ed ebreo - interpersonal communication skills workshop

 2011 Edwin C. Ebreo President exeQserve, Corporation 8933199 09189399294 [email protected] www.exeQserve.com Interpersonal Communication Skills Workshop 

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Edwin C. Ebreo


exeQserve, Corporation



[email protected]


Interpersonal Communication

Skills Workshop 

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www.exeqserve.com [email protected] (632)8933199 or (63918)9399294

Edwin C. Ebreo is the founder and President of ExeQserve,Corporation, an HR Solutions Company. He is also the company’shead consultant for Organization Development and HumanResource Development.

Prior to establishing ExeQserve, Ed worked as HRDirector/Manager for CheQ Systems, a Software QualityEngineering Company, Athena E-Services Group of Companies, aBPO company and PET Plans, a pre-need company that had adiverse number subsidiaries that Ed was tasked to manage. Duringhis stint with these companies, Ed was able to develop his expertisein managing the HR Department as a shared resource amonggroups of companies, handling no less than three companies at a

time. He was also Head of Training for SPI Technologies, one of the largest and pioneeringBPO companies in the Philippines. He also headed the training department of Philippine SevenCorporation, the local licensee of the 7-Eleven chain of convenience stores. He started workingas a freelance Human resource and Organization Development Consultant on weekends at the

early age of 28. He finally left full time HR Management practice 5 years ago to concentrate onconsulting. He eventually setup ExeQserve Corporation in 2007 to cater to his growing clientele.His 15 years of experience helps Ed appreciate organizations and people from variousindustries and help them achieve their full potential through training and other HR-relatedinterventions.

As a Human Resource Management and Organization Development Consultant, Ed has helpedseveral companies and on government agencies establish their HR and OD Strategies. Ed hasalso designed and facilitated training on the following skills; leadership and management;coaching; performance management; customer service; creativity and innovation; presentationskills; time management; personal effectiveness; visioning; assertive communication; HRManagement for line Managers; problem solving and decision making; managing meeting;

change management; selling; team building; strategic planning and trainers’ training. Hecontinues to customize programs to meet the unique needs of organizations.

Ed is a passionate public speaker. He is an active member of Toastmasters Club with a norm ofAdvanced Communicator Silver. As a Toastmaster, he has helped establish clubs and mentoredmembers to achieve their full potentials as public speakers and leaders.

As a consummate HR Professional, Ed has offered free advice on career, human resourcemanagement, leadership and other topics through his popular blog “Anything HR by Ed”(http://anythinghr.blogspot.com) and Pinoy Career Coach(http://pinoycareercoach.blogspot.com ) 

Ed took up Mass Communication at New Era University and has completed various trainingprograms that helped him develop his competence in leading and training. His most importanteducation is his experience as human resource development professional helping companiesachieve their full potential through their people.  You may ask Ed for his CV detailing his career background and the number of courses and clientshe already has.

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www.exeqserve.com [email protected] (632)8933199 or (63918)9399294

Our Methodology

We offer more than training

 We offer you five reasons to avail of our service.

1.  Customization  – we are eager to know more about your company and the target participants in order toenhance the accuracy of our program in addressing your employees real needs.

2.  Preparation  – We believe that training and change go hand-in-hand. We prepare our participants fortraining by giving them a briefing and helping them prepare for the requirements of the training. Becauseof this approach, our participants are ready to jump in with both feet when they attend our training.

3.  Engaging workshops  – We make sure that our courses are highly interactive. We employ the mostinteractive activities to help participants be more engaged and focused on learning.

4.  Post-training report  – During our workshops, our facilitators carefully observe the behaviors of ourparticipants and take notes of possible issues and challenges that may get in the way of application of learning. We also observe participants for demonstration of leadership, creativity and communication

skills. These, together with the many outputs of the program are organized into a report together withour recommendations for next steps. This helps our clients keep tab of the participants learning andfollow through.

5.  Follow through session  – We offer a half-day session meeting with the participants one month after thesession to find out how they applied the learning and what additional help they need so they can be moreeffective in their jobs. 

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www.exeqserve.com [email protected] (632)8933199 or (63918)9399294

Interpersonal Communication

Course Description:Communication is the basis of all human interaction and for allgroup functioning. Every group must take in and use information.  The very existence of a group depends on communication, onexchanging information and transmitting meaning. All cooperativeaction is contingent upon effective communication, and our daily lives are filled with one communication experience after another.  Through communication members of groups reach someunderstanding of one another, build trust, coordinate their actions,plan their strategies, agree upon division of labor, and conduct allgroup activities ---even exchange insults. It is throughcommunication that members interact, and effectivecommunication is a prerequisite for every aspect of group

functioning. (Joining together: Group Theory and Group Skills by David W. Johnson and Frank P Johnson, 1987,p.173) this proves just ho important communicationis in the success of the organization. Poor communication can lead to performance and poorperformance can lead to losses hence, a company cannot afford to have poor communication.

  The goal of this course is to help members of the team by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills for effectively conveying understanding.

Course Objectives:

 At the end of this course, the participants are expected to:

   Appreciate the importance of communication in work success  Identify various communication styles

  Pave the way for positive interactions

   Appreciate the art of active listening 

   Anticipate and avoid common misunderstandings

  Practice assertive communication

  Manage challenging conversations

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www.exeqserve.com [email protected] (632)8933199 or (63918)9399294

Course Details:

 Time   Activities   Activity Objectives 

9:00 to10:00 a.m. 

Communication overview  

  Communication and performance 

  Pay-offs to effective communication   Good communication lead to excellent customer


   The communication process 

  Barriers to effective communication 

   Your communication rights and responsibilities 

   Appreciate theimportance of 

communication in work success 

10:15 to12:00 

Communication Styles 

  Passive, Aggressive and Assertivecommunication 

  Building your assertive communication Skills 

   Anticipate and avoid commonmisunderstandings 

  Identify the roadblocks thatundermine your ability tocommunicate effectively 

  Pave the way for positiveinteractions 

1:00 to2:00 

 The art of listening 

   What you need to know about listening  

  Barriers to listening  

  Building your active listening skills 

   Anticipate and avoid commonmisunderstandings 

   Appreciate the art of activelistening  

2:00 to4:00 


  Causes of conflicts 

  Fixing your assumptions 

  Blame game 

  · Building your skills in professionally dealing withchallenging conversations 

  Build greater relationshipskills that emphasize trust andrespect

4:00 TO5:00 

  FORWARD AGENDA     Create a plan to put learning into action 

5:00    Closing