conventions of my film opening

Conventions The group who made the film opening named ‘Cohen’.

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Post on 20-Feb-2017




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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?

ConventionsThe group who made the film opening named Cohen.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?

What was the Genre?

The genre we used was.. Sport Drama

What films inspired your genre and how?

Saving Private RyanSaving Private Ryan Cohen

Ideas were developed from the opening of Saving Private Ryan by

Incorporating the idea of an elderly man remembering previous events.The shots used for the man walking. (Our opening shot is the same as the opening shot of the first character in Saving Private Ryan).The music was also inspiration for the emotive piece we used over the top of the scene.The film inspired our genre because it is an extremely dramatic film and we already had an idea for an old man.

Forrest Gump

Ideas were developed from the opening of Forrest Gump by

Looking at the font and font colour to show the elegance of the scene.The music in the opening scene of Forrest Gump is very emotive and we wanted to imitate this.(Music at bottom of screen)The idea was also similar in the sense that there is a man thinking back on his life.

CohenSaving Private Ryan

Goal I and II

Ideas were developed from the films Goal! And Goal II

The poster for our film was inspired by Goal! as shown on the slide before, we decided to go with a similar close up version of a shot of a football player with he back turned. The poster we looked at has a football in so we incorporated it into ours to show it was a sport (Football) film.We looked at the film Goal II when deciding on what order to put the titles in.We also used the same production company as the Goal films.

In what ways did your film opening differ to that of the ones you looked at?

In Goal II the opening dives straight into the action being a sport film. However, despite our film being of the sport genre we considered it to be more of a Drama so we avoided using real footballing footage.Forrest Gumps titles come in over an establishing shot over a city our shot doesnt do this is uses a short establishing shot after the title of the film appears. This was because we didnt want the title to detract from the drama of the opening.Our opening is different from the conventions of Saving Private Ryan as our opening includes titles during the very opening but this film doesnt as it would have taken away from the drama of the scene. We had to include the titles here as our film opening was so short.

Why did you keep to the conventions of the form?

We kept to the conventions mainly of a drama because we wanted the film to be gentle at first and then show a huge contrast between the old man and the young boy, like in PrivateRyan, its portrayed by the music, the shots are shorted and thepace feels more intense. We tried to think about everypsychologicalaspect of our film in order to make our feel see as professionalas it could be in the given circumstances. (Below shows the differences in shire people in the opening scene).

How did you challenge convention of the forms you looked at?

The main way we challenged conventions was the fact our genre was sport-Drama which isnt extremely common.We had a big contrast between a busy scene and slow scene which is unusual for a sport film.We also had a change in quality of camera from a clear one to a grainy one which would continue throughout the rest of the film. This is a very risky and unusual thing to have. We also had the idea of changing the colour gradually throughout the film as the camera technology improved through the ages.

This was how we used and ignored conventions. Thank you.
