

Accessing the Control Panel To access the Control Panel and complete the Administrative tasks outlined in this guide:

1. Visit

2. Enter your Marriott EID and password.

3. Click Sign In.

Add Associates Associate access to the Control Panel is managed by the Control Panel Administrator at each hotel. Adding associates to the Control Panel should be integrated into the Front Office on-boarding process. Associates must have valid Marriott EID’s before they can be added in the Control Panel. Once added, associates will have immediate access to the Control Panel.

To add a new user, follow these steps:

1. Under the Associates tab, click the + Add New Associate button.

Managing Mobile Guest Services at Your Hotel> MOBILE ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS


Overview This guide is for hotel associates who need to complete administrative tasks in the Control Panel to support Mobile Guest Services. Each property should identify associates to receive administrative access, such as the Front Office Manager or other property managers.

These administrative tasks are completed using the Control Panel, a web-based tool which is completely separate from your hotel’s PMS. Members submit their Mobile Services request and stay details through their mobile devices, which are then sent directly to the Control Panel. Because the Control Panel is not connected to your hotel’s PMS, you must manually update the members’ details in your PMS to ensure reservations reflect the Mobile Services requested.

In this Guide you will learn how to:

• Add, edit, or delete access for associates.

• Customize time displays. • Run reports.



Managing Mobile Guest Services at Your Hotel> MOBILE ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS


(Add Associates continued)

2. Complete the Add a new associate form with the associate’s information.

Select the Property or Properties the associate works at. Identify the Primary Property if multiple hotels are listed.

The default Application and Email Language is English. Must select Mobile Guest Services as the Application. The Property Administrator role is only for managers & supervisors and those that carry out administrative tasks.

Add Email Address and select Set Notification to receive system wide messages (these are not related to mobile check-in/out email notifications). This is a required field.

Phone number is not necessary.

Meeting Service App: offers seamless service to meeting planners by allowing them to communicate with the hotel in real time. While this service is not yet available for your hotel, we have built the Control Panel in anticipation for it. These boxes do not need to be selected at this time.

Select Push Notifications for all associates and Report Only if associate runs reports. (At least one role must be selected.) Ensure Primary Role is correct and Active box is checked for all users.


Managing Mobile Guest Services at Your Hotel> MOBILE ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS


(Add Associates continued)

If successful, the new user will be added to the Associates tab.

Edit Associate Information After adding an associate, the associate’s information can be updated, if needed, in the future. For example, if an associate gains additional responsbility and needs to assist in running reports, he or she may need different access.

To edit the information for active associates, follow these steps:

1. Locate the associate under the Associates tab, then click the Pencil icon next to their name.

3. Ensure the details entered are correct and click Save at the bottom.


Managing Mobile Guest Services at Your Hotel> MOBILE ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS


2. Update the information in the Edit Associate form.

(Edit Associate Information continued)

In this scenario, access to run reports was added to the associate’s information. The Primary Role was selected as Push Notifications.

You can deactivate the associate by un-selecting the Active box. This removes the associate’s Control Panel access.


Managing Mobile Guest Services at Your Hotel> MOBILE ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS


2. In the confirmation pop-up window, click Yes.

3. After making the changes, click Save at the bottom. If successful, the changes will be reflected on the Associates tab:

(Edit Associate Information continued)

Delete Associates If an associate no longer works at the hotel, remove their Control Panel access by deleting the associate. To do this:

1. Locate the associate under the Associates tab, then click the X icon next to their name.


Managing Mobile Guest Services at Your Hotel> MOBILE ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS


(Delete Associates continued)

If successful, the associate will no longer appear in the Associates tab.

Managing Email Notifications

Email notifications are a great way to ensure associates flawlessly execute Mobile Guest Services. Notifications can be sent to up to 10 associates when Mobile Check-In or Check-Out requests are received.

To set up email notification distribution lists:

1. From the Control Panel home page, click Mobile Guest Services.

2. Then click Settings, then Manage Admin Email.


Managing Mobile Guest Services at Your Hotel> MOBILE ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS


(Managing Email Notifications continued)

3. You can send separate email alerts for Mobile Check-In requests (listed as Arrival Time Received) and/or Mobile Check-Out requests (listed as Check-Out Received).

4. Enter up to 10 email addresses in the appropriate field(s). If more than 10 email addresses should receive a notification, create a group email distribution list in your email system, if possible, and use that list instead.

Separate email addresses with commas but no spaces.

5. Click Save.

GMT Offset/Localization

In this part of the Control Panel, the format for dates and times can be customized.

Here’s how to complete this:

1. From the Control Panel home page, click Mobile Guest Services.

2. Then click Settings, then GMT Offset/Localization.

(GMT Offset/Localization continued)

Managing Mobile Guest Services at Your Hotel> MOBILE ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS


3. Select the preferred Date Format by clicking MM/DD/YYYY (if you want the month to display first, e.g. “Aug 15”) or DD/MM/YYYY (if you want the date to display first, e.g. “15 Aug.”)

4. Select the preferred Time Format by clicking either 12 Hour Format (e.g. “6:30 PM”) or 24 Hour Format (e.g. “18:30”).

5. Set your property’s local time by making a selection in the GMT Offset menu and make sure the correct Local Time is displayed.


Reports Overview Four types of reports are available through the Control Panel: Activity, Check-In, Check-Out, and Daily Summary. These reports provide the ability to track Mobile Guest Services activity at your property. Report data is available for the past 60 days. The most important report to run and review every day is the Daily Summary Report.

How to Run Reports 1. Reports are run by clicking Mobile Guest Services, then Run Report.

Managing Mobile Guest Services at Your Hotel> MOBILE ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS



2. Select a report in the Select Type field, then select a date range by using the calendar icons in the Select Dates area, then click Run Report.


Managing Mobile Guest Services at Your Hotel> MOBILE ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS



Daily Summary Report • The Daily Summary Report is available as a PDF.

• For the selected date range, the top of this report (A) shows statistics related to the Mobile Check-In and Mobile Check-Out activity for the hotel.

• Fields will be red if any check-ins are missed, if any reservations are processed after arrival time, and if any check-outs are missed.

• The next pages of the report show the Check-In (B) and Check-Out Graph (C). These sections are informational only, and require no action.




Managing Mobile Guest Services at Your Hotel> MOBILE ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS



Activity ReportThe Activity Report has two sections:

• The Check-In Graph shows how many check-ins were received in the Control Panel per hour during the selected dates.

• The table below shows each reservation that had Mobile-related activity, the type of activity that took place, the EID of the associate who took the action, and the date and time of the activity.


Managing Mobile Guest Services at Your Hotel> MOBILE ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS


Check-In ReportThe Check-In Report provides more information about check-ins.

• The top part of the report shows the same Check-In Graph as the Activity Report.

• In the table below, details are provided for the arrival times submitted by members, when they were received, whether or not the check-in was processed, and whether or not the Room Ready Notification was sent.

• At the bottom, the Total Number of Check-ins is displayed for the date range selected.


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Check-Out ReportThe Check-Out Report provides more information about check-outs.

• The top of this report shows the same Check-Out Graph as the Daily Summary Report, reflecting how many check-outs were received per hour, based on the data range selected.

• Then in the table below, details are shown for the date and time of each check-out, and the email address of the guest.

• Lapse time is the number of minutes between the submission of the check-out request, and when the Check-out processed button was clicked.

• The Total Number of Check-outs and Average Lapse Time are shown at the bottom..


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Contact Information

For technical assistance with Mobile Guest Services, please email: [email protected].

For Operations support with Mobile Guest Services, please email: [email protected].


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