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A systems biology approach to understanding the energetic balance in sugarcane Dr. Renato Vicentini Systems Biology Laboratory Center for Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering State University of Campinas Workshop on Interdisciplinary Plant Science, FAPESP, December 2013

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  • A systems biology approach to understanding the energetic balance in sugarcane

    Dr. Renato Vicentini

    Systems Biology Laboratory

    Center for Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering

    State University of Campinas

    Workshop on Interdisciplinary Plant Science, FAPESP, December 2013

  • Biological NetworksScaling Genotype to Phenotype

    • Predictive methods capable of scaling from genotype to phenotype can be developing through systems biology coupled with genomics data.

    • Three types of biological networks are of major interest in our laboratory.

    Class Gene-regulatory network Metabolic network Protein network

    Node Genes / transcripts Metabolites Protein species

    Edge Induction or repression Biochemical reactionState transition, catalysis

    or inhibition

    Strategy RNA-seqIn silico kinetic modeling and

    Metabolic control analysis

    Metabolite Profiling

    Enzymes activity

    determination and

    allosteric regulation

  • Our Research Goals to Understanding Regulation of Sucrose Metabolism and Storage in Sugarcane

    • Elucidate which genes in sugarcane leaves are responsive to changes in the sink:source ratio.

    • Investigate the allosteric regulation of key enzymes.

    We propose to develop an approach which integrates molecular and systems

    biology to investigate these questions in sugarcane.

    Why do some sugarcane genotypes accumulate more sucrose in internodes than

    others ?

  • State of the art

    • There are evidences that sink tissues exert an influence on the photosynthetic rates and carbohydrate levels of source organs.

    • The activity of photosynthesis-related enzymes are modified by the local levels of sugar and hexoses that will be transported to sink.

    • As observed in sugarcane, a decreased hexose levels in leaf may act as a signal for increased sink demand, reducing a negative feedback regulation of photosynthesis.

    • The signal feedback system indicating sink sufficiency to regulate source activity may be a significant target for manipulation to increase sugarcane sucrose yield.

    • Currently, a model that predicts that sucrose accumulation is dependent on a system in which SPS activity exceeds that of acid invertase.

    INV Hex

    Sink demand

    Negative feedback

  • Allosteric regulation of the SPS enzyme networkPhosphoproteomics approach

    Sugarcane extended

    night experiment

    Schematic representation of the

    system that module the rate of

    sucrose synthesis by modifications

    in the key enzyme SPS.

  • Sugarcane extended night experimentSucrose metabolism - Circadian regulation

    Day Night

  • Sucrose metabolismCircadian regulation

  • Manipulation of Sink Capacity

    • Nine month-old field-grown plants of two genotypes of Saccharum (L.) spp. contrasting for sucrose accumulation.

    • To modify plant source–sink balance, all leaves except leaf +3 were enclosed(simulated effect of internode maturation).

    • RNA-seq analysis of control and perturbed system are in progress.

    14d* 0d**1d

    * Start** End



    6d 3d

    4 m

    6 x 10 m plot

    per genotypeUnshaded

    leaf +3

  • Initial ResultsManipulation of Sink Capacity

    • The lowest sucrose content genotype (SP83-2847) shows the highest levels of chlorophylls and a highest efficiency in the photosystem II (Fv/Fo), specially in the middle of the day.

    Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (Fv/Fm; Fo/FM; Fv/Fo)

  • Initial ResultsManipulation of Sink Capacity

  • Sugarcane de novo assembling transcriptome

    De novo assembling workflow. The numbers indicates the amount

    of sequences; K, hash-length in base pairs; Dashed arrows, unused

    sequences; Gray boxes, comprises the sequences used in the final


  • Source-sink differential expressed genes

    High sucrose content Low sucrose content



    ~1% of transcripts

    ~5% of transcripts

  • Gene regulatory network

  • Results

    • More than ten thousand sugarcane coding-genes remain undiscovered (RNA-Seq).

    • More than 2,000 ncRNAsconserved between sugarcane and sorghum was revealed.

    • ~18% of the conserved

    ncRNA presented a

    perfect match with at

    small RNA.

    Cardoso-Silva, CB et al. PLOS One, submitted

  • Ortologous relationship


    Grasses PoGOs



    Carbohydrate biosynthesis


    Gene-regulatory networks

    Transcripts, genes and genomes source databases

    Sorghum and rice genomes and genes

    Transcription assembler of grasses

    Angiosperm genomes (arabidopsis, rice,

    populus, and sorghum)

    Arabidopsis genome

    Sugarcane transcripts collection

    Microarray andRNA-seq data

    Expression normalization and data correlation

    Expressions data

    Number of sugarcane genes, redundancy in ESTs database (PoGOs) and gene evolution


    Sugarcane genes overview

    SIM4/Blast algorithms

    Similarity search

    MapMan catalogue annotation


    Scaling from Genotype to Phenotype

    PhosphopeptidesMetabolics Physiological parameters

    Vicentini et al 2012. Tropical Plant Biology

    Vicentini et al 2012. Tropical Plant Biology

    Cardoso-Silva et al 2013. Plos ONE

  • Sugarcane co-expression network

  • • Sugarcane meta-network of coexpressed gene clusters generated by HCCA clustering method (85 clusters with 381 edges). Nodes in the meta-network, represent clusters generated by HCCA. Edges between any two nodes represent interconnectivity between the nodes above threshold 0.04.

    Sugarcane co-expression network

  • Regulatory complexes that are conserved in evolution

    • By comparing networks from different species it is possible to reduce measurement noise and to reinforce the common signal present in the networks.

    • Using the differential expressed genes identified in the source-sink experiments we can detect more than 50% genes inside regulatory complex conserved across sugarcane and rice.

    • When Arabidopsis thaliana was included, only two complex still occurring.

    Six significant complex were


    Cellulose synthases

  • Gene Regulatory Network – A Bayesian ApproachThe source-sink experiment

    • We detected several gene clusters, including many hubs, that incorporate different regulatory genes (ncRNAs, siRNAs, miRNAs, etc).

  • Landscape maps sugarcane metanetwork

    Young Maturing Mature

    Source Sink



    Relative transcriptional


  • Landscape maps sugarcane metanetworkSpatial evolution

    Maturation stageMature plantsSource-sink unbalanced






  • Hive plot of co-expression network with lincRNAs, de novo sorghum and grasses genes

  • Hive plots panel co-expression network with lincRNAs, de novo sorghum genes and genes inside different taxonomical groups

  • • Dr. Antonio Figueira

    – Dr. Joni Lima

    • Dra. Adriana Hemerly

    – Flavia

    – MSc. Thais

    • Dr. Fabio Nogueira

    • Dra. Marie-Anne Van Sluys

    • Dr. Renato Vicentini

    – MSc. Raphael Mattos (miRNAs network, PhD)

    – MSc. Natália Murad (Gen2Phe, Phd)

    – Msc. Leonardo Alves (Circadian clock, PhD)

    – Elton Melo (Phosphoproteomics, Msc)

    – Lucas Canesin (lncRNA, Birth/death of genes, Msc)

    • Dr. Michel Vincentz

    – Dr. Luiz Del Bem

    • Dr. Paulo Mazzafera

    – Dra. Alexandra Sawaya

    – Dra. Paula Nobile

    – Dr. Michael dos Santos Brito

    – Dr. Igor Cesarino

    – Dra. Alexandra Bottcher

    – Adriana Brombini dos Santos

    • Dra. Anete de Souza

    • Dra. Sabrina Chabregas

    • Dra. Juliana Felix

    • Dr. Marcos Landell

    • Dr. Ivan Antônio dos Anjos

    • Dra. Silvana Creste

    Team and collaborators

    We are open to cooperation in thephosphoproteomic/metabolomic analysisand in the enzymatic activity studies.

    Supported by: