db6 radio industry

Qualification Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production Unit number and title DB6 Unit 9 Understanding the radio industry Start date 20 April, 2015 Deadline 8 May, 2015 Assessor name Damen BRAMWELL Assignment title Structure, Organisation and Ownership Scenario You are a researcher working for a company that produces annually a national guide to the UK media industries, and have been tasked with producing a report on the structure, organisation and ownership of the UK radio industry. You will produce an illustrated blog covering: structure of the UK radio industry organisation of the UK radio industry ownership of radio stations in the UK radio industry. Tasks Grading Criteria Mapping You must create a blog with separate blog posts covering the following sections; 1. Commercial radio : Describe a commercial radio station that broadcast nationally. You must discuss how they gain their revenue, who owns them, if that company owns other radio stations, and what are the issues relating to their license 2. Public service radio : Describe how the BBC radio operations work. How many stations do they operate? What is the BBC charter? What is the BBC license fee and how much of it goes to radio? What is the BBC trust and what is its role? Describe how you can get a show commissioned by the BBC 3. Not-for-profit radio : Describe using examples community radio stations? Discuss examples of Hospital radio and student radio stations. Talk about how they gain their revenue and if there are any limits on their funding? What issues are there related to not for profit radio licenses and who grants the licenses. 4. Independent radio programme production companies : What are independent production companies and what is the commissioning and pitching process for BBC radio programmes; 9.1 Understand organisational structures and ownership in the UK radio industry (P9.1, M9.1, D9.1) 1

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Page 1: Db6 radio industry

Qualification Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

Unit number and titleDB6 Unit 9 Understanding the radio industry

Start date 20 April, 2015

Deadline 8 May, 2015

Assessor name Damen BRAMWELL

Assignment title Structure, Organisation and Ownership

ScenarioYou are a researcher working for a company that produces annually a national guide to the UK media industries, and have been tasked with producing a report on the structure, organisation and ownership of the UK radio industry.

You will produce an illustrated blog covering: structure of the UK radio industry organisation of the UK radio industry ownership of radio stations in the UK radio industry.

Tasks Grading Criteria Mapping

You must create a blog with separate blog posts covering the following sections;

1. Commercial radio : Describe a commercial radio station that broadcast nationally. You must discuss how they gain their revenue, who owns them, if that company owns other radio stations, and what are the issues relating to their license

2. Public service radio : Describe how the BBC radio operations work. How many stations do they operate? What is the BBC charter? What is the BBC license fee and how much of it goes to radio? What is the BBC trust and what is its role? Describe how you can get a show commissioned by the BBC

3. Not-for-profit radio : Describe using examples community radio stations? Discuss examples of Hospital radio and student radio stations. Talk about how they gain their revenue and if there are any limits on their funding? What issues are there related to not for profit radio licenses and who grants the licenses.

4. Independent radio programme production companies : What are independent production companies and what is the commissioning and pitching process for BBC radio programmes;

9.1 Understand organisational structures and ownership in the UK radio industry(P9.1, M9.1, D9.1)


Page 2: Db6 radio industry

Unit 9 Understanding the radio industry (Level 3)P9.1 describe organisationalstructures and ownership patterns in the UK radio industry, with some appropriate use of subjectterminology

M9.1 explain organisational structures and ownership patterns in the UK radio industry with reference to detailed illustrative examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology

D9.1 comprehensively explainorganisational structures and ownership patterns in the UK radio industry with elucidated examples and consistently using subject terminologycorrectly

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Assessor Damen BRAMWELL

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