Page 1: Active Swansea Corporate Membership

My SwanseaFy Abertawe

An Active, Happy WorkforceGweithlu Actif a Hapus

Corporate MembershipAelodaeth Gorfforaethol

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Page 2: Active Swansea Corporate Membership

The Active Swansea Corporate Package includes:

• Membership from £21 a month• No joining fee • Induction to the fitness suite• Health and fitness consultation• Three one-to-one sessions with a

qualified fitness instructor• Goal setting • Use of 5 Active Swansea centres• Use of 5 fitness suites• Use of 3 swimming pools • A choice of over 80 fitness classes

each week • Use of racquet sports

As the city’s biggest leisure provider, ActiveSwansea has five leisure and sports centresacross Swansea, ensuring there is a centrenear your place of work or home.


provides unlimitedaccess to any of

our gyms,swimming pools,

fitness classes andmuch more.

The Active SwanseaCorporate Membership isan ideal way for yourworkforce to maintain anactive, healthy lifestyle.

Mae AelodaethGorfforaethol yn

rhoi mynediaddiderfyn i unrhyw

un o'ncampfeydd,pyllau nofio,

dosbarthiadauffitrwydd a llawer


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Mae pecyn Corfforaethol Abertawe Actif yn cynnwys:

• Aelodaeth o £21 y mis• Dim ffi ymuno • Cyflwyniad i'r ystafell ffitrwydd• Ymgynghoriad iechyd a ffitrwydd• Tri sesiwn un i un gyda hyfforddwr ffitrwydd

cymwys• Defnydd o 5 canolfan Abertawe Actif ar

draws y ddinas • Defnydd o 5 ystafell ffitrwydd• Defnydd o 3 pwll nofio• Dewis o fwy nag 80 dosbarth ffitrwydd

bob wythnos• Defnydd o chwaraeon raced

Mae AelodaethGorfforaethol AbertaweActif yn ffordd ddelfrydoli'ch gweithlu fyw bywydiach ac actif.

Fel darparwr hamdden mwyaf yddinas, mae gan Abertawe Actifbum canolfan hamdden achwaraeon ar draws Abertawe, gansicrhau bod canolfan ger eichgweithle neu'ch cartref.

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Page 4: Active Swansea Corporate Membership

The benefits to your company caninclude:

• Reduced stress levels and illness• Reduced staff turnover• Reduced absenteeism• Increases in morale, productivity and

team spirit• Improve the perception of your company

as a caring employer• Positive PR opportunity

Benefits for staff;benefits for you

Active Swansea’s CorporateMembership will help get youremployees fighting fit!

With today’s high-stress, busylifestyles, companies arerecognising that encouraginga healthier lifestyle for theiremployees can lead toincreased motivation andproductivity and ultimately amore effective workplace.

The benefits to your staff can include: • Improved health• Improved levels of morale • Reduced sickness and absenteeism• Feeling motivated and happy• Increased ability to handle stress• Higher energy levels • Longer working life and healthier retirement• Reduced back pain

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Stress affects one in fiveof the workingpopulation and is nowthe single biggestcause of sicknessabsence in the UK.

Taking frequentexercise is one of thebest physical stress-reduction techniquesavailable. It improveshealth, reduces stress,relaxes tensed musclesand helps you to sleep.

Mae straen yn effeithioar un o bob pump o'rboblogaeth sy'ngweithio, ac erbyn hyndyma achos pennafabsenoldeb salwch yny DU.

Mae ymarfer corff ynaml yn un o'r ffyrddgorau o leihau straen.Mae'n gwella iechyd,yn lleihau straen, ynllacio cyhyrau tynn acyn eich helpu i gysgu.

Manteision i'r staff:manteision i chi

Bydd Aelodau Corfforaethol Abertawe Actifyn helpu i gadw'ch gweithwyr yn ffit!

Gyda bywydau tra phrysur a chryn dipyn ostraen, mae cwmnïau'n cydnabod bod annogffyrdd iach o fyw ymhlith eu gweithwyr yn galluarwain at well cymhelliant a chynhyrchedd acyn y pen draw, gweithle mwy effeithiol.

Gall y manteision i'ch staff gynnwyspethau fel:

• Iechyd gwell• Ysbryd gwell • Llai o salwch ac absenoldeb• Mwy o gymhelliant a hapusrwydd• Mwy o allu i ddygymod â straen• Mwy o egni • Bywyd gweithio hwy ac ymddeoliad

iachach• Llai o boen cefn - anhwylder cyffredin

Gall y manteision i'ch cwmni gynnwys:• Llai o straen a salwch• Llai o drosiant staff• Llai o absenoldeb• Morâl a chynhyrchedd uwch ac ysbryd tîm

gwell• Cynyddu'r syniad o gwmni sy'n ofalgar• Cyfle CC cadarnhaol

Stress Management Society

Cymdeithas sy'n RheoliStraen

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Discounted membership: savings for staff

Our Active Swansea standard membership is£29.75 a month. However your employees willreceive a discount if payment is made inone of the following ways:

1. If you, as the employer pays us directly forthose of your staff who becomeCorporate Members, the fee will be JUST£21 per month.

2. Alternatively, the employee can becomea ‘Workplace Partner’ and pay directlyvia Direct Debit, the monthly fee for thiswill be £26 per month.

Dw i wedi gweithio gydagAbertawe Actif am fwy na 10mlynedd ac mae'r staff bobamser wedi bod yn gymwynasgariawn, yn broffesiynol, yn hyblygac yn frwdfrydig. Mae gallucynnig disgownt aelodaethgorfforaethol i'n haelodau CSSCwedi bod yn offeryn cymhellol arecriwtio aelodaeth gwych. Maegweithlu iachach yn bendant yn un hapusach.

Denver Williams, Cyngor Chwaraeon GwasanaethSifil Ardal Abertawe

I have worked with ActiveSwansea for over 10 years andhave always found the staff veryhelpful, professional,accommodating and enthusiastic.It has been a great motivationaland membership recruitment toolbeing able to offer a corporatemembership discount to our CSSCMembers. A healthier workforce isdefinitely a happier one.

Denver Williams, Civil Service Sports Council, Swansea Area

Standard membership £29.75 per month

Workplace Partner £26 per monthCorporate Member £21 per month

Price includes access to: 5 fitness suites 3 swimming pools 80 fitness classes Racquet sports

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Aelodaeth ddisgownt: arbedion i staff

Pris aelodaeth safonol Abertawe Actif yw £29.75 y mis. Ond gall eich gweithwyr gaeldisgownt os gwneir y taliadau yn y ffyrdd canlynol:

1. Os byddwch chi, fel cyflogwr, yn ein talu’n uniongyrchol dros y staff hynny sy’ndymuno bod yn Aelodau Corfforaethol, y ffi fydd £21 y mis YN UNIG

2. Neu, os bydd y gweithiwr yn dod yn 'Bartner yn y Gwaith' a thalu'n uniongyrchol drwy ddebyd uniongyrchol, y ffi fisol fydd £26.

Aelodaeth safonol £29.75 y misPartner y Gweithle £26 y misAelod Corfforaethol £21 y mis

Mae'r pris yn cynnwys mynediad i'rcanlynol: 5 ystafell ffitrwydd 3 pwll nofio 80 dosbarth ffitrwydd Chwaraeon raced

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If an Active Swansea CorporateMembership appeals to you, we would liketo spread the word to the rest of theworkforce.

We can provide posters, leaflet, banners and articles for your internalcommunications and webpages. We canalso arrange an Active Swansea Roadshowto visit your workplace.

Our fully qualified Roadshow team canprovide on-the-spot health checksincluding blood pressure, body fatanalysis and fitness tests and answer anyquestions about Active Swansea and ourmembership packages.

The team will also hand out freeinduction vouchers so everyone canenjoy a one-to-one tour of an ActiveSwansea centre.

The next step to a fitter future

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Let us assistyou inachieving ahealthierworkforce.

Gadewch ini eich helpui gaelgweithluiachach.

Y cam nesaf i ddyfodolmwy ffit

Os yw Aelodaeth Gorfforaethol AbertaweActif yn swnio'n beth da i chi, beth amledaenu'r wybodaeth ymhlith gweddill eichgweithwyr? Gallwn ddarparu posteri, taflenni,baneri ac erthyglau ar gyfer eich e-bystmewnol a thudalennau'r we. Gallwn hefyddrefnu Sioe Deithiol Abertawe Actif i ymweldâ'ch gweithle.

Mae ein tîm Sioe Deithiol tra chymwys yn gallucynnig gwiriadau iechyd yn y fan a'r lle gangynnwys pwysedd gwaed, dadansoddiad ofraster y corff a phrofion ffitrwydd ac atebunrhyw gwestiynau am Abertawe Actif a'npecynnau aelodaeth. Bydd y tîm hefyd yncynnig talebau cyflwyno am ddim fel y gallpawb fwynhau ymweliad un i un ag un oganolfannau Abertawe Actif.

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No need to travel far; there’s a centre near your work andhome

When setting our opening hours we have takenthe need of our Corporate Members intoaccount. Our centres are open early until lategiving everyone the chance to fit in a session ortwo.

Dim angen teithio'n bell; maecanolfan ger eich gwaitha'ch cartref

Wrth drefnu ein horiau agor, rydym wedi ystyriedanghenion ein Haelodau Corfforaethol. Mae'ncanolfannau'n agor yn gynnar ac yn cau'n hwyrfel bod pawb yn gallu cael sesiwn neu ddwy.

Our fitness suites at Bishopston andPenyrheol open at 7am and Penlan and Morriston even earlier at 6.15am giving your employees time to enjoy a session before work.

If your employees can’tdo mornings, howabout evenings? All ourcentres are open lateon weeknights, closingbetween 9.00pm and10.00pm.

Mae'n hystafelloeddffitrwydd yn LlandeiloFerwallt a Phenyrheol ynagor am 7am, aPhenlan yn gynharacham 6.00am, gan roiamser i chi fwynhausesiwn cyn mynd i'rgwaith.

Os nad yw'r bore'naddas, beth am gyda'rnos? Mae pob un o'rcanolfannau ar agor ynhwyr yn ystod yrwythnos, ac yn caurhwng 9.00 a 10.00 y nos.

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Active Swansea Centres Canolfannau Abertawe Actif

outdoor tennistenis awyr agored

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[email protected]

To receive information about events andactivities in Swansea please subscribe

All details correct at time of going to print.

Mae gan Abertawe Actiflawer i'w gynnig. Mae pumcanolfan ar drawsAbertawe, felly mae unohonynt gerllaw

Active Swansea has a lot to offer and with five centresacross Swansea, there’salways a centre near you

01792 635458

If you require this brochure in adifferent format please contactMarketing Services on 01792 635478

Mae'r holl fanylion yn gywir wrth fynd i'r wasg.

Os hoffech gael y daflen hon mewnfformat arall, ffoniwch yGwasanaethau Marchnata ar 01792 635478

I dderbyn gwybodaeth am ddigwyddiadaua gweithgareddau yn Abertawe,tanysgrifiwch yn

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