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FAITH! 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses


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Table of Contents FRIDAY AFTERNOON SESSION—PART 1 ........................................................................................................... 3

SYMPOSIUM: USE CREATION TO BUILD YOUR FAITH … ........................................................................................... 5 00:14:11 Kenneth Flodin, Teaching Committee: —Stars ............................................................................ 5 00:25:17 Patrick LaFranca, Personnel Committee: —Oceans .................................................................... 7 00:34:58 James Mantz, Writing Committee: —Forests .............................................................................. 9 00:44:04 Leonard Myers, Writing Committee: —Wind and Water .......................................................... 11 00:52:51 Robert Luccioni, Publishing Committee: —Sea Creatures ......................................................... 13 01:02:29 Ron Curzan, Teaching Committee: —Our Bodies ...................................................................... 15

FRIDAY AFTERNOON SESSION—PART 2 ......................................................................................................... 17

00:00:58 DAVID SPLANE, GOVERNING BODY: “JEHOVAH’S POWERFUL WORKS INSPIRE FAITH” ...................................... 18 SYMPOSIUM: IMITATE THE FAITHFUL, NOT THE FAITHLESS… .................................................................................. 22

00:21:19 William Turner, Service Committee: —Abel, Not Cain .............................................................. 22 00:33:27 Gary Breaux, Service Committee: —Enoch, Not Lamech ........................................................... 25 00:44:35 John Ekrann, a helper to the Coordinators’ Committee: —Noah, Not His Neighbors ............... 27 00:55:36 Seth Hyatt, Service Committee: Moses, Not Pharaoh ............................................................... 30 01:06:33 Robert Ciranko, Writing Committee: Jesus’ Disciples, Not the Pharisees .................................. 32


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Powerful by Faith! Friday 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses Afternoon

Luke 17:5 “Give us more faith”

Friday Afternoon Session—Part 1

Session Chairman

Good day, brothers and sisters! Our next session will begin with a music-video presentation. This video shows the beauty of creation and the beauty of our worldwide brotherhood, both of which bring glory to Jehovah. Let’s watch and listen.

00:00:34 Music-Video Presentation

Our opening song is an opportunity for each of us to give praise to Jehovah. Let’s sing song number 2, entitled “Jehovah Is Your Name.” Again, that’s song number 2.

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Powerful by Faith! Friday 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses Afternoon

Session Chairman

When we examine the things Jehovah has made, we see his marvelous qualities, but can we learn even more? The following six-part symposium will show how meditating on creation can strengthen our faith in Jehovah’s promises. Each speaker will introduce the next.

Brother Kenneth Flodin, a helper to the Teaching Committee, will present the first talk entitled “Use Creation to Build Your Faith—Stars.”

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Powerful by Faith! Friday 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses Afternoon

SYMPOSIUM: Use Creation to Build Your Faith …

00:14:11 Kenneth Flodin, Teaching Committee: —Stars

Text and scripture Philippians 4:4: “Rejoice!”

four main points that will help us. What are they? (1) Point.

In each of the parts of this symposium, the speaker will help us to see not only the wonder of creation but also the thunder of creation. We will hear Jehovah’s words like thunder—loud and clear. Please find Nehemiah 9:6 with me, and notice the faith-strengthening effect that creation has on the angels above. Nehemiah 9:6: “You alone are Jehovah; you made the heavens, yes, the heaven of the heavens and all their army, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. And you preserve all of them alive, and the army of the heavens are bowing down to you.” Well, that verse extols Jehovah as the Creator. But did you notice the expression “the heaven of the heavens”? What is that? Well, that refers to the complete extent of the physical heavens —the atmospheric heavens, the heavens of outer space. And at the top of the

heavens’ outer space, that rim, that is the heaven of the heavens —the highest heavens.

Now, when we look at the heavens, what do we see? What do we feel? Well, in that verse, did you notice it mentions (first time) “the heavens and all their army”? That’s referring to the physical army of the heavens —the stars, the planets, the galaxies. But did you notice in the last sentence that there is another “army of the heavens”? And that refers to the holy angels of God. And just contemplating the physical creation, the angels are moved to bow down or worship Jehovah. Contemplating the creation can have a similar effect on us. Now, each talk of this symposium will discuss how meditating on an aspect of creation will build our faith in Jehovah’s promises.

Let’s watch a video about the stars, and then we will have a faith-strengthening application to our resurrection hope.

00:16:53Our sun is considered an average star. Yet, the energy from the sun that reaches the earth is thousands of times the world’s total energy use. With our unaided eyes, we might see about 3,000 stars on a dark night —many in a fuzzy band. The Milky Way galaxy is where our sun is just one of perhaps 200 to 400 billion stars. Astronomers think the Milky Way galaxy is clustered together with around 100,000 large galaxies in a massive structure called a supercluster that together with an estimated two trillion galaxies make up the known physical universe. Countless stars spread over unfathomable distances, releasing immense amounts of energy may be impossible to grasp for us —but not for Jehovah. “He counts the number of the stars; he calls all of them by name. Our Lord is great and is mighty in power.” [Psalm 147:4, 5]

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Powerful by Faith! Friday 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses Afternoon

In just a two-minute video about the stars, we

see the awesome wonder, but do we hear the thunder? Do we hear the clear, undeniable application from Jehovah, our Creator? Well, I invite you to turn with me to Isaiah 40:26, please. What can we come to appreciate about Jehovah by pondering the magnitude and the magnificence of the stars? Well, at Isaiah 40:26, Jehovah says to look at the stars. He says: “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things [the wonder]? It is the One who brings out their army by number; he calls them all by name. Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power, not one of them is missing.” Well, in the video we saw, it estimated that there are two trillion galaxies in outer space, each with billions of stars. So do the math. How many names of inanimate objects does Jehovah have in his memory? How many can he possibly contain? But did you notice that at the end of that verse, it says that “not one of them are missing”?

It is said that there are a billion, trillion stars. So I have to ask you, would Jehovah remember your name? Your loved one’s name? “Not one of them is missing.” Not one star goes missing to Jehovah. Well, how about our dead loved ones? Did they go missing? My favorite verses when a faithful servant of Jehovah dies are Romans 14:7-9. In verse 8, it says: “If we live [or] if we die, we belong to Jehovah.” The status with Jehovah does not change at death. That person did not go missing. But what about those of us who have loved ones who at the time of their death, they had not come to learn about or put faith in Jehovah? What about that?

Well, think about this: If Jehovah had the ability, the power, to create those huge stars and galaxies, he can recreate all —all—those sleeping in the memorial tombs. Find John 5:28, 29. Let’s verify that so that all of us, whether the dead loved one was previously a faithful Witness or not, all of us, can entertain the hope of the resurrection. John 5:28, 29: “Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all [all] those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice

and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced [you see, even] vile things to a resurrection of judgment.” Yes, they’ll be restored to life and they’ll have the opportunity to come to love the One who gifted them with the miracle of a resurrection. Now, in our video, right at the end (on screen), there was a quotation of Psalm 147:4, 5. And in verse 4, it says that ‘Jehovah counts all the stars’ —the billions, trillions, or more of them. It says that he named each one —the billions or trillions of them. That is amazing indeed.

But we’d like to learn another lesson from the book of Job. In Job 14, please, we’re going to read verses 13 and 15. When a star burns out, it does not go missing to Jehovah. No doubt he remembers its name, but he is not motivated to resurrect that star back to light so that it can again twinkle in a dark night sky. But what about humans? We were created in the image of Jehovah God and his Son, Christ Jesus. At Job 14:13, Job says: “O that in the Grave you would conceal me, that you would hide me until your anger passes by, that you would set a time limit for me and remember me!” And in verse 14, it’s obviously talking about the resurrection. But would Job, in effect, just become a burned-out star? Unlike a burned-out star, Jehovah yearns—he longs—to call back each human to life so that we can again see that starlike twinkle in their eyes. And now verse 15: “You [that’s Jehovah] will call, and I will answer you.” You see, from the grave, “I will answer you.” “You will long for the work of your hands.” But Jehovah has the memory to bring back people. He has the power to bring back people, and he has the longing to bring back people to life. Friends, observe the stars. Have faith that you will see your resurrected loved ones.

And now, Brother Patrick LaFranca, a helper to the Personnel Committee, will continue this symposium with his talk, “Use Creation to Build Your Faith—Oceans.”

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Powerful by Faith! Friday 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses Afternoon

00:25:17 Patrick LaFranca, Personnel Committee: —Oceans

Text and scripture Philippians 4:4: “Rejoice!” four main points that will help us. What are they? (1) Point.

Have you ever stood on the ocean shore, enjoying the salt spray, watching the breakers dash against the rocks or run up onto the sandy beach then withdraw? Many enjoy spending hours at the ocean. We never stop marveling at its beauty and its immense size. On the other hand, many fear the destructive power of the ocean. Like other natural forces, the ocean can act like a powerful giant that sometimes goes on

a rampage. What can man do to stop the wall of water of a tsunami from approaching the coastline? The power of storm waves is almost unbelievable. They have been known to throw boulders weighing 7,000 pounds over a wall 20 feet high. Can we trust that Jehovah in the future will bring the oceans and other natural forces into perfect balance?

In the following video, note how the oceans give loud and clear evidence of Jehovah’s wisdom and power.

00:26:33Millions of cubic meters of water circulate continually around our planet. Near the poles, water that is colder, saltier, and denser sinks, creating a flow almost 100 times that of the Amazon River. This drives a massive circulation of water that may take 1,000 years to complete —the global ocean conveyor belt. This enormous system distributes heat, which helps to stabilize the weather and transport great quantities of nutrients around the world so that life may flourish in abundance. Jehovah set these mechanisms in motion and understands them perfectly. “You rule over the raging of the sea; when its waves surge, you calm them.” [Psalm 89:9]

As we saw in our video, the oceans are essential to sustain life on the earth. Sadly, however, greedy men have trashed them with pollution. Global warming has caused ocean levels to rise, threatening coastal areas. Experts are concerned that the natural forces are so out of balance that soon the planet will no longer sustain life. Yet, friends, if Jehovah had the wisdom and power to create the earth’s oceans, when his time comes to bring all natural forces back into perfect balance, he can certainly cause us to live in harmony with them. Though the oceans might appear to be uncontrollable, we

know that Jehovah is vastly more powerful. Note how Psalm 93:4 describes his power, Psalm 93:4: “Above the sound of many waters, mightier than the breaking waves of the sea, Jehovah is majestic in the heights.” Yes, the great sea may lift up its powerful waves to heaven, but it is no match for our majestic, Almighty God.

Jehovah’s powerful ability to perfectly control the oceans gives us great confidence that he is also perfectly capable of protecting us, his people. In Jeremiah 5:22, notice how Jehovah reminds his people of his power. Jeremiah 5:22: “‘Do you not fear me?’ declares Jehovah, ‘Should

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you not tremble before me? It is I who placed the sand as the boundary for the sea, a permanent regulation that it cannot pass over. Although its waves toss, they cannot prevail; although they roar, they still cannot pass beyond it.’” Yes, Almighty God placed the sand as the boundary for the sea. So when its furious waves pound against sand, the sand absorbs their impact and the force vanishes. Since Jehovah controls the literal roaring sea from going beyond its boundaries, can he not also protect his people when the wicked sea of humanity threatens us with its violent storms?

Jehovah’s control over vast waters was well demonstrated when he protected the Israelites by allowing them to cross the Red Sea on dry land. Now, the Red Sea has an average depth of over 1,600 feet. It is estimated that at the point where the Israelites crossed it, the depth of the sea was as much as 50 feet. Imagine being an Israelite walking through this corridor with walls of water on each side of you some 50 feet high. And then Jehovah used those same walls of water to collapse, drowning their enemies, the Egyptians. Yes, Jehovah controlled those vast waters to deliver an entire nation from a world power. And do you recall the account in Mark 4:37-39 when God empowered his Son, Jesus, to control the sea and the wind? When Jesus and the disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee in a boat, a great windstorm caused the sea to rage, and it threatened to fill up their boat. What did Jesus do? He commanded the wind and the sea with the words, “Hush! Be quiet!” And the raging wind and sea calmed down. So on this occasion,

Jesus showed what he will do as King of God’s Kingdom during the millennium. He will control forces of nature. There will be no need to fear the ocean.

In recent years, disastrous storms are becoming more frequent and severe. What used to be considered extreme —massive floods, killer droughts, and monster snow storms— is the new normal. Many experts now put the blame on human activity that has affected the oceans and the climate. So, yes, men continue to ruin the earth today. But here’s the good news. During the millennium, by means of his Kingdom, our wise Creator will undo all the damage done by humans. Everything will function in harmony with Jehovah’s principles, and we will learn how to properly care for this beautiful planet. And as we do, everything will be brought back into proper balance, including the climate and the oceans.

While some men today fear that the earth will be destroyed because of man’s abuse, Jehovah gives us this comforting promise at Psalm 104:5, Psalm 104:5: “He has established the earth on its foundations; it will not be moved from its place forever and ever.” Yes, the beautiful, deep, and dark blue ocean will roll on forever. The Creator will make sure of that. By our observing the oceans and meditating on what we see, we can build our faith that soon we will enjoy Jehovah’s creation forever without fear.

Brother James Mantz, a helper to the Writing Committee, will now present the next talk of this symposium, “Use Creation to Build Your Faith—Forests.”

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Powerful by Faith! Friday 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses Afternoon

00:34:58 James Mantz, Writing Committee: —Forests

What would we do without forests? Forests help to sustain our supply of fresh water, they purify the air, and forests convert carbon dioxide into life-sustaining oxygen. Yes, forests are vital to our existence. Yet, scientists warn that we’re in danger of losing this precious resource. This causes some people to wonder whether God cares about what’s happening to the forest.

We may even ask, ‘Will the loss of forests affect God’s ability to fulfill his promise to make the earth a paradise?’ The simple answer to that question is absolutely not! Jehovah has everything under control. Please watch the following video. It will strengthen your faith in the Designer of the forest.

00:36:05Trees can grow very strong and withstand powerful forces. But if they didn’t decompose after they die, trees and leaves would pile up with their nutrients locked away inside. Yet, they do decompose. Most animals cannot eat fallen wood and leaves, but fungi can. They break down the dead plant tissues, making them softer. Beetles and termites bore through the wood, exposing more surface area and spreading the fungi inside, which soften it further so that other insects can enjoy the feast. Earthworms aerate the soil and pull nutrients down where they can be used by other plants. Decomposers have been called the unsung heroes of the natural world. They recycle organic matter so that it is available to support new life. Through this process, Jehovah made it possible for us to enjoy earth’s lush beauty —generation after generation. “Let the fields and everything in them rejoice. At the same time let all the trees of the forest shout joyfully.” [Psalm 96:12]

Amazing! Will you ever look at a forest in the same way again? Think about what the decomposition and recycling of organic matter means for us and our future. Those beetles, termites, and earthworms —the unsung heroes of the natural world— will keep on doing their job throughout eternity. Reflect for a moment: If Jehovah had the wisdom to create forests that can replenish themselves, surely he knows how to undo the damage that man has done to the earth. Jehovah hasn’t revealed all the details of how he is going to restore the earth, but we can be confident that he will fulfill his promise to make “all things new.”

Please open your Bibles to Psalm 37:10, 11, 29. This scripture contains a promise regarding man and the earth. Psalm 37:10, 11, 29 reads: “Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; you will look at where they were, and they will not be there. But the meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.” How reassuring! People who are righteous and meek will be on the earth forever, and that earth will be a paradise. But there are at least two requirements for Jehovah to accomplish this. He’s already taken care of the first requirement.

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We saw proof of that in the video. Jehovah created the forest with an amazing rejuvenation system. So in spite of man’s prolonged misuse of the forest, Jehovah has already put in place the mechanism to undo all the damage that man has done. Doesn’t the marvelous design of the forest build your faith in Jehovah’s promise of a paradise?

The second requirement to make the earth a paradise is described in verse 10 of Psalm 37 that we just read. There it says: “And the wicked will be no more.” Not only will Jehovah undo the damage that men have done but he will also remove the source of the problem. Greedy men who exploit and misuse this precious resource will be gone. Therefore, we have no reason to fear that humans will continue to ruin the earth until it reaches the point of no return. Jehovah knows what is going on. Please open your Bibles to Revelation chapter 11, and we’ll read verse 18. This scripture assures us that Jehovah cares about our planet because it is his planet, and it confirms that he is going to hold men accountable for their actions. Revelation 11:18 says: “But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time came for the dead to be judged and to reward your slaves the prophets and the holy ones and those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” Jehovah is not going to let wicked men ruin his beautiful

creation. Nothing can stop Jehovah from carrying out his purpose for the earth.

Our examination of the forest has strengthened our faith that Jehovah will accomplish everything that he has in mind to do. The words of faithful Job reflect our conviction that that promise will come true. As recorded at Job 42:2, Job was moved to declare regarding Jehovah: “Now I know that you are able to do all things and that nothing you have in mind to do is impossible for you.” What does Jehovah have in mind to do? One thing is to transform the earth into a paradise with rich, abundant forests —forests that will continue to help sustain our supply of fresh water, to purify our air, and to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

The video that we just watched quoted Psalm 96:12, which declares: “Let all the trees of the forest shout joyfully.” By their very existence, forests praise their Creator. And we can add our joyful shouts of praise to those of the forest. Therefore, may we continue to use creation to build our faith, because if we do that, we will see the restored life-sustaining forests bring happiness to perfect humans and praise to their Creator, Jehovah, forever.

Brother Leonard Myers, a helper to the Writing Committee, will now present the next talk of this symposium, “Use Creation to Build Your Faith —Wind and Water.”

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Powerful by Faith! Friday 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses Afternoon

00:44:04 Leonard Myers, Writing Committee: —Wind and Water

When we think of events that will soon happen, such as the great tribulation and Armageddon, wouldn’t you agree that we need to build our faith now? In fact, if you turn with me to Ezekiel chapter 38 (you may want to put a marker there), verses 14 and 15 describe the time when God’s people will experience an all-out assault by those determined to destroy pure worship. Verse 14 mentions that Gog —or, as we know, a coalition of nations— will come against God’s people.

And though verse 18 states that on that day Jehovah’s “great rage will flare up” [Ezekiel 38:18] against his enemies, the question is, Will you and I remain confident in Jehovah’s promise to rescue his people? We can build our faith by considering another aspect of creation, the awesome power of wind and water. Please allow the following video to strengthen your faith.

00:45:09—though it is made of ice, it is very different from snow. Hail usually forms in warm weather when turbulent air produces thunderstorms with powerful updrafts. Those updrafts can pull a piece of dust or ice high into the cloud, where water freezes around it. Each trip up into the cloud adds a layer of ice and waits until it becomes a hailstone that is heavy enough to fall. Hailstorms can be powerfully destructive.

One deadly storm dropped hailstones weighing more than one kilogram (2 lbs) each. Jehovah used hail to demonstrate his power and defend his people, such as during the seventh plague against Egypt. When Joshua fought the Amorites, Jehovah caused a great hailstorm, and more Amorites died from the hailstones than in battle. Hail is also mentioned among the elements that Jehovah will use in the future against those who attack his people. “Have you seen the storehouses of the hail, which I have reserved for the... day of battle and war?” [Job 38:22]

As the video showed, wind and water in the form of hail are powerful and can at times be very destructive. For example, a report in AWAKE! magazine some years ago reported that at times humans are hurt —even killed— by hailstones weighing as much as one and a half pounds and as big as five inches in diameter. That’s larger than this ball. And there are scientific reports of even larger hailstones. But as we know, Jehovah can use wind and water to fight for his people.

Why, he is the Source of these natural forces, and he can control them perfectly. Please turn with me to Psalm 147, and let’s notice that together —Psalm 147— we’ll look at verses 17 and 18 for the assurance that Jehovah is the Source of these natural forces, Psalm 147:17: “He hurls down his hailstones like morsels of bread. Who can withstand his cold? He sends out his word, and they melt. He makes his wind blow, and the waters flow.” Did you notice to whom these

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natural forces belong? Verse 17 speaks of “his hailstones.” Verse 18 says: “He makes his wind blow.” Yes, Jehovah is the Source, and he can control them. He proved this in the past. Do you remember the examples given in the video? One was the account in Joshua chapter 10 when the Israelites were fighting the Amorites. Verse 11 states that “while [the Amorites] were fleeing from Israel..., Jehovah hurled great hailstones from the sky on them..., and they perished. In fact, more died from the hail than from the sword of the Israelites.” [Joshua 10:11]

If Jehovah can create such powerful elements and control them, that should build our faith. It should convince us that he’ll be able to use these powerful elements in the future when he defends his people at Armageddon. The video partially quoted a scripture that emphasizes that point. Let’s read it together—Job chapter 38, Job 38, and notice with me verses 22 and 23. Job 38:22: “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, which I have reserved for the time of distress, for the day of battle and war?” Did you notice that Jehovah says he ‘has storehouses of hail reserved for the day of battle’? Psalm 135:7 mentions ‘storehouses of wind.’ In these verses, Jehovah speaks of things he’s reserved under his control for special purposes. How can this knowledge of Jehovah’s storehouses build our faith? When we’re attacked during the great tribulation by God’s enemies, no matter how powerful or threatening they may seem, they can’t possibly survive Jehovah’s anger.

For example, if we go back to Ezekiel chapter 38 and glance at verse 22, we see things Jehovah will use against those enemies of pure worship. Besides pestilence, fire, and sulfur, notice what

else Jehovah will use. In the middle of the verse, it says: “I will rain down a torrential downpour and hailstones.” [Ezekiel 38:22] Yes, Jehovah will use water. He may use hailstones of undisclosed size to destroy those wicked humans. Now, during that time, will we need to fear the natural elements? Not at all. 2 Peter 2:9 assures us: “Jehovah knows how to rescue people of godly devotion out of trial.” Jehovah will perfectly control the natural elements so his people are not harmed. This knowledge about the awesome power of wind and water should make us powerful by faith. It should build our faith not only in Jehovah’s ability to protect us in the future but also in his protection now.

For instance, we have no reason to fear bans or threats from worldly governments. The One who controls the storehouses of the wind and hail is our Helper. According to Hebrews 13:6, we do not need to “be afraid.” That’s true now, and it will be true in the future when Jehovah brings the natural elements at his disposal against our enemies. Notice his assurance at the end of Ezekiel chapter 38; notice verse 23: “And I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.” [Ezekiel 38:23] What a thrilling time that will be! As these enemies are defeated, they will know that it is Jehovah God who is bringing destruction upon them. May our anticipation of that happy outcome and our study of creation build our faith now as we confidently look forward to Jehovah’s complete victory.

Brother Robert Luccioni, a helper to the Publishing Committee, will now present the next talk of this symposium, “Use Creation to Build Your Faith —Sea Creatures.”

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Powerful by Faith! Friday 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses Afternoon

00:52:51 Robert Luccioni, Publishing Committee: —Sea Creatures

Are you struggling to provide for yourself or your family? Many today lack the basic necessities, such as food, clean water, adequate housing. And this causes some to question whether God really cares about humans. But as Jehovah’s people, we are different. We know that Jehovah cares for all of his creation. But we all know that it is a test of our faith when things get difficult.

So the question is, How can we build our faith so that we are strong and so that it can help us get through difficult times? Well, one way is by examining how Jehovah provides for his animal creation. Now, why is that helpful? Well, that examination gives us confidence that he will care for us as well. As an example, in the following video, note how Jehovah provides food for a massive sea creature.

00:53:59The largest animal alive on earth today is also the largest that has ever lived —the blue whale. Blue whales can grow to be over 30 meters (98 feet) long and weigh up to 180 tons. Its heart alone may weigh several hundred kilograms. How does such a large creature find enough to eat? The blue whale migrates great distances to find tiny crustaceans known as krill. When a blue whale finds a school of krill, it accelerates toward the krill and opens its giant mouth. They may engulf hundreds of kilograms of krill with each lunge amounting to several tons per day. Blue whales eat a lot. Yet, Jehovah provides for them, and he will provide for us. “There is the sea, so great and wide, teeming with countless living things, both small and great.” [Psalm 104:25]

Now, we are amazed at the way Jehovah provides for all of his animal creation, including the sea creatures. The Bible describes this well if you look at Psalm 104:27, 28 —Psalm 104:27, 28: “All of them wait for you to give them their food in its season. What you give them, they gather. When you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things.” Yes, meditating on this aspect of creation builds our faith. For example, from the video, do you remember the size of this creature? Now, can you imagine if you had the assignment to feed just one blue whale? You just make sure that one whale has enough to eat every day. Can you imagine that? Where would we start? We’d have to hire teams of people and figure out how

to get the food and how to move the food to where the blue whale is swimming (after we figure out where it’s swimming). Why, it would be a full-time job! And that would be to feed just one whale, and there are thousands of them. And yet, Jehovah has it all arranged day after day. We don’t even think about it. You notice here in verse 27, it says that “all of them wait for [Jehovah] to give them their food.” Now, it doesn’t mean that the whale just kind of floats on the top of the water and waits for food to jump in its mouth. No, it swims; it looks for the food. When it finds it, it goes after it. But Jehovah provides it. In verse 28, it says: “What [he] give[s] them, they gather.”

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Now, you cannot imagine that blue whale

thinking: ‘Come on, really? ‘I’m 180 tons, and you’re going to feed me with a little crustacean? Couldn’t we have just worked out that I eat a couple of big tuna every day?’ No, they gather what Jehovah gives them. And verse 28 goes on to say that “they are satisfied with” Jehovah’s provisions. So, what’s the point? Well, did you notice the comment in the video? It said: “Jehovah provides for them, and he will provide for us.” See, meditating on creation can build our faith —strengthen our faith— in Jehovah’s support.

Note the four lessons that we learn from how Jehovah cares for his creation. The first is that (1) if Jehovah has the desire to care for animals and provide for their needs, do you think that Jehovah has the desire to care for you and your family? Remember what Jesus expressed at Matthew 6:26, where he explained how Jehovah cares for His creation, even the small birds, and he said: “Are you not worth more than they are?” Yes, if Jehovah feels compelled to care for his animal creation, we can be assured that he feels compelled to care for you and your family. A second lesson is that (2) we do not need to be unduly anxious about tomorrow. Rather, we can confidently ask Jehovah for our daily needs. Look at Matthew 6:31, 32 —Matthew 6:31, 32. It says: “So never be anxious and say, ‘‘‘What are we to eat?’ or, ‘What are we to drink?’ or, ‘What are we to wear?’ For all these are the things the nations are eagerly pursuing. Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” Yes, Jehovah knows we need them. He knows exactly what we need, and he promises to provide it. And if Jehovah has the capacity to feed a 180-ton blue whale, do you think he has the capacity to feed you and me and our families? Absolutely! See, we do the best that we can, and then we trust in Jehovah to do the rest. And like it mentioned

there in Psalms with the animal creation, we “wait” on Jehovah and we “are satisfied with” what he provides.

Our third point is that (3) Jehovah will not abandon us when we face trials. Look at Hebrews chapter 13 and the latter part of verse 5 —Hebrews 13:5. He says: “I will never leave you, and I will never abandon you.” Jehovah will never abandon us. He will care for us even through our hard times. Now, how can that help us? Well, that can help us to make good decisions —good decisions regarding our employment, care for our family, worship of Jehovah. We well remember Jesus’ words at Matthew 6:33, where he says: “[Seek] first the Kingdom... and all these other things will be [given] to you.” And finally, our fourth point: (4) Jehovah promises that he will abundantly care for all of our needs in the future. We think of that beautiful promise at Isaiah 65:22, where it says: “For the days of my people will be like the days of a tree.”

Now, the blue whale is thought to live 80 to 90 years, and Jehovah keeps providing for it. He does not have a limited supply of provisions. Well, that gives us confidence that it’s not beyond Jehovah’s ability to fulfill his promise and care for us through all eternity. So, yes, Jehovah’s Word and his creation give us irrefutable proof of his constant, loving care —proof that he cares for us today, proof that he will care for us through our difficult days, and proof that he will care for us through all eternity. So may all of us continue to build our faith, fortify our trust in Jehovah, become powerful by faith. We need that faith now, and we most definitely will need it to face what is to come.

Now Brother Ron Curzan, a helper to the Teaching Committee, will present the final talk of this symposium, “Use Creation to Build Your Faith —Our Bodies.”

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01:02:29 Ron Curzan, Teaching Committee: —Our Bodies

Are you tired of being tired? Are you sick of being sick? Many of us are feeling the impact of living in this old system of things. But what can we do? Well, we try to improve our health or find some relief by medical means or by improving our diet, exercise, and getting more rest. But the bottom line is, we are infected with sin, and with sin comes sickness and the effects of aging. There’s promise after promise, but are they really true? There is no pill, medicine, diet, or exercise program that can give us complete relief —removal of sickness or, what we really want and what we need, perfect health. But there is a promise recorded in God’s Word that does give us confidence. Let’s read this together at Isaiah chapter 33.

At Isaiah chapter 33, notice the reassuring words from Jehovah through the prophet Isaiah in verse 24. And there it says: “And no resident [no one] will say: ‘I am sick.’ The people dwelling in the land will be pardoned for their error.” [Isaiah 33:24] So sin will be removed in God’s new world. Do you believe that? Can we really put faith in Jehovah’s promise? This is not just another empty promise by a human. This comes from our Creator, Jehovah. Yes, he can guarantee it. But what can we do today to build up our faith in those promises? Well, as highlighted in this symposium, we can take the time and stop to look at Jehovah’s creation. So let’s do that right now. Let’s examine the human body and its amazing ability to repair itself. Please watch the following video.

01:04:48Our bones are amazing. They support our bodies, protect our organs, and store almost all of the body’s calcium —a mineral essential for our health. For their weight, bones are very strong. The feet of a track and field jumper may experience forces of several times his body weight. Bones can compress and bend, but sometimes they break. A fractured bone can heal well if properly set. Inflammation brings organic building blocks to the area, and soft tissue grows between the broken pieces. The soft tissue is replaced with harder tissue. The body replaces the harder tissue with new bone until the repair is complete. In children, the break may heal without leaving a trace. Jehovah gave every bone in our body this incredible ability to heal. “I praise you because in an awe-inspiring way I am wonderfully made.” [Psalm 139:14]

Well, that was an amazing video. We learned

a lot about what happens on the inside. We take it for granted that when we get a cut or broken bone, our body automatically heals itself. King David was very impressed with the way that he was made and the way the human body works. But he did not have the modern technology and knowledge that we have today —an X-ray machine or a microscope— but he observed

Jehovah’s creation, and he knew that we were designed in an awe-inspiring way. Let’s read what he says at Psalm 139 —Psalm 139:14— and I’m sure you feel the same way. He says: “I praise you because in an awe-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know this very well.” So, what helped David to build a strong faith in Jehovah and his promises for the future? Well, did you read there? He says: “I know this

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very well.” David took the time to stop and observe Jehovah’s creations. That’s what helped him to put faith in Jehovah. Yes, he took the time, not to be distracted by other things going on around him, but to observe Jehovah’s creations. That’s what inspired him, and that’s what motivated him to give praise to Jehovah. And we need to do the same.

Yes, we are far from the perfect health and life that Jehovah had intended for the future. But even so, we are made in an awe-inspiring way. Jehovah wants us to continue living. It’s plain to see. And as we saw in the video, our bodies are amazing in that they can continue to repair themselves even without a conscious thought. But therein lies a problem. We could be so busy with our lives that we don’t stop and take that time to have a thought: ‘Why did Jehovah make this? Why did he create me the way he did?’ Yes, we’re busy thinking about how we’ll care for our families, pay the bills, or maybe take care of our health. But like David, we need to stop, pause, think deeply about what Jehovah has made. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to be inspired, like David, with all the inspiring creations around us.

And think about this: If Jehovah could create our bodies with the ability to repair themselves, like we saw in the video, he can certainly heal all infirmities. He can reverse the aging process, and he can prevent sickness in his new world. While on earth, Jesus proved with the power he was given from Jehovah that he could cure “every sort of disease and every sort of infirmity.” [Matthew 4:23] “Every sort” meant everything from healing the blind, the lame, those with epilepsy, leprosy to raising the dead to life. That truly is an amazing thing to ponder. Now, that must have been an amazing thing to see back then. But what Jesus did was just a preview on a small scale of what he will do in the future worldwide on a large scale under God’s Kingdom arrangement during the

Millennium. We will finally see that promise we read in Isaiah that “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’” [Isaiah 33:24] Because Jesus will use his kingly power to bring about perfect health —yes, lasting health. Jehovah’s promises fill us with hope. They fill us with confidence that every sort of disease and illness —anything that we’re going through now— is only temporary, knowing that permanent perfect health is soon to come.

This symposium has considered examples ranging from the heavens all the way to the inner workings of our amazing bodies. Jehovah left his imprint on all of his creations. The evidence is clearly seen; it’s evident. What must we do today to build our faith and confidence in Jehovah’s promises? Notice what Romans 1:20 has to say. There in verse 20, Romans 1:20: “For his invisible qualities are clearly seen “from the world’s creation onward, [why?] because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.” Let’s focus in on the word “perceived.”

It’s interesting that the study note says that “perceived” means more than just seeing something with our literal eyes. It means “grasping [or understanding] with [our] mind.” One Bible translation says: “God’s qualities are ‘visible... to the eye of reason.’” That’s interesting. So when we see Jehovah’s creations, take the time, like David did, to stop and think deeply. Meditate on what we can learn from that creation —what it tells us about our Creator, Jehovah. What happens when we perceive Jehovah’s wisdom, his power, his justice, his love in creations? It strengthens our faith in his promises now as well as in the future. May we always be inspired and stay inspired by Jehovah’s awe-inspiring creations, and thus we will always be inspired by our Almighty God and Creator, Jehovah!

Session Chairman

01:12:51 Thank you, brothers, for helping us think deeply about the things Jehovah has made and the things he will do. What wonderful blessings we have to look forward to! We now invite you to sing song number 148, entitled “Jehovah Provides Escape.” Again, that’s song number 148.

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Powerful by Faith! Friday 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses Afternoon

Luke 17:5 “Give us more faith”

Friday Afternoon Session—Part 2

Session Chairman

This 2021 convention is being broadcast in 240 lands. We anticipate that over 14 million individuals will be able to enjoy the program by this means. Your generous donations make this possible. Donations can be made online at

In the past, Jehovah performed miracles that strengthened the faith of his servants. Is he performing miracles in our day?

Let’s listen as Brother David Splane of the Governing Body provides the answer in the talk “Jehovah’s Powerful Works Inspire Faith.”

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00:00:58 David Splane, Governing Body: “Jehovah’s Powerful Works Inspire Faith”

Jehovah is a Miracle Worker. What’s a miracle? How would you describe it? Well, let’s give a simple definition. A miracle is a powerful work that can’t be explained in human terms. Whenever Jehovah performs a miracle, he has a purpose. And one reason might be to strengthen the faith of his servants. And that’s the title of this talk, “Jehovah’s Powerful Works Inspire Faith.” Well, we love to consider the miracles recorded in the Bible. It’s really faith-strengthening, isn’t it? So during this talk, we’re going to consider just a few.

How about this one? Jehovah leads the Israelites out of Egypt. They arrive at the Red Sea, and it seems they’re trapped. The sea is ahead of them; Pharaoh and his armies are behind. But Jehovah causes the waters of the Red Sea to part, and the Israelites cross over on dry land. When Pharaoh and his armies follow, Jehovah brings the sea back to its normal condition, and the cream of the crop of Egyptian manhood drowns. Now, we know what effect that miracle had on the Egyptians, but what effect did it have on the Israelites? Let’s see. Exodus 14:31 (I’ll give you a moment so you can find that), Exodus chapter 14 and verse 31—it says: “Israel also saw the great power that Jehovah wielded against the Egyptians, and the people began to fear Jehovah and to put faith in Jehovah.” So that miracle inspired faith in the Israelites.

Now, they weren’t the only ones who were impressed by that miracle. Let’s fast-forward 40 years. Two spies enter Jericho and go to the house of Rahab the prostitute. And she says to them: “We heard how Jehovah dried up the waters of the Red Sea... When we heard about it,

we lost heart, ...for Jehovah your God is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath.” [Joshua 2:10] Just hearing about that miracle inspired faith in Rahab.

Now, another person whose faith was strengthened by a powerful work might surprise you: the Queen of Sheba. Well, the Queen of Sheba, what was the powerful work? Outstanding wisdom. She’d heard about the wisdom of Solomon, and her curiosity got the better of her. She just had to see if the report was true. And that involved a 1,200-mile trip from her country to Jerusalem. The trip turned out to be well worth the effort. At the end of the visit, the Queen of Sheba said to Solomon: “May Jehovah your God be praised, who has taken pleasure in you by putting you on the throne of Israel.” She gave credit to Jehovah for what she saw. Now, we don’t know if she ever became a worshipper of Jehovah, but Jesus said that she’d ‘rise up in the judgment’ and “condemn” those Jews who wouldn’t even cross the street to listen to the Son of God.

Well, those are just two examples and, as you know, there are many more in the Bible. The apostle Paul lists some of them at Hebrews chapter 11, and we’re going to read verses 32 to 34, Hebrews chapter 11 (I’ll give you a moment), verses 32-34. And I’m going to read verse 32 first, Hebrews 11:32 (have you got it?): “And what more will I say? For time will fail me if I go on to relate about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, as well as Samuel and the other prophets.” Now, as I read verses 33 and 34, I want you children to look at the events that are being described and see if you can guess who was

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involved. Who was the object of this miracle? So let’s read verse 33; it says: “Through faith they defeated kingdoms, brought about righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the force of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from a weak state were made powerful, became mighty in war, routed invading armies.” [Hebrews 11:33, 34]

Now, let’s go back and see if we can identify individuals who were involved in those miracles. How about “defeated kingdoms”? Did you come up with someone? Let’s talk about Gideon. Now, we like Gideon. He reminds us of us. He wasn’t exactly brimming with confidence. When an angel approached him and indicated that Jehovah had work for him to do, Gideon said: “My clan is the least in Manasseh, and I am the most insignificant in my father’s house.” [Judges 6:15] He said something else, something that has a bearing on the theme of our discussion. He said to the angel: “If Jehovah is with us, ...where are all his wonderful acts that our fathers related to us?” [Judges 6:13] Yes, where were the powerful works? Before he was going to stick his neck out, Gideon wanted some kind of reassurance that he had Jehovah’s blessing. What to do? What was the angel going to do? He performed a powerful work, and that inspired faith in Gideon. Later, Gideon’s confidence was further boosted by three other remarkable signs —two involving a fleece and another involving a God-given dream. Now, with those powerful works in mind and with Jehovah’s help, Gideon did the impossible. With 300 men, he defeated an army of 135,000. Well, now, what’s the takeaway? What’s the lesson for us? With Jehovah on our side, we are never outnumbered.

Let’s go back to verse 33. Now, you children, I’m sure you’re going to get this next one, verse 33: “stopped the mouths of lions.” Who did that? Well, it was the same one who helped Gideon defeat the Midianites. It was Jehovah. But what was the circumstance? Well, you know. It was when Daniel was thrown into the lions’ pit. Now, when Daniel was condemned to die, he didn’t know for sure that Jehovah was going to rescue him. But he knew that Jehovah would do the right thing. He could have that confidence because Jehovah had been with him throughout his life. Daniel had been condemned to die once before.

Now, wait a minute; let’s think about that. Daniel had been condemned to die once before. When was that? Well, it was when the king of Babylon had a dream, and he decreed that unless Daniel and the other wise men of Babylon could tell him what he dreamed and then relate the meaning of the dream, they would all be put to death. That called for a powerful work. Jehovah provided Daniel with the information he needed, and Daniel’s life was saved. Well, that was Babylon. Now we’re in Persia, and Daniel is once more facing death—death by a lion. And once again, Jehovah comes to the rescue. He temporarily shuts the mouths of those lions. Well, we can imagine what effect that had on Daniel. But what about us today? What’s the takeaway? What’s the lesson? Today, Satan is “[walking] about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.” [1 Peter 5:8]

We may never know how often Jehovah shuts the mouth of that lion —how often Jehovah protects his people as a group from Satan. When we’re working from door to door, for example. It’s dangerous out there! And we probably have no idea how busy the angels are in our behalf. And if someone does lose his life while in Jehovah’s service or at a meeting —and it has happened— his loved ones can be sure of two things. First of all, their loved one did not lose Jehovah’s approval. And second, the loss is only temporary. Satan can never do us any lasting harm. One day Jehovah will shut that lion’s mouth permanently.

Now, back to Hebrews 11, and this time we’re reading verse 34, and I’m sure you kids are going to guess this one, verse 34: “quenched the force of fire.” Of course! Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They were court officials in Babylon. And you’ll recall that one day, King Nebuchadnezzar made a huge image of gold and demanded that everybody worship it. Anyone who refused would be thrown into the burning fiery furnace. Well, that was a time to remember Jehovah’s powerful works of the past. And the three men had experienced that, probably when they were just teenagers. Can you think of how? When they arrived in Babylon, they were taken to the palace for special training, and they were told to eat whatever was put in front of them. In this case, some of the food was prohibited under the

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Mosaic Law. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to eat those foods, and they asked to be given vegetables and water instead.

Now, for some of you children, just the thought of having to eat vegetables all the time is probably quite a test. But now, think of the results of this diet. After only 10 days, the three young men were in much better health than those who had followed the king’s diet. Now, if you’ve ever had to follow a diet, you know that there’s no way that you can show improvement in just 10 days. Jehovah had to have been involved. Now they were facing death. They knew their God. They knew what he was capable of. They told the king that if it was the will of God, they would be rescued, but if not, they still wouldn’t worship the image of gold. They knew that if Jehovah chose not to intervene miraculously, it was not a sign of his disapproval. Well, you know what happened. They were thrown into the fiery furnace, but God sent his angel to protect them. And when they stepped out of the furnace, there wasn’t even the smell of fire on them. Their integrity also resulted in a great witness. When the king saw that they were alive and well, he praised Jehovah; he said: “Praised be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego... There is no other god who is able to rescue like this one.” [Daniel 3:28] What a witness that gave! Well, that’s what happened back then.

What’s the takeaway? What’s the lesson? Today, many brothers are facing the heat of adversity—Russia, for example. Now, many brothers have been given long prison sentences because they won’t bow down to the state. Now, Jehovah doesn’t prevent this from happening any more than he prevented Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from being thrown into the furnace. But he does help them. What do we notice about them as they’re being led off to prison? They’re smiling. They’re serene. They’re at peace. They know their God. And when they come out, there won’t even be the smell of fire on them. Their faith will be intact. Their fine conduct also results in a good witness to the jailers and others who hear about the persecution.

Well, we’ll take one more example in verse 34: “escaped the edge of the sword.” I was thinking of Elisha. Now, in the days of the prophet Elisha, the king of Syria went to war against Israel,

and he called a war council, and the Syrians secretly planned their strategy. But Jehovah kept telling Elisha what the Syrians were up to, and Elisha kept telling the king of Israel. The Syrians were furious, and the king sent a large army to capture Elisha. What ingratitude! Why do we say that? Because in the previous chapter, we read that Elisha had cured the leprosy of Naaman, a chief of the Syrian army, and now a large Syrian army was hunting Elisha down. We hope Naaman wasn’t among them.

Finally, the Syrians found the city where Elisha was, and they surrounded it. Elisha’s attendant was scared to death, but Elisha wasn’t afraid. Second Kings chapter 6, verses 16, 17 explains why. This is encouraging—faith-strengthening. Let’s look it up—2 Kings 6:16, 17. Now, this is Elisha talking to his attendant: “‘Do not be afraid! ‘For there are more who are with us than those who are with them.’ Then Elisha began to pray and say: ‘O Jehovah, open his eyes, please, that he may see.’ Immediately Jehovah opened the attendant’s eyes and he saw, and look! the mountainous region was full of horses and war chariots of fire all around Elisha.” Well, that was a miraculous occurrence. That was faith-strengthening indeed.

What’s the takeaway? What’s the lesson for us? Well, one day we’ll be faced with hosts of modern-day Syrians. What’s going to help us to remain calm, unafraid? We’ll look heavenward and with our eyes of faith, we’ll see myriads of angels encamped all around us. We know that Jehovah will do the right thing, whatever is in harmony with his will. I hear you say: “I’d like to see a miracle. That would help a lot to strengthen my faith.” We see miracles every day. What’s a miracle? It’s a powerful work that can’t be explained in human terms.

A modern example of that is prayer. Isn’t prayer amazing? Can you explain it? Jehovah can listen to millions of prayers in any language all at once. That’s a miracle! But how does prayer build our faith? When we pray about a problem that nobody but Jehovah knows about and our prayer is answered, our faith is strengthened. Now, that is powerful. And what about all the experiences we hear when someone desperately prayed to God: “If you exist, please send someone to teach

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me about you” and ten minutes later, a Witness knocks on the door? Coincidence or a miracle?

Another miracle: our Christian brotherhood —isn’t it remarkable? Who can explain it? Former enemies become fast friends. You can go to a Kingdom Hall anywhere in the world and you will find your brothers and sisters. They’ll be glad to see you. You’ll feel at ease. You’ll know what they believe and what they’ll be studying at the meetings. You’ll see and feel the love. In times of ethnic cleansing, how often do we read of brothers and sisters who risk their lives to hide fellow believers who happen to be from another tribe? You know, when I think of a loving brotherhood, I always think of the experience Jack Johansson related in his life story. Brother Johansson was a missionary serving in Malawi at a time when the country was experiencing tremendous political unrest and violence. Now, he and a young African brother set out to check on the welfare of Witnesses in another part of the country. But along the way, they encountered a soldier who wasn’t friendly. He said to the African brother, “I have to shoot the white man.” He was serious. As he raised his gun to fire, the young African brother thrust himself between the gunman and Brother Johansson and said: “Shoot me! Shoot me, instead!” Well, that soldier was so touched by the love of our young African brother,

that he put his gun down. When you hear experiences like that, it makes you proud to be part of Jehovah’s organization.

Why is it that Jehovah is gathering us into an organization? There’s an interesting detail recorded at Isaiah 43:10. I’d like you to look it up. Now, when you hear Isaiah 43:10, you say: “I know that. It’s about ‘“You are my witnesses,” says Jehovah.’” And that’s true. But we’re going to focus on another part of the verse. So Isaiah 43:10: “‘You are my witnesses,’ declares Jehovah, ‘Yes, my servant whom I have chosen, [now notice this] so that you may know and have faith in me.’” Before we can have faith in Jehovah, we have to get to know him. We have to learn about his powerful works, those past and those present. And as we study his dealings with his people in the past, we see that Jehovah always keeps his promises. He’s promised to bring about a righteous new world. Now, we can take that promise to the bank. And through prayer and association with his organization, we can experience the modern-day miracles that Jehovah is performing. The more we know about Jehovah, the more we’ll love him. The more we love him, the more we’ll want to tell others about him. The more we preach, the stronger our faith will become, and we will be made powerful by faith.

Session Chairman

00:20:51 Thank you, Brother Splane, for that thrilling review of Jehovah’s powerful works.

In the Bible, we read of those who showed faith while their contemporaries did not. Why the difference? What can we learn from those who showed faith? Take note of the lessons in the upcoming five-part symposium. Each speaker will introduce the one to follow.

Brother William Turner, a helper to the Service Committee, will deliver the first talk entitled “Imitate the Faithful, Not the Faithless —Abel, Not Cain.”

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SYMPOSIUM: Imitate the Faithful, Not the Faithless…

00:21:19 William Turner, Service Committee: —Abel, Not Cain

As humans, we are designed with the ability to imitate what we see and hear. For example, we learn to talk by imitating the language and accent of our parents. And as we grew up, we probably also adopted the attitudes and actions of people we associated with. Clearly, the example of others can have a powerful influence on us. Today, more than ever, we need to copy good examples of faith. Because we are living in a time when our faith will be tested in many ways. But note what we will have to do. I invite you, please, to turn with me to the book of Jude, and follow along as we read verse 20 in the book of Jude. It says: “But you, beloved ones, build yourselves up on your most holy faith, and pray with holy spirit.” [Jude 20]

To help understand this verse, think of what a homeowner might do if he knows a really bad storm is approaching. Likely, he will take steps to build up, or strengthen, his home —from repairing cracks in the foundation to reinforcing the doors, walls, and windows. Well, in a similar manner, you and I must take steps to build up, or strengthen, our faith so that we can protect ourselves against the onslaught of tests and trials we are likely to face. You notice, Jude said that we must continue ‘building ourselves up on our most holy faith,’ which are the Christian teachings found in God’s Word. And as we study God’s Word and pray for his help, we can gain strength by learning from the examples set by different Bible characters. There is so much that

can be learned from the examples of those in ancient times.

Each talk of this symposium will highlight ways in which we can imitate the faith of Jehovah’s loyal servants of the past and reject the course of faithless ones.

Let’s start by examining the example of Abel. He was one of the first humans, the fourth, in fact, to exist on earth. The Bible describes Abel as a righteous man. He built up a record of living according to Jehovah’s standards, but his family, however, did not. We are well familiar with his parents, Adam and Eve. They both rebelled against Jehovah. And his older brother, Cain, well, he was not a positive role model. The Bible described Cain as one whose “own works were wicked.” [1 John 3:12] So you think about that: When you look at Adam, Eve, and Cain, who all displayed a lack of faith in Jehovah, can you imagine what that family dynamic must have been like for faithful Abel? The tension, hostility, resentment, lack of spiritual discussions —do you think Abel’s faith was tested? Indeed, it was. And today, our faith may likewise be tested by the actions of those who choose not to serve Jehovah.

We invite you to watch the following reenactment. As you do, note how a sister’s faith is tested.

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00:25:16I arrived in a new city during the rainy season. It rained all day every day for a whole month. At that time, there were only three publishers there. The first sister I met was my new pioneer partner. At first, I felt as if the people in this territory spoke a different language. When I tried to talk to some people about the Bible, they did not like it and some were even afraid of these new ideas. When government officials noticed that we had shared some tracts with the people, they began to watch us and followed us for about three months. I felt overwhelmed by all of this and became very anxious. I had few return visits or opportunities to speak about Jehovah. I felt lost. I didn’t know what to do or where to go. I often wondered, ‘Father, why did you send me here?’ It was like I had gone from being on a mountain peak to the bottom of a deep valley.

As our sister adjusted to her new circumstances, did you note how her trials made her feel? Anxious, lost, and overwhelmed. Perhaps you’ve experienced similar feelings when dealing with tests of your faith. So how can Abel’s example of faith help you and me? Let’s notice what he did. Turn with me, please, to the book of Hebrews, and we’re going to read Hebrews chapter 11 and verse 4. There we read: “By faith Abel offered God a sacrifice of greater worth than that of Cain, and through that faith he received the witness that he was righteous, for God approved his gifts, and although he died, he still speaks through his faith.” [Hebrews 11:4] Abel built strong faith in Jehovah, even though those around him failed to do so.

Let’s consider three steps that he took. First: (1) Abel took time to ponder spiritual matters. For instance, he no doubt discerned Jehovah’s love and wisdom in creation. As a shepherd, perhaps he looked at his sheep and recognized that they needed someone to guide and protect them. And Abel likely discerned that as humans, we too need someone to guide and protect us —someone far wiser and more powerful than any human. The second step: (2) Abel prayed and acted on what he learned. Even though his knowledge was limited, it was enough —enough for him to act in faith. No doubt Abel appealed to Jehovah in prayer to accept his sacrifice, and Jehovah approved his gift. Abel demonstrated his faith so powerfully. Did you note in verse 4, it tells us that his example still “speaks” to us today? At times, we may feel that we don’t have enough

knowledge or experience to demonstrate faith like Abel. But that’s OK. It doesn’t have to be an obstacle. Pray to Jehovah, and make the most of the knowledge that you do have. Act in faith, and Jehovah will help you. The third step: (3) Abel remained steadfast when under trial. He didn’t let the actions of his family affect his faith, and we can’t let the actions of others affect ours. We must never allow something that another person says or does to make us feel ashamed of being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. So be ready. Be quick to identify yourself as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It will help to build and fortify your faith.

We can also learn from the bad example set by Cain. At Genesis 4:6, 7, Jehovah warns Cain about his attitude, and he urges him to turn to doing good. But just like his faithless parents, Cain determined that he knew what was best for himself, and his actions led to the murder of his brother. We may go through situations where, because of imperfection, we don’t always use the best judgment or it causes us to develop a negative attitude. But when the matter is brought to our attention, how will we respond? You see, let’s not imitate the faithless example of Cain. Let’s not feel that we always know what’s best. But let’s see that warning as a loving tap on the shoulder from our heavenly Father and allow it to readjust our thinking so that we can build our faith and preserve our relationship with him. Well, let’s now go back to our sister. In the following reenactment, note how she imitates Abel’s faith.

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00:30:43I studied the Bible to see how Jehovah cared for his servants in the past. For example, I read how Jehovah told Jacob throughout his life: ‘I will be with you wherever you go.’ I pictured Jehovah telling me the same thing: ‘Don’t worry. Just go, and I will always be there to help you.’ I begged him to help me to be balanced, to feel peace, and to have courage to go out in the ministry. One day, Jehovah helped me to find a very good Bible student. It was an absolutely wonderful and unexpected gift from Jehovah. Our small group joins congregation meetings through the Internet. This arrangement is a valuable source of spiritual food for me. We get together for meals and association as well. The experiences on JW BROADCASTING® make me feel that I am not alone. And I always smile and wave goodbye at the end. It’s wonderful to be here.

Did you notice how our sister built up her faith in Jehovah? She imitated Abel’s example, and she followed those steps. The first step: (1) She pondered on spiritual matters. She studied the Bible to see how Jehovah cared for his servants in the past, and then she applied what she learned to her situation. Then, the second step: (2) She prayed and acted on what she learned. Her prayer was that Jehovah help her to be balanced, to feel peace, and to have courage to go into the ministry. And then she acted in faith. And despite the challenges in the ministry, she took the third step: (3) She remained steadfast under trial. She persevered and was blessed with a study. And then she reinforced her faith by joining in

congregation meetings and benefiting from the wholesome association of the brotherhood. And what was the result? Jehovah blessed her efforts. If you and I follow these steps, he will bless our efforts as well. By utilizing this tremendous gift Jehovah has given us —the power of example— you and I can imitate Abel. And as we build and fortify our faith, we will weather any storm of adversity that comes our way.

Brother Gary Breaux, a helper to the Service Committee, will now present the next talk of this symposium, “Imitate the Faithful, Not the Faithless —Enoch, Not Lamech.”

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00:33:27 Gary Breaux, Service Committee: —Enoch, Not Lamech

Without warning, our faith could suddenly be tested by how we react in a violent encounter. Yes, our faith may be tested as Enoch’s was. Ungodliness and violence were commonplace before the Flood, and the Scriptures clearly indicate how people reacted. We are told that the faithful man Enoch chose to walk with God. So when he was threatened, he looked to Jehovah for security. On the other hand, Lamech, a descendant of the murderer Cain, opted to provide his own security. This led to killing a man

in supposed self-defense. Now, Enoch and the killer Lamech both lived in a violent world, but their violence-reaction plans were totally different. As we descend deeper into the last days, people will become more desperate and violence will only escalate.

In the following dramatization, let’s see how reacting to violence could suddenly become a personal test of faith in Jehovah.

00:34:47My son barely escaped the gangs —again. We’re the only ones without a gun. I don’t want to keep a gun for protection. But how else can I protect my family?

In today’s violent society, even in the perceived safest of neighborhoods, we could have a similar experience. If so, how can we imitate Enoch’s faith? For one thing, he recognized a simple but fundamental truth: Jehovah hates violence.

So for us to walk with God as Enoch did, we must reject violence as an option. What can help us to do that? Don’t harbor retaliatory thoughts. Violent thoughts can lead to violent actions, without thinking about the consequences. Learn to recognize situations that could harm us; then act to avoid the danger. That’s the counsel given at Proverbs 22:3: “The shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself, but the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences.” So we’re encouraged to conceal ourselves if we sense danger. Think ahead, look

around, be perceptive, and avoid situations that may become violent. Avoid violent entertainment. It frequently portrays a violent response when a character’s safety is threatened. All sorts of objects or weapons are depicted as strategies to kill or overpower the opponents. While Christians may take reasonable steps to ensure their personal security, they do so within the framework of Bible principles.

Consider these three scriptures as you make decisions about your family’s security needs. (1) David prayed at Psalm 51:14: “Save me from bloodguilt.” He never wanted to be guilty of murder. Preparing a response that includes the use of weapons could result in taking a life. If a Christian takes reasonable steps to defend himself or his property, he would do everything in his power to avoid taking a human life and

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become bloodguilty. (2) At Matthew 26:52, Jesus warned that ‘those who draw the sword shall die by the sword.’ It’s well-established that when weapons are displayed, situations usually escalate with tragic outcomes. Planning to use a deadly weapon could effectively dismiss Jehovah’s spirit from our presence. To pull away from Jehovah is the last thing we want to do in a dangerous situation. A third is found at (3) Ecclesiastes 9:18, where it simply says: “Wisdom is better than weapons.” In other words, being armed cannot match wisdom. The prudent course is to trust in Jehovah, not weapons. God’s Word wisely teaches us to daily show respect, consideration, and genuine kindness to others. This approach of pursuing peace will often minimize otherwise potential conflicts.

Isn’t it true, violent struggles often begin with a heated exchange of words? So calmness can often defuse anger and deflect violent conflicts.

Here’s something else to consider. The Bible book of Jude says that Enoch prophesied to his opposers. This means that he was a preacher. Being known as a courageous Witness of Jehovah and showing compassion for those to whom we preach is always our best protection. How was Enoch rewarded for putting his faith in Jehovah? Note the answer at Hebrews 11:5: “By faith Enoch was transferred so as not to see death, and he was nowhere to be found because God had transferred him; for before he was transferred he received the witness that he had pleased God well.” Enoch was rewarded with the knowledge that “he had pleased God well.” In some manner, in a very clear way, he was given assurance of Jehovah’s approval. How comforting to know that if we face dangerous encounters with no good way out, like Enoch, we too can handle that test of faith in a way that will please God well!

In the following dramatization, note how our brother imitates Enoch’s example.

00:41:16Hebrews 11:1: “Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for.” I do have faith in God’s promises, but if a gun is what I need to protect my family, won’t Jehovah understand? No, I couldn’t do that. I’m not the first to face a violent world. Hebrews 11:5: “... received the witness that he had pleased God well.” Enoch lived among extreme violence, but he walked with God. I can imitate his faith.

Did you notice this brother’s violence-reaction plan? His faith in God’s promises helped him to look to Jehovah for security instead of a gun. He realized he was not the first to face a violent world and made the firm decision to imitate the faith of Enoch. So now, prior to a violent confrontation, what can we do to be sure our reaction plan will be pleasing to Jehovah? Imitate Enoch in these four ways. Build our faith and confidence in Jehovah now before we are tested in a violent situation. Reject violent thoughts. Don’t allow the violent movies or violent video games that are sponsored by the Devil to train

your children or yourselves on how to react in a violent confrontation. Reject the idea that you will prepare yourselves with weapons. And fearlessly keep preaching as Enoch did. In this way, even if we find ourselves in a violent situation, our violence-reaction plan will allow us to imitate Enoch and please God well.

Brother John Ekrann, a helper to the Coordinators’ Committee, will now consider the next talk of this symposium, “Imitate the Faithful, Not the Faithless —Noah, Not His Neighbors.”

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00:44:35 John Ekrann, a helper to the Coordinators’ Committee: —Noah, Not His Neighbors

Jesus compared our days with the days of Noah. Jesus would know because he was in heaven and watched the days of Noah go from bad to worse. Well, how bad were the days of Noah? Let’s look at Genesis 6:5 for a description: “Consequently, Jehovah saw that man’s wickedness was great on the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time.” The wickedness on the earth was made worse by wicked angels that abandoned their role in heaven and materialized into human bodies to marry women on earth. These unholy marriages produced sons that were giants called Nephilim.

Now, parents, we could ask, Can you imagine what it must have been like for Noah and his wife to raise a family in that ungodly world? But you don’t really need to imagine it, do you? Just one look around us and we can all see that we live in a world that fits the same description, if not worse, than the days of Noah. Just as Noah’s faith was tested, your faith will likely be tested too as you raise a family in this ungodly world. Please do not allow the pressures at work, from relatives, or from others make you think that material things are more important than your family’s relationship with Jehovah. You can remain faithful by imitating Noah, not his neighbors. In the following dramatization, note how a parent’s faith is tested.

00:46:32Another busy day: My daughter is going to preach, I’m off to work, and it’s Family Worship night. Bye, Dad. Have a good day,

Sweetie. All right, listen up! I’ve got an announcement for everybody.

Starting this Monday... More required overtime? OK, that’s it. That’s

all I’ve got. Let’s get back to work! It’s extra money.

But how can I do it and take care of Regina?... to your local channel 17, where news comes first. Dad, isn’t it Family Worship night?... to affect millions as economies are... Maybe a little later, Sweetie.... the worst financial crisis in decades. Violence and looting continue...

I wanted to, but I was spent —again.

Our brother knew it was Family Worship night, but extra work and the pressures of life were dragging him down. His faith was being tested. Would he imitate Noah or his neighbors? Noah’s neighbors lacked faith. They did not do what was needed to save their families. Instead, Jesus said they were so distracted by their daily

lives, “eating and drinking” and getting married that “they took no note until the Flood came and [took] them all away.” [Matthew 28:38, 39]

In contrast, Noah took note. Noah acted in faith to save his household. Look at the beautiful description of Noah’s faith in Hebrews 11:7: “By faith Noah, after receiving divine warning of

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things not yet seen, showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household; and through this faith he condemned the world, and he became an heir of the righteousness that results from faith.” Noah’s actions saved his household. We can be sure it was not always easy for Noah to explain to his sons why they were building an ark and no one else was or why building it was more important than anything else they had to do. His three boys would have seen the Nephilim. Noah and his wife could hardly have shielded their boys from all the stories that circulated about those giants. Imagine some of the discussions that Noah and his wife had with their boys.

The materialized wicked angels and their Nephilim sons were men of fame and admired by everyone for their superhuman capabilities. Even today, people are fascinated with stories and movies of humans with superpowers. But those wicked angels and their sons, the Nephilim, were nothing to be admired or imitated. Noah taught his sons not to admire or copy them. They had to help their boys see that Jehovah felt hurt by the violence and rebellion in the world. The boys needed to learn to love Jehovah and imitate him. Parents, take the time to teach your children to hate what Jehovah hates and to love what Jehovah loves. Jehovah hates liars, cheaters, bullies, selfishness, and greed. On the other hand, Jehovah loves honesty, peace, love, sharing, and self-control.

Noah, like any good father, wanted to make sure his family had a comfortable place to live and good food to eat. Think of the houses that Noah and his sons could have built for themselves. They certainly had the construction experience. But that was not Noah’s focus. Noah’s life had more meaning and purpose than building houses, eating, and drinking. Noah taught by example and kept his focus on saving his household from the coming Flood. He likely had times when he felt tired or overwhelmed with the sheer size and scope of building an ark. However, Noah did not allow his day-to-day life to crowd out his service to Jehovah. He made sure that no matter what else was happening in his life, the work of building the ark kept moving forward. Our brother we saw in the video —he was tired and overwhelmed by his work and job. All of us can identify with how he feels. Life in this system is hard. We appreciate the hard work and effort that you parents are making to keep a good spiritual routine for your family. We know how tempting it can be to say: “Well, we’ll study later” or “We’ll pick it up again next week.” See the danger. Putting off our spiritual routine this week can easily lead to three weeks and then six weeks and then not at all. Jehovah took care of Noah and his family’s material needs, so you can be confident that Jehovah will take care of you and your family. He will bless you for your obedience.

In the following dramatization, note how our brother imitates Noah’s faith.

00:52:44Violence and looting continue despite curfews... The world is such a mess. It’s everything Jesus said it would be. She’s so good —spiritually-minded like her mother was. Can I expect she’ll stay that way on her own?... rise in the wake of a massive earthquake with a magnitude of 8.1, which struck... Leaders from around the world have come together and made notable statements on social media today expressing confidence. One leader posted: “Finally, we are seeing global coordination that gives us a hope of a secure future. We have a unique opportunity to end armed conflict.”... unrest sweeping across the country. Sadly, our community has been affected by a soar in gun violence. As of right now, ... If it is just like Noah’s day, I need to show faith like he did.... are dead, including a 17-year-old teenager. Let’s do our family worship. I need to show faith in Jehovah and work hard to save my family.

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Did you notice how our brother acted in faith?

Our brother imagined what could happen to his daughter if she lost her spirituality and adopted the lifestyle of the world. What he saw really scared him. He immediately turned off the TV and joined his daughter for family worship. Noah knew that building the ark would save his family from the coming Flood —but only if they were in the ark with him. He did not want to see his sons adopt the lifestyle of his neighbors. Noah did

everything he could to make sure that he taught his sons to love Jehovah by his words and his actions. Parents, by imitating Noah, you can save both yourself and your family.

Brother Seth Hyatt, a helper with the Service Committee, will now consider the next talk of this symposium, “Imitate the Faithful, Not the Faithless—Moses, Not Pharaoh.”

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00:55:36 Seth Hyatt, Service Committee: Moses, Not Pharaoh

For almost 40 years, Moses enjoyed a life of comfort and privilege as the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter. Among the advantages were material prosperity and advanced education. How might those advantages have affected Moses’ outlook? We gain some insight from an incident that took place when Moses was 80 years of age. It’s recorded in Exodus chapter 5. There, in a conversation with the Pharaoh, the Pharaoh is reported to have said to Moses: “Who is Jehovah, that I should obey his voice... ? I do not know Jehovah at all.” [Exodus 5:2] No truer words have ever been spoken that Pharaoh did not know Jehovah and, as a result, had no faith in him. He was faithless. His haughty words,

dismissive of Jehovah, no doubt reflected the Egyptian belief that the Pharaoh was himself a god. Was Moses’ outlook affected in a negative way by that Egyptian culture?

We see a refreshing contrast. Moses was a humble man, a man of faith who, at the age of 40, made a decision that reflected the depth of that faith and that changed his life forever. Now, why should you and I be interested in Moses’ example of faith? Because like Moses, we face situations that require choices —decisions that reflect the quality of our faith. For example, note how an elder faces a test of his faith in the following dramatization.

00:57:42Danny is going to look after the business while we’re away. I only scheduled a few small jobs. I’m sure he can handle it.

It’s our assigned convention, and I planned as best I could for us to go together. But some things you just can’t see coming.

Hello. Danny was in a panic. He got trouble calls from my two biggest accounts. It was bad. I can’t lose their business.

For just a few minutes, let’s consider what the Scriptures have to say about Moses’ faith and consider four ways that we can imitate him. Turn, please, to Hebrews chapter 11, and we’re going to begin reading in verse 24 —Hebrews 11:24: “By faith Moses, when grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing to be mistreated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin.” So the first thing that Moses did? He rejected the proud, selfish thinking of that Egyptian world. He chose to be mistreated with the Israelites who were slaves rather than to align himself with a culture that dismissed Jehovah. What prompted that

decision? The opening words of verse 24 tell us that Moses was a man of faith, and his faith shaped his decisions —not his culture, not community pressure— his faith. And that’s our second point. Now let’s continue reading in verse 26: “Because he considered the reproach of the Christ to be riches greater than the treasures of Egypt, for he looked intently toward the payment of the reward.” Moses received an assignment, a commission, from Jehovah, and he viewed that commission as more valuable than anything that Egypt had to offer. He turned his back on the comforts of Egypt and aligned himself with

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Jehovah and the outworking of Jehovah’s purpose.

Our third point: He had clear spiritual vision. “He looked intently toward the payment of the reward.” Moses could see outside the “Egypt box,” and he could see the fulfillment of Jehovah’s wonderful promises to Abraham and Abraham’s descendants. The spiritual vision is commented on further in verse 27: “By faith he left Egypt, but not fearing the anger of the king, for he continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible.” Yes, Moses could see the Pharaoh, but with his clear spiritual vision, he could see Jehovah. Moses had an unbreakable friendship with Jehovah, and so can you. The quality of any friendship can be measured by the quality of communication that characterizes it. Regular heartfelt prayer and meaningful study of the Bible constitute two-way communication between an individual and Jehovah. As we get to know Jehovah better and better and as our faith strengthens and deepens, then our decisions reflect that faith. And in our words and actions, we give evidence of that faith.

And that brings us to the fourth point: In the opening words of verse 27: “By faith [Moses] left Egypt.” His faith was of such quality that it was evidenced in his words and his actions. True, Moses was a man of action —he left Egypt. But he was also a man who expressed his convictions. When Moses and the Israelites stood on the shore of the Red Sea with Pharaoh and his armies behind them and the Red Sea in front of them and seemingly nowhere to go, how did Moses strengthen the people? “Do not be afraid. Stand [still] and see the salvation of Jehovah.” [Exodus 14:13] Those words must have strengthened the Israelites. In a similar way, we can strengthen those around us, whether in the preaching work, in our dealings with our family, or with others. When our faith is voiced and evidenced in the things that we say and do, we’re a blessing to those around us. Of course, it’s important that we stay humble as Moses did —ever receptive to Jehovah’s direction and counsel that he provides through his Word and his organization.

Now, how about that elder who we met earlier. Let’s look in and see how he imitates Moses in making a decision.

01:04:05OK, just find the parts, and I’ll call you back. This will take

all weekend.

You want us to go? Will you get the program later?

Yeah, and I’ll have to text John that I can’t be an attendant. But what will I miss that I can’t get later?

At Hebrews 11:26 it says Moses “considered the reproach of the Christ to be riches greater than the treasure of Egypt, for he looked intently toward the payment of the reward.” Of what value is being a prince of Egypt compared with being...

Honey? Honey, what do you think? Danny? Here’s what I want you to do for now, and we’ll pick up the pieces when I get back.

Did you notice how the elder made a decision based on his faith? With his eyes of faith, he could see the blessings that he and his family would enjoy if they attended the convention together, and he made a decision as a spiritual man. In a similar way, if we imitate Moses by rejecting the proud, selfish thinking of the world and allowing our decisions to be shaped by our faith and not by culture or community pressure, if we maintain

clear spiritual vision, and if our faith is evidenced in our words and actions, then we can be confident of Jehovah’s support and his hand of salvation in our behalf, just as he did for Moses.

Brother Robert Ciranko, a helper to the Writing Committee, will consider the final talk of this symposium, “Imitate the Faithful, Not the Faithless —Jesus’ Disciples, Not the Pharisees.”

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01:06:33 Robert Ciranko, Writing Committee: Jesus’ Disciples, Not the Pharisees

Jesus called them “serpents, offspring of vipers.” [Matthew 23:33] Who is he talking about? The Pharisees. And who were they? A prominent, Jewish religious sect in the first century. Why was Jesus so critical of them? Because even though those religious leaders had knowledge of God and prided themselves on their strict adherence to the Law of Moses, they did not do as Moses had said —to listen to the future Savior that Jehovah would raise up for his people. That Savior is Jesus Christ. But when the Pharisees saw him miraculously curing the sick, lame, and blind —even resurrecting the dead— they did not rejoice over that and glorify God for what he was performing through Christ. The Pharisees were faithless, and they refused to believe in and listen to God’s Son. Instead, they persecuted Jesus’ disciples because they did put faith in the Christ. So Jesus exposed the Pharisees

for what they were and called them “serpents” because of the deadly spiritual harm that they inflicted on others who were influenced by them. In fact, the Pharisees exerted such great influence over the people that prominent persons were afraid to openly confess their faith in Jesus for fear of being expelled from their positions in the synagogue and losing face in the community.

Can the same sort of fear hold people back today from serving Jehovah as a disciple of God’s Son, fearing the rejection or ridicule that they might have to endure from neighbors, friends, or family? In the following dramatization, note how a Bible student’s faith is tested as he thinks about whether he could start sharing in the ministry and become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

01:08:38I love my Bible study. It’s changed my life, and I really want to start in the ministry. Good morning. In my town, everybody knows you and what you do.

I’m not ashamed of the good news. But what if I become a Witness? The family business has two employees —Dad and me.

Hey, Dad. Hey, Nelson. Did they leave yet? Yeah, they uh— They actually just left.

Look, Son, going to meetings is one thing, but if you’re out there

preaching, we’ll both be out of work. Nelson. Nelson!

Can you see how Nelson’s faith was being tested? He had to decide whether to be more concerned with what other humans thought of

him or doing all that he could to secure Jehovah’s approval. Is your faith being tested like Nelson’s? If it is, how can you imitate Jesus’ disciples? They

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not only knew about God but they trusted in him as their reliable Father and Friend. As proof of that, they went right onto the temple grounds in Jerusalem in full view of everyone and gave a bold witness about God’s Son. They were powerful by their faith. When the Jewish high court —many members of which were Pharisees— heard about this, they were furious. They ordered the disciples to stop teaching about Jesus.

What did they do? Cower in fear? We can read what happened at Acts 5:29 —that’s Acts 5:29. It reports: “In answer Peter and the other apostles said: ‘We must obey God as ruler rather than men.’” Jesus’ disciples did not allow the religious leaders’ pressure and threats to deter them. They knew their priorities and that situations would arise when a Christian cannot obey both men and Jehovah God. You see, human rulers forfeit their right to our obedience when they demand what Almighty God prohibits or, as in this case, when they prohibit what God requires of us. Even if they ban our preaching work, we cannot stop carrying out our God-given assignment to preach the good news. So at that very moment, the apostles set a precedent for all true Christians throughout the ages —to obey God as Ruler first. The disciples’ faith made them real friends of Jehovah. As a result, today they are alive and well in heaven with Jesus to serve with him as kings and priests.

What of those faithless Pharisees and their coveted prominence? Jesus told them to their face what fate lay ahead of them as recorded at Matthew chapter 23 verse 33. At Matthew 23:33, he told them: “Serpents, offspring of vipers, how will you flee from the judgment of Gehenna?” Now, “the judgment of Gehenna” meant that if they did not change, they would be everlastingly destroyed.

If we are going to imitate the disciples’ faith, we must do as Jesus urged his followers. See what he said at Matthew 6:33 —Matthew 6:33:

“Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.” So Jesus’ disciples must always make the Kingdom their first concern in life. If we do that, then, as Jesus promised, Jehovah will see to it that we have the material and spiritual necessities of life. Now, ‘seeking the Kingdom’ first in our life includes ‘preaching the good news of the Kingdom’ to as many people as we can. As with Jesus’ disciples, it requires courage and boldness to preach when neighbors, friends, or family oppose us. But we do not need to fear them or any other religious enemies because Jesus taught his disciples how to preach boldly but discreetly. You can see this at Matthew chapter 10 and verse 16. At Matthew 10:16, he said: “Look! I am sending you out as sheep among wolves; so prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves.” It seems that most literal snakes would rather flee than attack. So to be cautious, here, means to be prudent, sensible, shrewd. Now, the dove is known as “the sheep of the bird world” because of its gentle appearance and disposition. So to be innocent means being blameless, or genuine, with pure motives. Jesus’ point was that when his sheeplike disciples face persecution, they need to combine the characteristics of being cautious and innocent to avoid possible dangers as they carry out their preaching work. For example, suppose colleagues at work, schoolmates, or even members of your own family make caustic remarks about your beliefs as a Witness of Jehovah. Instead of responding in kind by being equally sarcastic about their faith, show them that their comments have no effect on your peace and your pleasant demeanor. That’s being prudent and blameless, cautious yet innocent.

Let’s watch the rest of the dramatization that we saw earlier. Nelson had just heard his dad tell him over the phone, “Going to meetings is one thing, but if you’re out there preaching, we’ll both be out of work.” Let’s see if Nelson will imitate the faith of Jesus’ disciples.

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Powerful by Faith! Friday 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses Afternoon

01:15:21Is Dad right? We’d be ruined if I became a Witness? But what would happen if I don’t?

Hi, Nelson. Hey, good morning. Hey, good morning, Keith. What are you doing here? Listen, nobody wants to talk to you people.

Rob and Nick live in the same town with the same pressures, but they preach and support their families. Their joy is real.

Do I really want fear of man to stop me from becoming Jesus’ disciple? John 3:36 says: “The one who exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life.”

It’s time to exercise my faith and let Jehovah do the rest.

Remember the question that Nelson asked himself, “Do I really want fear of man to stop me from becoming Jesus’ disciple?” He answered that by saying, “It’s time to exercise my faith and let Jehovah do the rest.” So he happily began demonstrating his faith in Jehovah by sharing in the Christian ministry. Just like him, we all need to keep imitating the faith of Jesus’ disciples.

Well, what have we learned from this symposium? Two things. First, we must reject the course of faithless ones like Cain, Lamech, Noah’s neighbors, Pharaoh, and the Pharisees. Second, we need to imitate Jehovah’s faithful servants like Abel, Enoch, Noah, Moses, and Jesus’ disciples. If we do, then we can enjoy living forever as a friend of Jehovah.

Session Chairman

01:18:00 Thank you, brothers! We are determined to imitate the good examples that you discussed, especially when our faith is tested.

We now come to the final talk of today’s program. Why do we regularly need to examine our lives and our worship? In what ways should we do so?

Brother Geoffrey Jackson of the Governing Body will direct us to the Bible’s answer. His theme is “‘Keep Testing Whether You Are in the Faith’ —How?”

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Powerful by Faith! Friday 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses Afternoon

01:18:36 Geoffrey Jackson, Governing Body: “‘Keep Testing Whether You Are in the Faith’ —How?”

Do you own a car or a motorbike or some other type of vehicle? If you do, you realize that it brings with it a serious responsibility. Initially, it costs quite a bit of money to buy a vehicle, but also you need to keep on spending money to keep it running. In addition to that, there is another serious responsibility that comes with owning a vehicle. And that is the responsibility to maintain it safely so that it doesn’t break down, doesn’t cause accidents and, most important, doesn’t cause loss of life. Of course, if you have a maintenance program, you’re not just going to wait for something to fall off the vehicle or perhaps for it just to stop. But, rather, ahead of time, you have to have a checklist to see that everything is working properly. Well, in a similar way, spiritually speaking, each one of us needs a maintenance program with regard to our spirituality. What sort of maintenance program are we talking about?

Well, let’s take our Bibles, please, and turn to the second book of Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 5, 2 Corinthians 13:5; there it says: “Keep testing whether you are in the faith; keep proving what you yourselves are. Or do you not recognize that Jesus Christ is in union with you? Unless you are disapproved.” So notice right in the beginning of that verse, it says to “keep testing” and “keep proving.” What does that really mean? Well, if you look at the study note associated with verse 5, it tells us this: “One lexicon states that the word Paul here uses for ‘testing’ means ‘to endeavor to discover the nature or character of someth[ing].’ They could discover the nature of their own spiritual standing by comparing their daily conduct, attitudes, and decisions with the sacred truths they were taught. Doing such testing

would help them to keep proving that they were true Christians. For ‘proving,’ Paul uses a word that could refer to testing whether something is genuine, as one might test metals.” Do we see the point of what this verse tells us? As Christians, we need to ‘keep testing continually that we’re in the faith.’

But now, what does this word “faith” mean in this context? It’s not just referring to the quality of faith but, rather, it involves all the Christian teachings that we find in God’s Word, the Bible. So having that in mind, “keep testing” and “keep proving” really mean that we need to look at ourselves and see if we’re really living up to what the Bible tells us to do. Now, that’s a very serious maintenance program. But just as we do a maintenance program for a vehicle and we might have a checklist, is there a checklist that we can use when we’re testing and proving that we’re in the faith? Yes, there is. We can say there are three things. First of all, we need to ask heart-searching questions about our relationship with Jehovah. That’s the first point: Ask the questions that will search through our heart. Second, we have to answer honestly. Yes, whatever we see as an answer to those questions, then we need to have a correct answer. And then, finally, [3] we need to seek Jehovah’s help in making whatever adjustments we need to make so that we can maintain our spirituality strong and in good standing so that our relationship with Jehovah is good.

So with that in mind, let’s go back to the illustration we started with —a vehicle, a car, or a motorbike. If you were to compare our Christian faith or our beliefs or our conduct to a vehicle and the need to maintain it, what sort of

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things would you make as a comparison? Well, perhaps the first thing we might think about is

[1] the engine. You certainly need to make sure

the engine works correctly because that’s what gives the vehicle the power to keep moving. So it’s good for us to ask the question, What is it that moves us or motivates us so that we serve Jehovah acceptably? Well, the answer is found in the Scriptures. And if we turn together to the first book of Timothy chapter 4 and verse 8 —that’s 1 Timothy 4:8— see if you can discern what it is that we could liken to the engine in a car. It tells us: “For physical training is beneficial for a little, but godly devotion is beneficial for all things, as it holds promise of the life now and the life that is to come.” Did you see what the scripture tells us is so important? Godly devotion. But we need to understand what godly devotion is. In fact, we also need to appreciate this beautiful expression in the New World Translation. Many other Bibles just simply translate this as “godliness”—“godliness is beneficial.” Or perhaps they say “godly training” or “being religious,” or even one version says “mental training.” But the New World Translation captures the meaning of the original word here, because you can train, or program, a robot to do a certain job, but you can’t program it to have godly devotion. Why not? Because godly devotion involves how we feel about Jehovah. It means our loyalty to him based on a heart full of love and appreciation. So when it says godly devotion is important, it really involves why we do things, not just what we do.

Well, let’s think back to our illustration of the vehicle. You want to test the engine. What would you do to check the engine to see if it’s OK? Well, one thing you might do is keep an eye on the temperature gauge, because if the engine is overheating, you know there’s a problem. Or perhaps you might check the oil to see if there’s enough oil. Or you may check to see if you’ve changed the oil regularly enough. Or when the engine is idling, you might listen carefully to it to see if it’s running smoothly or roughly and, of course, you’d be interested if there are any strange sounds or noises. So that’s the type of thing you would have on a checklist when you’re trying to see if an engine is working properly. Now, none of that applies to godly devotion, does it? But what could be on our checklist for us to

test godly devotion to see if it’s healthy and strong or not? Well, again, the Bible helps us.

If you turn with me this time to the book of Psalms, let’s look at Psalm 40:8 —that’s Psalm 40:8. Here it tells us: “To do your will, O my God, is my delight, and your law is deep within me.” Now, this is a test of our godly devotion. How so? Well, we need to ask ourselves: ‘Is my service to God something that I really delight in, or is it simply a chore? Is it something that I do as a mere routine —something that I just keep on doing regularly but don’t really have a strong desire to accomplish?’ Well, if we were thinking that our godly devotion was not so good, not so strong, and perhaps we were just doing things out of routine rather than for our love for Jehovah, we need to take action, just the same as if we heard that the engine had a knocking sound or if we saw that it was overheating. And that’s exactly what Jesus told the brothers back in the first century in the congregation in Ephesus. Please turn with me to the book of Revelation, Revelation chapter 2. And you’ll remember that this section of the book of Revelation has a series of messages that Jesus gives to different congregations. Now, the first congregation mentioned is in Ephesus. If you look at chapter 2 of Revelation and if we glance through verses 2 and 3, what do you notice? Well, Jesus says to the brothers: “I know your deeds, and your labor and endurance.” [Revelation 2:2, 3] That sounds good, doesn’t it? Then he goes on to say that they didn’t “tolerate bad men.” And then in verse 3, he mentions that they “persevered” and that they “[had] not grown weary.” So, what do we assume from these two verses? That our brothers back then in the first century in the congregation in Ephesus were busy doing the work of Jehovah. Yes, they were active. They weren’t giving up. But then what does Jesus say in verse 4? “Nevertheless, I hold this against you, that you have left the love you had at first.” Do we see the point? Clearly, it shows us that Jehovah and Jesus are not just interested in what we do but also why we do it. Yes, they want us to serve our God, Jehovah, in a way that shows that we love him and that we’re loyal to him, just the same as Jesus loves his Father and is loyal to him. And this is so important!

The apostle Paul highlighted this. If you turn with me, please, to 1 Corinthians chapter 13, 1

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Corinthians chapter 13, and notice what Paul says under inspiration in verse 3: “And if I give all my belongings to feed others, “and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, “but [I] do not have love, I do not benefit at all.” [1 Corinthians 13:3] Now, if we look across at the study note on this verse, notice that it says: “Speaking hypothetically, Paul says that if instead of love, such pride were his motive, he would give everything he owned to feed others or would even die a martyr’s death as a witness to the truth, but he would not benefit at all.” Isn’t that food for thought? So thinking about this expression, “godly devotion,” it’s interesting that one Bible scholar defined the original word this way: He said that it is “a very practical awareness of God in every aspect of life.” So if we were to check our godly devotion and we see that perhaps it’s not really working as well as it should, maybe it needs maintenance.

What sort of maintenance would we give it? Well, surely we would need to think of Jehovah more often every day to see him as part of our life. Also, meditating on what Jehovah has done for us builds up appreciation and love for him, and that motivates us to do what Jehovah wants us to do out of love, yes, a heart full of appreciation. And, of course, offering prayers regularly to Jehovah helps to strengthen that relationship. So, what have we learned so far in our discussion? Well, just like the engine of a vehicle needs to be maintained, we need to be aware of whether or not it’s operating correctly. In a similar way, we need to ask ourselves honest questions —questions that search our hearts with regard to our godly devotion: ‘Is our service to Jehovah ‘based simply on routine and a sense of duty? ‘Do we view it just as a chore, ‘or does our heart show that it’s filled with appreciation and love for Jehovah?’ Well, if we build up that appreciation —that love— we can be sure that our godly devotion is good. Yes, it’s well maintained. So that’s the first point of comparison that we’d like to make in the maintenance schedule for a vehicle and for our spirituality.

So let’s think of another comparison. Another

very important part of any vehicle is [2] the

brakes. Now, when we think of the brakes,

they’re absolutely necessary —aren’t they?—

because someone could jump in front of your vehicle. There could be someone who perhaps is coming too quickly, and you have to avoid them, and you need to use those brakes. So, what do you think we could compare the brakes to with regard to our service to Jehovah and our relationship with him? Well, the Bible gives us a clue. As we read Psalm 111, we’ll see the answer to that question. So as we turn there to Psalm 111, let’s see what verse 10 tells us: “The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom. All those observing his orders show good insight. His praise endures forever.” [Psalm 111:10] So do you see what could be likened to the brakes of a vehicle? What is it that stops us from doing something that displeases Jehovah? It’s our fear of Jehovah. So just as you need to maintain the brakes in a vehicle, we also need to make sure that our love for Jehovah and our fear of Jehovah is strong and well maintained.

Now, of course, we need to think: ‘What do we mean by fear of Jehovah? ‘Do we mean shaking all the time, worried that he’s going to do something wrong to us?’ Perhaps we could liken it to a chef who has a razor-sharp knife. Now, this knife, when used properly, can help him to attain all sorts of wonderful things. But if he misuses it, then he has a problem. So, in a similar way, if our relationship is strong with Jehovah, there’s no need for us to be shaking in our boots, as it were. But, rather, we need to remember always that Jehovah is with us. And so a healthy fear of Jehovah means that we don’t want to displease him in any way. So a fear of Jehovah helps us so that as we’re moving along, if anything comes our way, we’re ready to stop if we shouldn’t engage in that activity.

So let’s think for a few moments about the maintenance check for the brakes. What would you do? How would you check if the brakes are OK or not? Well, mechanics tell us that if you’re applying pressure to the brakes and you find the steering wheel is starting to shake, that’s a sign that maybe they need attention. Or if you apply pressure to the brakes and the vehicle starts to veer off to one side, again, it’s not a good sign. Or as you press the brake pedal, if you find there’s very little resistance and you have to start pumping it, again, that’s a problem. And, of course, like with the engine, if you start to hear

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strange, grinding noises, that is never a good sign, is it? Well, what about our fear of Jehovah? How can we test whether or not our fear of Jehovah is at the right level? Well, we know that Satan and his world constantly throw things at us: temptations, wrong thinking, and so on. So it’s just like when you’re driving in a vehicle and someone jumps out in front of you or an animal runs across the road —that’s when we need those brakes. But how do we apply them? How does our godly fear help us? Well, let’s turn to the book of 2 Corinthians and see a very interesting point that is mentioned to the brothers back there in Corinth. So 2 Corinthians chapter 10 and we’re going to look at verse 5. Now, the context of this chapter is where Paul is talking about wrong teachings. But the principle as outlined in this verse can be applied also to our reaction to wrong thoughts and immoral thoughts or all sorts of things that are not in harmony with Jehovah’s will. So let’s see if we can see what the principle is, 2 Corinthians 10:5: “For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ.” So do we see the point? No matter what sort of thought it is —if it’s an immoral thought, a temptation to do something wrong, something that’s not neutral with regard to the political situation— what does it say here? We have to react quickly. It’s just as if we put on the brakes. Yes, we have to overturn all these sort of things that could be going on in our mind. So, obviously, it’s important for us to test our godly fear in the sense of thinking: ‘How do I normally react ‘if I’m faced with a situation that perhaps tempts me? ‘Am I quick to react? ‘Do the brakes work properly, or is my godly fear compromised?’ —an interesting question.

Also, another illustration: Just imagine that in your car you find a whole lot of poisonous spiders. Well, that’s not good, is it? Of course, you’d get someone to help you get rid of those spiders. Now, after you’ve paid that person to do the job, how would you feel if they said: “Well, we got most of them. There could be one or two left”? I don’t think you’d be very happy —would you?— because you want all of those poisonous spiders out of the car. But what does it tell us here in verse 5? It says that we have to get all the things that are out of harmony with Jehovah

under control. Yes, we could find that even though most of the things are under control, there could be just a few areas where we haven’t gotten them under control. It could even be that it’s as if we’re going in the wrong direction. Well, what do you need to do if you find out you’re driving on the highway in the wrong direction? Stop, turn around, and go the opposite direction. So isn’t that exactly what we should do when it comes to this matter of checking our godly fear? Yes, if we see that in any way we’re a little slow in reacting when immoral temptations come our way or other wrong thinking, then we need to strengthen our fear of Jehovah. Yes, our fear of Jehovah helps us to resist these things.

Now, what’s something that can help to strengthen our fear of Jehovah? Well, again, the Bible gives us an indication. This time, we find it in the book of Proverbs, Proverbs 8:13. And you’ll notice that this is a little definition, or formula, for us. Proverbs 8:13: “The fear of Jehovah means the hating of bad.” So, what is it that can help us strengthen our fear of Jehovah? We need to hate what is bad. Now, for a moment, let me ask you this question: Is there some type of food that you really hate? I know I can think of a couple of things that I just really can’t eat, and I hate them. If someone tries to tempt you to eat that food, are you going to give in easily? Of course not, because you hate that type of food. Well, how much more important it is for us to develop within ourselves a hatred for what is bad. Yes, we have to make sure that when we see things that Jehovah hates, that we feel the same way —that we don’t accept them. Never would we allow gradualism to change our feelings with regard to what Jehovah says is wrong. Now, as we read on, looking back at Proverbs 8:13, notice it says: “The fear of Jehovah means the hating of bad.” Then it says: “I hate self-exaltation and pride and the evil way and perverse speech.”

So we need to make sure that we take out of our hearts any sort of pride that could interfere with our relationship with Jehovah. That’s very important, and that’s part of hating what Jehovah hates. Just think for a moment: As we’re doing this checklist to see how our fear of Jehovah is —is it strong or weak?— we need to think: ‘What things do I really feel proud about?’ Is there something deep inside you that you feel, ‘Mmm,

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yes, I feel really proud about this’? Well, never forget David’s son Absalom. He was proud about his hair. But in the end, it was his hair that caused him the problem, and he ended up dying because of his hair being caught in the branches. So never would we want to be like Absalom and allow the thing that we are proud of to actually cause us a serious problem.

So that’s been interesting —hasn’t it?— looking at a second comparison between the maintenance of a car and the maintenance of our godly fear. Just like the brakes, godly fear can help us to stop before we do something that would displease Jehovah. Now, of course, when we’re thinking of this matter of comparing the maintenance of a vehicle with the maintenance of our spirituality, there are so many different comparisons that we could make. And your mind is probably already going there thinking, ‘Well, will we make this comparison or that one?’

But we only have time for one more comparison. And you probably won’t think of the one that we’re going to talk about —that is,

[3] the horn. You see, in some parts of the world,

drivers say that the horn is just as important as the brakes. Because they need to let people know they’re driving along the road. It could be that someone is beside them and they’re about to change lanes and crash into them. Well, the horn can help. Or it could be that someone is distracted and they’re crossing the road. Again, the horn will help. So a horn used correctly can save lives. So, what do you think we’re going to compare the horn to with regard to our spiritual activities? Well, if we read 1 Timothy together, 1 Timothy 4:16, we’ll see what the comparison is. 1 Timothy 4:16: “Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. Persevere in these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.” So we could say that just as a horn is important with regard to a vehicle, likewise our sounding out the message of the good news —our teaching others and telling them about the nearness of Jehovah’s day— can result in lives being saved.

But now, if you were to check a horn, what would you be looking for or perhaps more importantly listening to? Well, for a start, you’d try to test the horn and honk it. Now, if no sound comes out, you know you have a problem. Or, on

the other hand, if the sound is too soft that nobody can hear it, that likewise is a problem. So, what about us? Do we need to think about how our proclamation of “the good news” is? Let’s take not just the normal activities we’re involved with with our preaching work, but what about informal witnessing? Do you see the opportunity? You think, ‘Yes, I need to talk to this person,’ nothing happens. The horn is not working in a symbolic sense. Or perhaps we do have the opportunity and we take it, but the message is not clear. So persons don’t really understand what we’re saying. So if either of those were the case, we’d need to see that maintenance is required with regard to this symbolic horn. What would we do? Well, it could involve praying to Jehovah for courage —yes, boldness— to be able to witness to others, whether it’s informally, telephone witnessing, or other forms of witnessing. And then if we’re not so clear, or coherent, with regard to how we present the message, how important it is for us to practice ahead of time, to have special sessions where we practice what we’ll say! And then in this way, we can be ready to give a clear message to those who listen.

Well, that’s been a very interesting exercise, hasn’t it? What did we see? If we’re using this comparison, this illustration, of a vehicle, we could say that the engine of a vehicle is like our godly devotion. Our devotion to Jehovah needs to come from our hearts. And the brakes of a vehicle we could liken to our fear of Jehovah. Yes, if we hate what is bad the same as Jehovah does, it will stop us, just like brakes do. And then finally, we discussed this matter of having a horn that sounds the message properly. Yes, we need to make sure that we ask for Jehovah’s help to maintain our witnessing in such a way that we can clearly help others to hear the message. So as we’ve gone through this, I’m sure (as we’ve already mentioned) you can think of many other comparisons. But the point is that a wise driver does not just drive his car or motorbike or whatever vehicle it is. A wise driver also checks to make sure that the vehicle is safe to use. So likewise for us, as 2 Corinthians 13:5 says, we need to “keep testing.” Yes, we need to “keep proving” that we are in the faith. In other words, keep checking that we really are Christians, that

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we are really living up to what we believe and what we teach others to do.

But remember, what is it that can be a problem for us? Well, again, if we turn to the book of Corinthians, this time 1 Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 12, we’ll see what the problem can be. That’s 1 Corinthians 10:12: “Let the one who thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall.” Yes, just thinking everything is OK (there are no problems) and thinking that we’re just going on fine without testing ourselves and proving that we’re in the truth —that can be a problem, just like lack of maintenance to a vehicle can result in not only damage with regard to the vehicle but also loss of life. How important then it is that we continue to keep testing whether or not we are in the faith, or in the truth! So if we do these tests regularly and if we check to see: How is our godly devotion going? How is our fear of Jehovah? our hatred for what is bad? How is our sounding out of the message going? If we see some weaknesses, what do we need to do?

Well, our final scripture takes us back to our theme scripture. Remember, that was 2 Corinthians 13:5, where it says: “Keep testing... keep proving what you yourselves are.” But then if we look down a little further to verse 11, we’ll notice what it tells us that we need to do if we see some problems. In verse 11, it tells us: “Finally, brothers, continue to rejoice, to be readjusted.” Now, what does it mean “to be

readjusted”? Well, if you look at verse 9, you see the same expression is used there at the end of verse 9. And the study note to that verse tells us this: It says the word is “used to describe the restoring of something to a proper condition. For instance, at Mt 4:21, the [word]... is used to describe ‘mending’ nets.” So nets that are damaged or have holes in them —mending them is just like readjusting them. At Galatians 6:1, the same verb is used for the need to spiritually readjust a fellow believer who has taken a false step. The term is sometimes used in medical text to describe the setting of a bone, a limb, or a joint. So, what’s the point? If we do this checklist —go through it— and we see that somehow our godly devotion is not as strong as it should be and we are just doing things out of routine but our love for Jehovah is no longer strong, or if we find that our fear of Jehovah is not stopping us from doing what is wrong, or if we are finding that we just are not thoroughly bearing witness to the good news, then we need to take action. What does it involve? Well, as it says here, first of all, identifying what the problem is and then readjusting, repairing, and (in some places) replacing activities.

So, brothers and sisters, let’s always remember that no matter how long we’ve been in the truth, no matter what privileges we have, we need to keep looking at that checklist. Yes, we need to “keep testing” and “proving” that we are in the faith.

Session Chairman

01:53:35 Thank you, Brother Jackson, for helping us to examine our motives and strengthen our relationship with Jehovah.

Today, we have discussed what genuine faith is, and we have considered evidence that provides a basis for faith. What can we look forward to on the next segment of the program? The scripture theme will be, “Put up a hard fight for the faith.” We’ll learn how to put our faith into action and how to resist things that could weaken our faith. We’ll see examples of brothers and sisters around the earth who are putting up “a hard fight for the faith.”

Our closing song is number 119, entitled “We Must Have Faith.” Let’s sing song number 119, and after the song, you may have your own closing prayer.

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