county letters bring your oculist's prescription^!...

THE MAIiONE FARMER, WEDNESDAY, JULY », County Letters NORTH LAWRENCE. Prevalent in Town—I.. A. £. Plans Entertainment.—Confirm- ation of Large Cla>* Sunday. Ch-; Di his brother. Rich- ;aid Bradford are having an, Mass., R. Ju:y ana £ arJir-n. and '• i atta k K]:n, is .s t But;..-!-. M;ss Carrie Proctor,- who Spent a ;>•"'• d;-.v,« the ptu-eat of friends in tow i. \- enr to Antwerp Wednesday morning. 'M -- Kathon-ncr Chalice, of W e - to;,v.-;;:.. X. J . Is spending htr *nn- ffi,r vu'-<ttion at the hom> : of "^Jier m^th-r. Mrs. Sarah Cha f fee. Guv Hakins. of Rutland, Vt.. spent Friday and Saturday Mrs. E. II. Hu'-kett were guests at the h Merr;:: lor a few dajs Mr?. Juljj bura. was a Fr)ih BRl'SHTON (a 111- r *rhter. J fi. E | -d'.'n-s- j Death of Patrick Sullivan. ruiv 5—Fred\itcGowan, of Meri- den. Conn., visitWl his mother,. Mrs. Peter MiGowan, over Sunday. Mary Frances yuinn arrived home Saturday from Johnstown for the immer vacation with her parents, Mr.-and Mrs. J. S. Quinh V. Soripter arrived in town Sat- urday and is spending the week with his wife, at th*; home of h-r lathe:'. Irving Peek. Mrs. Pat Daly has gone to Lake Placid, where she has a position fur the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Day, of Blue Mountain, spent Thursday and Fri- day with friends in Brushton. Mrs. Jennie Wood, who has spent ^verai w.-ck* in Brushton helping to care for her mother. Mrs. Mary Hill, o has i>t.-en ve-rj sick but has im- vt'd in a measure, returned to her horn*.- in Burke. Tuesday. Mrs. >Vn} Fevk, aged 94.. who , h-}".-nr t'^'o ux-eks at Moira, re-, turned home Tuesday. v - A. K Alien has improved the looks of hks hou-se with a ny>v coat of CONSTABLE.. Many Return to the Old Town for Their Vacation. July 7—Gi.K>. A. Hastings and son, Aubrey, of Y on kt*r» of his parents, Mr, E. Aubrey, Mr. Ha SfOIBA. lev. Dowd to <3ire Addresses at Syracuse. July 7— Miss Lottie White, from Wadding-ton, Is visiting- Mrs. M. II. are at the home Pc-wd for several ml Mrs. Mr Montreal, „- Mrs. Edwin Moomiy. tht h M ;t£ M: Mi >nday for xhv Rutland LiretriiJeaf. who has been '•"•""• | en'iS'lo}.<-d at Belleville, Out.. is in ,.. j town for a week visiting his daugh- .^ ! t'-r, Mrs. Critteiiden, who is here I from New Haven, Conn., for a few u weeks. r at I James Fisher, of Templetun, Mass.. But- arrived in town on Monday for a ' few weeks, the guest of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Merrill Baldwin. Walter Clark and daughter, Miss Jennie, returned with his daughter, Mrs. Charles Wardner, to Rainbow M. .E. Mrs. Ida Jackson, of Mas spending- some time with Mr: Clark. Last week C. B. Bur nap and Hi- ram Clark each disposed of a driv- ing horse to an ©astern bu>»jr. Clayton Young, who is u''>rkniff Uti tion. Brad- Lake, for-a few days' stay. soend- ^ r - a ' n( ^ Mrs. David Kavanah and daughter, Eva., retimed Sunday from ormetown haviw sp^-nt a iv\\ days with friends. the ^ r - an< ^ Mrs. I". A, Clark and Mr ,, and Mra. Earl Clark went "to Burke ,, tA ,. tainm,. nt ; Sunday to call on their son's wife, '••\i«P''i>-s of) Mrs. Merchant Clark, of New York Ll ri. ; <" class •:.-* at the morning', Aibtrn tiii&s remains on jf "The Youkers •Iv Statesman," and is also cor- ijondt-nt for seveial JK. Y. daily ..urs. lie will,enjoy a fortnight's ! vacation here, his native town. Thorns .Lynch, of Massachusetts, is a guest of his son, Ed&ard Lynch, and other relatives. He is a -brother of Miss Margaret Lynch, who is slowly recovering from an illness. Arthur and Ambrose JJ-eftesha and faniiik'-s are' spend 1114? a week or so with their grandmother, Mrs. Moses Denesha. Their father was the late Joseph Denesha. Arthur Denesha holds a responsible position in a large dejijartm-esnt store in Worcester, Mass. His younger brother, Ambrose, -is employed on the barge canal at Oswtgo, X. Y. The young men at- tended school here as boys and have many friends who are pleased to meet them again. Mrs. Joseph Ross and children and the Misses -Koss and two lady friends are stopping with Mrs. Vina Flurio. The party are from New York city, numbering ten. For several years they have spent the summer months* hr-rt-. Mr. Koss, who is? a sui cessiul business man, will wrne later on to remain a while uuth them. They will return in September i Law and Order Lee^u to New York. j an address at the M W. A. Chamberlain returned Friday. copal church, night from the Gettysburg reunion, i Mrs. M. H. Dowd wii^re he enjoyed the big camp. | net. visited friends in David Denesha and sun, David, jr.. i v,>t-k. Little Muriel home for a few days. Tiny v>'Hl]paniod them home for g, home for a sho-rt vaca- Miss Ella Drake, who attends col- lege at Nyaek, N. Y., :s home for the summer. Mrs. Chsurlton and Miss Mildred Johnson. of Lawrc-m evillo. were guests at the M. E. parsonage on Friday. The next meeting of the W. C. T. U. wil' be held .with Mis- May Hart- son. Those who will ehe anything- to help fill the barrel t.. b-e seat to the ' M-vio flood sufferer?,a:v- reqifest- ed to bring same to this meeting. Rev. M. H. Dowd is attending the Second Annual Conference of Rural Workers at Syracuse University, which is held in that <ity from July 8th to the 16th. Rev. Dowd gives a lecture July 14th on 1 IMsoov<r-ries Mad*:* in Directirwg- K'.ira 1 Survey W'>rk;" aliS-o on Tue^cu.;. . July 15, h. wilS give an address on "The Village Church and the Farm-:' Next Sunday morniii: R< ts th G. W State delive SOUTH BOMBAY. dark Gale Buys the Wilder £\urm. July 7— Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lambertine, and daughter, Gladys, or Alooers, visited their sister, Mrs. Wm. Sweet, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Richardson, and daughter, of Dickinson, were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Richardson, a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lunrmn Kingsley and son, Francis, went to Masseaia Thurs- day to spend a couple of weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George" Russell and family attended the aLl-day Holiness meeting- at No. Bangor Juiy 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brayton and family, of Bangor, were guests at th-e home of their grandmother, Mrs. Betsey Brayton, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tryon and family, from St. Regis .Falls, were guests at Orange PJielps' a few days the past week. Ailex Richardson, of Lancaster, is visiting his brother, Dan Richard- son, for a few days ci cLl to tr T\ Mrs. d Mr Osd* eatme Mr a upper Jerrv T p. Truij. -nsburg *** at. nd Mrs. rum We. l.»le, of Hospital Howarc of Ma Mo Dt Liake, are spending Bangor, ra. \ nday Long a •••nt for , of few days in Brushton. Mrs. George Conger and daughter, Grace, were callers in Cornwall Tues- eh'!-: pyri: Mrs Z, Brasher i- Cluurt'li 1 1 roia Mrs. B- u> th- Murj.t arsd < tw i 1 '.• Mr. dav a Mr '' the diocese administered j Gj >* and the Mrs?. Lucy Davis, of Malone, spent nnt 'in pre- ' Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. H, Steenberge. Sutler were Earl Woods is suffering with rheur Pridav matism. ',",...,,",.,V,K] in Mrs Ell Barse is quite sick. ) r ^r v-'j'iiv'i.ui! daughter, Mrs. Grover Frew, of .V ' ' Rutland. I Bombay, is caring for her, fi-- Father ! E- K- Harris w,as visiting his son, ;.t.vlV I Rov. and family, in Middlebury, Vt. last w-ek, .Aft'.-! 1 s"Vfral weeks" sickaess Pat- rick »sulli'wi-n. an aged and much respited citizen of Brushton, 'died jat his home on Tuesday morning. I The funeral was held on Thursday I morning at St. Mary's church, j Mi?? Marion Ferris, of Westport. |N Y.. a former teacher in the Brush j ton school, is the guest of Mrs. G. Montieth. it-.iiv- Montieth started on Thurs- day ;n-:ht for Philadelphia and will vi^it W;-i..slniit:taai b*-:ore his return. Prank urton went to Hudson Falls last week, where he has employment > d ^[during Ms summer vacation on the H-..'-niv. j y y ! return on Monday to Hinekley {vicinity, whore they arc employed a^ j •fcarpenters for the CviUral II. R. vis j iee cream aivd rake will be sorv- , i^ led in the tov. n hail Siiturday evtn- ' ing-. It is expected that sales Will continue every Saturday niyht, until cold weather of late fall. Mrs. Sarah M. YVilber, who ha^ been a visitor here for the past three weeks-, returnd to O^vve^o on Tues- day, by way of Lake Flat-id, wlu-re she visited her son, John A Wil- ber. for a day or so. Miss Marion Wilbtr. who is stop- ping- with the family of John .Lanij- fctrd in Burke, is spending a fe'.v days at home. Pat Rogers, of Wf-stville, was a guest of his son, Charles, and fam- ily, on the Beebee farm, Thursday. , A good many attended the circus in Malone on Wednesday. On ac- -nd j eral week: a^ I M^iss SabretBriggs, I. visitvd he-r cousin, Mi sveek. She was en ton to visit firends Mrs. S. M. Tryon a Bidjrood. are vi Sa.bin at Malone for .' Eli Greenwood is criti Brig;hts disease. Mr. and Mrs. H. <"'. \H'i-n visitinsg at the Ci; l«ike Ooznia. Bradford Flint, of S: is visiting? his father, for sev-eraJ days. He with a sprained ankle A. B. W i t h e r ^ 1. wr worse f< r a few wetk.< not improve. i Jir<lensburgr. Karl Deans. ite for Bos- Mrs. g. H. itinv Mrs. Charles fortnight. ,lly ill with Stiles have rk camp at Lake, mint. Mr. and Mrs. George Hodsre spent a few days the .past week with friends at Malone. Air. and Mrs. AdoAplius Beaulleu and two children, Helen and Gene- vi-eve, of Massena, were visitors of Mrs. Beaiiiieu's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yada-vv, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rockhill and daug-hter. Mildred, of Duan-e, visited at the home of the former's father, Chas. Rockhill, over Sunday. Mr. Lambertin/e, who has been spending: a few weeks with his son, JLawhence, at Mooers, has returned to the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Sweet., 1 Mr, and Mrs. George Russell went to Bhyoming-da-le Saturday to spend a few days with his niece, Mrs. Chas. Palmer, where they expect to meet their sister, Mrs. W B Baboeck, and two nieces, Miss Frances and Mrs. Aloney Babcoek. from Clinton, N h ii sufering- has past, late trair ch of fic- tlie ma- me until 12 Is made up weary wait- ardwi 1 Mrs!" i L and Rub- | } etui-n to- count of jority did not re« o 'c loc k, wfi t n t h e a special train fo: ers. Tlie Misses Sarah Davis and Car- oline H in man go to Cortland, X. Y.. on Monday to take a coarse of stu- j dy in the summer school, which I opens in the High S'-hool building in that city at this time. They will be gone about eight weeks. Miss Ruby Armstrong, of Malone? wdli accompii-iiy them to enter the sum- mer school for a similar course. I John, Jr., ha^ been 1 to do farm work for Win. Brand. Arthur II anna., of Ft. Covignton, was a taller on friends here £-.: SKERRY. Forest Fires Making Gnat Headway. July 7 —Miss Alice Trim went on Wednesday morning to spend her vacation with h>er aunt. Mrs. Mon- roe Otis, at St. Regis Lake, G. A. Larte,.. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Camp -spent Friday at Beechertowtn, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ace Wal- ler. sold n4s fine y North, Carolina, who are visiting- that place. Will MD at Will McDonald has sold his large farm, formerly known a-s the Wilder farm, to Clark Gale, who took po<s- sessdon Saturday, July 5th, but will not move his family there until his lease of Fred Tryon's farm expires in the spring, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robideau. Fort Covington, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Vill- nave, a few days the past week. BVKKE. The btusinejBs meeting of the Y. P. B., held at the home of Raymond Bell last Saturday «venine:, waa well attended and the following- officers were <?hosen for the coming year:— Pres., Mine Tessie Dake. Vice-Pres., William Wood.' Rec. Sec., Thelma GilJett.y. Cor. Sec.,~Myrtle Gillett * Treas., HsutniMon Wood. General Sec, Mrs. Martha Carr. Mrs. Martha Sails, of Guilford Cen- ter, X T . Y., is spending some time wjith'frien-ds in thte vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams and son, Bruce of Chsateaugay, were guests of Mrs. Acelia Bromley re- cently. At the last meeting of the Burke Grange it was decided to tlisean>tin- ue the meetings of that order urttU the th!»d Tuesday in August. Mrs. Fred Baldwin visited friends and relatives in Westville Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Mina Favorln and ilttle daugh ter, Ali-ce, from Cambridge, Mass., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. #red BaldwSn, RESOLUTIONS. DICKINSON CENTER. July 7— Martin Gaswsell, of Chat-' aauigay, formerly of this -lace, is in town visiting friends. Miss Estella Smith has gone to Mt. Viejv, wUiere she has a position for the summer. Mrs. Martha Farresr Barton, of, R. I., is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Fairer. She is "accompanied by het* little son and a niece. Mrs. Charles Burr and daughter, Marion, of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Al- oney /Babcoek and little son, Saun- Ait a meeting %f the Board of Trus- tees of the Alice Hyde Hospital As- sociation, held at the office of O'Neil &. Hale, on the 7th day of July, 1913, in reference to the detvth of Dr. Fur- ness, the following proceeding's \v*re had: A committee was appointed to draft appropriate resolutions and the committee reported the following, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, it has pleased a Divine Providence to remove from our midst Dr. Henry Furness, an esteemed and honored member of our Boa.rd, and the -vice-president of this association since its org'aniaztion; now it is HesoJved, that in the death of Dr. Furness, this association and the en- tire community sustains a great and irreparable IQJB. * Dr. Furitess was one o»f the ori- ginal promoters of the hospital pro- ject and he was largely instrumental in shaping public opinion and aided •materially in establishing and per- fecting the original organization, and he has at all times aided and en- of I couraged us in the progress of the work by his valuable pjx»fessional ad- vice and assistance, Furnees was a physician of profound and extensive learning skillful and successful in the prac- tice isf his profession, and a kind and true friend. It is further resolved that a copy of these resolutions be printed 1 in the Malone newspapers^ THOMAS CANTWELL, S. A. BEMAN, M. E. McCLART, Committee.' h<-ir •-..>u^'.:^. t.hc M.- Mi«.- Corrine liv^ru visiting aid fritnd ]M'.-s Lottie -C .Ui- guest b Mi friends of M state road being constructed by ,_^ 1 James Anderson 73! Mr. /»-J Mrs. Jesse Myers, of New " j Kaven, Conn., arrived in Brushton ,, r . ! Tuesday and arc- visiting at th^ home of his uncle, Wm. Barnett. Dr. Eins-in Reed is home from Bur- lington, h.civina uraduated from th medicaJ department of the Burlington, University of Vermont and has gone to Liake Placid, where he will be employed until fall. Then he will enter St. Vincent's Hospital, New York, for a few months before lo- cation for the practice of his pro- fession. Oniy tismeiy help saved the h me of Fred Roozn from going- up in smoke on July 4th. Miss Ellen Savage, who has been months, day . iS^S ! " and June, with is n had as ui MUSS MIUI Ueriouslv ill for over two months, to hear that she ig nfm more com f orta ble as a result Mrs. L, Pro .-Lai and Fourth n. Ken- ith her The t-t pn entertained his two ds of the Fourth of church St. J o.seph*s :h shows it was a The management thank those who . . for •ft-ert $4 i< 2. whi grand success, •wish to public!; contributed to its success. Miss Eva Spillmgs hits returned from South Hero, Vt. £ Percy and Bertha McMulien have returned from their trip to Vermont wid Montreal, Que. Mr. an Mrs. Will Cailahan, from Constable, have been spending a few days at J. M. Murphy's, Mre. C Orton and daughter, Miss Hiuei, of Bru&hton are spending a few days here visiting friends. of an operation per attending physician. ormed by the WEST BANGOR. Mrs. Haley Breaks Ribs Wlien Horse Stumbles. Miss e g Sweet returned Thurs- day, after spending a few days in Cornwall, Ont. Miss Eva Keenan is visiting hex friend, Miss Lucy Daaia. Mrs. W. E. Perry is visiting- in Mille Roches, Ont. T. H. McMaillen spemt TSiursday in Miss Helem Reordon, of Kilbain, Qw., is the guest of her cousin, ICiss Nettie Keefe. Mr. and Mrs. Dana and family have been spending a few days down the BANGOR. j u ly 7—The C E. Society realiz- ed $15.77 from their ice cream sale .Saturday. Charles Steswart has purchased th<e Dr. Hinanan place of D. P. Mar- vin and is moving into the ^©Jtne. Miss &elina Holland is viaifcmg rela- tives in Dickinson Center. Mrs. FTed Lee has been entertjain,- 4ng relatives from Fort Covington th« past week. Howard Dickinson has gone to JBar&n&c, where he has employment. Prof. John Wright, of Center, and Miss Clara Clark, W««tville Center, were guest* of Ulanehie Dfkrkimson, Friday. Mre. Edna Arnold and daughter, Etfrel, hiave gone to Potsdam for the summer. $tiss lllah Collins leaves Tuesday for Lake George, where Bh© haa em- ploymtesnt for the summer. Mrs. RaJjph Geddes, of Brushton, Se vlsAtlng relatives in. town. Miss Jones, of Canada, is visiting her cousin, Blanche Dickinson, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snide viaited relative* in. Ft. Oovington recently. Misee© Dottle a.n4 Bertha Whitoian are vteiting their gran/danotlier, Mrs. Baker. About 76 couples attended th« of July ball at Hotel Ftoabtwgh. Miss Nickelson has returned to Iter home In Brushton after spend Ing several weeks at F. G. SpauAd- tagr's. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Spauldiag and •da.ugrh.ter. Ethel and two friende visited the, former's parents. Mr. and Mra. J. W. SpauMing, last week. THe Phite,thea Cluto %vttl hold thdir meeting: this "vveiek Friday, as last Friday w&» the Fourth. July 7 -—On the way to Mialone last Wednesday, in descending the Hardy Mil, Mrs. George Haley's horse stumbled and fell, throwing her to the ground. She wias quite severe- ly injured, two ribs being broken and she was otherwise bruised. Mr. Haley is one of o\er merchants, and too, is ill and under the care of a physician. The La-dies 1 Aid Society of the Con- gresational church will hold an ice oreajn and cake socaal at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Berry Thurs- day, July 10. Price 15 cents. Miss Jones, of Montreal, a cousin i of Mrs. Bentley, aiwl Mrs. Fred Dickinson, of the South village, were j gue^s ot Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bent- ley last Thursday. ] AJ\na Rice, of Worcester, Maas.. V*BL8 calling on relative* and friends m OUT viliag© last week. Miss Gertrude Ocrvie, vs*o 4 ^ ^ been teachmg at LiCm&. Island, ^ home at present. • _ Mrs. H. B«gge, of Malone, is oc- cupynig her house in our \-illag«. Mr. and Mre. Edwin Benttey wer* erueais at thie home of her brother, Reuben Jomee, of th*e South village, Friday. J. P. Keilas is erector a shed to his grist mill to replace thie erne des- troyed by the ice last Stpring; aleo a sto-rehouee connieoted with, the miQ. Jfhie interment * of Mrs. SBiepard, ot Reynxxldstan, occurred to our ceme- tery on Sunday, July 6th. Miae Emtma L*awrenc«, Mrs. Fred Saiyde and son, Harold, returned last wieek from Rome, where they at- tended th© Advemtist «ump meeting. Fraaklin Peck, o€ QUe, ia clerk- ing for Geo. Haley In hia store. Mm. Herbert Wood to visiting in Burke. Mr. and Mrs. R. Barrett wfere g-u.este of frtende rn Mailone. l&st Sun- day. Miss I4e»e Reyome, of Malone, spent Sunday with h»er parents, Mr. and Mre. Duncan Oakea, Mrs. S. H. McKeen is now- steady gain. on a One trial convinces—Haniord's Bal FeeJ 1 languid, weak, run down ? Headache? Stomach "off?" i^emedy us Burdock Blood A good Bitters Auk your d>«gfiet. Price $1.00.—Adv. July 7—Louis Parker, of Skerry, is a caller in town. Mrs. P&uJ. J. Grates, of Brooklyn, Wttio has been at the home of her uncle, F. H. Lyman, and with friends in Maione the past week, has gone to Vermont to M. Niles. WESTVUiLE. July 7— Mrs. Robert Clark, who has been very ill with rhmunatiam, ia some better. CJiharles Hoadley, of Earlville, is spending- a few days dn town- Mr, and Mrs. W. Downer, from the Eastern States, are guests in town. Miss Rhoda Kay is spending some time with Miss L«na GaJe. T)her« wtfil l>e an toe cream social at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. on Friday night, July 11, for the benefit of the church, . Quite a number 0$ young people from thie town spent the Fourth at Fraser'e Point. Mr. and Mrs. E. D Gale and two sons, of MaJone, are spendto^- some time at the home of C. • . Hoad- *y. -i* William Ortoa and three daughters nd Nonman J&ckaosi apemt several ays la«t wieek at the St. Ijawremce. A neighborhood ploolc m&B heJd In E. HoadJey's «rove on ttoe '4 th, A good time was bad by ail. An ice cream social will be held at the home of Hobert Fairchild, Fri day evening, July 11th, for the bene- fit of the M. E. church. Try P. P. Meetuut'a cl*ar outtlnjra for pipe. AdT. H Mr. and Mrs. Geo, H, Hurlburt id Mr. i-snd Mrs. Albert ; and Rev. Wm. Bucll and j went as a p;irty to Eraser's Point ] the past v-ti.-k to enjoy a week's stay j there. Eugene Hall is repairing and paint i ing tiu- interior of the Heaiy re&i- ""Mrs. Marshall Burgess visited her daughter,' Mrs. A-saei Beach, in Ma- lone. on Wednesday and Thursday,. Wilber Denesha, of Malone, who , ]has charge of the Peter Denesha j * aw mill here, has been finishing- t: V "" ustom sawing- of log-s, etc. Mrs, P. W. Bishop recently en- tertained her sister and family from bt. Lawrence county. It is not a wise thing for young- people to bathe or go "a swimming-" in the river in the middle of the day. Illness often results, which has been the case here recently. John S. McCarthy spent Sunday here w5th his family. Clayton Trim has matched team to a gentleman from Connecticut. Consideration $512. The infant daughter of Mr. and , v, Mrs. Fred Harrington who has been j ders, of North Carodma, are guests ill, is better. ' of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Thomas visituj j . Saunders. thek- daughter, Mrs. Lial French, in j Mrs. W. A. Richardson is improv- Malone IViday. | ing unde-r the treatment prescribed Miss Mildred Es-eltine, who has | by Dr. Parke, a noted -specialist, of t Hurlburt tl ' e&n visiting" friends in Dickinson. | Boston, wfco was called h&re recent- MTS Buell has returned home. Mrs. «aeji M .^ Sarah Dyk You measles. Forest here. fire are raging west CHASM FAJJLS AND OWIiS HEAJ} Surprise Party tor Harold Green. j u ly 7— William J. Martin, city, son of Mrs. W. 11 ocH.1, is spending a few days old home in Chasm Fails. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green, of Nor- wich, N. Y. are visiting Mr, Green's .parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. P. Green Miss Gertrude Lester, who has been spending a few weeks with her par- n N, Har- t his y Willard Parnaby, of Pittsburgh .&$ in t-own the .past few days at- tending- to business matters conneot- sd with the estate of his father, the late Robt. Parnaby. WBODPFLEVIULE Walter Todd Does Not Improve, ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lester, at their home n«ar WhipleviHe, has returned to her work as a train nurse in Utiea. Levi Glazier, who has been in Massachusetts for some time pa^t, has returned to his home in Owls Head. Peter Martin, the new mail carrier between Malone and Duane, has IUOW been on the route several - days. He seeims b i inlan a by the people o of th Falls mad visit her 'father, W. Mr. and Mrs. Gea.~j3roodsman and Mr. Goodmaoi's parents, of Malone, drove to Gabriels last Thursday. They expect to retiirn today. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark have moved back to Forest, N. Y. Sam Dufore had the miaforttme to lose a horse last week. M. T. Sherman, of Cherry Valley, is a caller in town recently. Homer Smith has been fishing at Hatch Brook. few weeks ago we mentioned the m tanat Waiter Todd was HI with pneumonia. At present tiiere seems to be very little improvement in his condition, although every effort is being put forth to relieve his suffer- to«. Dr. Van Dyke is the attend- ing physiciaja. Mrs. Elizabeth Merrill and Charles Ltyman are sheading aome ttme m oamndp. at Mountain View. George Thomas, -wflio-at present is located att Chioopee Falls, has been spending a few days with hJa'patren/ts, Mr. aaid Mra, W. M. Thomae. Several people from here attend- ed the Methodlet ptoa&c h«ld in Mr. t*> be a nice, obttgin.g- young we think will be well liked the route, young people of i tt^eir friend, Har- old Green, a surprise party Satur- day -evening in hon-ar of his seven- teenith birthday. A good time was enjoyed. Quarterly meeting: services were h«ld Sunday evening-'at the Metho- dist elvurch in Owls Head, at which PS-esiding Eider, Rev. H. W. Mark- ham, preached an excellent sermon aind conducted the communioai ser- vice. Mrs. John Huckell, «f Ottawa re- gister, Mrs. Fan- Owle Head. Mrs. Wood's «anove July *th. Mrs. Will Foot© returned home with Dr. N. F. Foote and wife last wieek and is spending a wieek at theiir home in Tupper L»Jtoe, Mr. and Mrs. Ckiy D^parios, from MaJone, and little Ratricta. Deparois, of Saranac Lake, spe-nt Sunday with relattviee in toiwji. T^ie little son of Frank Pwrdy has e«n quite til. Wesley Bean and family qpent Sun- day ait Mountain View. Arthlur Rolley is wiorking for H&n- jy Garpenjter. VLeJand "Gaiandy is spending several d\r& in towjv. TEama King been spending- a week ait Elleaibang Center. Her un- cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Char lee Willett, retum-ed with h^r for over Sunday. Hodlis Child and F. H. Ljyraan have been taking inventory of tine stiome Soods and household furnishings ot the late E. J. Gaiipenter. E*ug*ne Low, of MaJone, and son, Harry, of New- York, were callers a* George Law's o-n Satxirday, Mre. F^nny Carpenter and daugh- ters, of Owfls Head, were here on Sunday. Grace and Mad&e Splcer leave on Wednesday morning for the West. Madpe goete pas far aa Cleveland, Ohio where she will spend her summer vacation. G-raoe, m compaaty with Jeseie Ldnoorln, of MaJone, will go on to maJie aa exteasded visit in Boze- man, Mont. G-raoe Hunter, of Biarke, is the of her sister, Wm. Hollis Child Mrs. Leonard Bigelaw and daugh- ter, Marjorle, aind Mildred Lyman -ex- pect to be in oamp at Mountatex View a few days this week. Made since 184$— Hanford's Bal- cently visited her nie Car.pen.ter, at Carpenter's son, Ezra, and dauigjjter, Harriet, accompanieel ber back to Ottawa, wshece they wSil vksit fior a little tim*.* Miss Midred Earle, a recenft grad- uate of the Potsdam Nortmal, also a graduate of Franklin Academy, Ma Jane, in the clas© of 1910, has ac- ceptje4 a position to teacix in the [assena schools the comin^f year. Mr. and Mrs. Mvers, of Lyons, N. T., are viaiting their son, Geo. My- ers, and fajnily at Owls Head. Miles Sheffield, who hae spent much otf his time the 'past twto years in Vermont, is visiting his daughter, Mre. O. E. Chapman," to Ow9s Head. Many friends in tMe vicinity mourn the death of Dr. Bofttteas, of Ma- lone. *• He was not only one of the best physicians Malone ever had, but he was every Inch a Allan. The writ- er enjoyed his friendotolp tor over'80 years and was with him much, and xvever a shadow, of unpieasanstness arose to mar the kindle feeing" thait existed between them. COOKS CORNERS. y daughter, b July 7 —Mrs. Ch«trI«B Hea*h and h Eh f Bkda who Ch«trI«B of Brookdaae, who t k t , t e l , of Broo, bean speeding a tew weeks at the home Mr. and Mrs. H, E. Morey, returned to their home Sat- urday. Mrs. Joel Allen, of has been caring for her sister, who Mrs. Bert Ellsworth, returned home re- centtly. On Wednesday, Ju8y 8nd, a qui«t wedding took place «t tj*e home of Mra Mary Peary, when her daughter, Miss Ella, axtd Mr. Whjeeler, of Bay Pond, wea-e- united in marriage, life h ooupte will return to Bay Fonol ftiee they have <wnpAoyment sand wUJ carry with them th* best w3sh- 1 of a large circle of friends. Marshall Kelly is gradually faU- tog. Hazel Johnson has goae up South for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Steam* Mott and grandaan, of No. Bangor, atoe Mr. and Mre. John Mott wiere tJk© ?tiests of Mr, and Mrs. G«o. Howard Sim- d M day. THE KING OF AJLL LAXATIVES For constipation, headaches, indi- gestion and dyspepsia, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. p«.ul Mattrulk, of Bufalo, N. Y., says th*y **<e thie "King of all laxatives. They are a blessing to all my temtry and I ei- wiayB keep a box at home." Get a box and get by all druggists. Price 26*. Recom and Would Hardly Think It Meant Traveling 8 5 3 3 Mite*. Have you ever thought of the dis- tance you travel when you are out on an hour's stroll? Possibly you walk three miles within the hour, but that does not by any means represent the distance you travel. The earth turns on its axis every twenty-four hours. For the sake of round figures, we will call the earth's circumference 24,000 miles, and so you must Lave traveled during the hour's stroll 1,000 miles In the axial turn of the earth. But this is not all. The earth makes a journey around the sun every year, and a long but rapid trip it is. The distance of our planet from the sun we will pat at 92,000,000 miles. This is the radius of the earth's orbit—half the dia&eter of the circle, as we call it. The whole diameter is therefore 184,000,000 miles, and the circumfer- ence, being the diameter multiplied by 8.1416, is about 578,000,000. This amazing distance the earth trav- els in its yearly journey," and dividing it by 365 we find the daily speed about 1,586,000. Then we get the distance yop rode_ ground the sun during your July 9th —Mrs. J. A, Caaneron is -four's waTkV divide again by twenty- , ly to investigate her ^^..^. the j Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Parks, Miss j Eva Thompson and Airs N. K. Niles of I are camping at Liake Ozonia. Mrs. Parks, who has been ill for some time, is improving. Yean Winters and C. J. Young are home from Conifer, Henry Nichols, of Stockholm, ed at O. E. Parks 1 Wednesday Thursd. Albany for Milo Hudson and Melbourne Daw- son ai-e home few days. Miss Josie Orcutt left on Saturday eriing for a visit with cousine in Independence. Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Powell and family have gone to Axton to eanip for the summer. Kim-ball Phillips is home from Springfield on a visit. Mrs. Ora Smith and children, of Brandon, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Elma. TutUe. TROUT RIVER. ipending a few days in Westville with her brother, Wm. Armstrong. Mrs. Hugh Cameron and two daughters, Norma and Marion, from Milwaukee, have come to spend the months with her mother, Mrs. Phjlosmon Berry. Hilda Dalzell has returned home "ram the city. John Tuggey, of Pittsburg, paid yg He is flying visit to his parents recently. H i now on his way to Europe, itfiied by Mrs. Tuggey and a number of boys who are in Ms charge. All wish theun a good time and a safe return. Anson Stark has purchased a Mrs. John Gardner and two chil- dren, Jim and Irene, have returned home after spending a few days wit& relatives in Molone. Miss Mary Beatftie has been very ill the past week. Miss Pearl Doria, who has a posi- tion in the Bast, wikere sbe resides with on eider sister, is visiting her pareants, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doria, at Trout River. ^ John Doria, who hae spent several w)eeks in town, hae returned to his work at Conifer. NORTH BURKE. JuOy 7 —Mrs. Walter Craiwford, of dtn, Aiberta, is expected hero this week to spend the summer with her mother, Mra. Margaret Bush. Mr. and Mm. Archie Maithar, of Canada spent Sunday with Mr. and M M Shttk p Mrs. Mac Shattuck. The W. C. T U. held h Matrons* The W. C. U. h d Silver Medal contest the church 00 IViday evening. The following is the programme: Recitation, Turn on the Light, Mrs. Lee Stone. Recitation, The Moderate Plan, Mra. Alfred Bonin. Vocal solo, Mr* H. C. Cempb*aU Recitation, The Result of Treating, Mrs. Tbomae Hin ics. Recitation, The Ship Went Down, Mrs. James Graham. Recitation, Poorhouse Nao, Mrs. Fred McMi&aa. Recitation, The <kmvfct£ WaraJagv Mrs. Sheldon Ellaworttt The rofedal Was won by Mra James iraham. Dr. Martin, of Massachusetts, who has been visiting his brother, Ch&l- eir, has returned home. Miss Nettie Hunter is visiting her sister in Whippieviile. NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuant to &n order of Frederick O. Pad- dock, surrogate of the oounty of Franklin, and aocording to the stat- ute- in such case made and provid- ed, notice Is hereby given to all per- sons having claims ag&Lnst Stanon, T. Bero, late of Bombay, la said ooun- ty, d.ece*UBed, tttat they we required to exhibit th« same, with th* voueJv- ere thereof, to the undersigned, ad- mtnistratrlx, at her residence la Bombay, in said county, 00 or before tflue 15th day of January next. Elated July 7, 1918. *^ VIOLA BERO, Adntfntatratrix. GEORGE J. MOORE, Attorney for Admiratotratrrx, Maion*. N. Y. 30*37. Heals any -Hanford'. Bai- A4 That Mortgage The only way for the average man to accumulate is by the systematic saving of small amounts. The Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, organized In 1865, guar- antees the payment of the mortgage immediately in the event of your death, leavirtf-the home dear for those dependent upon you. Ask J. H. DULLEA, General Agt. MALONE, NEW YORK AN HOUR'S WALK. four, and the result Is about 66,000 miles. But this is not the end of your hour's trip. The sun, with Its entire brood of planets, is moving in space at the rate of 160,000,000 miles fn a j-ear. f hs& is at the rate of a little more than 438,000 miles a day, or 18,- 250 miles an hour. So, adding your three miles of leg travel to the hour's axial movement of the earth, this to the earth's orbital journey and that again to the earth*1 excursion with the sun, and you find you have traveled In the hour 85,253 mllea. Hunt For s Hangman. The British army was onee in dim- eulties through the lack of a hangman. Murder was committed by a soldier in the Crimea, but nobody could be found to carry out the sentence of the court martial. It was anno and a free discbarge would bel > the 'man undertaking the task, tast a man did volunteer. He was a newcomer to the army. On the night prior to the date fixed for tbe execution they locked tip the hangman in a-sta- ble to keep him safe. In the morning the party at the gallows waited, bat there was no hangman He bad gone mad during the night or else he was BOW simulating madness. The officer la command turned to one of bis cap- tains with, "Captain, you will have the goodness to hang the prisoner!" The captain changed countenance, but be polled himself together and appeal- ed to the sergeants with, "Which of yon will hang this man?" And to. spare his captain one of the men vol- unteered, fie afterward had ttft sat- isfaction of flogging the man who had volunteered and failed.—London Stand- Found ths tnsscs. The overanxious father of charming daughters, after hia family had sought seclusion for the night, caught somewhere in the distanc* tiw echo of a sneese. At once, in dressing gown *ad Up- pers, he padded down the ball T knocked at the Dearest door. "Jane, my dear, did you ansese "No, papa." Tap-tap at the adjoining door. "Mary, my love, WM that yon m ingr "No, indeed, P*P* d«w. M Pad-pad to ttoe 4oor at to* end of tbs corridor. "Margaret, tay pet, I he«M a WM it your -Oa, no. psps, dearest" Just then tne gnest room door, half- way dbwn the corrtdor, opened a hand's breadth, and the ocJM vote* «f old lady gtmrt, who had early, issued forth: n am extremely sorry, Mr. Bn>«»; tt was I woo eneei^l l> -Nsw lorktaa, Bring Your Oculist's Prescription^! Here Your oculist will tell y&i the kind of glasses you need, v He prescribes glasses on the theory that you ate going to select an optician who will carry out his instructions that your glasses will be a source of com ort and Satis- faction. We satisfy you and your oculist. B. A. SOPER Optometrist and Optician, 21 Elm Street, Malone, N. Y. Across the R. R, brack from Howard House. In office every day but Tuesdays. Th» Two "Dark Days.** There are two "dark days" mentioned in the annals of *Iew England. The first occurred 011 Oct. 21, 1716, when it suddenly became so dark soon after noon that the peopie were forced to use artificial lights to do their ordinary work. This strange condition of the> atmosphere lasted about three and a half hours. Again, on May 19, 1780, there was a remarkable darkening of the atmosphere, but the phenomenon) did not come on so suddenly as that ipon the earlier date. The darkness "in, this latter instance began between 10 acd 11 o'clock on the morning of the day named ana lasted throughout the day. The darkness extended from the northeastern part of New England westward as far as AJbany and south- ward to Pennsylvania. The most in- tense and prolonged darkness, how- ever, was confined to Massachusetts, more especially to the seaboard. It is said to have come from the southwest, but there is no mention of^ it made La the history of Ohio or the Virginias. The exact cause still remains one of mysteries. "Warned Off" the Turf. To be "warned off" is the most se- vere sentence that can be imposed on any one in England connected with the turf. Not only does it debar a maa from owning, training or riding horses^ but ontU the committee decideV to re- voke the punishment prevents him, even from showing himself on any race course. This is so owing to the fact that the decision of the national bunt committee is registered automati- cally by the racing authorities in France and Ireland and of course by the Jockey club. like the national hunt committee, the stewards of the Jockey club also reserve to themselves the right of summoning any rider whom they suspect of sharp practice* or even carelessness to appear before- them and, unless the explanation giv- en proved satisfactory, to "suspend*' or punish the offender hi some other way.—London Answers. Turner** Csrslsssness. Perhaps the taoat Qfjlific painter who/ ••er lived was the gif$t Tamer. When no died his house in Queen JLnne street, which he ha^not occupied for a long time, was found to be-full of masterpieces an gpiaff to rack and rain. Even thefcmious^Crossing the Brook/* one of tie priceless treasures of the National gallery in Trafalgar square* WM there, with large pieces chipped off ft Many of Turner's masterpieces which he bad refused to sell for "love or mon«f" were almost ruined by the damp coming from defective windows asd ceilings. There were, besides th* oil psintiBgs, literally thousands of water color drawings **chuklng about the place," any ono of which would draw a iittie fortune at this moment from ti»e pocket of. an American mil- tkmair* By Ms win he left tfcem all to fee natfecwLoadOB Soeetmfbr.

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Post on 01-Sep-2018




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Prevalent in Town—I.. A.£. Plans Entertainment.—Confirm-ation of Large Cla>* Sunday.

Ch-; Di

his brother.

Rich-;aid Bradford

are having an, Mass.,R.

Ju:yana £arJir-n.and '• ia t ta k

K]:n,is .s tBut;..-!-.

M;ss Carrie Proctor,- who Spenta ;>•"'• d;-.v,« the ptu-eat of friends intow i. \- enr to Antwerp Wednesdaymorning.

'M -- Kathon-ncr Chalice, of W e -to;,v.-;;:.. X. J . Is spending h t r *nn-ffi,r vu'-<ttion a t the hom>: of "^Jierm^th-r . Mrs. Sarah Cha f fee.

Guv Hakins. of Rutland, Vt.. spentFriday and Saturday

Mrs. E. II. Hu'-kettwere guests at the hMerr;:: lor a few dajs

Mr?. Juljjbura. was aFr)ih


(a 111- r

*rhter. Jfi. E |

-d'.'n-s- j

Death of Patrick Sullivan.

ruiv 5—Fred\itcGowan, of Meri-den. Conn., visitWl his mother,. Mrs.Peter MiGowan, over Sunday.

Mary Frances yuinn arrived homeSaturday from Johnstown for the

immer vacation with her parents,Mr.-and Mrs. J. S. Quinh

V. Soripter arrived in town Sat-urday and is spending the week withhis wife, at th*; home of h-r lathe:'.Irving Peek.

Mrs. Pat Daly has gone to LakePlacid, where she has a position furthe summer,

Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Day, of BlueMountain, spent Thursday and Fri-day with friends in Brushton.

Mrs. Jennie Wood, who has spent^verai w.-ck* in Brushton helping tocare for her mother. Mrs. Mary Hill,

o has i>t.-en ve-rj sick but has im-vt'd in a measure, returned to her

horn*.- in Burke. Tuesday.Mrs. >Vn} Fevk, aged 94.. who

, h-}".-nr t' 'o ux-eks at Moira, re-,turned home Tuesday. v -

A. K Alien has improved the looksof hks hou-se with a ny>v coat of


Many Return to the Old Town forTheir Vacation.

July 7—Gi.K>. A. Hastings and son,Aubrey, of Y on kt*r»of his parents, Mr,E. Aubrey, Mr. Ha


lev. Dowd to <3ire Addresses atSyracuse.

July 7— Miss Lottie White, fromWadding-ton, Is visiting- Mrs. M. II.

are at the home Pc-wd for severalml Mrs.

MrMontreal, „-Mrs. Edwin Moomiy.

tht h

M •

; t£ M:

Mi >nday for

xhv Rutland

LiretriiJeaf. who has been'•"•""• | en'iS'lo}.<-d at Belleville, Out.. is in

,.. j town for a week visiting his daugh-. ^ ! t'-r, Mrs. Critteiiden, who is here

• I from New Haven, Conn., for a fewu weeks.

r a t I James Fisher, of Templetun, Mass..But- arrived in town on Monday for a

' few weeks, the guest of his daugh-ter, Mrs. Merrill Baldwin.

Walter Clark and daughter, MissJennie, returned with his daughter,Mrs. Charles Wardner, to Rainbow

M. .E.Mrs. Ida Jackson, of Mas

spending- some time with Mr:Clark.

Last week C. B. Bur nap and Hi-ram Clark each disposed of a driv-ing horse to an ©astern bu>»jr.

Clayton Young, who is u''>rkniffUtition.

Brad- Lake, for-a few days' stay.soend- ^ r - a'n(^ Mrs. David Kavanah and

daughter, Eva., r e t i m e d Sunday fromormetown hav iw sp^-nt a iv\\ dayswith friends.

the ^ r - an<^ Mrs. I". A, Clark and Mr,, and Mra. Earl Clark went "to Burke

, , t A , . t a i n m , . n t ; Sunday to call on their son's wife,'••\i«P''i>-s of) Mrs. Merchant Clark, of New York

Llri.;<" class

•:.-* at themorning',

Aibtrntiii&s remains onjf "The Youkers

•Iv Statesman," and is also cor-ijondt-nt for seveial JK. • Y. daily

..urs. lie will,enjoy a fortnight's! vacation here, his native town.

T h o r n s .Lynch, of Massachusetts,is a guest of his son, Ed&ard Lynch,and other relatives. He is a -brotherof Miss Margaret Lynch, who isslowly recovering from an illness.

Arthur and Ambrose JJ-eftesha andfaniiik'-s are' spend 1114? a week or sowith their grandmother, Mrs. MosesDenesha. Their father was the lateJoseph Denesha. Arthur Deneshaholds a responsible position in alarge dejijartm-esnt store in Worcester,Mass. His younger brother, Ambrose,-is employed on the barge canal atOswtgo, X. Y. The young men at-tended school here as boys and havemany friends who are pleased tomeet them again.

Mrs. Joseph Ross and childrenand the Misses -Koss and two ladyfriends are stopping with Mrs. VinaFlurio. The party are from NewYork city, numbering ten. For severalyears they have spent the summermonths* hr-rt-. Mr. Koss, who is? asui cessiul business man, will wrnelater on to remain a while uuththem. They will return in September i Law and Order Lee^uto New York. j an address at the M

W. A. Chamberlain returned Friday. copal church,night from the Gettysburg reunion, i Mrs. M. H. Dowdwii^re he enjoyed the big camp. | net. visited friends in

David Denesha and sun, David, jr.. i v,>t-k. Little Murielhome for a few days. Tiny v>'Hl]paniod them home for

g,home for a sho-rt vaca-

Miss Ella Drake, who attends col-lege at Nyaek, N. Y., :s home forthe summer.

Mrs. Chsurlton and Miss MildredJohnson. of Lawrc-m evillo. wereguests at the M. E. parsonage onFriday.

The next meeting of the W. C. T.U. wil' be held .with Mis- May Hart-son. Those who will ehe anything-to help fill the barrel t.. b-e seat tothe ' M-vio flood sufferer?,a:v- reqifest-ed to bring same to this meeting.

Rev. M. H. Dowd is attending theSecond Annual Conference of RuralWorkers a t Syracuse University,which is held in that <ity from July8th to the 16th. Rev. Dowd gives alecture July 14th on •1IMsoov<r-riesMad*:* in Directirwg- K'.ira1 SurveyW'>rk;" aliS-o on Tue^cu.;. . July 15, h.wilS give an address on "The VillageChurch and the F a r m - : '

Next Sunday morniii: R<t s t h

G. WState



dark Gale Buys the Wilder £\urm.

July 7— Mr. and Mrs. LawrenceLambertine, and daughter, Gladys,or Alooers, visited their sister, Mrs.Wm. Sweet, a few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Richardson,and daughter, of Dickinson, wereguests of their parents, Mr. andMrs. D. Richardson, a few days thepast week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lunrmn Kingsley andson, Francis, went to Masseaia Thurs-day to spend a couple of weeks withrelatives.

Mr. and Mrs. George" Russell andfamily attended the aLl-day Holinessmeeting- at No. Bangor Juiy 4th.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brayton andfamily, of Bangor, were guests atth-e home of their grandmother, Mrs.Betsey Brayton, Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tryon andfamily, from St. Regis .Falls, wereguests at Orange PJielps' a fewdays the past week.

Ailex Richardson, of Lancaster, isvisiting his brother, Dan Richard-son, for a few days





Mrs.d MrOsd*

eatmeMr aupper

Jerrv Tp. Truij.-nsburg ***at .nd Mrs.

rum We.l.»le, ofHospital


ofM aMo

D tLiake, are spending

Bangor,ra. \nday


•••ntfo r

, offew

days in Brushton.Mrs. George Conger and daughter ,

Grace, were callers in Cornwall Tues-


Mrs Z,Brasher i-

Cluurt'li1 1 roia

Mrs. B-u> t h -

Murj.tarsd <tw i 1 '.•

M r .dav a


'' the dioceseadministered j G j

>* and the Mrs?. Lucy Davis, of Malone, spentnnt ' in pre- ' Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. H,

Steenberge.Sutler were Earl Woods is suffering with rheurPridav matism.

',",...,,",.,V,K] in Mrs Ell Barse is quite sick. )r^rv-'j 'iiv'i.ui! daughter, Mrs. Grover Frew, of.V ' ' Rutland. I Bombay, is caring for her,fi-- Father ! E- K- Harris w,as visiting his son,;.t.vlV I Rov. and family, in Middlebury, Vt.

last w-ek,.Aft'.-!1 s"Vfral weeks" sickaess Pat-

rick »sulli'wi-n. an aged and muchrespited citizen of Brushton, 'died

jat his home on Tuesday morning.I The funeral was held on ThursdayI morning at St. Mary's church,j Mi?? Marion Ferris, of Westport.|N Y.. a former teacher in the Brushj ton school, is the guest of Mrs. G. Montieth started on Thurs-

day ;n-:ht for Philadelphia and willvi it W;-i..slniit:taai b*-:ore his return.

Prank urton went to Hudson Fallslast week, where he has employment

> d ^[during Ms summer vacation on theH-..'-niv.

j y y! return on Monday to Hinekley{vicinity, whore they arc employed a^ j•fcarpenters for the CviUral II. R. • visj iee cream aivd rake will be sorv- , i ^led in the tov. n hail Siiturday evtn-' ing-. It is expected that salesWill continue every Saturday niyht,until cold weather of late fall.

Mrs. Sarah M. YVilber, who ha^been a visitor here for the past threeweeks-, returnd to O^vve^o on Tues-day, by way of Lake Flat-id, wlu-reshe visited her son, John A Wil-ber. for a day or so.

Miss Marion Wilbtr . who is stop-ping- with the family of John .Lanij-fctrd in Burke, is spending a fe'.vdays at home.

Pa t Rogers, of Wf-stville, was aguest of his son, Charles, and fam-ily, on the Beebee farm, Thursday. ,

A good many attended the circusin Malone on Wednesday. On ac-

-nd j eral week:a^ I M iss Sab ret Briggs,

I. visitvd he-r cousin, Misveek. She was en

ton to visit firendsMrs. S. M. Tryon a

Bidjrood. are viSa.bin at Malone for .'

Eli Greenwood is critiBrig;hts disease.

Mr. and Mrs. H. <"'.\H'i-n visitinsg at the Ci;l«ike Ooznia.

Bradford Flint, of S:is visiting? his father,for sev-eraJ days. Hewith a sprained ankle

A. B. Wi the r^ 1. wrworse f< r a few wetk.<not improve.

iJir<lensburgr.Karl Deans.ite for Bos-

Mrs. g. H.itinv Mrs. Charles

fortnight.,lly ill with

Stiles haverk camp at


Mr. and Mrs. George Hodsre spenta few days the .past week withfriends at Malone.

Air. and Mrs. AdoAplius Beaulleuand two children, Helen and Gene-vi-eve, of Massena, were visitors ofMrs. Beaiiiieu's parents, Mr. and Mrs.Frank Yada-vv, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rockhill anddaug-hter. Mildred, of Duan-e, visitedat the home of the former's father,Chas. Rockhill, over Sunday.

Mr. Lambertin/e, who has beenspending: a few weeks with his son,JLawhence, at Mooers, has returnedto the home of his daughter, Mrs.William Sweet.,1

Mr, and Mrs. George Russell wentto Bhyoming-da-le Saturday to spend afew days with his niece, Mrs. Chas.Palmer, where they expect to meettheir sister, Mrs. W B Baboeck,and two nieces, Miss Frances andMrs. Aloney Babcoek. from Clinton,N h ii



late trairchof fic-

tlie ma-me until 12Is made upweary wait-


1 Mrs!"i L

and Rub- | }

etui-n to-

count ofjority did not re«o 'c loc k, wfi t n t h ea special train fo:ers.

Tlie Misses Sarah Davis and Car-oline H in man go to Cortland, X. Y..on Monday to take a coarse of stu-

j dy in the summer school, whichI opens in the High S'-hool buildingin that city at this time. They willbe gone about eight weeks. MissRuby Armstrong, of Malone? wdliaccompii-iiy them to enter the sum-mer school for a similar course.

I John, Jr., ha^ been to do farm work for Win. Brand.

Arthur II anna., of Ft. Covignton,was a taller on friends here £-.:


Forest Fires Making Gnat Headway.

July 7 —Miss Alice Trim went onWednesday morning to spend hervacation with h>er aunt. Mrs. Mon-roe Otis, at St. Regis Lake,

G. A. Larte,.. Mr. and Mrs. ErnestCamp -spent Friday at Beechertowtn,the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ace Wal-ler.

sold n4s fine

yNorth, Carolina, who are visiting-that place.

Will M D

a t

Will McDonald has sold his largefarm, formerly known a-s the Wilderfarm, to Clark Gale, who took po<s-sessdon Saturday, July 5th, but willnot move his family there until hislease of Fred Tryon's farm expiresin the spring,

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robideau.Fort Covington, visited the latter'sparents, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Vill-nave, a few days the past week.


The btusinejBs meeting of the Y. P.B., held at the home of RaymondBell last Saturday «venine:, waa wellattended and the following- officerswere <?hosen for the coming year:—

Pres., Mine Tessie Dake.Vice-Pres., William Wood.'Rec. Sec., Thelma GilJett.y.Cor. Sec.,~Myrtle Gillett *Treas., HsutniMon Wood.General Sec, Mrs. Martha Carr.Mrs. Martha Sails, of Guilford Cen-

ter, XT. Y., is spending some timewjith'frien-ds in thte vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. John Adams andson, Bruce of Chsateaugay, wereguests of Mrs. Acelia Bromley re-cently.

At the last meeting of the BurkeGrange it was decided to tlisean>tin-ue the meetings of that order urttUthe th!»d Tuesday in August.

Mrs. Fred Baldwin visited friendsand relatives in Westville Saturdayand Sunday.

Mrs. Mina Favorln and ilttle daughter, Ali-ce, from Cambridge, Mass.,are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. #redBaldwSn,



July 7— Martin Gaswsell, of Chat-'aauigay, formerly of this -lace, is intown visiting friends.

Miss Estella Smith has gone to Mt.Viejv, wUiere she has a position forthe summer.

Mrs. Martha Farresr Barton,, R. I., is visiting her par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Fairer.She is "accompanied by het* little sonand a niece.

Mrs. Charles Burr and daughter,Marion, of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Al-oney /Babcoek and little son, Saun-

Ait a meeting %f the Board of Trus-tees of the Alice Hyde Hospital As-sociation, held at the office of O'Neil&. Hale, on the 7th day of July, 1913,in reference to the detvth of Dr. Fur-ness, the following proceeding's \v*rehad:

A committee was appointed todraft appropriate resolutions and thecommittee reported the following,which were unanimously adopted:

Whereas, it has pleased a DivineProvidence to remove from our midstDr. Henry Furness, an esteemed andhonored member of our Boa.rd, andthe -vice-president of this associationsince its org'aniaztion; now it is

HesoJved, that in the death of Dr.Furness, this association and the en-tire community sustains a great andirreparable IQJB. *

Dr. Furitess was one o»f the ori-ginal promoters of the hospital pro-ject and he was largely instrumentalin shaping public opinion and aided•materially in establishing and per-fecting the original organization, andhe has at all times aided and en-

of I couraged us in the progress of thework by his valuable pjx»fessional ad-vice and assistance,

Furnees was a physician ofprofound and extensive learningskillful and successful in the prac-tice isf his profession, and a kindand true friend.

It is further resolved that a copyof these resolutions be printed1 inthe Malone newspapers^



h<-ir •-..>u '.: . t.hc M.-Mi«.- Corrine liv^ruvisiting aid fritnd

]M'.-s Lottie -C.Ui- guest


friends of M

state road being constructed by,_^ 1 James Anderson7 3 ! Mr. /»-J Mrs. Jesse Myers, of New" j Kaven, Conn., arrived in Brushton,, r. ! Tuesday and arc- visiting at th^

home of his uncle, Wm. Barnett.Dr. Eins-in Reed is home from Bur-

lington, h.civina uraduated from thmedicaJ department of the Burlington,University of Vermont and has goneto Liake Placid, where he will beemployed until fall. Then he willenter St. Vincent's Hospital, NewYork, for a few months before lo-cation for the practice of his pro-fession.

Oniy tismeiy help saved the h meof Fred Roozn from going- up insmoke on July 4th.

Miss Ellen Savage, who has beenmonths,

d a y

. iS^S ! "


is nhad

as ui MUSS M I U I Ueriouslv ill for over two months,to hear that she i g nfm m o r e c o m f o r t a b l e as a result

Mrs. L, Pro .-Lai andFourth

n. Ken-ith her

T h e t-t pn

entertained his two

ds of the Fourth ofchurchSt. J o.seph*s

:h shows it was aThe managementthank those who

. . for•ft-ert $4 i< 2. whigrand success,•wish to public!;contributed to its success.

Miss Eva Spillmgs hits returnedfrom South Hero, Vt. £

Percy and Bertha McMulien havereturned from their trip to Vermontwid Montreal, Que.

Mr. an Mrs. Will Cailahan, fromConstable, have been spending a fewdays at J. M. Murphy's,

Mre. C Orton and daughter, MissHiuei, of Bru&hton are spending afew days here visiting friends.

of an operation perattending physician.

ormed by the


Mrs. Haley Breaks Ribs Wlien HorseStumbles.

Misse gSweet returned Thurs-day, after spending a few days in

Cornwall, Ont.Miss Eva Keenan is visiting hex

friend, Miss Lucy Daaia.Mrs. W. E. Perry is visiting- in

Mille Roches, Ont.T. H. McMaillen spemt TSiursday in

Miss Helem Reordon, of Kilbain,Qw., is the guest of her cousin,ICiss Nettie Keefe.

Mr. and Mrs. Dana and family havebeen spending a few days down the


j u ly 7—The C E. Society realiz-ed $15.77 from their ice cream sale.Saturday.

Charles Steswart has purchased th<eDr. Hinanan place of D. P. Mar-vin and is moving into the ^©Jtne.

Miss &elina Holland is viaifcmg rela-tives in Dickinson Center.

Mrs. FTed Lee has been entertjain,-4ng relatives from Fort Covingtonth« past week.

Howard Dickinson has gone toJBar&n&c, where he has employment.

Prof. John Wright, ofCenter, and Miss Clara Clark,W««tville Center, were guest* ofUlanehie Dfkrkimson, Friday.

Mre. Edna Arnold and daughter,Etfrel, hiave gone to Potsdam forthe summer.

$tiss lllah Collins leaves Tuesdayfor Lake George, where Bh© haa em-ploymtesnt for the summer.

Mrs. RaJjph Geddes, of Brushton,Se vlsAtlng relatives in. town.

Miss Jones, of Canada, is visitingher cousin, Blanche Dickinson, andother relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snide viaitedrelative* in. Ft. Oovington recently.

Misee© Dottle a.n4 Bertha Whitoianare vteiting their gran/danotlier, Mrs.Baker.

About 76 couples attended th«of July ball at Hotel Ftoabtwgh.

Miss Nickelson has returned toIter home In Brushton after spendIng several weeks at F. G. SpauAd-tagr's.

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Spauldiag and•da.ugrh.ter. Ethel and two friendevisited the, former's parents. Mr.and Mra. J. W. SpauMing, last week.

THe Phite,thea Cluto %vttl hold thdirmeeting: this "vveiek Friday, as lastFriday w&» the Fourth.

July 7 -—On the way to Mialonelast Wednesday, in descending theHardy Mil, Mrs. George Haley's horsestumbled and fell, throwing her tothe ground. She wias quite severe-ly injured, two ribs being brokenand she was otherwise bruised. Mr.Haley is one of o\er merchants, and

too, is ill and under the care ofa physician.

The La-dies1 Aid Society of the Con-gresational church will hold an iceoreajn and cake socaal at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Will Berry Thurs-day, July 10. Price 15 cents. •

Miss Jones, of Montreal, a cousin iof Mrs. Bentley, aiwl Mrs. FredDickinson, of the South village, were jgue^s ot Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bent-ley last Thursday. ]

AJ\na Rice, of Worcester, Maas..V*BL8 calling on relative* and friendsm OUT viliag© last week.

Miss Gertrude Ocrvie, vs*o 4 ^ ^ beenteachmg at LiCm&. Island, ^ home atpresent. • _

Mrs. H. B«gge, of Malone, is oc-cupynig her house in our \-illag«.

Mr. and Mre. Edwin Benttey wer*erueais at thie home of her brother,Reuben Jomee, of th*e South village,Friday.

J. P. Keilas is erector a shed tohis grist mill to replace thie erne des-troyed by the ice last Stpring; aleoa sto-rehouee connieoted with, the miQ.

Jfhie interment * of Mrs. SBiepard, otReynxxldstan, occurred to our ceme-tery on Sunday, July 6th.

Miae Emtma L*awrenc«, Mrs. FredSaiyde and son, Harold, returned lastwieek from Rome, where they at-tended th© Advemtist «ump meeting.

Fraaklin Peck, o€ QUe, ia clerk-ing for Geo. Haley In hia store.

Mm. Herbert Wood to visiting inBurke.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Barrett wfereg-u.este of frtende rn Mailone. l&st Sun-day.

Miss I4e»e Reyome, of Malone,spent Sunday with h»er parents, Mr.and Mre. Duncan Oakea,

Mrs. S. H. McKeen is now-steady gain.

on a

One trial convinces—Haniord's Bal

FeeJ 1 languid, weak, run down ?Headache? Stomach "off?"i^emedy us Burdock Blood

A goodBitters

Auk your d>«gfiet. Price $1.00.—Adv.

July 7—Louis Parker, of Skerry,is a caller in town.

Mrs. P&uJ. J. Grates, of Brooklyn,Wttio has been at the home of heruncle, F. H. Lyman, and with friendsin Maione the past week, has goneto Vermont toM. Niles.


July 7— Mrs. Robert Clark, whohas been very ill with rhmunatiam,ia some better.

CJiharles Hoadley, of Earlville, isspending- a few days dn town-

Mr, and Mrs. W. Downer, fromthe Eastern States, are guests • intown.

Miss Rhoda Kay is spending sometime with Miss L«na GaJe.

T)her« wtfil l>e an toe cream socialat the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robt.

on Friday night, July 11,for the benefit of the church, .

Quite a number 0$ young peoplefrom thie town spent the Fourthat Fraser'e Point.

Mr. and Mrs. E. D Gale and twosons, of MaJone, are spendto^- sometime at the home of C. • . Hoad-

*y. -i*William Ortoa and three daughters

nd Nonman J&ckaosi apemt severalays la«t wieek at the St. Ijawremce.

A neighborhood ploolc m&B heJd InE. HoadJey's «rove on ttoe '4 th,

A good time was bad by ail.An ice cream social will be held

at the home of Hobert Fairchild, Friday evening, July 11th, for the bene-fit of the M. E. church.

Try P. P. Meetuut'a cl*ar outtlnjrafor pipe. AdT. H

Mr. and Mrs. Geo, H, Hurlburtid Mr. i-snd Mrs. Albert

; and Rev. Wm. Bucll andj went as a p;irty to Eraser's Point] the past v-ti.-k to enjoy a week's stayj there.

Eugene Hall is repairing and painti ing tiu- interior of the Heaiy re&i-

""Mrs. Marshall Burgess visited herdaughter,' Mrs. A-saei Beach, in Ma-lone. on Wednesday and Thursday,.

Wilber Denesha, of Malone, who ,]has charge of the Peter Denesha j *aw mill here, has been finishing- t: V ""ustom sawing- of log-s, etc.

Mrs, P. W. Bishop recently en-tertained her sister and family frombt. Lawrence county.

It is not a wise thing for young-people to bathe or go "a swimming-"in the river in the middle of theday. Illness often results, whichhas been the case here recently.

John S. McCarthy spent Sundayhere w5th his family.

Clayton Trim hasmatched team to a gentleman fromConnecticut. Consideration $512.

The infant daughter of Mr. and , v,Mrs. Fred Harrington who has been j ders, of North Carodma, are guestsill, is better. ' of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Thomas visituj j . Saunders.thek- daughter, Mrs. Lial French, in j Mrs. W. A. Richardson is improv-Malone IViday. | ing unde-r the treatment prescribed

Miss Mildred Es-eltine, who has | by Dr. Parke, a noted -specialist, oft Hurlburt t l 'e&n visiting" friends in Dickinson. | Boston, wfco was called h&re recent-MT S Buell h a s returned home.Mrs. «aeji M . ^ S a r a h D y k


measles.Forest are raging west


Surprise Party tor Harold Green.

j u ly 7— William J. Martin,city, son of Mrs. W. 11

ocH.1, is spending a few daysold home in Chasm Fails.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green, of Nor-wich, N. Y. are visiting Mr, Green's.parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. P. Green

Miss Gertrude Lester, who has beenspending a few weeks with her par-

n N,Har-t his

yWillard Parnaby, of Pit tsburgh

.&$ in t-own the .past few days at-tending- to business matters conneot-sd with the estate of his father, the

late Robt. Parnaby.


Walter Todd Does Not Improve,

ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lester,at their home n«ar WhipleviHe, hasreturned to her work as a trainnurse in Utiea.

Levi Glazier, who has been inMassachusetts for some time pa^t,has returned to his home in OwlsHead.

Peter Martin, the new mail carrierbetween Malone and Duane, has IUOWbeen on the route several - days. Heseeims b iinlan aby the people o

of thFalls mad

visit her 'father, W.

Mr. and Mrs. Gea.~j3roodsman andMr. Goodmaoi's parents, of Malone,drove to Gabriels last Thursday.They expect to retiirn today.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark havemoved back to Forest, N. Y.

Sam Dufore had the miaforttme tolose a horse last week.

M. T. Sherman, of Cherry Valley,is a caller in town recently.Homer Smith has been fishing at

Hatch Brook.few weeks ago we mentioned the

m tanat Waiter Todd was HI withpneumonia. At present tiiere seemsto be very little improvement in hiscondition, although every effort isbeing put forth to relieve his suffer-to«. Dr. Van Dyke is the attend-ing physiciaja.

Mrs. Elizabeth Merrill and CharlesLtyman are sheading aome ttme moamndp. at Mountain View.

George Thomas, -wflio-at present islocated att Chioopee Falls, has beenspending a few days with hJa'patren/ts,Mr. aaid Mra, W. M. Thomae.

Several people from here attend-ed the Methodlet ptoa&c h«ld in Mr.

t*> be a nice, obttgin.g- youngwe think will be well liked

the route,young people of

i tt^eir friend, Har-old Green, a surprise party Satur-day -evening in hon-ar of his seven-teenith birthday. A good time wasenjoyed.

Quarterly meeting: services wereh«ld Sunday evening-'at the Metho-dist elvurch in Owls Head, at whichPS-esiding Eider, Rev. H. W. Mark-ham, preached an excellent sermonaind conducted the communioai ser-vice.

Mrs. John Huckell, «f Ottawa re-gister, Mrs. Fan-Owle Head. Mrs.

Wood's «anove July *th.Mrs. Will Foot© returned home

with Dr. N. F. Foote and wife lastwieek and is spending a wieek attheiir home in Tupper L»Jtoe,

Mr. and Mrs. Ckiy D^parios, fromMaJone, and little Ratricta. Deparois,of Saranac Lake, spe-nt Sunday withrelattviee in toiwji.

T^ie little son of Frank Pwrdy hase«n quite til.Wesley Bean and family qpent Sun-

day ait Mountain View.Arthlur Rolley is wiorking for H&n-

j y Garpenjter.VLeJand "Gaiandy is spending severald\r& in towjv.

TEama King been spending- aweek ait Elleaibang Center. Her un-cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Char leeWillett, retum-ed with h^r for overSunday.

Hodlis Child and F. H. Ljyraan havebeen taking inventory of tine stiomeSoods and household furnishings otthe late E. J. Gaiipenter.

E*ug*ne Low, of MaJone, and son,Harry, of New- York, were callers a*George Law's o-n Satxirday,

Mre. F^nny Carpenter and daugh-ters, of Owfls Head, were here onSunday.

Grace and Mad&e Splcer leave onWednesday morning for the West.Madpe goete pas far aa Cleveland, Ohiowhere she will spend her summervacation. G-raoe, m compaaty withJeseie Ldnoorln, of MaJone, will go onto maJie aa exteasded visit in Boze-man, Mont.

G-raoe Hunter, of Biarke, is theof her sister, Wm. Hollis Child

Mrs. Leonard Bigelaw and daugh-ter, Marjorle, aind Mildred Lyman -ex-pect to be in oamp at Mountatex Viewa few days this week.

Made since 184$— Hanford's Bal-

cently visited hernie Car.pen.ter, atCarpenter's son, Ezra, and dauigjjter,Harriet, accompanieel ber back toOttawa, wshece they wSil vksit fior alittle tim*.*

Miss Midred Earle, a recenft grad-uate of the Potsdam Nortmal, alsoa graduate of Franklin Academy, MaJane, in the clas© of 1910, has ac-ceptje4 a position to teacix in the

[assena schools the comin^f year.Mr. and Mrs. Mvers, of Lyons, N.

T., are viaiting their son, Geo. My-ers, and fajnily at Owls Head.

Miles Sheffield, who hae spentmuch otf his time the 'past twto yearsin Vermont, is visiting his daughter,Mre. O. E. Chapman," to Ow9s Head.

Many friends in tMe vicinity mournthe death of Dr. Bofttteas, of Ma-lone. *• He was not only one of thebest physicians Malone ever had, buthe was every Inch a Allan. The writ-er enjoyed his friendotolp tor over'80years and was with him much, andxvever a shadow, of unpieasanstnessarose to mar the kindle feeing" thaitexisted between them.




July 7 —Mrs. Ch«trI«B Hea*h andh E h f B k d a who

Ch«trI«Bof Brookdaae, who

t k t, t e l , of B r o o ,

bean speeding a tew weeks atthe home o£ Mr. and Mrs. H, E.Morey, returned to their home Sat-urday.

Mrs. Joel Allen, ofhas been caring for her sister,


Bert Ellsworth, returned home re-centtly.

On Wednesday, Ju8y 8nd, a qui«twedding took place «t tj*e home ofMra Mary Peary, when her daughter,Miss Ella, axtd Mr. Whjeeler, of BayPond, wea-e- united in marriage, lifeh ooupte will return to Bay Fonol

ftiee they have <wnpAoyment sandwUJ carry with them th* best w3sh-

1 of a large circle of friends.Marshall Kelly is gradually faU-

tog.Hazel Johnson has goae up South

for the summer.Mr. and Mrs. Steam* Mott and

grandaan, of No. Bangor, atoe Mr.and Mre. John Mott wiere tJk© ?tiestsof Mr, and Mrs. G«o. Howard Sim-d


THE KING OF AJLL LAXATIVESFor constipation, headaches, indi-

gestion and dyspepsia, use Dr. King'sNew Life Pills. p«.ul Mattrulk, ofBufalo, N. Y., says th*y **<e thie"King of all laxatives. They are ablessing to all my temtry and I ei-wiayB keep a box at home." Get abox and get

by all druggists.Price 26*. Recom


Would Hardly Think It MeantTraveling 8533 Mite*.

Have you ever thought of the dis-tance you travel when you are outon an hour's stroll? Possibly youwalk three miles within the hour, butthat does not by any means representthe distance you travel. The earthturns on its axis every twenty-fourhours. For the sake of round figures,we will call the earth's circumference24,000 miles, and so you must Lavetraveled during the hour's stroll 1,000miles In the axial turn of the earth.

But this is not all. The earth makesa journey around the sun every year,and a long but rapid trip it is. Thedistance of our planet from the sunwe will pat at 92,000,000 miles. Thisis the radius of the earth's orbit—halfthe dia&eter of the circle, as we callit. The whole diameter is therefore184,000,000 miles, and the circumfer-ence, being the diameter multiplied by8.1416, is about 578,000,000.

This amazing distance the earth trav-els in its yearly journey," and dividingit by 365 we find the daily speed about1,586,000. Then we get the distanceyop rode_ ground the sun during your

July 9th —Mrs. J. A, Caaneron is -four's waTkV divide again by twenty-

, ly to investigate her ^^..^.the j Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Parks, Miss

j Eva Thompson and Airs N. K. Nilesof I are camping at Liake Ozonia. Mrs.

Parks, who has been ill for sometime, is improving.

Yean Winters and C. J. Youngare home from Conifer,

Henry Nichols, of Stockholm,ed at O. E. Parks1 WednesdayThursd.

Albany forMilo Hudson and Melbourne Daw-

son ai-e homefew days.

Miss Josie Orcutt left on Saturdayeriing for a visit with cousine in

Independence. Iowa.Mr. and Mrs. Henry Powell and

family have gone to Axton to eanipfor the summer.

Kim-ball Phillips is home fromSpringfield on a visit.

Mrs. Ora Smith and children, ofBrandon, spent the week end withher mother, Mrs. Elma. TutUe.


ipending a few days in Westvillewith her brother, Wm. Armstrong.

Mrs. Hugh Cameron and twodaughters, Norma and Marion, fromMilwaukee, have come to spend the

months with her mother,Mrs. Phjlosmon Berry.

Hilda Dalzell has returned home"ram the city.

John Tuggey, of Pittsburg, paidyg

He isflying visit to his parents recently.H i now on his way to Europe,

itfiied by Mrs. Tuggey and anumber of boys who are in Mscharge. All wish theun a good timeand a safe return.

Anson Stark has purchased

Mrs. John Gardner and two chil-dren, Jim and Irene, have returnedhome after spending a few days wit&relatives in Molone.

Miss Mary Beatftie has been very illthe past week.

Miss Pearl Doria, who has a posi-tion in the Bast, wikere sbe resideswith on eider sister, is visiting herpareants, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doria,at Trout River. ^

John Doria, who hae spent severalw)eeks in town, hae returned to hiswork at Conifer.


JuOy 7 —Mrs. Walter Craiwford, ofd t n , Aiberta, is expected hero

this week to spend the summer withher mother, Mra. Margaret Bush.

Mr. and Mm. Archie Maithar, ofCanada spent Sunday with Mr. andM M S h t t k

pMrs. Mac Shattuck.

The W. C. T U. heldh

Matrons*The W. C. U. h dSilver Medal contest a£ the church 00IViday evening. The following isthe programme:

Recitation, Turn on the Light,Mrs. Lee Stone.

Recitation, The Moderate Plan,Mra. Alfred Bonin.

Vocal solo, Mr* H. C. Cempb*aURecitation, The Result of Treating,

Mrs. Tbomae Hin ics.Recitation, The Ship Went Down,

Mrs. James Graham.Recitation, Poorhouse Nao,

Mrs. Fred McMi&aa.Recitation, The <kmvfct£ WaraJagv

Mrs. Sheldon EllawortttThe rofedal Was won by Mra James

iraham.Dr. Martin, of Massachusetts, who

has been visiting his brother, Ch&l-eir, has returned home.Miss Nettie Hunter is visiting her

sister in Whippieviile.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuantto &n order of Frederick O. Pad-

dock, surrogate of the oounty ofFranklin, and aocording to the stat-ute- in such case made and provid-ed, notice Is hereby given to all per-sons having claims ag&Lnst Stanon, T.Bero, late of Bombay, la said ooun-ty, d.ece*UBed, tttat they w e requiredto exhibit th« same, with th* voueJv-ere thereof, to the undersigned, ad-mtnistratrlx, at her residence laBombay, in said county, 00 or beforetflue 15th day of January next.

Elated July 7, 1918. *^VIOLA BERO,

Adntfntatratrix.GEORGE J. MOORE,

Attorney for Admiratotratrrx,Maion*. N. Y. 30*37.

Heals any -Hanford'. Bai-A 4

That MortgageThe only way for the average man

to accumulate is by the systematicsaving of small amounts. TheConnecticut General Life InsuranceCompany, organized In 1865, guar-antees the payment of the mortgageimmediately in the event of yourdeath, leavirtf-the home dear forthose dependent upon you. Ask

J. H. DULLEA,General Agt.



four, and the result Is about 66,000miles. But this is not the end of yourhour's trip. The sun, with Its entirebrood of planets, is moving in spaceat the rate of 160,000,000 miles fn aj-ear. f hs& is at the rate of a littlemore than 438,000 miles a day, or 18,-250 miles an hour.

So, adding your three miles of legtravel to the hour's axial movement ofthe earth, this to the earth's orbitaljourney and that again to the earth* 1excursion with the sun, and you findyou have traveled In the hour 85,253mllea.

Hunt For s Hangman.The British army was onee in dim-

eulties through the lack of a hangman.Murder was committed by a soldier inthe Crimea, but nobody could be foundto carry out the sentence of the courtmartial. It was annoand a free discbarge would bel

> the 'man undertaking the task,tast a man did volunteer. He was anewcomer to the army. On the nightprior to the date fixed for tbe executionthey locked tip the hangman in a-sta-ble to keep him safe. In the morningthe party at the gallows waited, batthere was no hangman He bad gonemad during the night or else he wasBOW simulating madness. The officerla command turned to one of bis cap-tains with, "Captain, you will havethe goodness to hang the prisoner!"The captain changed countenance, butbe polled himself together and appeal-ed to the sergeants with, "Which ofyon will hang this man?" And to.spare his captain one of the men vol-unteered, fie afterward had ttft sat-isfaction of flogging the man who hadvolunteered and failed.—London Stand-

Found ths tnsscs.The overanxious father of

charming daughters, after hia familyhad sought seclusion for the night,caught somewhere in the distanc* tiwecho of a sneese.

At once, in dressing gown *ad Up-pers, he padded down the ball Tknocked at the Dearest door.

"Jane, my dear, did you ansese"No, papa."Tap-tap at the adjoining door."Mary, my love, WM that yon m

ingr"No, indeed, P*P* d«w.M

Pad-pad to ttoe 4oor at to* end of tbscorridor.

"Margaret, tay pet, I he«M aW M it your

-Oa, no. psps, dearest"Just then tne gnest room door, half-

way dbwn the corrtdor, opened ahand's breadth, and the ocJM vote* «f

old lady gtmrt, who hadearly, issued forth:

n am extremely sorry, Mr. Bn>«»;tt was I woo eneei^ll>-Nsw lorktaa,

Bring YourOculist'sPrescription^!Here

Your oculist will tell y&i thekind of glasses you need, v

He prescribes glasses on thetheory that you ate going to selectan optician who will carry out hisinstructions that your glasses willbe a source of com ort and Satis-faction.

We satisfy you and your oculist.

B. A. SOPEROptometrist and Optician,

21 Elm Street, Malone, N. Y.Across the R. R, brack fromHoward House. In office everyday but Tuesdays.

Th» Two "Dark Days.**There are two "dark days" mentioned

in the annals of *Iew England. Thefirst occurred 011 Oct. 21, 1716, when itsuddenly became so dark soon afternoon that the peopie were forced touse artificial lights to do their ordinarywork. This strange condition of the>atmosphere lasted about three and ahalf hours. Again, on May 19, 1780,there was a remarkable darkening ofthe atmosphere, but the phenomenon)did not come on so suddenly as thatipon the earlier date. The darkness

"in, this latter instance began between10 acd 11 o'clock on the morning ofthe day named ana lasted throughoutthe day. The darkness extended fromthe northeastern part of New Englandwestward as far as AJbany and south-ward to Pennsylvania. The most in-tense and prolonged darkness, how-ever, was confined to Massachusetts,more especially to the seaboard. It issaid to have come from the southwest,but there is no mention of it made Lathe history of Ohio or the Virginias.The exact cause still remains one of


"Warned Off" the Turf.To be "warned off" is the most se-

vere sentence that can be imposed onany one in England connected withthe turf. Not only does it debar a maafrom owning, training or riding horses^but ontU the committee decideV to re-voke the punishment prevents him,even from showing himself on anyrace course. This is so owing to thefact that the decision of the nationalbunt committee is registered automati-cally by the racing authorities inFrance and Ireland and of course bythe Jockey club. like the nationalhunt committee, the stewards of theJockey club also reserve to themselvesthe right of summoning any riderwhom they suspect of sharp practice*or even carelessness to appear before-them and, unless the explanation giv-en proved satisfactory, to "suspend*'or punish the offender hi some otherway.—London Answers.

Turner** Csrslsssness.Perhaps the taoat Qfjlific painter who/

••er lived was the gif$t Tamer. Whenno died his house in Queen JLnnestreet, which he ha^not occupied fora long time, was found to be-full ofmasterpieces an gpiaff to rack and rain.Even the fcmious Crossing the Brook/*one of tie priceless treasures of theNational gallery in Trafalgar square*WM there, with large pieces chippedoff ft Many of Turner's masterpieceswhich he bad refused to sell for "loveor mon«f" were almost ruined by thedamp coming from defective windowsasd ceilings. There were, besides th*oil psintiBgs, literally thousands ofwater color drawings **chuklng aboutthe place," any ono of which woulddraw a iittie fortune at this momentfrom ti»e pocket of. an American mil-tkmair* By Ms win he left tfcem allto fee natfecwLoadOB Soeetmfbr.