, Barcelona, Spain. 2000, “Therapeutic Attitude”, solo exhibition, Galerie Biró, Munich, Germany. “S.O.F.A.”, Jeweler’s Werk Galerie WashingtonDC, Chicago, USA. 1999, “De main de maître “Palais des Congrés, Paris, France. “Bijoux de France“, Centre dArt Con-

temporain Bouvet-Ladubay, Saumur, France. “Henri Gargat, Françoise et Claude Chavent, Frédéric Braham“, Espace Solidor, Cagnes sur Mer, France. “S.O.F.A.”, Jeweler’s Werk Galerie WashingtonDC, New york, USA. 1998, Talente, 50th internationale Handwerksmesse, Munich, Germany. “S.O.F.A.”, Jeweler’s Werk Gal-erie WashingtonDC, Chicago, USA. 1997, “Schmuckszene”, 49 th Internationale Handw-erksmesse, Munich, Germany. 1996, “Chimériques polymères“, Musée d’Art Mod-erne et d’Art Contemporain, MAMAC, Nice, France. “The Capture of Europe“, Institute of Art and Design, Birmingham; Queen’s Hall Art Center, Hexham, Great Britain. 1995, “Or et Médailles”, World Gold Council, Parc des expositions, Paris, France.

Related Professional Experience:

2006, Curator for the city of Biot, France, exhibitions “100%”, 1 Passé, 2 Présent, 3 Futur, (Vivianna Torun Bülow-Hübe, Fernand Léger,Hans Hedberg, Keiko Courdy…), catalogue. Curator for the contemporary jewellery art center, Espace Solidor, City of Cagnes sur Mer, France, exhibition “Transcender et Subver-tir, un matériau en question, le papier” (contempo-rary jewellery), catalogue. 2004, Curator for the con-temporary jewellery art center, Espace Solidor, City of Cagnes sur Mer, France, exhibition “I don’t wear jewels, I drive them – Automobile et autres objets corporels” (Gijs Bakker-Droog Design Foundation, BP, Ted Noten, Ferrari, Maserati), catalogue. Lec-ture and organisation of Gijs Bakker‘s workshop at EMAP School of Fine Arts, Monaco. 2002, exhibition setting, “Kris et Sarong. Masculin et Fémimin dans l’Archipel Indonésien”, Asian Arts Museum, Nice, France. Lecture at Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain . Curator for the contemporary jewellery art center, Espace Solidor, City of Cagnes sur Mer, France, exhibitions ”Three Visions of a Body” (S.Hanagarth, C.Zellweger, P.McClure), catalogue; “Joyaux d’Espagne” (contemporary jewellery), cata-logue. 2001-05, Art consultant for the contemporary jewellery art center, Espace Solidor, City of Cagnes


sur Mer, France. 1999, Interior design for the con-temporary jewellery art center, Espace Solidor, City of Cagnes sur Mer, France. 1996-95, Visiting teach-er at technical school for jewellers, supported by the French Ministry of Arts (DRAC, PACA). Lectures and workshops, Castel Museum, Cagnes sur Mer, France.

Public and Private Collections:

Karl Bollmann Collection, Austria; City of Cagnes sur Mer, France; Castel Museum, Cagnes sur Mer,-France; Peter Oehme Collection, Germany


Frédéric Braham

Page 27: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara



2003 Swarovski – “Runway Rocks” Catwalk show of couture accessories sponsored by Swarovski Crystals2001 Alexander McQueen - “El Baile Der Toro Re-torsido” Spring/Summer 2002, Paris Fashion Week1999 Dai Rees – “Ail” Spring/Summer 2000, Lon-don Fashion WeekDai Rees – “Aon” Autumn/Winter Show 1999/2000, London Fashion Week1999 Shelley Fox - Spring/Summer 2000, London Fashion WeekShelley Fox – “Ending” Autumn/Winter Show 1999/2000, London Fashion Week1998 Tristan Webber - “Sanctum” Autumn/Winter Show 1998/99, London Fashion Week1997 Julien MacDonald - Spring/Summer Show 1998, London Fashion Week1996 Hussein Chalayan - “Lands Without” Spring/Summer Show 1997, London Fashion WeekHussein Chalayan - “Still Life” Autumn/Winter Show 1996/97, London Fashion Week1995 Hussein Chalayan – “Nothing Interscope” Spring/Summer Show 1996, London Fashion WeekHussein Chalayan - “A Long False Equator” Autumn/Winter Show 1995/6, London Fashion Week1994 Hussein Chalayan - “Temporary Interference” Spring/Summer Show 1995, London Fashion weekHussein Chalayan - “Cartesia” Hussein Chalayan Debut Show, London


2004 British Council, IndiaSpeaker at conference ‘Hand and the Machine’ or-ganised by the British Council, Bangalore‘Shining Lights’ DeBeersDesign director for jewellery design workshops in South Africa as a prelude to competition ‘Shining Lights’, and a judge on the panel of judges.2003 British Council & CITEM Design consultancy/Manila FAME. PhilippinesCommissioned by the British Council to consult 10

export-manufacturing companies in the fashion ac-cessories sector of the Philippines2001 – 2 ’Chivas Revolve’ SeagramsCommissioned to design and produce exclusive glassware to launch revolutionary whisky ‘Chivas Revolve’


2005 The Watkins Era The Contemporary Applied Arts, London Touch Me The V&A, LondonSpectres The V&A, London2004 Malign Muses Mode Museum, Antwerp Body Extensions Musee Bellerive, Zulrich2003 Hometime Rooms British Council organised exhibition, touring ChinaTROP Musee de la Mode et du Textile, Paris, spon-sored by Swarovski2002 Designing Ourselves The Royal Museum, NMS, Edinburgh, ScotlandBe-hind Be-fore Be-yond solo show AldoPremoliStu-dio, Milano, Italy 2000 Transitory Jewellery solo show Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, SwanseaJerwood Applied Arts Prize 2000: Jewellery Crafts Council, London N1My Precious Solo show Aurum, London NW31999 Be-hind Be-fore Be-yond Solo show Judith Clark Costume Gallery, London W11 Out of Fashion Sponsored by Mandarina Duck, Ber-ry house, London EC11998 No Picnic Crafts Crafts Council, London N1Powerhouse UK Horse Guards Parade, London SW11 DTI commissioned show


2004 Journal of Design History Volume 17 n0.3 Relationships between Design, Craft and ArtCo editors: Grace Lees-Maffei & Linda Sandino2003 Fashion at the EdgePublished by Yale University Press (London & New


Haven) Author: Caroline Evans1999 JewelleryPublished by New Holland Author: David Watkins“One of a new series of Design Sourcebooks”1998 The London Book Of FashionPublished by Thames and HudsonAuthor: Andrew Tucker1997 UnclaspedA Book of Contemporary British JewelleryPublished by Black Dog PublishingAuthor: Derren Gilhooley


Naomi Filmer

Naomi Filmer

Page 28: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


Svenja John

1950, Naaldwijk, the Netherlands


2003 “CHANGE” Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau G2003 “CHANGE” Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim G2003 “CHANGE” Designmuseum, Gent B2003 “CHANGE” Beurs van Berlage Museum, Amsterdam NL2002 “small change” Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen NL2002 “CHANGE” Museum of Modern Art, Arnhem NL2002 galerie Spektrum Munchen G2002 Art fair Kunstrai gallerie Marzee Nl2002 Hnoss gallery Götenborg S2001 galerie Marzee, Nijmegen NL2001 galerie Spektrum, Munich G2001 galerie Jewelerswerk, Washington dc USA2000 galerie Chobot, Vienna AU2000 galerie Marzee, Nijmegen1999 galerie Stühler, Berlin G1999 galerie Eewal, Leeuwarden1998 galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam1998 galerie Marzee, Nijmegen1998 galeria Magari, Barcelona SP1998 galerie Spektrum, Munich G1997 Harvard Club New York City, NY USA1997 Artfair kunstrai galerie Marzee1997 galerie Sofi e Lachaert, Antwerp B1997 galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam1996 gallery Spektrum, Munich G1996 Artbox, Waregem B1996 Narodni Museum, Prague CR1995 galeria Arte Facto 3, Lisbon P1995 galerie Marzee, Nijmegen1995 gallery Jewelerswerk, Washington dc, USA1994 gallerie Helene Poree, Paris F1994 gallery Sculpture to Wear, Los Angeles USA1994 gallery Spektrum, Munich G1993 galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam1993 galerij Sofi e Lachaert, Gent B1993 presentation Charon Kransen, New York USA1993 gallery Jewelerswerk, Washington dc, USA1992 galerie Spektrum, Munich G

1992 de Krabbedans, Eindhoven1992 galerie Marzee, Nijmegen1992 galerie V&V, Vienna A1991 galerie Marzee, Nijmegen1991 galerie V&V, Vienna A1991 van Reekum Museum, Apeldoorn1991 Design Horizonte, Frankfurt G1991 galerij Sophie Lachaert, Gent B


2002 Lesley Graze Gallery London GB2002 “Die Erfurter Schmucksymposien 1984-20002002 “Nature and Time” Goldsmiths´House Hanau, G2002 “No polisch without friction” Centraal Muse-um Utrecht, NL2002 “el broche” Forvm Ferlandina, Barcelona, SP2002 “pièce / à / conviction” Tactile, Geneve Ch2002 “Floating time, 21 tiaras for Maxima” Muse-um Het Kruithuis s-Hertogenbosch NL 2002 “Dis-Play” Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam NL2002 “Blow Up” avant-garde jewellery Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam NL2001 “Ringe von 33 Schmuckkunstlern” Galerie Stühler Berlin G2001 “20 jahre Galerie Spektrum” Spektrum Munchen G2001 Jewellery Almere’s choice,© Marzee, de Paviljoens Almere NL2001 Jewellery Apeldoorn’s choice,© Marzee, van Reekum Museum Apeldoorn NL2001 “A Public Space Odyssey” Arti Amsterdam NL2001 “Mikromegas”, American Craftmuseum New York USA2001 Kunstrai, Marzee Amsterdam NL2001 “Ambtsketens”, Stedelijk Museum Amster-dam NL2001 “Mikromegas”, Bayerischer Kunstgewer-be-Verein, Munchen D2001 “the Ring”, Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge USA2001 ‘Coincides with A View by two’, Hellen Drutt, Philadelphia USA2001 “A View by two”, The RISD Museum, rovi-


dence, USA2000 “The ego adorned” Koningin fabiolazaal, Antwerp B2000 “Parures d’alleurs”, Musée de design, Laus-anne CH2000 “Op de huid” Museum voor moderne kunst Arnhem NL2000 ‘La renaissance du Bijou’, Galerie Piltzer, Paris F2000 Kunstrai Marzee NL2000 ‘Schmuck 2000’, Handwerksmesse, München, G2000 ‘Kunst hautnah’, K-haus, Vienna, AU2000 ‘Sculptures portables’, Musee des arts deco-ratifs, Montreal A2000 ‘Alternative material exhibition’, SAC, Bos-ton, USA2000 ‘Jewelrymaker: shaman?’, Beurs van Ber-lage, Amsterdam NL

PUBLICATIONS a selection2001 “Ruudt Peters or the seduction of matter” arte Yjoya,by Monica Gaspar, sept. 2001 SP2001 “Das Geschlecht der Steine” Süddeutsche Zeitung by Cornelius Hafner 27/07/2001 G2000 “Architectur im Schmuck” by Barbera Maas, Schmuck 6/2000 G2000 Ruudt Peters “preguntto que es la dpiedra para ti? by Elena Gastaldon Yjoya sept SP2000 100 jewels 2001 international D2000 ‘”Medals” a dazzling display of invention’, by E. Sozanski USA2000 “Sponti-ring” Gmunder tagepost by Roman Kocholl D2000 ‘Galerie-Rundgang’ by Erwin Meichart, Kro-nenzeitung, March D2000 ‘Scmuck 2000 - Rückblick Visionen’1999 ‘Diaphaneity’, Angela van der Burght, This side up, autumn ‘991999 ‘Klumpen an der Jacke des anderen’, by Ronald Berg, Der Tagesspiegel, July 31999 ‘Bijoux, le visible et le caché’, by Françoise Seince, Courrier des Métiers des Arts, April1999 Panorama, Schmuck Magazin

BOOKS2002 ‘Change’ text by Liesbeth den Besten / Ma-rie- Jose van den Hout / Rob Kurvers2000 ‘Pneuma’, text by Gabi Dewald1999 ‘Vinkhoek’ text by Tracy Metz1997 ‘Lapis’, text by Gert Staal1995 ‘Ouroboros’, text by Jan Hein Sassen1992 ‘Passio ‘, text by Marjan Unger1991 ‘Interno’, text by Ans van Berkum1989 ‘Dedicated To’, text by Ans van Berkum1986 ‘Verleden beelden’, by Cees Strauss

CATALOGUES a selection

2002 21 tiaras for Maxima” Museum Het Kruithuis s-Hertogenbosch NL 2002 “Onedel” Trees Moolhuysen, Schiedam NL2001 “20 jahre Galerie Spektrum” Galerie Spek-tum München G2001 “the Ring”, Metalsmith by Patricia Harris and David Lyon USA2001 ‘Jewellery Almere’s choice’,© Marzee 2001 ‘Jewellery Apeldoorn’s choice’,© Marzee 2001 ‘A Public Space Odyssey” New art in Amster-dam, NL2001 ‘The Ring’ Charles A Wustum Museum of fi ne Arts, Racine USA2001 ‘de nieuwe keten van de burgemeester’ by liesbeth den Besten NL2001 ‘Mikromegas’ Bayerischer Kunstgewer-be-Verein, Munchen D2001 ‘A View by two”, The RISD Museum, rovi-dence, USA2000 ‘op de huid’ Museum v.Moderne Kunst Arn-hem NL2000 ‘Parures d’alleurs’, Muséede design, Laus-anne CH2000 ‘Schmuck 2000’- Handwerksmesse München2000 ‘Schmuck der Moderne’, Pforzheim G1999 ‘Augenlust’, Bundesverband Kunsthandwerk, Erfurt G1999 ‘für dich, für mich’, Schwäbisch Gmünd G1999 ‘Isto é uma joia’, text by Manuel Castro Cal-das


Svenja John

Page 29: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


1999 ‘La renaissance du bijou’, text by Marcelin Pleynet1999 ‘Dictionnaire international du bijou’, Paris F1999 ‘The ring’, by Sylvia Lambert, CH1999 ‘Sieraden, de keuze van Arnhem’, © Marzee1999 ‘Secrets des bijoux’, Musee des arts décora-tifs1998 ‘Secrets of aromatic jewelry’, by Linda Dyett1998 ‘Ten days, ten years’, text by Susan Ewing1998 ‘Brooching it diplomatically’, by helen Drutt

ACQUISITIONS a selection

2003 Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, G2003 Amsterdams Historisch Museum. NL2002 Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem NL2002 Apeldoorns Museum Apeldoorn NL2002 Schmuck Museum, Pforzheim G2001 Musee des Arts Decorative, Paris F2001 Schmuck Museum, Pforzheim G2001 RISD Museum, Providence USA2000 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam NL1996 Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim G1996 Cooper Hewitt, Design Museum, New York USA1995 Danner Stiftung, Munchen D1995 Van Reekum Museum, Apeldoorn NL1995 Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Montreal C1994 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam NL1994 Danner Stiftung, Munich G1994 Anger Museum Erfurt, G1993 Van Reekum Museum, Apeldoorn NL1992 Hiko Mizuno Art School, Tokyo, J1991 provincie Overijssel NLMuseum Boymans van Beuningen, Rotterdam NL1989 Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Vienna A1986 Cleveland County Museum, Middlesborough GB 1986 Philadelphia Museum of Modern Art USA


2000 Françoise van den Bosch Award 2000

1995 nomination Design Prijs Rotterdam ‘95 for Ouroboros1993 nomination ‘Design Prijs Rotterdam’ for Pas-sio1993 ‘Only One’ prize, design of perfume bottle ‘Passio’


Svenja John

David Watkins

1940, Wolverhampton, England

Selected solo exhibitions

1973 American Institute of Architects, Philadelphia 1973 Goldsmiths’ Hall, London 1973 Electrum Gallery, London 1975 “Recent Acrylic Jewellery and Body Forms”, Waterloo Place Gallery, London1977 Bodyline: Superstructure”, Arnolfi ni Gallery, Bristol1978 National Gallery of Victoria, Australia 1980 Galerie am Graben, Vienna1982 Helen Drutt Gallery, Philadelphia1985 Jewellery and Sculpture (Retrospective), Crafts Council, London1986 Jewellery and Sculpture (Retrospective), City Art Gallery, Leeds1986 “David Watkins: Jewellery “ (Retrospective), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam1987 “Ramshaw/Watkins,Schmuck/Jewellery” (Retrospective), Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim and Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau1988 “Embraced”, Galerie Ra, Amsterdam1989 Contemporary Applied Arts, London1989 “Xingu”, Kunstindustrimuseet, Oslo1990 “Xingu”, City Art Gallery, Birmingham1993 “Jewellery Strategies”, Mikimoto Hall, Tokyo2000 Galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam

Selected survey exhibitions

1974 “Collab 74”, Philadelphia Museum of Art 1975 “New Materials in Design”, Science Museum, London1976 “Jewellery in Europe”, Aberdeen Art Gallery and Victoria & Albert Museum1977 “Explosion”, Goldsmiths’ Hall, London 1977 “Schmuck 77 - Tendenzen”, Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim 1980 “International Jewellery 1900 - 1980”, Künstler-haus, Vienna 1982 “Schmuck 82 -Tendenzen”, Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim

1983 “International Exhibition of Jewellery Art”, To-kyo1983 “New Departures in British Jewellery”, Ameri-can Craft Museum,New York1984 “Jewellery International”, Museum of Contem-porary Crafts, New York1984 “Contemporary Jewellery”, National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto & Tokyo 1986 “Modern Jewellery 1964-86, Helen W Drutt Collection”,Philadelphia Museum of Art 1987 “Schmuck - Zeichen am Körper”, Francisco Carolinum, Linz1987 “Joieria Europea Contemporánia”, Fundacio Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona 1989 “Ornamenta I”, Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim 1990 “Gioielli e Legature: Artisti del XX Secolo”, Castello Sforzesco, Milan 1991 “Europäisches Kunsthandwerk”, Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart 1993 “Subjects”, Design Forum Finland, Helsinki 1993 “Facet 1 International Jewellery Bienniale”, Kunsthal, Rotterdam 1994 “A New Century in European Design”, Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Tokyo and touring Japan1995 “Schmuckkunst der Moderne, Grossbritan-nien”, Landesmuseum, Mainz1997 “British Design”, Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Cologne 1998 “Jewellery Moves”, Royal Museum, National Museum of Scotland2000 ‘The Ego Adorned - 20th Century Artists’ Jew-ellery, Koningin Fabiolazaal, , Antwerp 2001 ‘Radiant Geometries’, American Craft Museum, New York 2001 The Art of Jewelry and the Artists’Jewels in the 20th Century, Museo degli Argenti, Firenze 2002 Zero Karats, American Craft Museum, New York

Public art commissions

1981 “Nimbus”, Hereford Cathedral 1982 Chandelier, Victoria & Albert Museum 1987 “Cone Arbour”, Museum het Princessehof, Leeuwarden, Netherlands


Page 30: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


1989 “Pool Pavilion”, Kowloon Park, Hong Kong 1992 Entrance Sculpture, Braintree Tabor School 1992 “Two Wing Wave”, Henrietta House, London

Selected public & major collections

American Craft Museum, New York Australian National Gallery, CanberraCrafts Council, LondonHelen Williams Drutt, PhiladelphiaInge Asenbaum, ViennaKunstgewerbe Museum, Berlin Kunstindustrimuseet, Oslo Museé des Arts Decoratifs, ParisMuseum für Angewandte Kunst, CologneMuseum für Kunst und Gewerbe, HamburgNational Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, AustraliaNational Museum of Modern Art, KyotoNational Museum of Modern Art, TokyoDie Neue Sammlung, MunichNordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, TrondheimRoyal Museum, National Museum of Scotland, Edin-burghSchmuckmuseum, PforzheimScience Museum, LondonStedelijk Museum, AmsterdamVictoria & Albert Museum, LondonWorshipful Company of Goldsmiths, London


1994 “The Best in Contemporary Jewellery”, Rotovi-sion, ISBN 0-7134-7557-9 1999 “A Design Sourcebook: Jewellery”, New Hol-land, ISBN 1.85974.078.22000 “The Paper Jewelry Collection” (Joint Author: Wendy Ramshaw), Thames & Hudson.


David Watkins

Marjorie Schick

1941 Illinois, USA1963 BS (Honors) Art Ed., Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison1966 MFA (Distinction) Jewelry-Metalsmithing, Indiana. Univ., Bloomington1983 One Term, Sir John Cass School of Art, Lon-don Metropolitan Univ.1967- Professor of Art, Pittsburg State Univ., Pitts-burg, KS

AWARDS (selected)

2004 Interviewed, Archives of Am. Art Oral History Program, Smithsonian Institution2000 Fellow, Am. Craft Council1990 Distinguished Alumni Award, Sch. of Fine Arts, Indiana Univ.1985 Mid-Am. Arts Alliance/Nat. Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, (Crafts)


2005 500 Brooches: Inspiring Adornments for the Body, Marthe Le Van, Lark Books, 115, 2482004 “M. Schick: Objects of Self-Consciousness,” Tacey Rosolowski, Metalsmith (Winter), front cover, 24-331000 Rings: Inspiring Adornments for the Hand, Marthe Le Van, Lark Books, 1812002 “M. Schick,” Tacey Rosolowski, American Craft, 62:5 (Oct/Nov), front cover, 66-69Jewels and Jewellery, Clare Phillips, Victoria and Albert Pub., 1381996 Jewelry in Europe and Am.: New Times, New Thinking, Ralph Turner, Thames and Hudson, 381995 Jewelry of Our Time: Art, Ornament and Ob-session, Helen Drutt English, Peter Dormer, Rizolli, 3191994 One of a Kind: Am. Art Jewelry Today, Susan Grant Lewin, Harry Abrams, 611993 The Best in Cont. Jewellery, David Watkins, B.T. Batsford, 146-7, 218

1992 Design Visions, Robert Bell, ed., Art Gallery of Western AU, 92-931991 Int. Crafts, Martina Margetts, Thames and Hudson, 92

PUBLIC COLLECTIONS (selected)Victoria and Albert, LondonRoyal Mus., National Mus. of Scotland, EdinburghRenwick Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washing-ton, DC Mus. of Arts and Design, NYMus. of Fine Arts, BostonMus. of Fine Arts, Houston, TXNat. Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, AUApplied Art Mus., Oslo, NORMunicipal van Reekummuseum of Modern Art, Apel-doorn, NL


2002 Sabatini Gallery, Topeka, KS2001 Decorative Arts Mus., Little Rock, AR1998 Galerie RA, AmsterdamMobilia Gallery, Cambridge, MA1990 Fine Arts Gallery, Indiana Univ., Bloomington1989 Mus. of Applied Art, Trondheim, NOR1988 Galerie RA, Amsterdam1986 Helen Drutt Gallery, PhiladelphiaVO Galerie, Washington, DC1983 Galerie RA, Amsterdam

EXHIBITIONS (selected)

2006 EDGES OF GRACE, Fuller Craft Mus., Brockton, MA2005 SCHMUCK, Handwerksmesse, Munich100 BROOCHES, Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco 2004 VIEW FROM AMERICA, Gold Treasury Mus., Melbourne, Victoria, AUTREASURES FROM THE VAULT, Mus. of Arts and Design, NYHOUDT van SIERADEN, Galerie Lous Martin, Delft, NL


Page 31: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara


2003 JEWELS AND GEMS, Renwick Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DCCHESS, Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco, Victoria and Albert, London2002 ZERO KARATS: DONNA SCHNEIER GIFT TO THE AM. CRAFT MUS., NY2001 MASKERADE, Galerie RA, Amsterdam RING SHOW, Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge, MA 2000 ZIERAT ZIERAT, Southwest Sch. of Art and Craft, San Antonio, TXCOMMEMORATIVE MEDALS/TROPHIES, Helen Drutt: Philadelphia1999 BOOK ART, Mobilia Gallery at SOFA, NY1998 BROOCHING IT DIPLOMATICALLY: A TRIBUTE TO MADELEINE ALBRIGHT, Helen Drutt: Philadelphia,JEWELLERY MOVES, Nat. Mus. of Scotland, Edin-burgh 1997 CELEBRATING AM. CRAFT: 1975-95, Dan-ish Mus. of Decorative Art, Copenhagen1996 NEW TIMES, NEW THINKING, Crafts Coun-cil, LondonSUBJECTS ‘96, Retretti Art Center, Punkaharju, Finland HELEN WILLIAMS DRUTT COLL 1964-94, Mus. Bellerive, Zurich, Stedelijk Mus., Amsterdam1994 KPMG PEAT MARWICK GIFT TO THE REN-WICK, Nat. Mus. of Am. Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC1993 HATS OF THE 20TH CEN., Philadelphia Mus. of ArtAKERSVIKA ADDENDA, Norges Bank, Hamar, NOR


Helsinki, Perth, AU, Bangkok, London, Oslo, Am-sterdam, Tokyo, Seoul, Arrowmont Sch. of Arts and Crafts, TN, Haystack Mountain Sch. of Crafts, ME, Penland Sch. of Crafts, NC, Cleveland Institute of Art, OH, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Hal-ifax, CAN, and colleges and universities in the US


Marjorie Schick

Noam Ben-Jacov



1997 Prins Bernhard Foundation 1999 Project production,’Images’ performing arts foundation, den haag 2001 Basic grant, Dutch Foundation for fi ne arts2001 Prins Bernhard foundation 2001 Project production ,performing arts foun-dation, den haag 2002 Project production,city of Amsterdam2004 Prins Bernhard Foundation 2005 Mondrian Foundation

Body-sculptures Performances

1987 The Other Side of Design Paradiso Amsterdam 1989 International Ballet Gala Stichting Dansersfonds 1979 Het Muziektheater, Amsterdam 1991 Opening performance ‘Natural’ Vondelkerk, Amsterdam 1991 ‘AURA’, full dance evening collaboration with James Saunders Dansprojekte Koln 1992 Gallery in Motion The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel 1997 Project ‘Images’ Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen, Germany 1999 Project ‘Images’, tour in The Netherlands Lantaren/Venster, Rotterdam; Provadja, Alkmaar; 042, Nijmegen; De IJsbreker, Amsterdam; Kumulus West, Maastricht; Huis a/d Werf, Utrecht; Kunsthuis 13, Velp; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. 2001 Priv? domein –Kunst op Kamers Lutherse Kerk, De Rijp 2002 Presentatie cd-rom Images, performance IJsbreker Amsterdam 2002 Opening-performance of exhibition ‘Trans-parantie 3’ De Boterhal, Hoorn2005 Lisbon, Portugal EVERYWHERE.NO-


Group Exhibitions

1985 Schmuck fur Kopf und Haar (award), Schmuck Museum, Pforzheim, Germany 1987 The Other Side of Design, Rietveld Acade-mie, Amsterdam 1987 Schmuck ’87 Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany 1987 Copy Right or Wrong, traveling exhibition, Museon, Den Haag, The Netherlands 1988 Five Israeli Artists, exhibition and perfor-mance, Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam 1989 Rietveld in the RAI, fi nal exam exhibition and performance, RAI, Amsterdam 1989 ORNAMENTA I, exhibition of contemporary jewellery, opening performance/exhibition Scmuck Museum, Pforzheim, Germany 2000 ‘Alle Leden’, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam 2001 Nieuwe leden-Arti et amicitiae, Amsterdam 2002 ‘Dier’- alle leden –Arti et amicitiae, Amster-dam 2003 Wendingen Ensemble 10 jaar – Amstelkerk, Amsterdam 2003 ‘Versier de mens’- Kunstenaars Centrum Bergen (N-H)2004 Nieuwe Leden – Kunstenaars Centrum Bergen 2004 Achter de Zuilen – Gemeentehuis, Bloe-mendaal 2004 SBK Amsterdam SBK Groningen – Akerk, Groningen 2004 KCB in Museum Kranenburgh, Bergen (N-H) 2005 50x50 -exhibition kcb , bergen n-h.2005 De Salon, arti et Amicitiae , Am-sterdam2005 art manifestation : strooming, veld werk, oostknoolendam2005 gallery r.c. de ruimte ,ijmuiden


Page 32: EDITION 2006 - LAO...CATALOG EDITION 2006 EDITION 2006 In italiano ed inglese, il catalogo è curato da Maria Cristina Bergesio, con contributi critici di Dora Liscia Bemporad, Barbara



Solo exhibitions

1995 ‘Man in Space’, BRS Premsela Vonk, Am-sterdam 1996 ‘Desert’-series, Galerie BMB, Amsterdam 1997 ‘Desert’, Gemeentehuis Bloemendaal 1999 Exhibition and opening peformance, Cultu-reel Centrum De Tamboer, Hoogeveen, The Nether-lands 1999 ‘Body and another Body, exhibition and opening performance, The Open Museum, Tefen, Israel 2000 Exhibition and opening performance, Galerij Lieven de Key, Haarlem 2002 Exhibition and installation for Wendingen ensemble, Amstelkerk, Amsterdam 2004 ‘De wereld van Noam Ben-Jacov, De Boter-hal, Hoorn 2005 Installatie voor muziekcompositie Kees van Unen, Grote kerk, Alkmaar 2005 ‘De wereld van Noam Ben-Jacov SBK Amsterdam/ oosterhout2005 gallery 59 sbk, Amsterdam


· Exh.cat. Schmuck fur Kopf und Haar, Schmuck Museum Pforzheim, 1986, p. 6. · Exh.cat. Schmuck ’87, Haus der Kunst, Munich, 1987, p. 42. · Exh.cat. ORNAMENTA I, Internationale Schmuck-kunst, ed. Prestel, 1989, p. 58. · H. Schadt, Goldsmith’s Art. 5000 Years of Jewel-lery and Hollowware, ed. Arnoldsche, 1996, pp. 216, 219. · K. Nelles, James. Leben, Werk und Visionen des Tanzers James Saunders, 1999, p. 107. · Exh.cat. Body and another Body. Noam Ben-Ja-cov - Sculptures, The Open Museum, Tefen, 1999. · Exh.cat. Priv?-domein, Kunst op Kamers, De Rijp, 2001, pp. 55-59. ·new directions in jewellery (english)·mais petro /closer (portuguese /english)


1986 Pforzheimer (Schmuck fur Kopf und Haar) 1987 Abendzeitung Munchen (Schmuck ’87) 1987 Metalsmith, Society of North-American Gold-smiths, p. 33 1988 Joods Historisch Museum, Nieuwsbrief 1989 Sud-West Zeitung (Ornamenta I) 1989 Pforzheimer Zeitung 1989 De Telegraaf (Ballet Gala) 1989 Nieuws van de Dag (Ballet Gala) 1989 Noordhollands Dagblad (Ballet Gala) 1989 Wassenaars Nieuwsblad 1991 K?lner Zeitung (Aura) 1992 Ha?retz, Isr. (Gallery in Motion) 1993 La Tribune, Swiss (Cinderello) 1993 NRC Handelsblad (Perf. capino Ballet) 1994 Trouw (Perf. Scapino) 1994 NRC Handelsblad (perf. capino) 1995 Cover CD ‘Modern Times’, Channel Classics in cooperation with Joods Hist. Museum, VSB Fonds 1996 Kunstbeeld (exh. BMB, Amsterdam) 1996 Tanzherbst 1997 Bloemendaals Nieuwsblad 1997 Kolner Stadt (exh. hoto’s Museum Ludwich) 1999 Gelderlander (Images) 1999 NRC Handelsblad (Images) 1999 Rotterdams Dagblad (Images) 1999 Volkskrant (Images) 1999 Telegraaf (Images) 1999 Uitkrant (Images) 1999 Volkskrant (Images) 1999 Noordhollands Dagblad (Images) 1999 Het Lied (Images) 1999 VPRO-Gids (Images in ‘Reiziger in Muziek’) 1999 The Jerusalem Post (exh. Tefen, Isr.) 2002 Noordhollands Dagblad (Kunst op Kamers) 2002 NRC Handelsblad (CD-rom Images)


Noam Ben-Jacov

No Body Decoration is organized by:

Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School e Academy, Firenze e LuccaGanjam, Bangalore, India

With the support ofGanjam (main sponsor)Comune di Lucca

CoordinationGiò Carbone Fulvio Carbone Anna Balatti

CuratorMaria Cristina Bergesio

PatronageMusei degli Argenti; Università degli studi di Firenze;Sovrintendenza Museale di Firenze; Sovrintendenza BAPPSAE di Lucca e Carrara;CIBJO (Confederazione internazionale produttori orafi )

Layout Exhibition: Mauro Vegliante, ARKSIGNLayout: Mostre & Mostre, Lucca