social media brand

Social Media Brand! By Ryan Larimore

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Social Media Brand!

By Ryan Larimore


• Continue to network(its all in who you know)

• Catch on in an entry level position

• Ultimately becoming a Detroit Sports media mogul.

• Radio, Newspaper, Twitter, Facebook, and Blogs. Do it all.

In my portfolio…

• I will include my sports writing pieces. Like this one from the Echo.

• I will also include sound bites from my radio show, with high lights from interviewing players and coaches.

• I will also include links to my Facebook, Twitter, and Resume Site


• The objective is to be the best I can be at what I do.

• Maintain healthy work and family relationship.

• Be good at what I do, but don’t let what I do become all I am.

Career goals

• Be the go to guy for sports news in and around my local area.

• Maintain being a journalist first

• Have a drive home time Radio show


• Strong willed, never quit attitude.

• Natural writer. Rarely gets writer’s block

• Up on technology, fast learning curve

• Not easily stressed

• Takes Charge

• People Person


• Procrastination

• Lack of motivation if I am not interested in a topic or subject

• Not great at asking the difficult questions (yet)


• Beginning sports blog with a guy from WDFN

• Turning 21, then applying for promotions job

• Continue gathering experience from campus sources

• I know a lot of people who are good to know


• Job competition

• Stretching myself too thin

• December 21, 2012

Where you can find me..

• Facebook

• Eastern Echo

• Bleacher Report

• Tower Sports Hour

• Ustream

• ESPN couch at EMU

Wrap it up!(pt. 1)

My plan to becoming a success is a lot about getting myself out there, and not being afraid of failure. I am full of ideas, and I am certain one of them will be good enough to catch on and support a family

Wrap it up! (pt.2)

That being said, my measurement of success isn’t really based on a job, or on numbers. I just want to know I did the best I could at the job I did, and more importantly, make sure I did the best I could in all the other aspects in life. This kind of job should be a passion, and in my opinion if you’re earning money while doing something you’re passionate about, you’re a success.