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Using Smart Data to Improve Health, Well-Being, Engagement and Productivity Dr. Tyler Amell April 13, 2016

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Using Smart Data to Improve Health, Well-Being, Engagement and ProductivityDr. Tyler Amell

April 13, 2016

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Decision making

Informed decision making

Using data as a foundation

Data are not the end result, but an important step

in the process


Sources, Types, Big, Smart, Analytics

How this applies to Health, Well-Being, Engagement

and Productivity in the workplace


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How do we normally make decisions in businesses, workplaces or organizations?


Gut Instinct / Intangibles?

Some Data? Historical?

More Data? Real Time?

Combination of Gut Instinct / Data?

Data Analytics, Prediction Algorithms?

Fully Automated / AI Engine?

The Robots are Clearly in Charge






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Source: IBM 2015

1/3 state they make critical decisions without the information they need.

state they do not have access to the information from

across their organizations to do their jobs well.50%

“The harnessing, analysis and conversion of these data

into knowledge represents the new competitive

advantage in the drive toward productivity. It can help

companies identify hidden insights to gain a

comprehensive view of a customer, understand

behaviours in real time, predict outcomes, make more

informed decisions and move into new markets.”

Business Leaders:

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Research shows that Analytically Driven organizations outperform…











Source: IBM 2015

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Making informed decisions




Supported by Evidence…

Evidence Starts with Data as a Foundation

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Implications for

Action if Data are

Invalid? Out of Date?


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2013 2014 2015 2016 2020

Trillions of Gigabytes



The amount of data are doubling in

size every 2 years, by 2020 it will

reach 44 trillion gigabytes….

… and 37% of these data

will provide analytic value.

Source: Gallup 2016

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Whether for profit or not for profit, private or public

sector, people are integral to an organization’s


People are at the centre of the equation.

Best Practice is to harness the power of data to make

better, more informed decisions in relation to health,

well-being, engagement and productivity.



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Smart Data

BIG Data

Types of Data

Sources of Data

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Data ‘Silos’ make the task of collecting, securing,

analyzing, correlating and interpreting health,

well-being, engagement and productivity data

more difficult,

but not impossible.

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Uses of Data in Health, Well-Being,

Engagement and Productivity

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Normal and Adaptation –Health and Well-Being

Physical health perspective – Data elements




Tobacco use


Fitness for duty

Chronic conditions: heart, lungs, metabolic,

obesity, MSK, pain

Lowest hanging fruit from a productivity perspective





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Basic underlying premise of productivity –Are people Present or Not Present?






Leaves of





Implications for

Action if data elements

are not integrated?

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Normal and Adaptation –Health and Well-Being

Mental health perspective – Data





Coping Skills



Macro-behaviours - Culture

Second lowest hanging fruit from a

productivity perspective

Presenteeism (health related

Productivity loss)


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Most employers do not have a clear understanding of their cost drivers


Without clear



overall costs will

be unknown and

likely unmanaged

do not monitor the cost of

incidental absence

47% of employers

56% of employers

64% of employers

Source: 2015 Morneau Shepell Annual Survey

did not know the average duration

of their short-term disability claims

do not monitor the incidence and

cost of workers compensation

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Absenteeism is not just a medical issue…


Source: The True Picture of Workplace Absence, Morneau Shepell 2015

52% of employees said

that their last absence was not related to a medical issue.

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$2.5 Trillion

Workers every week miss work due to mental health


And then there is presenteeism…

Total cost over the next 30 years for assessment,

treatment and support services…

Source: Mental Health Commission of Canada 2013

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Absence and Presenteeism impact

The average absenteeism rate in Canada in 2011 per FTE


Source: Conference Board of Canada 2013 and Statistics Canada 2010

9.3 DaysMean

8.2 DaysPrivate

12.9 DaysPublic




3.5% 4.0% 5.6%

26.7% 30.0% 42.1%

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Absence and Presenteeism cost


Source: Conference Board of Canada 2013 and Statistics Canada 2010


Cost of



Cost of


46%Of Canadian




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Impact and costs are a good place to start…

But the data supporting underlying drivers of these

costs are where you want to focus your efforts

Detailed analytics on absences

Detailed analytics on presenteeism

Reasons, root causes, behaviours

‘Shop the plan’ culture?

Total health of the organization

Combine upstream and downstream data


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Correlation vs. Causation and your data…


Height vs. arm span


Tobacco use and cancer

Effective program evaluation

Systematic, objective pre-post metrics to verify

that your decisions are correct, all based upon


Leverage management science – AHS Example


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General Rule of Thumb for data sets…

Garbage In Garbage Out=

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Some observations….

‘One cannot manage what one cannot measure’

“When performance is measured performance

improves. When performance is measured and

reported the rate of improvement accelerates.”

Performance is measured with data

Data are the most appropriate framework to

measure, benchmark and evaluate health, well-

being, engagement and productivity solutions


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Health and Productivity Innovation

$13 million Healthy and Productive Work federal research

grant program…


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Some organizations make the mistake of confusing

“employee engagement” with trying to make

workers satisfied, or even happy.

This is unfortunate because this confusion causes

decision makers to underinvest their time and

money in engagement initiatives, thinking

engagement is a “nice to have” rather than an

enabler of their most important goals.


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It’s difficult to tackle the most important goals if

absenteeism and presenteeism are preventing you

from entertaining the notion of engagement.

Employee engagement is the emotional

commitment employees have to the organization

and its goals.

When employees are engaged— when they care —

they give discretionary effort.


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Case Study on Engagement - Healthcare

Nurse engagement is key to reducing medical errors

Technology is critical, but not the most important

driver of quality of care and decreased errors

Regression analysis demonstrated that for patient

mortality:3. Number of nurses per total patient days

2. Overtimes hours worked per year by nurses

1. Engagement levels in the nurses is the #1 predictor of mortality

• Also a factor in preventing complications


Source: Gallup 2016

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Visit us: morneaushepell.com

Follow us: @Morneau_Shepell


Thank you!

Dr. Tyler Amell


[email protected]