diabetes project done

DIABETES MELLITUS By: Jonathan Casasola Period:5

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Post on 07-May-2015



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By: Jonathan Casasola


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Standards 4c Students know how mutations in the DNA sequence of a

gene may or may not affect the expression of the gene, or the sequence of amino acids in an encoded protein.

I understand that gene mutations do cause diabetes because it is the gene that helps regulate the reactivity of the immune system and later becomes a problem called type 1 diabetes.

3a Students know how to predict the probable outcome of phenotypes in a genetic cross from the genotypes of the parents and mode of inheritance (autosomal or X-linked, dominant or recessive).

If family have the disease and you marry someone that has the disease the chances you baby will have a baby increase significantly up 50% chance.

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What is diabetes?

Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is classed as a metabolism disorder. Metabolism refers to the way our bodies use digested food for energy and growth. Most of what we eat is broken down into glucose which is a form of sugar in the blood and the main source of fuel for our bodies. When our food is digested the glucose makes its way into our bloodstream. However, glucose cannot enter our cells without insulin being present. Insulin is made in the pancreas and is released automatically after eating and makes it possible for our cells to take in the glucose.

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What Causes Diabetes?

A person with diabetes has a condition in which the quantity of glucose in the blood is too elevated which happens because the body either does not produce enough insulin, produces no insulin, or has cells that do not respond properly to the insulin the pancreas produces. This results in too much glucose building up in the blood which is eventually passed out of the body in urine. So, even though the blood has plenty of glucose, the cells are not getting it.

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Different types of diabetes/Type 1 Most people believe there are only two types of diabetes

while in fact there are many here are the 4 most common: Diabetes type1, Diabetes type 2, Gestational diabetes , and (LADA)

Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, but in rare cases can be diagnosed in middle aged adults. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. Around only 5% of people with diabetes have this type.

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Diabetes Type 2

Type 2 diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes, affecting 90% - 95% of the 21 million people with diabetes. Unlike people with type 1 diabetes, people with type 2 diabetes produce insulin; however they do not produce enough or the body cannot use the insulin adequately. This is called insulin resistance. There are many factors that can cause type two including diabetes type 2 including obesity, women who have had gestational diabetes, genetics, cholesterol, high blood pressure aging, people who smoke, have inactive lifestyles, or have certain dietary patterns.

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Gestational diabetes

Woman who are pregnant and never had any type of diabetes are said to have gestational diabetes. It is estimated that gestational diabetes affects 18% of pregnancies. Gestational diabetes starts when your body is not able to make and use all the insulin it needs for pregnancy. Without enough insulin, glucose cannot leave the blood and be changed to energy. Glucose builds up in the blood to high levels. Just because you have gestational diabetes doesn't mean you will have diabetes in the future you will just have an increased chance.

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(LADA) know as (latent autoimmune diabetes in adults), and even as type 1.5 diabetes because it has both characteristics of type 1 and type diabetes. An estimated 10 percent of people with diabetes have LADA, making it probably more widespread than type 1.

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What can we do to prevent diabetes?

Diabetes type 2 and Gestational diabetes is the most preventable as it does not involve that many genetics but more lifestyle and physical traits. Its actually pretty simple eat healthy workout at least 1 hour a day and try to spend as much time outside as possible. Type 1 diabetes and LADA are not preventable and doctors don’t know if a patient well be affected for now.

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What is the Treatment? Diabetes type 2 and all types of diabetes can be treated by living a healthy

lifestyle, choices in diet, exercise, and not smoking or consuming alcohol. Some people may also need insulin after checking their blood sugar levels. Diabetes type 1 is treated the same except that u need insulin to survive without it death is likely to occur. With Gestational diabetes you do everything you do to treat type 2 except you have to be more careful so u wont arm your baby also you may need to take insulin if your blood sugar is to low. Lastly LADA, Treatment for LADA is different from treatment for Type 2 diabetes because the primary problem is insulin deficiency caused by failing beta cells rather than insulin resistance. So insulin will be need within 5-6 years for survival.

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Symptoms and Signs. Symptoms for type 1 diabetes come really fast and are seen in early

adolescence and childhood. These symptoms include things such as a virus or urinary tract infection or injury. The extra stress can cause diabetic ketoacidosis which can cause include nausea and vomiting Dehydration and often-serious disturbances in blood levels of potassium follow. Without any treatment it follows to comma and later death. All of times people have diabetes 2 with ought even knowing it some symptoms are Altered mental status, blurry vision, infections, poor wound healing, excessive eating and urinating, unexplained weight loss , and fatigue.

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Symptoms and Signs part 2 In gestational diabetes

symptoms include blurred vision, fatigue, frequent infections, including those of the bladder, vagina, and skin, increased thirst, increased urination, nausea and vomiting and weight loss in spite of increased appetite. LADA symptoms are the hardest to recognize because it is so often mistaken with type 2 diabetes. Those include tingling /numbness in feet and blurred vision.

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The Genetics behind diabetes?

Diabetes does indeed run in the genes of your family but genes alone aren't enough to trigger diabetes of any type. Although if you or your family had diabetes you and your children will have a higher risk of getting in in the future than other people with ought family history of diabetes. In type 1 genes do play a part but not a major one as what you where given in your infancy factors like if you where breastfed and given solid foods.

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The Genetics behind diabetes? Continued….

In type 2 it involves a bigger role but lifestyle also has a big part. If you have type 2 diabetes it is probably because of a family history and of your lifestyle. Gestational and LADA also involve genes but again other factors affect if you may get the disease. In conclusion genes do play a part.

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statistics Diabetes affects an estimated 23.6 million people in the US (90 percent to

95 percent have type 2 diabetes) - 17.9 million have been diagnosed, but 5.7 million are unaware they have the disease. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and the American Diabetes Association, those affected include:

11.5 million US women (10.2 percent of all women age 20 years and older) 12 million US men (11.2 percent of all men age 20 years and older) 186,300 people under age 20 12.2 million adults over age 60 3.7 million African Americans (14.7 percent of all African Americans age 20

years and older) there own protection against certain diseases and weakness against


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Ari S. Beckman,, D. Z. (2010, May 10). NY times. Retrieved from http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/diabetes/overview.html diabetes.about.com/od/symptomsdiagnosis/p/Symptoms.htmwww.medicinenet.com › ... › diabetes az list › diabetes mellitus index

MediLexicon International Ltd. (2011). Medical news today. Retrieved from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/info/diabetes/

Robert Ferry Jr., MD, F. (n.d.). Diabetes mellitus. Retrieved from http://www.emedicinehealth.com/diabetes/article_em.htm

LastGlaxoSmithKline. (2004, July 19). About type 2 diabetes. Retrieved from http://www.diabetes.com/about-type-2-diabetes/about-type-2-diabetes.htmlwww.cdc.gov/diabetes

(2006). type 2 diabetes. DOI: www.type2-diabetes-info.com

living with diebetes. (2011). Retrieved from www.diabetes.org/

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