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H NG KONG Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


Hong Kong cuisine is influenced by Cantonese cuisine and parts of non-Cantonese-speaking

China, Western world, Japan, and Southeast Asia, due to Hong Kong's past as a British colony

and long history of being an international city of commerce. From the roadside stalls to the most

upscale restaurants, Hong Kong provides an unlimited variety of food in every class. Complex

combinations and international gourmet expertise have given Hong Kong the reputable labels of

"Gourmet Paradise" and "World's Fair of Food".







香雞飯 Chicken Rice with Pandan Leaves

Chicken rice ala Hainanese. The rice was cook with chicken stock to enrich the natural flavor of chicken. The rise is commonly

served together with chicken dishes or Cantonese roasted dishes. 使用雞高湯烹煮而成的淋汁, 鹹香的滋味下還藏有天然的雞鮮味. 一般搭配雞或燒臘類為主食.

烤鴨 Roasted Duck ala Cantonese

The Cantonese roast duck uses traditional way of roasting. Inflation plays a major rule in giving the duck a flavorful yet crispy

skin. Marinating ingredients are stuffed into the duck’s stomach, including 5-spice powder, anise, ginger, garlic, spring onion and wines. 廣式傳統烤鴨. 填氣是烤鴨很重要過程之一, 使得鴨皮烤的又脆又酥. 醃製食料包含五香粉, 蔥, 蒜, 薑及酒類等.外表的金黃色澤讓外酥內軟


玫瑰油雞 Chicken with Soy Sauce & Rose Essence

Cantonese simmering chicken with soy-sauce based broth. Broth is added with anise, tangerine peel, cinnamon and other Chinese herbs & spices, in additional of rose wine giving the chicken its delicate flavor and smooth texture.


蜜汁叉燒 Honey BBQ Pork

The Cantonese way of roasting pork uses ingredients such as garlic, maltose, 5 spice powder and Chinese wines, producing

sweet and salty yet flavorful meat. Delicate BBQ Pork should be juicy and tender, while having crispy outer layer. 叉燒是中國廣東燒味的一種,將豬肉以叉子放在火上燒熟而成,故名。燒烤叉燒時會在表面塗上紅色的叉燒醬,故叉燒是紅色的。叉燒醬的其他主要材料尚有生抽、蒜蓉、麥芽糖、南乳、五香粉、酒等。好的叉燒應該肉質軟嫩多汁、色澤鮮明、香味四溢。蜜汁叉燒,用五香粉,

糖,鹽及多種調味醬醃漬而成,透過 250 度大火烘烤約一小時而成,半肥瘦叉燒搭配微焦部位,則是叉燒最完美的搭配了!

Int’l Culinary Arts Program

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馬來西亞 Malaysia

Int’l Culinary Arts Program

Malaysian cuisine is exotic with an exciting range of flavours and culinary styles offering the uninitiated an endless gastronomic adventure. It comprises three main groups - Malay, Chinese and Indian with each having its own distinct style of cooking. Malaysian food mainly based with rice or noodles, served with vegetables as side dishes. Food dishes often cook with fresh chilli, dried anchovy and the famous ‘Sambal Sauce’. 馬來西亞料理一向以它風味獨特而多元化聞名於世。馬來西亞料理以米或麵條作主食,通常以不同風味烹調的肉或魚作主菜,再配上蒸熟的蔬菜伴碟,非常健康。食物蘸上由新鮮的辣


Coconut Milk Rice 椰漿飯

The signature dish of Malaysian food. Rice is steamed with coconut milk and pandan leaf, served with dried anchovy and fried peanuts, and most importantly the ‘Sambal Sauce’. Coconut milk rice is often eats with curry chicken, fried chicken or just anything with spice. 椰漿飯是馬來西亞代表作。蒸飯時加入鮮椰奶,搭配鯷魚乾與炸花生,以及其關鍵醬汁"參巴辣椒醬"。椰漿飯一般搭配主菜為咖哩雞,炸雞,或辣子類等。

Squid in Red Chili Sauce 辣子小卷

A simple dish made of ‘Sambal Chili’ sauce in addition with shrimp paste and tamarind juice. Delicate sauce makes the squid more refreshing and appetizing. 馬來小吃。參巴辣椒醬加入蝦膏與酸果,使魷魚添上一層鮮甜的滋味更達到了開胃的效果。

Fried Chicken ala Turmeric 黃薑炸雞

Another Malay’s classic dish, marinating chicken with nothing else but turmeric. Simple ingredient but provides unique flavor comparing to conventional frying. Dining while hot is the best! 這道小吃是馬來傳統菜,醃製食材只使用黃薑。一道很簡單的菜但比起一般炸法帶來不同風格味道。趁熱吃為最佳。

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Thai 泰國

Int’l Culinary Arts Program

Blending elements of several Southeast Asian traditions, Thai cooking places emphasis on lightly

prepared dishes with strong aromatic components. The spiciness of Thai cuisine is well known, and featured

internationally in Thai restaurants. As with other Asian cuisines, balance, detail and variety are of great

significance to Thai chefs. Thai food is known for its balance of three to four fundamental taste senses in each

dish or the overall meal: sour, sweet, salty, and sometimes bitter.






鳳梨炒飯 Fried Rice with Pineapple

Fried rice ala Thai, featuring pineapple and prawn, seasoned with fish sauce,

shrimp paste, turmeric powder and black pepper. Contain very minimum of

spiciness, suitable for those who are in favor of light food.



檸檬炸雞 Fried Chicken with Spicy Lemon Sauce

Appetizing fried chicken spicy lemon sauce. The sauce is sweet, sour and a little of

spicy, refreshed with raw onion julienne.


有開胃的作用。搭配生洋蔥絲, 為口感添上大自然之清新感!

海鮮酸辣湯 Seafood Tom Yam Tom yam is the name for a spicy clear soup typical in Thailand. It is characterized by its distinct hot and sour flavours, with fragrant herbs generously used in the broth. The basic broth is made of stock and fresh ingredients such as lemon grass, lime leaves, lime juice, fish sauce and crushed chili pepers. 海鮮酸辣湯是一道經典的泰式湯品. 它的特點是擁有獨特的酸辣口味並且使用許多香料調味。 湯頭中使用香茅、檸檬葉、檸檬汁、魚露和切碎的辣椒等新鮮的食材達到提味的作用,酸辣中又帶有香茅與檸檬葉的香味,豐富了海鮮酸辣湯的風味。

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