developing a product behaviour framework: mobile insights lead to product use model. a case study. -...

Proudly supported by Kantar, the Leader in Mobile Marketing Research January 30-31, 2013 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Asia-Pacific Edition 2013 WWW.MRMW.NET Organized by TM

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Proudly supported by Kantar, the Leader in Mobile Marketing Research

January 30-31, 2013

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Asia-Pacific Edition 2013 WWW.MRMW.NET

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Mobile insights lead to product use model. A Case Study.

© 2012 Ipsos. All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos' Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior written consent of Ipsos.

January 2013

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© 2012 Ipsos. All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos' Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior written consent of Ipsos.


Moderated Discussion


Markup System

Webcam Interactions

QualBoard Mobile

LifeNotes Mobile

Page 5: Developing a Product Behaviour Framework: Mobile Insights lead to Product Use Model. A Case Study. - 20/20 Research & Ipsos

Making the Most of Mobile Insights

• Mobile insights can provide dramatic insight into actual consumer behavior

• Combining individual mobile feedback with deeper online interactions can greatly increase the depth of understanding and open up new areas of insight

• Today’s case is an example of developing insights from mobile by comparing and contrasting actual vs. reported behavior (and not relying solely on one method)

In-The-Moment Reflective Feedback


Individual Insights

Online Discussion


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1. Research Background

2. Research Methodology

3. Analyzing Moments Of Alcohol Consumption

4. Key Take-Outs From QualBoard Mobile

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Research Background


Page 8: Developing a Product Behaviour Framework: Mobile Insights lead to Product Use Model. A Case Study. - 20/20 Research & Ipsos

Research Background


Alcohol consumption has always been a very interesting area, as there are multiple touch points and key influences

As we know, claimed Alcohol consumption behaviour is very

different from actual.

Hence, we embarked on an approach that will help us to capture actual moments so that we can have true insights

into the behaviour

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Target Criteria


N=14 drinkers

20 – 29 years old

Smartphone savvy young adults

Either own an Android or an iOS device for QualBoard Mobile

English speaking, outgoing

Consume alcoholic beverages at least once a week

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Research Methodology


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Answering Discussion Guide Questions With QualBoard Mobile


Participants answered Discussion Questions posted on QualBoard relating to General Drinking Behaviors through QualBoard Mobile

The beauty of QualBoard is it allow us to keep track all of all their answers and provide us the ability to post follow-up questions should we find the need to probe further

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Using LifeNotes Journals To Capture Spontaneous Moments Of Alcohol Consumption


• Participants were given a task to upload a Journal Activity whenever they consuming alcohol, regardless of consuming it outside or at home

• A picture or a video can be uploaded with their text responses to allow a wholesome experience of capturing their spontaneous drinking moments, happening right at the very moment

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The Power Of Context


This participant was HERE, purchasing THESE products, at

THIS exact time

Makes the learning more “real” for clients and researchers

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The Benefit of Discussion


• Allows you to explore mobile insights, probing deeper on shortened feedback

─ Mobile posts are ~60% the length of traditional online discussion

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Analyzing Moments Of Alcohol Consumption


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Using The Framework To Capture Moments & Map Drinking Occasions









With Others Me Alone

To enjoy a sense of freedom, to let loose, to live life to the fullest

To be with others, be it family or friends

To be in control of self and surroundings, to be precise and organised

To spend time alone




Personal Satisfaction


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We were able to categorize all their drinking occasions into FIVE main categories: Celebrations, Functional, Socializing, Dining & De-Stressing


• The aim is to determine whether there exist a correlation between Drinking Occasions & Type Of Alcoholic Beverages Consumed


Celebrate special occasions Birthdays, weddings,

festivals, promotion, anniversaries


Networking at social events Weekly outing with friends

to catch up While watching sports with



An outlet to release stress – personal or work

When feeling stressed and moody about work or personal matters

Personal Satisfaction

To sleep better To feel refreshed To wind down after the day Relaxing alone at home


Alcohol intake accompanied with food consumption

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Using The Framework To Map Drinking Occasions









With Others Me Alone


An outlet to release stress – personal or work

When feeling stressed and moody about work or personal matters

Drinking for stress relief usually occurs alone or with a few people, not so much with a big group

It is also a way to uplift their moods and self-reflect on the stresses of life they are facing. Thus, they seem to allow more freedom in terms of letting loose and going all out

Beers such as Heineken and Guinness are often consumed for de-stressing purposes. Other alcoholic beverages are also open to consideration

Bars are often visited during the weekdays, usually after work

“It’s a Wednesday. Came to my favourite local bar after a long day stressing about

work. Decided to unwind and have a pint of my favourite Guinness”

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Using The Framework To Map Drinking Occasions









With Others Me Alone


Celebrate special occasions Birthdays, weddings,

festivals, promotion, anniversaries

Drinking moments for celebratory purposes include birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, festivals and etc.

This segment is usually with a lot of people as the main intention is to celebrate the moment and share the occasion with others

Alcoholic beverages often consumed are liquor shots, champagne and beer while drinking places can vary depending on the occasion

“House party! Last shot of the night! WASABI SHOT!

step 1: Shot the tequila step 2: Eat the wasabi

step 3: Shot the tomato juice”

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Using The Framework To Map Drinking Occasions









With Others Me Alone


Networking at social events Weekly outing with friends

to catch up While watching sports with


The socializing segment can be a less formal segment as it is more towards hanging out with friends after the work week to catch up on things

For example, watching your favourite football team play at your local sports bar while having a cold beer

Alcoholic beverage consumptions are usually less formal ones such as beers (Guinness) and ciders (Strongbow)

Places like bars with relatively low levels of noise and crowd are preferred as they often engage in conversations among each other

“Having a pint of Guinness at Sid’s Pub to celebrate the long weekend and also to catch

up with some friends who are back from Singapore. This is our usual weekly routine”

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Using The Framework To Map Drinking Occasions









With Others Me Alone Functional

Alcohol intake accompanied with food consumption

The functional segment addresses alcoholic beverage consumption such as food intake

It is the most neutral segment as functionality is all about routine and habit. Some people enjoy drinking certain beverages when eating food

Wine and spirits such as bourbon are often consume when having dinner as the alcohol complements their food intake

“Having steamboat at a restaurant in Singapore. Perfect food with the cold rainy day. Of course, it's not complete

without beers!”

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Using The Framework To Map Drinking Occasions









With Others Me Alone

Personal Satisfaction

To sleep better To feel refreshed To wind down after the day Relaxing alone at home

The personal satisfaction segment represents moments of alcoholic consumption for self enjoyment

These moments are often enjoyed alone, hence places like their own room, quiet bars and etc. are preferred to minimize distractions for some alone time

Unlike the de-stressing segment which is skewed more towards freedom, personal satisfaction has a higher degree of control as they often decide on what and where they want to drink, based on their personal preferences

“Drinking while relaxing at our hotel room with mom. We decided to relax in our

pajamas, drinking a variety of our favourite canned beers while having some quiet time”

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Using The Framework To Map Drinking Occasions









With Others Me Alone

Personal Satisfaction

“Drinking Banrock's pink moscato at home while

watching DVD on a quiet and rainy Sunday night, just want

to stay in and chill”

Video Upload

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Key Take-Outs From QualBoard Mobile


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Determining What Has Been Said vs. What Has Actually Happen


• QualBoard Mobile allows us to validate what respondents say before they go out drinking with what actually happened

• Spontaneous moments of the LifeNotes Journal entries were compared to the Discussion Guide questions

• Comparing their Discussion Guide answers to their LifeNotes Journal entries, we found that there are instances whereby the respondents’ perceived alcoholic drinking moments don’t match what is actually happening

• Therefore, capturing spontaneous moments is crucial to determine perceived vs. actual behaviors

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The End


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Proudly supported by Kantar, the Leader in Mobile Marketing Research

January 30-31, 2013

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Asia-Pacific Edition 2013 WWW.MRMW.NET

Organized by