deploying wp multisite to heroku

Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku WordCamp Finland 2016 Helsinki 15.4.2016 Jussi Kinnula <[email protected] >

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Page 1: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

Deploying WP Multisiteto Heroku

WordCamp Finland 2016Helsinki 15.4.2016

Jussi Kinnula <[email protected]>

Page 2: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

Prerequisites- Mac OS X (latest)

- Note! Most of the tools are available also on Linux systems

- Homebrew:-

- Heroku toolbelt:-

- ClearDB dump (Heroku utility):-

- Bedrock (boilerplate):- Original version (without Heroku-specific configuration): Fork with Heroku & multisite related configuration:

Page 3: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

Installing tools, part IAfter installing Homebrew & Heroku toolbelt & ClearDB dump utility, we need to install some packages that WordPress and Heroku Local needed.

$ brew install php56 --with-fpm

$ brew install mysql redis

$ brew install php56-redis php56-timezonedb php56-igbinary


$ brew install libpng jpeg giflib libtiff

Page 4: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

Installing tools, part II…

$ brew tap homebrew/nginx

$ brew install nginx-full --with-realip

Reverse proxy is needed for local development, we use a Node module:

$ brew install node

$ npm install -g reverse-proxy-js

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Please test, that everything works…

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Setup the project$ cd ~/dev

$ git clone [email protected]:frc/bedrock-on-heroku.git my-project

$ cd my-project

$ rm -rf .git

$ git init

$ git add -A . && git commit -am ‘initial commit’

Page 7: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

Set local “environment”Make sure first that MySQL and Redis servers are running.

$ mysqladmin -uroot create my-project

$ cat > .env




Page 8: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

Composer configuration, part I{

"name": "roots/bedrock",

"type": "project",

"license": "MIT",

"description": "A modern WordPress stack",

"homepage": "",

"authors": [


"name": "Scott Walkinshaw",

"email": "[email protected]",

"homepage": ""



"name": "Ben Word",

"email": "[email protected]",

"homepage": ""



Please edit to your needs (project-specific stuff generally).

Page 9: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

Composer configuration, part II "keywords": [

"bedrock", "roots", "wordpress", "stack",

"composer", "vagrant", "wp"


"support": {

"issues": "https://github.


"forum": "https://discourse.roots.



"config": {

"preferred-install": "dist"


Page 10: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

Composer configuration, part III "repositories": [


"type": "vcs",

"url": ""



"type": "composer",

"url": ""



Extra repositories to get stuff from. By default composer installs stuff from repositories.

WordPress packages are generally on and there’s on GitHub repository + a Satis custom repository for extra packages.

Page 11: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

Composer configuration, part IV "require-dev": {

"heroku/heroku-buildpack-php": "dev-master"


Heroku Local development tools are installed by simply having a development require for Heroku’s PHP buildpack.

Page 12: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

Composer configuration, part V "require": {

"ext-redis": "*",

"ext-gd": "*",

"frc/batcache": "~1.2-p1",

"deliciousbrains/wp-amazon-s3-and-cloudfront": "dev-frc",

"wpackagist-plugin/amazon-web-services": "~0.3.2",

"wpackagist-plugin/sendgrid-email-delivery-simplified": "~1.


"wpackagist-plugin/limit-login-attempts": "~1.7.1",

"tillkruss/redis-object-cache": "~1.2.1",

"frc/wp-env-heroku-cleardb": "~1.0.1",

"frc/wp-env-heroku-redis": "~1.0.0",

"frc/wp-env-heroku-sendgrid": "~1.0.0",

"frc/wp-env-heroku-amazon-aws": "~1.0.0",

"php": "^5.6",

"composer/installers": "~1.0.21",

"vlucas/phpdotenv": "~2.0.1",

"johnpbloch/wordpress": "~4.3.1"


Requirements include some extra packages related to caching (page cache batcache, object cache redis-object-cache), Amazon integration (media files to S3 bucket), Sendgrid integration (send E-mails via Sendgrid) and Advanced Custom Fields Pro.

Heroku configuration is read with wp-env-heroku-???????? Modules (ClearDB, Redis, SendGrid and Amazon AWS credentials).

Page 13: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

Composer configuration, part VI "scripts": {

"post-update-cmd": [

"cp web/app/plugins/wordpress-mu-domain-mapping/sunrise.php


"cp web/app/plugins/redis-object-cache/includes/object-cache.

php web/app/object-cache.php",

"cp web/app/mu-plugins/batcache/advanced-cache.php



"post-install-cmd": [

"cp web/app/plugins/wordpress-mu-domain-mapping/sunrise.php


"cp web/app/plugins/redis-object-cache/includes/object-cache.

php web/app/object-cache.php",

"cp web/app/mu-plugins/batcache/advanced-cache.php




Post update commands are run to copy sunrise.php, object-cache.php and advanced-cache.php to their correct places. Post install does similar stuff.

Sunrise is for custom domain names plug-in, and the other two are for caching.

Page 14: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

Composer configuration, part VII "extra": {

"installer-paths": {

"web/app/mu-plugins/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-


"web/app/plugins/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-plugin"],

"web/app/themes/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-theme"]


"wordpress-install-dir": "web/wp"



Defining installer paths and WordPress installation directory.

Note that this “web” and “web/wp” style of directories comes from the Bedrock structures.

Page 15: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

$ composer install

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# Get reverse proxy running$ sudo reverse-proxy \ --port 80 --target 5000

$ heroku local

Page 17: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

WordPress setup (common)● We’ll do first a regular WordPress setup, no multi-site related stuff● After everything is setup, then heroku local will be stopped (CTRL+C) - and

.env modified to the following:



● Then just restart heroku local …

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WordPress setup (enable multisite)● Now with WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE=true

being active, you can get to enabling multisite on WP admin

● You don’t have to actually do any copy&pasting for the code after enabling multisite, as we have the necessary code already implemented in config/application.php -file

● After enabling multisite, just stop heroku local (CTRL+C) and uncomment the last line in .env and start it again

● Setting the multisite domain sets also the other definitions





define('MULTISITE', true);

define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', true);

define('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', getenv


define('PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/');

define('SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1);

define('BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1);

define('SUNRISE', true);


Page 19: Deploying WP Multisite to Heroku

Main site:

Site #1:

Site #2:

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Deploy to Heroku$ heroku create --region eu my-project

$ heroku addons:create cleardb:ignite

$ heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev

$ git push heroku master

$ heroku cleardb:push my-project --search \


$ heroku domains:add

$ heroku domains:add *