creative city challenge towards fostering innovation in the creative and scientific sectors prof....

Creative City Challenge Towards Fostering Innovation in the Creative and Scientific Sectors Prof. Walter Leal and Andrew Mackenzie HAW Hamburg Dundee College

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Creative City Challenge Towards Fostering Innovation in the

Creative and Scientific SectorsProf. Walter Leal and Andrew Mackenzie HAW Hamburg Dundee College


Project Rationale Background Aims Objectives Partnership Work Packages Conclusion

Project Rationale

Innovation is vital to scientific development and economic growth

To be sustainable, innovation requires wider and transnational collaboration

Need to focus on the catalyst role of creative industries

Project Rationale

The Creative City Challenge project aims to identify, develop and test strategies aimed at the development of competitive, innovation-based urban and regional economies in the NSR


The Lisbon agenda aims to make the EU the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010

Recognises innovation as a key driver of the economic performance in the current economy


Cities strive to place the 'creative city' concept on their policy agenda and on improving entrepreneurship in creative industries

6.4m working in the creative sector across the EU mostly in 1.4m micro-enterprises and start ups

But an integrated, evidence-based strategy for cities to strengthen this innovative capacity still appears to be missing


To build and implement a strategy for innovation and creativity

Using a methodology of pilot projects developed and carried out across the NSR

Providing a transnational programme for the exchange of learning, materials and best practice

Applying a transnational triple helix of government, education and business


Foster creativity Promote transnational activity Exchange learning, materials and best

practice Create an integrated, evidence-based

strategy for cities to strengthen innovative capacity

Partners Lead Beneficiary

HAW Hamburg (DE) Work Package Leaders

Dundee College (GB) WFB- Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH

(DE) Gemeente Groningen (NL) Delft University of Technology, OTB Research

Institute (NL)


Stadt Oldenburg (DE) Kulturetage Oldenburg GmbHg (DE) Intercommunale Leiedal (BE) HOWEST University College (BE) Hoeje-Taastrup Municipality (DK) Newcastle City Council (GB) TILLT, Västra Götaland (SE)

Work Packages

WP1 Project Management

WP2 Publicity and Communication

WP3 Entrepreneurship and Skills Development

WP4 Networks, Dialogue and Business Cooperation

WP5 Creative Clusters

WP6 Research Based Strategy DevelopmentChart


Need to identify, develop and test strategies for innovative, economic development

The Creative City Challenge Project aims to build and strengthen innovative capacity

Trough a transnational, triple helix partnership

Creative City Challenge

Thank you!Prof. Walter Leal & Andrew Mackenzie