devil destroyer, volume 324, 3747-3766, 12 december...

Devil Destroyer, Volume 324, 3747-3766, 12 December 2017 Page3747 Title Ndi ngasi kone u dovha nda tou vhuyelela XXIV I cannot able to go back again XXIV A Godless PhD is like knowledge without purpose (The battles we fight are not the battles of the world) Author King Lawrence Tshivhase Download at;; Date of publication 12 December 2017 Tshivhase Midiyavhathu The Conqueror of the People The Lion of the South "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9) You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot (Mathew 5:13) Am I a dog, that you can to me with sticks (1 Samuel 17:43) I am the Alpha and the Omega (Rev. 1:8)

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Devil Destroyer, Volume 324, 3747-3766, 12 December 2017


Title Ndi ngasi kone u dovha nda tou vhuyelela XXIV

I cannot able to go back again XXIV A Godless PhD is like knowledge without purpose

(The battles we fight are not the battles of the world)

Author King Lawrence Tshivhase

Download at;;

Date of publication 12 December 2017

Tshivhase Midiyavhathu The Conqueror of the People

The Lion of the South

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So

are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9)

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty

again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot

(Mathew 5:13)

Am I a dog, that you can to me with sticks

(1 Samuel 17:43)

I am the Alpha and the Omega

(Rev. 1:8)

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Without first obtaining key competencies, it is tough to have an inspiring life. In this

regard, education becomes dominant. Formal education will help us garner imperative

skills to empower us. Education helps educated people to reach where uneducated

people cannot. Due to the positive contribution of education, we continue to see people

working tirelessly to attain higher academic credentials. They do so to fully advance

their country’s economic growth among other things. As we speak, there are even

more PhD graduates than even before. Some of these PhDs reflect light whereas

others reflect total darkness. The PhDs of light bring empowerment. The PhDs of

darkness bring shame. This is because the devil always comes into the picture where

people gain top-notch academic status. He has the courage to dishonestly trick highly

qualified individuals. Once they receive their PhDs, the devil can try to detach them

from God. In this regard, we often see rebellious PhD holders exalting their academic

merits above God. Because they dwell in darkness, they cannot bring anything

constructive. Their PhDs become something that completely interrupt their relationship

with God. They do not know that a godless PhD is like knowledge without purpose.

Problem Statement

Securing a PhD must be always applauded. A lot of hard work goes into that until the

intellectuals finally conclude their studies. Though academic excellence is to be

praised, we must not lose sight. We must never think that without a PhD we are of little

value. Today some of those who have no PhD are still doing much better than those

who are PhD holders. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously,

and he will give you everything you need (Matthew 6:33). If we seek a PhD first

(without the presence of God), we are doomed to fail. Why? Because the knowledge

we acquire through PhD programmes is of no match to the knowledge of God. We

must therefore stop conning ourselves that a PhD has the final say. No! It is God.

When it comes to God, our PhDs are frivolous weapons. They have gross limitations

in terms of empowering people to the level where God can do things for them. With

this, judicious people are those who command their PhDs while surrounded by light.

Because of the presence of God in their lives, they have a lot to cheer about. This is

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relevant because God has a stockpile of ideals that cannot be traced by a PhD. We

can accumulate multiple PhDs, but without God we are doomed. We will always see

God’s influence as it carries the final verdict.

They experience of The Most High

The Most High had ample time to study. He saw education as a force to be reckoned

with. This however profoundly corrupted his mind to think that the knowledge he had

gathered was the only passport to prosperity. At the time he paid little attention to the

influence of God. Throughout his academic tenure he gave more respect to the voice

of the devil. When the devil said that a PhD can surpass the plans of God, he was

somewhat persuaded. He unwisely assumed that obtaining a PhD was the only tool

to give him prosperous future. Because he was in darkness he then registered for his

PhD -- thinking he would then somehow reach the fullness of his destiny. Though

studying for high level qualification was his primary motivation, it undermined the

mighty hand of God. Since God wanted to shame the foolish things of the world He

then rejected The Most High’s academic achievements. He did not want to give a PhD

merit for anything that was to happen to his life. But, as we speak, God has stepped

in to command the future of his man. The things that the devil praises have been

deliberately downgraded -- because we serve a Sovereign God.

He walked in darkness

Sometimes when we walk in the dark place we may not be aware of it. We may feel

we are in the light. When The Most High was full of academic arrogance he did not

realise that God was not impressed. He continued to throw himself into the pit without

seeing the light. In the end, he walked a long distance by going the wrong direction.

Because his mind-set was severely obstructed by the robber, he was out of touch.

Today, The Most High has gained more about the importance of seeking God first. He

disappointingly stumbled but this would only serve as a learning curve. In the spiritual

world, it is of great significance that we learn from our past misfortunes. When going

forward he will always keep in mind that God is not a man. The things that men value

may not receive admiration from Him. The days when The Most High used to elevate

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academic merits while mortifying God are over. Despite the fact that he had seen the

light, Satan is still running around. When he comes to us to preach us his rotten

thoughts, we need to slap him with a slingshot.

The actions of his enemies

The minute the spiritual antagonists of The Most High heard that he was busy studying

his doctoral degree, they became greatly depressed. They feared that a PhD was

going to unlock the blessing. Because of their desperation they worked day and night

to mobilise against him. Some detested him to be called doctor Tshivhase. However,

while they were moving all over the place trying to belittle him, the Lord was seeing

them. One might argue that the Lord handled them in order to teach them a lesson.

So, a lot of rebellious acts were triggered against the servant of the Lord.

Firstly, some hated him because of his studies. Secondly, some planned evil against

him because of his studies. Thirdly, some practised witchcraft against him because of

his studies. How did they do this? They even sent evil spirits to inculcate confusion

and to corrupt his intellectual hegemony. This was done from the time of his youth –

even before he registered for a doctoral degree. Lastly, some insulted him. All these

deeds of darkness were desperately turned towards him. The hostility he handled was

something unimaginable. In the process, the opposition reinforced his spiritual force.

Today, he has advanced in ranks because of their negative campaigns. Why so? No

weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise

against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of

the LORD (Isaiah 54:17).

I will not call you a doctor, says the Lord

Almighty God vetoed to call him Dr Tshivhase because he saw the many envious

people who were against him. These rebels from hell believed that without him

obtaining a doctoral degree he would be of no value. Their devil-like stance did not sit

well with the Lord. As a result, The Most High obeyed when the Lord instructed him to

cheapen the capacity of his PhD. Till today, The Most High has found peace. Whatever

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heaven says is frankly embraced with both hands. This is possible because he now

discards the version of the devil. Though he went off the course in the past he has

found his dwelling in the Lord. With the Lord there is nothing to worry about. In

summary, Almighty God ordered The Most High to undermine his academic merits.

I will call you my king, says the Lord

The rejection of The Most High’s doctoral title was wittingly planned for much higher

promotion at a later stage. Since Almighty God always rewards those who obey He

gave The Most High the title of kingship. This title came with a full package. God is

strategically taking The Most High from his painful past to a palace in the presence of

his cruel enemies. Why? Because the shepherd boy had obeyed. In simple words,

God said to Lawrence “I will not call you a doctor but I will call you my king”. That is

why the title of kingship is currently in use before even mentioning his name. We

therefore also want to make it clear that The Most High had no clue about this

incredible favour. He grew up as an alien from a humble beginning. But Sovereign

God did things in His own way. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are

your ways my ways, declares the LORD (Isaiah 55:8).

They played into the hands of the anointing

The devil worshippers who rose up against The Most High played into the hands of

the anointing. The moment the anointing was provoked to spiritual vengeance it acted

prudently. Even in darkness, the anointing had the unparalleled supremacy to

overcome anything. From what we have made known there is no doubt that the

anointing used the devil worshippers as a stepping stone to deliver the crown to God’s

most trusted man. The way in which everything unfolded entirely substantiates that

the anointing will always come on top. Therefore when you have the anointing of the

Lord, you will always be the champion. But when you have Satan’s anointing, you will

always become the laughing stock. You will be globally recognised as those who did

not pass through the red sea.

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He is now one the most successful human beings on earth

The Most High has been valuable in whatever God had assigned him to accomplish.

The top-notch battles he had won are far above his statue. He did not achieve

enormous victories because of holding a PhD. In simple words, his PhD was unusable.

He achieved great things because Jesus went ahead of him knocking down

strongholds. The Most High completely defeated revolutionaries who are famous in

their native countries. Among others, these include Nelson Mandela, Robert Gabriel

Mugabe and Ahmed Mohamed Kathy Kathrada. All these spiritual lightweights came

at him in one direction but fled in seven. Their liberation credentials did not save them,

because The Most High cleverly timed his slingshots. The successful trigger of a

slingshot does not consider that a person holds a PhD. In simple words, a PhD is a

frivolous weapon in this regard. Only a person who has faith in the Lord Almighty is

guaranteed a victory. Because The Most High acted accordingly, his academic

achievements were demoted.

Though many victories are still looming The Most High has already surpassed many

expectations. He will continue to add more into his bucket because God is with him.

'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours,

but God's (2 Chronicles 20:15). What, then, shall we say in response to this? Where

is Mr Robert Gabriel Mugabe now?

Strict criteria

God chooses people with the DNA of a champion. He anoints those who will finish the

race. People who collapse along the way will not be considered by God. So, there is

a screening process where incapable men are screened out. Only those who are more

than conquerors are sent to the battlefields. When The Most High defeated Nelson

Mandela, he did not rely on his PhD. He solely unleashed his spiritual slingshot to

ensure that Mandela was going to be sustained by the fallen man’s technology (life-

supporting machine). But Mandela wanted to deny us our victory by using man-made

devices. Even so, that never materialised. The same can be said about Robert

Mugabe and Ahmed Kathrada. Though these old men sought to use their liberation

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credentials they were swept away by a ghastly wind. Therefore, if people are

conquerable they must never avail themselves. Doing so means that they would be

severely tested. In the end, selfish men perish in their numbers while the triumph is

given to those who serve the Lord. Today, we will continue to cheer due to the

successful mission that the Lord had ordered. On the other hand, the devil worshippers

and their gutless cohorts face endless pain. What, then, shall we say? Who is Nelson

Mandela to us? Who is Robert Mugabe to us? Who is Ahmed Kathrada to us? The list

can go on until Jesus comes.

PhD is not God

Dear friends, let us share with you our valuable experience. The PhDs we cherish so

much are not Gods. God can give us unimaginable successes that our PhDs cannot

deliver. The Most High won demanding battles because of God’s wisdom. In no way

was he going to be a king simply because he held a PhD. What emerged prominently

was the wisdom that came from God’s intervention. The Most High was speedily

transformed to think like God. When he started to declare things in the presence of

those who hold a PhD they laughed at him because their PhDs had boundaries. As

soon as The Most High revealed Jesus’ revelations about his looming future they did

not have confidence in him. Why? Because sometimes a PhD can make us to think

like the devil. We become trapped in the world of darkness to the extent that we often

miss out. To sum up, the whole revelation has taught us to fear the Lord above all


We may sound like fools

To sound like fools does not mean we are fools. We must never take for granted a

spiritual philosophy. When we speak the language of God there will be clever people

from the dark place who totally reject our thoughts. Since they have no deep

understanding about our spiritual advancement, we must be careful about their

standing. We must never expect uncircumcised people to agree to whatever we are

gesturing on behalf of the Lord.

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Today, many disregard the power vested in the holy bible. When we declare things

they reason outside the boundaries of the bible because they think they are very

refined. Their deep analysis (because of their high-level education) does not intimidate

us. We are only influenced by the Word of God. They can also write theses more

voluminous than the Bible. However, there is little or no truth in those theses. The

Word of God however remains the unblemished truth because it is the version of God.

On the other hand, these theses designed by the master of lies represent their writers’

unsound opinions and gross fabrications. What, then, shall we say in response to this?

There is partially no truth in those PhDs. On the contrary, there is truth in the Holy


We will disappoint you

Dear brothers and sisters, please do not inanely jump in front us. When you come to

us with smugness (because of you are very educated), you must know beforehand

that we will completely dishearten you. If you carry a dark spirit, you will at all times be

taken for granted. We will slap you with a holy stick, and you will indeed run away from

us like a mad chicken.

Always seek God first

From this it is clear that we do not respect lies. But glory to those educated people

who fear God with all their souls. Theirs is the kingdom. If they come to us carrying

light, we will appreciate and love them. They have a spirit of eternal life. In this way,

we are saying: always seek God first despite your academic milestones. In doing so,

we will embrace you with both hands (knowing that you fear our Father in heaven).

Only traitors in these dark times insensibly undermine the relevance of God our Father.

Because they are like lost wolves, they dwell in the darkness, where there is no

spiritual restoration.

I will send you my man

The Lord says I will send you my man who will come among you. This man is assigned

to go into the darkness to destroy the works of the devil. Why? Because the Lord has

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been unenthusiastic about the manner in which some educated people portray

themselves. In order to bring them to their knees, he sent The Most High to shame

them. According to God, The Most High was never sent there to gain knowledge

because he already possessed the anointing. Lawrence assumed that he needed

academic enlightenment because he did not fully understand his anointing. In certain

cases, we will see people being sent to darkness to topple false arguments. In the

process of doing so they become richly blessed (because they fear no evil). Even

though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are

with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare the food before me in

the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head; my cup overflows. Surely,

goodness and love will follow me, all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house

of the Lord forever (Psalm 23:4-6).

It is never too late

We are the army of light. We exist to inject hope into people’s lives. Our positive

criticism is directly intended to bring abundant success into the lives of our brothers

and sisters. We do not criticise because we are jealous of your hard-earned academic

merits. No, that is not who we are. You will never find jealousy among us because we

love all the children of God. We only intervene for you to always embrace God (despite

your academic status). Doing so means that God will bless you without limitations. We

therefore want to challenge all of you by saying that it is never too late to come and

dwell in the house of the Lord. There is an open room where all of you can be housed

and where you can join forces with us to inject life into our people. We hope that some

of you have learned something from our revelation. You must always distinguish that

knowledge of God far supersedes our natural understanding. Even our PhDs are

dummies when it comes to the thoughts of God.


We can always praise educated people because many of them preach life into our

people. Acquiring high-grade qualifications therefore should never be taken for

granted. Yet, we have a challenge when people want to operate in line with the lifeless

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thoughts of the devil. When they acquire their academic credentials they put God in

the pit while embracing Satan. The moment they change their academic titles, they

think they no longer need God. Their wicked actions then speak louder than words.

The Most High was nearly taken away in the same manner by false thoughts. But the

hand of God gripped him at the critical point. Perhaps because God chose him before

the foundation of the world. As a result, he admitted his state of mind and was able to

return to his father. You can do the same. Your father in heaven is saying He is

counting on you to do the right thing when the wrong things happen. Never think your

PhD will make you a spoiled child. You too still need to abide by the commands of

God. The bible never says you must fear a PhD. It says “But be sure to fear the LORD

and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for

you (1 Samuel 12:24).

When The Most High emerged from the lake of darkness he stopped fearing any

academic merits. Even the Lord was thrilled by the rapidness of his spiritual

transformation. Because The Most High started to fear God, he started to receive

blessing after blessing. These blessings made his enemies to cry day and night. Even

the fall of Mandela happened after The Most High went back to his father. This

confirms that once you say “yes” to your father in heaven, He will indeed bless you.

The victory over Mandela and his noxious demons was another sign of rewarding

those who fear the Lord. If The Most High defiantly refused to abandon his past

thoughts, he was not going to reach the fullness of his destiny. But because he

speedily understood God’s principle, God came out of His comfort to bless His child in

a great way. Therefore, we want to emphasise that the same can happen to you. You

do not need to embrace Satan’s treachery to go high because you will actually fall.

When devil worshippers fall, Satan is nowhere to be found. This is because he is a

deserter. But when we seek God even when we fall, He will pick us up. For a righteous

man falls seven times, and rises again, But the wicked stumble in time of calamity

(Proverbs 24:16). This is a major difference between those who serve the light and

those who serve the darkness.

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The love of a godless PhDs has left many people speechless. We find those who hold

decorated PhDs but cannot do a thing. Because they carry knowledge of darkness

they remain useless. The only time they can fly is when they get out of the hell they

are in so that God can use them effectively. As we speak, there are thousands of

indolent PhDs. The PhD holders should revive their nations but they rather decide to

remain inactive.

With this painful revelation we want to urge people to never serve the darkness. Doing

so will never be good for their academic welfare. As we move into the future we will

have our hands tight because we will try to attract educated people to come near God.

We need them to help us reshape the prevailing environment.

We are not going to reject you because you are lost. We will only pursue you so that

you bring light while unlocking your full potential.

Accolades go to those who fear God. They know that even when they study for those

PhDs, their academic insight will only come from God. Today we have PhDs that are

founded on a stable foundation. Even if they have been concluded decades ago they

still make a significance impact. Those who produced them were surrounded by the

light throughout the course of action. Accolades go to those who honour God through

their academic milestones. Even when they completed those theses they praised the

Lord who gave them victories. Because they were honest they found it immoral to

abandon God after completing their studies. Today, those servants of the Lord are all

over the place bringing light. As long as you are near them you will see that these

doctors are full of humility.

Also, we accolade the people who change the structure of their thinking. They now put

God first in whatever they put their hands to. Without mentioning God in their success,

it is no longer business as usual. In summary, the knowledge of God is like a ghastly

wind. When it sways towards your favour, you can go much further in your life than

those who fail to recognise the benefits of God’s relationships. We can only say “the

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experience of The Most High has taught us that God is great”. He has been blessed

far-exceedingly because he valued God more than anything. From the above it is clear

that The Most High came out to forcefully campaign against the darkness.

If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his

commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high

above all the nations on earth

(Deuteronomy 28:1)

And those who know your name will put their trust in you, for You,

O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You

(Psalm 9:10)

The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness

did not comprehend it

(John 1:5)

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I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one

can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word

and have not denied my name (Revelation 3:8)

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King Kuvhanganani (Gathering) Lawrence

Your Kingship designation shall be

King of the Planet Earth

To Him who overcomes

(Books of revelation)

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I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name

before my Father and his angels (Revelation 3:5)

I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down

with my Father on his throne (Revelation 3:21)

Father Son




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For I know the plans I have for you"--this is the

LORD's declaration--"plans for your welfare,

not for disaster, to give you a future and a

hope (Jeremiah 29:11)

Not now???

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In terms of holy declaration

“Tshivhase Midiyavhathu”

Basically means

“The greatest victory over people including witches”.

The LORD will grant that the enemies (maswina) who rise up against

you will be defeated before you (Deuteronomy 28:7).

Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from

God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus

Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and

love (2 John 1:3).