day 27

---------------------------------------------- The Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge Day 27: ---------------------------------------------- Hi Joey Welcome to Day 27 of the Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge. ---------------------------------------------- The Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge Day 27: ---------------------------------------------- Operate out of abundance, recognizing that the universe is unlimited in its supply of anything and everything you want or desire and is ready and willing to provide it for you. There is no lack in our world. The only place lack or poverty exists is in your mind. The Universe lacks nothing. Everything is available in a never-ending, inexhaustible supply. This includes money and riches. One of the most powerful ways to show the Universe that you are abundant is by tithing. Tithing allows the energy of money to continue flowing, and

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Page 1: Day 27

----------------------------------------------The Mindset and Money 30 day ChallengeDay 27:----------------------------------------------

Hi Joey

Welcome to Day 27 of the Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge.

----------------------------------------------The Mindset and Money 30 day ChallengeDay 27:----------------------------------------------

Operate out of abundance, recognizing that the universe is unlimited in its supply of anything and everything you want or desire and is ready and willing to provide it for you.

There is no lack in our world. The only place lack or poverty exists is in your mind. The Universe lacks nothing. Everything is available in a never-ending, inexhaustible supply.

This includes money and riches.

One of the most powerful ways to show the Universe that you are abundant is by tithing.

Tithing allows the energy of money to continue flowing, and

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it helps release resistance around the feeling of 'not having enough' money.

You can't be a 'taker' in the land of givers. Our Universe is designed around the concept of contribution and giving.

As you GIVE so shall you RECEIVE. You must become a giver. Most of the richest and ultra-successful people throughout all time have been big givers. It's the whole idea of sowing and reaping.

You can't collect a harvest if you've never sown a seed. Giving is the cornerstone of any good plan for success and wealth.

Just as with giving, many of the richest most successful people throughout time have understood the power of tithing. I personally believe it's the single greatest secret to success and personal fortune you will ever uncover.

A tithe is simply the first 10% of all your income given to the source of your spiritual support or instruction. Tithing is not

a charity and it's not about giving to a good cause - that's giving.

Tithing should go to the source of your spiritual support. This is a very important distinction to make. Your tithe belongs to the true source of all abundance - the Universe. Where ever you receive spiritual enlightenment is where you

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should tithe.

Many people were taught that we must tithe to our church, and that we must tithe 10% of our income. I don't agree with that. Not everyone who goes to church receives spiritual enlightenment from the church, and not everyone goes to church. I also don't agree with the 10% rule - unless you can afford it. Tithing any amount shows the Universe you are abundant and will respond with giving you more abundance. 10%, or more, can be applied at a later date.

When we tithe joyfully, and with gratitude for all we have - with the knowing that we will always have everything we need - then our tithe will bring back a multiplied return. The rule of thumb is a 10 fold return.

It is important to not 'expect' a return - in other words don't sit there and wonder where your return is. You simply tithe and know that sometime, somewhere, your tithe will be returned back to you.

Tithing from a place of 'knowing' that all your needs will be met releases you from the place of 'expecting' or 'needing' a return. If you have unlimited resources, would you spend your time looking for a return? Probably not. If you can tithe from a place of feeling like you had unlimited resources, and are grateful that you can share - your tithe will be returned to you.


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Find a place, person, or organization, where you can send a tithe.

Plan to send a tithe every payday, once a week, or monthly, without fail.

Please share your thoughts or insights in the group forum:

Watch you email for lesson 28 tomorrow.

-----To Your Success,Karen Walker