done by gloria hockins and jacob bacci. cross bowbowsspearspolearms battle axesmacesbillhookcaltrops...

Done by Gloria Hockins and Jacob Bacci Crusades

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Done by Gloria

Hockins and Jacob



Weapons used:Cross Bow Bows Spears Polearms

Battle Axes Maces BillhookCaltropsFlail Halberd Longbow Pike

Poleaxe Quarterstaff WarhammerBatonsScimitar

Cross BowCross Bows are used to shoot a long range. They are light weight and use very little strength. They Range from 350-400 Yards.


The bows are made from wood and arrows are used in this process.

SpearsSpears are used

to throw at people and cut the skin open

and causes uncontrollable bleeding. Also

sometimes goes through the skin

and the body and kills.


Used as a versatile weapon against knights on horseback.

Battle AxesUsed as a close contact weapon in the early Medieval period of the Middle Ages.

Maces Used as a close contact weapon and also used from horseback.

BillhookThis weapon originated as a cross between a broad curved knife which was hook shaped at the end and an axe. It was originally used as a farming toolNames of other types of billhook. Bill, Hook bill and Hand bill. Used as a versatile, close contact weapon


The word "caltrop" comes from Old English word 'calcatrippe' and the Latin word 'calcitrapa' meaning "foot trap“.The method for using this weapon was to toss a handful of Caltrops at a targeted location and spread the small metal spikes over a large area.

FlailBoth Knights on horseback and foot soldiers used flails. The Knights version of this weapon was generally smaller and lighter. The flail is a weapon used during the Middle Ages initially made of a spiked metal ball attached to a handle with a hinge or a chain.

This lethal weapon of the Middle Ages

always had a hook or thorn on the back

side of the axe blade for grappling enemies on horseback.



The length of the longbow therefore ranged considerably in size from 6 - 7 feet in length.The majority of Longbows were made from yew but ash, hazel and elm were also used

PikeUsed as a versatile weapon

against knights on horseback. The weapon was constantly developed and

refined to include metal rims over the shaft making it even

more effective against cavalry starting with knights on horseback . The pole, or staff, increased in length to

become more effective fighting weapon


This weapon consisted of a broad, short axe blade mounted on a wooden shaft, or pole, which was between 4 and 5 feet long. The name of this weapon is derived from the word 'pollaxe' from old English word "head axe" - they were originally axes mounted on poles.


This weapon had a wooden shaft, or staff, between 10 and 14 feet (3 and 4 meters) long, mounted with a steel head resembling a spear. Used as a versatile weapon against knights on horseback. The weapon was constantly developed and refined to include metal rims over the shaft making it even more effective against cavalry starting with knights on horseback . The pole, or staff, increased in length to become more effective fighting weapon.

WarhammerUsed as a versatile, close contact weapon. The warhammer weapon could be mounted on

either a long shaft or a short shaft.

BatonsBatons, were the

names of the swords which were used in

Tournaments or training and were

made of whalebone or wood. Wooden batons measured two and a half feet long. The

length of batons were specified in a fifteenth

century treatise on cries des joustes.


Used for slicing attacks and often used from horsebackScimitars had a distinct curved blade ending with a sharp point.The blades had two styles - long, narrow curved blades or deeply curved, very wide blades. The length of the blades ranged from 30 to 36 inches (76 to 92 centimeters).