content & leads discussed new

ACCELERATED LEAD GENERATION Do you want to use your content to generate sales leads in niche B2B verticals? Or Do you perhaps need a hand creating engaging content and developing a robust content marketing strategy to go with it?

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Post on 15-Jan-2015




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Distribution of Content is good, but creating the right content, across different media with a consistent message works. Distribution is just a part of an overall content marketing strategy. Your audience decides if you are a thought leader and we know how to produce bespoke content that can make it happen. This slideshow runs through the practical "hows"


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Do you want to use your content to generate sales leads in niche B2B verticals?


Do you perhaps need a hand creating engaging content and developing a robust content marketing strategy to go with it?

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emedia helps you understand content marketing, creates compelling and engaging content for your business

& works with you to ensure this content generates sales leads for your business through our Bulletins, Websites and Telemarketing.

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Let’s start with “Content” and move on to Bulletins, Websites and Telemarketing Lead Generation options

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Does every client need us to build content?

If you already have thought leadership assets, videos or blogs which can engage with an

audience of your prospects on an education level, we can certainly look at using it for your


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How do I know if my existing content is relevant?

Ask us to have a look around your site. Emedia has a team of content specialists who can identify & assess your existing content for use.

VictoriaContent Manager

LauraHead of Content


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Why Produce Guides and White Papers?

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Event & Exhibition Handouts

Lead Generation Activity Print Advertising

What else can I use Guides and White Papers for?

Display Campaigns

Social Media

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What is the Content writing process?

1. One of emedia’s content specialists will discuss relevant pain points, unique selling points and potential topic angles

2. Then we will go away and write a “content framework” which will outline a paragraph by paragraph plan for your paper

3. Then it’s back and forth for approvals etc. until completed

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Website Lead Generation

Bulletin Lead Generation

Once content is ready, how can emedia generate leads for me?

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First we create your advertorial and headline

Then we spread the word to our bulletin audience

Engaged subscribers click your headline to see your advertorial

Then submit their pre-populated details to download your content

The subscriber will get access to the content offering and a confirmation

email with a link to your content

Bulletins, How Do They Work?

we send you your leads

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IT Management 25,000 CIOs, CSOs, senior IT managers, Business

Owners and Directors

IT Security 10,000 IT Decision Makers, CIOs, CSOs, Owners

and Directors in Australian businesses

Data Management10,000 IT Decision Makers, CIOs, Owners and

Directors in Australian businesses

Network Management10,000 IT Decision Makers, CIOs, Owners and

Directors in Australian businesses

IT Management Singapore15,000 CIOs, CSOs, senior IT managers and


IT Management APAC30,000 CIOs, CSOs, senior IT managers, Business

Owners and Directors primarily from 500+ employee sized companies in Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia


SMB Bulletin50,000 Senior decision-makers, managers,

directors and CEOs within small to medium sized enterprises

Architecture & Specifier 9,000 Architects, Specifiers, Designers and

Engineers in Australia

HR16,000 HR Decision Makers, HR managers and

directors, CEOs and Owners of small to medium sized enterprises

Industrial & Safety10,000 MDs, Owners, GMs, Directors and

Engineering/Technical Managers and OH&S decision makers

Mining15,000 Senior Managers, Technical & Onsite mine

Managers and Mineral processing professionals in the Australian Mining industry

Marketing 16,000 Senior marketing professionals, managers

and Directors in Australian businesses

Business Finance 17,000 FDs, MDs, CFOs, Accountants and Senior

Decision Makers within Finance Departments

Agriculture and Farming Bulletin10,000 Decision makers in the Ag and Farming

industries driven by the Fat Cow website

Hospitality10,000 Decision Makers in the hospitality

industry driven by the Go Hospitality Website

Bulletins.Who does emedia reach?

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First we host your content on the website

Then we spread the word to the website’s email


Engaged subscribers are redirected to the

hosted paper

To download, the subscriber will leave

their contact info with us

& Finally, the subscriber will get access to the

content offering

Website Lead Generation, How does it work?

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Our Website / Newsletter Audiences B&T

Media, Marketing, PR & Advertising Professionals and Decision Makers

190,000 Website visitors per month22,000 Daily Newsletter subscribers

ELECTRONICS NEWSElectronics Designers, System Integrators and other Industry

Professional and Decision Makers10,300 Website visitors per month

3,100 Twice weekly Newsletter subscribers

HOSPITALITY MAGGMs, Marketing/Purchasing/Ordering Managers in Hotels, Pubs,

Clubs, Restaurants and other Industry Professionals and Decision Makers

35,000 Website visitors per month9,500 Twice weekly Newsletter subscribers

INFOLINK – ARCHITECTURE & DESIGNArchitects, Designers, Specifiers, Engineers, Builders and other

Industry Professionals and Decision Makers42,000 Website visitors per month

12,000 - 3 times weekly Newsletter subscribers

LOGISTICS & MATERIAL HANDLING Senior & Purchasing Managers, Materials Handling, Logistics and

Supply Chain Management and other Industry Professionals and Decision Makers

5,000 Website visitors per month2,300 weekly Newsletter subscribers

MANUFACTURERS MONTHLYSenior and Purchasing Managers, Engineering, Production,

Operations and Inventory Control Managers and Decision Makers in the Metal/Food & Bev/Machinery/Engineering and

other Industries24,000 Website visitors per month7,000 Daily Newsletter subscribers

MINING AUSTRALIASenior Managers, Technical, On-Site/Off-Site Mine Managers, Mineral

Processing and other Industry Professionals and Decision Makers

213,000 Website visitors per month17,000 Daily Newsletter Subscribers

MONEY MANAGEMENTDirectors, Financial Planners, Fund Managers and other Financial

Services Professionals and Decision Makers56,000 Website visitors per month

13,000 Daily Newsletter Subscribers

TRAVEL TODAY/WEEKLYTravel Agents, Travel Agency Owners, Tourism Boards, Airlines and

other Travel Industry Professionals and Decision Makers20,000 Website visitors per month

16,500 Daily Newsletter subscribers

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As always, it starts with the


Then emedia’s content

team create the script

Our telemarketers

start calling prospects with

the offer

You receive your leads from us via excel spreadsheet

Telemarketing, How does it work?

VictoriaContent Manager

LauraHead of Content


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So that’s it.... No matter the channel,

what you end up with is the contact details from Decision Makers who have engaged with your content offering . If they have clicked to research your content,

they are a likely prospect for you to follow up with and try to convert them From “Top of Funnel” to Sale.

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