cosmic abandonment is a presentation mark passio … abandonment is...

Cosmic Abandonment is a presentation Mark Passio gave for the Philadelphia UFO Meetup group on December 12, 2013. ***embed and link video***

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Cosmic Abandonment is a presentation Mark Passio gave for the Philadelphia UFO Meetup group on December 12, 2013. !!***embed and link video*** !!

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! Well Chris, thank you very much for hosting me this evening, and I want to thank everybody in the audience for attending. With that said, I’m gonna get started. My presentation today is called Cosmic Abandonment: An Explanatory Synthesis Regarding Human Origins, Psychopathy, Slavery And The Current Psychological and Social Conditions of Humanity !I want to point out here this term, an explanatory synthesis. We're not talking about absolute proof here. There will be some conjecture. We're talking about a synthesis of information that brought together explains, is an active framework or model for, the current human condition; that's what this presentation is intended as. !!

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!I would like to respectfully dedicate this presentation to the memory of Lloyd Pye (1946-2013). If anybody is not familiar with this gentleman, you need to be. His work is invaluable, and unfortunately the truth community has lost this truth warrior this week. He passed away this week from cancer. So again, I’d like to respectfully dedicate this presentation to the memory of Lloyd Pye. !

! I'll start with a quote from Aristotle the philosopher. He said that: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." !

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! And with that in mind, I'd like to give a disclaimer for this presentation. The information contained in this presentation does not constitute a proof. I’m coming right out in the open and saying that. Nor was it my intention to attempt to proof here today. Proof of anything of such magnitude, or covering all aspects of such topics, could not possibly be accomplished within the limited confines of a two-hour presentation. Also, please recognize that I am not attempting to convince anyone to accept or believe anything contained in this presentation. I am asking those here today and watching on video, those with an open mind, to seriously consider this explanatory model by asking questions and researching these topics for yourself because that’s the only way we are going to come to the truth about anything. !!

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!This is my third foray into the field of ufology in the form of a formal presentation. The first two that I gave, I gave this (left image) back in 2010. It was called Don’t Count On Disclosure, and I went through all the reasons why not to expect disclosure from any kind of official channels. The second presentation was called Morality and Disclosure, and it involved the moral issues that are central to the ongoing cover up of the extraterrestrial intelligence and the UFO phenomenon in general. !

! INTRODUCTION: STARTING FROM WHERE WE (WERE) LEFT OFF This is actually a continuation of my work that I've done in other areas like in What On Earth Is Happening podcast series, on my radio shows, the interviews I do on other

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people’s shows, my video presentations etcetera. !I always give this caveat at the beginning of all my presentations. There are five essential boxes for human consciousness. There are five things that shut human consciousness down, five models that attempt to keep people rigidly inside of their walls. And if you're inside these boxes, you're not going to expand your awareness to understand the actual truth of what's going on in our world. And those five boxes are: !POLITICS, so if anybody identifies with left or right, conservative or republican, liberal or democrat etcetera, you're going to be sorely disappointed with this presentation. !RELIGION in general, and by this I mean the cultural religions of the world. !SCIENTISM, not what I call real science, but what I call ultra-rigged skepticism in the form of "science" that's peddled for modern science in today's world. !And of course the NEW AGE MOVEMNT, which I've done a lot of recent exposure of. !The fifth one is the MONETARY SYSTEM in general, the general belief in money, period. !So, if anybody is looking at the world from any one of these boxes, good luck because you're already putting yourself in limited confines. And I don't think many people that are looking at reality from one of these five perspectives is going to take a whole lot away from this presentation because it's coming at it from a closed mind perspective to begin with. !***add truth pic*** What I highly recommend is to try and shed these as much as possible to the extent that any of you here today or watching on video are in these boxes. And to really do that, what you're saying is "I'm not going to stay in my comfort zone, I'm actually going to search for the Truth that lies beneath that's not really contained in any of those, that goes way beyond any of those five boxes.” !***add prison planet pic with words*** So with that in mind, saying starting from were we left off, my other work really covers that the current human condition is slavery. When people ask me what my work is about, I tell them it's about slavery and how to end it! That usually get's people’s attention. That perks them up a little bit and puts them in a mode where they can understand where I'm coming from, usually. !For those who do not already deeply understand that the current human condition is slavery, I fully recognize that, at this point in time, you may not even be able to consider

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with an open mind much of the information in this presentation, due to a lack of prerequisite knowledge. Meaning, if you don't understand that I'm telling people upfront you haven't done your homework and you don't understand where we're at right now. So therefore, hearing what I'm about to say, this is like the advanced class. Let's put it that way. … !***add WOEIH pic*** For those who have not come to that understanding [] is a great site. ... Go through the podcasts in order, and your entire paradigm will shift. ... If you can take that information in with an open mind and an open heart, and take that information in with due diligence, you'll start to understand the big picture of what's going on on this planet. !In the main question I have delved into up to this point is: WHY is this the current human condition? Why is the current human condition slavery? Trying to get at the underlying causal factors that have lead to this condition that we are in now. ... The answer to that is provided on that site. What I'm going to do here is go even beyond that question. ... I'm going to summarize the answer to that question in four or five short sentences. !The reason humanity is enslaved is because it does not understand Natural Law; it does not understand the spiritual Laws that govern the universe. I call this Natural Law, this body of Laws that ultimately govern human behavior. ... !NATURAL LAW !Natural law is the body of universal, non-man-made, binding, and immutable Laws, which act as the governing dynamics for the consequences of human behavior. !That's a lot to say there in one breath. It's non-man made Laws, that already exist in creation, that ultimately act as the governing dynamics for the behaviors that we choose to enact; that's what Natural Law is. !Now, humanity doesn't understand Natural Law, in the aggregate. There are individuals who do, but the aggregate body of humanity is completely ignorant of Natural Law. That is why we are enslaved. !Understanding Natural Law means truly having conscience, which is the definitive knowledge of the objective difference between morally right behavior and morally wrong behavior. !Living in harmony with Natural Law means exercising conscience, or willfully choosing morally right behavior over morally wrong behavior, once the difference is clearly

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understood. !When human beings, in the aggregate, live in harmony with Natural Law, and are therefore moral, they become and remain free. When the aggregate of human beings live in opposition to Natural Law, and are therefore immoral, they become and remain enslaved. That's how the dynamic of freedom vs. slavery works, and I call this the Law of Freedom. !That's Natural Law in a nutshell, in about as quickly as it can be condensed. !!ONE TRUE DIVIDE !I also talk about this concept the One True Divide, that there is only one true divide that separates humanity into two distinct types of individuals. The criterion for this divide is whether or not an individual believes in “authority,” and therefore believes that there is legitimacy to slavery. !Someone who believes in "authority" believes that there is legitimacy to slavery. Again, I'm not asking anyone to believe this. I'm telling you that's the fact of the matter; that is the reality okay. And this is where my other work leaves off, explaining that this is the divide that needs to be bridged. All the other things that allegedly separate humanity: race, class, sex, religion, they are all divide and conquer strategies. This is the real divide, where there really are two groups of different kinds of people on the earth. That's the real divide, and that's the criterion that separates them, whether they believe in "authority" vested in human beings. !****Statist*** These are the two groups of people that embody the divide. These are memes that I put in another presentation of mine, the statists and the anarchists. The statists exemplified by a police officer with this meme saying "The brilliant idea that we give a small group of people the right to kidnap, imprison, harass, steal from, and kill people so that we can be protected from people who kidnap, harass, steal, and kill people. !***Anarchist*** I found this great meme with the anarchist represented by the archetypal figure of Jesus saying that “I'm an anarchist but most of my followers are statists.” Meaning, I don't believe in slavery, yet most of my followers do. !... These are euphemisms, this is the real meaning. This is someone who supports slavery [the statist] and this is someone who opposes slavery [the anarchist]. That's all it really comes down to. Those are the two kinds of people in the world, the supporters of slavery (whether they understand that that is the case or not) and those who oppose slavery in all

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of its forms, in which case I am. I oppose slavery in all of its forms! !What this presentation is going to be about is what happened such that we do not understand Natural Law. Why are we in the mental state, or the condition, that people do not have a fundamental grasp of that Truth that I just put up there. And I'm not telling you that it's true because I believe it. I'm telling you it's true because that is the universal Law of creation, and all anybody can ever do is discover it, or not understand it. It is there, and what I just stated is True! ***add pretree evil list pic*** So, what we are going to look at here today is why are most people so unconscious that they do not understand that. Why do they refuse to live in harmony with Natural Law? Why are they so unconscious that they fail to recognize the rampant presence of evil in their midst? Why are they so unconscious that they willfully participate in such evil, either directly or indirectly? !This is where my other presentations left off. I've been very tight lipped about the things I'm going to talk about here today because this has all been preparing the way for this understanding. The six years of work that I've been doing over that last six years that's a long time to stay tight lipped about something. !***add tree of evil picture*** I've termed the reasons why we're in this condition the tree of evil. You have to envision this model. At the top of the model, at the top of this tree of evil there's all the leaves and the twigs, and these are the fruits, these are the expressions that happen after the fact. And the top expression is willful ignorance, people refusing to look into the truth for themselves, willfully staying ignorant. Now, people will say isn't that the root cause? No. That's the expression that follows the root cause. Well, what lies beneath that, what's the bigger branches of this tree of evil? !Beneath willful ignorance people have a fundamental fear of owning their own personal responsibility. We don't want to be truly responsible for our own behavior. We want to pass the buck. We want to pass responsibility on to others and say, no it isn't us doing this to ourselves. It isn't our responsibility. It's someone else’s responsibility. So, the fear of owning personal responsibility goes deeper in the psychological framework of why people are willfully ignorant. Now something underlies that. There's a reason people fear owning their own personal responsibility, and that is what I would call the trunk of the tree of evil. !The trunk of the tree is self-loathing, humanity is a species that hates itself, ultimately. Deep, deep, deep down inside, nested into the deep subconscious mind, we are a self-loathing species. And that's due to a lack of self-respect. We don't have self-respect

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because we don't have enough understanding of self. We don't have self-knowledge. We don't have enough understanding of consciousness. !Now what we are going to talk about here today is: What is the root of the tree of evil? At the very bottom of this psychological framework something underlies all of this. ... Can anyone please tell me what general group of people this psychological framework is typical of? In general there is a class of human beings that display, just being ignorant, fearing to own their own personal responsibility and lacking a lot of self-respect for themselves because they don't really know a lot about themselves yet. … Children. Thank you sir. Children. This exemplifies someone who is not psychologically mature, who has not psychologically and spiritually grown up. So this is the group that we are talking about. We are not talking about actual children. We're talking about psychological children, spiritual children. !Now, what kind of children displays these symptoms psychologically? The answer here is abandonment issues, parental abandonment issues, people who in some form or another have been let down or completely abandoned by the parental figures in their lives. And I would suggest everybody in this room and everybody watching has abandonment issues in some form or fashion, or another, whether they want to admit it or not. On my podcast in the future I'll be talking about my own abandonment issues because I had them. If you had them, you have them. And it means you're either dealing with them and you're healing them or you're not. And largely what this presentation is going to be about is those who are not dealing with them and not healing them. ... ***add UFO pic*** People here today coming from the UFO area as this is the Philadelphia UFO meet up group will say well what in the gods (foreshadowing there) name does this have to do with these guys? ... What could all these psychological issues he's talking about possibly have to do with UFOs? Well I'm telling you here today, it has everything to do with this phenomenon. ... We're talking about the effect upon the human psyche that the involvement of these beings, whatever their nature may be, has had upon humanity. !The questions I am going to explore in this presentation are as follows: !Why are there so many ancient accounts of extraterrestrial visitation to our planet, all so similar in the events they describe, yet all are readily dismissed by modern academia as merely fantasy and myth? And I'm going to suggest, no they are not fantasy and myth, they're historical accounts. We just don't want to admit that they are historical accounts because of the implications that that would bring up for humanity. !Are human beings actually the progeny of an extraterrestrial species that came to earth millennia ago, as some ancient historical accounts suggest? !

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Were human beings created by extraterrestrial entities as a hybrid slave species for unknown purposes related to an alien agenda? !Did our extraterrestrial "parents" inadvertently create a host of genetic defects in the human genome, including primary psychopathy, as a result of the imprecise genetic modification techniques they employed? !Did our extraterrestrial forbearers provide to us our systems of government, money, and religion, and to what ends did they do so? !What effect did our "cosmic parents’" disappearance have upon the collective human psyche, and how significant are these events to understanding the current psychological conditions in which humanity exists? !What does humanity need to understand to rectify the deeply-seated psychological trauma that it has accumulated over millennia, as a direct result of its "troubled childhood"? !!PART ONE: THE STORY OF OUR PAST ****Travis Walton pic*** Now, in researching this whole topic over the many years that I've done so. I've come across some excellent researchers. I'm going to talk about a lot of them later on. This is a guy who is a direct experiencer. Many people who are into the UFO phenomenon will know this guy. I've met him personally. I've spoken with him. I've been on a discussion panel with him. This guy is one of the greatest guys out there in the whole field of ufology. I personally believe his story. And I just think he has incredible insight into the psychological issues behind the UFO phenomenon as well. His name is Travis Walton. People can check out his book Fire In The Sky. In that book he says this quote: !"I've come to realize that the biggest problem anywhere in the world is that people's perceptions of reality are compulsively filtered through the screening mesh of what they want, and do not want, to be true." !Which is the worst way to research or look for the truth about anything. If I wanted this to be true, I'd have to be pretty crazy. I don't want what I'm about to come up here and tell you today to be true. I go wherever the truth, or the research, or the facts lead me, and then adjust my perception accordingly. Not the other way around. Trying to stuff the truth into your perceptions, good luck with that. Enjoy what you get on the other side of that because what you're going to get on the other side of that is no clarity, no understanding. You have to go where the truth leads, and you have to put aside your personal perceptions, this screening mesh, as Walton calls it, of what you want to be true. We're not the arbiters of truth folks. The truth exists independently from us, and it is there for us

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to discover or to remain ignorant of. Keep that in mind as a theme going forward. !***add Anthony De Mello quote pic *** Another quote from the spiritualist Anthony De Mello. He said: !"It is a great mystery that, though the human heart longs for Truth, in which it alone finds liberation and delight, the first reaction of human beings to Truth is one of hostility and fear." !And I expect it to be no different. I expect to go into a long line or researchers who have been attacked and have had people just totally launch ad hominem attacks against them instead of looking into the information that they're talking about. Fine, I'll except going onto that chopping block with great pride because I'll join a host of characters that actually have character, okay. And I'll go into that group gladly. !So with that in mind, what we are actually going to be talking about here is occult information. ... More and more people are beginning to understand what this is really about, that this is about the occult. This is about occulted knowledge. !***add occult pic*** The word occult is derived from the Latin adjective occultus: "hidden," which comes from the Latin verb occultare: "to hide; to conceal; to keep secret." !Occult means hidden knowledge. Knowledge that has been occulted has been hidden from peoples view for a reason, and that reason is as follows: ***add next occult pic*** !Such knowledge has been deliberately hidden in order to create and maintain a power differential between those who hold it and those who are ignorant of it. !We've all heard the phrase knowledge is power. When a certain group of people have a lot of knowledge and they hide that, or hold it back, or dissuade other people from looking into that body of knowledge that's creating a power differential between those two groups, between the knowledgeable and the ignorant. So you have to look at it as a hierarchical pyramid structure. At the top of the pyramid, there is knowledge held by few people, and they are exploiting those at the bottom of that hierarchical structure, or pyramid, which lack that knowledge, the ignorant masses. !***Add ancient account pic*** !Hundreds of ancient accounts of what I'm about to get into today exist. Instead of going into all of the different myriad of different quotes and different texts that I could bring up, and you know we could talk about a couple of them. You have things like the:

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!Sumerian Cuneiform Tablets Sumerian Cylinder Seals Akkadian Texts Book of Genesis Babylonian Enuma Elish Assyrian Texts Zulu Histories Book of Enoch Epic of Gilgamesh Vedas Dogon Histories Mayan Popul Vuh Ramayana SiriMad Bhagavatam Mahabharata Norse Eddas Book of Ezekiel !Instead of going into specific accounts, what I'm going to do here today is to try and aggregate this information and tell a generalized paraphrased account. Okay, upfront I'm explaining that's what I'm going to do. This is a generalized, paraphrased accounting of what I feel from all of these ancient texts actually occurred in the ancient past. !Mainstream historians, archeologists, anthropologists, and academia want to tell you all of these things are just the imagination of primitive peoples. What I'm trying to explain is that these are not tales being woven. These are historical accounts that are trying to be meticulously preserved as much as these people where capable of doing. They wouldn't have gone through the enormity of trouble to write down and preserve these things if they were not histories. Okay, they're not myths. They're not fairy tales. They are not legends. They're what happened here in the ancient past. So with that in mind, let's get into this general paraphrased account because that's all I have time to do. !***add first pic of story*** At some point in the ancient past extraterrestrial beings, often described as "gods," supernatural entities, giants, or "watchers," who the ancient Sumerians called Anunnaki, meaning "those who came to Earth from the heavens," arrived on Earth in the distant past. (Why would they even have a word that meant, those who came to the earth from the heavens, if they weren't dealing with actual beings?) !Their primary mission was to obtain gold for purposes, which are not fully understood. The mission was led by two brothers, Enki (Ki means Earth. Enki means god of the Earth) and Enlil, who were sons of Anu, King of the Anunnaki home world.

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!After their arrival, the Anunnaki put many of their own people to work in mining excavations in south east Africa, a region which they called the Abzu, meaning "The Deep" (possibly referring to an underground mine). !After realizing that they did not have enough manual laborers to obtain the quantities of gold they required, Enki devised a plan to create a slave species by genetically modifying an existing hominid species indigenous to Earth. The Anunnaki would use the new slave species to do their gold mining work for them. !This plan is summarized in the following exchange between the brothers: !Enki: "The beings we need already exist. They live in the Abzu and walk erect on two legs. My son, Ningishzidda, has tested their DNA and it is similar to ours. We can combine our DNA with theirs to create primitive workers who are intelligent enough to understand our commands and handle our tools. They will do the mining for us, and relief will come to our people." !Enlil: "Slavery was abolished long ago on our planet. Tools are our slaves, not other beings. You are suggesting creating a new species, which did not exist previously. Such creative power belongs to God alone." !Enki: "They will not be slaves, but helpers. We will not be creating a new species, but taking one that already exists and giving them more ability by making them more in our image. This can be achieved with only slight changes to their DNA." !Enlil: "This is not to my liking, and it is forbidden by our mission plan. Our purpose was to obtain gold, not to play God." !The Anunnaki decided to put the matter before Anu, their king. On their planet, Anu convened the Council of Elders, who ultimately decided to go ahead with Enki's plan. !After many failed attempts, the Anunnaki successfully created a hybrid by fertilizing the ovum of an Earth female with sperm from an Anunnaki male and inserting the fertilized egg into the womb of an Anunnaki female. A male hybrid was born and was named Adamu, meaning "one who is like Earth's clay." !They then created a female hybrid so that the new worker species could procreate on their own. They called the female hybrid Tiamat, after the ancient planet from our solar system, which was partially destroyed in a celestial collision, which is now what we know of today as the asteroid belt. !They took the new prototype workers to a place called Edin, where they were to be bred

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in mass numbers. But the Anunnaki's breeding program did not work as expected, because the female workers turned out to be incapable of bearing children. !Meanwhile, the Anunnaki workers in the mines of the Abzu were running out of patience and were on the brink of mutiny. Enki decided to have his son, Ningishzidda, sequence the genome of Adamu and Tiamat to determine why they were not procreating. !The DNA of the hybrids was sequenced and compared with the DNA of the Anunnaki. It was discovered that the hybrids had a total of 22 pairs of chromosomes but lacked two chromosomes necessary for procreation. A pair of chromosomes were taken from the Anunnaki and spliced into Adamu and Tiamat's DNA. !This genetic manipulation is described in the following account: "Ningishzidda caused a deep sleep to descend upon Enki, Nimah, Adamu, and Tiamat. He extracted DNA from the rib of Enki and inserted it into the rib of Adamu. He then extracted DNA from the rib of Nimah and inserted it into the rib of Tiamat. He then awakened the four of them and said to Enki: Two chromosomes have been added to their DNA. They are now capable of procreating on their own." !The new hybrids were returned to the orchards of Edin, where they became aware of their nakedness and their ability to procreate. Tiamat made aprons of leaves for them to wear so they could be distinguished from the other animals. !Enlil was sill furious with his brother, and with the entire plan to create a slave species, as shown in the following exchange: !Enlil: "The whole plan was not to my liking. I was against the idea of playing God. You told be that all we needed to do was to modify these beings slightly in order to create the workers we needed. But now they have been given our genetics, so that they will be able to procreate on their own and have our long lifespan." !Ningishzidda: "They were given the ability to procreate on their own, but the chromosome that gives us our long lifespan was not added to their genome." !Enki: What choice did we have to end our mission in failure, or to do what was necessary, and by giving them the ability to procreate, let our new workers undertake the labor for us?" !Enlil: "Then let them be expelled from Edin to the Abzu, where they are needed." !The new slave species proved to be too intelligent and therefore too difficult to control (either because of the infusion of Anunnaki DNA, or because too much of the native hominid DNA remained in the hybrids), so other modifications were eventually made to

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their DNA to make them more easily controllable. This further genetic modification resulted in large portions of disconnected and non-coding DNA in the human genome, which modern scientist have called "junk" DNA. This process also may have resulted in the 4,000+ genetic defects in the human genome, including primary psychopathy. !Genesis, Chapter 11, describes the further degradation of early humans: !"The whole Earth was of one language and one speech. And the children of men said, 'let us build a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven.' And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men had built. And the Lord said, 'Behold, the people are one, and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do. Nothing, which they can imagine, will be impossible for them to do soon. So let us go down and confound their language, that they may not understand each other's speech. And from that time forward the Lord scattered them upon the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city." ![It is suggested that this is referring to the human species that was too intelligent and was further dumbed down by the Anunnaki, by confounding the one language we are all made of, DNA. ****look up marks words here****] !The Anunnaki continued their efforts to control the new slave species and to put them to work in the most efficient ways possible. They greatly differed on the best ways to do this, and so a deeper divide formed between the commanding brothers. Enlil, who hated the plan from its inception, preferred to rule the humans with an iron fist, which he felt would successfully end the mission as soon as possible, allowing him to return to the Anunnaki home world and assume the throne. Enki, on the other hand, looked at the humans as his creation, like a father might look at his children. His method of control was indirect. He gave to the worker species different systems of belief, including religions, government, and monetary systems, in order to get them to comply willingly by allowing some of the humans to believe the notion that they were in control. !Eventually, Anunnaki males began to take human females as sexual partners, and offspring were born that were another hybrid species with more Anunnaki DNA. They were referred to as "demi-gods," as they were not full Anunnaki ("gods"), nor were they fully human. !This interbreeding is described in Genesis, Chapter 6: !"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of god saw the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took wives of any of them which they chose. And the lord said, 'My spirit shall not always strive with man, for he is also mortal, yet his days shall be no more than one-hundred and twenty years.' There were giants in the Earth in those days, and also

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afterwards, when the sons of god came unto the daughters of men and bared children with them. The same became mighty men of old, the men of renown." !While interbreeding with the new slave species was also forbidden by the mission plan, the Anunnaki used this to their advantage by placing these "demi-god" offspring into positions of "royalty" and "authority" on Earth. In this way they interfaced with and controlled the growing human population more easily. !Eventually, in their competition to control the slave population, skirmishes and even all-out wars broke out between different factions of the "gods" and demi-gods. !Some time later, a cataclysmic deluge swept over the Earth, wiping out much of humanity, but leaving small pockets of survivors. Some researchers believe this was a natural event, which the Anunnaki knew was imminent, but were incapable or unwilling to prevent. Others believe it resulted from a physical pole shift which was deliberately caused by an action of the Anunnaki led by Enlil using advanced technology in order to eradicate humanity, a species which Enlil saw as an abomination that never should have existed. !The prelude to the deluge is described in Genesis, Chapter 6: [***add marks commentary on Noah and genetics***] !"And God saw that the wickedness of Man was great upon the Earth, and that every thought of his heart was evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, ‘I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth ... for it repenteth me that I have made them.’ But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. Noah was a just man, and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. And God looked upon the Earth, and saw that it was corrupt. And God said unto Noah, 'the end of all flesh has come before me, for the Earth I filled with violence; and, behold, I will destroy them.'" !The Anunnaki's mission was eventually completed. They gathered their people and returned to their home planet, leaving the traumatized surviving members of their human slave species, along with the demi-gods to control them, to repopulate the earth with the social systems, which had been provided to them. !***add home alone picture*** Ladies and gentlemen, they left us home alone. This was approximately 200,000 years ago. !!PART II THE STORY OF OUR PRESENT !

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In light of extraterrestrial involvement in human origins, what seemingly inexplicable aspects of our modern world can be explained more readily? -Ancient structures and artifacts -Flows in Darwinian theory -Human genetic defects -Origins of primary psychopathy -Religions / Priest-classes -Secret Societies / Dark Occultism -Origins of Money -Human obsession with gold -Royalty / "Divine right to rule" -"Authority" / Government !The ancient cultures depicted the gods in three ways [all as fish, birds, or serpents probably because of a scaly skin the Anunnaki may have had]. No mark was to be left of how they actually looked, that was punishable by death in all of these ancient cultures. !***add picture of three depictions*** -Largely human, but dressed like a huge fish. -Somewhat human, but with wings (showing that they were capable of flight with their technologies) and bearing a pine cone many of the times; this is a symbol of knowledge and enlightenment and also knowledge of genetics. -They depicted them as hybrid (half fish, half human / half bird, half human) !***add picture of pharaoh*** An ancient Egyptian pharaoh is like a cobra. ... It's an allegory showing that these were beings that had skin like a snake or serpent. !***add picture of realistic Anunnaki (5 pictures)*** The most forbidden way to depict them is in ways that they may have actually looked. ... This is the idea that came down, you shall make no engraven images ... in biblical terms. !***add picture of elongated skulls**** Now take a look at some of these elongated skulls. ... These are not cradle-boarded skulls. I'm going to try to prove that to you that these are not cradle boarded. These aren't human skulls. People will say that DNA tests have been done and they are human. DNA tests show that part of them is human. So, I'm not going to tell you that these are Anunnaki skulls, I think these are Demi-god skulls. Again, I believe the Anunnaki rounded up their people, or if they did not, they certainly are not living allowing them to die and perish on the earth. But, I do think these may be hybrids. ... When we look at these skulls, they only have one parietal plate. All human beings have two parietal plates. ... Secondly, they are of enormous size. The cranial capacity holds up

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to 300 or 400 cubic centimeters more brain matter than a human being. Cradle boarding does not change cubic volume of the skull. These skulls hold upwards of 30% more brain material, 1/3 fully larger than a normal human brain capacity. ... They will say anything to get people not to start studying this information. They want the occult to remain the occult. They want it to remain hidden because the best way to control somebody is to cut them off from their origins. You cut off a people from their true origins, and you own them. And that's what they are trying to continue. ... ****add comparison picture of skulls*** Here's a comparison, that's a normal human skull [left]. That's one of these skulls [right]. ... Cradle boarding is a type of skull binding that leads to cranial deformation, and it can account for some elongated skull finding. But many others appear to be genuinely anomalous, having just one parietal plate and a heart-shaped dome in the rear of the skulls that cannot be achieved through cradle boarding. !I believe what the ancients, and even some modern people are doing with cradle boarding is to try to emulate the look of the gods. They are trying to emulate the look of what the gods and demi-gods skulls looked like. I believe that's what circumcision is also about. Circumcision is about trying to emulate the look of the phallus of the gods. !***add parietal plate comparison*** [They had] one sewtcher across that part separating the frontal plate from the parietal plate, one parietal plate. Whatever that is, it's not a normal human skull. !***add picture of elongated skull depictions*** Now look at how they depicted these beings. We have some of these skulls; this is how they were depicted. Always with these head dresses covering up the elongated skull. The royalty is always depicted as having these elongated skulls, not the general population. ... ***add side-by-side comparison of skull with Egyptian art*** Look at the side-by-side comparison. So that's the depictions of the gods. !***add advanced technology picture*** We see a lot of depictions of advanced technology. ... When you look into the ancient megalithic structures, you're going to see clear signs of machining if you honest with yourself. They didn't carve these things with copper tools folks. The architecture is so unbelievable we would have a very hard time accomplishing it today if we could at all. ... They claim this [bottom left] is overlapping of two pharanic seals, and that the Egyptians left the old one up and carved over top of it. It would be the only place that the ancient builders in Egypt ever did this, instead of taking down that facade, making a fresh one,

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and putting it up in place. ... But in the holiest place in Egypt they decided lets carve this kartush (spelling?) over an existing one. I don't buy it. I don't accept that as an explanation. I don't care how many historians tell me that that's the case. I don't accept that as an explanation because it is anomalous according to all the ancient building techniques. ... I do believe this depicts some ancient technology they used. !***add pictures of pyramids*** We cannot duplicate this technology today. We couldn't build the great pyramid with all the technology we have, with the precision it is built. !***add megalithic structures pictures*** The ancient builders built things we could scarcely build in the modern world !***add irregular stones*** This is Saksa Wamon outside of Cusco in Peru. Look at the building technique of these blocks. They fit together so perfectly you couldn't put a razor blade ... between any of those stones. We don't have that type of construction ability today, and especially with completely irregular geometries. People say that they shaped these with copper tools. ... Copper tools that are seven times less hard, in hardness, than this stone. !***add Pumapumku Bolivia*** If you look at Pumapumku in Bolivia, they actually have small-drilled holes through some of these stones !!***add Lloyd pye's 12 ways humans are not primates*** Lloyd Pye's 12 Ways Humans Are NOT Primates -Bones are much thinner and lighter. -Muscles are 5 to 10 times weaker. -Skin is not well adapted to direct sunlight. -10 times as much adipose tissue. -Drastically less body hair; reversed patterns. -Head hair and nails must be trimmed. -Skulls and brain are completely different. No transitional species have been found between the hominids and humans . -Drastically different locomotion. -Capable of speech; throat redesigned. -No sign of typical estrous cycles. -4,000+ genetic disorders in genome. -Chromosomes reduced to 46 from 48. !We are not a descendent from the hominids, we're hybridized from them with another species.

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!!HUMAN CHROMOSOME #2 ***add picture of chromosome #2*** I tell people if you want to really understand the story of the ancient past and you're from a left-brain scientific bent start with human chromosome #2 because this is a fused chromosome. ... This would probably require, if that kind of splicing were to happen naturally, at least 10 million years. ... Modern geneticists and biologists want to tell us that happened in 40,000 years. ... I think that's a deliberate modification that came through in the second modification that was done to us, the dumbing down modification that I talked about in the story. This may explain why psychopathy exists. !Why does primary psychopathy [psychopathy that people are born with] exist? There are three possibilities. Either the God of creation just made humanity this way and put this other sub-species that's an inter-species predator on the earth with us to just have its way with the normal humans. ... The other possibilities are, we might have done it to ourselves, but in that case you'd have to say that we were ancient geneticists and we just did it to ourselves for some crazy reason; that doesn't resonate with me. The other thing is, it happened as a result of this ancient hybridization that was done to us by some other species. !CHARACTERISTICS OF PSYCHOPATHS: -Complete absence of conscience and empathy -Strongly immoral, aggressive, callus and cunning -Very adept at manipulating others -Willing to engage in criminal conduct to get their way -Deceptive ability to appear benevolent and feign emotion -Complete absence of guilt or remorse for the harm they cause to others -Denial / rationalization / transference of blame -Contempt toward others' feelings -Pathological lying -Refusal to accept responsibility for the consequences of their own actions -Believe they will never be brought to justice !Primary psychopaths ... may be a tenth of one percent. But ... there's many secondary psychopaths in the human population, maybe upwards of 15 to 20 percent. A lot of secondary psychopaths are roaming the earth because of the social conditions of the earth. !All of these different disorders in the human genome [4,000+ including primary psychopathy], the explanation for these may be because of this genetic modification. When you do a genetic splicing imprecisely because you don't really care about what you're making, it's something you're using and then you're getting ride of (that's how we

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were looked at as) you're not going to do it with atomic precision. It wasn't done with atomic precision. ... You're not splicing things at an atomic level that preserves the exact base pairs of the DNA at an atomic level. Therefore, all kinds of bit errors are going to creep into that code when you do it in this imprecise fashion. That's going to create different unforeseen circumstances, and I feel that human [primary] psychopathy is one of them. !OLD TESTAMENT In biblical faith, the Old Testament punishing God: this is these beings who had to have their will done exactly how they wanted by their slave species. look at the very specific detailed things that "God" asks human beings to do in biblical accounts: bring them certain kinds of foods, do certain kinds of exacting work. Why would the God of creation give us orders like that. The gods were pretty vain and wanted their will served at all times and places, so they would have asked human beings to do all kinds of vain things. You see like the biblical account of David and Goliath. I believe this is human starting to fight back against the demi-gods who put in place to control them more viscously. !MODERN RELIGION Modern religion, I think is a hold over from the days when these gods put certain human beings into positions of power and created priest classes so that they could control the overall populations more effectively. And who did they ask them to worship as their gods? They asked them to worship these extraterrestrial beings because if you did what they wanted they would bestow favors upon you. ... I'm going to get scathing towards a few groups of people in the world, who I think are keeping the dynamic of human slavery in place. And religionists are one of them, particularly priest classes because WHERE ARE THESE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THE POLICE STATE THAT'S RUNNING RAMPANT IN OUR CULTURE?! WHERE ARE THESE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THE WRONGNESS OF SLAVERY THAT'S RUNNING RAMPANT IN OUR CULTURE?! Where are they? No, they won't talk about that. They just want you in their churches and synagogues and mosques to through as much money into their system as they can. And they're not going to talk out against big daddy government, not a bit, because then they loose their 501c3 statuses, and then people come after them for taxes like they do everyone else. SO THESE AREN'T HOLY MEN, THEY'RE NOTHING OF THE KIND, NOTHING OF THE KIND! THE PEOPLE THAT ARE DOING THE REAL GREAT WORK TO WARN HUMANITY ABOUT THE SLAVERY THAT'S ON GOING AND NEEDS TO END ARE THE HOLY MEN OF THIS WORLD, NOT THESE PEOPLE, NOT A BIT! !***add images of pope compared to gods*** If you can't see the similarity, I don't know what to tell you. ... Could it be any more clear that they are trying to emulate the gods? !!

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Mystery Traditions ***add mystery tradition pic*** This is where the mystery traditions, mystery schools, and secret societies of the modern day come from. Because the gods created these temples of knowledge, centers of knowledge, that they gave some knowledge to few people in order to control the masses of people, a hierarchical structure based on occulted information, occulted knowledge. So this is were modern secret societies come out of the ancient world to us from. ***add dark occult pic*** And then of course from there, you get the dark occult. You get satanism, and dark lucifarianism, and the order of death, and the Bohemian Club etc., the dark variant of the "illuminati" if you will, which means the illuminated ones. They're nothing of the kind, illuminated! They're frauds and fakes! THE REAL ILLUMINATED PEOPLE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO TELL PEOPLE THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON ON THIS PLANET BECAUSE THEY HAVE THAT KNOWLEDGE AND THEY'RE TRYING TO SHARE IT WITH PEOPLE, THEY ARE THE ILLUMINATORS, THOSE WHO BRING THAT LIGHT TO OTHER PEOPLE. So calling these clowns the illuminated ones is a misnomer. But they're Satanists most certainly. !****add money gold pic*** The obsession with gold, and the concept of money in general. People never ask where did money come from. You want to know where money came from; the gods gave us the concept of money. They gave us the concept of money to keep people fighting with each other and create a class system so that there would be a hierarchical order of control, which they wanted. We don't know why they valued gold. Sitchen and other researches have postulated that they were trying to do something technological in their atmosphere. I don't know whether I buy that explanation or not. Look, gold is eternal. You could put gold at the bottom of the ocean ... you could bring it up 10,000 years later it's going to be like the day you put it there. What is that? We don't ever understand the real properties of gold. We don't understand what this substance even is, or how these beings used it. There are accounts that these beings used it internally as well. Many of the pharanic accounts in ancient Egypt, these demi-gods consumed the gold that they made in mono-atomic form. ... They considered it valuable, so they transferred this value to the human populations. Whenever you went into all ancient cultures that had mind gold and smelted it, and you ask yourself why would they have mind and smelted gold? Do you know how difficult that process is to do, the amount of work it takes to even get a little bit of gold out of ore and then smelt it? Why would an ancient non-technological culture have any reason to do that or desire to do that work? The gods wanted them to do that work for reasons we don't fully understand. Since they found it so valuable, that value was transferred to these ancient people who did their work for them. !****add money picture**** Ladies and gentlemen, there is no such thing as intrinsic value of gold. If you believe

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that, you are under mind control. Here's what intrinsic value is: If there is a natural disaster and you are living off the land with no technology, what can you do with the item that you have; that's called intrinsic value. If you can eat it, it has intrinsic value. If you can wear it, it has intrinsic value. If you can shelter yourself with it, it has intrinsic value. If you can defend yourself with it, it has intrinsic value. By the definition of the word, intrinsic means naturally occurring, having a natural utilization. There is no such thing as intrinsic value of gold. The people who believe that are the people who believe in monetary systems, which are an illusion and a religion. There's no such thing as the intrinsic value of gold, unless you are in a highly technological civilization, in which this rare earth medal is employed in technology. ... When gold and paper money become the "god" of a species, you better believe that they're going to remain enslaved, and maybe at that point it's deserved. ... Get as offended as you like. !Kingship and royalty came from these extraterrestrial beings. Again, they appointed the kingship and rulership in the ancient world to maintain control over the populations and act as intermediaries between the gods. Look, that's what religion is. A priest is an intermediary between people and God, supposedly. ... The royalty of the ancient world were often demi-gods, that's why royalty is obsessed with bloodline. And that's why it's propagated through bloodline. It's not propagated through knowledge, or what you know how to do, or if you're a better person, or a more moral person than someone else. It's propagated through your blood (genetics / bloodline). The demi-gods had more of the god’s blood in them. Therefore, they were seen as royalty on the earth. That's what all of these systems come from, hence the divine right to rule. !The question I want you to keep putting in your mind with all of this is: Does it make sense? Does it make more sense than anything we've been told? Does it make more sense than anything we've been told about were these systems came from? And to me, yes it does. !***Old World Order Pic*** The system of religion and kingship is known as the Old World Order; this was how the ancient rulers maintained control over the people. Up at the top of the pyramidal hierarchical structure is knowledge and down ... [at the bottom] is ignorance, which keeps the system in place. The old world order was the concept of "authority" vested in one. This system is based entirely in VIOLENCE and built upon the erroneous and dogmatic belief (RELIGION) that one person is the master who possesses the moral right to issue commands, while all others are subjects who have the moral obligation to obey the commands of the master. ... Let's stop euphemizing and start calling things what they really are; this is called SLAVERY! !***Government is Mind Control pic*** The new world order is based on the concept of government. And government means from the Latin … (And yes this is the etymology, and yes this is what it means. If you

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disagree with that go see my podcast on New Age Bullshit which is podcast 143 on my website.) Government comes from the Latin verb gubernare: "to control", and the Latin noun mens: "mind". When you put them together, the word literally means to control the mind, it is mind control. To believe in it somebody has to be under mind control because they have to believe in the erroneous concept of authority backed by violence. That's what government is now, always has been, and always will be whether anybody understands that or not. This is what the new world order is based upon. !****New World Order Pic*** The new world order is "authority" vested in a group. This system is based entirely in VIOLENCE and built upon the erroneous and dogmatic belief (RELIGION) that a certain group of people are masters who possess the moral right to issue commands, while all others are subjects who have the moral obligation to obey the commands of the masters. ... Ultimately it's the exact same core thing, and that's called SLAVERY. Nothing has changed. The old world order has just morphed into the new world order because people stopped believing overtly in the religious institutions and in the institution of kingship; that's it. So now, the people "in control" of these institutions just said, well let's just morph it and say, “We're going to divest it into the hands of the few,” just like their gods did. !They set up these institutions in the ancient world to divest the power and stop making people think, “Oh it's only a few of these beings that clearly are not us ruling over us.” And therefore they more easily got the populations to go along with their slavery. !The same thing is ruling the earth today, and nothing has changed in 200,000 years. Let's stop euphemizing these things and start calling them what they are. It's not kingship, it's slavery ruled by one. It's not government; it's called slavery ruled by few, if you're being honest with yourself. There's that caveat. Most people aren't being honest with themselves, their lying to themselves because they hate themselves, because they're dealing with unresolved psychological dynamics that bring up self loathing and refusal to accept personal responsibility. And no one wants to hear that spoken. I'M GONNA SPEAK IT, I'M GONNA SPEAK IT! !***add in light of tree of evil pic*** Let's go back to the Tree of Evil and really understand this psychological framework. In light of the "troubled" human past, and the origins of modern cultural institutions, do we now have a psychological framework through which to better understand the behavior of certain groups of human beings? !Rigid Skeptics (Worshippers of Scientism) I'm skeptical about everything ... unless the government or government-funded scientists say it's true. Then, I'm a true believer. !

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Religionists (Children Of The "Gods") We believe what we're told to believe. That's so much easier than developing critical thinking skills. !Believers In Government (Supporters of Slavery) Democrat / Liberal / Political Left Wants government to be our caretaker, from cradle to grave. Thinks government should act as provider and nurturer, like an archetypal mother. This is because there are abandonment issues in a motherly set in most people like that. And if you go into people that are political left, liberal, democrat types, and yeah I am generalizing, you will find people with mommy issues because what they want the government to be is the caretaker that's absent. So they want the government to be mommy. Now lets look at the opposite, the "opposame" as David Icke calls it. !Republican / Conservative / Political Right Wants government to be our protector, policing the world and "keeping us safe" from cradle to grave, like an archetypal father figure. ... They want government to be daddy. ... They don't even know they have these issues. It's mommy and daddy didn't pay enough attention to me, so I want mommy and daddy present now. That's what this is about. And let's not leave out the minarchists. !Libertarian / Constitutionalist / Minarchist Wants his parents to abuse him less frequently than the other children's parents abuse them. "I only want a little bit of government. I want government to beat me three days a week instead of seven." .. These people are most of the way there, but they fear going all the way because they don't want to be labeled an anarchist, or in other words A NON-SUPPORTER OF SLAVERY, WHO THINKS THAT SLAVERY SHOULD BE ABOLISHED! ... And yeah I'm getting a little bit emotional because these people are the people that keep slavery going, they’re responsible. !Mainstream Media (Professional Liars / "Presstitutes") They are psychological children. They don't want to determine truth for themselves and report it in any kind of a responsible way, or any kind of a direct way. ... These are the people that keep these topics from ever being. You don't need to eradicate occult knowledge or wisdom; all you have to do is have enough people dissuading people from looking into any of this. And call it fringe, and cast doubt on it, and cast derision on it. You know, the ridicule factor, that's all. And then people go along like the good little herd, like the good little slaves. What those in the mainstream media are really saying is: "I'm too much of a low-life coward to tell the truth. I repeat lies for a paycheck." ... These are broken individuals that need healing and need to be put back together to remember who we really are.

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!The "New" Agers (The Hopelessly Naive) The hopelessly Naive who believe that the Pleadians are coming in their giant battle cruisers to rescue us from our own ignorance any day now. Or, no real knowledge is going to have to be done, we're going to have to meditate the world into a new way of being. Or, you're not going to have to actually study, and read books, and take up knowledge into yourself. God forbid, that might involve effort and work, and we can't have that. So we're just going to sit in a lotus position and meditate all day. !And the other thing, they have just wildly off notions about how actual dynamics of the Laws of attraction work, that are completely unfounded and don't work the way that they are claiming they work because they don't understand Natural Law. The new age movement is put there as the last cul-de-sac before the gold mine to cut people off from a real understanding of Natural Law. These people are saying "We don't talk about the abuse mommy and daddy put us through. If you ignore it, it goes away on it's own. Ignore the negative, never talk about the negative, ever, ever, ever, because you're giving power to it,” and that has absolutely nothing to do with how things really work. You have to expose what is going on. !"Knowledgeable" Yet Inactive (Armchair Quarterbacks) All the people who do this folks, COWARDS! Because you wont come out with your real name and say "I STAND AGAINST ALL FORMS OF SLAVERY, AND I'M GOING TO DO EVERYTHING I CAN TO ABOLISH THEM!" ... Here's what their saying: "I now all about what's going on in the world. Can't you see how well I'm putting all that knowledge to use?" !Order Followers (Least Mature / Most Responsible) They actually create the police state. ... Yeah they're big and bad trying to take other peoples rights away on command. Here's what they really are folks: "We are the house slaves. We'd rather enslave our own species (ourselves included), rather than grow up, develop real courage, and think for ourselves." There's no lower form of life than a house slave. And you know what, if anybody wants to try and make that a race issue, you go right ahead. Try BECAUSE THE BLOOD OF KEM FLOWS IN MY VAINS, BECAUSE MY ANCESTORS THAT I TRACED BACK ON MY ANCESTRIAL TREE GO BACK TO THE LAND OF KEM, OKAY! SO I CAN SPEAK ON THAT LIKE THAT! ... It's not a race issue it's a TRUTH issue! These are the house slaves! !The researchers who's work I think you should really look into. I'll get into solutions in a moment. You got to look into these guys work. !RELATD RESEARCH (The * indicates particularly important bodies of work.) !

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Erich von Daniken -The Return of the Gods (book) -History Is Wrong (book) -Chariots of the Gods (book) !Zecharia Sitchin -The 12th Planet (book) -Lost Book of Enki (book) -There Were Giants Upon The Earth (book) !Lloyd Pye -Alien Origins (?) *-Everything You Know Is Wrong (book) -Starchild Skull: Genetic Enigma or Human-Alien Hybrid? (?) !Michael Tellinger *-Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth (book) !David Icke -Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More (book) -...And The Truth Shall Set You Free (book) -Children of the Matrix (book) !Credo Mutwa -The Reptilian Agenda (video) !Michael Tsarion -Architects of Control Program One (video series) -The Irish Origins of Civilization (video series) *-Origins and Oracles (22 disc video series) !Graham Hancock -Lost Knowledge of the Ancients (?) -Knowledge of the Lost Civilization (?) -Fingerprints of the Gods (?) !Michael Cremo -Forbidden Archeology (?) !L.A. Marzulli -The Revealing (?) -The Watchers (video series)

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-On The Trail of the Nephilim (?) !David Hatcher Childress -The Enigma of Cranial Deformation (?) -Ancient Technology In Peru and Bolivia (?) -Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients (?) !Trey Smith -Nephilim The Truth (video) !Giorgio Tsoukalos -Ancient Aliens, earlier seasons (video series) !Immanuel Velikovsky -Worlds In Collision (?) !Robert Schock -Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts In Our Past And Future (?) !D.S. Allan and J.B. Delair -Cataclysm!: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C. (book) !!ALLEGORIES IN FILM !They Live (movie) -alien race controlling the masses in secret !The Man Who Would Be King (movie) -brothers Enki and Enlil !El Dorado (movie remake of The Man Who Would Be King) -brothers Enki and Enlil !Thor (movie) -brothers Enki, Enlil, and father Anu !The Island of Dr. Moreau (movie) -genetic manipulation (the island is Earth, and we are the genetically manipulated) !Dune (movie) -spice being mined like the Anunnaki mining gold !

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Avatar (movie) -a natural resource being mined like the Anunnaki mining gold !The Matrix Trilogy (movie series) -replace A.I. with E.T. -Mark Passio's presentation, The Matrix Trilogy Decoded, explains this allegory in detail. !Star Treck: Deep Space Nine (TV series) -a race of founders who are shape shifters that give a drug to their order following slave class (like adrenalin for the police and military) !Battlefield Earth (movie) *-One of the best movies ever made about the origins of humanity and the true history of this planet. !PART III THE UNWRITTEN STORY OF OUR FUTURE !HEALING FROM ABUSE ***add abuse-victim cycle picture*** It's about understanding the abuse-victim cycle and how to get out of it. When a traumatic event, or abuse, occurs the person who experiences it either identifies with the abuser or the victim and therefore they continue to repeat the cycle. Only when we have enough knowledge, care, and willpower can we break the abuse victim cycle. And I talk about this a lot in my podcast, go back to the ones I did on that and check it out. !***add brain triad picture*** It's about balance between the brains such that we're not in master think or slave think. Again, in my podcast I cover this extensively. When you're in left brained imbalance, it leads to masculine domination, the suppression of the emotion, and eventually roots us into the lower brain, in the reptile brain. !If you're in right brained imbalance that roots us in the mammalian brain, which means our emotions are out of control, and we're not really stepping up with confidence, with courage and standing up for our rights. We go into slave think mentality. !Healing this divide, balancing both brain hemispheres by working with these different brain dynamics holistically is the way out of that imbalance. !GENETICS VS EPIGENETICS ***add Bruce liptons pic*** I just want to say here that I feel that the power of consciousness can trump anything that has been done to us genetically. So to leave people with a little bit of hope, the answer is consciousness, and that could totally break any of the genetic programming that these

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beings have done to us, no matter how deep. But that's if we take the time to explore the knowledge of ourselves. If you want to look into how epigenetics can trump genetics, really look into the works of Dr. Bruce Lipton, cell biologist. His work The Biology of Belief is absolutely essential to that matter. !SELF-LOATHING ***Self Loathing Image*** Self-loathing is the underlying psychological condition that causes people to attempt to abdicate their own personal responsibility to exercise conscience, and fall into patterns of willful ignorance, order following, and the justification of immoral behavior. Self-loathing is created when earlier trauma has been suppressed and buried into the subconscious mind, instead of being confronted, dealt with, and healed. The effects of such unresolved trauma often take the form of feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness, whether real, suggested, or imagined. !And this is the dynamic of a self-loather: "I have suffered, therefore I shall cause suffering onto others." That cycle has to be broken. And this is the exact mindset ... that keeps people in the prison of their own making. !THE WAY OUT OF THIS PRISON The Three R's are our way out of this prison: Self-Respect, Remembrance, and Responsibility SELF-RESPECT ***add self respect picture*** The word respect is derived from the Latin prefix re: "again," and the Latin verb spectare: "to look at." !Only self-respect can heal self-loathing, and therefore help to put humanity on the path to healing and conscience. !Self-respect ultimately means to take another look at oneself. ... To go in and understand the aspects of human consciousness !REMEMBRANCE (knowledge of self) ***add remembrance picture*** Remembering who we really are. Self knowledge, knowledge of self. The ways we can express consciousness are through thought, emotion, and action; this is the real holy trinity that exists within each one of us. It's been called the mind body spirit connection. The masculine and feminine aspects together with the creative aspects of the mind, the thoughts, to be unified such that as we think, so we feel, so we act and there's no contradiction between those three modes of consciousness. !Here are the expressions, thought, emotion, and action. ... The fulfillments of thought are:

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knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. The fulfillments of emotion are: true care, empathy, and compassion. The fulfillments of action are: courage, willpower, and persistence. This is what humanity needs to develop. !If we stay in the failures of thought, emotion, and action, we stay in the prison. The failures of thought are: ignorance, foolishness, and naïveté. The failures of emotion are: apathy, indifference, and callousness. The failures of action are: cowardice, laziness, and submission. That's the basic knowledge chart that we need to take into ourselves and understand how we work because our controllers know how the human consciousness works, and they've done their best to keep that knowledge from us. !***Sovereignty pic*** We have to understand our own sovereignty. The word sovereign is derived from the Latin adverb super: "above" and the Latin noun regnum: "rulership; control." Thus, sovereign means "one who is above the rulership or control of another," or, in a word: FREE! The word sovereign simply means, ladies and gentlemen, NOT A SLAVE! ... It means that you are the ruler of yourself, no one else rules over you externally. Every person in the world is sovereign whether they know it or not, slaver is illegitimate. None of us are legitimately slaves therefore we are all sovereigns. !RESPONSIBILITY ***add responsibility picture*** An individual's personal responsibility to choose right action over wrong action for themselves is always their own. One can only claim that they can "abdicate" personal responsibility for such choice to someone else. This can never actually be done in reality. More simply put, individuals are always responsible for their own actions. !Grow up. Think for yourself. Stop Following Orders. Following orders is not a virtue; it is the path to total destruction; it is the path to slavery! !***add cosmic adulthood pic**** The bottom line of all of this is regardless of how troubled it may have been, humanity's childhood is over ladies and gentlemen. ... Our choice is either to enter Cosmic Adulthood or perish. That is the choice that stands before humanity right now, and it is up to each one of us to make. !***add master key pic**** The path to that Cosmic Adulthood is the understanding of Natural Law and how to apply it in our lives. That is the master key, which the Universe has given to us that is the pathway to freedom that can unlock all the locks on all the doors to all the cages. Natural Law is the answer! !***add earth break out pic****

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What the universe is beckoning us and calling us forth to do ladies and gentlemen, in two words, ... is to break our chains and END SLAVERY! When we do that, and not a moment until, maybe we will be able to create a new world that is really worth living in for ourselves and our children. And then maybe we will be able to go off world and join our other benevolent brothers and sisters in the stars. !! !!