deep run|i| spectators grandstand sport

SPECTATORS OPPOSITE GRANDSTAND AT YESTERDAY'S RACES DEEP RUN RACES |i| SPORT Thirtecnth Annual Spring Mcetingof Local ization Brilliant SOCIETY IS OUT IN FULL FORCE Big Event a Great Success in Every Way Stdcplcch'ases Are Marred by Many Falb..Firiishcs Are Close and Ex- citing. Tbe thirtcenth spring annual meet¬ ing "f tho Deep Run Hunt Club fur- .-IhIipiI somo warm momenta dosplto tho kvintry blasts. Thoso who havo read of tbo grand .utlonal at Alntreo belng run ln a illndlng snowstorm, shlvcrod, but took -onsolation tliat tho sun at lcast waa sblnlng In Henrlco. Tbe track was .t-i-y heavy, somo oight to ten seconds llow, und tho sloeple.hasc courso was Jull of pitfalls for tho unwa'ry ridr-r and log-wcary steod. Wlth u buoyant hopo born of spring canltlcs, the beauty* and fasblon of Richmond sallled forth In wondrous irray. 1-ongco silksand llgbt plalds of Ultra-fasbionablo cut woro "beautiful lo look upon, but apparcntly tho only .omfortnbly drcsscd race-goers wore thoso who sported thelr wlnter furs. Tbe couehb. und mntnr cars gave a Siollday alr to tho parklng ground opposito tbe judgi.-s' stand, and a gen- oral leveo was held botween tho i-vcntH. There was a general crltlclsm that the tlme between the races was too long, and somo called tho meeting dull, but tbo general consensus of oplnion from among the sportlng fra- tcrnlty, both thoso who won and thoso who lost, declared tho meet an un* usually good one from a sportlng -tandpolnt. Third Race the Fcature. A number of races wero well con- tcsted, tbo thlrd event belng one of tho best contostf-d stoeplecbases ovor seen on Deep Run course, Flying Vir¬ ginlan, Miss Chaffln and Llda Wood- hinds racing neck and neck from thu star. tothq run Ixi homo. Tho last evc-nt, at one mile flat, gave: another lieart-breaking flnisli. and tho Deop Run Steoplochaao gavo sevoral spc-c- tacular fnlls. Tho rlder of the wldest reputatton on tbo courso was Mr. J. O'Brlon, of New York, wlio piioicd Croxton to vlc¬ tory In tbo local jump race. Othors rlding were Mr. Charles Hooff, of Alexandria; Mr. "Buek" Langhorne, of Albemarle county: Mr. J. L. Gath- wrlght, of Richmond; Mr. F. L. AV. Greeno, ot Frederloksburg; Mr. T. c! R. Jenlfor, of Richmond, and Hale, this huntsman of Deep Run Hounds. Tho day's sport began with tho clas- **lc event, known as tho farmers' raco, for horses ownbd by proprletors over whoso farms tho hunt is allowed to ride. Thls raco Is always ono of raro Interest, and has been tbo subject of keen rlvalry from Its Incoptlon. 'Squlro Derracott did not mako his usual win- ning. ilrst honora golng to Luxana ownod by Charlos Drew'ry, wlth Charlba W. Childress's Iris second, and John Lennox's Nutwood, thlrd. Tbo half-mllo flat brought out a llkely-looklng lot. Tho memory of Tarpon's prevlous victorios mado hirh a strong favorlto, but tho "bookles " as .usual, mado It Irnposslhle for any' ono to wln, though many had a wuger. rhe raco was annoxod handliv bv Vnnboiin, Mr. W. C. Satmdorss's spoe! y gololng* second money golng to Tho Buek, ownod hy Hooff and Dunlop 1 roJoubtablo Tarpon in thlrd Tbo flrst steeplochaso for Virglnla Maryland and tho Dlstrlct of Columbla nunters was a hard one to plek. Thoso who bad seen "Llda Woodlands" run for tbe last flfteen yoars know tho old lady could go; "Croxton" was also ,a bltter memory for somo who had laid agalnst him in other days, nnd "Miss Chnflln" bad won tho raco over tho Fame course. Flying Virginlan wns a dark horso ¦lthough he bad run a good socond nt Bonnlng's thls spring, and the dark horso won. Croxton fell onrly ln tho gamo on tho flat, aftor tho socond jump, nnd wns out of lt, not attomptlng to flnlsh Tho othor throo ran hunohed from tho 1\nR to tbo stralght-awnv In homo whon Flying Virginlan drew away and < enntered homo, wlth Miss Chailln a well-rlddon second. Tbo fourth event wns a "hurry-scur- \ ry" at tbroe-qunrters of a mile, wlth black and tan rlders. Tho Knlgbt of Weston was woll thought of, hut got m bad start, and pullod up after half- f mllo of tho journey. Broadway Glrl, owned by Engleklng, won handlly, with Mrs. Engloking's "Gold Badgo" soo- ond, and Mr. C. II. Ilurkamp's f'i_alt and Poppcr" thlrd. When tho Doop Run Stooplochnso. tho fifth ovont, was callod, tho crowd took a moro than ordlnnry Intorost ln both rlders and horses, for both woj-o woll known to tho club members nnd thelr guests, Dr, J. A. Whlto'a "Iron Princo" wus at tho post, but as no rblor _<ould be secured to pilot tbo goldlng, ho was flfnally scratched. "Croxton" innd "Dustor" had each tho crodit of a .provlous wln, whllo "Slrlus" nnd "Bor- tha Barkor" woro woll consldered by tho local talont. Mr. O'Jlrlen bad tho mount on "Croxton," Mr. Langhorno was up on somorsaultlng "Hlrlus,1' Mr. Gnthwrigbt pllotod "Bortha Barkor"; Hall wns In 'TJiistor's" saddlo, and Mr. "Jack" Jonlfor bostrodo the rolii.tnnt "-.llla." Away to Good Start. Mr, W, J. Cnrter, tho hodltary ofllclal of tho Doep Run nmots, sont tho four away to a good start. At tho lower turn on tho ilrst tlmo around Dustor tituppod ln a holo, wont down, got up without ridor or brldlo."Thon thero woro threo." Llko Rathvalo ln tho last Grand Natlonnl "l.u__e." took a coupl. of Jumps Just for aport. Tho Llvorpool, by tho judgos' stand wns nogotlatod hy all throo, aud hopos woro hlgh, Tho jump on tho turn by tho olub- houso nlso stopped nqbody, but many a hopo was (Inshod whon Buek Langhorno and SlrhiB dld a hlgh-dlvo _pt into thu (ConUnued on Socond Pugo.) Crcw Beat Harvard by Length and a Half on the Charles Rivcr. HARVARD EXPECTED VICTORY Men Rowing for Columbia Were New, but They Showed Up in Good Form. BOSTON, MASS.. May 11..Harvard was outgenoraled and outrowed by thc varslty elght from Columbla Unlver¬ slty of New York on tho Char'es Rlver, whon the crcw from Cambridgo was defeatod by three-quarters of a length over a course of ono and seven-elghths mlles. As in prcvlous aquatlc contosts, espoclally thoso with Yalo, Harvard stnrted In too lato for nny hopo of vietory. Her spurt was made at the end of .tho courso. Columbia's ofllclal time wns 9 minutes and 1G secondn; Harvarlfes, 9 minutes and IS seconds. From ljt spoctncular standpolnt, tha race wns absorbing, Harvard's magnl- flcent tliough hopclcss try for vlctory on tho homo stretch drawlng iorth tho greatest enthuslnsm. Tho form of tho Crlmson oarsmen wns, on the wholc, better than that of tho Columbla elght, but the stroke of tho men from Cam- brldge wns, noticcably lacking in power. Tho ofllclal raco between tho Har¬ vard so.nior crow and tho Stono School was postponed by Refereo Curtis' on account of an accldent on tho Stojo shell shortly aftor tho start. Later, however, the crews raced of their own accord, and tho event v/as tho Harvard senior crcw by two longths. No tlmo was recorded. CHAMPIONSHIP GAME MONDAY Navy Team Will Be Selected from Crcw of the Iowa. [.Special to Tho Tlmijs-Dlspiitch.l J A Al ESTOW'N H X P O S 1 T ION GROUNDS, May 11..By u serles or pe¬ culiar circuinstances, tlio baseball champlonshlp for tho summer of 1907 will bo playod botwoon tho teams rop- rOBonting tho Unltod States Army and Navy at tho Jamestown Bxposltion on Monday afternoon. Thu gamo ls schedulod for 3 o'clock, and wlll ulther bo playod on Loo Pa¬ rade. or on tho athletic (leld. Tho sall- ors from tho U. S. steamshlp Iowa wlll roprosont tho Navy ln tho gamo, this team having won tho champlonshlp of that branch of tho servlco for throo soasons; Tho Iowa team has dofpato/j overy othor strong navy team. It sun- cossfully defendod its tltlo to tho cham¬ plonshlp ln tho games botwoon teams from different buttlcshlps durlng tho past week. Last summer whon tho army manoou- vrc-s woro hold in New York Ktato tho team from tho Twonty-thlrd lnfantry, now ln camp at Jamestown, dofoated all comors. Both teams wlll put ln tholr star Uno-ups "Monday, and tho game ls suro to bo a fast ono. A largo amount of .money hns beon placed on tho rosult. VIRGINIA DEFEATED WEST POINT 5 TO 1 WEST POINT. N. >. May 11..Tln Unlverslty of Virginia dofoated YVos' Polnt at baseball to-day by battinf Wost Polnt's pltchor hard ln tho fourtl Innlng. Scoro by Innlngs: It. IT. E Vlrglnla .0 0 0 4 10 0 0 0.5 6 ; West Tolnt.0 0 00 0 0 0 10.1 4 Bnttorles: Susong nnd Woodson Mountford and Bonvors. Navy Beat Carlisle Indians ANNAPOLIS, MD., Mny 11..Tho Na- vul Acadomy toam this Afternoon de¬ featod tho Cnrllslo ludlnns ln tho fh-si dual llold nnd track moot botwoon the two lnstltutlona. Tho scoro on tho ba- sls of llve polnts to flrst plnco mnr and three to socond, was Navy, UO 1-2 Cnrllslo, -13 1-3. -e-_ Randolph-Macon Loses. I Spoclul to Tho Tlmos-Dlspntch.] STAUNTON, VA., Muy 11..Stauntoi Milltarly Acadomy dofoated Randolph Macon Acadomy hero thls afternoon li a llno oxhibltlon of bnsohall by 7 to 1 Buttorlos: Stiiuntnn Mllltary Acudemy Thpmpsin nnd lliddliimosor; ttandolph Macon Acadomy, Dunn and Pulloy, LOCAL GUN CLUB HOLDS BIG SHOOT Wiley Lawrence Wins Leg on Handsome Trophy With High Score. MANY EXPERTS PRESENT Mr. Money Makes Great Record by Brcaking Fifty Straight Targcts. Tho Richmond Gun Club pulled off the most successful Saturday afternoon shoot ever held in the history of the club. Twcnty-seven shootors faced tho traps, and 2,700 targots wero smash- od. Thls breaks the rocord of targdts thrown in a regular baturday shoot. The club was favorod by the follow¬ lng well-known experts, who stayed over from the Southxrn handlcap: -Messrs. Harold Money; Loster Gerr/.an, E. H. Storr, H. S. Welles. Guy Ward; Ed. Banks, Colonol Anthony, J. A. An¬ derson, a mlsslonary, and T. Haze Koller. Thls ls tho most popular bunch of reprcsentatlvi/s over see'n in Richmond. Mr. Bernard Wators, cclitor of Forest and Stream, was also present, and mudo many frlends among the local sliooters. The hlgh gun for the locals went to Mr. Wiley Lawrence, who won a leg on the DuPont trophy. Tho shooting of the experts was a mugnillcent ex- hibltion of tho sport of brcaking clay targots. as the scores show. Mr. Money broke hls llrst llfty straight, and iln- lshed with nlnety-seven out of ono hun¬ dred. Gcrman and little "Shorty" Storr wero close seconds, wlth ninety- six and nlnety-five, respectively. A ten-man team race between the "Bull Necks" and tho "Slim Jims" was very interesting, the former winning out by fourteen targcts. THE SCORES. ist r.o. Harold Money . 50 Lester Gorman .... .IS E. II. Storr. 40 Guy Wnrd . -If, H. S. Welles. 4 5 Ed. Banks . 3S Anthony . 40 T. Itaze Kelley. 41 Buthorford . 89 S. .Tanowskl . 35 M. D. Hart . ..-. 37 "Mnn" . 38 "Parker" . 37 Chalkloy . 39 "23" .-.-«*....-39 Tlgnor .«. 33 "44" ......... 37 Lnwreneo . 43 "Bandy" .;.. 4 2 Wlltshlro . 41 Williams . 40 Hnrrlson . 34 Lohman . 34 Tiornard Wators .... 31 Bot) Banks .33 "Poters". 33 Wm. Harrls . 33 SHEPPftRD ELECTED GAPTA1M OF l P. I. Third-Baseman Will Handle the Blacksburg Team Next Season. .. BLACKSBURG. VA., May 11..At a mootlng of tho bnsebnll team hold yes¬ terday, J. R. Shoppni-d, '09, was olocted captaln of tho V. P. I. baseball team for noxt .soason. Sheppnrd playod thlrd- baso thls season, and ts nn nll-round good man, ns woll as tho bost hlttor on tho touni. Tho members of thls yoar's team who nro llkoly to return next year aro Prltchard, Wllscn, Worthlngton, lvos, Bussoll, Damman and Cooko. Thls includes tho four pltchers, who appoarod ln tho box for tha 'Toehs durlng tlio season Just closed, nnd thoy nro mon who wlll probnbly dovolop groatly boforo an- ot'nor yoar. Wilson only pltchod one gamo. tho flrst ono pluyod horo wlth Washington and Leo, and whiuh ro- sultod ln a vlctory for tho V. P. I. by a scoro of 5 to 3. Tho two gamos horo wlth tl*o Loxlng- ton toum woro tho bost plnyod on Glb- bonoy Plold for somo tlmo, aud tho result was a surprise, not only to tho vlsitors, but to tho homo team and thelr ndlioronts. Tho provlous weok Waslilngton and Loo dofontod tho Blacksburg boys by a big scoro, nnd woro cundld onough to say thoy ox- puutod Boniothlng slmllar on tholr vislt horo, lt is truo that tho "l'ochs fnrod badly on tholr two trlps durlng tho season, but thoy, moro thnn ro- doomod thomsolvos on tho homo "grounds, Tho nonr appronch of oxuuiln- ntlons und tho onrly date of tho tlnals has nocossltatod tho closlrig of tho busoball soason for thla your. 13on Ban, at 25 to 5, Bcat Good Field of Sprintcrs at Belmont Park. PANTOUFLE, 50 TO 1, SECOND Halifax, Favoritc, Anchored. by Heavy Going and Never Promi¬ nent in Race. NEW YORK, May 11..-Ben Ban, a 25 to 1 shot, won tho Toboggan Han¬ dicap, slx furlongs, stralgbtaway, at Belmont Park to-day, defeatlng a good field of sprlriters. Pantoulle. a 50 to 1 shot, was second, wlth Red River thlrd. Halifax, the C to 5 favorlte, was never prominent, tho heavy golng not belng to his llklng. Smoker, runnlng nn Improved race, won tho Juvenlle Stakes, for two-year- olds. He was quoted at 16 to i in the bettlng. Two favorltes won. Sum¬ marles: Flrst race.slx furlongs, maln courso .Saraclnesca ('. to 0) first. Jack At- kin (2 to 1) second, Molbourno (30 to 1) thlrd. Tlme, 1:15. Second raco.four and a half fur¬ longs, stralght.Wavo Crest (2 to 5) flrst, King Cobalt (7 to 1) s__ond, Klng James (20 to 1) third. Timo, :56 3-5. Thlrd race.The Juvonllo Stakes, five furlongs, stralght.Smokor (15 to 1) first, Sanguine (7 to 10) socond, Alauda (7 to 10) third. Time, 1:04 2-5. Fourth race.Steeplechase, about two miles.Coligny (11 to 5) flrst, Good and Plenty (1 to 2) second, Tom Cogan (15 to 1) thlrd. Time, 4.13 2-5. Fifth race.Tho Toboggan, handicap, slx furlongs, stralght.Ben Ban (25 to 1) won, Pantolle (5 to 1) second Red River (9 to 2) thlrd. Tlmo 1:16 2-5. SIxth (raco.selllng, mile.Shenan- doah (7 to 1) flrst, Tony Bonero (16 tc 5) second, Azelina (10 to 1) thlrd Tlme,-1:42 3-5. THEMINKSWON CLARK HANDICAF Nippcd Feature at Church il Downs by No/se Finish from Three. LOUISVILLE, K-. May 11..Tlu Mlnks woti tho Clark Handicap, the feature raco at Cburchill Downs to¬ day, from Brancas, Harry Scott ani John L. Inglls. Theso four flnlshot nosos apart In a terrlflo drlvo, aftei a spondld raco. Saul, winner of tlu stooplechhso, was tbe only favorlto tt wln. At least 10,000 porsons wert presont. Flrst roco.slx furlongs.Lady Caro (G to 1) tlrst, Black Fox (5 to 2) soc¬ ond, Alrshlp (4 to 1) thlrd. Tlmo, 1:17 Second race.four and a half farlongi .Great PIrato (4 to 1) first, Ancion (6 to 1) second, Parlslan Motlol (0 to 1' thlrd. Tlmo, :55 4-D. Thlrd raco.sovon furlongs, purso. Cablogram (8 to 1) first, Tho Abbot (2 to 1) socond, Phll. Flnch (1 to 2' third. Tlmo, 1:28 4-5. Fourth raco.tho Clark Handicap $1,500 addod, nillo and a slxtoonth.Thi Mlnks (2 to 1) first, Brancas (10 to l; socond, Harry Scott (15 'to 1) thlrd Tlmo, 1:50 4-5. Fifth raco.stocpleehnso, handicap short courso.Saul (8 to 5) flrst, Narai (4 to 1) socond, Llghts Out (5 to 2 thlrd. Tlmo, 2:54 2-5. SIxth raco.mllo, selllng.Polly Prln (6 to 2) ilrst, Quugga (10 to 1) secoml Dolla Thorpo (8 to 1) thlrd. Timr 1:43 3-5. ( ¦ BATTLE AXES BEATEN. Petersburg Wins Game in Whicl Thirty-One Hits Are Made. [B'.b.Iaj lo ThO Tlmi_-l-l_i>Bt-li.J Pl-TI.RSIUJI.G, VA., May 11..In n oloven-lnnlng gamo ln which tli/rty ono hlts woro mado, Potorsburg do f.utod tho Battlo Ax nlno of Rlchmon on Konllworth Field thla afternoon b I) lo 7. Potorsburg mado .sovonton hlts, sl of which wero two-baggors by Martlt Hoath, Burko, Ford and Alklns, lloat making t\vo. Each toam mado thro orrors. ]<'ord, for Potorsburg, struc out olovon mon and gavo throo baso on balls. Ford, for Richmond, struc out llvo and gavo no, Batterios.Potorsburg, Ford nn Fowlkos: Battlo A\, Ford and Cal Umplro,-Mr. Wolls, Attondanco, .!<}_, GIANTS KEEP UP Phillies Havc Little Trouble Dc- fcating the St. Louis Cardinals. BROOKLYN FINALLY WINS Nationals Drop Twclvc-Inning Contest to the Browns. NATIONAL LEAGUE YESTEUDAY'S llESULis. Flrst game: Brooklyn, 1; Chicago, 0. Second gamo: Brooklyn, 0; Chicago, 2. Bostoo-Clnclnnall; poslponcd; raln. Philadelphla, 8; St. Louis, 4. TO-DAY'S GAMES. No gamoa scheduled. CLUB STANDING S. Clubs. W. L. p. c. New Yonk . 18 3 .850 Chicago .....17 4 .810 Philadelphla .11 G .647J Plttsburg ........ 9 7 .563 Boston. 9 11 .450 Clncinnatl .7 12 .368 St. Louls . 4 18 .182 Brooklyn. 2. 17 .105 IMiilitilelpliln, 8- Ht. I.ouin, 4. PHILADELPHIA, May 11..Phlladol- phla defeated St. Louls to-day by hlt- tlng McGlynn hard. Scoro by innlngs: R. ii. e. St. Louis... 00 3 00000 1.4 13 1 Phlladel... 00240200 ..8 14 1 Batteries: McGlynn, Frommo nnd Noonan; Richle nnd Jacklitsch. Tlmo, 2:15. Umplros, Carpontor and John- stone. Evon in noiible-Header. BROOKLYN, N. Y., May 11..Tho Brooklyns won tholr socond gamo of tho season by dofoating Chicago ln tho flrst gamo of tho flrst double-'beador playod in tho East thls yoar. Chicago won tho second gamo In tho nlnth. Flrst game. Scoro by Innlngs: R. H. E. Chicago. 00000000 0.0 5 1 Brooklyn... 10000000 *.1 3 1 Batteries: Pfolster and Kllng; Ruclc- er and Butler. Tlme, 1:35. Umplro, Blglor. Socond game. Scoro by innlngs: R. IT. E. Chicago.... 00000000 2.2 3 0 Brooklyn... 00000000 0.0 fi 8 Batteries: Frasnr and Moran; McTn- tyro and Rlttor. Tlme, 1:40. Umplro, Rlglor. Eloven Stnilglit for New York. NEW YORK. May 11..New York won tholr oleventh straight gamo to- dav by boatlng Plttsburg 9 to 0. Scoro by Innlngs: R. IT. E. Plttsburg.. 2 0 0 0 20 10 1.0 (1 1 Now York.. 2 2 10 0 0 4 0 ..9 "10 fi Bnttorlos: Wlllls, Lvneh, Phllllpo nnd Smlth: MeGlnnlty. Wlltso. Mnthowson nnd Brosnahnn. Tlmo, 2:0S. Umplros, O'Day and Klom. AMERICAN LEAGUE YESTEUDAY'S RESULTS. St. Louls, 5; Washington, 4 (twolve Innlngs). Clovoland, C; Now York, 2. Chicago, 7; Philadelphla, 2. Dotroit, 4; Boston, 1. TO-T)AY'S GAMES. Philadelphla at Chicago. Washington at St. Louls. CI.UIl STANfJINOS Cluhs. Won Chicago. 1(1 Clovoland.13 Dotroit. 11 Now York. 11 Phllndolphla. 10 Boston . 0 Wnshlngton. 0 St. Louls. 0 Cli'Vclimd, II( New York, 3. CLBVELANB, O., May 11..Clovelant miulu lt throo straight ovor Now Yorh to-day. lloss gavo sovon basos on balls, and hlt two batsmon. Scoro by Innlngs: R. II, E Clovoland.. 0 12 0 0 0 0 3 ..(1 10 Now York. 00000011 0.2 0 Batteries: Hoss and Clnrk; Doylo Brockott and Klolnow. Tlmo, 2:10. Uni plros, Evnns und ilurst. CliloiiKo Won Eiinlly. CHICAGO, Mny 11.-Uhloago won to day's gamo wlth Philadelphla ln thi llrst Innlng, a buso, on hallB, a trlplo a doublo and tlireo slnglos soorlng ilvi runs, Scoro by Innlngs: R. II. E Chicago,,, r> i o.i o o o o ?.7 io Phlhidol... 0 0 0/00000 2--8 -l Bnttorlos:-Smltli nnd Sullivan; Vlclc ers and Powors. I Tlmo, 1:43. Umplros Htafforil und O'L-niglilln. llolroll. -«l IIONtnil, I. DETROIT, M'ICH., May 11..Thioi hlts oiT pbbrl|njw|th a hlgh throw b> Wagnor guvo I/iotrolt a trlo of tnllles In tho ilfth. Thls docldod tho rosult .fContlnuedt on Second Pn_o.) III Locos Win and Tic Journals for First Honors in Club Staridings. C. & 0. OFFICES DEFEATED Southern Bell Takes Old-Timc Sluggingfest from Watkins- Cottrcll Aggregation. STATVDIXG OF THE Cf.Ul'S. Clubs. W. L. P. C Journal. n l.noi Locos . 2 0 1.00.' Southorn Bell .... 1 1 .501 C. & O. Olflces. 1 t .501 TImes-Dlspatch .. 0 .001 Watklns-Cottrell .. 0 2 .001 Locos Victorious. Tho Locos defeated The Timcs-Dls patch team ln a poorly played .an< unlntorestlng gamo ln tho Amateu: League yesterday by 8 to 4. Nol the pltchor rocelvod any kind of support errors bolng rosponslblo for tbo nia jorlty of runs on both sldes. Dr. Bagby, who has kindly volun teerod hls servlces lo tho Amatoui Leaguo, umpired hls flrst gamo in at lmpartlal and entlroly sallafactor: manner. The Locos team woro fai away ln advance of Tno Tirnes-Dis patch toam all round, but the huter as threo doublo plays liuiicato, go very much more together towards tlu finieh, which denotes 'ack of practice Tho scoro: "\ Tlnies-Dlsimteli. Players. AB. R. H. O. A. E Crenshaw, c.4 1 0 5 2 ( Klng, cf. 4 1 0 0 0 ( Rlchardson, 2b.1 o 1 0 0 ( Baughan, lf. 1 l o l o ] Bauor, p., 2b.3 1 0 4 2 J Brown, lb.4 Burnotto, lf., p. Ezeklel, _s. Wyntt, 3b. ;i o 0 l o J Gregory, rf........3 0 10 0] Totals .30 4 6 18 7 ( I.oeoM, Playors. AB. R. H. O. A. E Trlmmer, ss. 4 l o 2 0 Vaughan, c. 4 ,1 1 9 o Hay, lb. 4 1 l 2 I Neurohr, cf.4 3 2 3 0 Loftwlch, 2b. 4 0 2 2 0 Wlgan, 3b....4 (I 1 v o Cook, lf. 3 .0 0 1 0 Bonnett, p. ;i o 0 1 2 Mansinl, rf. 2 0 10 0 Totals .32 S 8 21 3 Scoro by Innlngs: ^ TImes-Dlspatch .0 0 0 0 2 0 2_ Locos .4 2 0 0 0 2 * . Summary: Two-baso hlts.-Rlcluird (Contlnuod on Socond Pnno.) DEFEftTS TIGER. Dray Wins Deciding Point b Capturing Pole Vault.G6od Time Made. PRINCETON, N. J., May 11..Wli tho stnndlng ln polnts tled at IS an tho last ovont, tho polu-vault, to l. docldud, Druy, of Yale, cleurecl tbo bu nt 11 foot 3 Inchos, boatlng out of Princeton, nml wlnnlng tho unniiii yale-Prlncoton track meet horo thi aftornoon for i'ulo by a scoro of 5 polnts to 00. It wus tho most closol contostod moot botwoon tho two eol logos ln yours. Threo tlmes diirin, tho afternoon tho scoro was tlotl, Stirprlsos woro many, oonslduring th slow track, which had nol. hardetio aftor tho raln of last nlght, Princo tonlana woro strong on tbo track, bu woak In tho Hold ovonts, Tboy won Ilrst plneo In all tbo run nlng ovonts with tlm oxcoptlon of th .110-yurd aud half-inlle, whllo Yalo wa Ilrst ln all thn llohl contost.. Tbo bost tlmo was mildo ln tho quar tor-inllo run, whleh was run by Cohp lun, of _nlo, ln 50 2-5 soconds, Klaeli of Prlncoton, won both tho mllo nn two-mllo ovonts wltb great easo. ltu lon-MUler took tbo 100-yard dush fo I'rlncoton and thon wont Into tbo 220 yard hurdlos and won Ilrst placo evo against Prlncoton's ¦votoran Arinstroiu It was tbo first htirdlo ritco Rulon Mlller hns over run. E. lt. Pursom Yalo's record-holder ln tho half-vnllt won that ovont wlth easo. HIS FIRST GAME Roanoke Makes Four in First and Three in Ninth. LOCALS CAN GET ONLY THREE HITS VL'iitots Sccnre One Two-Bagger aiul Fiv'e Singlcs at Oppor- tunc Times.McMahon Makes a Prctty Catch at Short. V!RGINIA_LEAGUE Vesterilny's Hcnults. Roanoko, 7; Richmond, 0. Danvlllo, 4; Norfolk, 3. Portsmouth, (i; Lynchburg, 1. No GiintcN To-dny. Clitm STAN'DINGS. Clubs. Won. Lost. P.C. Dnnvillo .12 5 .706 Richmond ._11 fi .647 Lynchburg . 9 7 .562 Roanoko . 9 9 .500 Portsmouth . 7 11 .389 Norfolk ...., 2 12 .143 MIko Cassldy, ono of tho malnBtays of tho Richmond pltching staff, lost hls flrst gamo for Richmond yesterday afternoon, whon the Lawmakcrs wore dofoated by the score of 7 to 0. Roan¬ oko mado four runs ln tho flrst innln's and throo in tho nlnth. Richmond nevor got to third. and tho vlsitors wero nevor in dangor of being scorcd against. Morrlsoy dld tho twlrllng for tho Highlnnders, and this roprosenta hls thlrd vlctory out. ot three gara?s that ho has pltched for Roanoko. La'pt year he was wlth tho Chicago Nationliis for a tlme, and ho won for them four games out of the elght he pltched. Ho ls a fast man, a good flcldor, and a good hlttor, gettlng two hlts out of four tlmes up ln yosterday'p gamo. Thls ls the flrst gamo that Cassldy over lost for Richmond. Last year ho pltched tn soven game'a, and won them all. Thls season ho has worlced in four, and yesterday ho loFt hls _n_t, which shows up prctty '.woll for tj^o young pltchor. Richmond scorod only throo hlts ngalnst Morrlsoy yosterday, nnd tw.o of thom wore mado by Klrkpatrick out of two times up, which glves hlm a batting averago for tho game of 1,000. Cowan made tbe other hit, knocking'It ovor lirst baso, which thls season has seemed the favorite placo for tho woaker hittors of tho team. Coopor, Ronnoke's catchor, played-ja star game, gettlng two hlts and a run. Morrlsoy also got two hlts. In tho s<5j|- ond Innlng Coto, flrst-bascman, mad&Via protty play, whon he threw the ball t'o Morrlsoy, nfter falllpg down, and put O'Noil out nt flrst. McMahon, at short, mado a protty ono-hand catch ln tho flfth Innlng, whon ho reached up ai^d stoppeil what seemed to bo a hlt hy Shaffor, Tho ball wont hlgh ovei shortstop, but McMahon ran ovor, and Jumpfng. brought It down wlth ono hand, rooelvlng the plnudlts of tho crowd for hls good work. Roanoko mndo four runs ln tho flaSltV innlng, Lohr, the flrst man up, gobj^a two-baggor, and Batoman, second man up, went to flrst on O'Noil's orror, Lohr going to thlrd. Clayton wns out on :a. high lly to Tltrnan, and Lohr scoro,d. on tho out. Batoman scorcd on Hln- ton's error. Reynolds was hit by -vn pltched ball, and stolo second; and Cooloy went to tlrst on IClrkpatrickjs error. Klrkpatrick throw tho bajl wild, Shaffor mlssod lt, and lt rolleri all tho way to tho fenco, both men scorlng. Thero wns no moro scorlng until tho nlnth Innlng. Cooloy was walkcd. Mc¬ Mahon attornptod a saertflco, but sot Io flrst on Cnssldy's fumble of tho hunt, Cooloy going to second. Cote sacrlflcod, and tho flrst two runnurs camo ln on Coopor'a slngle. Coopor himself stolo socond, was advnncod to thlrd on Morrlsey's slngle, and crossed tho plato when th,> latter stolo socond. Lohr and Batoman, thu next two mon up, illod out to O'Noil. The scoro: Itleliniond, Plnyers. A.B. R. II. O. A. E. Tltnian, rf. 3 o o l o o Reevo, ss. 4 0 0 1 C 0 Cowan, lf. 4 0 1 0 0 0 Wallaco, cf. 4 o o 2 1 0 Klrkpatrick, 3b. 2 d '.'13 1 O'Noil, 2b. 3 0 0 3 3 1 Shaffor, lb....... 3 o o n 0 0 Ulntoii, <.. 3 0 0 0 l 1 Cassldy, p. 3 0 0 0 3 1 Totals .211 0 3 27 lfi 4 K.iiUH.U.-. Players, A.B. R. u. o. a. E. Lohr, el'. r. 1 l 1 0 0 Batoman, '-'i>. I 1 0 2 3 0 Cluyton, 3b. 3 0 0 2 2 0 Roynolds, lf.. .'! 1 0 2 0 0 Cooloy, rf. 3 2 n 1 i o McMuhon; ss. ... 3 1 0 3 3 0 Coto, llt. 3 0 l 10 l 0 Coopor, o. 4 1 2 2 0 o Morrlsoy, p. t 0 2 l t 0 Totals.32 7 tl 27 11 0 Scoro by Innlngs: R. Richmond . o n o o n o o o 0.o Roanoko . I 0 n ti 0 n 0 0 3.7 Summary: Two-base hlts.Lohr^to- lon btiHos.Batoman, Reynolds, Coopor (21, Morrlsoy, Bases on balls.oiy Cns- sltly, 2; off .Morrlsoy, 2. lltt by pltched Cnssltty (Roynolds). Struck Cassldy, t'.; by Morrlsoy, 3, lMssod balla.llinton, 1. Tlmo of game, 1:35. lTnipIro, Lally. Attondanco, S.3G1. DANVILLE WINS AND TAKES LEAD rSpoclal to Tho Times-DlspHtch.] DANVtLt.W. VA., May 11..Tho bun.'hlngof hlts by Danvlllo, couplod wlth orrors by tlio vlsitors at crlUcjjJ stages, wns rosponslble for the defoat of Norfolk thls afternoon by 1 to 3.

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Thirtecnth Annual SpringMcetingof Local

ization Brilliant


Big Event a Great Success inEvery Way Stdcplcch'ases

Are Marred by ManyFalb..Firiishcs Are

Close and Ex-citing.

Tbe thirtcenth spring annual meet¬ing "f tho Deep Run Hunt Club fur-.-IhIipiI somo warm momenta dosplto thokvintry blasts.Thoso who havo read of tbo grand

.utlonal at Alntreo belng run ln a

illndlng snowstorm, shlvcrod, but took-onsolation tliat tho sun at lcast waasblnlng In Henrlco. Tbe track was.t-i-y heavy, somo oight to ten secondsllow, und tho sloeple.hasc courso wasJull of pitfalls for tho unwa'ryridr-r and log-wcary steod.Wlth u buoyant hopo born of spring

canltlcs, the beauty* and fasblon ofRichmond sallled forth In wondrousirray. 1-ongco silksand llgbt plalds ofUltra-fasbionablo cut woro "beautifullo look upon, but apparcntly tho only.omfortnbly drcsscd race-goers worethoso who sported thelr wlnter furs.Tbe couehb. und mntnr cars gave a

Siollday alr to tho parklng groundopposito tbe judgi.-s' stand, and a gen-oral leveo was held botween thoi-vcntH.There was a general crltlclsm that

the tlme between the races was toolong, and somo called tho meetingdull, but tbo general consensus ofoplnion from among the sportlng fra-tcrnlty, both thoso who won and thosowho lost, declared tho meet an un*usually good one from a sportlng-tandpolnt.

Third Race the Fcature.A number of races wero well con-

tcsted, tbo thlrd event belng one oftho best contostf-d stoeplecbases ovorseen on Deep Run course, Flying Vir¬ginlan, Miss Chaffln and Llda Wood-hinds racing neck and neck from thustar. tothq run Ixi homo. Tho lastevc-nt, at one mile flat, gave: anotherlieart-breaking flnisli. and tho DeopRun Steoplochaao gavo sevoral spc-c-tacular fnlls.Tho rlder of the wldest reputatton

on tbo courso was Mr. J. O'Brlon, ofNew York, wlio piioicd Croxton to vlc¬tory In tbo local jump race. Othorsrlding were Mr. Charles Hooff, ofAlexandria; Mr. "Buek" Langhorne, ofAlbemarle county: Mr. J. L. Gath-wrlght, of Richmond; Mr. F. L. AV.Greeno, ot Frederloksburg; Mr. T. c!R. Jenlfor, of Richmond, and Hale, thishuntsman of Deep Run Hounds.Tho day's sport began with tho clas-

**lc event, known as tho farmers' raco,for horses ownbd by proprletors overwhoso farms tho hunt is allowed toride. Thls raco Is always ono of raroInterest, and has been tbo subject ofkeen rlvalry from Its Incoptlon. 'SqulroDerracott did not mako his usual win-ning. ilrst honora golng to Luxanaownod by Charlos Drew'ry, wlth CharlbaW. Childress's Iris second, and JohnLennox's Nutwood, thlrd.Tbo half-mllo flat brought out allkely-looklng lot. Tho memory ofTarpon's prevlous victorios mado hirha strong favorlto, but tho "bookles " as.usual, mado It Irnposslhle for any' onoto wln, though many had a wuger.rhe raco was annoxod handliv bvVnnboiin, Mr. W. C. Satmdorss's spoe! ygololng* second money golng to ThoBuek, ownod hy Hooff and Dunlop

1roJoubtablo Tarpon in thlrd

Tbo flrst steeplochaso for VirglnlaMaryland and tho Dlstrlct of Columblanunters was a hard one to plek. Thosowho bad seen "Llda Woodlands" runfor tbe last flfteen yoars know thoold lady could go; "Croxton" was also,a bltter memory for somo who had laidagalnst him in other days, nnd "MissChnflln" bad won tho raco over thoFame course.

Flying Virginlan wns a dark horso¦lthough he bad run a good socond ntBonnlng's thls spring, and the darkhorso won.

Croxton fell onrly ln tho gamo ontho flat, aftor tho socond jump, nndwns out of lt, not attomptlng to flnlshTho othor throo ran hunohed from tho1\nR to tbo stralght-awnv In homowhon Flying Virginlan drew away and

< enntered homo, wlth Miss Chailln awell-rlddon second.Tbo fourth event wns a "hurry-scur-\ ry" at tbroe-qunrters of a mile, wlth

black and tan rlders. Tho Knlgbt ofWeston was woll thought of, hut gotm bad start, and pullod up after half-

f mllo of tho journey. Broadway Glrl,owned by Engleklng, won handlly, withMrs. Engloking's "Gold Badgo" soo-ond, and Mr. C. II. Ilurkamp's f'i_altand Poppcr" thlrd.When tho Doop Run Stooplochnso.

tho fifth ovont, was callod, tho crowdtook a moro than ordlnnry Intorost lnboth rlders and horses, for both woj-owoll known to tho club members nndthelr guests, Dr, J. A. Whlto'a "IronPrinco" wus at tho post, but as no rblor_<ould be secured to pilot tbo goldlng,ho was flfnally scratched. "Croxton"innd "Dustor" had each tho crodit of a.provlous wln, whllo "Slrlus" nnd "Bor-tha Barkor" woro woll consldered bytho local talont. Mr. O'Jlrlen bad thomount on "Croxton," Mr. Langhornowas up on somorsaultlng "Hlrlus,1' Mr.Gnthwrigbt pllotod "Bortha Barkor";Hall wns In 'TJiistor's" saddlo, and Mr."Jack" Jonlfor bostrodo the rolii.tnnt"-.llla."

Away to Good Start.Mr, W, J. Cnrter, tho hodltary ofllclal

of tho Doep Run nmots, sont tho fouraway to a good start. At tho lowerturn on tho ilrst tlmo around Dustortituppod ln a holo, wont down, got upwithout ridor or brldlo."Thon theroworo threo." Llko Rathvalo ln tho lastGrand Natlonnl "l.u__e." took a coupl.of Jumps Just for aport.Tho Llvorpool, by tho judgos' stand

wns nogotlatod hy allthroo, aud hopos woro hlgh,Tho jump on tho turn by tho olub-houso nlso stopped nqbody, but many ahopo was (Inshod whon Buek Langhornoand SlrhiB dld a hlgh-dlvo _pt into thu

(ConUnued on Socond Pugo.)

Crcw Beat Harvard by Lengthand a Half on the Charles



Men Rowing for Columbia WereNew, but They Showed Up in

Good Form.

BOSTON, MASS.. May 11..Harvardwas outgenoraled and outrowed by thcvarslty elght from Columbla Unlver¬slty of New York on tho Char'es Rlver,whon the crcw from Cambridgo was

defeatod by three-quarters of a lengthover a course of ono and seven-elghthsmlles. As in prcvlous aquatlc contosts,espoclally thoso with Yalo, Harvardstnrted In too lato for nny hopo ofvietory. Her spurt was made at theend of .tho courso. Columbia's ofllclaltime wns 9 minutes and 1G secondn;Harvarlfes, 9 minutes and IS seconds.From ljt spoctncular standpolnt, tharace wns absorbing, Harvard's magnl-flcent tliough hopclcss try for vlctoryon tho homo stretch drawlng iorth thogreatest enthuslnsm. Tho form of thoCrlmson oarsmen wns, on the wholc,better than that of tho Columbla elght,but the stroke of tho men from Cam-brldge wns, noticcably lacking inpower.Tho ofllclal raco between tho Har¬

vard so.nior crow and tho Stono Schoolwas postponed by Refereo Curtis' onaccount of an accldent on tho Stojoshell shortly aftor tho start.

Later, however, the crews raced oftheir own accord, and tho event v/ tho Harvard senior crcw bytwo longths. No tlmo was recorded.


Navy Team Will Be Selectedfrom Crcw of the

Iowa.[.Special to Tho Tlmijs-Dlspiitch.lJ A Al ESTOW'N H X P O S 1 T ION

GROUNDS, May 11..By u serles or pe¬culiar circuinstances, tlio baseballchamplonshlp for tho summer of 1907will bo playod botwoon tho teams rop-rOBonting tho Unltod States Army andNavy at tho Jamestown Bxposltion onMonday afternoon.Thu gamo ls schedulod for 3 o'clock,

and wlll ulther bo playod on Loo Pa¬rade. or on tho athletic (leld. Tho sall-ors from tho U. S. steamshlp Iowa wlllroprosont tho Navy ln tho gamo, thisteam having won tho champlonshlp ofthat branch of tho servlco for throosoasons; Tho Iowa team has dofpato/jovery othor strong navy team. It sun-cossfully defendod its tltlo to tho cham¬plonshlp ln tho games botwoon teamsfrom different buttlcshlps durlng thopast week.Last summer whon tho army manoou-

vrc-s woro hold in New York Ktato thoteam from tho Twonty-thlrd lnfantry,now ln camp at Jamestown, dofoated allcomors. Both teams wlll put ln tholrstar Uno-ups "Monday, and tho gamels suro to bo a fast ono.A largo amount of .money hns beon

placed on tho rosult.


WEST POINT. N. >. May 11..TlnUnlverslty of Virginia dofoated YVos'Polnt at baseball to-day by battinfWost Polnt's pltchor hard ln tho fourtlInnlng.

Scoro by Innlngs: It. IT. EVlrglnla .0 0 0 4 10 0 0 0.5 6 ;West Tolnt.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.1 4

Bnttorles: Susong nnd WoodsonMountford and Bonvors.

Navy Beat Carlisle IndiansANNAPOLIS, MD., Mny 11..Tho Na-

vul Acadomy toam this Afternoon de¬featod tho Cnrllslo ludlnns ln tho fh-sidual llold nnd track moot botwoon thetwo lnstltutlona. Tho scoro on tho ba-sls of llve polnts to flrst plnco mnrand three to socond, was Navy, UO 1-2Cnrllslo, -13 1-3.-e-_

Randolph-Macon Loses.I Spoclul to Tho Tlmos-Dlspntch.]STAUNTON, VA., Muy 11..Stauntoi

Milltarly Acadomy dofoated RandolphMacon Acadomy hero thls afternoon lia llno oxhibltlon of bnsohall by 7 to 1Buttorlos: Stiiuntnn Mllltary AcudemyThpmpsin nnd lliddliimosor; ttandolphMacon Acadomy, Dunn and Pulloy,


Wiley Lawrence Wins Leg on

Handsome Trophy WithHigh Score.


Mr. Money Makes Great Recordby Brcaking Fifty Straight


Tho Richmond Gun Club pulled offthe most successful Saturday afternoonshoot ever held in the history of theclub. Twcnty-seven shootors facedtho traps, and 2,700 targots wero smash-od. Thls breaks the rocord of targdtsthrown in a regular baturday shoot.The club was favorod by the follow¬

lng well-known experts, who stayedover from the Southxrn handlcap:-Messrs. Harold Money; Loster Gerr/.an,E. H. Storr, H. S. Welles. Guy Ward;Ed. Banks, Colonol Anthony, J. A. An¬derson, a mlsslonary, and T. HazeKoller. Thls ls tho most popularbunch of reprcsentatlvi/s over see'n inRichmond. Mr. Bernard Wators, cclitorof Forest and Stream, was also present,and mudo many frlends among the localsliooters.The hlgh gun for the locals went to

Mr. Wiley Lawrence, who won a legon the DuPont trophy. Tho shootingof the experts was a mugnillcent ex-hibltion of tho sport of brcaking claytargots. as the scores show. Mr. Moneybroke hls llrst llfty straight, and iln-lshed with nlnety-seven out of ono hun¬dred. Gcrman and little "Shorty"Storr wero close seconds, wlth ninety-six and nlnety-five, respectively.A ten-man team race between the "Bull

Necks" and tho "Slim Jims" was veryinteresting, the former winning out byfourteen targcts.


ist r.o.Harold Money . 50Lester Gorman .... .ISE. II. Storr. 40Guy Wnrd . -If,H. S. Welles. 4 5Ed. Banks . 3SAnthony . 40T. Itaze Kelley. 41Buthorford . 89S. .Tanowskl . 35M. D. Hart . ..-. 37"Mnn" . 38"Parker" . 37Chalkloy . 39"23" .-.-«*....-39Tlgnor .«. 33"44" ......... 37Lnwreneo . 43"Bandy" .;.. 4 2Wlltshlro . 41Williams . 40Hnrrlson . 34Lohman . 34Tiornard Wators .... 31Bot) Banks .33"Poters". 33Wm. Harrls . 33


Third-Baseman Will Handle theBlacksburg Team Next

Season. ..

BLACKSBURG. VA., May 11..At amootlng of tho bnsebnll team hold yes¬terday, J. R. Shoppni-d, '09, was oloctedcaptaln of tho V. P. I. baseball team fornoxt .soason. Sheppnrd playod thlrd-baso thls season, and ts nn nll-roundgood man, ns woll as tho bost hlttoron tho touni. Tho members of thlsyoar's team who nro llkoly to returnnext year aro Prltchard, Wllscn,Worthlngton, lvos, Bussoll, Dammanand Cooko. Thls includes tho fourpltchers, who appoarod ln tho boxfor tha 'Toehs durlng tlio season Justclosed, nnd thoy nro mon who wlllprobnbly dovolop groatly boforo an-ot'nor yoar. Wilson only pltchod onegamo. tho flrst ono pluyod horo wlthWashington and Leo, and whiuh ro-sultod ln a vlctory for tho V. P. I. bya scoro of 5 to 3.Tho two gamos horo wlth tl*o Loxlng-

ton toum woro tho bost plnyod on Glb-bonoy Plold for somo tlmo, aud thoresult was a surprise, not only to thovlsitors, but to tho homo team andthelr ndlioronts. Tho provlous weokWaslilngton and Loo dofontod thoBlacksburg boys by a big scoro, nndworo cundld onough to say thoy ox-puutod Boniothlng slmllar on tholrvislt horo, lt is truo that tho "l'ochsfnrod badly on tholr two trlps durlngtho season, but thoy, moro thnn ro-doomod thomsolvos on tho homo

"grounds, Tho nonr appronch of oxuuiln-ntlons und tho onrly date of tho tlnalshas nocossltatod tho closlrig of thobusoball soason for thla your.

13on Ban, at 25 to 5, Bcat GoodField of Sprintcrs at Belmont



Halifax, Favoritc, Anchored. byHeavy Going and Never Promi¬

nent in Race.

NEW YORK, May 11..-Ben Ban, a

25 to 1 shot, won tho Toboggan Han¬dicap, slx furlongs, stralgbtaway, atBelmont Park to-day, defeatlng a goodfield of sprlriters. Pantoulle. a 50 to 1shot, was second, wlth Red River thlrd.Halifax, the C to 5 favorlte, was never

prominent, tho heavy golng not belngto his llklng.Smoker, runnlng nn Improved race,

won tho Juvenlle Stakes, for two-year-olds. He was quoted at 16 to i inthe bettlng. Two favorltes won. Sum¬marles:

Flrst race.slx furlongs, maln courso.Saraclnesca ('. to 0) first. Jack At-kin (2 to 1) second, Molbourno (30 to1) thlrd. Tlme, 1:15.Second raco.four and a half fur¬

longs, stralght.Wavo Crest (2 to 5)flrst, King Cobalt (7 to 1) s__ond,Klng James (20 to 1) third. Timo,:56 3-5.Thlrd race.The Juvonllo Stakes,

five furlongs, stralght.Smokor (15 to1) first, Sanguine (7 to 10) socond,Alauda (7 to 10) third. Time, 1:04 2-5.Fourth race.Steeplechase, about

two miles.Coligny (11 to 5) flrst,Good and Plenty (1 to 2) second, TomCogan (15 to 1) thlrd. Time, 4.13 2-5.

Fifth race.Tho Toboggan, handicap,slx furlongs, stralght.Ben Ban (25to 1) won, Pantolle (5 to 1) secondRed River (9 to 2) thlrd. Tlmo1:16 2-5.

SIxth (raco.selllng, mile.Shenan-doah (7 to 1) flrst, Tony Bonero (16 tc5) second, Azelina (10 to 1) thlrdTlme,-1:42 3-5.


Nippcd Feature at Church ilDowns by No/se Finish

from Three.LOUISVILLE, K-. May 11..Tlu

Mlnks woti tho Clark Handicap, thefeature raco at Cburchill Downs to¬day, from Brancas, Harry Scott aniJohn L. Inglls. Theso four flnlshotnosos apart In a terrlflo drlvo, afteia spondld raco. Saul, winner of tlustooplechhso, was tbe only favorlto ttwln. At least 10,000 porsons wertpresont.

Flrst roco.slx furlongs.Lady Caro(G to 1) tlrst, Black Fox (5 to 2) soc¬ond, Alrshlp (4 to 1) thlrd. Tlmo, 1:17Second race.four and a half farlongi

.Great PIrato (4 to 1) first, Ancion(6 to 1) second, Parlslan Motlol (0 to 1'thlrd. Tlmo, :55 4-D.Thlrd raco.sovon furlongs, purso.

Cablogram (8 to 1) first, Tho Abbot(2 to 1) socond, Phll. Flnch (1 to 2'third. Tlmo, 1:28 4-5.Fourth raco.tho Clark Handicap

$1,500 addod, nillo and a slxtoonth.ThiMlnks (2 to 1) first, Brancas (10 to l;socond, Harry Scott (15 'to 1) thlrdTlmo, 1:50 4-5.

Fifth raco.stocpleehnso, handicapshort courso.Saul (8 to 5) flrst, Narai(4 to 1) socond, Llghts Out (5 to 2thlrd. Tlmo, 2:54 2-5.SIxth raco.mllo, selllng.Polly Prln

(6 to 2) ilrst, Quugga (10 to 1) secomlDolla Thorpo (8 to 1) thlrd. Timr1:43 3-5. (



Petersburg Wins Game in WhiclThirty-One Hits Are Made.

[B'.b.Iaj lo ThO Tlmi_-l-l_i>Bt-li.JPl-TI.RSIUJI.G, VA., May 11..In n

oloven-lnnlng gamo ln which tli/rtyono hlts woro mado, Potorsburg dof.utod tho Battlo Ax nlno of Rlchmonon Konllworth Field thla afternoon bI) lo 7.Potorsburg mado .sovonton hlts, sl

of which wero two-baggors by MartltHoath, Burko, Ford and Alklns, lloatmaking t\vo. Each toam mado throorrors. ]<'ord, for Potorsburg, strucout olovon mon and gavo throo basoon balls. Ford, for Richmond, strucout llvo and gavo no,Batterios.Potorsburg, Ford nn

Fowlkos: Battlo A\, Ford and CalUmplro,-Mr. Wolls, Attondanco, .!<}_,


Phillies Havc Little Trouble Dc-fcating the St. Louis



Nationals Drop Twclvc-InningContest to the



Flrst game: Brooklyn, 1; Chicago, 0.Second gamo: Brooklyn, 0; Chicago, 2.Bostoo-Clnclnnall; poslponcd; raln.Philadelphla, 8; St. Louis, 4.

TO-DAY'S GAMES.No gamoa scheduled.

CLUB STANDING S.Clubs. W. L. p. c.

New Yonk . 18 3 .850Chicago .....17 4 .810Philadelphla .11 G .647JPlttsburg ........ 9 7 .563Boston. 9 11 .450Clncinnatl .7 12 .368St. Louls . 4 18 .182Brooklyn. 2. 17 .105

IMiilitilelpliln, 8- Ht. I.ouin, 4.PHILADELPHIA, May 11..Phlladol-

phla defeated St. Louls to-day by hlt-tlng McGlynn hard.

Scoro by innlngs: R. ii. e.St. Louis... 00 3 00000 1.4 13 1Phlladel... 00240200 ..8 14 1

Batteries: McGlynn, Frommo nndNoonan; Richle nnd Jacklitsch. Tlmo,2:15. Umplros, Carpontor and John-stone.

Evon in noiible-Header.BROOKLYN, N. Y., May 11..Tho

Brooklyns won tholr socond gamo oftho season by dofoating Chicago ln thoflrst gamo of tho flrst double-'beadorplayod in tho East thls yoar. Chicagowon tho second gamo In tho nlnth.

Flrst game.Scoro by Innlngs: R. H. E.

Chicago. 00000000 0.0 5 1Brooklyn... 10000000 *.1 3 1

Batteries: Pfolster and Kllng; Ruclc-er and Butler. Tlme, 1:35. Umplro,Blglor.Socond game.Scoro by innlngs: R. IT. E.

Chicago.... 00000000 2.2 3 0Brooklyn... 00000000 0.0 fi 8

Batteries: Frasnr and Moran; McTn-tyro and Rlttor. Tlme, 1:40. Umplro,Rlglor.

Eloven Stnilglit for New York.NEW YORK. May 11..New York

won tholr oleventh straight gamo to-dav by boatlng Plttsburg 9 to 0.Scoro by Innlngs: R. IT. E.

Plttsburg.. 2 0 0 0 2 0 10 1.0 (1 1Now York.. 2 2 10 0 0 4 0 ..9 "10 fi

Bnttorlos: Wlllls, Lvneh, Phllllpo nndSmlth: MeGlnnlty. Wlltso. Mnthowsonnnd Brosnahnn. Tlmo, 2:0S. Umplros,O'Day and Klom.


St. Louls, 5; Washington, 4 (twolveInnlngs).

Clovoland, C; Now York, 2.Chicago, 7; Philadelphla, 2.Dotroit, 4; Boston, 1.

TO-T)AY'S GAMES.Philadelphla at Chicago.

Washington at St. Louls.


Chicago. 1(1Clovoland.13Dotroit. 11Now York. 11Phllndolphla. 10Boston . 0Wnshlngton. 0St. Louls. 0

Cli'Vclimd, II( New York, 3.CLBVELANB, O., May 11..Clovelant

miulu lt throo straight ovor Now Yorhto-day. lloss gavo sovon basos on

balls, and hlt two batsmon.Scoro by Innlngs: R. II, E

Clovoland.. 0 12 0 0 0 0 3 ..(1 10Now York. 00000011 0.2 0

Batteries: Hoss and Clnrk; DoyloBrockott and Klolnow. Tlmo, 2:10. Uniplros, Evnns und ilurst.

CliloiiKo Won Eiinlly.CHICAGO, Mny 11.-Uhloago won to

day's gamo wlth Philadelphla ln thillrst Innlng, a buso, on hallB, a trlploa doublo and tlireo slnglos soorlng ilviruns,Scoro by Innlngs: R. II. E

Chicago,,, r> i o.i o o o o ?.7 ioPhlhidol... 0 0 0/00000 2--8 -l

Bnttorlos:-Smltli nnd Sullivan; Vlclcers and Powors. I Tlmo, 1:43. UmplrosHtafforil und O'L-niglilln.

llolroll. -«l IIONtnil, I.DETROIT, M'ICH., May 11..Thioi

hlts oiT pbbrl|njw|th a hlgh throw b>Wagnor guvo I/iotrolt a trlo of tnlllesIn tho ilfth. Thls docldod tho rosult

.fContlnuedt on Second Pn_o.)


Locos Win and Tic Journals forFirst Honors in Club



Southern Bell Takes Old-TimcSluggingfest from Watkins-

Cottrcll Aggregation.


Journal. n l.noiLocos . 2 0 1.00.'Southorn Bell .... 1 1 .501C. & O. Olflces. 1 t .501TImes-Dlspatch .. 0 .001Watklns-Cottrell .. 0 2 .001

Locos Victorious.Tho Locos defeated The Timcs-Dls

patch team ln a poorly played .an<unlntorestlng gamo ln tho Amateu:League yesterday by 8 to 4. Nol thepltchor rocelvod any kind of supporterrors bolng rosponslblo for tbo niajorlty of runs on both sldes.

Dr. Bagby, who has kindly volunteerod hls servlces lo tho AmatouiLeaguo, umpired hls flrst gamo in atlmpartlal and entlroly sallafactor:manner. The Locos team woro faiaway ln advance of Tno Tirnes-Dispatch toam all round, but the huteras threo doublo plays liuiicato, govery much more together towards tlufinieh, which denotes 'ack of practiceTho scoro: "\

Tlnies-Dlsimteli.Players. AB. R. H. O. A. E

Crenshaw, c.4 1 0 5 2 (Klng, cf. 4 1 0 0 0 (Rlchardson, 2b.1 o 1 0 0 (Baughan, lf. 1 l o l o ]Bauor, p., 2b.3 1 0 4 2 JBrown, lb.4Burnotto, lf., p.Ezeklel, _s.Wyntt, 3b. ;i o 0 l o JGregory, rf........3 0 10 0]

Totals .30 4 6 18 7 (I.oeoM,

Playors. AB. R. H. O. A. ETrlmmer, ss. 4 l o 2 0Vaughan, c. 4 ,1 1 9 oHay, lb. 4 1 l 2 INeurohr, cf.4 3 2 3 0Loftwlch, 2b. 4 0 2 2 0Wlgan, 3b....4 (I 1 v oCook, lf. 3 .0 0 1 0Bonnett, p. ;i o 0 1 2Mansinl, rf. 2 0 10 0

Totals .32 S 8 21 3Scoro by Innlngs: ^

TImes-Dlspatch .0 0 0 0 2 0 2_Locos .4 2 0 0 0 2 *.

Summary: Two-baso hlts.-Rlcluird(Contlnuod on Socond Pnno.)

DEFEftTS TIGER.Dray Wins Deciding Point b

Capturing Pole Vault.G6odTime Made.

PRINCETON, N. J., May 11..Wlitho stnndlng ln polnts tled at IS antho last ovont, tho polu-vault, to l.docldud, Druy, of Yale, cleurecl tbo bunt 11 foot 3 Inchos, boatlng out Voi-.liof Princeton, nml wlnnlng tho unniiiiyale-Prlncoton track meet horo thiaftornoon for i'ulo by a scoro of 5polnts to 00. It wus tho most closolcontostod moot botwoon tho two eollogos ln yours. Threo tlmes diirin,tho afternoon tho scoro was tlotl,

Stirprlsos woro many, oonslduring thslow track, which had nol. hardetioaftor tho raln of last nlght, Princotonlana woro strong on tbo track, buwoak In tho Hold ovonts,Tboy won Ilrst plneo In all tbo run

nlng ovonts with tlm oxcoptlon of th.110-yurd aud half-inlle, whllo Yalo waIlrst ln all thn llohl contost..Tbo bost tlmo was mildo ln tho quar

tor-inllo run, whleh was run by Cohplun, of _nlo, ln 50 2-5 soconds, Klaeliof Prlncoton, won both tho mllo nntwo-mllo ovonts wltb great easo. ltulon-MUler took tbo 100-yard dush foI'rlncoton and thon wont Into tbo 220yard hurdlos and won Ilrst placo evoagainst Prlncoton's ¦votoran ArinstroiuIt was tbo first htirdlo ritco RulonMlller hns over run. E. lt. PursomYalo's record-holder ln tho half-vnlltwon that ovont wlth easo.

HIS FIRST GAMERoanoke Makes Four in

First and Threein Ninth.


VL'iitots Sccnre One Two-Baggeraiul Fiv'e Singlcs at Oppor-

tunc Times.McMahonMakes a Prctty

Catch atShort.

V!RGINIA_LEAGUEVesterilny's Hcnults.

Roanoko, 7; Richmond, 0.Danvlllo, 4; Norfolk, 3.Portsmouth, (i; Lynchburg, 1.

No GiintcN To-dny.

Clitm STAN'DINGS.Clubs. Won. Lost. P.C.

Dnnvillo .12 5 .706Richmond ._11 fi .647Lynchburg . 9 7 .562Roanoko . 9 9 .500Portsmouth . 7 11 .389Norfolk ...., 2 12 .143

MIko Cassldy, ono of tho malnBtaysof tho Richmond pltching staff, losthls flrst gamo for Richmond yesterdayafternoon, whon the Lawmakcrs wore

dofoated by the score of 7 to 0. Roan¬oko mado four runs ln tho flrst innln'sand throo in tho nlnth. Richmondnevor got to third. and tho vlsitorswero nevor in dangor of being scorcdagainst. Morrlsoy dld tho twlrllng fortho Highlnnders, and this roprosentahls thlrd vlctory out. ot three gara?sthat ho has pltched for Roanoko. La'ptyear he was wlth tho Chicago Nationliisfor a tlme, and ho won for them fourgames out of the elght he pltched.Ho ls a fast man, a good flcldor, anda good hlttor, gettlng two hlts out offour tlmes up ln yosterday'p gamo.Thls ls the flrst gamo that Cassldy

over lost for Richmond. Last year hopltched tn soven game'a, and won themall. Thls season ho has worlced infour, and yesterday ho loFt hls _n_t,which shows up prctty '.woll for tj^oyoung pltchor.Richmond scorod only throo hlts

ngalnst Morrlsoy yosterday, nnd tw.oof thom wore mado by Klrkpatrick outof two times up, which glves hlm a

batting averago for tho game of 1,000.Cowan made tbe other hit, knocking'Itovor lirst baso, which thls season hasseemed the favorite placo for thowoaker hittors of tho team.

Coopor, Ronnoke's catchor, played-jastar game, gettlng two hlts and a run.

Morrlsoy also got two hlts. In tho s<5j|-ond Innlng Coto, flrst-bascman, mad&Viaprotty play, whon he threw the ball t'oMorrlsoy, nfter falllpg down, and putO'Noil out nt flrst. McMahon, at short,mado a protty ono-hand catch ln thoflfth Innlng, whon ho reached up ai^dstoppeil what seemed to bo a hlt hyShaffor, Tho ball wont hlgh oveishortstop, but McMahon ran ovor, andJumpfng. brought It down wlth onohand, rooelvlng the plnudlts of thocrowd for hls good work.Roanoko mndo four runs ln tho flaSltV

innlng, Lohr, the flrst man up, gobj^atwo-baggor, and Batoman, second manup, went to flrst on O'Noil's orror, Lohrgoing to thlrd. Clayton wns out on :a.high lly to Tltrnan, and Lohr scoro,d.on tho out. Batoman scorcd on Hln-ton's error. Reynolds was hit by -vnpltched ball, and stolo second; andCooloy went to tlrst on IClrkpatrickjserror. Klrkpatrick throw tho bajlwild, Shaffor mlssod lt, and lt rolleriall tho way to tho fenco, both menscorlng.Thero wns no moro scorlng until tho

nlnth Innlng. Cooloy was walkcd. Mc¬Mahon attornptod a saertflco, but sotIo flrst on Cnssldy's fumble of thohunt, Cooloy going to second. Cotesacrlflcod, and tho flrst two runnurscamo ln on Coopor'a slngle. Cooporhimself stolo socond, was advnncod tothlrd on Morrlsey's slngle, and crossedtho plato when th,> latter stolo socond.Lohr and Batoman, thu next two monup, illod out to O'Noil. The scoro:

Itleliniond,Plnyers. A.B. R. II. O. A. E.

Tltnian, rf. 3 o o l o oReevo, ss. 4 0 0 1 C 0Cowan, lf. 4 0 1 0 0 0Wallaco, cf. 4 o o 2 1 0Klrkpatrick, 3b. 2 d '.'13 1O'Noil, 2b. 3 0 0 3 3 1Shaffor, lb....... 3 o o n 0 0Ulntoii, <.. 3 0 0 0 l 1Cassldy, p. 3 0 0 0 3 1

Totals .211 0 3 27 lfi 4K.iiUH.U.-.

Players, A.B. R. u. o. a. E.Lohr, el'. r. 1 l 1 0 0Batoman, '-'i>. I 1 0 2 3 0Cluyton, 3b. 3 0 0 2 2 0Roynolds, lf.. .'! 1 0 2 0 0Cooloy, rf. 3 2 n 1 i oMcMuhon; ss. ... 3 1 0 3 3 0Coto, llt. 3 0 l 10 l 0Coopor, o. 4 1 2 2 0 oMorrlsoy, p. t 0 2 l t 0

Totals.32 7 tl 27 11 0Scoro by Innlngs: R.

Richmond. o n o o n o o o 0.oRoanoko . I 0 n ti 0 n 0 0 3.7Summary: Two-base hlts.Lohr^to-

lon btiHos.Batoman, Reynolds, Coopor(21, Morrlsoy, Bases on balls.oiy Cns-sltly, 2; off .Morrlsoy, 2. lltt by Cnssltty (Roynolds). Cassldy, t'.; by Morrlsoy, 3,lMssod balla.llinton, 1. Tlmo of game,1:35. lTnipIro, Lally. Attondanco, S.3G1.


rSpoclal to Tho Times-DlspHtch.]DANVtLt.W. VA., May 11..Tho

bun.'hlngof hlts by Danvlllo, couplodwlth orrors by tlio vlsitors at crlUcjjJstages, wns rosponslble for the defoatof Norfolk thls afternoon by 1 to 3.