college of engineering announces outstanding seniors _ university of arkansas

April 27, 2015 College of Engineering Announces Outstanding Seniors In April, each department in the College of Engineering named one student as their 2015 Outstanding Senior. The College of Engineering selected one of these students as the 2015 College of Engineering Outstanding Senior. The students selected were: Shelby Paschal, biological and agricultural engineering; Michaela Mertz, biomedical engineering; Andrew Dominick, chemical engineering; Matthew Watters, civil engineering; Taylor Martin, computer engineering; Austin Brown, computer science; Rocky Hedrick, electrical engineering; Kaitlin Denny, industrial engineering; and Will Carlisle, mechanical engineering. Shelby Paschal was selected as the College Outstanding Senior. Photos by Katie Chevrier From top left across and then down: Shelby Paschal, Michaela Mertz, Andrew Dominick, Matthew Watters, Taylor Martin, Austin Brown, Rocky Hedrick, Kaitlin Denny and Will Carlisle University of Arkansas NEWS Friday, June 17, 2016

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Page 1: College of Engineering Announces Outstanding Seniors _ University of Arkansas

April 27, 2015

College of Engineering AnnouncesOutstanding Seniors

In April, each department in the College of

Engineering named one student as their

2015 Outstanding Senior. The College of

Engineering selected one of these students

as the 2015 College of Engineering

Outstanding Senior.

The students selected were: Shelby

Paschal, biological and agricultural

engineering; Michaela Mertz, biomedical

engineering; Andrew Dominick, chemical

engineering; Matthew Watters, civil

engineering; Taylor Martin, computer

engineering; Austin Brown, computer

science; Rocky Hedrick, electrical

engineering; Kaitlin Denny, industrial

engineering; and Will Carlisle, mechanical

engineering. Shelby Paschal was selected

as the College Outstanding Senior.

Photos by Katie Chevrier

From top left across and then down: Shelby

Paschal, Michaela Mertz, Andrew Dominick,

Matthew Watters, Taylor Martin, Austin Brown,

Rocky Hedrick, Kaitlin Denny and Will Carlisle

University of ArkansasNEWSFriday, June 17, 2016

Page 2: College of Engineering Announces Outstanding Seniors _ University of Arkansas

Shelby Paschal has maintained a 3.97 GPA in biological

engineering while staying active in leadership roles and research

in the �eld of water quality. She has worked at the Arkansas

Water Resources Center since her sophomore year and interned

last summer at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

where she researched water quality trends in the Chesapeake

Bay. She is an active member of Tau Beta Pi, serves as the student

chapter president of the American Society of Agricultural and

Biological Engineers and was honored as one of the 2014 Outstanding Undergraduate

Students for the Arkansas Section of ASABE. Post-graduation, Paschal will pursue a

position in environmental consulting and sustainability of water resources.

Michaela Mertz is an Honors College student with a GPA of 3.96

and will graduate with highest honors and a nanotechnology

minor. She has held various of�cer positions in Phi Sigma Rho and

Tau Beta Pi and is a College of Engineering Ambassador. Mertz

has won numerous awards, including the University of Arkansas

Leadership Scholarship. Her research was supported by an

Honors College research and travel grant, and she presented her

work at the Biomedical Engineering Society's Annual Meeting in

fall 2014. Mertz also participated in the University of Virginia's Summer Research

Internship Program. After graduation, Mertz will begin graduate school at the

University of Florida.

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Andrew Dominick is an Honors College Fellow with a 4.0 GPA.

Dominick serves as treasurer of Omega Chi Epsilon, is a member

of Tau Beta Pi and has served on the AIChE Student Council.

Dominick presented his honors research at two conferences and

won �rst place in a paper competition. His senior design team

also won a �rst place award at a design competition. Dominick

was selected as the 2014-2015 College of Engineering

Presidential Scholar. He also volunteers with non-pro�t

organizations in Northwest Arkansas and interned with FutureFuel Chemical and

L'Oreal USA. After graduation, Dominick will begin a career with Eastman Chemical


Matthew Watters is an Honors College student with a 4.0 GPA

and an Honors College Research Fellowship. He co-founded the

American Concrete Institute student chapter and the National

Campus Pantry Coalition and served as president of the

American Concrete Institute student chapter. Watters is using

DEM modeling software to better understand the effects of

particle size gradations of sand used in mortar. He was

recognized as a University of Arkansas Senior of Signi�cance and

a Razorback Classic by the Arkansas Alumni Association. Watters has professional

experience as a proctor and website developer for the Center for Training

Transportation Professionals. After graduation, he will begin graduate school at the U

of A.

Page 4: College of Engineering Announces Outstanding Seniors _ University of Arkansas

Taylor Martin will graduate with a minor in mathematics and a 3.8

GPA. She has been a peer mentor for the College of Engineering

for the past 3 years, has talked with prospective students at CSCE

open houses and has helped with the High School Programming

Competition. Martin was recognized as a University of Arkansas

Senior of Signi�cance. She is currently working with a team on a

senior capstone project to create a service for students with food

allergies to use in dining halls on campus. Martin has interned

with J.B. Hunt, GE Healthcare and Wal-Mart and will join Wal-Mart full-time after


Austin Brown is a member of the National Society of Collegiate

Scholars and has achieved a 3.9 GPA. He is involved in the

Association for Computing Machinery and the National Society

of Professional Engineers. Brown has received several

competitive scholarships, including the George W. Swilley

Memorial Scholarship. Last year, he worked on a semester long

project to produce a search engine based on a static document

set. He is also actively involved in community outreach and

service with his church. Brown interned with Cerner Corporation

in Kansas City last summer and will join them full-time after graduation.

Rocky Hedrick is an Honors College student with a 4.0 GPA. He

has held leadership positions in student societies, including

president of Eta Kappa Nu and recording secretary of Tau Beta Pi.

He has worked on a research project dealing with infrared

imaging using both short and long wavelength infrared camera

cores. Hedrick traveled abroad to Belize with Arkansas Engineers

Abroad, where the team constructed piping for a clean water

project. Hedrick interned with Harrison Energy Partners,

FutureFuel Chemical Company, Arkansas Power Electronics and Koch Industries. He

will join Eastman Chemical Company full-time upon graduation.

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Katie Chevrier, communications Intern College of Engineering (479) 575-5697, [email protected]

Camilla Shumaker, director of communications College of Engineering 479-575-5697, [email protected]

Kaitlin Denny is an Honors College student and will graduate

with a double minor in mathematics and Spanish and a 3.87 GPA.

She has served as a FEP peer mentor, as the secretary and vice

president of the student chapter of the Institute of Industrial

Engineers and as the president and �nancial secretary of the

student chapter of Gamma Sigma Sigma. For her honors thesis,

Denny is using a mathematical modeling approach to examine the

decision of allocating dredge resources to projects.  She studied

abroad in Madrid the summer after her sophomore year, gaining

�uency in Spanish. Denny interned with Marshalltown Company and Wal-Mart. After

graduation, she will join Huhtamaki full-time in the Kansas City area.

William Carlisle is an Honors College student and will graduate

with a minor in business management and a 3.95 GPA. He has

served as the president of the student chapter of Pi Tau Sigma

and as the vice president of the student chapter of the American

Society of Mechanical Engineers. Carlisle was a selected

participant for the Student Integrated Intern Experience by the

National Science Foundation. For his honors research, Carlisle

investigated utility energy ef�ciency programs of surrounding

states and compared their evaluation, measurement and veri�cation policies. He

interned with CenterPoint Energy and the San Juan Business Unit of ConocoPhillips.

After graduation, Carlisle will join ConocoPhillips full-time in Anchorage, Alaska.