
The Knowledge Scramble

What is another name for the land bridge?


It connected _____ and _______

Where were the the Olmecs located?

Along the coast of Central America on the Gulf of Mexico

Where was the Mayan Civilization located?

Southern Mexico and Honduras near the Yucatan peninsula

Where were the Aztecs located?

Central Mexico

They founded their civilization on a _____ (geographic feature) because


The “Mother Culture” of Mesoamerica


This civilization was know for having multiple calendars. One of these

was a 365 day calendar


Civilization of South America


What do the capital of the Inca Empire and the movie “The Emperor’s New

Groove” have in common?

Both named Cuzco

This mountaintop city was not discovered until the 20th century

Machu Picchu

This civilization was the largest/longest empire of the

American empires studied


The Inca Empire’s economic system was most similar to what modern

structure?Everyone had a duty…


State run and everyone has a specific duty

Huitzilopochtli was a god of sun and warfare. He is associated with which



What was done to appease him?


Name a modern country that was a part of the Inca Empire

Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Colombia

Which of the above was the location of the capital, Cuzco?


Nahautl was the spoken and written language of ________

The Aztecs

Quechua was the spoken but not written language of _______

The Inca Empire

The Inca Empire used a quipu. Describe it.

Series of knotted strings on a stick that communicated numerical/trade


This “mother culture” of Mesoamerica was known for leaving being the sculpture pictured below

Huayna Capac was a great leader of which Empire?


Describe the empire after Huayna Capac died?

His sons took over and engaged in civil war. Altuhaupa won but was eventually

held for ransom and killed by Pizzaro

The Ottoman Empire had as its capital, the city of ________. It had

been known as _________.

Istanbul, Constantinople

Under ______, the Ottoman Empire reached its pinnacle

Suleyman the Magnificent

What was he also known as?

Suleyman the Lawgiver

By the 16th century, the Ottoman empire proved that it was very

important to _______


Abbas the Great took the title of Shah. This title was derived from the

empire which was at one point located in the same region. What

empre was this?What modern country was the focal

point of the empire?



What aspects of the Safavid Empire were reformed by Shah Abbas?



This Muslim Empire claims their decent from the Mongols


Name the Mughal leader who initially endorsed aggressive military

campaigns and then eventually reformed taxes and endorsed

religious and cultural tolerance.

Akbar the Great

Random Question: Why was Humayun nicknamed “the Luckless?”

He lost all of his land and then he got it back. THEN, as he was reading in his library and went to walk down the stairs, he fell and broke his neck.

Shah Jahan built this in honor of his wife

Taj Mahal

His wife’s name was _______ and she died after ________

Famine, taxes, civil war, poor leadership contributed to the

downfall of:a. Ottomanb. Safavidc. Mughal


The Ming dynasty initially embraced a global policy of ________ and then

transitioned to __________


T/FThe Qing Dynasty is viewed as different because they were

ethnically descended from Han Chinese.


Why is this false?

They were Manchu. Not considered to be “Chinese” from traditional


Describe, in one word, the rule of Kangxi


Appx 60 years

What did Japan, in this period, have in common with Medieval Europe?

They were both based upon Feudalism

Ieyasu, Hideyoshi, and Nobunaga all pursued a policy of ______ in Japan


Tokugawa Ieyasu eventually commit seppuku because he failed to

______ Japan


He modernized but could not stop infighting

initially allowed Christian missionaries into Japan, he

eventually worked to forcibly remove them


Japan and China saw Korea as a possible source of revenue. What is

the name for a state like this?

Tribute State

T/FIn China, men were valued over



How many children did Zheng He have?

0 – He was a eunuch

Why was he important?


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