contents page c's & c's


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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Contents page c's & c's



Page 2: Contents page c's & c's

3 Pictures displaying to the reader multiple things that are featured in the issue. Simple but effective. The people shown are from a variety of genres, demonstrating that billboard is quite a versatille magazine.

Page numbers used to clearly tell the reader what page each feature is on – very convenient.

Different fonts are used to emphasise different things on the page.

The billboard music chart is displayed, which further emphasises the fact that it is a music magazine and this is also a unique feature for billboard magazine. It also keeps audiences up to date with the latest music.

The billboard logo is the same as the magazine’s masthead. This makes it look organised and sophisticated. Also makes the font and logo memorable as it’s the same everywhere.

Colour scheme is mainly black, white and blue. This is good because it’s quite simple and stops the page from looking messy and cluttered.

Background of charts is grey which is different from the main contents page, this separates it from the contents page and makes it stand out

Same font as the contents font.

Shows array of articles with the multiple pictures used = fufills cognitive needs

Small descriptions make the audience want to find out more = enigmas = Barthes

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Page 4: Contents page c's & c's

Billboard common codes and conventions

• All of the Billboard contents pages are in the same layout, but with different text and images in each issue. This makes it more memorable and makes it easier for the reader to navigate around the page as opposed to changing the layout in every issue.

• Each billboard contents page have an updated version of the music charts, which is unique compared to other music magazines. This can attract a lot of music fans who are interested in the current popular music, I want to do something like this in my contents page as I think that its very interesting to have.

• The same Billboard logo is used in the contents page as it is on the masthead. This makes it more memorable and makes the contents page easily recognisable by anyone even if they weren’t aware of what magazine they were looking at.

• The contents pages have simple layouts and colour schemes, making it look sophisticated and neat.

• Subheadings are used to break up the text and clearly show the reader where everything is, this is particuarly convenient if the reader buys the magazine for certain topics as billboard is quite versatile.

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Simple layout, clearly showing the reader where to find things.

Only 2 images are on the contents page, those being the last and current issue front cover. They are the only source of colour on the page which makes them stand out a lot.

This is un- conventional as most magazines display a lot of images that correspond with the content of the issue to interest the reader and provide more information about the features in the magazine.

Page is split into 4 sections, covers, features, regulars and fashion.

Multiple fonts are used to emphasise different parts of the page. This is very conventional with magazine front covers and I will do something similar with mine.

Page numbers are clearly stated, allowing the reader to easily navigate themselves around the magazine – common convention with a lot of different magazines.

Black and white colour scheme is used, which I think makes the page look too simple and a bit boring. The contents page isn’t very eye- catching and looks quite dated.

Simple page, yet a lot of information is displayed which could mean that audience members could find it hard to take in all the information – especially as it’s lacking images.

Stories intrigue the reader = engimas = Barthes

At least 210 pagesLong list of easy to navigate elements – fulfils cognitive needs

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Clash common codes and conventions

• Out of the clash contents pages that I’ve looked at, the layout of them are all slightly different, but still recognisable due to the consistency of the fonts and the simple black and white colour theme.

• Although the contents page has an unconventional layout, it still follows simple conventions as the page is split into sub headings and features page numbers.

• The clash contents page feature very few images, whereas well – established magazines such as NME feature a lot more, this further represents the original house style that clash uses, which Indie magazines seem to adopt. The fact that the images are also quite small and placed next to eachother in one section demonstrate that the focus isn’t really on the images, which is quite unconventional because usually the images are scattered around to interest the reader and give them details about the features in the magazine.

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Image takes up a lot of the screen, model is directly looking at the camera which creates a personal feeling with the audience and holds attention.

Simplistic and minimalistic approach is used. Challenges conventions but looks very sophistiated and unique.

Font colour theme is black and white. I found this boring with the clash magazine but on this page I think it looks simple yet intriguing.

‘Contents’ is written in a very small font, very un- conventional as it is usually very big and bold to clearly state that it’s the contents page.

Issue number is written in the largest font on the page – unusual.

Focuses a lot more on aesthetic features than informing reader about the issue – reflects the style of the magazine.

Unique layout, even for an Indie magazine.

Page number and magazine name shown – very common in magazins that I’ve looked at.

Direct mode of address = personal relationship = uses & grats

Small descriptions to intrigue the reader = cognitive needs

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Fader common codes and conventions

• The fader contents pages are extremely minimalistic, with barely anything on the page at all. This is quite a unique convention as usually music magazines tend to make the contents page bright and eyecatching to attract the reader.

• Consistent layout used throughout all the Fader contents pages – makes it easily recognisable by its readers. 1 main image that takes up a lot of the page, with the issue number and date at the top of the page and the magazine contents underneath the image.

• Black and white font colour theme – the contrast between the black and the white enables the visuals of the magazine to be clear, and also makes the page look very sophisticated. Only colourful aspect of the page is the image.

• Fader have very unconventional contents pages and are very unique, compared to other magazines I’ve looked at. Their pages are very minimalistic and simple which contrasts a lot to other magazines which have colourful and informative contents pages to attract the reader. Fader’s contents page layout emphasises its retro indie style.