detection of angiospastic disorders in the ... · alexander i. krupatkin†, viktor v. sidorov‡,...

Detection of angiospastic disorders in the microcirculatory bed using laser diagnostics technologies Irina N. Makovik * ,†† , Andrey V. Dunaev * , Victor V. Dremin * , Alexander I. Krupatkin , Viktor V. Sidorov , Lyudmila S. Khakhicheva § , Vadim F. Muradyan § , Olga V. Pilipenko * , Ilya E. Rafailov and Karina S. Litvinova || , ** * Biomedical Photonics Instrumentation Group Scienti¯c-Educational Centre of \Biomedical Engineering" Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev Orel 302026, Russian Federation Priorov Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics Moscow 127299, Russian Federation SPE \LAZMA" Ltd, Moscow 125252, Russian Federation § Orel Regional Clinical Hospital Orel 302028, Russian Federation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK || Optoelectronics and Biomedical Photonics Group Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK ** Aston Medical School Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK †† [email protected] Received 19 December 2016 Accepted 23 April 2017 Published 9 June 2017 The evaluation of the microcirculatory bed functional state and the identi¯cation of angiospastic disorders with related complications, when the pathological changes are reversible, have an important role in medical practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of using optical noninvasive methods and the cold pressor test to solve this problem. †† Corresponding author. This is an Open Access article published by World Scienti¯c Publishing Company. It is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) License. Further distribution of this work is permitted, provided the original work is properly cited. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Vol. 11, No. 1 (2017) 1750016 (15 pages) # . c The Author(s) DOI: 10.1142/S179354581750016X 1750016-1 J. Innov. Opt. Health Sci. Downloaded from by on 06/10/17. For personal use only.

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Page 1: Detection of angiospastic disorders in the ... · Alexander I. Krupatkin†, Viktor V. Sidorov‡, Lyudmila S. Khakhicheva§, Vadim F. Muradyan§, Olga V. Pilipenko*, ... 1. Introduction

Detection of angiospastic disorders in themicrocirculatory bed using laser

diagnostics technologies

Irina N. Makovik*,††, Andrey V. Dunaev*, Victor V. Dremin*,Alexander I. Krupatkin†, Viktor V. Sidorov‡, Lyudmila S. Khakhicheva§,

Vadim F. Muradyan§, Olga V. Pilipenko*, Ilya E. Rafailov¶

and Karina S. Litvinova||,***Biomedical Photonics Instrumentation Group

Scienti¯c-Educational Centre of \Biomedical Engineering"Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev

Orel 302026, Russian Federation

†Priorov Central Research Institute of Traumatology and OrthopaedicsMoscow 127299, Russian Federation

‡SPE \LAZMA" Ltd, Moscow 125252, Russian Federation§Orel Regional Clinical HospitalOrel 302028, Russian Federation

¶School of Engineering and Applied SciencesAston Institute of Photonic Technologies

Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK

||Optoelectronics and Biomedical Photonics GroupAston Institute of Photonic Technologies

Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK

**Aston Medical SchoolAston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK

††[email protected]

Received 19 December 2016Accepted 23 April 2017Published 9 June 2017

The evaluation of the microcirculatory bed functional state and the identi¯cation of angiospasticdisorders with related complications, when the pathological changes are reversible, have animportant role in medical practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of usingoptical noninvasive methods and the cold pressor test to solve this problem.

††Corresponding author.

This is an Open Access article published by World Scienti¯c Publishing Company. It is distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) License. Further distribution of this work is permitted, provided the original work is properlycited.

Journal of Innovative Optical Health SciencesVol. 11, No. 1 (2017) 1750016 (15 pages)#.c The Author(s)DOI: 10.1142/S179354581750016X


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Page 2: Detection of angiospastic disorders in the ... · Alexander I. Krupatkin†, Viktor V. Sidorov‡, Lyudmila S. Khakhicheva§, Vadim F. Muradyan§, Olga V. Pilipenko*, ... 1. Introduction

A total of 33 patients with rheumatological diseases and 32 healthy volunteers were includedin the study. Laser Doppler °owmetry, tissue re°ectance oximetry and pulse oximetry were usedas optical noninvasive methods. The parameters were recorded before, immediately after and20min after the cold pressor test. Based on the measured parameters, the complex parameters ofthe microcirculatory bed were calculated.

A detailed statistical analysis of the parameter changes for each individual in the two groupsdisplayed diverse microcirculatory bed parameter responses upon cold exposure, with di®eringrecovery of parameters after CPT. New diagnostic criteria were proposed for the identi¯cation ofangiospastic disorders. According to the proposed criteria, 27 people of the volunteers group werecon¯rmed to not display any disorders. In the patient group, however, 18 people were observed tohave a relatively normal functional state of the microcirculatory bed, while 15 people wereobserved to have a possible tendency to angiospasm. To highlight the di®erences between arelatively normal state and presence of angiospastic disorders, statistical analysis of experimentaldata was carried out, which revealed signi¯cant di®erences. Further analysis of data withangiospastic disorders identi¯ed a relationship between their diagnoses and the results of labo-ratory studies.

Thus, the evaluation of combined noninvasive optical diagnostic method use, the cold pressortest and proposed diagnostic criteria showed a positive result. This approach can be used todetect the presence of possible angiospastic disorders and related complications, as well as mi-crocirculatory bed disorders against the background of other diseases.

Keywords: Noninvasive diagnostics; laser Doppler °owmetry; tissue re°ectance oximetry; pulseoximetry; cold pressor test; microcirculatory bed; angiospasm.

1. Introduction

The evaluation of the microcirculatory bed func-tional state in the upper limbs presents itself as amajor problem in modern medical diagnostics. Itsessence lies in the development and improvement ofdiagnostic methods, which would contribute to abetter de¯nition of reserve and adaptive capabilitiesof the microcirculatory bed, as well as the timelydetection of various pathologies.

Angiospastic disorders are one such pathology.These disorders provoke vasospasm of vessels andrepresent a reversible localized or di®use vasocon-striction of arteries or smaller blood vessels.1 Today,there are a distinguished number of diseases of theangiospastic nature, such as Raynaud's disease,acrocyanosis, and livedo reticularis.2

These disorders may be in the form of angios-pastic attack with the occurrence of reversible is-chemia, without compromising the integrity of thevascular system and tissues. Alternatively, theymay take the form of prolonged ischemia, whichresult in the deterioration of tissue blood supply inaddition to an observed imbalance of major skinchromophore concentrations (oxyhaemoglobin anddeoxyhaemoglobin), which will eventually give riseto hypoxia of membranes, development of tissue

swelling and the appearance of necrobiotic pro-cesses.3–5 Thus, the expression of data processeswill increase with an increase of the intervalbetween tissue oxygen demand and the level ofblood °ow.

Angiospasm plays an important role in thepathogenesis of a variety of diseases. It can appearas an independent disease,6 appear under the in-°uence of external factors, various chemicals andmedicinal drugs,7 and can develop in the back-ground of such diseases as scleroderma,8,9 systemiclupus erythematosus10,11 and rheumatoid arthri-tis.12,13 Involvement of the vessels into the patho-logical process, in the background of existingconnective tissue system disorganizations can leadto even greater aggravation of the disease courseand outcome and the development of tissue hyp-oxia. This, in most cases, will in°uence the approachto treatment and prognosis of the disease as awhole.

Thus, a timely detection of angiospastic micro-circulatory bed disorders as well as tissue oxygensupply and consumption changes (transcapillaryexchange) is important, both in the manifestationof their primary characteristics (when pathologi-cal changes are still reversible) and in various

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Page 3: Detection of angiospastic disorders in the ... · Alexander I. Krupatkin†, Viktor V. Sidorov‡, Lyudmila S. Khakhicheva§, Vadim F. Muradyan§, Olga V. Pilipenko*, ... 1. Introduction

pathologies, in order to prevent aggravation ofdiseases and reach better treatment.

Certain optical noninvasive technologies, namelythe methods of laser Doppler °owmetry (LDF),14,15

tissue re°ectance oximetry (TRO)16 and pulse ox-imetry (PO),17 appear to have potential for thestudy of the microcirculatory bed functional stateand the detection of angiospastic disorders. Thesemethods allow for in vivo evaluation of the periph-eral circulation level, transport dynamics, the valueof blood oxygen saturation in the microvessels andthe percentage of oxyhaemoglobin in arterial blood.

Furthermore, the above methods are capable ofproviding vast amounts of physiological data. Thisdata comes in the form of frequency ranges (0.0095–1.6Hz), which re°ect the di®erent mechanisms ofregulation. There are currently ¯ve categorizedfrequency ranges.18 The pulse (0.8–1.6Hz) and re-spiratory (0.2–0.4Hz) ranges are identi¯ed amongthe passive mechanisms of regulation, which char-acterize the in°uence of heart rate and movementof the thorax.18–20 Active mechanisms of regula-tion are myogenic (0.047–0.145Hz), transmittingthe activity of vascular smooth muscle cells,21–23

neurogenic (0.021–0.046Hz), showing the in°uenceof neurogenic sympathetic vasomotor activity,21,24

and endothelial (0.0095–0.02Hz), re°ecting the va-somotor activity of vascular endothelium.25–27

Thus, with the use of this mathematical appa-ratus, it possible to evaluate the main factors pro-voking vasoconstriction and angiospastic disorder.Analysis of endothelial °uctuations reveals thepresence of disturbances in the vascular endothelialfunction.28 As is known, these violations are mani-fested in the form of a decrease in the concentrationof endogenous vasodilators acting on the endothe-lium,29–32 namely, in reduced synthesis of NO,33,34

and also in an increase of vasoconstrictor substanceactivation, such as endothelin-1.35,36 According tothe analysis of oscillation mechanisms of neurogenicand myogenic genesis, it is possible to judge the pres-ence of other factors, which induce angiospastic dis-orders, suchus activation of thealpha-adrenoceptor,37

increases in smooth muscle contractility and aboutlaunching of di®erent vasomotor re°exes in theresult of activation of the sympathetic nervoussystem.6,38

In this regard, evaluation of the prospective com-bined use of these methods was proposed, in order toanalyze all the changes arising from angiospasm;

beginning with blood °ow violations and endingwith the development of hypoxia.

The combined application of the suggested di-agnostic methods and various functional tests con-tributes to the increased overall level of informativediagnostic data. Their use contributes to the eval-uation of not only the general condition of the mi-crocirculatory bed, but its reserve and adaptivecapacities. One provocative test, used in the studyof the human body's functional state, is the coldpressor test (CPT). This test is carried out throughcomplete immersion of the upper or lower limbs ofthe body in a container with cold water. The watertemperature during the experiments may be from0�C to 15�C, with study durations reaching up to30min.39 The stimulus, which in the case of theCPT immersing in cold water, provokes many in-terrelated processes. Namely, these are the changesin blood pressure and heart rate,40–42 irritation ofthermoreceptors, activation of the sympatheticnervous system,43,44 constriction of muscle con-taining vessels,45 synthesis stimulation of variousneurotransmitters (such as noradrenaline, dopa-mine46), etc. After the termination of cold exposurein a normal functional state of the body and theabsence of disorders, there is a stabilization andrecovery of all body processes. Presence of thesedisorders exhibits no such recovery.

This test, widely used in clinical practice and incombination with various diagnostic methods, isused for additional research and prediction of ner-vous and cardiovascular system disorders as well asaiding in the identi¯cation of such conditions asAlzheimer's disease, hypertension, glaucoma, andothers.47–49

Thereby, the aim of this study was to evaluatethe possibility of combining the LDF, TRO and POmethods with the cold pressor test for the analysisof reserve and adaptive abilities of the microcircu-latory bed in the upper limbs and detecting thepresence of angiospastic disorders.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria

To evaluate the combined use functionality of theLDF, tissue re°ectance oximetry, pulse oximetryand cold pressor test methods, experimental studieswere conducted on 32 healthy volunteers and

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33 patients from the Rheumatology Department ofthe Orel Regional Clinical Hospital (Orel, Russia).

The study was approved by the local Committeefor Human Biomedical Research Ethics and wascarried out in accordance with the principles out-lined in the 2002 Declaration of Helsinki by theWorld Medical Association. The study protocol andits purpose were explained in detail to each subjectand the informed consent was obtained from all ofthe subjects.

The group of healthy volunteers included 16men (average age — 22�1 year) and 16 women(mean age — 22�2 years). The participating vol-unteer group was collected through an internaluniversity advertisement circulated by physicalposters and noti¯cation email. According to thepreliminary interview, these people did not exhibitdisorders of the cardiovascular system and ledhealthy lifestyles.

The group of patients includes individuals withthe following diseases: rheumatoid arthritis(n ¼ 16), psoriatic arthritis (n ¼ 2), gout (n ¼ 3),systemic lupus erythematosus (n ¼ 3), systemicscleroderma (n ¼ 2), Primary gonarthrosis, bilat-eral (n ¼ 4), spondylitis seronegative (n ¼ 1),chronic rheumatic heart disease (n ¼ 1), ankylosingspondylitis (n ¼ 1).

Selection of patient volunteers was assisted in bythe attending physician, based on the medical his-tory, analysis of the disease and any co-morbidities,results of prior studies conducted using di®erentdiagnostics methods and in the presence of labora-tory blood test changes (increases in laboratoryparameters such as rheumatoid factor, antinuclearfactors, thrombocytosis and anaemia). Additionally,patient complaints about pain in their ¯ngers,increased sensitivity to cold and cold induced dis-coloration were also taken into account.

The main characteristics of the patient group arepresented in Table 1. The data-range averages, aswell as the minimum and maximum values, areprovided for each parameter.

As described previously, disorders of upper limbmicrocirculatory bed are most commonly found asone of the forms of rheumatological pro¯le diseasepathologies. These diseases are more common in theelderly. It is thus necessary to clearly di®erentiatebetween a healthy state and one with microcircu-latory bed disorders. A group of healthy youngvolunteers was recruited as a control to ensure an\extreme" state of good health, as they would

present the lowest chance of exhibiting any unde-sired physiological conditions.

2.2. Study protocol

The laser analyzer of blood microcirculation\LAKK-OP" was used to register parameters of themicrocirculatory bed on healthy volunteers. Themultifunctional laser diagnostic complex \LAKK-M"(SPE \LAZMA" Ltd, Russia) was similarlyemployed on the patients. These diagnostic devicesutilized identical measurement channels and aredesigned to study the state of peripheral blood °ow.This is achieved by a simultaneous radiation ofsample tissue through super¯cial contact with op-tical sensors. A 1064 nm laser wavelength for LDFand 532 nm and 635 nm radiation wavelengths forthe TRO and pulse oximetry methods were deliv-ered and received by the optical sensors. The loca-tion of these sensors on the ¯ngers during theexperimental studies on volunteers using the\LAKK-OP" is presented in Fig. 1(a); the experi-mental setup for the study on patients using the\LAKK-M" is presented in Fig. 1(b).

The LDF and LDF softwarepackages were used for the frequency analysis ofthe passive and active microcirculatory regula-tion mechanisms. These software packages use a

Table 1. The main characteristics of the patient group.

Characteristics Rheumatology subjects

Sex, M/F 8/25Age M/F, y 36 � 12/61 � 13Disorder duration, y 9 (0.08–30)Systolic BP, mmHg 131.9 (110–160)Diastolic BP, mmHg 74.1 (70–90)Pulse/min 82.3 (56–84)RF, IU/ml 55.9 (5–512)CRP, mg/l 41.6 (0.8–192)

RBC, 1012/l 4.3 (3.5–5.1)

HGB, g/l 126.2 (91–155)MCHC 0.88 (0.7–0.9)

PLT, 109/l 276.8 (118–457)

WBC, 109/l 7.6 (4.7–8.7)

LYM, % 30.6 (5–65)MONO, % 3.8 (1–9)ESR, mm/h 25.9 (4–62)

Notes: RF — rheumatoid factor; CRP — C-reactive protein;RBC— red blood cells; HGB— haemoglobin; MCHC—meancorpuscular haemoglobin concentration; PLT — platelets;WBC — white blood cells; LYM — lymphocyte; MONO —

monocyte; ESR — erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

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continuous wavelet transform, with the Morlecomplex valued wavelet being used as the analyzingwavelet.50,51

Three basic (background) tests (BT), 5min du-ration each, were involved in the experiment usingthe CPT: BT1 was recorded before CPT, BT2 im-mediately after and BT3 20min after CPT com-pletion. The temperature of water during the CPTwas 14.8�0.2�C. A contactless electronic ther-mometer \Sensitec NB401" was used for the tem-perature control of water and volunteer skin. TheLAKK device measurements were performed on theskin pad (palmar surface) of the right middle ¯nger.This area was chosen because it is rich in arteriolar-venular anastomoses (AVA), which depend on thesympathetic innervation as well as autonomic andsensory nerve ¯bers. Analyzes of the changes ofparameters in this area allow to diagnose variousmicrovascular disorders, which begin at the level ofthe microcirculatory bed of the ¯ngers, includingangiospastic disorders. Moreover, the area withAVA has lower spatial variability due to a lowdisparity in skin capillary density, which ensureslower variability of parameters and better repro-ducibility of data.52,53

All measurements were performed in conditionsof physical and mental rest 2 h after a meal.

Volunteers also underwent a preliminary adapta-tion to room temperature 24–25�C for 15–20min ina sitting position, with the right arm on the table atheart level. The adaptation of volunteers to stan-dard room temperature and abidance of studyprotocol during all measurements reduces the in-°uence of di®erent factors on results of diagnosis.

2.3. Measured and calculated


Basic microcirculatory bed parameters were reg-istered during experimental studies, providing avast array of information. The changes in blood°ow (blood perfusion of the tissue) per unit time inthe probed volume of the tissue was provided bythe index of blood microcirculation (ImÞ. Mea-surement of tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) de-scribed the percentage of oxyhaemoglobin on thebackground of the sum of all haemoglobin frac-tions (oxyhaemoglobin and deoxyhaemoglobin).The relative volume fractions of haemoglobin(blood volume) in a test volume of biological tissueand the percentage of oxyhaemoglobin in arterialblood are provided by the measured relative bloodvolume (VbÞ and arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2),respectively.

(a) (b)

Fig. 1. The location of the optical sensors on the ¯ngers during the experimental studies on volunteers using the \LAKK-OP"(a), the experimental setup for the study on patients using the \LAKK-M" (b).

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Due to the expediency of the complex diagnosticof the upper limb microcirculatory bed, the oxygenextraction (OE) and the rate of oxygen consump-tion (OC) were calculated based on the measuredparameters obtained by a methodology relyingon the analysis of LDF and TRO determinedamplitude-frequency spectra.54,55 The calculation ofthese parameters makes it possible to evaluate thechanges in the tissue oxygen supply and consump-tion. In this case, the value of the OE represents theprocess of oxygen di®usion from the arterial bloodinto the tissue. The calculation of the rate of OCgives an indication of the dynamics of oxygenutilization by tissues.

OE ¼ ðSaO2 � SvO2Þ=SaO2; ð1Þwhere SvO2 is venous blood oxygen saturation.

To determine the values of venous blood oxygensaturation, the amplitude of oscillations associatedwith passive mechanisms of StO2 regulation wereanalyzed, namely: the amplitudes of the cardiac A(StO2)c and respiratory A(StO2)r oscillations.

AðStO2Þc=AðStO2Þr > 1; ð2ÞIf the condition is met, then the venous blood oxy-gen saturation is calculated as follows:

SvO2 ¼StO2

AðStO2Þc=AðStO2Þr; ð3Þ

where A(StO2)c, A(StO2)r are the maximum oscil-lation amplitudes of cardiac and respiratory originof the tissue oxygen saturation.

This variant is predominant in most casesrecorded on skin with AVA's.

In the case of the resonance of tissue oxygensaturation oscillations, when high-amplitude oscil-lations are observed only in one of the active regu-latory mechanisms against a sharp suppression ofoscillations and a decrease of amplitude in the otherranges, the calculation of SvO2 has several features.In the case of the oscillation resonance in the generalmyogenic or respiratory ranges, the venous bloodoxygen saturation is calculated as follows:

SvO2 ¼StO2

BIðStO2Þ; ð4Þ

where BI(StO2) is bypass index, is calculated usingthe StO2-gram:

BIðStO2Þ ¼ 1þ AðStO2ÞnAðStO2Þm

; ð5Þ

where AðStO2Þn, AðStO2Þm are the amplitudes ofthe oscillations of the tissue oxygen saturation inneurogenic and myogenic ranges.

The rate of OC is calculated based on the anal-ysis of the LDF-gram oscillations and the previouslycalculated value of venous blood oxygen saturation:

OC ¼ Imnutr � ðSaO2 � SvO2Þ; ð6Þwhere Imnutr is the proportion of nutritive blood °owin the general microcirculation (nutritive blood°ow). This value characterizes the blood °ow in thecapillaries and is calculated by the formula:

Imnutr ¼ Im=BIðImÞ; ð7Þwhere BI(ImÞ is the bypass index, characterizingblood °ow in the AVA. This parameter is calculatedusing the LDF-gram and the formula:

BIðImÞ ¼ BIðImÞ1 þ BIðImÞ2: ð8ÞThe component BI(ImÞ1 is calculated by formula (5)using perfusion data (ImÞ. In the case of dominanceof blood °ow oscillations, associated with endothe-lial regulation mechanisms in the calculation, theoscillation amplitude of neurogenic origin (AnÞ isreplaced by the amplitude of oscillation associatedwith endothelial mechanisms (AeÞ during calcula-tion of the bypass index.

BI(ImÞ2 is calculated by the formula:

BIðImÞ2 ¼ AðImÞpass=AðImÞm; ð9Þ

where AðImÞpass is the maximum oscillation ampli-tude of blood °ow associated with passive mech-anisms of regulation (oscillation of cardiac orrespiratory origin).

BI(ImÞ2 is taken into account in the calculationof bypass index if BI(ImÞ2 � 1.54

Thus, the calculation of these parameters makesit possible to assess the perfusion on nutritive(capillaries) and shunt (AVA)-based blood °owpathways of the microcirculatory bed.

To estimate the oscillatory component of micro-vascular tone, the values of endothelial (ET), neu-rogenic (NT) and myogenic (MT) tone weredetermined.

ET ¼ �=AðImÞe; ð10Þwhere � is mean square deviation of the blood mi-crocirculation index (ImÞ; AðImÞe — the greatestvalue of oscillation amplitude of perfusion in theendothelial range.

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NT ¼ �=AðImÞn; ð11Þwhere AðImÞn is the greatest value of oscillationamplitude of perfusion in the neurogenic range.

MT ¼ �=AðImÞm; ð12Þwhere AðImÞm is the greatest value of oscillationamplitude of perfusion in the myogenic range.

In addition to analyze the oscillatory componentof microvascular tone, the calculated endothelialand neurogenic tones contribute to the evaluationof alpha-adrenoreceptor activity and the synthesisof endothelial factors. The calculation of MTenables the analysis of the degree of precapillarysphincter closure, which are under the control ofthe internal myogenic regulatory mechanisms56,57

and play the main role in the regulation of theexchange surface area and the number of func-tioning capillaries.

Thus, the use of this method enables a moredetailed analysis of the microcirculatory bed'sfunctional state and its structural and functionalunits, while also contributing to the evaluation ofdi®erent processes in microvessels; from analysis ofthe blood transport function to changes in the dy-namics of oxygen utilization by tissues and theidenti¯cation of factors that have the greatest im-pact on these processes.

2.4. Statistical analysis

All data obtained from the results of the researchwere checked for normal distribution using theKolmogorov–Smirnov test and homogeneity ofvariance using the Levene's test. Analysis of thestatistical signi¯cance di®erences of these data wasperformed using a two-factor ANOVA with repeti-tion (Two-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA). Theprobability was statistically signi¯cant with ap-value of less than 0.05. The choice of this statis-tical analysis has been associated with the fact thatthe experimental study has a two-way design (the¯rst factor is phase of the cold pressor test, i.e.,BT1, BT2, BT3, and the second factor is partici-pant type, i.e., healthy volunteers or rheumaticpatients). The use of this test reduces risks of falsepositives due to multiple testing, which could occurwith repeated use of other statistical methods ofdata processing.

3. Results and Discussion

The cold pressor test causes signi¯cant changesin microcirculatory-tissue system parameters ofthe upper limbs. Figure 2 shows examples of regis-tered LDF- and TRO-graphs and their amplitude-frequency spectrums before (Figs. 2(a) and 2(c))and after (Figs. 2(b) and 2(d)) the cold pressor test.

3.1. Statistical analysis of groups

A detailed statistical analysis of the parameterchanges for each individual in the two groups dis-played a di®erent response of the microcirculatorybed parameters upon the cold exposure, with adi®erent recovery of parameters after CPT. A par-tial or complete recovery was observed, with indi-vidual cases of no recovery of the parameters, whichcould indicate both the normal state of the micro-circulatory bed and the presence of angiospasticdisorders. It should be noted that this was a con-trast to the statistical analysis of data obtained forthe groups of 32 healthy volunteers and 33 patientswith diseases of a rheumatological pro¯le. Not in-dividually assessing the volunteers seemed to con-ceal any signi¯cant di®erences in each basic test.

3.2. Additional analysis of measured

and calculated parameters

To separate the groups by the criterion of thepresence or absence of angiospastic disorders, anadditional analysis of the measured and calculatedparameters was carried out. The results of analysisshowed that for the identity of the possible angois-pactic disorders of the microcirculatory bed andrelated abnormalities, it is necessary to assesschanges of the Im, MT and OC after CPT.

These parameters were selected because the shiftof the balance between vasoconstriction and vaso-dilation, which occurs under the in°uence of manyfactors, leads to a change of functioning of the basicstructural and functional units of the microcircula-tory bed and decreases blood °ow in larger vessels(arteries, arterioles) and their capillary components.

The evaluation of the blood microcirculationindex allows conclusions to be made regarding thetotal decrease of blood °ow during these disorders.At the same time, the analysis of changes occurring

in the MT and rate of oxygen consumption will give

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information about the degree of reduction in the

number of functioning capillaries, the area of ex-

change and the decrease in supply and consumption

of oxygen to tissues.

The analysis of published data shows that time

for stabilization of the all regulatory mechanisms

after the cold pressor test can range from 15min to

30min depending on the temperature of the in°u-

encing factor and cooling time.39 At a similar tem-

perature of the cooling factors (15�C), recovery of

those processes should occur within 15–20min.58–61

The threshold value by which to diagnose

angiospastic disorders in this case was from 40% to

60% of the initial level.61

3.3. Proposed criteria for identifyof angiospastic disorders

The presence or absence of angiospastic disordersand the possible tendency to angiospasm were sug-gested based on these new criteria for separation ofthe diagnostic results. These criteria take into ac-count not only the change of parameters, but alsoincrease (decrease) of the analyzed parameters

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Notes: Im — index of blood microcirculation; StO2 — tissue oxygen saturation; Vb — relative blood volume; A(Im) — amplitude of oscillation of

index of blood microcirculation, A(StO2) — amplitude of oscillation tissue oxygen saturation; A(Vb) — amplitude of oscillation of relative blood


Fig. 2. Examples of registered LDF- and TRO-graphs and their amplitude-frequency spectrums before (a), (c) and after (b), (d)the cold pressor test.

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during CPT in relation to their initial level:

�Im ¼ ðIm3 � Im2Þ=ðIm1 � Im2Þ; ð13Þwhere Im1 is initial value of blood microcirculationindex; Im2 is increment of blood microcirculationindex after the CPT; Im3 is ¯nal value of bloodmicrocirculation index.

�MT ¼ ðMT3 �MT2Þ=ðMT1 �MT2Þ; ð14Þwhere MT1 is initial value of myogenic tone; MT2 isvalue of myogenic tone after the CPT; MT3 is ¯nalvalue of myogenic tone.

OC3 � OC1: ð15Þwhere OC1 is initial value of rate of oxygen con-sumption; OC3 is ¯nal value of rate of oxygenconsumption.

If the ratio of the ¯nal and initial increment Imvalues relative to the value immediately after theCPT is more than 50 %, i.e.,

�Im > 50%; ð16Þand ratio of the ¯nal and initial increment MTvalues relative to the value immediately after theCPT is more than 50%, i.e.,

�MT > 50%; ð17Þand if OC reaches the initial level, then a normalMTS state of limbs/extremities is diagnosed.

If the ¯rst two criteria are not met, tendencytowards angiospasm is diagnosed. If at least one ofthe ¯rst two criteria is not satis¯ed, repeat the di-agnostic procedure.

To identify the possible reasons for the tendencytowards angiospasm, it is necessary to evaluate theamplitude ratios of the cardiac and respiratoryblood °ow oscillations20:

AcðImÞ=ArðImÞ > 1; ð18Þ

where AðImÞc, AðImÞr are the maximum oscillationamplitudes of cardiac and respiratory origin of theblood microcirculation index.

If 20min after the CPT, when the ¯rst two cri-teria are not satis¯ed and the value of the amplituderatio of the cardiac and respiratory blood °owoscillations is greater than 1, then we associated thecause of the possible tendency towards angiospasmwith increased myogenic tone. If the amplitude ratiovalue of the cardiac and respiratory oscillations ofblood °ow is less than or equal to 1, then we asso-ciated the possible cause of angiospasm, in additionto the enhanced MT, with venous stasis. The pro-posed criteria of the normal state and the tendencyto angiospasm, as well as the possible causes ofdisorders, are presented in Table 2.

It should be noted that the stagnant causes ofdisorders are almost always combined with highMT. Their detection is a manifestation of the am-pli¯cation of the myogenic activation, which leadsto more signi¯cant haemodynamic disorders in theform of venous stagnation. The key distinctivemechanism leading to angiospasm is the myogeniccomponent.

3.4. Analysis of groups taking into

account the proposed criteria

Using as a criterion for the selection of healthyvolunteers without possible microcirculatory beddisorders, the above-described criterion of micro-circulatory bed functional state recovery of at least50% of the level before the CPT, the followingresults were obtained

The group of 32 healthy volunteers exhibited twotypical responses: in 24 volunteers by the end of thestudy there was complete parameter recovery, in¯ve volunteers this recovery did not occur. Also asmall group of volunteers (n ¼ 3) was identi¯ed, inwhich no signi¯cant changes in the microcirculatory

Table 2. The proposed criteria of the normal state and the tendency to angispasm, as well as thepossible causes of disorders.

The tendency towards angiospasm

No. Criteria The normal state Myogenic reasons Myogenic-stagnation reasons

1 �Im,% > 50 < 502 �MT ,% > 50 < 503 OC, AU OC3 �OC1 OC3 <OC1

4 AðImÞc=AðImÞr, AU — "ð> 1Þ #ð�1)

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bed parameters occurred throughout the study. Asdescribed in this work,62 this response is one of thepossible responses to cold exposure. The data forthese volunteers was also included in the group ofvolunteers without angiospastic disorders.

Among the 33 patients studied according to theproposed criteria, 18 patients were diagnosed tohave a relatively normal functional state of themicrocirculatory bed, 15 patients were diagnosed tohave a possible tendency to angiospasm. Further,the statistical analysis of the data between the ¯rstand second groups in each sample showed signi¯-cant di®erences in parameters.

3.5. Statistical analysis of relatively

normal state and state with

angiospastic disorders

To highlight the di®erences between relativelynormal state and presence of angiospastic disorders,detected using the proposed approach, a compari-son was conducted. For this a statistical analysis ofexperimental data was carried out for healthyvolunteers without identi¯ed angiospastic disorders(relatively normal state), and patients with identi-¯ed angiospastic disorders.

Figure 3 shows the results of statistical analysisof data from healthy volunteers without identi¯edangiospastic disorders (relatively normal state)(No. 2) and patients with identi¯ed angiospasticdisorders (No. 2): the index of blood microcircula-tion (Fig. 3(a)), tissue oxygen saturation (Fig. 3(b)),MT (Fig. 3(c)) and the rate of oxygen consumption(Fig. 3(d)). The result of statistical analysis for allmeasured and calculation parameters are presentedin Table 1, located in the Supplementary material ofthis paper.

As can be seen from the data after a stimulus inthe form of the cold pressor tests, there is a decreasein peripheral blood °ow in both groups. The changeof the blood °ow is due to the development of vas-cular smooth muscle cell constriction in the vesselwall (arteries and arterioles) as the result of acti-vation of the sympathetic nervous system andalpha-adrenergic receptors.37,63 Several studies haveindicated the possible participation of endothelial cellvasoconstrictor substances such as endothelin-135,64

in this reaction. Against the background of theseprocesses, increases in MT and decreases in nutri-tive blood °ow were observed in both groups.

Analyzing the changes in these parameters, it isevident that after cold exposure in both the func-tional states of the microcirculatory bed (withangiospastic disorders and in a relatively normalfunction state), there is an increase in spasms ofprecapillary sphincters.As a result of this process, thenumber of functioning capillaries decreases, whichultimately a®ects the reduction in capillary blood°ow. These processes cause a reduction in tissue ox-ygen utilization.

It should also be noted that, despite the higherinitial level of total blood °ow in patients withangiospastic disorders in relation to healthy volun-teers without angiospastic disorders, the analysis ofshunt blood °ow values and the nutritive blood °owbetween these groups shows signi¯cant di®erences.In healthy volunteers, the greater contribution tothe total blood °ow is introduced into theircapillaries. Patients did not have such a signi¯cantdi®erence in the values of these parameters. Addi-tionally, the patients have a lower value in the rateof oxygen consumption. That, in combination withthe previously described processes, may indicateinitially reduced level in oxygen utilization by tis-sues. Thus, comparing the parameters between twogroups, even conditions of relative rest withoutprovocative impact make the detection of changesin these parameters possible, which may indicatethe possible presence of a disorder.

After the termination of cold exposure, the re-covery of parameters in the group exhibiting a rel-atively normal state of microcirculatory bed(without a tendency to angiospasm) and in thegroup with a tendency to angiospasm occurs indi®erent ways.

In the group with a relatively normal state,after cold in°uence there is an increase in localtemperature and dilatation (widening) of bloodvessels, these processes constituting the so-calledcold vasodilation reaction. As a result of this re-action, blood vessels lose the ability to shrink, di-late and become a passive vascular bed.65 Thisprocess may be associated with increased synthesisof endothelium vasodilating substances such asnitric oxide (NO) and other mediators of vasodi-lation. 20min after the CPT there is a stabiliza-tion of all oscillatory blood °ow mechanisms, thedecrease of MT and the activation of perfusion. Byreducing spasms of precapillary sphincters, thenumber of functioning capillaries increases andprocesses of transcapillary oxygen exchange are

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restored. This is con¯rmed by the fact that thenutritive blood °ow and the rate of oxygen con-sumption increase.

In the group with a tendency to angiospasm,recovery of microcirculatory bed parameters didnot occur. This process may be the result of ashifting balance between vasoconstriction andvasodilatation towards the former, due to inten-sive and prolonged spasms of the vascular walland reduced concentration of endogenous vasodi-lators acting on the endothelium, namely reducingthe synthesis of the NO. That may be associatedwith endothelial dysfunction.33 As a result, the

value of the total perfusion decrease and MTincreases. All these processes lead to an evengreater reduction in the number of functioningcapillaries, resulting in a decreased proportion ofnutritive blood °ow and rate of oxygen con-sumption. Analysis of the possible reasons ofangiospastic disorders showed that in most casesthey were related to increased MT, with only twopatients displaying venous stasis on the back-ground of increased MT.

The additional information about values of ana-lyzed parameters is presented in Table 1 located inthe Supplementary material of this paper.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Notes: Im — index of blood microcirculation; StO2 — tissue oxygen saturation; MT — myogenic tone; OC — rate of oxygen consumption; BT —

basic test Statistically signi¯cant di®erences in the values with * �p < 0:05; **�p < 0:005

Fig. 3. The results of static analysis on healthy volunteer without angiospastic disorders (No. 1) and patient with angiospasticdisorders (No. 2) data: the index of blood microcirculation (a), tissue oxygen saturation (b), myogenic tone (c) and the rate ofoxygen consumption (d).

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3.6. Relationship of angiospasticdisorders state of patients with

the diagnosis and the results of

laboratory studies

The analysis of the data and their relationship withthe diagnosis and the results of laboratory studieshave shown that there are several factors, whichpotentially indicate and con¯rm the presence of thepossible angiospastic disorders in these patients.

Four of the 15 patients identi¯ed using the cri-teria proposed above, had been diagnosed withRaynaud's syndrome. As is known, the basis ofRaynaud's syndrome is a local defect in the regu-lation of vasomotor reactions. Thus, the revealedviolation of blood °ow and an increase in spasms areonly manifestations of the disease. In other patients,the haematologic abnormalities in the form ofanaemia (n ¼ 5) were observed on background ofthe main disease. This indicates a decrease of hae-moglobin and, consequently, the deterioration ofblood °ow. Violation of blood °ow and angiospasmcould provoke and systemic manifestations ofrheumatoid disease in the form of vasculitis (n ¼ 3),which is characterized by in°ammation and de-struction of blood vessels. As a result, there is anarrowing of the damaged blood vessels, violation ofblood °ow and tissue destruction.66 The increase ofvascular spasms could also be the result of vasodi-lation disorder and reduction of vasodilatory stimuliagainst a background of increased sympatheticnervous system activity, which is one of the possiblepathogenetic factors of hypertension (n ¼ 8).67

It should be noted that some patients had thecombined e®ect of several factors described. Onlyone patient in the diagnosis (female) did not displayfactors that could in°uence the functional state ofthe microcirculatory bed and cause increasedspasms of vessels. Most likely, the detected devia-tion was due to the short-term increase of vaso-spastic activity in the background of emotional orhormonal surges, which is typical for females.68

4. Conclusion

Statistically signi¯cant di®erences between thegroups analyzed were found as part of the studiesconducted and analysis of data received usingmethods of laser Doppler °owmetry, tissue re°ec-tance oximetry and pulse oximetry together withthe cold pressor test. Wherein, the application of

the proposed diagnostic criteria of tendency toangiospasm made it possible to identify subgroupsin each group with the presence and absence ofangiospastic disorders. In the group of 32 volun-teers, 27 people were found to not display any dis-orders, while in the group of patients, 18 peoplewere observed to have a relatively normal functionalstate of the microcirculatory bed and 15 people wereobserved to have a possible tendency to angios-pasm. The statistical analysis of experimental dataof healthy volunteers without identi¯ed angiospas-tic disorders and patients with identi¯ed angios-pastic disorders showed that there are signi¯cantdi®erences between these states, namely between arelatively normal state and presence of angiospasticdisorders. Further analysis of data of these patientsidenti¯ed a relationship between their diagnosesand the results of laboratory studies.

Thus, the evaluation of combined noninvasiveoptical diagnostic method use, the cold pressor testand proposed diagnostic criteria showed a positiveresult. This method can be used to detect thepresence of possible angiospastic disorders and re-lated complications, as well as microcirculatory beddisorders against the background of other diseases.

Based on the above results, further experimentalprocedures are planned on a larger volunteer base.This would enable development of more accuratecriteria for diagnostically di®erentiating disorders,i.e., explore the speci¯city and sensitivity of themethods proposed in identifying the di®erences inangiospastic disorders present in various diseases.Additionally, this would not only allow to discern thevolunteer state of health or disease, but to furtherimprove the ability to detect disease stages and theirfeatures. A more in-depth veri¯cation of the proposedmethodologywill also be conducted by associating thestudy with existing instrumental diagnosis methods.


We would like to thank all of our volunteers andpatients for their contribution to this researchproject.


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Laser diagnostics for detection of angiospastic disorders


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