comparing have you fed the fish? to awakenings

Quality of Summary My honest evaluation- what was done well and what was not of good standard? Try to cite specific example and moments from your video Examples of strategies, good practices and skills that my group and I will put into place and develop to ensure a main production of high quality. How does your opening sequence compare with the Preliminary task? Quality of holding a shot steady Between 0:00 and 0:08 the panning shot is steady until the camera is stationary where it becomes slightly unsteady. From 0:57 to 1:00 the camera is very unsteady. Next time I should use a Tripod or a Monopod because the camera will then be much steadier. I should keep the camera rolling for a few seconds before and after the actors play their parts before cutting, because this will make editing easier and also I will have steadied the camera in time. Much improved, but still unsteady. I used a tripod on the field but not for the walking, so perhaps I should have learned my lesson better! There is a distinct tilt as Taylor walks along the road. I did attempt to film for longer pre and post the take, but as discussed, the actors often contaminated the clip by laughing or pulling a face, so they were still hard to edit.

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Post on 24-Jul-2015




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Quality of Summary

My honest evaluation- what was done well and what was not of good standard? Try to cite specific example and moments from your video

Examples of strategies, good practices and skills that my group and I will put into place and develop to ensure a main production of high quality.

How does your opening sequence compare with the Preliminary task?

Quality of holding a shot steady

Between 0:00 and 0:08 the panning shot is steady until the camera is stationary where it becomes slightly unsteady.From 0:57 to 1:00 the camera is very unsteady.

Next time I should use a Tripod or a Monopod because the camera will then be much steadier.I should keep the camera rolling for a few seconds before and after the actors play their parts before cutting, because this will make editing easier and also I will have steadied the camera in time.

Much improved, but still unsteady. I used a tripod on the field but not for the walking, so perhaps I should have learned my lesson better! There is a distinct tilt as Taylor walks along the road.

I did attempt to film for longer pre and post the take, but as discussed, the actors often contaminated the clip by laughing or pulling a face, so they were still hard to edit.

Quality of the framing of shots

The establishing shot from 0:00 to 0:08 does not allow us to see the whole framing of the building, so it is slightly unclear on where the film is set.At 0:44 when Ali walks into the room and sits down, part of his head is cut off for a few seconds.

This also happens between 0:33 to 0:37.

I must ensure that I have had everybody acting at that moment has practiced the scene beforehand so I get an idea of where they will be moving and I can frame them correctly.

Again, much improved, but still managed to cut off heads.

This happens at 0:59

This happens at 1:41

Quality of Yes I believe I have followed the directions given.

Definitely. I am pleased with my product and I believe I addressed

shooting material appropriate to the task set- i.e. the content of your film pre and post editing was consistent with the exam directives

the spec accurately.

Quality of selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;

The scenes are all well lit and have the correct white balance. Also the use of props is simple but effective as there were very few, but I believe you are still able to understand the meaning behind them. However the setting as limiting and not well chosen as the office was very confined.

Before we film we should find the right location which is practical and has enough space.Practice the scenes to see If we have enough space instead of going straight into filming.

Hindsight is a great thing! I did consider my locations carefully, and I would not change the internal setting, but had I realised quite how much the wind was going to impact, I might have chosen a more sheltered location. The sunlight did leave some shadows, but I did not feel this detracted.

This happens at 1:11I probably did not learn from the preliminary, and although the actors were better prepared, we did still launch straight into the filming. There were lots of retakes, but it was quite cold and although I realised I did not have quite the shots or the level of acting I wanted, I chickened out of asking for further attempts! I perhaps should have been tougher and more assertive!

Quality of editing so that meaning

Quality of the editing was very clear as the audience is able understanding the storyline. However certain

Next time we should cut some of the scenes shorter.

Audience comments suggested that the storyline was clear and there was no confusion due to editing. I probably went to the

is apparent to the viewer

scenes could have been sharper.

other extreme and made some scenes too short this time!

Quality of using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set;

Dialogue was clear and appropriate to the task.

The dialogue was clear, (apart from the wind) but I think I was rather afraid to include too much dialogue for fear of asking my volunteer actors to learn too many lines. This did emerge as a criticism which I believe to be valid. Taylor should have explained her reason for leaving in brief and should also have protested more about following Sam. I should have made Sam say his lines again, especially the ‘just like me’ when he says he is also homeless. At least we were all singing from the same song sheet this time (on the preliminary task, the actors interpreted the dialogue as a spy sequence rather than the comedy I envisaged!)

No music was used for the first task but this was a great addition to the opening sequence.

Quality of positioning and movements of actors

At 0:33 I had to edit out a small chunk of Ali walking into the office so he appears to jump from one space to another

Apart from this I believe that throughout the film all of the actors have been positioned correctly.

Next time I should start with an empty frame then have our actors enter the frame, where we will film the whole movement. Then repeat the scene but film from another position or angle so I have all the material I need when I come to edit.

I was really pleased that I learned from the preliminary takes to take shots from different angles, because extra shots were invaluable for the opening sequence. My original idea for how they would walk away together simply did not work but the take from the other side was much more effective.

This happens at 1:45

I think the positioning in the opening sequence was generally good, although Sam does obscure Taylor as he takes her hand to pull

her up off the step.Quality of group planning, meeting targets, organization

Planning was very rushed and limited and difficult as group members either had other commitments or were not in that day.

Next time if I am in a group we should organize a time and have different roles which we have to commit to.

I am not able to compare because I was not in a group for this task. In many respects this was easier because I did not have to fit in with others timetable or ideas. I was personally organised and planned, but it still took a bit of planning and coercing to get the actors to give up a day of their holiday and to find a day which we could all make.

Group dynamics i.e. how did your group work together

The group worked well together as everyone was able to put ideas together.

However we should have all met up more often during our free time to work on the film.

We had a lot of fun and the actors took a real interest in the story. There was too much laughing and messing around for my liking, but this was most likely nerves on the actors’ part and I did want them to enjoy the experience as they were helping me.

Other points of evaluation (E.g. equipment related etc)