conventions of contents page


Upload: laura-g

Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Conventions of contents page
Page 2: Conventions of contents page

Page numbers:Page numbers:

Page numbers would be used on all magazines contents pages, this is because it will help the

reader navigate their way through the magazine to find certain article that they want to read. The

page numbers are normally highlighted to make them clear, in this kerrang example they are

written in red so that they stand out next to the black writing on white background. I have noticed

that only really in kerrang that they clearly highlight the articles that were on the front cover also in

the contents page. This maybe because people would be interested in buying the magazine due to

seeing the article information on the cover and so rather than having to spend a while going

through the magazine to find a certain story they

can easily find the page where there is the article

they want to read on and so can read that and

then maybe go back and have a look at the rest of

the articles.


Contents pages would have images that link to

certain articles that they may think are

important to that issue or have most

information. In the contents example half of the

page is full with one image, this may be

because it is the main story that was the main

focus on the cover so they have carried that on

to be the focus of the contents as well. They

have also used ‘screen shots’ of pages later

on in the magazine. This will allow readers to

see what else they will find within the

magazine and may encourage them to read

that article as they may have been drawn to

the layout/style of the article and so they would

them want to know what it is about. Also they

seem to clearly show people that may be

recognisable, That a reader may see someone

that they recognise and then that’s what

attracts them to a certain page as they would

what to know what that person has to do with

that article or if there is any important

information that has been written about

them/then band that they are in.


Like this cover they have used different fonts, but they

seem to be more organised. They have kept the same

font for all of the headings, this helps the reader to find a

certain article that may be under a certain heading so

they can easily spot the heading and find the article. All

other writing is the same font they may have only

changed the boldness of it to make certain things stand

out more than others. They have seemed to made the names of bands/people stand out more, this again would be so that fans would see their names and then want to read the article that is about them.


They have stuck to quite a simple yet effective

colour scheme. They have used the colours

white, yellow, black and red. As there is already

a lot of writing and a lot of things going on, on

the page they seemed to have not used a lot of

different bright colours as they may not have

wanted to make the cover seem to in your face

with a lot going on and quite confusing. This

colour scheme, being quite simple, also makes

the magazine seem more professional and well

planned and thought about.


With the images they are usually captions with

them that state what page number the article

about them would be found on and who they are.


I have noticed, especially in Kerrang, that they

seem to have a small corner of the contents

page which they use to advertise subscriptions

to the magazine. This helps to make it easy for

the reader to find the correct information that

they need to get a subscription, this also may

influence readers to get a subscription when

they advertise deals or how easy it is.

Page 3: Conventions of contents page

Page numbers:Page numbers:

Page numbers are on this contents page Like the one previous. They have highlighted them by

making them the colour red, so readers can clearly see the page they need to turn to, to get to

a certain page. Some magazines only highlight the main articles and so may not show every

single article on that page, this may be because they don’t have as much information/pages in

the magazine so magazines that may have more pages would have more they want to

advertise to the reader on the first page they would see.


The fonts used all see, to be the same they haven't used

loads of different fonts. They have used the same font,

the only thing that they have changed is that they have

made certain things bolder than others to make some

things stand out. The consistent font doesn’t make the

page confusing, as there is a lot of information on the

page then if they used loads of different fonts it could

make the page confusing and harder to read. As the

font is also quite simple it makes the page look

professional. The only time that they have changed

the font is where it says ‘oasis special’. They may

have done this is draw people to that piece of writing

as this may be part of the main story that was

advertised on the front or that it is the main

theme/subject of that issue of the magazine.


The colour scheme that they have stuck to is

using the colours, red, white and black. This

again makes it look quite professional and not

confusing. They have cleverly linked the colour

scheme to the masthead. The masthead (on

the cover and the top left corner) use the colour

white and red, so the way that they have used

the same colours in the contents links them well

and keeps a clear theme throughout the



With the images they are usually captions with

them that state what page number the article

about them would be found on and who they are.


Unlike some other contents pages this contents have used quite a lot of writing. Many just state the

name of a band/singer and what page the article about them is on. They have seemed to still do this but

have added some more information underneath to possibly describe some more information about what

the article involves/is about. They have used headlines to separate the pages to help if someone is

looking for a certain type of article however they haven't used a lot of headlines, that other magazines

have done for example Kerrang, which doesn’t makes is that easy to navigate to a certain article but

they may not include such a wide range of different articles that other magazines may do.


There are very few images on this contents page,

unlike other that usually have quite a few. They have

seemed to have quite a simplistic look to it, and they

seem to have stuck to a more adult look which them

gives an idea of who the target audience is as this

layout may seem to ‘boring’ for a teenage/child

magazine. They have used one large image that

seems to take up just under half the page, this then

makes people look at the image and so may be

used to try sand advertise the main article, or even

just a normal article that may seem important. The

image seems to be quite dark as well so this also

draws people to the image to find out what it is

about, because it is against a very light background.

They have used one other smaller image under the

review section, which gives the idea that they have

done this because the person in the image may be

the focus pf the main review and so they wanted to

highlight them.

Page 4: Conventions of contents page

Page numbers:Page numbers:

Page numbers are slightly different, they seem to have

more information that has linked to a page. Similarly to

other magazines they have made them bold by the use

of colour however they highlight them in black writing on

one side and red on the other side so this may be slightly

confusing but not but much.


They have stick to the same font through out, as the page holds a lot of information already and I

think that if it used many fonts as well it would look to crowded and hard to read. They have used a

font which is very similar to the masthead which keeps a theme throughout and links everything

together. They have kept most of the writing in bold which for something's (titles) are effective but for

something's (writing on the left column) makes it slightly hard to read. For one phrase in the centre of

the page they have used a fine italic font which draws people to it as it is so different to anything else

on the page, which then also makes it an effective way to get the reader interested in a certain article

on a reasonably busy page. Colour:Colour:

They have stuck to a simple colour scheme

using the colours, red, white and black and for

one section they have used the colour yellow.

They probably would have linked this colour

scheme to the one on the cover and so have

done it to show consistency. They have used

the colour red to mostly highlight the

band/singers names that are located in the left

side. They have used the colour yellow to

highlight the advertising section of the page,

and to make that section really stand out

against everything else.


They have used two thin pictures that

when placed together doesn’t even fill

half of the page. This contents page have

seems to stick to more writing rather than

a lot of images. This then makes people

focus on the text rather than being

distracted by images. The way that they

have used text to give a preview of whats

on the page makes the navigation easier

as they get clear information on what is

on certain pages. It may just be a

coincidence but it seems to be that the

images kind f link to the colour scheme.

The images use a lot of red, white and

black what then tie the colour scheme of

text with image, which makes a good

theme on the page.


In NME and some other magazines they have

sections on the contents page which they use

to advertise subscriptions to the magazine.

They usually advertise offers to encourage

people to get subscriptions. They may have

placed it on that page as the whole point of a

contents page is to help show information about

whats in the magazine and help the reader

navigate their way through the magazine, so

this links with the advertising as they give more

‘exclusive’ information about the subscriptions

(offers) and they give web addresses that help

the reader easily navigate to the correct

website easily.


As there is only two smaller images on the page there isn't really

any small captions, they have seemed to extended the caption to

what seems to be a mini article about the images which may then

carryon to a longer article later on in the magazine.


The main focus of this contents page seem

to be the writing. There is a large amount of

writing in the centre of the page with writing

underneath the headings and gives a brief

information about what the article would be

about specifying on a band/artist. The text

which shows the ‘band index’ is a very good

way of helping navigate around the magazine.

This is because if someone was looking for a

specific band then they would be able to

easily find then and know what page the

article about them would be on.