document-on-flexi edge bts commissioning

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  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning

  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    • Open the network connection , fnd the TCP ip connection

    icon or LAN, beore that plz ensure that you haveconnected your !"# cross cable to L$P port o %le&i 'T()($A Card*

    TechVidhya:India's No 1. Professional Telecom Training Institute 2

  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    • +ouble click on the Local Area connection , ensure that yourlocal area connection LAN et enable as soon as you plu the

    !"# cross cable to L$P port o )($A*

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  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    • Place the -P Address as .

    • (ubnet $ask as .

    • -P /ateway as .

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  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    • Click ok and then open the %le&i )+/) 'T( $anaer -con, as soonas you click on icon a window will open which ask you to enter

    loin id and password, 0ust leave everythin as it is and clickconnect.

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  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    • Now o to Co11issionin option in top 1enu bar then clickon wizard, and it will open you the ollowin screen*

    TechVidhya:India's No 1. Professional Telecom Training Institute

  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    • Now in this screen you will fnd 1any options likeco11issionin via (C%, co11issionin via Te1plate we will

    et into these co11issionin type in later article, you si1pleclick on Commission Manually as o now or si1ple process*

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    •  Then it will ive you two options too choose, speciy ro1fle and speciy 1anually, this ti1e click on speciy1anually*

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  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    • in the ne&t screen, it will ask you bc id, bsc id etc so fll it

    as i you know otherwise do the ne&t*

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  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    • here you have to defne the antenna cablin and t& cablin orbts, however this part can be escaped and can be done later, but

    its ood to fll the details riht here to avoid outae* 1oreoverthis part can also be confured by O$C,ater O$2 is received*

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    • 'elow three screens can be let unchaned, i any

    para1eters re4uired to set here, then you can do that laterby pro1ptin it to O$C*

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  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    Nothin to take with 'attery backup unit as o now, youcan leave the feld unchaned and proceed ne&t*

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  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    • Other Passive 2nit, leave the feld intact and proceed ne&t

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  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    •  Trans1ission para1eters, %ill the Trans1ission para1eters details,

    Like i your 'T( is usin %-%A or %-PA or any other card as

    trans1ission para1eter, you click on frst option , choose theoptions ro1 drop down 1enu*

    • in latest version o bts sotware, their are 1ore options in this paewhich is 52pload ro1 'T(6 , this options acilitate you to not to fll

    any card and tra7c related inor1ation 1anually, it willauto1atically update ro1 bts previous confuration

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  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    • Line -nterace settins is the ne&t screen where you will check

    the interace which you are oin to use it or current 'T(,this settin is to $AP the )8 pushed ro1 '(C to 'T(* you 0ustclick on the options 1entioned on screen and 1ove orward*

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    • 9henever you choose interace, do not orot to 1ake it 5in2se6 otherwise )8 will not be received and bts wont work

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    • (ynchronization set is very i1portant part o nokia 'T(

    which you can set on this screen, the frst sync source should

    be the & Clock which 1ust be 1apped to the :$ )8 port;line interace< which you are usin or this bts port, andsecond one will be internal ti1in always*

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    •  Tra7c 1anae1ent is the ne&t part, fll the tra7c or particularbts by askin tra7c confuration to plannin=O$C tea1,

    1ore on how to put tra7c will be tauht 8 by 8 in uturearticles, here you can place O$2 and can 1ove orward asonce O$2 is received , O$C enineer can help you to resolve


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    • Ne&t screen is the Abis protection or )8

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    • Ne&t part is the cross connection, not used enerally or si1ple

    confuration, but used when you re4uire specifc channel 1appin

    and orwardin eature*

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  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    • >8 Allocation is re4uired when you want to connect any other devicelike %-2 via this 'T(, ater doin this >8 and 1akin %-2 connected,

    you can ask or loin to %-2 directly via this 'T( re1otely*

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    • %inal stae o co11issionin, you can click ne&t and 1ove urther*

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    • -n this screen you are shown with the (C% details which btswill send to '(C, click on send (C% and you are done with

    nokia ?e&i bts co11issionin*

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  • 8/19/2019 Document-On-Flexi EDGE BTS Commissioning


    •  @ou can watch the co11issionin proress window until all options etco1pleted*

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    • One by one 'T( will start confurin ,(9 +ownloadin etc

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    • Ater (uccessul Co1pletion it will show you theco11issionin report, i any error 1essae will occur then it

    will display the error on botto1 o co11issionin window*

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