core evolution english brochure

US A EUropE  Realize youR potential Deepen youR life pRocess S i e g m a r  g e r k e n P h D T r a i n i n g s  W o r k s h o p s r e s e a r c h aDvance youR pRofessional competence CORE EVOLUTION ®  CORESOMA ® & DirecTors

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Realize youR


Deepen youR

life pRocess

S i e g m a r g e r k e n P h . D.C o r n e l i a g e r k e n e C P, C m P

T r a i n i n g s

W o r k s h o p s

r e s e a r c h








D i r e c To r s

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A Relational, Psychodynamic,


Li e Coaching and

Teaching System

An Innovative, Pro essional Approach to

Whole Person Psychology

Based on Mind ulness,

and Rooted in the Essence o Being

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C ore e volution is a essi nal analytic and b dy-iented the a y, li e c aching and teaching system. Its

undati n is the c m ehensive unde standing thatessence and li e ene gy is ex essed th ugh u C e – the cente the individuated unive sal li e ene gy,a wells ing healing, j y, c eativity and wisd m.

C ore e volution is based n:. c ntem a y scienti c esea ch n the inte acti n

b dy and mind. the the a eutic undati ns elati nal, em ti n-

cussed, b dy- iented sych the a y. amily systems. devel mental the ies b nding and attachment. its wn esea ch-based a ach t T auma The a y. inc ating Weste n and Easte n teachings

C ore e volution uni es kn wledge and intuiti n, scienceand the wisd m the hea t, sych l gy and hil s hy.It ex l es the inte c nnectedness li e as it mani ests in

the unity b dy, em ti ns, eelings, mind, will and theeld c nsci usness.

C ore e volution vides the basis a dee eunde standing the dynamic inte elati nshi ene gy and c nsci usness, h w they a ect u e s naldevel ment, the mati n u e s nalities, as

well as u inte acti ns with the s and the w ld, thusinfuencing u e ce ti ns eality.

C ore e volution h n s the integ ity and wh leness the e s n, a aching each individual with

mind ulness, em athy and c m assi n.

Whenever a thought is perceived or a eeling is elt,we experience it in the somatic realm. – Siegmar g erken

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Li e expresses itsel in pulsation. Pulsation is movement. Movement is change.

Li e is continuous change.

www.C eEv luti n.c m

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C ore e volution explores and works with:. The hysical b dy – its st uctu e, m and the

dynamic ex essi n th ugh m vement. Em ti ns and Feelings – h w we cess u

inne and ute im ulses.

The Mind – in unde standing, kn wing, beingawa e and st uctu ing u thinking

. The Will – the aculty that gives ene gy its di ecti n

. Ex anding the limitati n the e s nality,ealizing ch ices

. F ming u intenti ns in li e, accessing insight,

ins i ati n and visi n. p actice in Being – Awa eness and Mind ulness. The Field C nsci usness – all wing us the

e ce ti n the t tality existence, which is e ceived and ex essed as the f w l ve andex e ienced as essence, unity and neness

On our journey toward wholenesswe walk the path o sel -realization.

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C ore e volution supports you to:

. Find the inne g und kn wing y u sel and elate t the sm y u t ue sel

. o en the atte ns tective withh lding and em ti nal ain

. Ex ess y u eelings in a sa e and mind ul way

. Devel the ca acity sel - egulati n and establishem ti nal inde endence

. Ex l e, unde stand and m the many as ects Sel

. Dee en the t ust in li e

. Su t the un lding y u tential

. Emb dy y u s i itual natu e

The essence C e Ev luti n m ves insight bey nd

the a y. It is n t ab ut ada ting changing, but ab utunde standing and bec ming wh y u t uly a e.

C ore e volution leads the person

to the place o healing.

www.C eEv luti n.c m

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C ore Soma is a specialization o C ore e volution , sharing the same underlying theory and understanding with an expanded ocus on:

. D evelopmental m ovement : Building the missing links in thedevel mental m vement atte ns, which su t theinteg ated uncti ning u b dy-mind inte acti n in u

esent li e. . H anDs -o n a pproacHes : W king with the b dy th ugh

di ect hands- n t uch, s ecialized sych -em ti nal massagesand b dyw k.


B oDylanguage : Devel ing a m dial gue, inviting the b dy t s eak— and listening its v ices t be hea d.. D reamwork : Extending this dial gue t engage the

unc nsci us and the highe intelligence th ugh d eams.. s uBtle energies : W king di ectly with

Subtle Ene gy Fields: The Chak a System, C l -Light,C l -punctu e and Hands-on Healing

C ore Soma ’s cus is t dee en int u essence and t en the ca acity t l ve as the m st und state being human,and making it a cellula and emb died ex e ience.

p esent esea ch unde lines the im tance u ea ly n n- ve bal, but emb died ex e iences. The e e w king with the b dy di ectly th ugh t uch is en m usly ich. The e a e a ts us that a e n n-ve bal, they d n t s eak the language

the mind the will. These a ts ely n a di e ent ty e c ntact, c mmunicati n, and esence in de t be hea d.

When ackn wledged, the b dy ten needs nly awa eness andmind ulness t eve se unwind xati ns c eated in the ast.

Y u b dy then su ts y u, living each m ment with l veand leasu e.

C nelia e s s ecialized w ksh s inC ore Soma , which can be taken inde endently in c njuncti n with theC ore e volution T aining.

I want to express my heart elt gratitude or your work.The light you have tapped into is working miracles on those you touch.

– k aryn a rmStrong , t heraPiSt , n ew m exiCo

This training was without a doubt the most pro ound experience o my li – StaCy Sharlet , D oCtor of C hiroPraCtiC , o regon

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It is a ce ti cati n g am taught by i nee s and leade s in the essi nal eld sych dynamic, b dy- iented andhea t-cente ed the a y. The C ore e volution T aining is

e le w king with e le – the a ists, b dy-w ke s, teache s, c nsultants and the essi nals.

The C ore e volution T aining add esses u multidimensi naleality. Its the y and actice devel ed ut u ex e ience

and insights m the ll wing a aches:. Analytic-based, em ti n-cente ed, b dy- iented the a y. Gestalt, Humanistic, T ans e s nal and Integ al psych l gy. Family the a y and Systems The y. Behavi al a aches. Buddhist and Su psych l gy. Ene gy and C m lementa y Medicine.These essential teachings are unifed into a

Whole person psychology.The C ore e volution T aining is c nducted and a lied in:. Individual and g u cess. Lectu e and discussi ns. Exe cises and c eative M vement. Meditati n and the actice mind ulness. Inqui y int the c nce ts Sel . reading assignments. p essi nal a licati n and actice. Su e visi n

The Inte nati nal Institute C ore e volution . C ore Soma is an ackn wledged membe the:

EABp (Eu ean Ass ciati n B dypsych the a y)F um ( EABp designated g u t aining standa ds)USABp (United States Ass ciati n B dypsych the a y)AHp (Ass ciati n Humanistic psych l gy)ATp (Ass ciati n T ans e s nal psych l gy)

The Institute is c nducting its wn cutting edge esea ch in theinte c nnectedness sych -em ti nal cesses and thei

e ect n the b dy, mind and healing. www.C eEv luti n.c m see: F undati n Healing

www.C eEv luti n.c m

t He c ore e volution t raining

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t He c ore e volution t raining c urriculum

sTrucTure of Training t he g eneral t raining P haSe c nsists 10 teaching units 4 days, with 3 meetings a yea .

This utline bjectives and c ntent is a sh tened ve view. pleaseinqui e the c m lete 9- age cu iculum and u the t aining details.

an evoluTionary processIn the C ore e volution T aining, a tici ants will begin t ec gnizeh w thei eacti n atte ns infuence thei syche, thei b dy, and thei

e ce ti n eality.

energy anD personaliTy, The DevelopmenT of

self & The expression in lifeH w we m ve th ugh li e t day is in g eat a t the esult uex e iences in u e s nal devel ment.

We ex l e im tant the a eutic as ects in the ields : . p enatal and devel mental sych l gy. Attachment the ies. Neu devel mental esea ch.

object elati n the y. pe s nal li e hist y. Functi ns the eg. The ies e s nality devel ment. Basic inci les S matic psych l gy and b dy- iented the a y.

Feeling, seeing, and unde standing ene gy atte ns and thei mani-estati n gives us in mati n n h w we st uctu e and m bilize u

eelings, th ughts, acti ns and behavi . The teaching in these unitsincludes a basic int ducti n t C ore Soma . www.C eS ma.c m

a Deeper exploraTion of The relaTionshipBeTWeen BoDy, psyche anD feelingsThe e ce ti n u needs m its iginal state has ten

been c m mised, the e e, t aining Unit V c ve s:. rec gniti n and di e entiati n needs. B unda ies and c ntainment. p inci les sel - egulati n

core evoluTion analysis anD The applicaTionof core evoluTion principles in Theprofessional realm. T ans e ence and c unte t ans e ence. Stages C ore e volution actice. Sessi ns in diads and t iads. Su e vised actice in the g u , a. .

www.C eEv luti n.c m

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c ore e vol ;ution inquiry – a personal process inTensivepa tici ants a e guided int the C ore e volution inci les inqui y.By the end this t aining unit, t ainees will have gained a s lidunde standing the inte acti n b dy-mind cesses. T ainees

will als have a g d undati n in basic the a eutic skills t acticemind ul b dy- iented the a y and c nsulting.

c ore e volution anD Trauma Work C ore e volution has devel ed its wn b dy w k in elati n t

t aumatic situati ns held in the human system. In acilitating C ore e volution T auma W k y u will lea n the inte active a ach, in

ec gnizing and di e entiating the multi-laye ed ta est y t aumaticex e iences.

personaliTy DisorDers WiTh focus onBorDerline & narcissism – Basic analysis

& recogniTion of DisTorTions.

The use of Dsm & icDou cus will be n the sych l gical behavi s and ene getic c ndi-

ti ns these e s nality dis de s. This includes the ex l ati n a b dy- iented a ach and the devel ment c m etence byunde standing the ssibilities using C ore e volution techniques.

cenTering in The core – resonaTing WiTh The floW of life

. Advanced c mmunicati n skills the a y and c nsulting, utilizinganalysis and intuiti n

. Unde standing Em athy . passi n . C m assi n

. Ex anding the dimensi ns e s nal ealizati n

The training not only was a tremendous advance in my pro essional career; it also contributed signi cantly to my personal development.

– Prof . D r . D irk r evenStorf , u niverSität t übingen

The program has been a turning point in my li e.– b Jorn h olm , a CaDemy for leaDerShiP , o Slo , n orway

My work with Cornelia and Siegmar provided dynamic integration o many years o personal growth, and I have a renewed sense o harmony

and oneness. – P atriCia h eeb , ProfeSSor of PSyChology , C alifornia , uSa

www.C eEv luti n.c m

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www.C eEv luti n.c m

Your blend o pro essional competence, power ul interventions, sensitive care personal dynamic, humor and lightness has been the most infuencing source or my own way o working with individuals and groups.

J oar SkJevDal – o rganizational C onSultant /PSyChologiSt

love, sexualiTy anD relaTionshipL ve is the es nance with the f w li e. In sexuality, the wh le b dy,

eelings, and the syche a e activated. A e s n in l ve and sexualha m ny c mmunicates and c eates m a lace well being, eace, j yand a sense ul llment. The e e it is im tant t unde stand h w

we inte act and elate m this lace l ve, sexuality and elati nshi .

core evoluTion supervision & session inTensive This is a unique and essi nal setting designed t a ly inte venti nsand actice sessi ns with clients t eceive live su e visi n in the g u .

expanDing The core evoluTion approach inTherapy & healing.

p sycHosomatics . p Hysical anD e motional H ealtH . D reams

(T ead m e ab ut u investigati n in this a ea, lease visit www. C ore e volution .c m and g t F undati n Healing.)

The uniTy of Being:e ssence . c ore . i ntention . p otential

realizati n as a Human Being equi es a b dy, a vessel this j u ney. That is why C ore e volution is b dy- iented and hasdevel ed its wn meth d l gy. The human ex e ience m ves th ughdevel mental stages – a necessa y cess in a hysical and s ciallyinte active w ld. This human cess is infuenced by and at thesame time infuences the ex essi n Essence. By unde standing u

e s nal li e cesses we ec nnect with the unity all existence in

u emb died duality being – we begin t actice unity in duality.T day's scienti c ndings infuence the the y and actice n t nly

sych l gy, mental health and u unde standing sych s matic cesses, but all human sciences.


4 teaching units 5 days

c ertification p Hase (cp)

t He c ore e volution t raining c urriculum

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siegmar gerken, ph.D, ecp, hp(psych the a y) studied sych l gy, educati n andanth l gy. He has i nee ed b dy- iented and hea t-cente ed the a y and Humanistic psych l gy since1971 and is the unde the Ene gy & C nsci usnessp g ams (www.Ene gyandC nsci usness.c m) and C ore e volution (www.C eEv luti n.c m).

Siegma is adjunct teaching aculty at the Santa Ba ba a

G aduate Institute at the Chicag Sch l p essi nalpsych l gy as well as at the Esalen Institute, Big Su ,Cali nia, the en wned Institute the devel ment

the Human p tential. He c nducts b dy- iented the a y and mind ulness-based t ainings at the Behavi alThe a y T aining Institute in Hambu g, and s ecializedManagement and C aching Semina s at Systema

Management T ainings. Besides his wn t ainings in C ore e volution , he lectu es and teaches at unive sities and ivate institutes w ldwide n the inte c nnectedness sych s matic cesses as they mani est n the levels b dy, em ti ns, mind, will and s i it.

cornelia gerken, cmp, ecp, hp(psych the a y) c m leted he unive sity studies inGöttingen, Ge many with a deg ee in educati n and

u the studies in sych l gy. C nelia integ atesdi e ent sych s matic and sych s i itual a aches.She devel ed he wn synthesis, C ore Soma , which

l ks at s matic eality as the undati n u lives.In he w k she sha es he c m assi n and j y

li e, b inging a dee esence the eminine. C neliais als a dance and a tist. With he husband she is

the C -F unde and C -Di ect the Inte nati nalInstitute C ore e volution and C ore Soma .

www.C eEv luti n.c m

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Love is the resonancewith the fow o li e. – S iegmar

Love is the only therapy, the only truth.

Love is what we are. – C ornel ia

We understand our commitment and work

o over thirty- ve yearsin C ore e volution

as a contribution to an emotionally integrated,

peace ul society.

In our work withindividuals,

couples and groups,

pro essional trainings, organizational consulting,

confict resolution and personal healing,

we acilitate a deeper understanding o

our present day li e issuesto raise the consciousness and quality o li e.

We search to touch the essence o a person

with competence, love

and joy, supportingthe ull potential to be realized.

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T r a i n i n g s

W o r k s h o p s

r e s e a r c h




inteRnational institute of

p o s t o f f i c e B o x 806 . m e n D o c i n o , c a l i f o r n i a 95460, usa usa +1.707.937 1825 anD e ssen , g ermany +49.201.9589394i n f o @ c o r e e v o l u t i o n . c o m . w w w . c o r e e v o l u t i o n . c o m

You can experienceC ore e volution

in lectures, introductoryworkshops, individual

sessions and personal intensives, and in our popular

International Intensives.See our Calendar of Events.

D i r e C t o r S

S i e g m a r & C o r n e l i a g e r k e n

g n : Z

i d a

B o r c i c h

w w w . s t u d

i o - z . c o m
