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Jessica Walton

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GOALS Create online presence Showcase my skills qualifications and

experience. Expand my networking pool Establish Credibility Become Communications or Public

Relations Director for corporate, sports or entertainment with a focus on event planning and social media.

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Brief Bio

Relevant Sample Works

Portfolio can be found at:

Social Media Affiliations Twitter Facebook Myspace Blogger WordPress LinkedIn Youtube Ning del.ici.ous

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Hold important positions in my student organizations Intern and gain more experience professional Receive a gold star from PRSSA Receive my Bachelors Degree in Public Relations

April 2011 Receive my master’s degree in communication Move on to join PRSA Receive http APR accreditation I want to be the head of major decision in event

planning, social media and other PR aspects for the company. I would even like to possibly go on and own a PR firm

I would basically like a secure CAREER that give me enough money to live comfortably and still keep a smile on my face

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SWOT ANALYSIS:Strengths: Superb social

media,written, oral and interpersonal communications skills.

Well rounded set of skills

Work well in fast paced and pressure environments

Weaknesses: Patience Not much

professional experience

Opportunities: Interships PRSSA & network

expansion Friend and Family


Threats: Increasing Competition, Economy

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ONLINE PRESENCE Twitter Facebook Myspace Blogger WordPress LinkedIn Youtube Ning del.ici.ous Picasa3 Google

I plan make further developments for my WordPress, Blogger, and LinkedIn

Beyond Twitter, Facebook and Myspace I am just getting in to social media and plan to sharpen skills even more.

The skills I have learned and will continue to learn will only help my in the future.

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My social media brand will serve as a representations of my compiled skills, qualifications and experience

I hope employers will see that I am passionate and dedicated to my work.

This may be the first impression an employer sees. First impressions don’t get a do over and I hope that my brand will give of a positive impression

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I will get internship experience that will allow me to meet new people an expand my network and sharpen skills.

I will begin writing on a blog, either Blogger or WordPress and use my twitter account to promote it.

I will learn all that I can in the course at EMU

I will continue to develop my LinkedIn account

I will stay active in PRSSA.

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Short term: This summer I will

have my first internship

I will start updating my blog this summer

I will take relvant courses in my final year at EMU

I will have another internship for fall 2010

I will graduate in April 2011

Long term: I will continue to find

jobs and internships to gain experience.

I will eventually land a permanent job and begin my career pathway

I will take steps toward obtaining my masters degree.

I will land the job of my dreams and be awesome at life.

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My success will be measured by the career that I have. I will take into consideration the work that I do and my satisfaction level. It will also be important that I meet my goals in order to be successful. I will consider my self successful when I have enough money to live comfortable and a smile on my face when I go to work. Simple.

"Success is a journey, not a destination."

Ben Sweetland

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