comparative research on market size of cigarette brand of itc ltd

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  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


    Comparative Research on Market Size of

    Cigarette Brand of TC !td"#

    Master of B$siness Administration


    SUBMITTED T! SUBMITTED B"!*"B"T"+" *opa, -ias.a,

    !$ckno. Ro,, no" &'%/01&&&2

    MBA 34thSem"5



  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


    Before# I get into thick of things# I $o%&d &ike to add a fe$ heartfe&t $ords for a&&

    those peop&e $ho $ere part of this report in n%mero%s $a's# and gave their %nending

    s%pport thro%gho%t. I $ish to e(press m' thanks and gratit%de to a&& those $ho have

    provided the va&%a)&e s%pport# insight and enco%ragement d%ring m' research at ITC Ltd.

    In the process of comp&eting this pro*ect Comparative research on Cigarette )rands. I

    have received cooperation from man' +%arters.

    I e(press m' sincere gratit%de and inde)tness to Mr" :rishna A.tar Pande

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    I a&so fee& gratef%& and e&ated in e(pressing m' inde)tedness to a&& those $ho have

    direct&' or indirect&' he&ped me in accomp&ishing this research $ork.

    I $ish to e(press gratef%& fee&ings and thanks to ITC Ltd for giving me s%ch a great

    opport%nit' to comp&ete m' research.

    *opa, -ais.a,

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


    I# *OPA! -AS;A! %nder signed here)' dec&are that the pro*ect report on

    =Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd#.comp&ied and

    s%)mitted %nder the g%idance of Mr" 8eepak *$pta 9 6ac$,t< of Management9 TM9

    Meer$t is m' origina& $ork. The empirica& finding in this reports are )ased on the

    ann%a& reports of the compan'. 1hi&e preparing this report# I have not copied materia&

    from an' report.

    *OPA! -AS;A!

    Ro,, No" > &'%/01&&&2

    M"B"A" Sem"

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


    The changing marketing scenario emerging )' virt%e of &i)era&ization in &ast one

    decade has introd%ced a vast variet' of ne$ concepts. Behaviora& ana&'sis gives m%ch

    information at a sing&e time.

    In the changed )%siness scenario# $here organizations are re+%ired to compete

    g&o)a&&'# )enchmarks have a&so )ecome g&o)a organization s%rviva& and e(ce&&ence

    re+%ires not on&' meeting the targets# )%t a&so setting %p of g&o)a& standards. In the

    present scenario# to achieve $or&d2c&ass e(ce&&ence or even s%rpass them depends %pon

    the efficienc'2marketing scenario of the compan'# $hich is the most important for an'


    The +%est of prod%ctivit'# +%a&it' and speed has spa$ned a remarka)&e n%m)er of

    management too&s and techni+%es. Tota& +%a&it' management# )ench marking# and Time

    )ased competition. %t servicing partnering# reengineer# change management of fee&ing

    the gap )et$een the originations and the cons%mer# on the )ases of market research are

    cond%cted )' the )ig organizations.

    3o$ it is a $or&d of 4.or,d of c$t throat competition5. The concept of

    marketing has )een changed comp&ete&'6 c%stomer has )ecome a$are in the ever' fie&d in

    the c%rrent time# toda'0s market is c%stomer oriented. The prime motive of the compan'

    sho%&d )e c%stomer de&ight and hence to s%rvive and achieve organizationa& goa&s.

    Cigarette is one of the to)acco prod%cts. 7Cigarette0 itse&f has a niche in the

    market. To)acco prod%cts are e(cisa)&e item# $hich is contro&&ed )' the 8overnment. The

    8overnment earns m%ch mone' from to)acco prod%ct d%e to m%ch e(cise d%t' on

    to)acco prod%ct. The to)acco companies $ork %nder the r%&e and reg%&ations of the

    8overnment. It is ver' necessar' and comp%&sor' for man%fact%rers of to)acco to take

    &icense from the 8overnment.

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    This research report has )een divided in to vario%s parts. 9irst part gives an

    introd%ction a)o%t the pro*ect. Second part contains profi&e of the compan' and its financia&

    overvie$. Third part is o)*ective and scope of st%d'. 9o%rth part is a&& a)o%t research

    methodo&og'. 9ina&&' data interpretation and ana&'sis of data# on the )asis of ana&'sis some

    recommendations and conc&%sions are given.

    In the end I $o%&d &ike the eva&%ators and readers to do a comprehensive st%d' of m'

    pro*ect and e(press their vie$s and recommend va&%a)&e s%ggestions that $o%&d great&'

    enhance o%r kno$&edge of the s%)*ect.

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  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


    )% BB!O*RAPHES


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    E?EC+T@E S+MMAR7

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    The research cond$cted th$s emphasized in f$,fi,,ing fo,,



    rganization $o%&d )e coming to kno$ a)o%t the dea&ers attit%de and their

    Comp&aints )' this the' can take corrective meas%res to rectif' the comp&aints.

    rganization can a&so find its market share

    M7 PONT O6 @E;SF(

    I $hi&e %ndergoing m' training got fami&iar $ith the organization 4TC !td"#

    Cigarettes5 and came to kno$ a)o%t the $orking of the organization as $e&& as the

    services# po&icies etc. of the organization.

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


    Marketing Research is a vehic&e thro%gh $e can o)tain information a)o%t present

    and potentia& c%stomer0s )ehavior# their reaction and prospective a)o%t marketing.

    Learning more a)o%t the cons%mer and marketing is the heart of marketing research. The

    o)*ective of this st%d' is to kno$ a)o%t the cons%mer0s perception preference to$ards

    cigarette of ITC Ltd.

    7Cigarette0 itse&f has a niche in the market The To)acco ind%str' is deve&oping

    $ith speed of app. ;@. The ITC en*o's a good position in the Cigarette Market )'

    &a%nching 2 Checkers, Hi-Val, Royal Classic and Gold Crest - in the e(treme&'

    competitive US market. The coming %p of M%&tinationa& in the fie&d has made it to%gh

    for the compan' to capt%re the same market share as it $as en*o'ing fe$ decades ago.

    Since thirt' 'ears p%t no$ seeing the c%rrent re+%irements the compan' decided to

    change its o&d pattern and p&anned to $a&k $ith the Traits. This st%d' contains the a)o%t

    the reaction of cons%mers to$ards the Cigarette. The target cons%mers are there fig%red

    and the area for research is a&so so%nd and thro%gh it.

    To)acco cons%mption is gro$ing at a rate of

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    of ITC cigarette are fo%nd to )e satisfied $ith the prod%ct. 1e find that the cigarette

    )rand of ITC &imited has a ver' good position in the market among the c%stomers.

    Ma*orit' of cons%mers go for the taste of cigarette and )rand name. 1hi&e some of the

    cons%mers of cigarette emphasize on the price.

    ITC is en*o'ing the market &eadership in the ind%str' not )eca%se of its prod%cts

    )%t another reason is that it is the first entrant in the Indian cigarette market. Most of the

    cigarette )rands of ITC are doing $e&& $hi&e a fe$ are not in a good position. ITC sho%&d

    offer some offers and disco%nts to the c%stomers and retai&ers.

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


    ? p&a'ers 2 ITC# 8odfre' :hi&&ips# GST and 8TC# dominate the cigarette ind%str'

    in India. These fo%r companies together contro& a&most HH of the market. The cigarette

    ind%str' faces competition main&' from the %norganized sector BIDI man%fact%rers# $ho

    are protected from high d%ties d%e to sma&&2sca&e ind%str' stat%s. ffected )' steep d%t'

    hikes# the ind%str' has )een facing stagnant vo&%me gro$th in the &ast

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    ther states $hich man%fact%re to)accos are Maharashtra# rissa# Tami& 3ad%# 1est

    Benga U: and Bihar.

    To)acco is cons%med in t$o $a's# either )' smoking or che$ing. 1hi&e smoking

    the fo&&o$ing to)acco prod%cts are cons%med! Cigarette# Cigar# Bidi -,and ro&&ed &eaf

    $rapped co%ntr' cigarettes/ and to che$ the prod%cts are! Ra$ to)acco# S%pari -reca

    n%t/# 8%tkha# :an :arag etc.. D%e to diverse c&imatic conditions ever' t'pe of to)acco is

    gro$n in India. &most H of area is acco%nted for )' 3icotine to)acem. and ; )'

    3icotina Restica. n&' one third of the to)acco o%tp%t in the co%ntr' is 9&%e c%red

    Girginia -9CG/ variet'# s%ita)&e for cigarette man%fact%ring. s per 1or&d ,ea&th

    rganization -1,/# reported the preva&ence to)acco ha)its in India to )e# Bidis -=?/#Cigarettes -=;/# Che$ing to)acco -;H/# ,ookah -H/# Cigars2cheroots -@/# and


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    India is a ma*or gro$er and e(porter of to)acco in the $or&d. :resent&' India is

    among top three prod%cers of to)acco in the $or&d. Despite &o$er proportion of tota&

    prod%ce )eing e(ported Indian e(ports it fig%re among top ; e(porters of the prod%ct in

    the $or&d. In addition to )eing the &argest contri)%tor to government coffers# the ind%str'

    a&so provides emp&o'ment to more than

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    ;oes of the toDacco ind$str

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    and a second time offender $i&& res%&t in a fine of r%pees ;## and imprisonment for

    %p to three 'ears. De&hi $as the first to impose a )an on smoking in p%)&ic. In ;HHA#

    De&hi :rohi)ition of Smoking and 3on2 Smokers ,ea&th :rotection ct $as passed. This

    act prohi)ited sa&e of cigarettes ; meters from the schoo& )%i&ding and to minors. The

    offender $as fined a s%m of r%pees ;. B%t it $as diffic%&t to enforce this act and had

    &itt&e rea& impact# the ke' pro)&em )eing &ack of manpo$er to enforce the &a$. In ;HHH#

    Kera&a ,igh Co%rt came o%t $ith a *%dgment prohi)iting smoking in p%)&ic p&aces#

    inc&%ding parks and high$a's and 8oa )anned smoking in p%)&ic p&aces thro%gh anti2

    to)acco &egis&ation. 9or the past three 'ears# Tami& 3ad% and ndhra :radesh have

    )anned the marketing and sa&es of g%tkha.In s%ch a scenario of rising ta(es and decreasing cons%mption# an' f%rther

    imposition of &evies or ta(es on the cigarette ind%str' seems %n*%stified. So I think that

    the government sho%&d give a g&ance to these aspects and sho%&d tr' to see the sit%ation

    from cigarette ind%str's point of vie$ )efore fina&izing an' proposa&.

    Ann$a, Per Capita Ad$,t Cigarette Cons$mption

    So$rceF ToDacco nstit$te of ndia

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


    Cigarette man%fact%rers are p&anning to raise the rates )eca%se of the high ta(es

    and recent&' GT in man' states and the price of a fe$ cigarette )rands have )een raised

    a&read'. pack of the premi%m )rand C&assic $as re2priced at Rs JJ from Rs J ear&ier

    $hi&e a pack of the mid2market 8o&d 9&ake )rand $as no$ priced at Rs ? against Rs =J

    ear&ier. The econom' )rand Si&k C%t had a&so )een revised %p$ards margina&&' from Rs

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    To)acco cons%mption is gro$ing at a rate of

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    TC !td" An Overvie.


    ITC is one of Indias foremost private sector companies $ith a market

    capita&isation of near&' US ;J )i&&ion and a t%rnover of over US @.; Bi&&ion. ITC is

    rated among the 1or&ds Best Big Companies# sias 9a) @ and the 1or&ds Most

    Rep%ta)&e Companies )' 9or)es magazine# among Indias Most Respected Companies )'

    B%siness 1or&d and among Indias Most Ga&%a)&e Companies )' B%siness Toda'. ITC

    a&so ranks among Indias top ; NMost Ga&%a)&e -Compan'/ Brands# in a st%d' cond%cted

    )' Brand 9inance and p%)&ished )' the Economic Times. ITC has a diversified presence

    in Cigarettes# ,ote&s# :aper)oards Specia&t' :apers# :ackaging# gri2B%siness#

    Branded ppare :ackaged 9oods Confectioner'# 8reeting Cards and other 9MC8

    prod%cts. 1hi&e ITC is an o%tstanding market &eader in its traditiona& )%sinesses of

    Cigarettes# ,ote&s# :aper)oards# :ackaging and gri2E(ports# it is rapid&' gaining market

    share even in its nascent )%sinesses of :ackaged 9oods Confectioner'# Branded

    ppare :ersona& Care and Stationer'.The TC !td


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    ITC emp&o's over

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    :e< points

    Strong vo&%me gro$th in the core cigarette )%siness in F;9"

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    Increase in other e(pendit%re main&' coming from increased advertisement spends

    )efore the Cigarettes and ther To)acco :rod%cts -:rohi)ition of dvertisement and

    Reg%&ation of Trade and Commerce# :rod%ction# S%pp&' and Distri)%tion/ ct#

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    Prod$cts of TC !td"

    Histor< of TC !td

    ITC $as incorporated on %g%st

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    range of )%sinesses 2 Cigarettes To)acco# ,ote&s# Information Techno&og'# :ackaging#

    :aper)oards Specia&t' :apers# gri2E(ports# 9oods# Lifest'&e Retai&ing and 8reeting

    8ifting Stationer' 2 the f%&& stops in the Compan's name $ere removed effective

    Septem)er ;J#

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    The Core Competenc

    This +%estion $as asked to find o%t the percentage of ITC cigarette cons%mers.

    The responses from the vario%s respondents are given in the fo&&o$ing ta)&e!

    Brands No" of Respondents

    ITC @

    GTC @

    8ST ?

    8odfre' :hi&&ips

    Don0t kno$ @

    Tota, 1)

    %t of ; cigarette cons%mers prefer cigarette of ITC $hi&e # A # ;

    &ike the cigarette of GTC# 8ST and 8odfre' :hi&&ips respective&'.

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    F@. 1hich prod%ct of ITC 'o% &ike most>

    This +%estion $as asked to find o%t the most pop%&ar prod%ct of ITC Ltd. 9o%r

    different options $ere given# 8o&d 9&ake# 1i&&s# C&assic and India Kings. The responses

    of the respondents are given in the fo&&o$ing ta)&e.

    Brand No" of Respondents

    8o&d 9&ake ;H

    1i&&s ;@


    India Kings A

    n' ther =

    The graphica& representation of the a)ove ta)&e $i&& give a c&earer vie$ a)o%t the

    4Brand :reference5 among ITC Cigarette cons%mers.

    9rom the a)ove pie chart it is c&ear that 8o&d 9&ake and 1i&&s are the most pop%&ar

    )rand of ITC Ltd. $ith a cons%mer )ase of AJ of the ITC cigarette cons%mers.;? of

    the respondents prefers C&assic and ;

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  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    Bet$een ; to @ it $i&& )e considered as :oor.

    Bet$een @ to

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    A.areness aDo$t the Prod$ctF 0 The score of this statement fa&&s )et$een

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    9rom the a)ove co&%mn chart it is c&ear that o%t of @ respondents =< -A?/ rated

    the +%a&it' of ITC Cigarettes as either 4ver' good or good5. minorit' of respondents A


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    9rom the a)ove co&%mn chart it is c&ear that o%t of @ respondents = -?/ rated

    the packaging of ITC Cigarettes as either 4ver' good or good5. minorit' of respondents

    ? -J/ is of the vie$ that packaging of ITC cigarettes is 4)e&o$ average or of poor.5 Rest

    of H -;J/ respondents think the packaging of ITC Cigarette as 4average5

    9rom the a)ove co&%mn chart it is c&ear that o%t of @ respondents =< -A?/

    thinks that ITC has presented s%fficient varieties of the cigarette and the' rated the

    variet' dimension of ITC Cigarettes as either 4ver' good or good5. minorit' of

    respondents ;? -

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    J-;A/ of the respondents said avai&a)i&it' of ITC cigarettes is ver' good#

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    9rom the a)ove co&%mn chart it is c&ear that o%t of @ respondents

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    9rom the a)ove co&%mn chart it is c&ear that o%t of @ respondents =< -A?/

    thinks that the taste of ITC cigarette is either 4ver' good or good5. minorit' of

    respondents H -;J/ is of the vie$ that taste of ITC cigarette is 4)e&o$ average or of

    poor.5 Rest of respondents rated the variet' of ITC Cigarettes as 4average5

    The ne(t fact to ana&'ze is 41hether the cons%mers are satisfied $ith ITC

    Cigarettes or not.5

    1e can c&ear a)ove +%estion $ith the he&p of Chi S+%are. 9or the Chi S+%are $e

    can take n%&& h'pothesis# as cons%mers are not satisfied $ith the ITC :rod%cts.

    6eat$res No" of Respondents

    Satisfied 8issatisfied Tota,

    F%a&it' =< ;J @

    :ackaging = ;= @

    Gario%s Garieties of prod%ct =< ;J @


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    6or dissatisfied cons$mers

    E -;J/@V;?

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    % Q -2E/

    In response to the a)ove +%estion the fo&&o$ing n%m)ers $ere fo%nd o%t of @

    respondents are! 2

    Response No of respondents"es ?=

    3o @

    Indifferent If 'es# then p&ease

    S%ggestions from the cons%mers are inc&%ded in the recommendation section of the


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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


    9rom the ana&'sis and interpretation of data $e can find the fo&&o$ing facts from the

    a&&ocated are for the st%d'! 2

    n&' == of the tota& respondents smoke in the a&&ocated area of the st%d'.

    ?= of the smokers cons%me cigarette and ?; cons%me Bidi# $e can sa' that

    the Bidi prod%cers are the main competitors for the cigarette prod%cers in the

    Indian cigarette market.

    ma*orit' of the cigarette cons%mers agreed to the fact that most determent

    factor that affects them $hi&e )%'ing cigarette is taste -A

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    n the )asis of Chi S+%are $e can sa' that the cons%mers of ITC prod%ct are


    JA of the ITC cigarette cons%mers are satisfied $ith the prod%ct $hen ;

    fo%nd to )e %nsatisfied and ? are indifferent.

    ;? said that the retai&er forces them to p%rchase another )rand in the a)sence of

    demanded )rand.

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


    The fo&&o$ing are Recommendations for the compan' to improve itse&f $hich the st%d'

    has )een sho$n!2

    ITC sho%&d foc%s on the sa&es promotion as competitors are offering &o$er prices

    for the simi&ar t'pe of the prod%cts.

    ITC sho%&d revise the pricing of the cigarettes.

    The )ehaviora& ana&'sis of the retai&ers and c%stomers sho$s that most of the

    c%stomers give the preference to the price of a prod%ct# then performance of the

    prod%cts at most of the times. There are ver' &ess peop&e $ho prefer )oth the

    options. So it sho%&d )e more and more price oriented.

    1e can see that the most important factor# $hich is considered )' the retai&ers to

    keep the prod%cts of a compan'# is profit margin. fter that it is fo&&o$ed )'

    )randcompan'# price of prod%ct# vario%s schemes and performance respective&'.

    Retai&ers prefer that prod%ct# $hich gives more profit margins so it sho%&d

    increase profit margin for retai&ers.

    ITC sho%&d foc%s on s%rrogate advertising as a$areness of ITC0s cigarettes is &ess

    among the c%stomers# as direct advertising of to)acco prod%cts is )anned as per

    Indian government r%&es.

    Incentive schemes for Retai&ers sho%&d )e started )' ITC Ltd to increase the sa&e#

    if the' &oose the confidence of the Retai&ers# the compan' can &oose the market


    The compan' Representative sho%&d reg%&ar&' visit to the Retai&ers to so&ve their

    pro)&ems# and to te&& them a)o%t ne$ prod%cts and schemes. This $o%&d he&p

    them to kno$ a)o%t the cons%mer )ehavio%r# their taste and preferences.

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.

    Schemes provided )' the compan' are a&so an important factor for the retai&ers.

    Schemes distri)%tion of the Redistri)%tion Stockiest is not so m%ch accepted )'

    the retai&ers# so it sho%&d provide proper scheme distri)%tion to keep them happ'.

    The compan' sho%&d a&so offer some 8ifts and scratch co%pon schemes for the


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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


    The st%d' that has %ndertaken conc&%des that the prod%ct of ITC is de&ightf%&

    prod%ct for the cons%mers. Th%s from the ana&'sis and interpretation of data $e can

    conc&%de the fo&&o$ing things. The sa&e of ITC is good )%t $e sho%&d sa' it satisfactor'#

    as it is the first entrant in the Indian market.

    Conc,$sion is as fo,,o.sF (

    The a$areness of ITC0s cigarettes is &ess to the cons%mer d%e to advertisement


    Taste of Cigarette is the factor that attracts the cons%mers most $hi&e the' go for


    E(tensive distri)%tion net$ork

    o ver H $ho&esa&e dea&ers serving more than ; mi&&ion retai& o%t&ets

    Cons%mers prefer fi&tered cigarette to the non2fi&tered.

    8o&d 9&ake 1i&&s are more preferred )' the cons%mers.

    3o attractive scheme is offered )' the ITC to the retai&ers and cons%mers.

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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


    In spite of making a&& m' efforts to make the dissertation a perfect one there are

    certain &imitations in the st%d'# $hich are fe&t $hi&e cond%cting the s%rve'. s the st%d'

    is an e(p&orator' one designed to find ne$ h'pothesis# readers are not s%ggested to

    conc&%de the res%&t. The st%d' s%ffers from the )asic &imitations of the possi)i&ities of

    difference )et$een $hat is recorded and $hat is tr%e.

    In addition# some &imitation regarding of the st%d' are mentioned.

    The samp&e size is ver' &ess and therefore the test that co%&d )e done on &arge

    pop%&ation cannot )e done.

    The findings of the s%rve' are )ased on the s%)*ective opinion of the respondents

    and there is no $a' of assessing the tr%th of the statements.

    There is some respondent0s )ias that cannot )e removed.

    )sence of serio%sness of the respondent $hi&e fi&&ing the +%estionnaire.

    Even after ass%ring the retai&ers that the s%rve' $as p%re&' for academic p%rpose#

    the' $ere re&%ctant to share information.

    3o competitors are intervie$ed and hence there is a pro)&em of comparing the

    )rand $ith others thoro%gh&'. Besides this no he&p has )een taken from an'

    secondar' data of this t'pe in this regard

    Some retai&ers $ere not friend&' and gave distorted information.

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  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


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    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.



    Kot&er# :hi&ip# arketin! ana!ement: :earson :%)&ication#Kot&er rmstrong# "rinci#les o$ arketin!: :earson Ed%cation#

    Beri 8.C.# arketin! Research: Tata Mc8ra$ ,i&

    Bhattachar'a D.K.# Research ethodolo!y: E(ce& Books#

    8%pta S.C.# %&ndamental o$ 'tatistics: ,ima&a'a :%)&ishing ,o%se

    B.C. Marketing Research

    Cha))ra T.3. Marketing Management


    B%siness 1or&dB%siness Toda'To)acco or hea&th! g&o)a& stat%s report. 1, p%)&ication



  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd


    Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd.


    )" Do 'o% smoke>

    "es 3o

    %" 1hat do 'o% smoke>

    Bidi Cigarette Both

    " If cigarette then# $hat are most determinates factors affect 'o% $hi&e )%'ing


    Brand Compan'

    :rice of :rod%ct


    && of the a)ove

    n' other

    4" 1hich )rand do 'o% prefer most among the fo&&o$ing

    ITC GST 8TC 8odfre' :hi&&ips

    Don0t kno$ n' other -p&ease specif'/WWWWW..

    0" 1hich prod%ct of ITC 'o% &ike most>

    8o&d 9&ake 1i&&s C&assic

    India Kings ther p&ease specif'WWWW.

    2" :&ease rate ITC0s prod%ct on the fo&&o$ing parameters! 2

    Ger' good 8ood verage Be&o$ :oorverage

    I/ F%a&it'

  • 8/11/2019 Comparative Research on Market Size of Cigarette Brand of ITC Ltd
