conceptbakery - comprehensive presentation

1.0) Marketing Delicacies Made in Germany and the USA 1

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Post on 06-May-2015




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A lot of content for this slideshow is taken from our website and will give you in-depth information about our service areas and our client projects. Introducing our agency including showcases starting at slide 34. Enjoy! NOTE: Due to the amount of text on some slides you might want to switch to full screen mode.


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1.0) Marketing DelicaciesMade in Germany and the USA


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Our Recipe

1. Form a versatile team by mixing creative guerilla thinkers with writers, word-of-mouth specialists, designers, programming experts and other talents. 2. Take the latest trends and ideas from around the world and blend them together until something new and unique emerges. 3. Carefully add many years of experience in walking the walk, not just talking the talk, until a solid strategy dough forms. 4. This is the foundation for ideas mixed until a concept turns into a campaign and a story develops into a conversation topic that stays in people’s minds. 5. Finally, our enthusiastic bakers push this into the oven and serve up a true marketing delicacy with lots of passion and fun.


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In Zahlen

Founded: September 2002 Location: Denver (USA) / Cologne (Germany) Specialty: creativity + technical know-how = marketing delicacies Team: 18 (and counting) in-house + ~10 freelancers + worldwide contractor network Legal Status: LLC (USA) / GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Ownership: Felix Holzapfel and Klaus Holzapfel Management: Felix Holzapfel (Germany) / Klaus Holzapfel (USA) First large Client: Early 2003 (E-Plus, German telecommunications provider, building an online and mobile community, guerilla marketing on the web and mobile) Funding: Completely self-funded, no external investors, loans, etc.


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Our bakeries are both located in unassuming places. You’ll find us in the always-bustling Cologne, Germany, as well as the residential oasis of Westminster, CO, USA, in the green and outdoorsy world between Denver & Boulder.

All the things we need to inspire us are right at our doorsteps. We would never bother with the monotony of cubicles.

Our offices are perfect settings to brainstorm and develop only the finest marketing delicacies.

Sounds interesting? Why don’t you swing by and pay us a visit? Coffee, tea and friendly faces, plus maybe some freshly baked cookies, will await you :)


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2.0) IngredientsEverything from one source


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As master bakers at a full-service social media agency, we only use the finest ingredients. Some of them are known to bakers at any level, but others are of more exotic nature. We know how to blend the perfect mix of ingredients at the right time and place, bake it to perfection and serve it fresh, just out of the oven. Our recipe box includes some classics, common basics and our own original creations. We use them for clients, and ourselves. Of course we also offer our ingredients separately. But you only get tasty baked goodies by combining them together.


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2.1) ToolsOur best helpers


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The best ingredients are fairly useless if the right tools are missing or someone doesn't know how to properly use them. Only countless experiments and hard training will teach someone to not only use but master the tools at their fingertips. Developing and discovering newly available tools early ensures conceptbakery produces delicious baked goods that turns heads whenever they’re presented to the public.

Many times, we’re able to answer questions that haven't even been asked and provide solutions to problems you aren't even aware of yet. As a cross-Atlantic marketing agency, we constantly implement the latest trends and techniques for a global audience. The world of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Foursquare, Blogs, etc. is changing daily and we make sure our clients are able to use all these playgrounds to their fullest potential.

Ultimately, we provide our clients with a custom recipe developed exclusively for them.


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Social Web


You can’t bake without your special drawer of tools, and you can't communicate professionally without social media. This is the area where the techniques of our daily work are being stored. Need more information? We could bombard you with countless statistics in order to raise your appetite for social media. But in this technologically-based world, those numbers change too fast to be relevant for very long. However, the underlying message is the same: humans love to communicate with each other. While that's not a new phenomenon, the new technology for today's conversation is the main game changer. It has and is still evolving at a speed that is stunning even the leading futurists of our times. With our help, you won't just keep up. You'll be at the forefront of the movement.


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CMS Lite


Our Facebook CMS Lite is tailored for smaller businesses and Facebook Pages.

• Setup of a landing page, including a fan and no-fan section

• Selection of templates and switching text and background colors (custom layouts available at additional cost)

• Use of pre-built modules (sweepstakes, polls, image galleries, RSS feeds, news ticker, videos, etc.)

• Easy to manage (no programming knowledge required)

We also use this system for larger organizations. It could not only just be used for the main brand page, but for all branches (store or agency networks, franchises, etc.). The system can guarantee a unified look, updated product info across all pages, legal stability and more.


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This system is for companies that are looking for a highly professional, state-of-the-art Facebook Page.

• Setup of a landing page with unlimited sub-pages• Multi-User System, including rights management• Use of pre-built modules (sweepstakes, polls, image

galleries, RSS feeds, news ticker, videos, etc.) + individually programmed modules

• International Facebook Page possible (automatically displaying language versions)

• Knowledge of other CMS is helpful (no programming knowledge required)

We will take care of the entire setup. The ongoing maintenance can then be done by us or our client.


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Apps & Co.


Our shop would not be the same without our little helpers, aka "apps". They make our job easier and are fun to work with. A far cry from uniform-shaped cookie cutters, they provide discussion material and are tailor-made for special purposes. Apps can be tailored to the flavor and the requirements of a select target audience or can be build for a to have wide spread appeal. The look and feel as well as the functionality of an app will always be unique. Apps are special tasty bites, for us and our clients.


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2.2) StrategyAnalysis, Goals, Positioning, ROI & Co.


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We start by deciding what we’re doing and who we’re serving. Are we baking bread, rolls, pies or cookies? For whom? Who is doing what? Where and when are the goods going to be served?

People shouldn’t just eat and leave, they should want to talk about what their experience was like. What needs to be done for the finished product to be perceived as something special and memorable? How do you hook your audience so they tell their friends about their experience?

We can never forget who is always the center of all of our efforts: people, consumers, clients, employees, and the needs of all of those. One key success factor is to keep it simple (let’s skip the stupid) rather than to complicate them.


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How is a company, product or service being perceived by our clients' consumers or customers? What’re the benefits? How about the weaknesses? What does the overall market situation look like? What's the existing conversation like? These are just some of the questions we explore during this process.

We use various social web monitoring tools to gather information from a wide range of sources. They help us learn what’s being discussed, when, where and by whom.

This process serves us in three ways: 1. Creating a pool of data as a foundation to develop an effective strategy. 2. Acts as a before and after study so we can gauge how many people nibbled at our goodies and occurred because of that. 3. Ongoing control during a campaign.


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It's a fairly common approach in the social web to heat up the oven prior to thinking about what to bake. That’s the wrong way to achieve a goal. We prefer to clearly define our quantitative and qualitative goals prior to deciding which goodies will be served: when, where, by whom and for whom.

This is essential for planning and executing a social media marketing program and measure its success. Despite public belief, it’s possible to create social media campaigns with clearly defined and measured ROI.

Alternative Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are one way to illustrate the effectiveness of your program. What are your best options to measure your success? We’ll find out!


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Why should anyone try your tasty goods and not the ones in the window across the street?

Why should a user show interest with your brand and let you talk to them?

How do you get your point across within seconds? To retain and grow an audience, the answer in many cases is careful targeting and a clear definition of your position. We are working with our clients on positioning that creates appetite. Only a tasty story makes an audience hungry for more.


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2.3) Viral & WOMDon’t just stand around!


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Viral & WOM


Viral marketing and WOM aren't just sprinkles on top of frosting any longer. They’re key ingredients for any successful project. A plain marketing message is as uninspiring as an undecorated cupcake sitting on a counter of intricately-decorated multi-tier cakes.

You want your customer to see your message, grab their phone and start a call with "OMG!" or tweet about you, take a picture, post on Facebook, etc. We usually refer to our creations as "word-of-mouth specials". They’re meant to trigger participation and conversation and are the icing on the cake of our projects. Note: Our forefathers already used the same ingredients to spread their word. Interesting stories are always a successful vehicle to get your point across. We’re merely adapting this philosophy to our modern communication landscape.


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2.4) Social WebYour audience is there! Are you?


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Social Web


The best recipes used to be top-secret and were passed down from generation to generation within families. Today, all of these family treasures and more are easily accessible on the Internet. Each plan must be uniquely tailored and baked to perfection with only relevant variables and precise attention to detail. That’s the difference between novice and master bakers. If you’re sloppy, you could set the oven on fire. Your project could become talk of the town in a completely different way. There are some pre-mixed products available, such as our Facebook CMS Lite and Facebook CMS Pro, that make the job a little easier. But those alone will only lead you to good results, not great. For great, you’ll need fresh add-ons created specifically for this product or your project. Tip: The sooner you involve your social media agency in the planning process for your campaigns the better. That can start as early as product development.


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Once a consumer has developed a taste for your creations, we recommend to continue reaching out to them on an ongoing base. This will turn one-time visitors into regulars. The management effort of your social media program will increase with a growing number of daily visitors to your destinations. That's when it makes sense to use monitoring tools that aggregate information including statistics from multiple platforms and make it easier to work as a team. What's the impact of a particular post? Who said what to whom? What is the social media clout of the people you are talking to? How big and relevant is their network to you? It is important to measure what works and what doesn't and to know whom you are talking to. This is key information in order to satisfy the needs and requirement of the people you want to communicate with.


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Baking an amazing pie is one thing. Making sure that others know about it and stand in line to savor it is the other part of your success story. Unlike many others, we’ve mastered both disciplines. The initial steps of this process happen in the design and the making of your pie. It’s important to add some show-stopping ingredients to ensure you become talk of the town. We call these word-of-mouth specials. Afterwards, we set the pie in the window to tempt passers-by and highlight it with online media to reach your target audience. Are they male or female? Younger or older? What are their specific interests? We know how to maximize marketing and public relations to get you the maximum benefits with the budget at hand. Ready to serve your pie? We recommend integrating it with your website and all your other communication channels. A smart cross-media strategy avoids any dead ends and uses the enticing smell of your activities to stir interest and care for immediate distribution.


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2.5) Social CommerceOnline Shopping 2.0 - Sales meets Social Web


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The social web isn’t just the place to spread the word about your gourmet products. It’s also a way for your audience to get their hands on it. Selling products ala online shopping 1.0 is being turned into an stimulating, interactive 2.0 experience. This starts with a client’s website. First we analyze the pre-sales, sales and after-sales processes. Next we optimize them, using apps and social plugins, etc. to “socialize” them. We already did many successful product tests on the social web for larger brands as well as small businesses. The result is, always, a very efficient creation of WOM for brands, products and businesses. It is relatively easy to integrate an online store into Facebook. This alone doesn’t do the trick though. We can help you to create exclusive social-web taste bites that will benefit you as well as your audience. That’s when things get yummy - for you and your customers.


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2.6) MobileMarketing 2 Go


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conceptbakery has many years of experience with mobile marketing.

iPhone and iPad, Google Android, location based services, Facebook Places and Deals, Foursquare and QR codes are just some possible ingredients. The behavior of users is dramatically changing and we'll make sure you have smaller treats which still taste delicious at any size. The online presentation of your company can now be easily accessed through multiple formats. The mobile world offers us completely new ways to reach out to users at any time and place. They can become an active part of your marketing efforts.

We are happy to help you to cautiously blend these new ingredients into your marketing mix and the processes attached to it.


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2.7) Cross-MediaMix it Baby!


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Some people use a fork to eat their pie. Others use a spoon. Both are equally important target audiences, but require different methods to get their attention. You don't want to force your audience to adapt their habits to your taste bud stimulant. Some bakers are still using the same few ingredients over and over again. We don’t believe in limiting ourselves this way. There are also many ingredients in today’s marketing mix that are unlike egg whites and yolk: you can’t just easily separate them from each other. Cross-media makes sure all single elements subtly form a mix to stimulate the senses of your audience in whatever way they prefer. The results of cross-media done right will always greatly exceed the effects of a number of standalone marketing efforts. You audience will remember your delicacies. You have automatically created appetite for more.


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2.8) Cause MarketingCampaign + Good Cause = Success


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Cause Marketing


Baking for a good cause? We can show you how to increase engagement with your audience, anchor your message in the heads of your target groups and do some good all at the same time. Cause marketing, or corporate responsibility, has been becoming increasingly important over the last couple of years. If all your competitors are engaging in it ,you don't really have to decide if you will try to make a difference. It’s expected for you to do so. You will need to decide how you’re going to do it and what your effort should look like. We have long been engaging in cause marketing ourselves. We supported a school in India, sponsored global awareness videos and launched Ubuntu Now, a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Of course, your cause has to be something you are passionate about. For example, we’re using the power of World Cup soccer to support child education and promote gender equality.


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2.9) Baking ClassesBake social media yourself!


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Baking Classes


Does what you read and see at this site sound good to you? Wouldn't you rather bake yourself than just nibble at what we have to offer? Want to learn more about the recipes and ingredients? How are the goods being prepared? Our baking seminars are geared towards beginners as well as intermediates. We cover the underlying concepts but emphasize practical training. We'll cover showcases, talk about our first-hand experience and our daily work. You will learn to bake your first social web cake. You'll also analyze the market and the competition, develop ideas and strategies, work on your own word-of-mouth specials and develop strategies on how to let others know about your new, tempting creation. We’re offering our workshops to interested companies, groups, small businesses, etc. We’ll also hold seminars at various professional gatherings, schools and universities. Want to learn our secret recipes? We’ll be happy to discuss your needs and design a tailored agenda for you.


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3.0) ShowcasesWho do we bake for? And what?


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Royal Caribbean is one of the leading providers of cruises to international destinations. Tasks: Increasing brand awareness on the social web, image rejuvenation, reaching out to younger target groups, creating additional ways of communicating with existing customers, development of social web design based on existing CD, as well as planning and execution of original & interactive marketing activities. Ingredients: Social web strategy creation, Facebook Page makeover, apps (photo tool, sweepstakes, image gallery, etc.), social plugins, YouTube brand channel, web video production, Twitter profile, Flickr, media buys on Facebook and YouTube, Word-Of-Mouth-Specials, ongoing consulting and management of the communication channels. Results: Very well-received social web presence, high rate of interaction with existing and new fans, building and growing a loyal community, development of the “Seafari” campaign (named for highlights at sea + adventures of a safari). Though originally created for the social web, Seafari’s success earned it growth into a lead campaign (catalog, print ads, online advertising, etc.). It also received large volumes of press coverage and resulted in a happy and ongoing relationship with the client.


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German-based writing utensil maker STABILO is the world’s largest maker of highlighters, as well as pens (for writing and coloring) and markers for office use. Tasks: Assisting with the development of an international social web strategy, web and graphic design based on existing branding, launching an overall Facebook Page, as well as individual product Pages, increasing brand awareness across the board. Ingredients: Strategy consulting, developing numerous Facebook Pages (content and design), use of our Facebook CMS Pro, creating additional modules (e.g. for running sweepstakes), social plugins, WordPress blog, social web workshops, YouTube channel, web videos, Twitter profile, media buys, ongoing consulting and maintenance of the separate communication channels. Results: Solid brand evangelist relationships developed via central international brand page, users greeted in their native language (on the landing page, the Wall, other product pages and/or country specific pages), central strategy and harmonized web presences, well-trained employees included as part of the strategy development and solid community management.


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Carlsen Verlag is a subsidiary of Danish company Carlsen Copenhagen. Its division Carlsen Comics is one of the three biggest comic publishers in Germany, and was the first to introduce comics to the German market. Tasks: Creating and executing a social web campaign, celebrating the 20 year anniversary of manga (Japanese graphic novels) in Germany, to act as a destination for existing manga fans and introduce new audiences to the books. Ingredients: Setting up a Facebook Page, apps (photo tool, quiz, sweepstakes), Word-Of-Mouth Specials, media buys, offline guerilla outreach at cultural conventions, ongoing management and consulting. Results: Development of an engaged community, creating a high interaction rate with users, receiving press and blog coverage, and gaining another highly satisfied client planning to expand the original agreement. By the numbers: The Facebook Page reached 4,000 fans within weeks. Over 5,000 comments were posted by an active, engaged community during the same period of time.


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Public broadcasting company SWR (Südwestrundfunk, Southwest Broadcasting) is the second-largest television company in Germany and reaches an estimated audience of 14.7 million viewers in southwest states. Tasks: Developing a distribution and interaction strategy for the social web, as well as analyzing broadcasting formats, editorial staff, market and competition. Setting up required infrastructure and reaching new target groups (digital natives). Ingredients: Strategy, setup and maintenance of Facebook Pages, YouTube Brand Channels, and Twitter channels, social plugins, Word-Of-Mouth-Specials, media buys, training and workshops, ongoing consulting. Results: One of the first German Saturday-night primetime TV shows with live Facebook integration, creation of numerous, successful social web presences on various platforms, cross-media concepts tying radio, events, TV and social web together.


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Niewiederbohren (German for ‘never drill again’) offers a uniquely simple, durable but reversible attachment system. It is quick, clean alternative to drilling for attaching objects to high-quality surfaces. Tasks: Planning and running an innovative product testing in the social web, creating awareness and brand recognition, reaching new target groups, creating promotional content (advertisements and attention-grabbing web videos). Ingredients: Concept development for running the product test (including triggers for users to share their experience on Facebook, blogs and other online platforms), developing Facebook Page, apps (sourcing and qualifying testers during the application process), web video production, social plugins, media buys, ongoing consulting. Results: Over 5,000 product testers and over 10,000 fans within weeks, over 10,000 web video views, successful and highly efficient product test, successful campaign run on a slim budget. Generated widespread conversation of the product an, user generated content incl. photos and new product use ideas.


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Karstadt is a 130-year-old retail company with 84 department stores, 26 sporting goods stores and an online shop ( The company employs more than 25,000. Tasks: General strategy development, creating and implementing original ideas in order to win new employees via the social web. We also created a social media newsroom. Ingredients: Word-of-Mouth Special KarSTADT (“Stadt” means city - we cast the company as an urban destination looking for new citizens). Development of a microsite and Facebook Page, apps (style check, sweepstakes, etc.), use of our proprietary Facebook CMS, social plugins, media buys, blog, training, ongoing consulting. Results: The project became one of the most successful career sites on Facebook within weeks. Resulted in abundant positive coverage and rejuvenated the brand image within the target group. Earned an expanded agreement with the client and inclusion into the list of showcases at


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Carbona is the oldest household cleaning product manufacturer in the US. Tasks: Social media audit, developing of overall strategy and original ideas to increase overall brand awareness, social media workshop for entire organization, constant social web program optimization, management and consulting. Ingredients: Setup of social media program StainTalk - Cleaning Heroes United, Word-Of-Mouth Specials. Facebook Page, Twitter, Youtube, Flickr channels, apps (sweepstakes, sample giveaways, etc.), cross-media promotion, developing and launching an online store, creating newsletters and press releases, blog networking, giveaways and other promotions, website redesign, various microsites, WordPress blog, web videos, social plugins, cause marketing, product samplings on the social web, designing product packaging, ongoing management and consulting. Results: Building a loyal and active community and establishing StainTalk as a premier resource for household cleaning tips. Being invited by mom bloggers to join their conversations and hosted chats, long-term relationship with client, expansion of activities into Canada.


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Founded by Greece-based Chandris Group, Celebrity Cruises is well-known as an upscale leader. The 10-ship line was acquired by Royal Caribbean in 1997 and now operates as its sister cruise line. Tasks: After the launch of the first successful Royal Caribbean project, we were asked to work on increasing awareness on the social web for Celebrity Cruises. We opened new communication channels with existing clients, created a social web design (based on existing corporate branding) and developed and maintained user participation campaigns. Ingredients: Social Web Strategy, optimization of Facebook Page, apps (photo tool, sweepstakes, image gallery, etc.), social plugins, YouTube Brand Channel, Twitter profile, media buys on Facebook and YouTube, Word-Of-Mouth Specials, covering a ship launch via livestream on Facebook, ongoing consulting and management of communication channels. Results: Successful social web presence, had growth of 4,000 fans within a month, experienced a high rate of interaction with existing and new fans of the brand, developed a loyal community. One sweepstakes promotion required on-the-fly programming adjustments since the user participation exceeded all expectations. Resulted in an expanded agreement with the client.


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An internationally recognized symbol for quality and reliability, TÜV Rheinland stands for Technical Inspections Organization. The company employs more than 12,000 people in 360 locations in 62 countries. Tasks: Development and implementation of a social web strategy, original marketing concepts and cross-media concepts for events. Building a car-tuning fan community, setting up and managing social web accounts, providing cross-media support for offline events. Ingredients: Facebook Page, YouTube channel, Flickr, Twitter, apps (photo tool, sweepstakes, image gallery, etc.), integration of social web content into, social plugins, custom programming of an interactive car community, media buys, web videos, Word-Of-Mouth Specials (e.g. election of tuning minister, car love), workshops, creating social media guide, ongoing consulting and management of social web accounts. Results: TÜV Rheinland’s establishment as a leader in the social web surprised the tuning fans and other stakeholders. The program launch and many subsequent activities generated plenty of positive WOM and media coverage. The TÜV was one of the first large German organizations with far reaching social web integration into their corporate website. Our work with the client is ongoing and constantly expanded.


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4.0) Final WordsWhy conceptbakery...


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Final Words


Experience: We are social media pioneers and trendsetters since 2002.

One-stop shop for the social web: strategy, campaign development and implementation, management and consulting.

Passion for our work: We are going the extra mile for all of our clients, no matter if small business or global brands. We practice what we offer to our clients ourselves.

Custom solutions: We are able to use our in-house tools like our Facebook CMS Lite or Pro in order to best match a clients needs.

Our team: Lots of talent assembled in two potent teams. We are combining creativity with in-depth know-how of user behavior and technology.

Of course we would be very pleased if we created some appetite for more :)


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5.0) Many Thanks...for your attention!