content marketing masters: content marketing for china

Content for China: Insights in marketing to the world’s largest internet market Owain Lloyd-Williams International Lead [email protected]

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Content for China: Insights in marketing to the world’s largest internet market

Owain Lloyd-WilliamsInternational Lead [email protected]

A type of noodle from Shaanxi province

Welcome to the World of the Chinese Internet

Chinese Web, Mobile and Social Media: The Key Facts

• 642 million active internet users

• 629 million active social media accounts

• 565 million mobile users

• 88% users have multiple accounts

• 25 hours a week on average spent online

Chinese Search Engine Market Share Q4 2014


Google HK

Sogou & Soso


0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00%





Baidu alone is a very different beast to what we’re used too…

Baidu SEO - OverviewFactor

Page Title High High

Meta Description Low High

Meta Keywords - High

Heading Tags Medium High

Alt Tags Low High

Internal Anchor Text High Medium

External Anchor Text Low Medium

Quantity of Inbound Links Medium High

Quality of Inbound Links High Low

Sitemap Medium Medium

Site speed Low High

But anyway, back to content and social media…

Active users across social media platforms in China

QQ: 829 million WeChat: 438 million

Baidu Tieba: 200 millionSina Weibo: 200 million

RenRen: 206 million

Kaixin: 206 million

Just what is Sina Weibo?

What kind of content works for Weibo?


• Over 300 million “thank you parents” messages on Mother’s & Father’s day


• 2 billion World Cup-related interactions


• Word play and language evolution often manifesting in memes

Case study – Durex

On a dark and stormy Beijing night in 2011…

Case study – Ai Weiwei

Case study - Mini

Content Trends

Now is an exciting time for content marketing in China

Infographics are exploding in China

Current popular topics include:

Travel and food

Pollution and quality of life

Big data and commercial tips and


But How Do We Ascertain the Necessary Insights?

Content Research

Baidu Feng Yun Bang

Baidu Feng Yun Bang – localised data

Baidu Feng Yun Bang – localised data

Keyword Research Tool Baidu

Exploring Sina Weibo

Exploring Sino Weibo

Exploring Sino Weibo

And then there’s the Weibo Enterprise Account…

Weibo Enterprise Account

Weibo Enterprise Account

Weibo Enterprise Account grants you access to:

Other resources

China Internet Watch

Successful Western Brands in China



IWC Mid-Autumn Festival



Motivational competition in time with China’s

“gaokao” period.


6 month drink

driving campaign

Western celebrities

Western celebrities

Key Takeaways:− China’s content space is busy, bustling and rich

− It’s netizens are smart, savvy and have an eye for good content

− Peer recommendation is vital to online engagement

− Things are modernising, though don’t forget content is still deeply rooted in culture

− You’re going to hear a lot more of Weibo, WeChat and Baidu in the future

− Opportunity is aplenty, things are always changing, and now is as fascinating time as ever to jump in!

Thank you. Questions are more than welcome!

Owain Lloyd-WilliamsInternational Lead [email protected]