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University of Northern Colorado EBI Recreation Service Assessment Survey Results Spring 2014

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University of Northern Colorado

EBI Recreation Service AssessmentSurvey Results Spring 2014

INTRODUCTIONSince 1994, EBI MAP-Works has been dedicated to improving retention, student success, and the quality of the college student experience. We have empowered over 1,500 college and universities to impact student development, learning, retention and satisfaction through the MAP-Works student success and retention platforms, and through national benchmarking assessments for accreditation and continuous improvement. MAP-Works' retention effectiveness is grounded in theory, research and statistical methods. EBI Benchmarking Assessment programs are rooted in accreditation and professional standards and in principles of continuous improvements. MAP-Works and the EBI Benchmarking Assessments are the essential foundation of an effective assessment and student success initiative.The Student Affairs Assessment Suite offers ten different nationally-benchmarked assessments, allowing you to compare the performance of different departments on campus, while providing their directors with descriptive and prescriptive information on where to focus resources to have the greatest impact on their programs.The Campus Recreation Department at the University of Northern Colorado conducted an assessment of its services, programs, and facilities from Monday, February 10, 2014 through Sunday, March 9, 2014. The EBI Recreation Services Assessment tool was utilized to acquire feedback from a portion of the student population.With the assistance of the University Assessment Office, Campus Recreation created a random sample of 3,500 students.At the conclusion of the assessment period, Campus Recreation received a total of 579 respondents for a response rate of 16.5%.


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D001. Participant Characteristics - What is your gender?

N% of Total

Male 181 31.3%

Female 396 68.5%

Transgender 1 0.2%

Other 0 0.0%

% Resp = 99.8%

N = 578

D002. Participant Characteristics - How old are you?

N% of Total

18 years old or younger 39 6.7%

19 to 21 years old 296 51.1%

22 to 24 years old 142 24.5%

25 to 30 years old 49 8.5%

31 to 40 years old 31 5.4%

41 to 50 years old 13 2.3%

51 to 60 years old 8 1.4%

Over 60 years old 1 0.2%

% Resp = 100.0%

N = 579

D003. Participant Characteristics - What is your ethnicity?

N% of Total

Hispanic or Latino 98 17.0%

Not Hispanic or Latino 478 83.0%

% Resp = 99.5%

N = 576

MR004. Participant Characteristics - What is your race? (choose all that apply)

N% of Total

American Indian or Alaska Native 20 3.4%

Asian 26 4.4%

Black or African American 24 4.0%

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 9 1.5%

White 517 86.7%

D005. Participant Characteristics - Race/Ethnicity (reporting only)

N% of Total

Hispanic (regardless of race) 98 16.9%

American Indian/Alaska Native/First Nation 10 1.7%

Asian 23 4.0%

Black or African American 16 2.8%

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 2 0.4%

White 428 73.9%

Two or more races 1 0.2%

Race and ethnicity unknown 1 0.2%

% Resp = 100.0%

N = 579

D006. Participant Characteristics - Are you a citizen/permanent resident of this country?

N% of Total

Yes 564 97.8%

No 13 2.3%

% Resp = 99.7%

N = 577

D007. Participant Characteristics - Which best describes your sexual orientation?

N% of Total

Heterosexual or straight 519 90.3%

Bisexual 22 3.8%

Gay or lesbian 14 2.4%

Unsure or questioning 4 0.7%

Prefer not to answer 8 1.4%

Other (please specify other) 8 1.4%

% Resp = 99.3%

N = 575

D008. Participant Characteristics - Where do you currently live?

N% of Total

On-campus residence hall 104 18.0%

On-campus apartment 29 5.0%

Fraternity/sorority housing 6 1.0%

Off-campus with family 88 15.2%

Off-campus not with family 342 59.1%

Other housing 10 1.7%

% Resp = 100.0%

N = 579

D009. Participant Characteristics - Did you transfer to this institution this academic year?

N% of Total

Yes 61 10.6%

No 516 89.4%

% Resp = 99.7%

N = 577

D010. Participant Characteristics - What is your class standing?

N% of Total

Freshman/First-Year 82 14.2%

Sophomore 86 14.9%

Junior 170 29.4%

Senior 181 31.3%

Graduate/Professional Student 58 10.0%

Non-Degree or Other 2 0.4%

% Resp = 100.0%

N = 579

D011. Participant Characteristics - Which area best represents your primary intended major/program?

N% of Total

I have not chosen a major yet 5 0.9%

Agriculture (i.e. Plant and Soil Sciences, Animal Studies, Natural Resources, Parks, etc.) 0 0.0%

Biological Sciences (i.e. Biomedical, Botany, Biology, Physiology, etc.) 22 3.8%

Business (i.e. Management, Marketing, Accounting, etc.) 66 11.4%

Communications (i.e. Journalism, Communications, Public Relations, Media Studies, etc.) 35 6.0%

Computer and Information Sciences 3 0.5%

Education (i.e. Elementary Education, Special Education, Physical Education, etc.) 106 18.3%

Engineering and Technology (i.e. Electrical, Mechanical, Eng Technology, Construction, etc.) 1 0.2%

Family and Consumer Sciences (i.e. Nutrition, Fashion/Interior Design, Human Development, Family Studies, Hotel/Restaurant Management, etc.) 20 3.5%

Health Professions (i.e. Nursing, Physical Therapy, Pre-Med, Occupational Therapy, Health/Fitness, etc.) 126 21.8%

Humanities (i.e. Foreign Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Gender Studies, Philosophy, Religious studies, English, History, etc.) 25 4.3%

Math, Physical Sciences (i.e. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Geography, etc.) 20 3.5%

Professional (i.e. Architecture, Legal, etc.) 2 0.4%

Social Sciences (i.e. Psychology, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Social Work, etc.) 83 14.3%

Visual and Performing Arts (i.e. Dance, Theatre, Music, Art, etc.) 32 5.5%

Other (please specify other): 33 5.7%

% Resp = 100.0%

N = 579

D012. Participant Characteristics - What is your current enrollment status?

N% of Total

Full-time student 544 94.0%

Part-time student 35 6.0%

% Resp = 100.0%

N = 579

D013. Participant Characteristics - In an average week, how many hours do you spend working for pay on-campus?

N% of Total

None 423 73.7%

1 to 10 hours 53 9.2%

11 to 20 hours 74 12.9%

21 to 30 hours 13 2.3%

31 to 40 hours 8 1.4%

More than 40 hours 3 0.5%

% Resp = 99.1%

N = 574

D014. Participant Characteristics - In an average week, how many hours do you spend working for pay off-campus?

N% of Total

None 257 44.7%

1 to 10 hours 75 13.0%

11 to 20 hours 102 17.7%

21 to 30 hours 79 13.7%

31 to 40 hours 46 8.0%

More than 40 hours 16 2.8%

% Resp = 99.3%

N = 575

D015. Participant Characteristics - In an average week, how many hours do you spend studying/out-of-class school work (e.g., homework, practice time, lab time, studying)?

N% of Total

None 5 0.9%

1 to 5 hours 112 19.4%

6 to 10 hours 244 42.2%

11 to 20 hours 134 23.2%

21 to 30 hours 57 9.9%

More than 30 hours 26 4.5%

% Resp = 99.8%

N = 578

D016. Participant Characteristics - What is your cumulative GPA (4.00 scale)?

N% of Total

GPA of 3.50 or higher 217 37.5%

GPA of 3.00 to 3.49 178 30.8%

GPA of 2.50 to 2.99 118 20.4%

GPA of 2.00 to 2.49 49 8.5%

GPA less than 2.00 14 2.4%

Other than a 4.00 scale 2 0.4%

% Resp = 99.8%

N = 578

D017. Participant Characteristics - Are you a NCAA/NAIA student athlete at this institution?

N% of Total

Yes 19 3.3%

No 560 96.7%

% Resp = 100.0%

N = 579

D018. Participant Characteristics - Did this institution's recreation services/facilities influence your decision to enroll at this institution?

N% of Total

Not at all 384 66.7%

Somewhat 169 29.3%

Definitely 23 4.0%

% Resp = 99.5%

N = 576

D019. Prior Experience with Fitness - Prior to using the Student Recreation Center, which best represents the fitness/health center you used most?

N% of Total

Never used a fitness/health center 70 12.1%

High school center 108 18.7%

Community centers like YMCA 91 15.7%

Commercial gyms/health clubs like Planet Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness, CrossFit 211 36.5%

Fitness/health center at a military base 13 2.3%

Yoga studio 12 2.1%

Another college/university health center 53 9.2%

Other (Please Specify Below) 20 3.5%

% Resp = 99.8%

N = 578

D020. Prior Experience with Fitness - Do you currently have a membership at another fitness center in the area?

N% of Total

Yes 73 12.7%

No 502 87.3%

% Resp = 99.3%

N = 575

LA021. If you do have a membership at a local fitness center, please list the fitness center: (N=74)24 Hour Fitness = 10Work Out West = 10Conditioning Spa = 7Miramont Fitness = 5CrossFit = 4Lifetime Fitness = 4


D022. Activities and Programs - Which best describes how you learn about Recreation Services' upcoming activities and programs?

N% of Total

From a friend 109 18.9%

Email 134 23.3%

Recreation Services webpage 85 14.8%

Facebook 25 4.3%

Twitter 1 0.2%

Yard signs 4 0.7%

Fliers/brochures 85 14.8%

Text message 1 0.2%

I don't know about their activities/programs 122 21.2%

Other (Please specify below) 10 1.7%

% Resp = 99.5%

N = 576

D023. Activities and Programs - What is the best way for the Recreation Services to notify you of upcoming activities and programs?

N% of Total

Signs in the Student Recreation Center 79 13.6%

Email 313 54.1%

Recreation Services webpage 35 6.0%

Facebook 68 11.7%

Twitter 12 2.1%

Yard signs 6 1.0%

Fliers/brochures 35 6.0%

Text message 29 5.0%

Other (Please specify below) 2 0.4%

% Resp = 100.0%

N = 579

D024. Student Recreation Center - Have you visited the Student Recreation Center this academic year?

N% of Total

Yes 495 85.5%

No 84 14.5%

% Resp = 100.0%

N = 579

Answered No to D024. Have you visited the Student Recreation Center this academic year?D025. Not Visited the Student Recreation Center - Which best represents why you don't visit the Student Recreation Center?

N% of Total

I am not physically able to use the Student Recreation Center 5 6.2%

I don't know what the Student Recreation Center offers 14 17.3%

The Student Recreation Center is not open during times that are convenient 4 4.9%

Student Recreation Center activities are not available during times that are convenient 8 9.9%

The Student Recreation Center does not have convenient parking 5 6.2%

The Student Recreation Center is not in my traffic pattern 11 13.6%

I'm not at the institution this term (e.g., online student, study abroad, internship, etc.) 14 17.3%

Other (Specify Below) 20 24.7%

% Resp = 14.0%

N = 81

Answered No to D024. Have you visited the Student Recreation Center this academic year?

LA026. In your own words, please tell us why you haven't used the Student Recreation Center this term: (N=62)Distance/Location = 24Busy Schedule = 17Other Gym/Home = 9Not Aware = 8CRC Hours = 6

LA027. What program or service would motivate you to visit the Student Recreation Center: (N=53)No Suggestion = 14Instructional Program = 9Services Already Provided = 9More of Current Services = 6Hours = 5

Answered Yes to D024. Have you visited the Student Recreation Center this academic year?MR028. Visits the Student Recreation Center - Which days of the week do you use the Student Recreation Center? (choose all that apply)

N% of Total

Monday 341 17.4%

Tuesday 300 15.3%

Wednesday 350 17.9%

Thursday 296 15.1%

Friday 306 15.6%

Saturday 196 10.0%

Sunday 172 8.8%

Answered Yes to D024. Have you visited the Student Recreation Center this academic year?D029. Visits the Student Recreation Center - What time of day do you prefer to visit the Student Recreation Center?

N% of Total

Early mornings (before 8 a.m.) 51 10.5%

Mornings (8 a.m. to 11 a.m.) 81 16.6%

Lunch (11 a.m. to 2 p.m.) 60 12.3%

Afternoons (2 p.m. to 5 p.m.) 95 19.5%

Evenings (5 p.m. to 8 p.m.) 133 27.3%

Late evenings (after 8 p.m.) 67 13.8%

% Resp = 84.1%

N = 487

Answered Yes to D024. Have you visited the Student Recreation Center this academic year?D030. Visits the Student Recreation Center - In the past month, how many times did you utilize the Student Recreation Center?

N% of Total

Once 58 11.9%

Two or three times 75 15.3%

Once a week 40 8.2%

Two or three times a week 194 39.7%

Every day or nearly every day 122 25.0%

% Resp = 84.5%

N = 489

Bottom of FormQ031. Publicizes Activities/Programs and Promotes Campus - How satisfied are you with the extent to which the Student Recreation Center: Publicizes activities/programs (e.g., fitness programs, special events) N=479

Std Dev =1.42

Mean = 4.89

Scale: (1) Very dissatisfied,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Very satisfied,Not applicable

Q032. Publicizes Activities/Programs and Promotes Campus - How satisfied are you with the extent to which the Student Recreation Center: Promotes a sense of community on campus N=479

Std Dev =1.46

Mean = 4.94

Scale: (1) Very dissatisfied,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Very satisfied,Not applicable

Q033. Publicizes Activities/Programs and Promotes Campus - How satisfied are you with the extent to which the Student Recreation Center: Provides activities/programs of interest to you N=473

Std Dev =1.34

Mean = 5.28

Scale: (1) Very dissatisfied,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Very satisfied,Not applicable

Q034. Student Recreation Center Environment - To what extent is the Student Recreation Center: A place where you feel welcome N=486

Std Dev =1.48

Mean = 5.48

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q035. Student Recreation Center Environment - To what extent is the Student Recreation Center: A student-oriented facility N=482

Std Dev =1.17

Mean = 5.97

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q036. Student Recreation Center Environment - To what extent is the Student Recreation Center: Open convenient hours N=484

Std Dev =1.43

Mean = 5.71

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q037. Student Recreation Center Staff - To what extent are the Student Recreation Center staff: Available to assist you N=481

Std Dev =1.36

Mean = 5.55

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q038. Student Recreation Center Staff - To what extent are the Student Recreation Center staff: Knowledgeable N=470

Std Dev =1.34

Mean = 5.48

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q039. Student Recreation Center Staff - To what extent are the Student Recreation Center staff: Friendly N=486

Std Dev =1.39

Mean = 5.76

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q040. Student Recreation Center Cleanliness - Regarding the Student Recreation Center, how satisfied are you with the cleanliness of: Entrances N=488

Std Dev =0.96

Mean = 6.23

Scale: (1) Very dissatisfied,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Very satisfied,Not applicable

Q041. Student Recreation Center Cleanliness - Regarding the Student Recreation Center, how satisfied are you with the cleanliness of: Restrooms N=475

Std Dev =1.07

Mean = 6.12

Scale: (1) Very dissatisfied,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Very satisfied,Not applicable

Q042. Student Recreation Center Cleanliness - Regarding the Student Recreation Center, how satisfied are you with the cleanliness of: Locker rooms N=469

Std Dev =1.12

Mean = 6.06

Scale: (1) Very dissatisfied,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Very satisfied,Not applicable

Q043. Student Recreation Center Cleanliness - Regarding the Student Recreation Center, how satisfied are you with the cleanliness of: Workout/fitness rooms N=477

Std Dev =1.06

Mean = 6.13

Scale: (1) Very dissatisfied,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Very satisfied,Not applicable

Q044. Student Recreation Center Equipment - Regarding the equipment in the Student Recreation Center, how satisfied are you with: Variety of equipment N=482

Std Dev =1.30

Mean = 5.75

Scale: (1) Very dissatisfied,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Very satisfied,Not applicable

Q045. Student Recreation Center Equipment - Regarding the equipment in the Student Recreation Center, how satisfied are you with: Quality of equipment N=480

Std Dev =1.20

Mean = 5.89

Scale: (1) Very dissatisfied,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Very satisfied,Not applicable

Q046. Student Recreation Center Equipment - Regarding the equipment in the Student Recreation Center, how satisfied are you with: Availability of equipment during the times you exercise N=480

Std Dev =1.66

Mean = 4.71

Scale: (1) Very dissatisfied,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Very satisfied,Not applicable

Q047. Overall Evaluation of Student Recreation Center - To what degree: Did the Student Recreation Center fulfill your expectations? N=489

Std Dev =1.17

Mean = 5.71

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q048. Overall Evaluation of Student Recreation Center - To what degree: Would you recommend the Student Recreation to a good friend? N=483

Std Dev =1.15

Mean = 6.01

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q049. Overall Evaluation - Overall, how satisfied were you with the Student Recreation Center? N=484

Std Dev =1.01

Mean = 5.93

Scale: (1) Very dissatisfied,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Very satisfied,Not applicable

LA050. What is the main reason you visit the Student Recreation Center? (N=370)To Be Healthier = 280Fitness Equipment = 68Group Fitness = 31Intramural Sports = 27Jogging Track = 25Relieve Stress = 25Open Rec/Basketball/Volleyball = 25 Location/Convenience = 25Free/Price = 21Socialize = 18

LA051. How we can improve the Student Recreation Center to better meet your needs? (N=321)More Fitness Equipment = 94Change Hours = 54More Exercise Space = 34More Group Fitness Classes = 27Improve Marketing = 19Improve Pool = 18

D052. Participation in Programs - Have you held a leadership position in Recreation Services during this academic year (e.g., team captain/manager, club sport officer, instructor, or leader)

N% of Total

Yes 33 5.8%

No 535 93.2%

Don't know 6 1.1%

% Resp = 99.1%

N = 574

D053. Participation in Programs - Have you been involved in any informal programs this academic year (e.g., pickup basketball, use the weight room/cardio room, play tennis/racquetball, run on the track)?

N% of Total

Yes 293 51.1%

No 276 48.1%

Don't know 5 0.9%

% Resp = 99.1%

N = 574

D054. Participation in Programs - Have you been involved in any intramural sports teams this academic year (teams that compete against other teams on campus like flag football, basketball, softball)?

N% of Total

Yes 112 19.5%

No 459 80.0%

Don't know 3 0.5%

% Resp = 99.1%

N = 574

D055. Participation in Programs - Have you been involved in Club Sports this academic year (student organizations that compete with teams at other institutions)?

N% of Total

Yes 35 6.1%

No 534 93.5%

Don't know 2 0.4%

% Resp = 98.6%

N = 571

D056. Participation in Programs - Have you been involved in any outdoor recreation programs this academic year (e.g., climbing, camping, orientation)?

N% of Total

Yes 51 8.9%

No 516 90.4%

Don't know 4 0.7%

% Resp = 98.6%

N = 571

D057. Participation in Programs - Have you been involved in any aquatic / water fitness programs this academic year (e.g., open pool swimming, swim lessons, aqua fitness)?

N% of Total

Yes 79 13.8%

No 490 85.8%

Don't know 2 0.4%

% Resp = 98.6%

N = 571

D058. Participation in Programs - Have you been involved in any fitness programs this academic year (e.g., personal training, group exercise, fitness assessment)?

N% of Total

Yes 117 20.4%

No 455 79.3%

Don't know 2 0.4%

% Resp = 99.1%

N = 574

D059. Participation in Programs - Have you been involved in any instructional programs (credit or non-credit classes) this academic year (e.g., martial arts, tennis lessons, golf lessons)?

N% of Total

Yes, credit classes 64 11.1%

Yes, non-credit classes 57 9.9%

No 453 78.8%

Don't know 1 0.2%

% Resp = 99.3%

N = 575

D060. Participation in Programs - Have you been involved in any special events hosted by Recreation Services this academic year (e.g., golf tournament, run/walk events)?

N% of Total

Yes 51 8.9%

No 519 90.4%

Don't know 4 0.7%

% Resp = 99.1%

N = 574

Q061. Understanding Health/Fitness - Because of my participation in a fitness program(s) at this institution: I know that health/fitness activities improve health N=172

Std Dev =1.12

Mean = 6.32

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q062. Understanding Health/Fitness - Because of my participation in a fitness program(s) at this institution: I can plan a health/fitness program to meet my health/fitness goals N=171

Std Dev =1.32

Mean = 5.80

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q063. Understanding Health/Fitness - Because of my participation in a fitness program(s) at this institution: I can identify my health/fitness strengths and weaknesses N=170

Std Dev =1.27

Mean = 5.89

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

LA064. How we can improve our health/fitness offerings to better meet your needs? (N=73)New Program/Service = 11Instructional Programs = 10Change Fees/Prices = 9Improve Marketing = 8

Q065. Teamwork from Club Sports or Intramural Sports - Because of my participation in intramural or club sports at this institution: I can work cooperatively in a team N=130

Std Dev =1.18

Mean = 6.07

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q066. Teamwork from Club Sports or Intramural Sports - Because of my participation in intramural or club sports at this institution: I can resolve conflicts among my team members N=129

Std Dev =1.18

Mean = 5.91

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q067. Teamwork from Club Sports or Intramural Sports - Because of my participation in intramural or club sports at this institution: I have learned to respect the roles of other people in the game (e.g., referees, coaches, other teams) N=129

Std Dev =1.16

Mean = 6.11

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

LA068. How we can improve our Club Sports or Intramural Sports to better meet your needs? (N=65)Schedule/Times = 8Improve Officiating = 8Change Policy/Rule = 8More IM Sports/Events = 7

D069. Recreation Services Student Leader - In an average week, how many hours do you spend in your Recreation Services student leader role (e.g., team captain/manager, club sport officer, instructor, or leader)?

AnswerN% of Total


1 to 5 hours1137.9%

6 to 10 hours827.6%

11 or more hours413.8%

Q070. Recreation Services Student Leader - Because of my experience as a Recreation Services student leader at this institution: My communication skills have improved N=30

Std Dev =1.24

Mean = 6.17

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q071. Recreation Services Student Leader - Because of my experience as a Recreation Services student leader at this institution: My listening skills have improved N=28

Std Dev =1.10

Mean = 6.18

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q072. Recreation Services Student Leader - Because of my experience as a Recreation Services student leader at this institution: My time management skills have improved N=30

Std Dev =1.06

Mean = 6.13

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q073. Recreation Services Student Leader - Because of my experience as a Recreation Services student leader at this institution: I have more self-confidence N=30

Std Dev =1.22

Mean = 6.20

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q074. Recreation Services Student Leader - Because of my experience as a Recreation Services student leader at this institution: I can assume greater responsibility in the future N=30

Std Dev =1.05

Mean = 6.23

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q075. Recreation Services Student Leader - Because of my experience as a Recreation Services student leader at this institution: I feel a sense of ownership of my group's mission N=30

Std Dev =1.04

Mean = 6.30

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q076. Recreation Services Student Leader - Because of my experience as a Recreation Services student leader at this institution: My leadership skills are stronger N=29

Std Dev =1.05

Mean = 6.28

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

LA077. How we can improve your experience as a Recreation Services Student Leader? (N=9)No Suggestions

Q078. Outdoor Programs: Sustainability and Environmental Issues - Because of my participation in outdoor programs at this institution: I recognize risks to the natural environment N=42

Std Dev =1.29

Mean = 5.88

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q079. Outdoor Programs: Sustainability and Environmental Issues - Because of my participation in outdoor programs at this institution: My sense of stewardship for the natural environment is stronger N=41

Std Dev =1.50

Mean = 5.49

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q080. Outdoor Programs: Sustainability and Environmental Issues - Because of my participation in outdoor programs at this institution: I recognize the impact of recreational activities on the environment N=42

Std Dev =1.31

Mean = 5.55

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

LA081. How we can improve our Outdoor Program offerings to better meet your needs? (N=21)More Trips = 5Improve Marketing = 2More Equipment = 2

Q082. Fitness and Recreation Enhances Building Connections - Because of my participation in recreation/fitness activities at this institution: I have met new people N=391

Std Dev =1.89

Mean = 4.53

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q083. Fitness and Recreation Enhances Building Connections - Because of my participation in recreation/fitness activities at this institution: I have found people who share my interests N=386

Std Dev =1.82

Mean = 4.58

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q084. Fitness and Recreation Enhances Building Connections - Because of my participation in recreation/fitness activities at this institution: I contribute to the college community N=381

Std Dev =1.65

Mean = 4.65

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q085. Fitness and Recreation Enhances Building Connections - Because of my participation in recreation/fitness activities at this institution: I am more connected to the campus community N=389

Std Dev =1.62

Mean = 4.67

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q086. Fitness and Recreation Enhances Building Connections - Because of my participation in recreation/fitness activities at this institution: I can achieve my fitness/recreation goals N=388

Std Dev =1.27

Mean = 5.70

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q087. Fitness and Recreation Enhances Building Connections - Because of my participation in recreation/fitness activities at this institution: I can manage my stress N=387

Std Dev =1.33

Mean = 5.68

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q088. Fitness and Recreation Enhances Building Connections - Because of my participation in recreation/fitness activities at this institution: I can manage my weight N=392

Std Dev =1.34

Mean = 5.62

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q089. Fitness and Recreation Enhances Building Connections - Because of my participation in recreation/fitness activities at this institution: I can interact with people different from myself (e.g., race, religion, political ideology, etc.) N=382

Std Dev =1.62

Mean = 5.16

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q090. Fitness and Recreation Enhances Building Connections - Because of my participation in recreation/fitness activities at this institution: I respect people different from myself (e.g., race, religion, political ideology, etc.) N=376

Std Dev =1.41

Mean = 5.90

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q091. Fitness and Recreation Enhances Knowledge Integration - I can apply the skills and information I learned in recreation/fitness activities (e.g., health assessment, attending fitness classes, working on a team) to: Improve my personal life N=381

Std Dev =1.29

Mean = 5.64

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q092. Fitness and Recreation Enhances Knowledge Integration - I can apply the skills and information I learned in recreation/fitness activities (e.g., health assessment, attending fitness classes, working on a team) to: Improve my academic life N=378

Std Dev =1.41

Mean = 5.36

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q093. Fitness and Recreation Enhances Knowledge Integration - I can apply the skills and information I learned in recreation/fitness activities (e.g., health assessment, attending fitness classes, working on a team) to: My future career N=370

Std Dev =1.54

Mean = 5.33

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

LA094. What have you learned as a result of participating in Recreation Services? (N=158)Fitness/Health Awareness = 78Professional/Skill Development = 52Life Lesson = 35Rec Center is a Positive Place = 8How to Play a Sport/Activity = 8

Q095. Overall Evaluation of Recreation Services - Regarding your recreation/fitness experiences at this institution, to what degree: Were you challenged to make decisions regarding your fitness/recreation N=462

Std Dev =1.83

Mean = 4.30

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q096. Overall Evaluation of Recreation Services - Regarding your recreation/fitness experiences at this institution, to what degree: Did you learn valuable information regarding fitness/recreation N=452

Std Dev =1.69

Mean = 4.60

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q097. Overall Evaluation of Recreation Services - Regarding your recreation/fitness experiences at this institution, to what degree: Was the information you learned applicable to your future health/wellness N=437

Std Dev =1.56

Mean = 4.94

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q098. Overall Evaluation of Recreation Services - Regarding your recreation/fitness experiences at this institution, to what degree: Did it fulfill your expectations N=443

Std Dev =1.41

Mean = 5.20

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q099. Overall Evaluation of Recreation Services - Regarding your recreation/fitness experiences at this institution, to what degree: Would you recommend this institution's fitness/recreation programs to a good friend N=461

Std Dev =1.25

Mean = 5.67

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q100. Overall Evaluation of Recreation Services - Regarding your recreation/fitness experiences at this institution, to what degree: Did these experiences improve the value of your college experience N=456

Std Dev =1.46

Mean = 5.34

Scale: (1) Not at all,(2),(3),(4) Moderately,(5),(6),(7) Extremely,Not applicable

Q101. Overall Evaluation of Recreation Services - Overall, how satisfied were you with Recreation Services? N=486

Std Dev =1.16

Mean = 5.82

Scale: (1) Very dissatisfied,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Very satisfied,Not applicable

Q102. Recreation Services Enhanced Retention and Graduation - My recreation services experience has positively impacted my decision to (mark N/A if graduating or for studying abroad): Return to this institution next year N=386

Std Dev =1.68

Mean = 5.12

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

Q103. Recreation Services Enhanced Retention and Graduation - My recreation services experience has positively impacted my decision to (mark N/A if graduating or for studying abroad): Graduate from this institution N=410

Std Dev =1.68

Mean = 5.21

Scale: (1) Strongly disagree,(2),(3),(4) Neutral,(5),(6),(7) Strongly agree,Not applicable

LA104. What do you like most about your Recreation Services experience? (N=245)Fitness Equipment = 82Environment/People = 50Recreation/Fitness in General = 38Customer Service = 34Location/Convenience = 33Overall Facility = 29Hours = 19Group Fitness = 17Fitness Area = 14

LA105. What do you like least about your Recreation Services experience? (N=236)Too Crowded = 84Lack of Fitness Equipment = 37Environment/People = 34Hours = 23Lack of Workout Space = 15

LA106. What is a program or service that you would like Recreation Services to offer? (N=204)More Fitness Programs/Services = 86More Intramural Sports = 12CRC Facility Improvements = 12More Club Sports = 10


OQ1. Campus Recreation collects fees for certain programs and services that are in addition to membership that pay for staff, equipment, and supplies. Have these fees inhibited your participation in Group Fitness Classes or Intramural Sports?

N% of Total

Yes 225 39.6%

No 343 60.4%

% Resp = 98.1%

N = 568

OQ2. Suggestions have been made by students regarding ways to improve the Campus Recreation Center.

PART I: Please check any suggestion(s) that you would support being implemented by increasing student fees, thus making it a top priority.

N% of Total

Smoothie or Juice Bar 250 17.0%

Pool with Hot Tub, Sauna, Lazy River and Water Slide 320 21.8%

Wellness Library, Personal Training and Massage Studios 182 12.4%

Spin/Cycling Studio 92 6.3%

Combative Arts Room with Punching Bags & Matted Floor 101 6.9%

Game Room (Ping Pong, Billiards, Darts, & Video Games) 80 5.4%

Indoor Turf Field 102 6.9%

Outdoor Sand Volleyball Courts 121 8.2%

Outdoor Basketball Courts 61 4.2%

Climbing Wall Renovation 79 5.4%

None of these suggestions 82 5.6%

OQ3. PART II: Please check any suggestion(s) that you feel would be a benefit to the Campus Recreation Center, but NOT to the level of increasing student fees.

N% of Total

Smoothie or Juice Bar 251 16.4%

Pool with Hot Tub, Sauna, Lazy River and Water Slide 186 12.2%

Wellness Library, Personal Training and Massage Studios 169 11.1%

Spin/Cycling Studio 128 8.4%

Combative Arts Room with Punching Bags & Matted Floor 122 8.0%

Game Room (Ping Pong, Billiards, Darts, & Video Games) 129 8.4%

Indoor Turf Field 104 6.8%

Outdoor Sand Volleyball Courts 154 10.1%

Outdoor Basketball Courts 121 7.9%

Climbing Wall Renovation 114 7.5%

None of these suggestions 52 3.4%

OQ4. Which of the following inhibit you from visiting the Campus Recreation Center (CRC) more often or from participating in programs or services? Please check any that apply.

N% of Total

CRC's location is not convenient for me. 103 9.4%

My academic workload is too heavy. 249 22.7%

I cannot afford to pay certain associated fees. 94 8.6%

CRC's hours are not convenient for me. 88 8.0%

My job takes up most of my free time. 215 19.6%

I belong to other student organization(s) that take up most of my free time. 85 7.8%

The CRC is not a welcoming or inclusive place. 35 3.2%

The CRC is too busy during my preferred times. 158 14.4%

Other 68 6.2%