courier news vol 37 num 45

Lighthouse Takes Volleyball Championship continued on page 7..... Affordable Healthcare Law May Be Delayed Just a month or so after Senate Democrats success- fully thwarted a Republican attempt to defund or delay the Affordable Care Act, a number of Democratic Sena- tors are now talking about doing just what the Republi- cans were asking them to do - namely, delay the individual mandate to purchase health insurance. (the na- tional exchange site) is expe- riencing numerous problems, including a less than 1% suc- cess rate in enrollment, and even after that, the ‘successful’ enrollees are having problems. The biggest problem, how- ever, is the lack of cyberse- curity. There have been sev- eral instances of large blocks of information being sent to erroneous addresses, and in- dividuals have received con- formation letters with other people’s information. In some states, navigator groups (private organizations set up to help people through the sign-up process) have ac- cess to personal information. While there are laws which prohibit these groups from re- taining that information, it is all but impossible to enforce such rules. In fact, there is In 1AD2 Volleyball, the Lighthouse team from Twin Falls took the Championship without loosing a set. The Camas Mushers girls gave the second place team (Tri-Val- ley) a run for their money in their first game of the tourna- ment loosing three sets to one. They came back to a decisive win over Rockland in their second game, 25/13, 25/15 and 25/18. Their final game of the tournament was against Mackay where they lost their first set 14/25, came back to win the second set 25/23, and ended with two losses, 22/25 & 20/25. In 1AD1 Volleyball, the Hagerman girls took their first two games easily. The third game against Troy went five sets as the two teams traded back and forth for the lead. In the end, Hagerman lost the fifth set 13 to 15. They went on to lose their forth game to this year’s first place team, Genesee, to take third in the tournament. The State Cross Country Meet, held last Saturday in Idaho Falls, gave the Good- ing Girls team a sixth place finish (3A) and the Dietrich Boys team a twelfe place fin- ish (2A). See page 2 for indi- vidual results. The State Football tourna- ment starts this week in vari- ous locations. Hagerman will play Murtaugh on Thursday, November 7, in the Holt Are- na (Pocatello) at 7:30 p.m. Di- etrich will be playing in Castl- eford this Friday, November 8, at 2:30 p.m. Wendell will host North Fremont on Fri- day, November 8, at 7:00 p.m. and Gooding will host Sugar- Salem this Friday, November 8, at 7:00 p.m. continued on page 2..... The Camas J.H. Football took the 2013 Championship in the Northside Conference. Note worthy this year is that the team had two girl players, Bailey Peterson and Luci Cuellar, and in their final game, young Miss Cuellar scored two touchdowns. Congratulations to our Young Mushers. Camas Chamber Bingo Saturday, November 9th ~ Noon to 3 p.m. at the Camas School Cafeteria Tickets 50 cents ~ Prizes include turkeys and other great items! Volume 37 ~ Number 45 News from the Heart of Idaho Camas • Lincoln • Gooding November 6 NEWS The Courier

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November 6, 2013 Edition


Page 1: Courier NEWS Vol 37 Num 45

Lighthouse Takes Volleyball Championship

continued on page 7.....

AffordableHealthcare LawMay Be Delayed

Just a month or so afterSenate Democrats success-fully thwarted a Republicanattempt to defund or delaythe Affordable Care Act, anumber of Democratic Sena-tors are now talking aboutdoing just what the Republi-cans were asking them to do-namely,delaytheindividualmandate to purchase healthinsurance. (the na-tional exchange site) is expe-riencing numerous problems,including a less than 1% suc-cess rate in enrollment, andevenafterthat,the‘successful’enrolleesarehavingproblems. The biggest problem, how-ever, is the lack of cyberse-curity. There have been sev-eral instances of large blocksof information being sent toerroneous addresses, and in-dividuals have received con-formation letters with otherpeople’sinformation. In some states, navigatorgroups (private organizationssetuptohelppeople throughthe sign-up process) have ac-cess to personal information.While there are laws whichprohibitthesegroups fromre-taining that information, it isall but impossible to enforcesuch rules. In fact, there is

In 1AD2 Volleyball, theLighthouse team from TwinFalls took the Championshipwithout loosing a set. TheCamasMushersgirlsgavethesecond place team (Tri-Val-ley) a run for theirmoney intheirfirstgameofthetourna-mentloosingthreesetstoone.Theycamebacktoadecisivewin over Rockland in theirsecond game, 25/13, 25/15and 25/18. Their final gameofthetournamentwasagainstMackaywherethey lost theirfirst set 14/25, came back towinthesecondset25/23,andended with two losses, 22/25

&20/25. In 1AD1 Volleyball, theHagermangirlstooktheirfirsttwo games easily. The thirdgame against Troy went fivesets as the two teams tradedback and forth for the lead.Intheend,Hagermanlostthefifth set13 to15.Theywenton to lose their forth gametothisyear’sfirstplaceteam,Genesee, to take third in thetournament. The State Cross CountryMeet, held last Saturday inIdaho Falls, gave the Good-ing Girls team a sixth placefinish (3A) and the Dietrich

Boys teama twelfeplace fin-ish(2A).Seepage2forindi-vidualresults. The State Football tourna-mentstartsthisweekinvari-ous locations. Hagerman willplay Murtaugh on Thursday,November7,intheHoltAre-na(Pocatello)at7:30p.m.Di-etrichwillbeplayinginCastl-eford this Friday, November8, at 2:30 p.m. Wendell willhost North Fremont on Fri-day,November8,at7:00p.m.andGoodingwillhostSugar-Salem this Friday, November8,at7:00p.m. continuedonpage2.....

TheCamasJ.H.Footballtookthe2013Championship intheNorthsideConference.Noteworthythisyearisthattheteamhadtwogirlplayers,BaileyPetersonandLuciCuellar,andintheirfinalgame,youngMissCuellarscoredtwotouchdowns.

Congratulations to our Young Mushers.

Camas Chamber Bingo Saturday, November 9th ~ Noon to 3 p.m. at the Camas School Cafeteria

Tickets 50 cents ~ Prizes include turkeys and other great items!

Volume 37 ~ Number 45

News from the Heart of IdahoCamas • Lincoln • Gooding


NewsThe Courier

Page 2: Courier NEWS Vol 37 Num 45

ElectionResults Fairfield:TwopositionsonCityCouncilwenttoMattCroner(32)andKirstenEaton(31).KevenDuganreceived21votes. Shoshone: Mayor Dave Wendell (161) held on over DaleSluder(79).TwocouncilseatswenttoDanPierson(190)andTammySwaner(110).JannThomsenreceivd107votes. For the Lincoln County Cemetery District, Fred Stechelinreceived256votes,CarlKerner155votes,andGregSant125votes.FortheL.C.RecreationDistrictBoard,KathyMarsh219votesandJamieTurner125votes. Gooding:Inthemayorialrace,WalterNelsonreceived405votes,JenniferWheeler104,andEnosWaddoupsandAlfredEichholzeachreceived8votes. Gooding’sWaterBondElectionpassedwith309(60%)votesinfavorand204against. Wendell: Lori Swainston won the mayorial race with 236votesoverJanGoodingwhoreceived121votes.Thetwoopencouncil seatswent to JasonHouserwith258votesandHerbAllredwith 234 votes.Paul Isaacson received111 votes andMelodyFinley101votes. Hagerman:TwocouncilseatswenttoJayHauser(90)andAlanJay(69)overDaleChristoffersen(64)andFredChurruca(39).TheothertwocouncilseatswenttoStevenBland(92)andCarlJeffries(84)overKristaMerrill(76). Bliss:The twoopencouncil seatswent toDonClemmons(48)andTedJames(34)overDebraGreeley(22)andAnthonyRamirez(26). In the Bliss Rural Fire commission race, Mike Elliott beatoutRandyErkins94to75,whileJeromeVanderwystwonoverJamesPruett94to73.

Notices of Upcoming Events & MeetingsVeteran’s Day ElmerMillerPost#19willholdaVeteransMemorialServiceattheMountainViewCemeterynorthofFairfieldat11a.m.onthe11thofNovember.Aluncheon,hostedbytheAmericanLegionAuxiliary,willfollowatnoonattheLegionhall.Thepublic is invitedtoattendboththememorialserviceandtheluncheon.

REWARD: $500 A Snap-On Tool Chest with Tools was stolen out of abox trailer, outside of the town of Gooding. Any informa-tionleadingtotherecoverywillberewarded.Pleasecontact(208)421-4850.

Soldier Mountain Annual Meeting The Soldier Mountain Ski Area annual meeting is tonight(November6th)attheCamasCountySchoolat7p.m.Theywilldiscusschangestotherecreationalfacilities.Forquestions,pleasecontactLaceyHewardat208-764-2526.

Fairfield Outdoor Lighting The Fairfield Planning & Zoning Commission will hold apublicworkshoponNovember12th,2013,

We Need Coats! Withtheweather turningcoldwehavereceivedanumberofrequestsforwintercoatsforchildren.Weareindireneedofcoatsforboyssizes5-10.Ifyouhavechildren’scoatsofanysize,pleasedropthembyHelping Hearts & Hands in Gooding!

SupportfortheGoodingPublicLibraryNovember 8th and 9th

Thisweekend,supporttheBookFairattheGoodingWarMemorialHall(2033rdAveWest).Allareinvitedanden-couragedtoattendandbuybooksfortheholidays. MagicValleyBankwillgenerouslymatchupto$4,000foranyfundsraised.

Live Christmas tree saLe!Thisyear,theCamasSoilConservationDistrictisselling3-4’liveChristmas trees.Threevarieties are available:AustrianPine,ColoradoSpruceandBlueSpruce.Eachcomesinafoilwrappedpotwithcareinstructions. Order by November 25th and trees will be available forpickupbyDecember5th.Costisonly$49.95each! Call (208)764-3223 or come by 403 Soldier Road, SouthEntrance,[email protected]

Camas Soil Conservation District providing “Conservation the Idaho way!”

Individual Cross Country 5K Run ResultsGirls3 RachelYouren Gooding 20:03.3137 MadiKelsey Wendell 23:17.0039 BrittanyRussell Gooding 24:08.2145 NoraAndermatt Gooding 24:32.2862 OrianaFroehlich Gooding 26:05.3563 IzzySluder Gooding 26:44.2866 CamiMcHan Gooding 26:50.1769 LakinTsetsakis Gooding 27:54.66

Boys6 EliseoGarcia Gooding 17:38.229 JacobDalton Dietrich 17:51.0428 JordanChapman Wendell 18:38.3866 TreyDill Dietrich 19:41.7578 KylePerron Dietrich 20:04.7484 DanielDaily Hagerman 20:17.2195 JakeSmith Dietrich 20:36.77125KadenTew Dietrich 23:44.54127JaromStimpson Dietrich 28:03.60

� November 6, �013 The Courier News Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

Page 3: Courier NEWS Vol 37 Num 45

TROTFORTJ-5kRun/Walk Please comeout and supportour friendTaylor “TJ”Free-man,hewasdiagnosedin2012withaformofcancercalledHodgkin’sLymphoma.AllproceedsfromtherungodirectlytoTJ.ThisisaThanksgiving5krun/walk,pancakebreakfastandraffle.TakesplaceThursdayNovember28,2013from8to11a.m.Thecostforthe5krun/walkis$25perpersonor$65perfamilyandincludesat-shirtandbreakfast.Strollers

are welcome! Race registra-tionopensat7:00a.m.-raceat 8:00 a.m. Will be heldat North Valley Academy(Charter School) 906 MainStreetGooding,ID83330.

Don’t want to walk/run?Comejoinusforthepancakebreakfast:$7peradult,$5perchild age 5 to 17, children 5andunderarefreeor$30fora family. Breakfast only andraffleticketscanbeboughtonsiteatthe5k-bringcash!

Dine-In or Take-Out

Pizza & PastaDowntownFairfield





HealthFair This Saturday, November 9th, along with their monthlybreakfast,theCamasSeniorCenterwillhostahealthfair.Cometalkwithhealthprofessonals,haveabloodpressurecheck,visitwithaRespiratoryTherapistaboutavarietyoflungconditions,andifyouhaven’tdonesoalready,getaflushot. YoucanalsogetyourbloodtestedbyNorthCanyonMedicalCenter.ChemistryProfile is$35.00and includes32 test thatscreen for thyroid,diabetes, cardiac risk,nutrition,kidney&liverfunction,andacompletecholesterolanalysis(donoteat

or drink anything for 12 hoursprior to the test). HgA1c testis $20.00 (monitors long termblood control in diabetics).PSA is $15.00 (screens forprostatecancerinmen). Please call (208) 764-2226formoreinformation.



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Saturday, November 9th ~ 6:00 p.m.Opentomembers,spouses,andprospectivenewmembersFormoreinformation,contactJamesCrousonat536-6642

November 6, �013 3The Courier News...but never Compromising the Truth.

Page 4: Courier NEWS Vol 37 Num 45

HoraceLyleAdams HoraceLyleAdamsreturnedtolivewith his Heavenly Father on Friday,October 25, 2013. He passed awaypeacefully at home. He was born inDeclo,IdahotoLesterandAliceAd-ams on March 24, 1924. He started1stgradewhentheymovedtoAlbion,Idahowhereherodeahorsetoschool.Later theymovedtoViewandagainherodeahorsetotheViewCountrySchool.HealsoattendedBurleyHighSchool. Hemethis sweetheartBettySatchwell at a dance inAlbion.TheygotmarriedDecember24,1943inAlbion.Theylivedwithhis parents in View until he was drafted into the Navy duringWorldWarIIonhisbirthday,March24,1944.HeservedinJa-panandtheSolomonIslands(byAustralia).Theirfirstdaughter,Lyrene,wasbornwhilehewasaway. When he returned from the war they bought a farm at Viewclosetohisparents.Threemorechildrenwereborn;ason,Roddy,andtwomoredaughters,DelilaandSandra.In1954,theymovedtoadairyfarmnorthofShoshone,wheretheyraisedtheirfamilyandstayeduntil theyretired, soldthedairy farmtoRoddy,andmoved toGooding.Theygot involved in theWisewaybusinessandmadelotsofnewfriendsandtraveledextensively. They became active members of the LDS Church, where heservedasSundaySchoolPresidentandasaWardMissionary.TheyweresealedintheBoise,IdahoTempleonDecember7,1989. HelovedtoswimatMiracleHotSpringsandwasanavidsnow-mobiler.Somedayshewouldrideoverahundredmilesinonedayand sometimeshe rodeallnightwithhis son,Roddyandotherfamilyandfriends. He is survived by his beloved wife, Betty Adams, of Good-ing, Idaho: 1 son, Roddy (Cheryl) Adams, of Shoshone, Idaho:3daughters,Lyrene(Jerry)Warren,ofTwinFalls,Idaho,Delila(Scott) Williams, of Smiley Creek (Sawtooth City), Idaho, andSandraStrickland,ofGooding,Idaho;10grandchildren;22great-grandchildren;4great-great-grandchildren;and1brother,RoyceDevonAdams,ofShoshone,Idaho.

Hewaspreceded indeathbyhisparents;twosisters;1great-grandson;and1son-in-law,LarryStrickland. Funeral services were held onWednesday, October 30, 2013, atthe Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-ter-day Saints in Gooding. BurialfollowedattheElmwoodCemetery. The family suggests memo-rialcontributionsinLyles’namebemadetoacharityofchoice.Funeralarrangements by Demaray FuneralService–GoodingChapel.

o b i t u a r i e sCleoA.Rietkerk

CleoA.Rietkerk,81,passedaway after a long illness onNovember 3, 2013 in Hager-man,IdahoattheStonebridgeAssistantLiving. CleowasbornonDecember20,1931inMountainHome,IdahotoOralandEvaThomp-son.CleograduatedfromBlissHighSchoolin1949. Cleo married Clarence J.Hoagland on February 24,1951.ShelivedinUmatilla,Oregon,Bliss,IdahoandAn-tiochandMcKinleyville,Californiaareas.AfterthesuddendeathofClarencein1974shethenmovedbacktoIdahoin1975. CleomarriedHenry“Rabbit”RietkerkonMay20,1979.Theyworked together in theDairybusiness and later thecowhaulingbusiness. Cleo loved bowling, water skiing, reading books, andwatching her favorite basketball team, the Utah Jazz. Shehadvariousseasonaljobsthroughoutherlife. Survivedby:herson,Del(Sally)Hoagland;step-daughter,Vickie(Michael)Sawitz;step-sons,John(Rhonda)Rietkerk,Geroge(Nancy)RietkerkandJackRietkerk;grandchildren,Gus (Jozette) Hoagland, Lea (Robert) Anglebrandt; step-grandchildren,Steve(Sofia)Sawitz;Alison(Zachary)Duff;Ryan(Mindy)Rietkerk;Erin(Skeeter)Roe;Nolan(Amy)Rietkerk; Alan (Niki) Rietkerk, George Rietkerk III ; Jeff(Marsha) Rietkerk; Zachary Rietkerk; Margaret Rietkerk;Hank (Tracy) Rietkerk; Rachelle Abernathy (Breedyk).Also survivedby3Great grandchildren inAlaska and21step-grandchildren. Precededby:husbands,ClarenceandHenry;parents,OralandEvaThompson; son,DukeHoagland;brother,MonteThompson,andstepgrandson,BuckRietkerk. AmemorialservicewillbeheldonFriday,November8,2013at1:00p.m.atDemarayFuneralService–GoodingChapel.Cremationarrangementswillprecedetheserviceswiththeservicestoconcludeatthechapel. In lieu of flowers the family request donations made


� November 6, �013 The Courier News Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

Page 5: Courier NEWS Vol 37 Num 45

DeannaBeer Belovedwife,mother,grandmother,sister and friend, Deanna Mae Beer,60, of Gooding, Idaho, passed awaySunday, October 27, 2013 at herhomewithherfamilybyherside. ShewasbornFebruary24,1953inGooding,Idaho,thedaughterofErvin“Rusty” and Beulah Dains. She at-tended and graduated from GoodingHigh School. She later left the areaandhaddaughter,SarahM.WhiteofTwinFalls. OnDecember29,1981shemarried,GaryL.Beer,andto-gether raisedSarahandhaddaughters,Barbara J.Doud,akaB.J.(Corey)ofSevierville,TN,AmyL.BeerofTwinFalls;andson,DonaldL.BeerofGooding. In July of 1988, Deanna earned her certificate of AppliedScienceinPracticalNursingthroughtheCollegeofSouthernIdaho.Forthenext25yearsshedevotedherlife,loveandtimetohelpingothers.Hergreatestprideandjoythoughwasbeingawifetoherhusband,mothertoherchildren,and“Nana”tohergrandsons. Deanna had many hobbies. She enjoyed sewing quilts,scrapbooking, cooking, taking trips with her family andgaragesaleing. Alongwithherhusbandandfourbiologicalchildren,sheis survived by her three step-daughters, Nancy Dunn ofHuntsville, AL, Dana R. Johnson (Lanny) of Twin Falls,TraciA.Beer(Scott)ofHailey;step-son,TobyLisenbeeofGooding;twograndsons,ManuelandIanDoud;twobroth-ers,Danny (Ginger)DainsofGooding andGeorge (Mar-sha)DainsofGooding;aswellasstep-grandchildren,manynieces,nephewsandfriends. She was preceded in death by her parents; sister, DarleneKloiber;brothers,DelbertDainsandRichard(Carma)Dains;andniece,LetaMaeDains. ThefamilywouldliketothankHomeHealthandHospiceforthecaretheyprovidedoverthelastfewweeks. AcelebrationofDeanna’slifewasheldonMonday,Novem-ber4,2013atDemaray’sGoodingChapel.Deanna’sfamilysug-geststhatinlieuofflowers,donationsbemadeinhernametotheCerebralPalsyFoundationofIdaho.

BudRoseberryJune 6, 1927 – October 26, 2013

Thomas Carl “Bud” Rose-berrywasbornJune6,1927,inPawhuska,Oklahoma,thesonofThomasRoseberry&JenevieveWalton Roseberry. The familymovedtoIdahowhenBudwasababy travelingacrosscountryto Richfield, Idaho, in a swingin the back seat of a Model TFord.HegrewupinMarleyandattendedschoolinRichfield. Bud enlisted in the Navyand was honorably dischargedinSeptemberof1944.Hemarriedhishigh school sweetheart,VetaAnnCooper,onJune9,1944,inShoshone,Idahoandtheyrenewed theirweddingvowsDecember15,2013 inKetchum,Idaho.Togethertheyraisedfourchildren. Budrodebulls,broncsandropedinthearearodeosandwasa cowboy for life.Hewas inducted into the IdahoLegendsofRodeo-CowboyHallofFamein2005.HemovedhisfamilytoJeromein1954andbeganworkasaStateBrandInspector.HewashonoredwiththeStateofIdahoCertificateofRecognitionin1978bythenGovernorEvans.Hewasthehappiestonhishorseandworkingwithcattle. Hewasamanofcompassion,integrity,humility,withafun-lovingspiritandagreat lovefor lifeandhis family.BudwasaproudmemberofthePeoriaTribeofOklahomaandhadrela-tivesintheLakotaTribeofSiouxinSouthDakota. Bud&VetaresidedatWillowbrookAssistedLivinginTwinFallsforthepastyear,wherehewillberememberedforhisdanc-ing.HepassedawaypeacefullyonSaturday,October26,2013,withhisfamilybyhissideandhisbootson.WethankthestaffatWillowbrook for theirkindnessandcare,aswell asVisionsHospiceforlettinghimgowithdignity. Budissurvivedbyhisfourchildren,KarenRoseberryofKet-chum, Karla Roseberry Gonzalez (Felix) of Ketchum, BlakeRoseberry(Robyn)ofAlbion,PA&SteveRoseberry(Ann)ofMiddleton,ID.Heisalsosurvivedby5grandchildren:hisfavor-itegranddaughter,JennieGridley,ofMeridian,ID;Ben&BudGonzalezofKetchum;Joe&SamRoseberryofMiddletonandthreegreatgrandchildren,Jake,MadisonandEllaJoGridleyofMeridian.AnitaRennerofGooding&RoxySorensenofRich-fieldarehistwosurvivingsisters.Hewasprecededindeathbyagrandson,DavidKosofsky;hisparents&threebrothers,Chester,Don,&Jerry. Inlieuofflowers,donationsmaybemadetoHospiceVisions,1770ParkViewDrive,TwinFalls,ID83301. FuneralserviceswereheldonThursday,October31,2013,atFarnsworth Mortuary. Internment took place at the RichfieldCemetery.

“Oh, when I die,take my saddle from the wall.

Put it on my pony,lead him from his stall.

Tie my bones to his backand turn our faces to the west.

Together we’ll ridethe prairies we loved the best.”

o b i t u a r i e sNovember 6, �013 �The Courier News...but never Compromising the Truth.

Page 6: Courier NEWS Vol 37 Num 45


ThisisthefirstnovelI’veeverreadaboutayoungJewishgirlwho didn’t act Jewish, about a politically savvy girl who hadclose ties to thecreationof theTreatyofVersailleswhowasbeencompletelyawareand involvedwithWWI, the “war toendallwars”yetcommitstreasonwithoutevenasinglesleep-lessnight.Thisisthestoryofabeautifullyeducated,intelligent

womanwhosuddenlychangespersonalityandbecomes a habitual liar. So how can a story

with all those components have a happyending?AndIdon’twanttofailtomen-

tionshealsohasanunwantedhusbandwho conveniently falls on his sword.Really???Maybethat’swhythisbookislabeledRomance.ShecouldandshouldhaveendedherstorybleedingtodeathinagutterinParis.Mostofusknowinourhearts that romance isn’t real.And


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Celebrate Family Reading TheCamasCountySchoolDistrictLibrary,theJuniorHigh,andHighSchoolReadingClubs,willbecelebratingChildren’sBookWeekandIdahoFamilyReadingWeekonNovember13,2013attheCamasHighSchoolGymfrom1:30to3:00p.m. IdahoFamilyReadingWeekisanannualstatewidecelebra-tionoffamilyreadingandweareplanningavarietyofeventstoreinforcethefunandvalueofreading.Thethemethisyearis“ImaginetheFunatYourLibrary”. Some of the activities planned are: A Short Thanksgiv-ingStoryby theH.S.ReadingClub; “Twas theNightBeforeThanksgiving” (a creative writing class version); “The RoadNotTaken”recitedbythe7thGradeclass;Aliterarycostumecontestforstaff;Andmuchmore! Parents,JuniorHighandHighSchoolstudents,andallstaff,will read with the elementary students. Bring sleeping bags,beanbagsandlargepillowstositonwhilereading. Inaddition,artprojectsmadebyelementarystudentswillbeondisplay,andSarahBoardmanwillbringaliveturkey(chil-drenwillbeallowedtopetit).Refreshmentswillbeserved.

6 November 6, �013 The Courier News Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

Page 7: Courier NEWS Vol 37 Num 45

widespreadevidencethatsomenavigatorgroupsaredeliberatelycollectingandretaininginformationforpoliticalpurposes. Allof thisaddsup toaperfectplace tohaveyour identitystolen.Ifyouhaven’tsignedupalready(orattemptedtodoso),several consumer advocacy organizations are advising peoplenottodoso,atleastfornow. Whiletheadministration is insistingthatthesign-upprob-lemswillbefixed,agrowingnumberofDemocratsaresayingit is impossible fix theproblemsbefore theMarch31stdead-line.Legislation iscurrentlybeingdraftedthatmaydelaytherequirement to buy insurance until January 2015. Given thepolitics, it isunlikelythatthis legislationwillbebroughttoavoteuntiltheverylastminute. InIdaho,theexchange(whichlikeseveralotherstates,reliesonfederalsoftwaretoenrollpeopleincoverage)hasalsobeenhavingproblems.Lastweek,GovernorOtterofficiallyaskedtheU.S.HealthandHumanServicesSecretary,KathleenSebelius,tosupportaone-yeardelayinimposingtheindividualmandaterequirementoftheAffordableCareAct. So,whatdoesitmeantoyouifthedelaydoesnothappen? According toWhiteHousedocumentspublished in theFederalRegister,asmanyas50%ofthoseintheindividualmarketwill loose their current insurancecoverageby theendoftheyear(groupplansaresafefornowbecausethosemandates have been delayed). Also, as insurance compa-niesbring theirpolicies intocompliancewith theAfford-ableCareAct,mostpeoplewithinsurancearefacinglarge

increasesincostsanddeductibles. Ifyoudonothaveinsurance,youcanhopethattheexchangeproblemsare fixed,or resignyourself topaying the fine.Theyearlyfinein2014is$95perperson($47.50forthoseunder18)or1%ofhousehold income(this increases to2.5%in2016).According thispenaltyonlyapplies if youcanaffordinsurance. The “IndividualResponsibilityPayment” (as it is,however,theAffordableCareActstipu-latesthattaxpayersarenotsubjecttocriminalprosecutionorpenaltyforrefusingtopaythefine.Also,theIRScannotplacealienonproperty,likeitcanforpassduetaxes.Infact,theonlywaytheIRScancollectthemandatefineisbytakingitoutofexcesswithholdingsordeductingitfromyourtaxrefund. Manytaxpayersarrangetheirwithholdingsbypayingalittlemorethantheyneedto,andthustheyreceivearefundwhentheyfiletheirtaxes.Thiswillmakethemsubjecttothefineiftheydecidenottopurchaseinsurance.Ifyourwithholdingsaresuchthatyouhavetopaysomethingattaxtime,theIRShasnolegalrecoursetocollectthefine.


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November 6, �013 �The Courier News...but never Compromising the Truth.

Page 8: Courier NEWS Vol 37 Num 45

Years ago I was employedto haul logs. The job required lots

of hours per day to do the job. A few factorsseemed to be on a daily checklist. First of all, your

truckneededtobeingoodworkingorder!80,000poundsof logs were always tailing you, ready to shear your caboff at a moment’s notice. A couple of other items fromthe checklist included your lunch box, and the roar ofyourjakebrake.Sinceyouleftbeforebreakfastandcamehomeafterdinner,thatlunchboxwaslikeyourmajorlifesupport concentrated in sandwich or can form. One didnot forget your lunch box on the counter at home. Nordidyou forget it in thecar fromthenightbefore. Itwasa companion attached to your hand similar to a ring orwristwatch. The roar of the jake brake was like the ticking of aclock.Without the soundor functionof the jakebrake,younoticeditimmediately.ThejakeorJacob’sBrakewasdevelopedtoholdthemotorback, tokeep it fromgoingpastitslimits,basicallycreatingadragonthetruck. Intheairbrakingsystem,arealhardpumpofair is10pounds.Six realhardpumpsof air andyourbrakes lockwithnobrakesbeingyourremaininganswer.Nothingforadeclineforseveralmileswiththoseheavylogspushingisnotaperfectanswertoanyquestion,byanymeans.Whenthatexhaustbrake(Jacob’sbrake)israttling,youhaveabetter chance of slowing. If not, you had better be in alowergear! Brakes of earlier development were cooled by barrolsofwater -nowater,nobrakes.Brakeshavecomea longwayssincethewatercooleddayswithhydraulicsandair.Evenwiththeupgradedsystems,ittakes300feettostopat55MPH ina truck.Driversnotdrivinga truckdon’trealizethisorhaveforgottentheseriousnessoftheloadedvehicle. AsItraveltheroadsthatusedtobetruckroutes,Iseesignsonahillthatsay,“NOCOMPRESSIONBRAKES”or“NOJAKEBRAKES.”Thepopulationhasmovedrightupnexttotheseroadwaysanddon’twanttohearthesoundof a jakebrake.Don’t thesepeople realize that sound isaprocessofslowingorstoppingsafelywithoutgoingpastthatsixhandpumpsofair?Granted,sometruckshavere-allyloudexhaustsystems,buttolimitone’sabilitytostopbyasystemdesignedtominimizeheatandnobrakes,sortofrilesmealittle. Whenthesecityordinancesarevotedonbecauseofthenoise,Iaskmyself,“Howmanytruckdriverswereatthatmeeting?” That’s an easy answer - there are none. Youknowwhy?Theyarealloutworking,makingthiscountryroll.The“behindcloseddoors”neverseemtohavethein-vitationsentouttoinsuresafety,butanordinancetoaidintheircomfortorconvenience.OftenIsaypeopleshouldgettheirdrivinglicenseinatruck.Thewholedrivingsys-temwouldbecomedefensive insteadof offensive.Whenitcomestostoppingsafely,Iamallaboutthat Thisismy“CupofTee”whetheritholdsanycompres-sionornot. Tee Hurd


764•2256Check Out our Breakfast Specials

Serving Camas, Lincoln & Gooding Counties



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OPEN: Mon & Wed - 9 to 2 / Thur. 8 to 2:30 / Fri. 9 to 2

Thank You from the City of Fairfield The City of Fairfield would like to thank the followingcommitteemembersoftheDowntownRevitalizationPlan:TylerBallard,JanetCroner,JerryNelson,NoraLeighWeid-man,SuzanneSchmidt,LauraEscrobar,andJessicaWeber.Wealsoextendourthankstoall thebusinessownersandcitizensfortheirparticipationinworkshopsandsurveys. IfyouwouldliketoreviewtheDowntownPlanpleasevis-itthecitieswebsiteat thatwould like tobepartof anactionteamforthemarketinggroup.Ifyouare


Planning&[email protected]

� November 6, �013 The Courier News Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

Page 9: Courier NEWS Vol 37 Num 45

Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGPursuant to Idaho Code 6�-6�09, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Camas County Board of Commissions will hold a public hearing in the Camas County Courthouse Annex Commissioners Room on the 1�h day of November, �013 at 10:30 am or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. The purpose of this hearing is for the public as well as the Board of Commissioners to hear the request of Todd & Jeannie Tupper & Elwyn & Rita Ann Tupper to amend Lot 1� of the plat of Mountain View Acres Subdivision to � lots named lot 1�A & 1�B. The property is approximately 10.3 acres, zoned AT, with the minimum lot size of 1.99 acres. This is a parcel of land is located approximately ½ mile east and � miles north of the intersection of U.S. 20 and Soldier Rd., Fairfield, Id., on the south side of 200 N and is more particularly described as follows: Lot 1� of Mountain View Acres Subdivision, as the same appears on the official plat on file in the office of the Recorder of Camas County, ID.Written comments will be received by the Planning and Zoning Ad-ministrator until November �. �013. Please mail written comments to Administrator, Planning and Zoning, P.O. Box 430, Fairfield, ID 83327. Testimony at the hearing may be limited to five minutes. Ser-vices for persons with disabilities may be made available by calling the Planning & Zoning Administrator at �6�-�0�6 three days in ad-vance of the hearings.

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S. No. 0009�-ID Parcel No. RP003�00000010A On �/�0/�01�, at �:00 PM (recognized local time), On the front steps to the Camas County Courthouse, �01 Soldier Rd., Fairfield, ID 83327, in the County of Camas, ELISA MAGNUSON, ESQ., a member of the State Bar of Idaho, of PITE DUNCAN LLP, as trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County of Camas, State of Idaho, and described as follows, to wit: LOT 1 OF WEST SHORE ACRES SUBDIVISION, CAMAS COUNTY, IDAHO, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RE-CORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. The Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above referenced real property, but for purposes of compliance with Idaho Code Section 60-113, the Trustee has been in-formed that the address of: � MILE WEST B MAGIC RESERVOIR, SHOSHONE, ID �33��, is commonly associated with said real prop-erty. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by URTIMILIO GARCIA, A MARRIED MAN as Grantor, to JOAN H. ANDERSON, as Trustee, for the ben-efit and security of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR STONERIDGE CAPITAL INC. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS as Beneficiary, dated 8/25/2003, recorded 9/4/2003, as Instrument No. 076410, official re-cords of Camas County, Idaho. Please note: The above named Grant-ors are named to comply with Idaho Code Section ��-1�06(�) (a); no representation is made that they are, or are not, presently responsible for the obligation. The default for which this sale is to be made is the failure to make monthly payments when due from �/1/�01� and all subsequent monthly payments thereafter, including installments of principal, interest, impounds, advances, plus any charges lawfully due under the note secured by the aforementioned Deed of Trust, Deed of Trust and as allowed under Idaho Law. The sum owing on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust is $133,06�.31, includ-ing interest, costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation thereunder or in this sale, and trustee’s fees and/or rea-sonable attorney’s fees as authorized in the Note, Deed of Trust or as allowed under Idaho Law. All delinquent amounts are now due, together with accruing late charges, interest, unpaid and accruing taxes, assessments, trustee’s fees, attorney fees and any amounts advanced to protect the security associated with the Deed of Trust described herein as provided under the Note, Deed of Trust and as allowed under Idaho Law. ELISA MAGNUSON, ESQ., a member of the State Bar of Idaho, of PITE DUNCAN LLP DATED: 10/16/13 Signature/By: Elisa Magnuson, Esq., A-FN�����0� 10/30/�013, 11/06/�013, 11/13/�013, 11/�0/�013

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SV RANCH LLC, C/O GREGORY VIK, PO BOX 160�, BELLEV-UE, WA 98009; has filed Application No. 78869 for changes to the fol-lowing water rights within CAMAS County(s): Right No(s). 3�-�0���, 3�-�0���, 3�-�0��9, 3�-�0�61, 3�-�0�6�, 3�-�0��, 3�-�393, 3�-��0�; to see a full description of these rights and the proposed transfer, please see The purpose of the transfer is to change a portion of the above rights as follows: Ap-plication proposes transferring five ground water rights and portions of three ground water rights, for a total of 1.�� cfs, from eight farms to a new 1�� acre place of use (POU) and utilizing an existing well as the point of diversion (POD). Current POUs and PODs for the eight farms are located the following distances from the intersection of Hwy �0 and Soldier Rd in Fairfield: right 37-20561 (0.03 cfs), 5.6 miles east and 3.� miles south; right 3�-�0��9 (0.03 cfs), �.9 miles east and 3.0 miles south; right 3�-�0�6� (0.03 cfs), 6.� miles east and �.9 miles south; right 3�-�0��� (0.0� cfs), 9.� miles east and 6.0 miles south; right 3�-�0��� (0.03 cfs), 11.0 miles east and 6.� miles south; right 3�-�0�� (0.1� cfs portion), �.� to �.� miles west and �.0 to 3.� miles south; right 3�-�393 (0.�� cfs portion), 1.� to �.0 miles east and 0.0 to 0.9 miles south; and right 3�-��0� (0.99 cfs portion), �.0 to 3.0 miles east and 0.0 to 1.0 miles south. The proposed POU and POD are located approximately �.� to 6.0 miles west and �.0 to �.�� miles south of the intersection of Hwy 20 and Soldier Rd in Fairfield. For additional information concerning the property location, con-tact Southern Region office at (208) 736-3033. Protests may be sub-mitted based on the criteria of Idaho Code Sec. ��-���. Any pro-test against the proposed change must be filed with the Department of Water Resources, Southern Region, 13�1 Fillmore St, Suite �00, Twin Falls ID �3301 together with a protest fee of $��.00 for each ap-plication on or before November ��, �013. The protestant must also send a copy of the protest to the applicant.


November 6, �013 9The Courier News...but never Compromising the Truth.

Page 10: Courier NEWS Vol 37 Num 45

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S. No. 0011��-ID Par-cel No. RPF01�000�009AA On �/6/�01�, at �:00 PM (recognized local time), On the front steps to the Camas County Courthouse, 501 Soldier Rd, Fairfield, ID �33��, in the County of Camas, ELISA MAGNUSON, ESQ., a member of the State Bar of Ida-ho, of PITE DUNCAN, LLP, as trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County of Camas, State of Idaho, and de-scribed as follows, to wit: LOTS 9 AND 10 IN BLOCK � OF MORRELL ADDITION, AC-CORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUN-TY RECORDER, CAMAS COUNTY, IDAHO. The Trust-

ee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above referenced real property, but for purposes of compliance with Idaho Code Section 60-113, the Trustee has been informed that the address of: ��� WEST SAGE AVENUE, FAIRFIELD, ID �33��, is commonly associat-ed with said real property. Said sale will be made without cove-nant or warranty, express or im-plied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pur-suant to the power of sale con-ferred in the Deed of Trust exe-cuted by CHELSEY D. GOUGH AND TIMOTHY G. WOOD, HUSBAND AND WIFE as Grantor, to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY as Trustee, for the benefit and security of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR PIN-

NACLE CAPITAL MORT-GAGE CORPORATION ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS as Beneficiary, dated 11/2/2009, recorded 11/6/�009, as Instru-ment No. 2009-082643, offi-cial records of Camas County, Idaho. Please note: The above named Grantors are named to comply with Idaho Code Section ��¬1�06(�)(a); no represen-tation is made that they are, or are not, presently responsible for the obligation. The default for which this sale is to be made is the failure to make monthly pay-ments when due from 1�/01/�01� and all subsequent monthly pay-ments thereafter, including in-stallments of principal, interest, impounds, advances, plus any charges lawfully due under the note secured by the aforemen-tioned Deed of Trust, Deed of Trust and as allowed under Ida-ho Law. The sum owing on the

obligation secured by said Deed of Trust is $1�1,06�.��, includ-ing interest, costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation thereunder or in this sale, and trustee’s fees and/or reasonable attorney’s fees as authorized in the Note, Deed of Trust or as allowed under Idaho Law. All delinquent amounts are now due, together with accru-ing late charges, interest, unpaid and accruing taxes, assessments, trustee’s fees, attorney fees and any amounts advanced to protect the security associated with the Deed of Trust described herein as provided under the Note, Deed of Trust and as allowed under Ida-ho Law. ELISA MAGNUSON, ESQ., a member of the State Bar of Idaho, of PITE DUNCAN, LLP DATED: 10/1/13 Signature/By: Elisa Magnuson A-��1996�

published on 10/16, 10/23,10/30 & 11/06, 2013

Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal

Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S. No. 13���6�-1 Par-cel No. RPF00�0030001AA On �/1�/�01�, at �:00 PM (recog-nized local time), On the front steps to the Camas County Courthouse, �01 Soldier Rd, Fairfield, ID 83327, in the Coun-ty of Camas, ELISA MAGNU-SON, ESQ., as trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County of Camas, State of Idaho, and described as follows, to wit: LOT 1 AND E �0’ LOT � BLOCK 30 OF THE CITY OF FAIRFIELD, ACCORD-ING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER, CAMAS COUN-TY, IDAHO. The Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above refer-enced real property, but for pur-poses of compliance with Idaho Code Section 60-113, the Trust-ee has been informed that the address of: �19 �ND STREET

WEST, (AKA �19 WEST �ND STREET), FAIRFIELD, ID �33��, is commonly associated with said real property. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or en-cumbrances to satisfy the obli-gation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by DON W CAIN. JR., A SIN-GLE MAN as Grantor, to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE as Trustee, for the benefit and security of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR AE-GIS WHOLESALE CORPORA-TION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, as Beneficiary, dated 11/1/�006, recorded 11/�/�006, as Instrument No. 80182, offi-cial records of Camas County, Idaho. Please note: The above named Grantors are named to comply with Idaho Code Section ��-1�06(�)(a); no representation is made that they are, or are not, presently responsible for the obli-gation. The default for which this sale is to be made is the failure to

make monthly payments when due from 10/1/�011 and all sub-sequent monthly payments there-after, including installments of principal, interest, impounds, ad-vances, plus any charges lawfully due under the note secured by the aforementioned Deed of Trust, Deed of Trust and as allowed under Idaho Law. The sum ow-ing on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust is $1�1,��0.��, including interest, costs and ex-penses actually incurred in en-forcing the obligation thereunder or in this sale, and trustee’s fees and/or reasonable attorney’s fees as authorized in the Note, Deed of Trust or as allowed under Ida-ho Law. All delinquent amounts are now due, together with accru-ing late charges, interest, unpaid and accruing taxes, assessments, trustee’s fees, attorney fees and any amounts advanced to protect the security associated with the Deed of Trust described herein as provided under the Note, Deed of Trust and as allowed under Idaho Law. ELISA MAGNUSON, ESQ. DATED: 10/�/13 Signature/By: Elisa Magnuson A-���0�31

Lost:Smallcanvascov-ered airplane used as aweathervane.Approxi-mately 18” wing spanwithapropellerinfront.LookslikeaWWIIP-40used by the Flying Ti-gers. The wind blew itaway fromourplaceonEast Ponderosa in Fair-fieldonSundaynight.Iffound, please call ClellBallardat764-2313.

Classified Ads


Pursuant toIdaho Code 31-1�13,

Notice is hereby given that the WEST MAGIC FIRECOMMISSIONERS

will hold a public meeting atWest Magic Station #�

(West Magic Road)on Tuesday,

the 19th of November, �013at 6:30 p.m.

10 November 6, �013 The Courier News Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

Page 11: Courier NEWS Vol 37 Num 45

For Sale►200 Heavy Duty (133) 6’ Metal T-Posts for sale. Call �0�-3��-���1►Short bed camper shell, perfect shape. $�0. Call �39-��9�►7 foot flat bed w/drop down hitch, head rack, all steel. $�00 OBO. Call �39-01�3►For Sale: 1992 Green Dodge Stealth, V6. $1,600 OBO. Call �6�-����.►Buttercup Mountain Grow-ers: Camas County’s Local Landscape Nursery. Located at: �1� N Willow Creek Road. “Time to do your Fall Plant-ings” Numerous varieties of Shrubs ($1�) and Perennials ($� & $�). Also locally grown Toma-toes ($�lb) and Peppers ($3lb). Call for specific varieties avail-able, or to get your vegetable order in. You can also schedule a time to visit the Nursery. We deliver in Fairfield on Thursday evenings. Call 961-0��6, Tami Peck & Rick Potter►Beef for Sale: Grain fed - whole, half, quarter. Ready for pickup mid to late October. $3 per pound plus ��¢ per lb cut & wrap. Your choice of cuts. Place order now by calling �6�-3�1� or �0�-��1-111�.►For Sale Two 1999 Yamaha Mountain max �00 Snow mo-biles 136 inch trac with covers Excellent condition, $1�00.00 each Call Kurt at �01-��0-3�99 sleds are in Fairfield.►1974 CJ-5 Jeep, 258 C1, straight 6, low miles, very sound all the way around. Bra top, elec-tric winch with remote. $3��0. Please call ��1-��0�.►For Sale: Gold’s Gem Pow-erSpin stationary bike with � settings and a plug n’play mp3 sound system. Battery operated. Asking $��. Please call �6�-�999

►Firewood for Sale: Mix-spe-cies, full length logs delivered by truck, approx 1� cord. Also, rough-sawn lumber, any size. Call �0�-9�1-6�93.►Gooding House for Sale: 3 bed, � bath, �000 sq feet plus �-car garage and large storage shed. Wonderful family room, under-ground sprinklers, vinyl fencing, new windows, central air heat-ing w/heat pump. ��1 Michigan Street, Gooding. Call �90-6�0� or 93�-�3��.►1000 gallon steel water tank on steel trailer. $�00 OBO. Call �39-01�3.

For Rent►Room for Rent: Furnished, laundry facilities, Wifi conection available. $��0 per month. Call Mike at ��0-3163.►For Rent Fairfield: 3bd 1.5bth Home: new carpet, tile, range, dishwasher, microwave, w/d hook-ups, water pd, $600 rent $600 dep. Call 3��-1���►Now Available. Small cottage with large garage. Very Clean and semi furnished. Sunny lo-cation with large fenced yard. Washer & Dryer. Non Smoking. First, last, and deposit. $�00 per month. Call ��0-600�.►Three bedroom, one bath, newly remodeled home with 6 foot privacy fence. For more in-formation, call ���-1�0�.

►4 bedroom w/garage, at 210 �nd Street East. Available No-vember 1st. Call �6�-��19 or �31-0���.►For Rent: 3 bed, 2 bath town-home on 1st Street East in Fair-field, single garage. Available now. Water, sewer, trash paid. $��� mo, $�00 deposit. Call Boise 3��-�600.

Services►Grammy’s Day Care: 920 5th Street West in Fairfield. State Licensed Group Daycare Facil-ity. Debbie Shenk, LPN ��1-1�1�. Limited childcare open-ings during the Thanksgiving and Christmas break. Call to reserve your child’s place in this loving environment.►Former C.N.A. with 30 yrs. Home Health experience avail-able for in-home care. Many local references. Part time, overnight, respite, hospice. Call Karen at �6�-�906 (Fairfield).►Looking for scrap metal. Call Thomas Davis at �6�-����. ►I Replace Broken Zippers in jackets, coats, sweatshirts, vests, levi pants, skirts, etc. Hemming done on pants, levis, bresses, sheets, binding on blankets, etc. Patch rips, holes, back-pocket rips, overalls, levis, shirt-tail rips, etc. Replace elastic in most anything. Call Kathy in Hager-man �3�-6�6�. Open � days a week.

FREE►Free Windows, various siz-es.Pleasecall764-2337.►Free Kittens. Also, two free matching couches, ��” long. Call for details, �03-9��-06�6

Employment►Camas County Road & Bridge is seeking to fill a Full time position in their department. Applications and job descrip-tion are available at the Camas County Road & Bridge shop and the Camas County Courthouse. Camas County is an EOE. Job application open until position is filled. Camas County is an EOE. Please contact Road & Bridge Supervisor Michael Gill for more information at �6�-���1.►The Camas County Sheriff’s Office has an opening for a part-time dispatcher. For more infor-mation please come by the Sher-iff’s office at 119 Willow Ave. West or call �0�-�6�-��61.►High Country Fusion Co, Inc. is hiring a full time position as a Shipping/Receiving Yard Fore-man. This position would in-clude organization of pipe yard, snow removal, assembling pipe orders, maintaining cleanliness of vehicles etc. Please send re-sume to: [email protected]►Home Health Care company is hiring an experienced CNA to assist a client in Fairfield. This is a part time job, ranging from �-1� hours per week. Responsi-bilities include assistance with bathing and respite care. Please contact HR at �0�-3��-3013 for more details and to arrange an interview.►Ski & Snowboard instruc-tors wanted for the upcoming �013/�01� season at Soldier Mountain Ski Area. No previous experience necessary. For more information please call Kevin @ 3�0-�6��, Kristi @ �99-�0�1 or �6�-���6 ex 10�.

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ThisWeek’sSudokuPuzzleAnswersPuzzle#1 Puzzle#2

November 6, �013 11The Courier News...but never Compromising the Truth.

Page 12: Courier NEWS Vol 37 Num 45



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GatewayCommunityMarketNovember 8th & 9th






FreeAdmissionAll Vendors welcome, Reasonable Space Rent

For More Information,Call the Lincoln County Chamber 886-9811























