confirmation class of 2018 -

676 W. LOCKWOOD AVENUE | WEBSTER GROVES | MISSOURI 63119 | WWW.MQPWG.ORG | 314.962.2311 APRIL 15, 2018 Confirmation Class of 2018 Blaine Michael Michael Agles Clare Catherine Francis Andres Mary Louisa Teresa Armitage Griffin John Donald Arns Emily Michael Teresa Avery Raymond Jacob Andrew Bauer Margaret Irene Francis Bjorkman Lucy Catherine Agnes Brady Connor Martin Luke Buehring Ainsley Eleanor Cecilia Burns Caroline Margaret Philippine Busch Catherine Patricia Regina Busch Sara Katherine Filomena Busch Louis Francis Lawrence Bush Andrew Joseph Joseph Clarke Ellen Marie Elizabeth Davenport Maya Katherine Christopher Deeba* David Elliot Francis Dirks John Patrick Thomas Dolan Kathryn Patterson Elizabeth Dolan Henry Javier Ignatius Dowd-Nieto Elizabeth Kathleen Elizabeth Duffy John Peter Louis Edwards, III Alexander David Sebastian Erd Nicholas James Andrew Esson Nicholas Samuel Nicholas Figge Michael Silvio Michael Floretta Mollie Jane Francis Genovese Isabella Nicole Veronica Giessman Abigail Grace Elizabeth Golden Regan Marie Gerard Gould Andrew Thomas Joseph Grassi Claire Elizabeth Ann Griesman Maxwell Aldo Luke Grimmer Olivia Grace Rose Grothe Timothy Patrick Thomas Gunn Zoe Da Claire Haley Catherine Lois Mary Harlan Jacob Joseph John Henry John Douglas Patrick Herwig Olivia Nicole Teresa Hess Charles Leo Bernadette Jackson Carley Katherine Edith Jellison Stella Aileen Teresa Johnson Anna Lucille Catherine Karpen Jack Thomas Christopher Larrigan Mary Elizabeth Genesius LaVigne Mary Frances Anne LaVigne Thomas James John LaVigne Gavin James Christopher Lawhorn Genevieve Marie Catherine Leritz Ava Neal Bridget Losse John Patrick Matthew Mack Anna Dalton Adjutor Marquitz Samantha Ellen Cecilia Maull Daniel Patrick Daniel Molen Calvin Schell Charles Mueller Magdalena Eileen Mary Mullarkey Jack Henry Philomena Newhouse Finnegan James Paul O’Keefe Samantha Lee Veronica O’Leary Bridget Erin Francis O’Neill Robert Joseph Cornelius Pavelonis, III Anna Lucia Maria Raley James Patrick Blaise Raley Mia Isabelle Agnes Rami Benjamin Gregory Luigi Ridgway Kendall Elizabeth Francis Sadler Joseph Gregory Hubert Santacruz Julia Elizabeth Mary Schneiderhahn Lucy Kathleen Gemma Schoemehl Dylan Ryan Peter Sewell Maxwell Robert Michael Sextro Peter George Christopher Slinkard* Kenady Nanette Teresa Solomon Timothy James George Soriano John Patrick Francis Torack Audrey Frances Elizabeth Tucker Molly Lorraine Kateri Wedlock John Bolling Sebastian Williamson Peter Charles Michael Zevan* *Blessing given

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APRIL 15, 2018

Confirmation Class of 2018 Blaine Michael Michael Agles Clare Catherine Francis Andres Mary Louisa Teresa Armitage Griffin John Donald Arns Emily Michael Teresa Avery Raymond Jacob Andrew Bauer Margaret Irene Francis Bjorkman Lucy Catherine Agnes Brady Connor Martin Luke Buehring Ainsley Eleanor Cecilia Burns Caroline Margaret Philippine Busch Catherine Patricia Regina Busch Sara Katherine Filomena Busch Louis Francis Lawrence Bush Andrew Joseph Joseph Clarke Ellen Marie Elizabeth Davenport Maya Katherine Christopher Deeba* David Elliot Francis Dirks John Patrick Thomas Dolan Kathryn Patterson Elizabeth Dolan Henry Javier Ignatius Dowd-Nieto Elizabeth Kathleen Elizabeth Duffy John Peter Louis Edwards, III Alexander David Sebastian Erd Nicholas James Andrew Esson Nicholas Samuel Nicholas Figge Michael Silvio Michael Floretta Mollie Jane Francis Genovese Isabella Nicole Veronica Giessman Abigail Grace Elizabeth Golden Regan Marie Gerard Gould Andrew Thomas Joseph Grassi Claire Elizabeth Ann Griesman Maxwell Aldo Luke Grimmer Olivia Grace Rose Grothe Timothy Patrick Thomas Gunn Zoe Da Claire Haley Catherine Lois Mary Harlan Jacob Joseph John Henry John Douglas Patrick Herwig Olivia Nicole Teresa Hess

Charles Leo Bernadette Jackson Carley Katherine Edith Jellison Stella Aileen Teresa Johnson Anna Lucille Catherine Karpen Jack Thomas Christopher Larrigan Mary Elizabeth Genesius LaVigne Mary Frances Anne LaVigne Thomas James John LaVigne Gavin James Christopher Lawhorn Genevieve Marie Catherine Leritz Ava Neal Bridget Losse John Patrick Matthew Mack Anna Dalton Adjutor Marquitz Samantha Ellen Cecilia Maull Daniel Patrick Daniel Molen Calvin Schell Charles Mueller Magdalena Eileen Mary Mullarkey Jack Henry Philomena Newhouse Finnegan James Paul O’Keefe Samantha Lee Veronica O’Leary Bridget Erin Francis O’Neill Robert Joseph Cornelius Pavelonis, III Anna Lucia Maria Raley James Patrick Blaise Raley Mia Isabelle Agnes Rami Benjamin Gregory Luigi Ridgway Kendall Elizabeth Francis Sadler Joseph Gregory Hubert Santacruz Julia Elizabeth Mary Schneiderhahn Lucy Kathleen Gemma Schoemehl Dylan Ryan Peter Sewell Maxwell Robert Michael Sextro Peter George Christopher Slinkard* Kenady Nanette Teresa Solomon Timothy James George Soriano John Patrick Francis Torack Audrey Frances Elizabeth Tucker Molly Lorraine Kateri Wedlock John Bolling Sebastian Williamson Peter Charles Michael Zevan* *Blessing given

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[email protected] x. 113

REV. AARON P. NORD Part- me Associate Pastor

[email protected] x. 117

Re red Priest in Residence

[email protected] x. 123


[email protected]


[email protected]

BARB SCHLANGER Business Manager

[email protected] x. 111

ANGELA FIORDELISI Temporary Administra ve Assistant

[email protected] x. 110

MARC STRATHMAN Director of Music

[email protected] x. 114

ANDREW SHIPP Director of Youth Ministry

[email protected] x. 238

MARY ANN ZIMMERMAN Part- me Pastoral Associate

[email protected] x. 125

HEATHER O’KEEFE Protec ng God’s Children

& Admin. Assistant

[email protected] x. 122


[email protected] x. 125

MICHAEL NIEMAN School Principal

[email protected] 314-961-2891, x. 220


[email protected] 314-961-2891, x. 223


676 W. Lockwood Avenue

Webster Groves, MO 63119



Monday- Friday 8:30 am– 4:30 pm

Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

SUNDAY EUCHARIST: 5:00 pm Saturday Vigil, 7:30 am, 9:00am, 11:00am & 5:00pm Sunday WEEKDAY MASS: 6:45am & 8:00am Monday through Friday

8:00am Saturday

RECONCILIATION: Saturdays, 3:45 – 4:45 p.m., and by appointment

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: The Blessed Sacrament is exposed a"er 8:00am Mass on the first and third Mondays of the Month, Adora$on con$nues all day, concluding with Benedic$on at 9:00pm.

INFANT BAPTISM: Bap$sms are celebrated on Sundays a"er the 11:00am Mass. Bap$sm Prepara$on Class is offered on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm at the Rectory, and is required of first $me parents. Contact the Parish Office to register.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK: If you are an$cipa$ng surgery or are sick or homebound and would like to be anointed, please contact a Priest or the Parish Office.

ADULT INITIATION: Adults are received into the Church through the Sacraments of Ini$a$on (Bap$sm, Confirma$on, and Eucharist) usually celebrated at the Easter Vigil a"er par$cipa$ng in a process of Chris$an forma$on and educa$on called the Rite of Chris$an Inita$on for Adults (RCIA). Please contact the Parish Office for more informa$on.

CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE: Couples wishing to be married at MQP should contact the parish as soon as possible a"er engagement and at least six months before the proposed wedding date. At least one of the couple should be a prac$cing Catholic, registered and living in the parish. A program of marriage prepara$on is required. Please contact the Pastor or the parish secretary for more informa$on.

VOCATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD AND RELIGIOUS LIFE: Any young man interested in the priest-hood or any young person interested in the religious life is encouraged to contact the Pastor or to call the Archdiocesan Voca$on Office at 314-792-6460. All Catholics are called to pray for an increase in religious voca$ons.


Bulle!n Deadlines are Tuesdays by noon. Please submit to Heather at

[email protected]

Monday, April 16th

from 8:30am-9:00 pm

Please join our faithful adorers and give thanks and adoration to Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament begins after 8:00am Mass on Monday and concludes with Benediction at 9 pm.


MQP's next blood drive is on Monday April 16th, from 3:30-7:30 in the Mary Queen of Peace cafeteria. To schedule your appointment online, use the following link and our sponsor code MQP or you can call Trish Goldberg 540.3305. If you have any questions about blood donation please call the Red Cross 24 hour, 7 day a week ELIGIBILITY HOT-LINE 1-866-236-3276.

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Easter is the Season of Sacraments! This past week, our 8th Graders cele-brated the Sacrament of Confirmation with Archbishop Carlson. We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to strengthen them with wisdom, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, understanding, and holy fear all the days of their life. On May 5, we will welcome our 2nd Graders to the Table of the Lord as they receive the Eucharist for the first time, strengthening their relationship with Jesus and with the Church. Also on May 5, our parishioner Stephen Schumacher will be ordained a transitional Deacon at the St. Louis Cathedral Basilica. Deacon Stephen will assist and preach at the 9:00am Mass here at MQP on Sunday, May 6 with a reception following in the School Cafeteria. On May 26, new priests will be ordained for the Archdiocese of St. Louis. And of course, many couples are celebrating Holy Matrimony during these spring days. Sacraments are always special occasions in the life of Catholics, and it is our duty to live in this Sacramental grace all our life long! This week, pray that the grace of your Baptism will be renewed in our life! This week, Pope Francis promulgated an Apostolic Exhortation titled “Gaudete et Exsultate” or “Rejoice and be Glad: On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World”. Having read many of Francis’ previous writings, I know that this one too will be accessible and relatable and give us much to ponder and pray about. I have just begin to read “Gaudete et Exsultate” and I would like to recommend it to you for your own prayer and contemplation. Soon it will be available in print at places like Pauline Books & Media and Catholic Supply, but you can read “Gaudete et Exsultate” right now online. Just Google the name and you will find it easily on the Vatican website. The Holy Father writes to encourage everyone – that means you! – to pursue and work toward holiness. A few quotes: 7. I like to contemplate the holiness present in the patience of God’s people: in those parents who raise their children with immense love, in those men and women who work hard to support their families, in the sick, in elderly religious who never lose their smile. In their daily perseverance I see the holiness of the Church militant. Very often it is a holiness found in our next-door neighbors, those who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence. 11. “Each in his or her own way” the Council says. We should not grow dis-couraged before examples of holiness that appear unattainable. There are some testimonies that may prove helpful and inspiring, but that we are not meant to copy, for that could even lead us astray from the one specific path that the Lord has in mind for us. The important thing is that each believer discern his or her own path, that they bring out the very best of themselves, the most personal gifts that God has placed in their hearts (cf. 1 Cor 12:7), rather than hopelessly trying to imitate something not meant for them. We are all called to be witnesses, but there are many actual ways of bearing witness. 14. To be holy does not require being a bishop, a priest or a religious. We are frequently tempted to think that holiness is only for those who can withdraw from ordinary affairs to spend much time in prayer. That is not the case. We are all called to be holy by living our lives with love and by bearing witness in everything we do, wherever we find ourselves. Pope Francis later speaks of enemies of holiness and how we are to follow in the footsteps of the Master. Notably, he shares some sure signs of holiness in today’s world. These include: perseverance, patience, and meekness; joy and a sense of humor; boldness and passion; community; and constant prayer. As I mentioned, I’m just beginning to look at “Gaudete et Exsulate” but the entire let-ter is filled with so much to contemplate and consider, and so I encourage you to join me in reading the letter and thinking and praying about its message. Pope Francis concludes: 177. It is my hope that these pages will prove helpful by enabling the whole Church to devote herself anew to promoting the desire for holiness. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to pour out upon us a fervent longing to be saints for God’s great-er glory, and let us encourage one another in this effort. In this way, we will share a happiness that the world will not be able to take from us.



(Office Closed)

* 9:00 am Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

in the Atrium

* 9 & 11 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word in

Msgr. 0’Toofe Room

* 6:00 pm Life Teen in Msgr. Lubeley room

MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2018

* 3:30 pm Blood Drive in the Cafe

* 6:00 pm Lacrosse in the Gym

* 6:00 pm Grief Support in Msgr Lubeley room

* 7:00 pm Boy Scout PLT in Holy Family room

* 7:30 pm Marke$ng team in Board room

* 7:15 pm SVDP in Msgr. O’Toole room


* 9:00 am Quilters in the Msgr. Lubeley room

* 7:00 pm Spring Fest mtg in Lubeley room

* 6:45 pm PSR

* 9:00 pm Chaplet in the Church


* 11:00 am Just Lunch in Msgr Lubeley room

* 3:00 pm Chess Club in the Cafe

* 3:00 pm Daisy Troop in Msgr. Lubeley room


* 9:00 am MOPS in Msgr. Lubeley room

* 3:00 pm Children’s Choir in Church

* 6:00 pm 11:00 Choir in Church

* 7:00 pm MQP Chorale in Church

* 9:00 pm Rosary under the Por$co

FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 2018 *11:00 am Server’s Lunch in Msgr. Lubeley room * 7:00 pm Mom Prom in the Gym * 8:00 pm AA in Msgr. Lubeley room

SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 2018 (Office Closed)

* 3:45 pm Confessions in the Church

SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 2018 (Office Closed)

* 9:00 am Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

in the Atrium

* 9 & 11 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word in

Msgr. 0’Toofe Room

* 6:00 pm Life Teen in Msgr. Lubeley room


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· Mike Brennan · Trish Goldberg · Suzanne Moore · Ellen Dolan · Becky Lane · Jody Mayer

The annual Spring Festival is fast

approaching! Make sure April 28 is marked on your calendar!

The Steubenville Youth Conference registrations are now available. Steubenville is an amaz-ing weekend retreat hosted at Missouri State University and put on by Franciscan University and the Office of Youth Ministry from the Archdiocese of St. Louis. We will travel by Charter bus and stay in the dorms at Missouri State. Over 4,000 teens and chaperones from the mid-west come together for a high energy weekend focused on fellowship, speakers, and the Sacraments. MQP will be attending Steubenville July 13-15, and is an amazing follow-up to Luke 18. Cost for Steubenville is $300, and registrations are due by April 15. Registration form attached. More information about the Steubenville conference can be found at We are starting our new series "Awakenings" at our Sunday Life Nights on April 8th. All 8th graders are invited and welcome to join our high school Life Teen program beginning this night. We meet from 6-7:30 pm following the Sunday 5pm Mass. The "Awakenings" series will focus on new beginnings found in Christ and how our faith goes beyond a religion class. Facebook: mary queen of peace youth ministry Twitter: @mqpyouth Instagram: @mqpyouthministry

SPRING FEST RAFFLE TIX! We’re well on our way with the annual raffle ticket sales! Only 400 tickets will be sold! Top prize $10,000, five second prizes of $1,000 each! If you have questions please contact Molly Kelly at 314-920-6246. Get your ticket from any school or PSR family, or one of the other designated raffle sellers:

Want to take part in the AMAZING RACE? Want to test your skills on the IRON CHEF?

Want to rage at MQPPALOOZA?

Well you’re in luck! All of these experiences and more will be available to you on one magical night. Come join us at the Party for the Parties on Friday, April 27th, 6:30-9:30 pm

at MQP. You’ll be able to reserve your spot for any number of our incredible parties in the upcoming year. Bring your inner Cowboy or Cowgirl along for the ride as we celebrate Spring Fling western style. In addition to the opportunity to sign up for a whole host of great parties, we will have a food truck, adult beverages, music and a good ole’ time!


· Mary Ann Zimmerman · Jennifer Hulsen · Chris Lawhorn · Marty Van Rhein · Courtney Moore · Katy Pavelonis

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James Jonathan Abbott son of James and Jennifer

Conor Patrick Zahra son of Mathew & Meghan

March 18-April 8, 2018

Last 4 Week’s Offertory $ 151,000 4 Week Offertory Budget $ (136,000) Surplus/Shortfall $ 15,000

Four Week Average $ 37,750

Weekly Goal $ 34,000

If interested in enrolling with OSV Online Giving for ACH,

Monthly Offertory Summary March 2018 Last 4 Week’s Offertory $ 56,201 Last 4 Week’s Electronic Giving $ 63,070 Last 4 Week’s Offertory Budget $ (136,000) Surplus/Shortfall $ (16,729)

Weekly Goal $ 34,000

Year to Date Offertory Summary July 2017 though June 2018 YTD Offertory Actual $ 1,255,620 YTD Offertory Budget $ (1,326,000) Deficit $ (76,330) Year to date weekly average Special Collection $ 2,877 STVP $ 300 Improvement $ 162 MQP Houston $ 18,251 Total $ 21,590

GAMAM Dry Pasta pkgs/mixes Dry Rice pkgs/mixes Boxed Rice any typer Jelly any type Toilet Paper Please bring your donations to the Msgr Lubeley room by April 22nd. Thank you!

Upcoming Women’s League Events: April 18th – It’s Just Lunch 11:00 am-1:00 pm in the Msgr. Lubeley room. Join ladies from the parish for lunch & great company! No mtg, no sign-ups, no cost! Lunch and drinks provided. Optional: bring a dessert to share

April 23rd

- Social Justice Forum; 7:00 pm in the MQP gym. Poverty affects thousands of families in the St. Louis area and in our own backyards. Come here how YOU can become involved. Featured speakers at this informative event will include MQP School alum Sam Bufe from Wash U., parishioner Sheila Burton from Join Hands and Ed Johnson from Webster-Rock Hill Ministries. April 28

th - Bingo at the Spring Festival

Hospitality Ministry – Information Desk Expanding to All Masses

The Information Desk has been a useful resource in helping provide parish forms, answer questions, and connect individuals to ministries. The desk is located in the

back of church, so please stop by after any Mass and let a Hospitality Team member help you. Thank you to all who have volunteered to help at the Information Desk and allowed us to expand to all Mass times. If you would like to join the Hospitality Team and offer a kind welcome, please contact Sue O’Leary at [email protected] or 314-799-7606, Tom Tlapek at [email protected] or 314-753-8089, or Fr. Aaron at [email protected] or 314-962-2311.

Please join us for a happy hour at

Helen Fitzgeralds on Thursday, April

26th at 6:00. The address is 3650 S.

Lindbergh Blvd. in Sunset Hills. Don't worry if you can not

come until a little bit later. We will still be there. Email if

you can attend to [email protected].

Thanks to Deacons Tom and Joe for organizing the diaper collection and thanks to MQP parishioners for their generous donation of diapers and for the Holy Thursday collection. Your ongoing

support of our work is most appreciated. ~MQP St. Vincent de Paul Conference


ACA cards will be available April 22nd through May 5th

under the portico after all masses. Please stop by to pick yours up!

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St. Mark, Evangelist READINGS: Acts 8:1b-8 Jn 6:35-40 6:45 am Bob Neuenhahn 8:00 am Carole Ro'er 9:15 am Rose Mueller

READINGS: Acts 7:51-8:1a Jn 6:30-35

6:45 am Kathryn Fitzgerald 8:00 am Frank & Stehlin

READINGS: Acts 6:8-15 Jn 6:22-29 6:45 am Poor Souls 8:00 am John Fechter


Homebound Ministers for April 22nd: Ann Barnidge, Pat Greenblatt

Third Sunday of Easter READINGS: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 1 Jn 2:1-5a Lk 24:35-48 7:30 am James Davis 9:00 am Carole Ro'er 11:00 am People of Our Parish 5:00 pm


READINGS: Acts 8:26-40 Jn 6:44-51 6:45 am Anne & Norman Hacker 8:00 am Art Riegel

READINGS: Acts 9:1-20 Jn 6:52-59 6:45 am Hacker & Heitmeier Families 8:00 am Raymond Brewer

READINGS: Acts 9:31-42 Jn 6:60-69 8:00 am John Fechter 5:00 pm Sp. Int. of Earl & Carolyn Zesch















FourthSunday of Easter READINGS: Acts 4:8-12 1 Jn 3:1-2 Jn 10:11-18 7:30 am Gerald Lawlor 9:00 am Charles Hopkins 11:00 am John Fechter 5:00 pm People of Our Parish



APR 16 APR 17 APR 18 APR 19 APR 20 APR 21



N Figge F La Vigne

N Figge F La Vigne

J Dolan J Hulett

A Sullivan B Sharp

A Sullivan B Sharp



A Grassi M Brown P Brennan

5:00 PM

7:30 AM

9:00 AM

11:00 AM

Lector D Kraatz A Bergan

S Marsh J Hall

J Bright S Schaecher

R Browne R Brice



T Kraatz A & J Poelker K & R Hutchinson J Grimmer K Keeney K MIlford

B Bjorkman J & D Boldt A Cole B Eichner

ME Schukai M Siebenman MK Smit S Doyle C Ryan D & B Hufford H Grimm

H Sallee J Lynch T Brown C Lawhorn T Mullarkey M Sharpe J Schulte L Underriner


MGrimmer N Figge MG Thomas

F O’Keefe TJ Soriano M Watkins

G Bena S Bumbera P Mehan

M Brown O Cordes K Cushing



J & L Klimt A & B Sheridan M VanPelt G & T Wright

T Boeker B Carpenter T Lane D Schnieders T & T Tlapek

M & R Brice M Kelly J Murnan M & S O’Leary

We pray for the repose of the soul of

Doris Sullivan Griffith (mother of Mary Ellen Slimet)

May God welcome her home, fill her with peace and bless all those who mourn her loss.

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