sensing subtle energy wi s nes & crystals · the receiving hand pulls energy in from the...

Sensing Subtle Energy wi Snes & Crystals Approved for 2 CE Hours from the NCBTMB In this class, you will learn techniques for enhancing your ability to perceive subtle energy. Topics covered will include a brief introduction to discovering your sending and receiving hands, developing hand sensitivity with crystals, methods of aura scanning to detect changes in ethereal energy, creating energy balls (on your own, with a stone, and with a partner), using pendulums to detect energy (of stones and chakras), practice intuiting stone type and color, an introduction to the crystal breath exercise, techniques for aura seeing, practice detecting energy changes in programmed stones, a crystal journey for intuitively discovering the properties of a crystal of your choice, and exercises for sensing crystals within your energy field. Please bring a crystal of your choice to use for the crystal journey. Copyright © 2010 Ashley Leavy Email: [email protected] Page | 1

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Page 1: Sensing Subtle Energy wi S nes & Crystals · The receiving hand pulls energy in from the universe to be used by the physical and etheric bodies whereas the sending hand directs the

Sensing Subtle Energy with Stones & Crystals

! Approved for 2 CE Hours from the NCBTMB

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!In this class, you will learn techniques for enhancing your ability to perceive subtle energy. Topics covered will include a brief introduction to discovering your sending and receiving hands, developing hand sensitivity with crystals, methods of aura scanning to detect changes in ethereal energy, creating energy balls (on your own, with a stone, and with a partner), using pendulums to detect energy (of stones and chakras), practice intuiting stone type and color, an introduction to the crystal breath exercise, techniques for aura seeing, practice detecting energy changes in programmed stones, a crystal journey for intuitively discovering the properties of a crystal of your choice, and exercises for sensing crystals within your energy field. Please bring a crystal of your choice to use for the crystal journey. !

Copyright © 2010 Ashley Leavy Email: [email protected] Page | ! 1

Page 2: Sensing Subtle Energy wi S nes & Crystals · The receiving hand pulls energy in from the universe to be used by the physical and etheric bodies whereas the sending hand directs the

DEVELOPING HAND SENSITIVITY: !Developing sensitivity to energy is an important part of any type of energy healing practice. Crystals can often help to enhance this process. !“As you physically feel more subtle energies you also begin to develop a subtle sensing…Learn to rely on this sensing…Use the physical universe to test the legitimacy of what you have sensed intuitively. This, in turn, reinforces and builds the accuracy of your intuitive sense. The important thing to do in terms of developing this subtle sense is first to notice it, then to trust it. Trust what you sense and don’t be afraid to act on it. Have courage. You will find that you will be able to use the intuitive, subtle sense as well as to physically feel the subtle vibration to do your crystal work. This makes it even more effective” (Uma Silbey, page 23 of The Complete Crystal Guidebook). !

! !Copyright © 2010 Ashley Leavy Email: [email protected] Page | ! 2

Page 3: Sensing Subtle Energy wi S nes & Crystals · The receiving hand pulls energy in from the universe to be used by the physical and etheric bodies whereas the sending hand directs the

To begin, rub the palms of your hands together vigorously (using clean hands). Now, slowly draw your hands apart (keeping your palms facing one another) until your hands are about eight inches apart. Next, slowly and gently move your hands back toward one another and try to feel the energy that has built up between them. It may feel like two magnets repelling one another, or the air may feel thick or heavy (pressurized). You may also notice a change in temperature (warmer or cooler) or sensation (prickly, pulsating, or tingly energetic charge). Each person senses energy in a very unique way so the possibilities are endless; this is not limited to physical feelings-some people hear or see energy as well. If you do not feel anything, you should try to practice this exercise several times per day until results are achieved. !Next, try this same exercise using a crystal and compare it to the sensations you felt from using just your hands. To begin, hold a cleansed Quartz crystal point between the palms of your hands and then slowly roll it between your palms. Continue this for about 30 seconds. You may also try using different types of crystals to aid you in sensing the energy. Additionally, you may try programming the crystal for this purpose. As always, be sure to cleanse your crystal before and after each use. !Another way to train your hands to feel crystal energy is by using a small Quartz crystal wand. Hold the crystal in one hand with the point facing the palm of your opposite hand. Make small, slow clockwise rotation about one to two inches from the center of your palm. Gradually increase the speed of the rotations until you sense the energy of the stone. If you feel comfortable, you can continue to increase the speed of the rotations as long as they remain steady and circular. If you have trouble feeling the energy of the quartz crystal, you may try running the crystal up and down each of your fingers (still holding the crystal about one to two inches from your physical body). Next, wiggle your fingers; open and close your hand by making a loose fist and then releasing it. You should then try the slow, clockwise rotations again, this time following the point of the crystal with your eyes while holding the intention to sense the energy. You should then reverse the procedure and attempt to feel the crystal energy with your other hand. !Record your results (similarities, differences, and experiences) from each exercise. !!DISCOVERING YOUR SENDING & RECEIVING HANDS: !Each individual has an innate polarity, a type of inner balance. Our bodies take in energy from the universe and then return it to be renewed/transmuted and used by other beings. !

Copyright © 2010 Ashley Leavy Email: [email protected] Page | ! 3

Page 4: Sensing Subtle Energy wi S nes & Crystals · The receiving hand pulls energy in from the universe to be used by the physical and etheric bodies whereas the sending hand directs the

Typically a person’s sending hand is the dominant hand and his or her receiving hand is the non-dominant hand. The receiving hand pulls energy in from the universe to be used by the physical and etheric bodies whereas the sending hand directs the flow of excess or unused energy back out toward the universe. This process is constant, similar to the breath. However, it can be consciously directed to enhance its capabilities (especially for healing purposes). !To discover which is your sending and receiving hand, rub your hands together briskly and then try holding a cleansed Quartz crystal in your left hand. Note any experiences you have. Cleanse the crystal and then hold it in your right hand noting your experiences. If you have trouble sensing the energy by simply holding the stone, grip the crystal in your left hand between your thumb and three fingers so that it points side to side rather than up and down (i.e. horizontally and not vertically – like a comb for the energy body). Then use the crystal to comb through the energy from your wrist toward your fingertips (about one inch from your physical body). Note any experiences and then repeat for your right hand. When you are ready, compare your experiences. The hand in which your experiences were more intense is likely your receiving hand (as it made you more receptive to the energies of the crystal). You can also try this exercise utilizing other types of stones. !Another exercise to try is to hold magnets in each hand. To begin, hold the repelling side of the magnet toward your left palm and the attracting side of the magnet toward your right palm. Take note of your experiences. Then, reverse the poles of the magnets in each hand. Compare the experiences to see which is more comfortable. !The hand in which the attracting side of the magnet feels more comfortable is likely your receiving hand. !!USING PENDULUMS: !A pendulum is a tool used to sense changes in energy. The art of using a pendulum is referred to as dowsing. A pendulum can be made of any type of material: wood, metal, or stone. I find crystal pendulums preferable as they magnify energy and typically help to make results easy to read, interpret, and understand. Please remember to cleanse your pendulum before and after each use. A pendulum connects you with your higher self or higher consciousness and gives you a visual representation of what your subtle body already knows. “Essentially, a crystal pendulum can be seen as a biofeedback device for monitoring attunement with your higher self” (Pamela Chase & Jonathan Pawlik, page 47 of Healing with Crystals).

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This allows the conscious mind to access this information in a way that transforms metaphysical ideas into physical evidence. “In this way, a pendulum gives you an external physical representation of your natural inner knowing” (Philip Permutt, page 15 of The Crystal Healer). !!

! !Dowsing can be done to detect the movement of energy within the chakras or the aura. To experiment with detecting energy field using a pendulum, you must first determine what type of movement is representative of each of the different energy types. !Typically, an even, clockwise spin will represent positive, balanced energy; an even, counter-clockwise spin will indicate unbalanced, negative energy; a wild swing will represent disorderly energy; and no movement will represent stagnant or stuck energy (an energy blockage). !However, it is important to note that the art of dowsing is very subjective and that these movements will not hold true for all individuals. Each person may find that a different set of movements represents these energy types. Additionally, a person may find that he or she is shown different movements depending upon the pendulum used. Since these movements are so variable, it is recommended that the dowser do a check prior to each dowsing session. A check involves asking the pendulum to show you the movement for each of these energy types: positive and balanced, negative and unbalanced, disorderly, and stagnant. !

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It is also important to note that you should only attempt to dowse when you can be objective or neutral about your results. Our thoughts and intentions have the potential to influence our results and outcomes when using a pendulum, so it is important to be aware that results may not be reliable if they have been influenced by your intention (conscious or not). !“As with all spiritual tools, pendulums respond to how they are treated” (Philip Permutt, page 15 of The Crystal Healer).!

“When pendulum dowsing, the idea is not to obtain information that is 100 percent accurate all the time, but rather to use the pendulum as a way of gaining additional information…Using a pendulum can enhance your decision-making process by helping you make more informed choices” (Sirona Knight, page 45 of Pocket Guide to Crystals and Gemstones). !To use you pendulum to read energy, hold the pendulum chain between your thumb and pointer finger (of your receiving hand). Be sure that your wrist and your arm are both in a comfortable position and that none of your limbs are crossed. You should then perform a check by asking the pendulum to show you the movement for each type of energy flow (as described above). You can then hold the pendulum over different parts of your physical or etheric bodies and note the way that the pendulum moves as compared to the movements in your check. This will help you to determine the flow of energy. !Another way to utilize a pendulum for sensing energy is to hold the pendulum over your partner’s feet and set the pendulum to a neutral swing (side to side). Move up along the left side of the body toward your partner’s head and then down along his or her right side. Not any areas in which the movement of the pendulum changes as imbalances or blockages are likely present here. With this method, the pendulum is not used to diagnose the nature of the energy, but rather simply to aid in identifying the location of any problem areas. !When using a pendulum it is best to be a least three feet away from any electronic device (including computers, telephones, microwaves, televisions, etc.) so that there is no energetic interference with the swing of the pendulum. These devices also weaken our energy field so the subtle movements that come from our bio-energetic field are not as distinct as they would otherwise be; this makes them more difficult to see and to interpret. Additionally, you may choose to program your pendulum with the intention that it aid you in reading energy or in detecting energetic imbalances and blockages. !!

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When receiving any type of information from your pendulum, “listen to your inner voice. Watch for bodily sensations and inner perceptual sensations” (Pamela Chase and Jonathan Pawlik, page 48 of Healing with Gemstones). !!AURA SCANNING TECHNIQUES: !If you train yourself to feel subtle differences in the energy body, you will also be able to detect any changes that occur once placing a stone within the energy field. This is very beneficial as you will be able to tell how the stone is influencing the energy body and whether or not adjustments need to be made to the placement, stone type, etc. in order to achieve the maximum healing benefit from the stone. !!

! !To scan the aura, you may first want to sensitize your hands using the method described above. Once your hands have been sensitized and are ready to begin feeling energy, hold your receiving hand about two to three inches away from your partner’s (or your own) physical body (with your palm facing the body). Focus your intention on sensing energy. Bring your attention to your hand and become aware of any changes in energy and communicate these to your partner.

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Ask for verbal feedback from your partner. Can they confirm what you are feeling? Are they having a different experience? You cannot be wrong when performing this exercise – each person’s perception of energy and energy movement will be different. Just acknowledge what you are feeling and move on to the next area. You may also want to try sensing the energy at each individual chakra and note how they feel different from one another as well as how they feel different form the energy body as a whole. !Another method for scanning the aura involves running a crystal through the energy field. Hold a crystal (egg shapes or crystal points seem to work best) in your receiving hand between your thumb and three fingers so that it points side to side rather than up and down (i.e. horizontally and not vertically – like a comb for the energy body). Then, pass the crystal through your partner’s energy field beginning at his or her head and working toward the feet. Do this down the center of the body, to the left, and then to the right. If you may like, you may repeat this along the backside of your partner’s body for more information. Typically, cold temperatures represent holes or leaks in the energy field, thick/sticky energy represents blockages, and heat/tingling/buzzing represents overactive or imbalanced energy. However, it is always best to use your intuition. You may wish to communicate the sensations to your partner for their interpretation as well.!Additionally, it is interesting to see how far away you can move your hand from the physical body ad still feel the energy field. If you cannot move your hand very far before you lose the energetic sensation, it does not mean that you are doing something wrong, nor does it mean that the person has a weak energy field. Each person will sense each other person’s energy field in a very different manner. Therefore, you may find that you can only sense a small field around a person but another healer senses the same field as being very large. Alternately, you may be able to sense only a small field on one person, but a very large field on another person. !!AURA SEEING TECHNIQUES: !Visually seeing the aura is one way of detecting changes to this subtle body. Again, if you train yourself to see the colors represented in an aura, you will also be able to detect any changes that occur once placing a stone within the energy field. This is very beneficial as you will be able to tell how the stone is influencing the energy body and whether or not adjustments need to be made to the placement, stone type, etc. in order to achieve the maximum healing benefit from the stone. It is also a useful technique for checking the health of your aura from time to time so that you are aware of any areas that may need improvement or protection.

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! !A reliable technique for learning to see auras is to use a crystal while looking at yourself in the mirror. To begin, choose any crystal that you feel attracted to using for this purpose. If you are unsure about which stone to use, Clear Quartz generally woks well for this exercise. You should be sure that the crystal has been cleansed and you may even choose to program it with the intent to aid you in developing your aura seeing skills. Hold the crystal in your sending hand with the tip of the crystal pointed inward toward your heart chakra; this will amplify your energy field and make it easier for you to sense and read. Looking into a mirror, focus your attention on the area around your head. Concentrate on the negative space around your physical body instead of on your physical form. Let your eyes go in and out of focus. Then, close your eyes for a moment. When you re-open your eyes, try to notice any colors in the area around your physical body. At first, this may simply be sensing a color, but with practice you will begin to see the aura with your psychic sight. It may appear transparent or opaque; each person will see it differently.

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Try practicing this technique up to three times per day. It I advised that you keep a journal while training yourself in aura seeing. You can look back at your entries to see if there is a time of day at which you are better able to see the aura or even if there are certain times at which your aura tends to be the same color. You may also want to try the exercise using different types of crystal to see which works best for you. This is also a helpful way to help track your overall aura health and strength. Be sure to cleanse your crystal after use. !To try this exercise with a partner, you can adapt this exercise in the following way. To try this technique, sit across from your partner is a dimly lit room (not too dark, but not bright). You and your partner should each hold a cleansed stone. Additionally you may want to program your stone to aid you in developing your aura seeing skills. You may also want to ask if your partner is willing to program his or her stone with the intent to aid them in projecting their aura so as to make it easier for you to see or sense. Both you and your partner should relax and focus on your breathing. Then, attune yourself to the energy of your partner (you may do this by synchronizing your breath to theirs, by holding their hands, or by any other method that feels comfortable to both of you). Partners should hold his or her crystal in their hands. You should then focus your attention on the area around your partner’s head. Concentrate on the negative space around his or her physical body instead of on the physical form. Let your eyes go in and out of focus. Then, close your eyes for a moment. When you re-open your eyes, try to notice any colors in the area around your partner’s physical body. Try practicing this technique up to three times per day. Again, it is advised that you keep a journal while training yourself in aura seeing. Be sure that both crystals are cleansed after use. !Basic interpretation of aura colors is as follows: -Purple indicates spiritual growth and ascension. -Blue represents peace and tranquility. -Turquoise indicates compassion and empathy. -Green represents health and healing. -Yellow represents happiness and joy. -Orange indicates creativity. -Red indicates vitality and a zest for life. -Pink indicates loving attitudes and behaviors. !If you have trouble visually seeing the aura, you may try the aura scanning technique with the intention of sensing the color of the aura. !!

Copyright © 2010 Ashley Leavy Email: [email protected] Page |

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INTUITING COLOR ENERGY FROM STONES: !Make yourself comfortable in a place where you will not be disturbed. Take a deep breath and slowly exhale. Now breathe gently. Close your eyes and continue to focus on your breathing: in and out, in and out. With your eyes still closed, have your partner place a cleansed, colored stone before you. With your psychic sight, begin to see the crystal take form – allow yourself to see any colors emerging from the darkness. When you have a sense of the color of the stone, speak it aloud to your partner. Then, when you are ready, open your eyes and compare your sensation to the color of the stone. !Do not be discouraged if you are wrong or are not able to see any colors. You may also try this exercise by telling your partner phrases about how you feel energetically (i.e. warm, safe, cool, tingly, buzzing, light, dense, etc.). These energetic sensations often correspond to the color vibration of the stone. Then, after seeing the stone color, place it in your receiving hand and discuss any sensations you have with your partner. Are they the same or different? How (if at all) has seeing the color of the stone changed your perception of the stone’s energy? !!DETECTING ENERGY CHANGES IN PROGRAMMED STONES: !Now that you know how to intuit color energy from stones, you can begin to learn how to detect the energetic differences between programmed vs. non-programmed stones. Programming a stone allows you to focus thought-forms with your intention for greater healing results. One of the easiest programs to detect is a color program. Have your partner program a stone with color by visualizing the color entering the stone until the stone radiates colored energy. He or she should then think about all the properties that are attributable to that color and add those thought-forms to the color energy program. This exercise is best done with clear Quartz Crystal as there is no other visual color representation that could interfere with the effectiveness of the program. Now, try to intuit the color energy as you did before, only this time, you may leave your eyes open so that you are able to gather more sensory data about the stone. After you have a sense of the color that has been programmed into the stone, share this with your partner. After you have made your intuitive guess, have your partner tell you the chosen color. !!!

Copyright © 2010 Ashley Leavy Email: [email protected] Page |

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CRYSTAL BREATH EXERCISE: “The breath is the main source of life energy that is available to human beings. Through the breath life force is taken into the body. From this vital exchange of gases each individual has a personal interaction with the universe. On the inhale, we receive life energy, and on the exhale we give it back…Becoming aware of the breath is one of the most effective ways of tuning into the moment. The breath exists in a state of constant presence” (Katrina Raphaell, pages 21-22 of Crystal Healing, Volume 2). !

! !Hold a cleansed stone in cupped hands (or place it in front of you with your hands on or just above it). Exhale and visualize your breath surrounding the stone “with an inward gesture of blessing” (Robert Simmons, page 57 of Stones of the New Consciousness). As you inhale, see the energy of the stone moving into your body as if you are breathing through the crystal. Slowly exhale. Breathe in the crystal energy once more and hold your breath for a count of three (or for whatever feels comfortable). Slowly exhale. Take slow, even breaths. Visualize breathing in the color of the stone. See it’s colored energy radiate form the stone and move into your body each time you inhale. See the colored energy expand through your body until it fills you completely. Repeat this breathing cycle four more times (for a total of six repetitions). With each breath you become more and more attuned to the energy of your crystal. Your body slowly begins to mimic the orderly perfection exhibited by the stone until you feel completely balance and whole.

Copyright © 2010 Ashley Leavy Email: [email protected] Page |

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Now visualize the crystal’s colored energy radiating from your body and filling your aura with colored, healing light. Bring your focus back to your breath. Breathe in slowly and hold for a count of three; now exhale. Repeat this breathing two more times (for a total of three repetitions). You may choose to hold this energy in your body for your own use or send it to the universe. To send it to the universe, breathe out forcefully wile visualizing all of the colored crystal energy leaving your body. The energy can now be used and enjoyed by all beings. Take time to sit with your crystal for as long as you like. When you are ready, open your eyes and disconnect from the stone. Thank the crystal for the energetic gift that it has shared with you. !!A CRYSTAL JOURNEY MEDITATION: !If you already have a meditation practice that suits you, you may want to try enhancing it through the use of a crystal. You may use any stone that you feel intuitively drawn to use. If you are unsure of which type of stone to use, Clear Quartz crystal works well for this purpose, as does Amethyst. Additionally, this is a great exercise to perform when you acquire a new crystal; it may help you learn about its properties and uses beyond those that you may read in a crystal book. In my personal experience, I have found it beneficial to perform the crystal breath exercise prior to beginning the crystal journey. !

! !Copyright © 2010 Ashley Leavy

Email: [email protected] Page | ! 13

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Begin by making yourself comfortable in a place where you are free from disturbances and distractions. Hold your chosen crystal in your hands (if it is large or difficult to hold, place your stone in front of you with your hands on or just over the stone). Focus on slow, even breathing and feel yourself relaxing and becoming open to the crystal’s energy. Begin to focus your gaze on your crystal, allowing your eyes to go in and out of focus. Feel the energy of your crystal. See and feel each detail of your stone – it’s color, texture, weight, temperature, shape, angles, facets, weight, inclusions, cracks, rainbows, fractures, chips, crevices, etc. Now feel the energy of your stone again. Close your eyes and feel the stone with your hands. Try to visualize each detail of your crystal as you touch it. Bring your attention to the areas of your body that are making contact with the stone – your fingertips, your palms, etc. Feel the energy of the stone moving into your hands; feel its vibration passing through your hands and into your body. Feel yourself merge with the crystal until you easily slip inside of it. You feel safe and comfortable within your stone. You can feel the crystal’s energy within you and around you. Focus on the crystal’s gentle energy vibration; what does it feel like? Allow yourself to explore the inner dimensions of your stone – its walls, any inclusions it may have, etc. Make a mental note of any feeling you experience or thought that you have while within the crystal’s walls. Allow the crystal to be your teacher – listen to what it has to tell you. “It is important to remain mindful to make requests respectfully, offering oneself as a receptive participant in whatever may come next” (Robert Simmons, page 57 of Stones of the New Consciousness). Receive any messages that the crystal may have for you about how to use the crystal for healing. Think about how you may benefit form using this crystal in the future. Now bring your attention back to your surroundings. What are you experiencing? Do you see images, hear sounds, or feel things? Are there any parts of your body that feel different or draw your attention? How do you feel emotionally? Be open to your experiences. When you are ready, place your hands on the walls of the crystal. Focus your attention on the areas of your body that are making contact with the stone – your fingertips, your palms, etc. Feel the energy of the stone moving into your hands. Feel yourself merge with the crystal until you easily pass through it and back into this realm. You feel safe and comfortable. When you are ready, slowly begin to come back into conscious awareness. Bring your attention to your physical body – wiggle your finger and your toes, stretch your arms and legs, and when you feel ready, you may open your eyes. Thank your crystal by sending it love and light from your heart chakra. Show your gratitude for anything you have learned or any messages that you were given and know that you can return to the inner crystal realm at any time you like. If you feel ungrounded after this exercise, it is recommended that you drink a large glass of water. Please be sure to cleanse your crystal once you feel fully grounded and centered. !!!!

Copyright © 2010 Ashley Leavy Email: [email protected] Page |

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! !It is recommended that you keep a journal of your experiences. This should be done as soon as possible after you returning from your journey. Make yourself comfortable and allow yourself time to record your experiences as accurately and completely as possible; do not rush. You may find that your connection with a particular becomes deeper and more meaningful over time or that you have very different experiences with different stones. It is best to take notes right away so that you do not overlook important details from your journey. It is also beneficial to re-visit your notes at a later time as you may have gained new perspective on an old entry or begin to see an emergent pattern.

Copyright © 2010 Ashley Leavy Email: [email protected] Page |

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