coyote call issue #5

The Dark Side of Monsanto By: Connor Black Thirty years ago, a tomato was a tomato, an egg was an egg, and a pear was a pear. Today tomatoes, eggs, and pears are products of lab experiments. Monsanto, the creators of chemicals that are famous for toxicity and horrific side effects are a=emp>ng to take over the world’s food and water supply. Currently 90% of the world’s patents for GMO seeds (gene>cally modified organism) including co=on, soy, corn, sugar, beets, and canola are all owned by Monsanto. ‘’ He who controls the seeds controls the food supply. He who controls the food controls the world,’’ said Jeffrey M. Smith from Natural News, July 2010. Not only is Monsanto trying to take control of the USA, but they are also trying to take over India. In India, Monsanto is linked to farmer suicides due to the unfair collec>on of royal>es. More than 200,000 farmers in India alone are pushed to the point of suicide from humilia>on and debts to Monsanto. Through patents on seeds, Monsanto collects rents for life’s renewal from farmers, who are actually the original breeders of seeds. Although patents on seeds are illegi>mate because puTng a toxic gene into a plant cell is not crea>ng it, Monsanto has been able to sue hard working Indian farmers for using these types of seeds. The lawsuit and debt pushes the farmer to their breaking point. In Africa, Monsanto is evic>ng local farmers to capture the massive food market. There is a small group of legist rates that passed the South African 2010 implement plan and the main person involved was President Obama. The bill was decorated with appealing ini>a>ves, which was supposed to make it possible to feed starving families all over the country. When the bill was executed, it was clear the main idea was to present an incredible opportunity for the agrobusiness conglomerates, like Monsanto, to take over all farming opera>ons. Not only does the Obama administra>on provide Monsanto with subsidies to expand in the African market, it gives them the monopoly on the African food market. With their low cost farming prac>ces, Monsanto can go in and sell their crops for lower prices, puTng all the local farmers out of business. Although this largescale food produc>on could help many hungry ci>zens of Africa, it will also destroy local farmers and garner most of their profits. While Monsanto is taking over the world, they could not have done it without their trusty government >es with Congress. On May 24, 2013, a worldwide vote went against labeling GMO foods. The 2013 Farm Bill would have given the states’ rights to label GMO foods if not for the 71 senators who voted against it. Those 71 senators are no doubt Monsanto’s >es along with many more. Those people are probably the same ones who gave Monsanto amnesty from prosecu>on. While people all over the world are dying either from the poison in GMO foods or from suicide linked to the control from Monsanto, the supergiant con>nues to grow GMO plants when they could use the herbicides and pes>cides to grow non edibles like trees for lumber and co=on for clothes. Instead, they keep striving for only one thing: complete and total control over Earth and its inhabitants, humans and animals alike. Issue: #5 Editor: Shannon Ortega The Camptonville Academy Coyote Call

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Page 1: Coyote Call Issue #5

The Dark

Side of

Monsanto By: Connor Black

Thirty  years  ago,  a  tomato  was  a  tomato,  an  egg  was  an  egg,  and  a  pear  was  a  pear.    Today  tomatoes,  eggs,  and  pears  are  products  of  lab  experiments.    Monsanto,  the  creators  of  chemicals  that  are  famous  for  toxicity  and  horrific  side  effects  are  a=emp>ng  to  take  over  the  world’s  food  and  water  supply.    Currently  90%  of  the  world’s  patents  for  GMO  seeds  (gene>cally  modified  organism)  including  co=on,  soy,  corn,  sugar,  beets,  and  canola  are  all  owned  by  Monsanto.    ‘’  He  who  controls  the  seeds  controls  the  food  supply.  He  who  controls  the  food  controls  the  world,’’  said  Jeffrey  M.  Smith  from  Natural  News,  July  2010.  

Not  only  is  Monsanto  trying  to  take  control  of  the  USA,  but  they  are  also  trying  to  take  over  India.    In  India,  Monsanto  is  linked  to  farmer  suicides  due  to  the  unfair  collec>on  of  royal>es.    More  than  200,000  farmers  in  India  alone  are  pushed  to  the  point  of  suicide  from  humilia>on  and  debts  to  Monsanto.    Through  patents  on  seeds,  Monsanto  collects  rents  for  life’s  renewal  from  farmers,  who  are  actually  the  original  breeders  of  seeds.    Although  patents  on  seeds  are  illegi>mate  because  puTng  a  toxic  gene  into  a  plant  cell  is  not  crea>ng  it,  Monsanto  has  been  able  to  sue  hard  working  Indian  farmers  for  using  these  types  of  seeds.    The  lawsuit  and  debt  pushes  the  farmer  to  their  breaking  point.      

In  Africa,  Monsanto  is  evic>ng  local  farmers  to  capture  the  massive  food  

market.      There  is  a  small  group  of  legist  rates  that  passed  the  South  African  2010  implement  plan  and  the  main  person  involved  was  President  Obama.    The  bill  was  decorated  with  appealing  ini>a>ves,  which  was  supposed  to  make  it  possible  to  feed  starving  families  all  over  the  country.    When  the  bill  was  executed,  it  was  clear  the  main  idea  was  to  present  an  incredible  opportunity  for  the  agro-­‐business  conglomerates,  like  Monsanto,  to  take  over  all  farming  opera>ons.      Not  only  does  the  Obama  administra>on  provide  Monsanto  with  subsidies  to  expand  in  the  African  market,  it  gives  them  the  monopoly  on  the  African  food  market.    With  their  low-­‐  cost  farming  prac>ces,  Monsanto  can  go  in  and  sell  their  crops  for  lower  prices,  puTng  all  the  local  farmers  out  of  business.    Although  this  large-­‐scale  food  produc>on  could  help  many  hungry  ci>zens  of  Africa,  it  will  also  destroy  local  farmers  and  garner  most  of  their  profits.    While  Monsanto  is  taking  over  the  world,  

they  could  not  have  done  it  without  their  trusty  government  >es  with  Congress.    On  May  24,  2013,  a  worldwide  vote  went  against  labeling  GMO  foods.    The  2013  Farm  Bill  would  have  given  the  states’  rights  to  label  GMO  foods  if  not  for  the  71  senators  who  voted  against  it.    Those  71  senators  are  no  doubt  Monsanto’s  >es  along  with  many  more.    Those  people  are  probably  the  same  ones  who  gave  Monsanto  amnesty  from  prosecu>on.  

While  people  all  over  the  world  are  dying  either  from  the  poison  in  GMO  foods  or  from  suicide  linked  to  the  control  from  Monsanto,  the  super-­‐giant  con>nues  to  grow  GMO  plants  when  they  could  use  the  herbicides  and  pes>cides  to  grow  non-­‐  edibles  like  trees  for  lumber  and  co=on  for  clothes.    Instead,  they  keep  striving  for  only  one  thing:    complete  and  total  control  over  Earth  and  its  inhabitants,  humans  and  animals  alike.

Issue: #5

Editor: Shannon Ortega

The Camptonville Academy Coyote Call

Page 2: Coyote Call Issue #5

Types of Dreams

Dreams are a series of sensations you experience when you sleep. These sensations can

be voices, sounds, thoughts, images, ideas, and emotions. Dreams can last anywhere from a

few seconds to 20 minutes. Dreams usually occur in a stage of sleep when brain activity

resembles that of a person’s brain who is awake. This stage is called rapid-eye movement.

Rapid-eye movement or REM can be identified when the eyes moves continuously behind the

eyelids of a sleeper. There are several types of

dreams. The most common dreams are

daydreams, pre-cognitive dreams, venting dreams

(nightmares), and recurring dreams.

Daydreams are considered to be a state

between being asleep and awake. Daydreams

occur when your mind drifts back to your

memories or imaginations when you are awake. Studies show a person can daydream

anywhere from 70 to 120 minutes a day and daydreamers are usually younger people. When

you daydream you access the right side of your brain, which is the more creative side of your

personality. People can daydream in negative and positive ways. When you worry about

something, you imagine negative outcomes to your situation. Instead of being negative, try to

imagine a positive outcome. This can help you visualize what you want to happen. Positive

daydreaming can be healthy. Daydreaming gives you a temporary escape from reality. It is

also a good way to release anger and frustration without physically acting out.

By: Olivia Bohmann

Page 3: Coyote Call Issue #5

Pre-cognitive or prophetic dreams are dreams that apparently tell the future. These

dreams are either unfortunate, like a death or natural disaster, or favorable, like a birth in the

family or an end to a war. One rational explanation to these prophetic dreams is that your

mind has already pieced together some information and knows what is going to happen

before you wake up and consciously realize what is going to happen, too. Scientists have

suggested that dreams that apparently do come true are actually a guide for you to follow.

This makes it appear that the dream it actually coming true because you are willing it to.

Pre-cognitive dreams have been associated with natural disasters, wars, and deaths. For

example, it was said that President Abraham Lincoln had dreamt of his own body lying in a

coffin only weeks before his assassination. Though there is no real evidence people do have

pre-cognitive dreams, some people do believe that dreams can show you the future. One

reason why people may have pre-cognitive dreams is that they have anxiety about the future.

Also people may have a sureness and confident feeling

about the future leading them to dream about the future

and what it will be like.

Page 4: Coyote Call Issue #5

A nightmare is a dream that can cause the dreamer to feel strong emotional responses

such as fear, despair, anxiety, and sadness. In nightmares you can dream about realistic and

unrealistic fears or everyday worries you might have. You are more likely to remember your

nightmares more than other dreams because of their frightening nature. For some people,

nightmares can be responses to traumatic situations that the person had experienced. This

type of nightmare is called Post-traumatic Stress Nightmare. Nightmares can also occur

because you are avoiding or refusing to recognize a certain life situation. This indicates that

whatever fear or discomfort in that situation needs to be acknowledged. In some ways,

nightmares are the subconscious’ way of

telling you something is troubling you

and you should “wake up and smell the


Recurring dreams are dreams that

can repeat themselves nightly, weekly,

or monthly. Usually, recurring dreams

have a message. These messages can

be so powerful and important that the dream will repeat itself until the dreamer realizes the

message and takes action. These dreams can be activated by or during a situation, transition,

and/or problem that keeps coming back. Recurring dreams can emphasize a person’s

weaknesses, fears, or inability to move forward and/or to confront something. These

repetitive dreams are useful in pointing out a conflict, or situation that is unresolved and

pushing the dreamer to confront and understand it.

Next issue, we will continue with Types of Dreams: Part II.

Page 5: Coyote Call Issue #5

SPRING BEAUTY TIPSSpring is almost here, and if you’re tired of your same, old, winter styles, keep reading!

This hairstyle can be created with just a 1.5 inch curling iron. a streak of your favorite color, and a brush.

Simply curl your hair, only winding up the curly halfway.






This is a hairstyle anyone with layers can do. Simply use a flat iron to flip out your layers, and straighten your bangs to the side. Lots of celebrities like Mary Kate

Olsen have been seen with this style.

This is done by first, straightening your hair if it is naturally curly. Then

take two strands of your hair; one from each side, and wind them together and pin them in place.




This look is created by adding lip liner, then putting your choice of matching lipstick color on. After

that, apply a coat of shiny lipgloss over it all. Finally, rub together.

This is done by applying a cream colored eyeshadow. Then apply liquid black

eyeliner, and right above, apply a white liquid eyeliner and add it onto the water

line. Last add mascara.

First, apply pink eyeshadow in the crease, then tan on the whole lid. Add

a dark color to the outer lid. Blend them and apply your own choice of

mascara and eyeliner.

C L O T H E SThis spring, try adding a colorful scarf with a plain colored tank top and jeans

or capris. If it’s a chilly day,

you can add a cute matching

button up sweater to go

over top.

To make any outfit, you can just add a big,

brightly colored

handbag.Big bags are

great for spring

because you can fit

everything you need in it.

These lace shorts are becoming more and more popular. You can

find them at places like Forever 21, and complete your outfit by just

adding a matching belt.

By Kiersten Alioa

Page 6: Coyote Call Issue #5

So much happened before Dorothy dropped in...

POPULAR During the number “Popular”, Galinda (Kristin Chenoweth) insists on helping Elphaba (Idina Menzel) become as popular as Galinda is!

DEFYING GRAVITY After she finally meets her hero, The Wizard of Oz, and learns that he’s nothing but a fraud, Elphaba decides that she deserves her chance to fly.

FOR GOOD Elphaba and Glinda part ways and say a tragic goodbye, confessing that they have changed each other’s lives for good.

by Sara ComarshJunior• • •

One of the most popular musicals ever to hit the Broadway theater, Wicked (full title: Wicked: The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz), is still going strong! This musical, with songs and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz, is a spin-off which parallels the 1900 classic story The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, and the 1939 MGM film The Wizard of Oz. The show explains through numerous songs and dance numbers the many causes and effects which take place in Oz.

The original 2003 cast included a number of talented singers and dancers. Idina Menzel starred as Elphaba, the unnaturally green girl with a knack for sorcery and more famously known as the Wicked Witch of the West. Kristin Chenoweth starred as Galinda (until she later changes her name to Glinda), the bubbly, perky blonde who is more famously known as The Good Witch of the North. Other cast members included Joel Grey, Carole Shelley, Michelle Ferderer, Norbert Leo Butz, and Christopher FitzGerald.

The musical revolves around Galinda and Elphaba as they evolve from enemies into best friends, and become the Good Witch and the Wicked Witch. They struggle through different viewpoints and opposing personalities, reactions to the “wonderful” Wizard’s unethical government, and, ultimately, Elphaba’s public downfall.

The pair meet at school, where they are made roommates. The two of them eventually travel to the Emerald City to meet the famous Wizard of Oz, who doesn’t turn out to be the wizard they expected. Elphaba publicly stands against the Wizard and his corrupt government in her show-stopping number, “Defying Gravity”, where she and Galinda part ways, and Elphaba seals her fate as the Wicked Witch of the West.

The musical celebrated its 10th anniversary on Broadway in 2013, and it has played for over 4,155 shows, making this show the 11th longest-running show in Broadway history. Wicked is a wonderful story that people of all ages adore that shows us just what happened before Dorothy dropped in.

Official poster of the original Broadway production

Photo of the original Broadway cast in 2003

Page 7: Coyote Call Issue #5

Dr. Ben Carson came from a poor family. His mom had to work several jobs. It was just he, his brother, and his mom. His mom made a deal with he and his brother that they had to read one book a week to get TV time. After that his grades shot up. One of the surgeries we read about was a four-year-old little girl who was having seizures every minute of her life. Her name was Miranda. The seizures were three minutes apart. Not only that, but it was only on the left side of the brain. Since it was on one side of the brain it was possible to do the surgery. Her mom and dad were trying everything. Her mom would not give up without a fight, so they called anyone they thought could help.      Finally, they called Johns Hopkins Hospital; the people at the hospital knew they could perform a hemispherectomy. A hemispherectomy is a medical procedure where you remove one side of the brain. Since the young

girl’s seizure activity was all on the left side of her brain, she was a good candidate for the surgery. They asked if Dr. Ben Carson could do it. He never had done one before, but he agreed to try.     He warned them that if it was not done right it could cause big problems; she could lose the use of one side of her body, and the ability to talk or walk, and even her life. He said this surgery is only used as a last resort, but might work since the problem is only on one side of the brain. Dr. Carson prayed and learned as much as he possibly could before the surgery. Miranda’s mom and dad met with Dr. Ben Carson. Miranda's dad had to work so Miranda's mom went to the meeting by herself. Dr. Ben Carson sat down with her. He described the surgery and the consequences. The surgery is named hemispherectomy. The possible consequences were that she wouldn't be able to talk or walk. Not only that but he had

never done it before. Dr. Carson practiced with twenty-seven people for weeks to make sure it went well. During the surgery her brain was so inflamed that anywhere he touched it would bleed so they had to give her fourteen to twenty pints of blood. The surgery took fourteen hours. The nurses told the parents to go out of the hospital and walk around. Miranda's one wish was that she wouldn't have seizures. After the surgery and a few hours later Miranda's one wish came true but she did walk with a limp. She can talk. When she woke up out of surgery she said "mommy". Since she was so young her brain adjusted. Now she is a tap dancer. Mom and dad are happy as can be.   Long story short, the surgery worked, partly because it was done at an early age. The little girl had no more seizures, and after a little rest she could walk and talk. When she was a little older she took tap dancing lessons.

The Heroic Story of Dr. Ben CarsonBy Emma and Katie Poulson

Page 8: Coyote Call Issue #5


(Video Still of the Muppets arriving in England)Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls;

the long-running, worldwide renowned,

numerous award-winning franchise, The

Muppets, is, again, returning to the big-

screen in an all new, action-packed,

cinematic escapade. You’ve read this

correctly; Jim Henson’s 1950’s classic

“puppet show” is making a comeback

in the form of a global wave of

entertainment ever since the 2011

release of the self-entitled flick, The

Muppets. And with the arrival of yet

another new movie, the series, in my

opinion, will only become even more

exceedingly popular, especially if they

continue at this rate. The new movie,

Muppets Most Wanted, is set to release

March 21, and frankly, the anticipation is

killing me.

For those who would like to know what

the movie entails, let me describe, in a

nutshell, the brilliant and electrifying

plot. The film follows the events after

the 2011 movie, taking the entire

Muppets gang on an international tour,

selling out grand theaters in some of

Europe’s most exciting destinations,

including Berlin, Madrid and London.

But chaos and turmoil follow the

Muppets overseas, as they find

themselves unwittingly entangled in an

international crime caper headed by

Constantine—the World’s Number One

Criminal and a dead ringer for Kermit—

and his devious sidekick Dominic, aka

Number Two, portrayed by Ricky

Gervais. The film also stars Tina Fey as

Nadya, a feisty prison guard, and

Modern Family (ABC) star, Ty

Burrell as Interpol agent Jean

Pierre Napoleon.

If you’re familiar with the usual

swing-of-things the Muppet

movies have to offer, you’ll be

pleased to know that aside from

the much-admired and highly-

acclaimed actors who play the

main roles, many other celebrity

cameos will be apparent

throughout the duration of the

film. Now, I can sit here and name

off each individual actor and

actress who appear during the course

of the movie, but I think it would be

better and a little more ideal if you

went to go and experience it for

yourself. One of the things I love

about the Muppets is that they not

only cater to kids and young ones, but

to adults as well, making it a virtually

impossible movie for a whole family

not to enjoy; there’s literally

something in it for everyone. I find it

hard not to be excited about this

movie, so I suggest you take your

whole family to go and watch what

could possibly be the best movie of