
By Kelly Noble Mirabella

Every time I create a podcast episode I turn around

and create the following pieces of content:

• A blog post with the show notes as well as the blog image

that will translate to most social media networks like

Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Twitter. I also post this

content to Medium.

• An Instagram Image and post to help promote said posts

• A Pinterest Image

• A video that will be shared the following week (I typically

on do this for my social media weekend update but I really

could do it for any episode)

But it does not stop there.

Evergreen content can and should be shared, reworked, shared again and repurposed in as many ways as possible.

Sounds like a lot of work right?

Well, here are some tools that make it easier and faster…

My Favorite Visual Creation Tool — Stencil

Quickly change up the sizing of your images to meet all your needs AND you

can quickly schedule and share out those images to Buffer, Facebook,

Instagram, Pinterest and more. I LOVE the Buffer integration as that right

there saves me loads of time when creating images for one content piece but

overall social networks that I am on. So what used to take me an hour can

now take about 20 minutes.

Learn more at

Highlight or repurpose content with video — Lumen5

When it comes to fast turnaround for videos to create and highlight my blogs

and podcast episodes I always turn to Lumen5. This tool is stupid fast and

easy to use. Import your blog or cut and paste content. Use their free stock

images or upload your own, add text, add free royalty free music, customize

your colors and watermark then BAM! You have a video you can use on any

platform you choose.

Learn more at

The tool that keeps the content coming —


Missinglettr imports your blog content and allows you to quickly schedule and

customize postings to go out over the course of the next year. As someone

who blogs regularly, I know that promoting my blog content is a lot of work

and very time consuming but also essential.

Learn more at

Transform content into ebooks, checklists, and

guides in a flash — Beacon

Beacon allows me to import content and very quickly create a custom ebook,

checklist or resource guide. Easy to use interface and already assembled

and customizable templates make lead magnet creation a breeze.

Learn more at

I know first hand the amount of time that goes into consistently delivering

good content that your readers, listeners, and followers want to see. But if

you think that creating content alone is going to get you where you want to

be you are dead wrong. This is not a build it and they will come scenario.

It is getting harder and harder for content creators to get eyes and ears on

their work, so what are you to do?

You have to promote, share, recycle and reuse.

One share it not going to do it. If your content is evergreen you absolutely

need to add a repurposing strategy to your arsenal. This will continue to get

you new readers and listeners. Plus, when you create content in the form of

sound, the written word, video and visual you are giving different types of

content consumers a vehicle to learn about you and what you are offering.

If you want to dive even deeper into what I do to create

lots of content off of one main content piece check out

the blog post at or

listen to the podcast at

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