

Upload: lilypayne

Post on 16-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. What makes a good documentary? Shocking Informative New information (ground breaking) Entertaining Depth Range of footage Different medias used
  2. 2. Modes of documentaries Reflexive in which the film maker acknowledges their presence they are in front of the camera and give some narrative guidance. Observational being there as events unfold these documentaries tend to follow a person or event and document their journey as it occurs. The camera remains as un-obstructive as possible allowing their audience to make up their own mind. Expository an analysis and exposition of a person or topic. For example Michael Moore exposes society to forms of political corruption. Participatory the participatory mode welcomes direct enggment between filmmaker and subject(s), the filmmaker becomes a part of the events being recorded.
  3. 3. Meerkat Manor
  4. 4. Plot / Theme / Message The show follows several groups of meerkats, who act communally for the benefit of the groups in which they live. These groups are typically led by a dominant female and male, who maintain almost exclusive rights to have offspring
  5. 5. Documentarian Behind the camera narrated by Bill Nighy. Observastional.
  6. 6. Camera Compositions Extreme Close Up Night Vision Point of View Long Shot Establishing Shot Close up Two Shot Wide Angle Shot
  7. 7. Interview / Voiceover Techniques There is no interaction between the subjects of this documentary series, the meerkat families, and the narrator, Bill Nighy. Sound is manipulated at times to encourage certain emotions from the audience, weakening the voice over and using intense music prominently, to make the audience nervous for events to come.
  8. 8. Which Mode? Observational