Download - Radio journalism

  • 1. Radio In JournalismBy Brian Hamel

2. Radio Journalism What is Radio journalism? Current Audio-Radio or audio journalism is Mediums:AM/FMa relatively new medium in HDwhich news or information isSatelliteInternetbroadcast electronicallyrather than print methodssuch as newspapers orposters. 3. Audio Vs. Broadcast What is the difference betweenbroadcast journalism and audiojournalism? Do audio and broadcastjournalism share any mediumson which content is presented? 4. Tied Down With the establishment of the telegraph and telephone long distancecommunication was achieved at exceedingly fast speeds. But as wonderful as these amazing devices were, they shared acommon weakness - their messages could only go where their wiresled. -FCC 5. The First Transmission In 1864 James Clerk Maxwellpredicted the existence ofelectro-magnetic waves. It wasnt until 1890, however,that Hertz was finally able tosend the first wireless signal. 6. Hertzs Transmission Device 7. The Coherer Wireless Detector In 1890, Edouard Branly,Physics Professor at the Catholic University of Paris, found that a nearbyCoherer Device In Useelectromagnetic disturbance(spark) can lower theresistance of a thin layer ofplatinum deposited upon glassand he is, thus, credited as the inventor of the cohererwireless detector. 8. The Coherer Device Cont. The lowered resistance in thetube allows a greater current topass through the device With the addition of a tapper,The filings for some reason ddthe morse code could be sent not un-clump after the wireless wirelessly across the country signal ended and therefore aand eventually across the globe. tapper was added to break each signal. 9. When the Coherer device completes the circuit, a Click-Clack sound isproduced. With some tweaks Morsecode was sent clearly and concisely. 10. The Birth of Wireless With the joining of Coherers and Hertzs technology practicalwireless devices were possible. Wireless telegraphy became a stapleof news broadcasting from the late 1890s to early 1920s. Mostnotably, wireless telegraphy played out the events of the titanicsinking in 1912. 11. The Man Behind The Broadcast It wasnt until the first year of the 20th century that radio as we know ittook form. Up until December 23rd, 1900 only wireless telegraphswere possible. Reginald Aubrey Fessenden became the voice of a new era by sendingthe first broadcast with voice superimposed on radio waves. By 1906 Fessenden was the first disc jockey, playing a musicbroadcast to the ships of the United Fruit Company. 12. Fressendens First WirelessBroadcast First Wireless Broadcast 13. In the early 1920sThe 1920sbroadcast radio wasstarting to take hold. It Some notable early radiowas popular since broadcasts:journalist could be at the-November 2, 1920 and thescene of the news being announcement of thecovered.Harding-Cox presidentialelection results on KDKA.-1925 and the following of theScopes Trial by WGN-1927 and CharlesLindberghs transatlanticflight. 14. The 1920s Cont. The intersection of radio, news, and politics created a primeenvironment for radio and technology to grow. The earliest broadcast, such as that of Lindberghs crossing of theAtlantic captured the attentions of thousands of people of all ages. 15. The Biltmore Agreement Cont. The Biltmore Agreement created several key points: Radio networks could only produce two, five-minutenews broadcasts per day. Networks could not broadcast breaking news News advertising support was strictly not allowed. News could not be broadcast during newspaper-selling periods Radio networks had to encourage listeners to readnewspapers for more details on stories. 16. The Press-Radio War Begins 1922 brought the release of a With radio gaining astatement by the AP thatfooting as a newsprohibited radio stations frommedium, thebroadcasting their news fromAssociated Press(AP)their paper. Though largely started getting nervous.ignored by stations at the time, it Newspapers wanted tois believed to be the shot that overpower radiosstarted the war.growth The ban by the Associated Pressonly fueled radios popularity andinfluence through the 1920s. Withmore wire services denying rightsto their papers for broadcasts,radio networks began to turn awayand form their own news bureaus. 17. Gaining Speed H.V Kaltenborn With news networks forced to create their own newsbureaus, 1929 and 1930 brought organized programming tothe table. Three regularly schedulednewscast began and took overthe air as flagship shows. -1929 brought The Headline Hunter with Floyd Gibbons on NBC. -1930 next brought us the Lowell Thomas and The News broadcast and H.V Kaltenborns regular newscasts on CBS. 18. The 1930s: A Decade of War With regular news shows broadcasting almost daily, there came anexponential growth in listeners. The Lindbergh kidnapping and eventually the trial of BrunoHauptman only fueled radio journalisms growth. Despite growth, network executives could feel the pressures ofestablishing news bureaus, while publishers were feeling thepressures of radios popularity. By the end of 1933, both reachedtheir breaking points. 19. The Biltmore AgreementIn December of 1933, At the BiltmoreHotel in New York City, a meetingcommenced between wire servicerepresentatives, network executives, andnewspaper publishers. To discuss thegrowing tensions between newsmediums. 20. A New Type of BroadcastCommentary With radio networks limited in content and loosing revenuefrom advertising, it wasnt long before executives went insearch of loopholes. In no time, a hole in the agreement was found and a newchapter of radio journalism began. News commentary became the pillar of major networkshows. The Biltmore Agreement limited broadcasters tocertain rules, not commentators. Therefore allowingnetworks to gain advertising revenue once again. All the major network hosts, like Lowell Thomas and H.V.Kaltenborn soon dropped the broadcaster title for the newcommentator title. 21. The Flames of Radio Despite setbacks created by the BiltmoreAgreement, radio still managed to build itsaudience base thanks to one very importantperson: President Roosevelt. After his inauguration in 1933, he beganaddressing the people through his radioFireside Chats. These addresses generatedstrong listener-ship for radio networks,with as much as 30% of the populationtuning in. 22. The Flames of Radio Cont. Hindenburg Recording The Hindenburg Disaster of1937 played a defining role inthe history of radio journalism. After touching the dockingpole, the Hindenburg burst intoflames and was completelydestroyed within 2 minutes. Herb Morrison from WLS ofChicago capture this tragicevent on recording disks as theevents played out. This was the first recordingever used on NBC radiostations. 23. As One War Ends... With the increase in commentary news networks, the lack ofcompliance from independent radio stations, and the increasingpopularity of Roosevelts Fireside Chats, the Biltmore Agreementcollapsed. The spring of 1939 saw the official end of the Press-Radio War withthe Associated Press lifting the ban on radio broadcasts of wire copy. This new freedom of the radio press created numerous opportunitiesthat continued to build its listener base. 24. ...Another War BeginsTroops Invade H.V. Kaltenborn took tothe air and beganbroadcasting reports One prime opportunity straight from Sudetenlandwas the commencement of for 18 days, creating moreWorld War II. than 85 separatebroadcasts covering theprewar Munich Crisis. 25. Another War Begins Cont. The prewar and World War II era hastened the development of radiojournalism bring it even closer to the Radio we see today. In 1938 CBS was the first Network to broadcast from overseas,instead of taking news from the wire service. This overseas coverage helped push listener-ship up, with over 40% ofthe population getting their news from radio stations. Several radio hosts became house hold names. 26. Post War Problems By the end of the war, nearly 60% of the population gathered theirnews from broadcast networks. With the war over and radio at an all time high, it seemed like littlecould happen to stop its growth. But several technologicaladvancements over the next decade took a huge bite out of radiospopulation. 27. Televisions Hit the Market Despite being introduced to the public in 1939, television did notbecome mainstream until the late 1940s. This was mostly due to theWorld War. When it finally gained momentum, though, radio and newspaperpublishers alike took a hard hit. Radio stations not only lost listeners, but many lost their hosts as well.Several journalist like Walter Winchell migrated to TV programmingto make a new name for themselves. 28. AM goes FM Despite the weakening interesting in radio, the number of stationspopping up kept growing, and the number of frequencies, that wereempty, were declining. In 1945, the Federal Communications Commission made a decision tomove FM to its current frequency range of 88 to 108 MHz. This shiftmade all prewar receivers obsolete. New standards set by the FCC continued to create a divide in radiolisteners and a segmentation formed. 29. AM Goes FM Cont. As FM became more mainstream, populations became moresegmented. AM radio, known for its focus on entertainment wasquickly losing out to the higher quality of stereophonic FM radio. The 1960s quickly divided the populations, and stations became moretargeted at specific audiences. FM focused on entertainment with only short newsbulletins throughout their shows. AM focused on news, commentary, and talk shows. With an increase in car radios, some stations became focused onsegments targeted directly at those listening during their commute. 30. An FM Exception Despite the FM bands becoming focused on high volumes ofentertainment, and low volumes of news, there was one station thatwas an exception to this trend: National Public Radio(NPR) NPR is the radio side to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting thatwas created by Congress in 1967. At first it was mostly used by colleges and universities. High quality journalism was brought back to radio, and created aniche in the market. For the first time in 1979, FM radio took a step ahead of AM in itsshare of audience. 31. Maintaining a Presence The 60s, 70s, and 80s Radio coped, however, andwere tumultuous times forwith the help of thethe radio industry. TheCommunications Act of 1984-growing popularity of TV,which deregulated many partsthe division of populationsof radio- networks slidbetween AM and FM, and through the decades smoothly,the surviving publishing taking changes with strides.industry, truly strained allmedia mediums,especially radio. 32. Radio Today Today radio and radio journalism are still changing.Broadcast media has flourished to a variety ofmediums including: AM Radio FM Radio HD Radio Satellite Radio Internet Radio 33. Radio Today Cont. The advent of satellite/internet radio has allowed stations toreturn to the old days of large networks with syndicatedbroadcasts coming from a single source. These two formats have also made a name for themselvesdue to its highly deregulated format, allowing for a largervariety of shows, low censorship, and the building of uniqueaudiences. Many cars in production today have grown from having justAM or FM receivers to having AM/FM/Satellite receivers,giving drivers an even greater diversity in listening choices. It should be noted, however, that satellite radio oftenrequires a paid subscription, something uncommon for radiomarkets. 34. The Future of Radio Journalism Radio journalists will have to become more diverse in theirwork. Despite declines in listener-ship, radio journalism will alwaysexist in one form or another. Its not so much about quality of content, but rather quantity ofcontent People will pay for the truth 35. The Future of Radio Cont. While some shows and hostscontinue to show strong ratings,such as The Rush LimbaughShow(which has over 15 millionlisteners), declines only back upDereks predictions for futurejournalists. Only 1/5 of young adults listen Ratings are on a downward to radio now, and if the statisticstrend, the latest from 2012 showare any indication, this numberlistener-ship down to 33% of thewill also spiral downward.population from 43% in 2000.Yet these ratings remain abovenewspapers, which hover aroundonly 29%. 36. The Future of Radio Cont. Over the next decade and beyond internet radio is going to play anincreasingly important role in the radio journalism industry. Smartphones have opened up the industry to completely newmediums on which to develop radio journalims. Radio apps thatcreate smart playlists are becoming increasingly popular. Podcasts are also creating a place for themselves in the internetradio world. These allow for people to download specific segmentsand/or episodes of their favorite radio shows. Today, around 18% of the population downloadspodcasts. 37. Radio at AdelphiAdelphi University is no exception to the growing internet radio trend. PAWS Web Radio is Adelphis very own radio station that streams24/7 from their studio in the Earle Hall Media Center. 38. References Asimov, I. Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology; the Livesand Achievements of 1510 Great Scientists from Ancient Times to thePresent, Chronologically Arranged, rev. ed. New York: NY: Avon, 1976. Fuhring, John. "An Early Coherer Radio." An Early Coherer Radio. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2013. . "Guglielmo Marconi - Biography". 16 Feb 2013 "History of Communications - RADIO: The Ideas That Made Radio Possible." Federal Communications Commision, 21 Nov. 2005. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. Jones, R. Victor. "The Branly-Lodge "Coherer" Detector." "Coherer" Detectors. HarvardUniversity, 03 Nov. 1999. Web. 24 Mar. 2013.. 39. Images and Media 40. Images and Media IBI/AAAAAAAAADo/HBt1EbRzBfI/s1600/948.AntiqueTelevision.jpg

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