crystals of the craft...crystals of the craft is based on spirituality, the power of intention, and...


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    Crystals of the Craft

    Exploring the Mind & Magic of Crystals

    Over 100 Colorful On the Rocks Crystal Images!

    By Sami Valenzuela

    © Copyright Samantha Valens 2013

    All Rights Reserved

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    I want to thank all of my YouTube subscribers, On the Rocks Crystal

    buyers, the dear friends that the power of crystals has connected

    me with, many whom I’ve never met face to face and my patient

    and loving husband who believes in everything I do. A special thank

    my dear friend Dan for your constant support and words of

    encouragement and to Shaun “Symbian” Miller for making this

    eBook possible. Without Shaun Crystals of the Craft would have

    ended up in my computer’s trash bin a long time ago. I love you all.

    Disclaimer: The content of Crystals of the Craft is based on the subtle energetic

    properties of crystals and the spirituality that surrounds them and is not intended

    to be a guide of treatment or cures for any ailment physical or psychological.

    There is no absolute proof that crystals can heal and the author is not a

    physician. If you believe you or someone you know is ill, please consult a doctor.

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    Table of Contents

    Introduction ...................................................................................................... 12

    The Crystal Journal ............................................................................................ 20

    In the Beginning ................................................................................................ 23

    Back to Basics ................................................................................................... 27

    The Power of Crystals ....................................................................................... 33

    The Mystical, Magical & Metaphysical .............................................................. 34

    The Power of Intention ..................................................................................... 36

    The Crystal Buyer's Guide ................................................................................. 43

    Altered & Enhanced Crystals ............................................................................. 49

    The Many Crystal Shapes & Formations ............................................................ 53

    The Seven Primary Stones ................................................................................. 72

    The 7 Secondary Stones .................................................................................... 75

    The Power of Quartz ......................................................................................... 79

    Crystals of Mystery ......................................................................................... 101

    Sensitizing Yourself to Crystal Energy .............................................................. 105

    Subtle Energy & Crystals ................................................................................. 106

    Grounding & Centering Energy ........................................................................ 108

    The Chakra System ......................................................................................... 113

    Crystals of Color .............................................................................................. 151

    Crystals of the Elements.................................................................................. 190

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    Crystals of the Zodiac ...................................................................................... 199

    Crystals of the Moon ....................................................................................... 228

    Crystals of the Sun .......................................................................................... 233

    Crystals of the Week ....................................................................................... 236

    Crystal Divination ........................................................................................... 243

    Crystals of the Year ......................................................................................... 262

    Crystals of the Mind, Body & Spirit ................................................................. 291

    Crystals, Empowered ...................................................................................... 301

    Power Pouches ............................................................................................... 301

    Crystal Water & Gem Elixirs ............................................................................ 304

    Crystals of the Family ...................................................................................... 315

    Crystals of Intention........................................................................................ 329

    Crystals of Intention Quick Reference ............................................................. 343

    Crystal Terminology ........................................................................................ 353

    Bibliography, Recommended Reading & Resources ........................................ 491

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    About the Author

    Yes, I am very much aware that most authors write their about me

    section in third person as this is supposed to be some symbol of

    eloquent professionalism, however, I'm not most authors. Though I

    did make an attempt to write in third-person, the fact that this

    perspective of writing felt overwhelmingly forced and disconnected

    was hard to ignore. My purpose here isn't to show the world how

    precise and grammatically correct my writing is. My purpose is to

    share the trials and the errors of my life, my spiritual practices, what

    worked for me and what did not. I choose to connect with you, to

    walk side by side with you, unlike most teachers, guides, coaches

    and mentors who would rather than jump in the front of the line and

    take the lead, tell you HOW TO, WHAT YOU SHOULD and WHAT YOU

    SHOULD NOT DO Only YOU can determine what you SHOULD and

    SHOULD NOT do in your life, not me or anyone else. I believe it is

    important to relate to my audience both when I write and when I

    speak. Take me or leave me, hate me or love me, either way, I have

    a purpose in this physical dimension, that is to heal and to help and

    to guide and to inspire others toward a path that serves only their

    highest good. If I am helping one person, just one, avoid some of the

    nightmarish roads I've traveled in my short 30 years of living, then I

    am serving my purpose. Are you serving yours?

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    I was born and raised in the haunted and historic city of Savannah,

    Georgia to my mother, a beautiful and an amazing intuitive and

    artist and my father, a wild and untamed writer, musician and literal

    genius who lived hard and died young. My parents were beyond

    intelligent, both with an IQ way above average, but like a large

    percentage of people born into this world with a heightened state of

    awareness, they also struggled with deep inner demons and self-

    sabotaging tendencies such as addiction, alcoholism, compulsive

    behavior and bipolar disorder. My father was more prone to self-

    destruction than anyone I have encountered in this life so far and

    though he was extremely well liked, talented beyond

    comprehension and popular writer, he lost the battle with his inner

    demons and committed suicide in 2007.

    I am my father's child. His spirit lives on in me. Though I've been told I

    resemble my mother on the outside, my brain works like my dad's. I

    have his thoughts, ideas and his drive for

    excitement. I carry with me his dread for

    boredom and longing for learning. I love to read,

    just as he did, and refuse to even open a book of

    fiction. I’ve always had this programming inside

    my head that if I can’t learn something useful

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    from it, I have no desire to read it. I don’t like to waste my time.

    Neither did my father. I have his bold opinions, his communication

    skills and his love for all things philosophical. I also have his self-

    destructive qualities. Fortunately, I have found an amazing tool for

    overcoming these negative qualities and staying connected to my

    true and free spirit, not that it doesn’t take a beating every once in a

    while…hell, who am I kidding!? It takes a beating almost daily! The

    constant struggles are what I use to fuel my passions, including

    teaching other about crystals and energy work.

    Something else I pride myself on is my ability to be different and swim

    against the current. A self-proclaimed spiritual rebel, I welcome

    criticism and negative opinions. If you tell me I cannot, I will go to

    extremes to show you I can. If you try to destroy me, I may not push

    everything down deep inside and keep quiet about it in some

    desperate attempt to prove to others that it doesn’t hurt, as denial

    prevents healing, but I WILL use the pain to build myself even

    stronger to resist your negative intentions. I learn from the past, plan

    for the future and live, thrive and survive in the present moment and

    that right there folks is the most empowering feeling a person can

    experience. I haven't always been this confident though.

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    I had a pleasant childhood up until I was about eight years old,

    thanks to my grandparents. It wasn't until my parents divorced and

    my father, won custody of me that my life started slipping out from

    under me. My father re-married a woman who was mentally and

    physically abusive to me and it only escalated as time went on. The

    biggest blow was at age twelve when my beloved grandfather

    passed away. It was my very first experience with such as profound

    loss and it only amplified the downward spiral into an emotional hell

    that nearly cost me not only my sanity but almost my physical


    At age fifteen my father gave up his parental rights. I was living with

    an aunt and uncle, attending a school of the arts and had

    everything a teenage girl could possibly want, but my emotional

    problems deepened and I soon encountered another harsh blow,

    my family made the decision to turn me over to the state. After a

    two hour drive that seemed like an eternity, my father and I pulled

    up at a place that looked like the Bates Motel. Before I even had a

    chance to grab all of the trash bags of clothes out of the back of

    the truck he drove off. I didn't see my father again until I was twenty.

    I had arrived at a Baptist group home for girls. From that point on I

    spent my teen years in and out of group homes, psychiatric hospitals

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    and juvenile detention centers until I turned eighteen and moved to

    Texas after the state realized I had a mother out there somewhere

    who was living in Dallas at the time.

    I could write a novel on my life from that

    point until now about the struggles, the

    problems and one major life crisis after

    another, but I'll digress. Point is, I come

    from a very dark and unhappy place. Life

    has never been a picnic for me but it has

    taught me many lessons and given me

    many tools. I wouldn't be the person I am

    today if it wasn't for the mistakes I have made and the misery I nearly

    drowned in. When you live for years in darkness, you strive to reach

    some sort of light. It's like being held deep underwater and finally

    being let go. Having to swim toward the light, knowing that once

    you reach that light you have reached the surface and can finally

    breathe, is desperation while at the same time a relief, hope that

    there is a way out. That way out for me was crystals. Something so

    beautiful, so filled unconditional in love, it was and still is nearly

    impossible for me to feel misery when in the company of one of

    Mother Earth's most amazing creations.

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    The joy and well-being crystals have brought into my life over the

    past few years renders me speechless because no words can

    describe the experiences. When you experience something so

    profound from something so seemingly simple, it's just natural to want

    to share it with the world. So no matter your interest in crystals, I truly

    believe that after you finish this guide, you will be able to start raising

    your vibration, empowering your spirit and manifesting all the

    awesomeness that you already hold within. Crystals are just tools to

    bring it all out a little easier. Hell, if crystals can help me change my

    life, I KNOW they can help you change yours, if that's what you

    WANT them to do.


    Disclaimer: The information provided in this guide is NOT intended for use in

    treating or curing any illness, physical or mental. The “healing” discussed in

    Crystals of the Craft is based on spirituality, the power of intention, and the

    subtle energies of both crystals and the human body. There is no scientific proof

    that crystals can heal therefore they should not be used to replace

    conventional therapy. If you believe you are ill in any way, please consult with a

    physician as soon as possible.

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    Crystals are not magical tools filled with fairy dust that can make all

    your wishes come true. Crystals don't work like a genie in a bottle, if

    you just rub them the right way, sparkling happiness and loads of

    cash will drop from the heavens into your lap. Crystals do not have

    the power to walk out into the street and find you that dream job,

    land you your soul mate or miraculously suck 20 pounds of fat from

    your body. YOU my friend however, DO!

    So why bother with crystals anyway if we hold all the power? What

    purpose do they even serve? Though many spiritual teachers and

    gurus spend major effort trying to convince us otherwise, we are just

    as much physical beings as we are spiritual beings therefore we

    respond very well to physical stimuli. To have something beautiful,

    colorful, vibrationally and atomically aligned to near perfection,

    straight from Mother Earth herself, makes for an incredible physical

    representation of all that's non-physical. A sculptor can sit in front of

    a lump of clay all day long, praying and wishing, affirming over and

    over that he wants it to turn into a wonderful work of art, but that

    lump of clay isn't going to change into anything unless he whips out

    the chisel and the knives and the tools required to start carving

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    away, crafting and manifesting exactly what it is he desires. Could

    he work that lump into something beautiful by hand, without the

    tools? Sure! But the possibilities would have limits and it would take a

    hell of a lot longer and lack the intricate detail that only specific

    tools can make. Do you feel me yet?

    Here is another perspective: When you walk outside on a sunny day,

    what do you see? You see bright, white sunlight radiating all around

    you, right? Hold a prism up to that sunlight, and you will see many

    different frequencies of light manifesting as a rainbow of colors. Did

    the prism alone create those colors? No. The colors were within the

    sunlight all along. It just took the right tool to bring them out. This is

    how crystals work, to amplify your own true colors and bring out your

    own inner rainbow. This process is what I refer to as “The Craft” and

    the crystals used, “Crystals of the Craft!”

    Crystals of the Craft is an extensive guide designed to assist you in

    personal growth, spiritual empowerment and help you transform

    yourself and your life into what you've always known it could be, all

    through the power of crystals…and a little magic on the side.

    Crystals of the Craft is different from other guides on crystal healing

    because it doesn't enforce rules, it bends them. Crystals only need

    cleansing if you feel they need cleansing. Rose Quartz works to

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    promote love only if you associate Rose Quartz with love. It is about

    what crystals can do for YOU, no one else. Since there is little

    scientific proof that crystals hold healing power, everything can be

    left to our own interpretation! Just like spirituality, each person is

    unique. Just like every finger print, every crystal is different, even

    when you have multiple pieces from the same specimen. Subtle

    influences like the weather, the colors we wear, the phases of the

    moon, the time of day, the ruling planets, create subtle changes in

    the way crystals align and resonate with us. Each crystal has an

    energetic profile where its general properties are determined based

    on its chakra association, color, structure, chemical composition and

    other aspects that work together to give each crystal its unique

    vibration. WE though, are the ones constantly changing and it is

    these changes that determine how a particular crystal will work for


    With our vulnerable and always changing vibration and the

    thousands of powerfully intended crystal companions ready and

    waiting to serve us with every wonderful bit of their being, the

    possibilities of potential are endless!

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    What is “The Craft”?

    When you hear the word Craft you probably associate it with occult

    practices or witchcraft. Though much of the information here will be

    extremely beneficial to practicing witches, the word “Craft” by

    definition simply means to create or manifest something using a

    specific skill or trade. A person can craft a birdhouse, a sweater or

    quilt, a dollhouse, a wonderful dinner or wealth, health, happiness

    and love. When I mention “The” Craft, I am referring to YOUR craft,

    YOUR practice of manifesting everything you desire in life. Everyone's

    Craft is different and everyone requires different tools in their craft

    depending on what it is they hope to manifest or create.

    In this book I will be using a few terms that if you are not already

    familiar with, you will want to be before we go any further. The first

    word is intention which we will look at in detail a little later. An

    intention is the primary focus and reasoning for your work. If your

    desire is to overcome shyness and gain a better sense of self-worth

    then your intention is just that: To overcome shyness and gain a

    better sense of self-worth. The next word is spell. A spell is basically

    the layout and series of steps taken to achieve the manifestation of

    a desire or intention. Then we have magic which is sometimes

    spelled with a “K” to distinguish it from stage magic. Magic is the

    manifestation process itself and its definition cannot be pinned down

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    to specifics. Just as everyone’s “Craft” is different, so is everyone’s

    magic. I will also be referring to “crafting” as a form of energy

    manipulation where certain energetic influences such as the phases

    of the moon, color, the classical elements, days of the week, herbs,

    meditation, visualization, chanting, and in this case

    crystals, are used to help one create or manifest a

    desire or specific intention. Though a major part of

    witchcraft and earth-based spiritual practices, you

    do not have to be a witch or consider yourself part

    of any spiritual system or religion to practice magic.

    Good Witch, Bad Witch, Black, White or Evil?

    A common subject that comes up in the world of energy work is the

    fear that it is somehow “evil” or once again, associated with

    witchcraft, Wicca or even Satanism. I want to get a few things

    straight before we delve in any further. First of all, energy is real.

    Energy is science and it actually factually exists in all that resides on

    this planet, living or not. Energy is all around us, inside of us, within our

    physical body, our soul, in the plants, animals, crystals, and most

    importantly, energy is neither good nor evil. It's neutral. It is the

    intention of the person working with the energy that determines

    whether it is used for good or something bad.

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    Witchcraft is an old practice that involves working with subtle

    energies of the earth to heal, empower and bring about change. It is

    also a terribly misunderstood practice thanks to Hollywood, Christian

    extremists and the mass ignorance that thrives and flourishes so well

    in today's news media. Witches have more of a deep understanding

    and respect for the power of crystals than most people and

    therefore I have chosen to base Crystals of the Craft on that deep

    understanding which I have developed within myself through my

    journey as a witch.


    Wicca is a newer, Pagan-based religion made popular in the 1950s

    by a British retiree named Gerald Gardner that recognizes both the

    masculine and feminine balance of the earth represented by God

    and Goddess. Though many Wiccans also works with subtle energies,

    a Wiccan doesn't always practice witchcraft. Wicca is as far from

    evil as a religion or belief system could possibly be. The primary rule in

    which a true Wiccan lives by is, “An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will.”

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    In another words, the core basis that a Wiccan lives and practices

    from a place of love and compassion for all.

    The point is neither crystal energy nor the spiritual systems that

    incorporate crystal energy into their practices is evil, bad or negative

    in any way. Evil only exists in the intention of the person working with

    them. The work we will be discussing here is part healing and part


    The Crystalist

    I want to briefly mention that you will see the

    word, “Crystalist” used throughout this guide,

    so let me explain. As I got further and further

    into my crystal studies, I began to disconnect

    with the healing aspect of crystals but

    strengthened my spiritual connection. Though I have studied crystal

    healing I never fully embraced the title crystal “healer” as I have yet

    to have a profound experience healing any physical ailment using

    crystals and the problem has always been for me that nearly every

    book on crystals from a metaphysical or New Age standpoint is

    based on healing. Here's my take: Crystal energy is subtle and works

    to align and balance, which in result keeps the mind, body and spirit

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    on a level that best resists negative influences, including illness, and I

    stress the word RESIST, not PROOF. I'll use a watch as an example. Just

    like a water resistant watch is LESS LIKELY to damage in water, a

    water “proof” watch will NOT damage in water (yes, I know there is

    always the exception to the rule but I am using this as an example

    only to make a point). When someone is sick, whether it be a

    common cold, chronic pain or cancer, the vibration of that illness,

    and once again this is simply my opinion, extends outside of what I

    view as “subtle” therefore crystal energy isn't going to have a

    noticeable effect. Because of my perspective, I do not feel

    comfortable referring to myself as a “crystal healer” so I created a

    name that better fits what I practice...Crystalism. Crystals are not

    only tools used in my practice, but they also lead me down a path to

    spiritual awareness and empowerment. I have created somewhat of

    a new religion for myself, all based on the guidance I receive from

    crystals. Most crystal healers, certified and self-proclaimed, will

    disagree with me, but this isn't a guide to crystal healing as much as

    it is a guide to crystal magic, manifestation and spiritual connection.

    As for you, I cannot determine whether or not you are a healer or a

    Crystalist, only you can do that. Either way, if you have a strong

    connection to crystals, you can benefit from what I am about to

    share with you.

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    As you make your way through this guide, pay attention to the

    information that you resonate with and that which you do not. Write

    in your crystal journal EVERYTHING that triggers an emotional or

    spiritual response. As you reach the end, reflect on what you have

    written and determine whether or not your connection with crystals

    leans more toward the healing aspects or more toward the spiritual

    aspects. Also, as we make our way through this journey, you will

    meet many beautiful and colorful crystals. If you suddenly feel drawn

    to a crystal, do not ignore this. Crystals have been around a lot

    longer than we have and they know their purpose for you long

    before YOU know your purpose for you so when a particular crystal

    seems to call your name, it usually means that crystal is trying to tell

    you that it has something you need in life at this time.

    The Crystal Journal

    Before we jump into the sea of crystal

    information, the very first thing I would like

    you to do is acquire a notebook, journal or

    three-ring binder that you will use as your

    crystal journal. As powerful as the human

    mind is, it cannot remember everything

    we read, see, do or experience day to day, moment to moment

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    and in order to reap the most from your crystal experiences and

    develop a strong and customized crystal practice, you must be able

    to reflect on prior experiences. In my opinion the best way to do this

    is to write everything down in one book that you can keep close by

    at all times. I have two crystal journals. One is a small leather book

    that I carry in my bag when I’m out and about and the other is a

    huge 3” thick leather book that stays in my sacred working space. If

    you are new to crystals I highly recommend starting with a 3-ring

    binder. Once you become established in your practice, you can

    transfer the contents of your binder into a more permanent book. So

    what might you record in your crystal journal? Consider the following:

    *A detailed description of every crystal related exercise, experience,

    meditation and healing session you perform. This should include the

    steps you physically performed, crystals used, which crystals you felt

    connected to and which ones not so much. Also include thoughts

    and feelings that emerged during the experience, any changes in

    mood, energy level, the way other people react to you, dreams and

    anything else you feel is relevant.

    *Basic crystal profiles and correspondences. Your portable journal

    should have at least the seven primary crystals, which we will meet

    later, and their energetic properties for quick reference.

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    *A diary or journal section for you to write your crystal related

    experiences, thoughts, dreams and take notes on what you learn

    from each day.

    *A list of books you read relating to

    crystals and any information found in

    these books that you resonate with.

    *Photos or drawings of altars, crystal grids and the crystals you work


    Your journals should be special and reflect your own unique self. Add

    artwork, photos, feelings, day to day activity, spiritual thoughts and

    exercises, inspiration images and anything else your heart desires!

    When it comes to your own personal crystal journal...anything goes,

    as long as it comes from your personal truth, positive intention and

    straight from the heart!

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    In the Beginning

    The best place to start our journey is at the very beginning of the

    earth's formation. This is where we can really look at the birth of

    crystals, the earliest formation of crystals and

    how they were first discovered by man.

    If you go back in time and really consider what

    primitive man must have thought the first time

    he or she encountered crystals, it makes perfect

    sense as to why they believed crystals were gifts from the heavens,

    mystical magical tools that could heal, protect, empower and guide

    the spirit through the physical realm of life into the spirit world and

    beyond. Crystals have played a part in just about every spiritual and

    religious tradition, culture and ancient philosophy on the planet in

    some way or another. The Bible mentions crystals over 200 times and

    the ancient Egyptians considered stones to be sacred, carrying

    magical properties that could protect against evil, assist the

    deceased in transitioning to the spirit realm and could heal both

    mental and physical ailments. Cleopatra, who was the Egyptian icon

    of beauty and sensuality of ancient times, wore crushed minerals like

    Lapis Lazuli, Galena and Malachite on her eyes. The ancient Greeks

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    and Romans believed that Amethyst could prevent drunkeness and

    that Selenite held magical powers of the moon. Chinese medicine

    has roots in crystal healing and a variety of stones have been found

    in graves dating back thousands of years. Crystals were even used

    to craft talismans and amulets to protect soldiers in battle. Organic

    material is also used in crystal healing like Amber and Jet and has

    long been used to create amulets and other items of personal

    adornment. Amber, more specifically Baltic Amber, is one of the

    oldest known materials for crafting beads and talismans with pieces

    having been found that date back 30,000 years! The symbolism and

    mystical power that surrounds crystals date back to early mankind

    and we still recognize the symbolic power of crystals today, though

    we are not always consciously aware of it. Just look at how popular

    the meaning behind birthstones is and how diamond engagement

    rings are the ideal symbol of love and commitment!

    This is just a fraction of the history behind crystals and you can see

    just from that, there's no denying the fact that crystals are special. It

    is pretty obvious that they hold something far beyond their ability to

    make beautiful jewelry, even if science hasn't figured out exactly

    what that something is yet.

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    The Birth of the Earth

    Astronomers have spent years studying the Universe and the earth's

    development believe that about one hundred billion years ago, the

    Earth, the Sun and all the plants in the solar system were nothing but

    clouds of hydrogen, the simplest form of matter. These the hydrogen

    atoms started to fuse together, eventually forming a huge spinning

    disk. As this disk continued to spin, large amounts of energy was

    released and the disk then split off into rings. The center of the disk

    became the sun and the outer rings began to split apart forming

    large fiery balls of gas and hot liquid, eventually cooling, solidifying

    into stars, which fused to become other elements like helium,

    oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, lead and iron. These elements began to

    fuse and form the planets.

    Earth just happened to form at a distance from the sun that allowed

    the heavier elements like iron and nickel to combine with the lighter

    elements like nitrogen and oxygen. The heavier elements sank down

    to form the earth's core and the lighter elements formed the earth's

    atmosphere. The earth's core is made of iron and nickel and is

    surrounded by a layer of molten metal which is called the mantle. It

    makes up the greatest volume of the earth and is 18,000 miles thick

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    and composed of many layers itself. The outer most layer is the crust,

    which makes less than 1% of its total mass and is a maximum of 25

    miles thick. Humans have only been able to drill 8 miles into the crust.

    The earth's crust formed from hot rocks that expanded upward

    through cracks in the surface layers and spread out. Some erupted

    as volcanoes. This type of rock is called igneous, meaning formed by

    fire. Erosion eventually wore these igneous rocks into small particles

    that were carried downstream by rivers and deposited at the

    bottom of the sea. The particles became compressed over time and

    eventually became rock once again. This

    type of rock is called sedimentary. When

    sedimentary rock is exposed to intense heat or

    pressure due to movements within the earth's

    crust, the composition is altered and creates

    what's known as metamorphic rock.

    Crystals are found in all three classifications of rock. As all these super

    hot gasses and liquids rise up and out of the cracks, they pool and

    cool around the surrounding rock, crystallizing into the colorful and

    sparkling minerals we are so familiar with today. Harder minerals like

    diamonds form at high temperatures, usually around areas of

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    volcanic activity and softer minerals like Halite (salt) form in

    sedimentary rock.

    This is the way the entire universe is formed and through these same

    chemical elements, when given the right conditions, will bond

    together to form other minerals and the process continues. Minerals,

    which we will explore more in just a moment, are combinations of

    the different elements that form all matter.

    Back to Basics

    You cannot begin to truly benefit from a crystal until you know what

    a crystal is. A crystal by basic definition is a solid material with atoms

    and molecules arranged in a repeating pattern. Whereas the atoms

    that make up most matter are just scattered all over the place, a

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    crystal's atoms are arranged in a repeating pattern forming what's

    called a lattice.

    A lattice is a geometric arrangement or network of points in which a

    crystal grows. This lattice determines what shape the crystal will

    have. There are seven crystal structures named after their geometric

    shape. The seven crystal structures include:

    *Isometric or Cubic crystals are great for organization and balance.

    Pyrite, Galena and Halite are examples of Isometric crystals.

    *Tetragonal crystals have an energy great for resolving problems,

    promoting balance and gaining the ability to see all sides of an

    issue. Rutile is a Tetragonal crystal.

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    *Orthorhombic crystals generate energy helpful for clearing and

    cleansing and include Celestite and Topaz.

    *Hexagonal crystals work well for exploring and pinpointing details

    and specific issues, concentration and learning. Emerald and

    Aquamarine have Hexagonal structures.

    *Trigonal crystals are protective and help restore health and vitality

    and include clear Quartz.

    *Monoclinic crystals help to purify and widen perception and

    include and include Moonstone.

    *Triclinic crystals help link polarities, combine opposite energies and

    teach unity. They are also wonderful crystals for deepening

    meditation and exploring other dimensions and realms. Turquoise

    and Rhodonite are examples of Triclinic crystals.

  • 30


    The terms “crystal” and “mineral” are often used interchangeably

    and to define the same material however there is a difference

    between them. A crystal, as we just learned, forms in one of seven

    geometric shapes. This formation is referred to as crystalline. When

    you think of minerals you probably think of the vitamins and minerals

    needed for us humans to survive and be

    healthy such as iron, copper and magnesium.

    Well, these minerals are crystals too! A mineral is

    a solid material that must have a chemical

    compound, is crystalline in structure and

    formed from geological processes such as

    volcanic activity. The study of minerals is called mineralogy.

    Minerals are classified in a number of different ways. One way is by

    their ability to scratch and be scratched by other minerals. The scale

    used to determine this is called the Mohs Hardness Scale invented in

    1822 by a German mineralogist named Friedrich Mohs. The tighter

    packed the atoms are within a material the harder that material will

    be. The scale progresses from 1 being the softest to 10 being the

    hardest, but the scale is not uniform. For example, Diamond is a 10

    on the Mohs scale, the hardest known mineral, Sapphire a 9 and

  • 31

    Topaz 8 however Sapphire and Topaz are closer together in hardness

    than Sapphire and Diamond. Each mineral can scratch itself or

    something lower on the scale but not something higher. You will find

    a printable Mohs Hardness chart that you can add to your crystal

    journal in the Quick Reference Guide.


    We often call just about any hard substance

    found in nature a rock, but it can be a bit

    more complex than that. Rocks form on the

    surface of the earth through a process called

    the rock cycle. A rock is an aggregate of

    minerals and doesn't necessarily have a

    chemical compound. Rock has the ability to transform and crystallize

    into other forms. This is how crystals are made. Let’s take a second

    look at the three main rock classifications.

    *Igneous Rock – which is rock that has solidified from a molten state

    when magma reaches the earth's surface and cools. Obsidian is an

    example of an Igneous Rock.

  • 32

    *Sedimentary Rock – which is compressed of particles on the earth's

    surface forming layers. These layers sometimes trap fossils. Limestone

    is an example of a Sedimentary Rock.

    *Metamorphic Rock – is rock formed when existing rock undergoes

    dynamic changes from natural activity within the earth such as heat

    and pressure. Quartz and Kyanite are examples of metamorphic

    rock. Quartz can be formed from any of the three classifications.


    A gemstone is basically any mineral that is used for personal

    adornment. Though gemstones carry healing properties, they are

    often small and expensive therefore not as common for energy work

    as larger tumbled and rough stones. Gemstones can also include

    non-crystal, organic material such as Amber, Jet and Pearl.

  • 33

    The Power of Crystals

    Crystals are different from anything else on the planet. Because

    crystals form within the earth under extreme heat and pressure, the

    atoms are squeezed together into an organized pattern forming a

    lattice as we just discussed. This lattice then determines what shape

    the crystal will have. Because the atomic arrangement of a crystal is

    near perfect, it creates a direct connection to perfect Source

    energy. We humans are in constant need of stability because our

    energy constantly shifts depending on certain influences around us

    at a particular moment. Everything from the phase of the moon, the

    colors we wear and the food we eat to the people we are around,

    the weather outside and what area on the planet we are located in

    influences us in some way. When a person is constantly shifting and

    vulnerable to every energetic influence they encounter, positive or

    negative, it makes it extremely difficult to focus and align with the

    higher self. Bringing something with a strong, stable energy that

    reflects that of Universal, Source or Divine energy like crystals into the

    personal space of an energetically vulnerable human, the human

    will begin to align with that of Source or Divine energy as well. Plus,

    balance is the key to optimum health and well-being.

  • 34

    There is no set proof that crystals can heal or do anything other than

    sit there and look pretty and crystal healing itself is based on the very

    subtle energies of crystals. In my personal opinion, crystals cannot

    heal on any significant level as most physical ailments and illness are

    anything but subtle, therefore outside the rage of what crystals can

    influence. Crystals CAN however create balance within the mind,

    body and spirit and balance is the key to optimum health and well-


    The Mystical, Magical & Metaphysical

    The Magical

    Scientists and doctors usually want documented and proven

    beyond a reasonable doubt results before they will support a

    medical theory or process, and this is understandable to a certain

    degree as they are dealing with people's lives and well-being,

    however, science hasn't caught up to everything and it is primitive to

    think otherwise. Some of us spiritual folk like to call these unexplained

  • 35

    happenings magic . I mean, an iPad would have been considered

    “magic” just 50 years ago. To require a scientific explanation for

    everything is extremely limiting. Just imagine if Albert Einstein had

    refused to see beyond what was already explained. Physics wouldn't

    be what it is today.

    The Mystical

    Much of the “unexplained” revolves around spirituality. Fortunately

    the integration of science and spirituality is becoming more and

    more recognized today and more people are aware of alternative

    healing methods such as those that focus on the subtle energies of

    the body, like crystal healing. Spirituality that includes the awareness

    of an ultimate source energy like God or Goddess through a direct

    means of contact or communication is referred to as mysticism.

    Mysticism can be practiced in prayer, meditation, or simply through

    thought. Since crystals align with that of source energy, they are

    able to provide that direct contact and communication with the

    Divine, in whatever way you choose to perceive it.

    The Metaphysical

  • 36

    You have probably heard of the word metaphysical. It's used all the

    time to describe everything from religious practices and energy work

    to psychic abilities and even ghost hunting, which goes to show that

    many are quite confused as to what the term actually means, more

    specifically, the difference between metaphysical and New Age.

    Metaphysics is a type of philosophy or way of understanding the

    nature of reality and the relationships between things. New Age can

    be described as a spiritual movement that has its basis in eclectic or

    dogma-less religious identity. The New Age movement became

    recognized in the 20th century and combines much of Eastern

    mysticism with Western occultic practices and religious beliefs. There

    is really no set definition or way to describe New Age because the

    whole movement is based on just that, no definition or set way of

    practice or belief.

    The Power of Intention

    Intention is the most important part of working with the energetic

    properties of crystals whether it be for relieving minor pain,

    strengthening the mind or to manifest more money, an abundance

  • 37

    of love or personal joy. By having a set intention, your subconscious

    has a clear pathway for helping guide you to the manifestation of

    what it is you desire.

    Before you start working with crystals for any specific purpose, you

    want to get specific in your intention. Spend some quiet time in self-

    reflection, really exploring what is you want and hope to gain from

    working with crystals. For example, if you are in desperate need of a

    job, write down exactly what type of employment you wish to

    acquire. Is there a specific company you would like to work for?

    What are your monthly expenses and what are your salary

    requirements? What are you skilled at? Do you have a degree or

    special training in a certain area? Write all this out on a sheet of

    paper until you have established a clear intention, complete with

    details. Then speak out loud to yourself what your intention is. You

    can say something like,

    “I am wonderful with children of all ages but have a special bond

    with preschoolers. I have a teaching degree and worked five years

    in an elementary school teaching first and second graders as well as

    experience as a daycare worker. I can give children the special

    attention and love they need to grow and reach their goals and I

    would fit in perfectly at “name the place you desire to work”. In

  • 38

    order for me to give the most to my job, I must also be able to afford

    my monthly living expenses which are “name dollar amount “ I

    would require a salary of “name approximate dollar amount “ and I

    desire a schedule of “ preferred work schedule”.

    It is also important that when setting the details of your intention that

    you think in realistic terms and be totally honest with yourself. You

    must be willing to put forth the energy and work toward achieving

    your goals as seriously much if not more than you give to your

    intention itself. What setting an intention does is basically program

    the information into your subconscious mind. Your subconscious

    mind never forgets and stores all the answers to life's questions which

    we can access through different means such as meditation and

    crystal work. The subconscious mind works toward our goals even

    when we are not consciously aware of it, such as during sleep and

    times when your primary focus is on something else.

    Once you have established your intention you can then begin to

    seek out the crystals that will best assist you on achieving this goal. If

    you have yet to work with crystals, you can use basic crystal profiles

    and correspondences charts to give you a general idea of the

    crystals that best influence your specific purpose. When it is time to

    actually acquire the crystals, select at least three different varieties

  • 39

    to experiment with. Just because Aventurine is helpful to many

    people in manifesting financial abundance doesn't mean it will be

    the ideal crystal for you. The only way you will know what crystals jive

    with you and your intentions and which ones do not, is to open

    yourself to experimentation. In another words, you won't know til ya


    7 Steps to Make It Happen

    When it comes to practicing magic whether it be through crystals or

    not, there are certain guidelines and steps that should be taken to

    ensure that you get the most out of your work. The following is a very

    simple yet important series of steps that when incorporated into your

    magical work will help eliminate some of the main vulnerabilities that

    often cause our intentions NOT to manifest.

    1. Intention is key.

    Before you move any further in your work you must have a solid

    purpose of what you are performing the work for.

  • 40

    2. Make it personal.

    The more emotional attachment you have to your purpose the

    more energy and intention you will have to fuel your work.

    When you think about the purpose of your work, you should

    feel it pull deep within your Solar Plexus area. To achieve a

    desire though magic you cannot just simply hope for it to

    manifest. You must not only NEED it to manifest but BELIEVE it

    WILL manifest as well.

    3. Knowledge is power

    Know what you are doing and why. Each step you take in your

    work you should be able to fully explain why and how it will

    work. If your intention is to jump start your new business and you

    are working with Garnet and patchouli incense, you need to

    have a good understanding as to how these items influence

    business success and WHY you chose to incorporate Garnet

    burn Patchouli incense. “Because the spell book told me so” is

    not a valid reasoning and if that is all you have to back your

    work, don’t expect it to manifest in the way you want.

  • 41

    4. Give it your all

    When performing magic you must give 100% of yourself to your

    work. Your mind, body and spirit must all be present in each

    action and each step you take in aligning yourself with your

    intention. This is why it is not recommended to perform energy

    work when you are sick, exhausted or not mentally coherent as

    these are uncontrollable limitations that can be destructive rather

    than beneficial to your intention.

    5. Be realistic

    You can cast spells all day long to turn your ex-boyfriend into a

    frog or sprout wings and fly away to the moon but it simply isn’t

    going to happen. It is important that you desire be something

    obtainable and possible in the physical world.

    6. Shut up

  • 42

    Keep your work to yourself. This is extremely important and a key

    part of the Witches Creed. By telling others about your work you

    are making yourself vulnerable to possible negative influences

    which can inhibit the manifestation process. All it takes is just one

    person with enough negative thought to throw you and your work

    out of alignment with your intention.

    7. Pursue your goal in the physical world

    This is a step many overlook because it isn’t part of the mystical

    magical fun found in the actual casting of a spell. Balance is

    important in everything you do in life, especially in manifestation

    and energy work. You represent the physical just as much as you

    represent the spiritual therefore just as much time and energy

    should be given to the physical aspect of achieving your desire as

    given to the non-physical.

  • 43

    The Crystal Buyer's Guide

    When it comes to shopping for crystals, it can be

    a fun and empowering experience or a total

    disappointment if you go into it unprepared. As

    someone who buys and sells crystals for a living, I

    have experienced the best and worst of dealing

    with other sellers. This includes determining what

    crystals are or are not right for me, if a crystal is priced reasonably,

    the quality of a crystal and one of the most frustrating

    encounters…determining whether or not a crystal you are

    considering is even real at all or simply a manifestation of dishonesty,

    greed and ill intention, commonly known as a big, fat “FAKE”.

    Unfortunately, the spiritual and metaphysical world is a breeding

    ground for many frauds and scam artists. These people make their

    money by playing on the ignorance of those new to crystals and the

    desperation of many people who are struggling in life and in search

    of spiritual guidance. This quick, non-bias, step-by-step guide will

    help you be on your A game when shopping for crystals both in local

    metaphysical stores and online.

  • 44

    1. Establish your intention

    Like we've already covered, intention is the most important part

    of working with crystals and this includes acquiring them as well.

    Grab a sheet of paper or better yet your crystal journal and at

    the top of the page write the date and what it is you want to

    acquire crystals for. Are you struggling with minor pain or

    having a hard time breaking a bad habit? Do you have a

    friend who you feel could benefit from crystal energy and you

    want to choose a stone for them? Do you just want to browse

    around and see what's out there or simply make yourself

    available for the perfect crystal to call out to you? Even if you

    don't have any specific purpose, write as much detail about

    why you want to purchase a crystal at that particular moment.

    2. Research

    Research the crystals that best fit your intention. If you plan on

    simply browsing crystals with no specific reason in mind, you

    can skip this step however when you have a specific intention

    in mind, it is good to have at least some idea of what crystals to

    consider. If you are having issues relating to stress, browse

  • 45

    through the rock glossary I have provided for you and look for

    the crystal profiles that match up to stress relief such as Smoky

    Quartz or Blue Lace Agate. Write down at least three different

    crystals for consideration.

    3. Set a budget

    It isn't just likely that you will overspend on crystals, it is almost

    guaranteed that you will spend more than you intended on

    crystals. Why? Because crystals are magnetic and for the same

    reason we are so drawn to them in energy work, we are

    physically attracted to them as well. Shopping for crystals

    creates a high for some people, myself included, and like any

    addiction, once you set your eyes on the perfect piece and

    bring it home as your companion, you

    immediately want more. By setting a

    budget, you give yourself the boundaries

    needed to make overspending a bit less

    likely. If you are going to a local rock

    shop, hit the ATM first and withdrawal only

    the amount of cash you can afford to

    spend, nothing more. Then take the cards home and leave

    them there. If you are shopping online, you really have no

  • 46

    choice other than to tap into some good old fashioned self-


    4. Find a place to shop

    Whether it be a local metaphysical shop, gem and mineral

    show or an online crystal store, determine where you want to

    start your crystal buying journey. Once you find the place, it is

    time to get a feel for it.

    5. Meet the seller.

    Once you have established a place to shop, take some time to

    meet the seller or shop owner. Even if you plan to buy online,

    take the time to send an email to the seller and ask questions.

    Give the seller a day or two to respond as we cannot always

    reply to each and every email the same day, however, if the

    website doesn't have an option to contact the store owner or

    webmaster, leave. An online seller should always have a

    contact option where potential buyers can communicate their

    desires and ask questions regarding the crystal selection. A

  • 47

    seller should never act put out or offended by your questions as

    long as your questions are relevant to your intention. What I

    mean by this is, avoid asking questions such as, “I want to start

    a crystal store. Can you give me the names and contact

    information of your wholesalers?” I receive questions like this

    often and it puts the seller in an awkward place so stick with

    questions regarding the seller's knowledge of crystals rather

    than seek business advice. Another question sellers receive

    often revolves around crystal cures for serious illnesses and

    ailments. I personally do not offer crystal advice or even

    promote my crystals for physical healing. If you or someone you

    know has been diagnosed with cancer, HIV, or even a simple

    stomach flu, seek medical advice from a licensed physician.

    Crystals can be used in correspondence with conventional

    therapy to promote the body’s natural healing abilities and

    bringing about a sense of peace and acceptance by keeping

    vibrations strong and resonating with health, but NEVER in

    place of.

    The following are a few red flags to be on the lookout for when

    shopping for crystals. Of course if a seller falls into one of these

    categories it does not guarantee that they are dishonest but it can

    give you at least some insight into the possibilities that the seller isn’t

    the one for you.

  • 48

    *If you tell the seller your budget amount and they continue to sway

    you toward crystals outside your budget, walk away.

    *If a seller seems offended by your legitimate questions regarding

    the crystals they are selling, it could indicate that assisting you in

    finding the crystals right for you is not their primary concern. Leave.

    *If a seller tries to talk you into purchasing a psychic reading,

    expensive healing session or crystals you cannot afford or tell you

    that in order to manifest your intention, you MUST purchase a specific

    crystal and that no other crystal will work except that specific crystal,

    walk away, Joe.

    *The most accurate red flag detector is your own intuition. If

    something about a crystal or a seller doesn't “feel” right, then it isn't

    right for you. Just because you don't connect with a crystal doesn't

    mean it is fake or that something is wrong with you, it just means that

    particular one isn't right for you at this time. Always trust your gut

    when it comes to shopping for crystals, or anything else for that

    matter. Also remember that just because a crystal isn’t a complete

  • 49

    fake doesn’t mean it hasn’t been enhanced in some unnatural way.

    When it comes to crystals used in healing or for magical purposes,

    Quartz tends to be the most commonly misrepresented, more

    specifically clear Quartz. You can learn more about spotting fakes at

    Altered & Enhanced Crystals

    Does Heated & Treated Mean Depleted?

    Though a crystal may not be a complete fake, it may be artificially

    enhanced. Many crystals in the gemstone trade are enhanced in

    some way by artificial or purposeful means. It is up to you to use your

    intuition to determine whether or not you choose to work with

    altered stones. Let’s take a look at a few methods of enhancement

    that you will probably encounter at some point in your crystal


  • 50

    Heat Treatment

    Many crystals when heated will change color or form. One of the

    most common heat-treated crystals is Amethyst, which when heated

    to a certain temperature turns to a golden color and is sold as

    Citrine. Heating crystals is safe and does not change the crystal on a

    molecular level but the color change does affect the healing

    properties of the stone. For example, Amethyst in its original form is

    violet in color linking it to the Third-Eye and Crown chakras, the

    chakras that govern spirituality and psychic awareness. When

    heated into Citrine, the golden color resonates with the Solar Plexus

    chakra which is where individuality and willpower originate. Other

    commonly heated crystals include:

    Carnelian – When Carnelian is heated it turns a

    deeper red color.

    Ruby and Emerald – Raw Rubies and Emeralds

    are usually found with cracks which makes

    them brittle and hard to cut and shape.

    Sometimes, especially with gemstones, a filler

    or resin is heated along with the stone to fill in the cracks making the

    stone more durable and resistant to breakage.

  • 51

    *Tiger's Eye – Golden Tiger's Eye

    turns red when heated taking it

    from the protective and

    strengthening power of the

    golden variety to the sexually

    empowerment and emotionally stabilizing power of the red variety.

    *Aquamarine – When raw Aquamarine is heated,

    much of the green is removed producing a more

    attractive blue color.


    Irradiation is when a crystal is subject to radiation

    which changes the color and the energy of the

    crystal. The earth also naturally irradiates crystals

    however when a crystal is purposely subject to

    radiation in order to change its appearance, the

    amount of radiation still present within the stone is not known and

  • 52

    though I proudly work with heat-treated crystals, I don't personally

    don't care to take the risk with ones that have been subject to

    irradiation. Some common irradiated crystals include:

    *Smoky Quartz – When subject to radiation, clear Quartz or very light

    smoky varieties will turn a dark brown to black color. Though the

    result is quite beautiful, it isn't the same energetically as acquiring a

    naturally black smoky Quartz, which is extremely rare.

    *Amethyst – Amethyst is sometimes irradiated to achieve a deeper

    violet color.

    *Topaz – Is commonly irradiated as a way of color change most

    often for gemstone purposes.


  • 53

    Some crystals are dyed, usually for personal

    adornment purposes. Though the safest and

    most gentle method of enhancement, dyed

    crystals do not look natural, easily fade when

    exposed to sunlight and can leave behind

    stains if the crystal comes in contact with

    water. I personally do not work with dyed

    crystals. Agates are often dyed to accentuate

    their already beautiful and contrasting bands.

    The Many Crystal Shapes & Formations

    When selecting a crystal, you also have the option to select a

    naturally formed or man-formed crystal tool such as a wand,

    pendulum, geode or master Quartz crystal. Let’s take a look at some

    of the most common natural and man-formed crystal


  • 54


    Geodes are pockets of crystals that form from volcanic activity. As

    hot lava erupts, it forms balls which cool on the outside. Inside these

    balls, gasses promote crystal growth. Geodes can be as large as a

    person to as small as a marble. When they are broken open, a

    sparkling surprise awaits! Metaphysically,

    geodes are great for containing and storing

    energy, charging other crystals and for

    personal transformation. They also make

    great meditation aids and assist in deep self-

    reflection and contemplation. Geodes can

    be placed around the home or dwelling space to catch and

    transform negative energies.

    Clusters & Druse Crystals

    Clusters are a group of similar crystals that are all

    attached to the same base. They are perfect for

    representing group cooperation, family

    togetherness and promote harmony with the home and workplace.

  • 55

    Work with clusters if you are a student who seeks to learn or a

    teacher who needs guidance on where to offer your skills. When the

    crystals of a cluster are too small to broken off individually, the cluster

    is referred to as a druse. (other names include druzy, druze or druzie

    though druse is the correct spelling) Druse

    crystals form when tiny crystals grow on the

    surface or within other crystals giving off

    amazing sparkle. Quartz is the most common

    type of druze however other minerals like

    Chrysocolla and Garnet also form Druze

    crystals. Drusys are excellent for bringing forth hidden talents, skills

    and other greatness within the spirit. They help with spiritual growth

    and are helpful to those who are making small steps toward

    achieving goals of success rather than

    jumping in head first.


    A wand is basically an extension of one's

    own energy. The energy within the body

    flows through the arm and into the wand which then directs it

    toward a specific location or to move the energy is a specific

    direction. Wands with a crystal point work especially well for

  • 56

    directing energy and are commonly used in circle casting. Circle

    casting is when energy is intentionally drawn in a circular movement

    to shield off unwanted influences. Magical

    practitioners often cast circles to protect

    sacred space and block out any energetic

    interruptions which can negatively affect

    energy work.

    Another popular type of crystal wand is the

    crystal massage wand. A massage wand usually has at least one

    rounded end which can be used on pressure points and in

    reflexology. The smooth, elongated structure of the wand can be

    rolled along the body for a deep, healing massage or to relieve

    tension, stress and minor aches and pains.


    When you think of a crystal sphere you probably

    think of the crystal balls used by psychics and

    witches, thanks to Hollywood's portrayal such as

    the Wizard of Oz, to see into the future. Crystal balls are commonly

  • 57

    used this way, which is referred to as gazing, or scrying when

    performed on a dark reflective crystal. To gain insight into the future

    or for an intuitive look into a particular aspect of one's life, find a

    quiet space where you have at least fifteen minutes of uninterrupted

    time, longer if you have never performed gazing exercises before.

    Once you have your area established, sit comfortably with your

    crystal ball in front of you, preferable even with and in front of your

    Heart chakra. Next, look into the ball and focus on the very center

    until your gaze softens, as it does when you daydream. Once your

    gaze softens you will notice that blinking doesn't occur as often and

    eyes can become dry and painful over time so allow yourself

    moments to rest your eyes and keep them hydrated with drops if

    need be beforehand. As you gaze into the crystal you will begin to

    notice reflections and random images appear as the light and

    reflections make contact and distort the natural cracks and any

    inclusions within the crystal. When these images begin to emerge, it is

    up to you to interpret and apply them to your life or the situation you

    are attempting to gain insight into. Keep your crystal journal or a

    small notebook on hand to record as much detail of your

    experience as possible.

    Crystal spheres can be used for other workings as well. Spheres are

    smooth and symmetrical and give off an even emission of energy in

    every direction making them great for space clearing and keeping

  • 58

    the home or sacred space harmonized and in alignment with the

    intention of the crystal. Depending on the variety of crystal sphere

    you are using, you can enhance and amplify the energy of a space,

    neutralize it or shield it against any unwanted and unwelcome



    A pendulum is any weight suspended on a cord or chain that picks

    up a continuous steady movement. Crystal

    pendulums are commonly used in divination

    and magical work to gain insight into specific

    areas of one’s life. Though a pendulum doesn't

    have to be made of crystal, working with a

    crystal pendulum that is in alignment with the

    issue you are seeking its guidance into will give

    you a stronger and more accurate insight. For

    example, if you are seeking out answers

    regarding the fidelity of a lover or the truth of a

    spouse, an Emerald pendulum would be an excellent choice

    because it is the stone of fidelity and has energetic traits that align

    with that of partnership and relationships.

  • 59

    Depending on whom you ask, explanations vary as to why

    pendulums work so well for divination. In my own personal

    experience and opinion, pendulums work as a trigger for the

    subconscious, which holds all the answers to our life's questions. We

    are born into this physical dimension with everything we could

    possibly need to understand life. Unfortunately, people usually lose

    the majority of these amazing abilities and understandings as

    children after being constantly told that focus should stay in the

    rational and realistic physical world rather than opening up and

    strengthening the spiritual aspects of the self. Even though we are

    not always consciously aware of what we hold deep inside, our

    subconscious always knows and never forgets and a pendulum

    works as a key for unlocking these abilities so they can be applied to

    our life.

    Many people who first work with a pendulum often describe the

    experience as feeling like they are moving the pendulum with their

    mind. The reason for this is because they ARE moving it with their

    mind! When we move our arms and legs, we do so thanks to the

    central nervous system and physical responses that occur due to

    communication between the brain and the body however when the

    arm and hand is holding a pendulum, the subconscious mind takes

    over and becomes responsible for sending the signals to the arm

  • 60

    and hand in order to move the pendulum in the right direction. This is

    called an ideomotor response.

    How to Use a Pendulum

    To use a pendulum, you will need to have at least fifteen minutes of

    uninterrupted time in a quiet place. Using your prominent arm, rest

    your elbow on a solid, flat surface and hold the pendulum between

    your first finger and thumb as still as possible. Once you feel

    grounded, centered and ready to begin, ask the pendulum to show

    you the answer for “no” and watch the movement. You will begin to

    notice a slight movement of the pendulum. Pay close attention to

    what direction the pendulum is moving then bring it to a stop once

    again. Next, ask the pendulum to show you “yes” and again, wait for

    its response. It should move in a different direction or in the same

    direction but in a different pattern. Now that you have your answers,

    it is time to bring the pendulum still and ask it your first question. As

    you ask each question and take note of the “yes” or “no” direction,

    write it down in your crystal journal. Be sure to bring the pendulum to

    a complete stop before proceeding to the next question.

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    Pendulums are fun and easy to master but like anything in life,

    practice makes perfect. Experiment with different crystal pendulums

    until you find one that works best for you or you can put together a

    divination set containing three to five pendulums, each for different

    types of energy work.


    Pyramids are a symbol of strength and

    ascension. This formation not only holds

    great prominence in Egypt, but is widely

    considered a sacred shape. Wide and strong at the base then slowly

    tapering to a point of destination at the top, crystal pyramids are

    perfect for anyone who has trouble setting and accomplishing

    goals, needs extra structure, organization or stability in life.

    Palm & Meditation Stones

    Palm stones, or meditation stones as I call

    them, are very large palm to fist size

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    polished stones that can be used during meditation as a focal point

    or intention guide, displayed on an altar to align the energy of your

    sacred space with that of the crystal, carried for protection, placed

    on your desk at work or near the bed as you sleep to enhance

    dreams. The possibilities when it comes to palm stones are endless.

    Worry Stones

    Worry stones smooth, polished stones that

    are a bit smaller than palm stones and are usually flat, round or oval

    in shape. Some worry stones have a slight indention on one side

    where your thumb can be placed which creates a comfortable grip

    in the hand that can trigger pressure points calming stress and

    anxiety. Worry stones also make great dream stones because their

    flat shape and smooth surface fits well under the pillow or inside a

    pillow case.

    Crystal Eggs

    The egg shape is one of balance and unity. It is also a symbol for

    fertility and re-birthing. Crystal eggs are crystals that have been

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    polished and formed into an egg shape and are often collected

    and displayed on stands. Crystal eggs can be used during

    meditation to integrate polar energies and maintain focus on unity

    and togetherness. To work with an egg shaped crystal, hold with the

    smaller end upwards toward the Crown chakra and the wide

    rounded end pointing downward with both hands. This establishes

    balance and the connection between yin/yang energies. Crystal

    eggs can also be used in massage and reflexology.

    Animal Carvings

    Certain stones make great material for

    carving figurines such as skulls and animals. A

    crystal carved animal is a great way to

    connect with your totem animal or

    encourage a specific animal's energetic traits and symbolic

    characteristics within you. For example, if transformation is your goal

    a butterfly or lizard carving would be ideal to have on hand. For

    flexibility and flow, work with a fish carving and to enhance speed

    and agility a cheetah carving would be perfect. The following are

    just a few basic animal spirit meanings and characteristics:

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    Alligator – survival, patience & quick action

    Ant – determination, teamwork & patience

    Armadillo – security, protection & stability

    Bat – longtime, mystery & privacy

    Bear - resourcefulness, healing & strength

    Bee – organization, production & wisdom

    Butterfly – personal transformation, beauty & drastic change

    Camel – endurance, accomplishment & survival

    Cat – sexuality, beauty & spirituality

    Cheetah – swift action, insightful & agility

    Cow – patience, focused & nurturing

    Crow – justice, creativity & change

    Dog – loyalty, guidance & learning

    Dolphin – kindness, emotion & sexuality

    Dragon – prosperity, strength & personal power

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    Eagle – Sacrifice, spirit & courage

    Elephant – strength, affection & overcoming obstacles

    Fish – open-mindedness, grace & flexibility

    Fox – cunning, freedom & diplomacy

    Frog – cleansing, re-birthing & adaptability

    Hawk – victory, illusion & messages

    Horse – freedom, stamina & imagination

    Lion – family, energy & protection

    Owl – clairvoyance, insight & adaptability

    Panther – protection, standing up for oneself & guidance

    Raven – courage, wisdom & introspection

    Scorpion – transformation, inspiration & passion

    Shark – survival, protective & fearlessness

    Snake – re-birthing, impulsive & passive aggressiveness

    Swan – grace, balance & love

    Tiger – power, stamina & leadership

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    Turtle – nurturing, shyness & protection

    Unicorn – unity, dreams & innocence

    Wolf – perseverance, intuition & success

    Crystal Jewelry

    One of the easiest ways to immerse yourself in

    crystal energy is to wear them. There are many

    unique and beautiful ways to adorn yourself in

    crystals and depending on where you choose to

    wear your stones, what metal your stones are set

    in and what chakras your stones align with can

    create a wonderful healing and spiritual experience.

    When it comes to selecting a piece of crystal jewelry, you will

    first...can you guess? Establish your intention! Why are you interested

    in crystal jewelry? Is there a specific are of the body you wish to bring

    crystal energy in contact with? Do you want a piece that reflects

    who you are spiritually or emotionally? What about romantically or

    sexually? Use the chakra map as a guideline for selecting a piece of

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    jewelry and where to display your jewelry. We will get more into

    chakras later but in the mean time, use the following guide:

    *For issues relating to physical health, stability, security and

    materialism wear red, brown or black stones like Garnet, Obsidian,

    Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz and Red Jasper low on the body

    such as in belts, waist bands, navel rings, anklets or bracelets and

    rings. When the arms rest at the side, the stones will be in the area of

    the Base chakra which governs the physical body and stability.

    *Orange stones like Carnelian, orange Calcite and Tangerine Quartz

    in the form of bracelets, rings, navel rings and low hanging pendants

    work best on issues related to sexuality, emotion and personal


    *Yellow and gold stones like Citrine, Pyrite and golden Calcite

    activate the Solar Plexus chakra governing individuality, willpower

    and immune health. Try wearing these stones in the form of low

    hanging pendants, bracelets or rings.

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    *One of the easiest areas to access by wearing crystals is the Heart

    chakra. Pendants that contain green or pink stones like Watermelon

    Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Emerald and Dioptase work best for issues

    relating to self-love, relationships and empathy.

    *The Throat chakra is best activated using blue stones like Lapis

    Lazuli, blue Kyanite and Sodalite worn in the form of a choker or high

    hanging pendants and earrings. The Throat chakra governs

    communication, self-expression and health issues related to the ears,

    nose and throat.

    *The Third-Eye or Brow chakra as it is also called is located above

    and between the eyebrows and is best activated with dark blue to

    indigo stones like Charoite, Sugilite and Dumortierite. The Third-Eye is

    best accessed by wearing headbands or earrings.

    *The Crown chakra is probably the most difficult to reach wearing

    stones unless you choose to wear a tiara. A headband with a white

    or violet stone like clear Quartz, Amethyst or Moonstone that rests

    over the forehead can also be used to access and align the Crown


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    Another consideration is the metal a stone is set in. Metals contain

    their own unique energetic properties and can enhance the healing

    abilities of stones in the right combinations.

    Gold is the master metal. It is masculine in energy and stimulates the

    masculine qualities in stones. It is best used in correspondence with

    stones used for leadership, personal power, assertiveness, sexuality,

    standing up for oneself, strength and stamina. Gold works well with

    stones like Lapis Lazuli, Sunstone and Tiger's Eye.

    Silver is the feminine metal with a soothing, lunar energy. Silver

    balances jewelry that contains more than one type of crystal and

    doesn't interfere or block any of the crystal energy. Silver works best

    in correspondence with stones used for intuition, spirituality,

    motherhood, healing and calming like Moonstone and Selenite.

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    Copper is the conductive metal that stimulates

    and activates all stones without interference or

    blocking the healing effects. It stabilizes the

    energies of multiple stones in one piece of

    jewelry and amplifies the body's own natural

    healing abilities.


    The shape of a stone has a strong influence on its energetic traits as

    well and can be a consideration when selecting a piece of jewelry.

    Square stones are symmetrical and represent organization and

    structure. Square stones are ideal for issues relating to balance,

    stability, business success, strength and direct focus.

    Oval stones represent the unity of opposing energies like yin and

    yang, masculine and feminine, light and dark, sky and land. Oval

    shaped stones are ideal for integrating energies, balancing polarities

    and connecting with the oneness of the Universe. An oval shaped

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    ring or pendant can be worn establish a romantic relationship,

    enhance attraction between a male and a female or in same sex

    relationships, an oval shaped stone can help merge the feminine

    qualities and the masculine qualities within each person creating a

    stronger and more balanced connection and overall relationship.

    Circular stones also symbolize unity, the merging of energies and

    completion. Circles, rather than integrate polarities like oval shapes,

    integrate a variety of energies. Circles represent group cooperation,

    completion of projects, goals and symbolize unity in an even and

    complete perspective.

    Triangular stones symbolize strong foundations and ascension. The

    wide base represents the solid foundation needed to ascend in any

    area of life and the slow taper to a point is reflected in spiritual

    growth and enlightenment. A triangular shaped stone is ideal for

    anyone seeking to achieve difficult goals, overcome obstacles or

    gain strength to emerge from a place of struggle and negativity.

    Faceted stones have many faces that are cut and polished to reflect

    light for high sparkle and beauty. Faceted stones represent steps

    and are ideal for those needing structure and guidance in life. The

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    stone symbolizes achievement and overcoming struggles by taking

    one day at a time and through a step-by-step approach. The

    complexity of a multifaceted stone also reflects the difficulties in life

    and each step taken to overcome and a rise above the obstacles.

    The Seven Primary Stones

    Every crystal healer, author and teacher has his or her own

    recommendations as to the must have crystals every beginner

    should start with. The following are my primary recommendations

    that I base from the seven chakras as each chakra is linked to a

    primary aspect of the self.

    Clear Quartz

    If I could have only one crystal to use in my

    spiritual practice, it would be clear Quartz. Clear

    Quartz works as a default crystal and can be programmed for

    just about any intention however it works especially well for

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    enhancing and empowering the energetic properties of other



    Amethyst is named from the Greek words for “not

    drunken” and is still considered a stone of sobriety

    and recovery today. Amethyst is linked to the

    Third-Eye chakra making it ideal for those just starting out on a

    new spiritual path as it stimulates psychic awareness, spiritual

    development and enhances intuitive abilities.

    Lapis Lazuli

    Lapis Lazuli was a favorite among the ancient

    Egyptians and is linked to the Throat chakra.

    Lapis Lazuli is excellent for confidence and self-

    assurance and makes a wonderful aid for communication and

    counteracting shyness.

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    Rose Quartz

    Rose Quartz is the ultimate stone of

    unconditional love and emotional healing. Its

    gentle and calming energy is especially

    soothing to children and Rose Quartz helps one overcome

    even the deepest emotional trauma.


    Citrine is energizing and cleansing. Citrine helps

    boost creativity, happiness and sexual confidence

    and promotes optimism and self-worth.

    Red Jasper

    Red Jasper is a stone of independence and

    sexuality. It has a strong link to the Sacral chakra,

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    the chakra that governs sexuality and emotions. This stone is perfect

    for those who are co-dependent on others, clingy or fearful of being


    Tiger’s Eye

    Tiger’s Eye is strong, protective and masculine in

    energy. This stone makes a great grounding tool for

    those who tend to daydream too much or feel

    spacey and unfocused.

    The 7 Secondary Stones

    Once you become comfortable working with the seven

    primary stones, you will then want to expand your practice and

    begin working with the following secondary stones.

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    Moonstone has a strong, feminine energy that

    helps relieve feelings of anxiety, abandonment,

    depression and anger. It can be used to promote

    fertility and is a must for all female Crystalists.

    Blue Lace Agate

    Blue Lace Agate is a light blue stone with bands of

    white and has a very calming energy. Blue Lace

    Agate is perfect for anyone with anger issues,

    aggression and those suffering from severe anxiety, panic

    attacks or mood swings.

    Green Aventurine

    Green Aventurine is a variety of Quartz that makes

    a wonderful aid in expansion and growth in all

    areas of life. It helps the heart heal after the

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    betrayal of a loved one, a breakup or any other emotional

    stress and protects the heart against future pain.


    Carnelian is named from the Latin word

    carnis, meaning “flesh” and was once

    considered “The Blood of Isis” by the ancient

    Egyptians. Carnelian is a stone of focus, concentration and



    Bloodstone is extremely grounding and has a

    romantic quality that can be used to attract a

    soul mate, increase sexuality and also detoxifies

    the mind, body and spirit.

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