cms email reports - · 0 mb is the total usage of all makos in the current cycle...

CMS Email Reports New users and passwords New user created 2 Password reset information 3 Password due to expire 4 Password expired 5 VPN New VPN user created 6 VPN tunnel active 7 VPN tunnel inactive 8 PCI DSS Template activated 9 Template restored 10 Template deactivated 11 Unauthorised device detected 12 Failover Mako failover initiated 13 Mako failback resumed 14 Usage Free usage threshold reached 15 Warning threshold reached 16 Extraordinary usage 17 Absolute threshold reached 18 Company-wide summary 19 End-of-month 20 Online Status [Mako name], [Demo company] is online 29 [Mako name], [Demo company] is offline 30 Intrusion Detection Intrusion Detection System 31 Worm detected 34 Alerts

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Page 1: CMS Email Reports - · 0 MB is the total usage of all Makos in the current cycle Mako Usage/Cap Current Last Previous Offline Alerts Failover Alerts Usage Alerts

CMS Email Reports

New users and passwordsNew user created 2Password reset information 3Password due to expire 4Password expired 5

VPNNew VPN user created 6VPN tunnel active 7VPN tunnel inactive 8

PCI DSSTemplate activated 9Template restored 10Template deactivated 11Unauthorised device detected 12

FailoverMako failover initiated 13Mako failback resumed 14

UsageFree usage threshold reached 15Warning threshold reached 16Extraordinary usage 17Absolute threshold reached 18Company-wide summary 19End-of-month 20

Online Status[Mako name], [Demo company] is online 29[Mako name], [Demo company] is offline 30

Intrusion DetectionIntrusion Detection System 31Worm detected 34


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New user created: jen.erick

Mako System registration reportYour user has been createdHi Jen Erick,

John Johnson has registered you as a user.

To enable access to the Mako System please browse to the new user registration page and enter the followingdetails:

Username jen.erick

Registration email [email protected]

Confirmation code ABCDE12345ABCDE12345ABCDE12345ABCDE12345

You will be required to create a password to activate your new account.Your password must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least three of these four requirements:

1. Uppercase letters2. Lowercase letters3. Numbers4. One or more of these nine characters: ! @ # $ % & - \ _

Your security is very important to us. Therefore your one-time confirmation code is only valid for 48 hours andexpires on 27 May 2015.

If you have trouble signing in the Mako System, please contact your reseller Mako Networks for assistance.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

Page 3: CMS Email Reports - · 0 MB is the total usage of all Makos in the current cycle Mako Usage/Cap Current Last Previous Offline Alerts Failover Alerts Usage Alerts


Password reset information

Mako System registrationHi Jen Erick,

To re-enable access to the Mako System please browse to the new user registration page and enter thefollowing details:

Username jen.erick

Registration email [email protected]

Confirmation code 12345ABCDE12345ABCDE12345ABCDE12345ABCDE

You will be required to create a password to re-activate your account.Your password must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least three of these four requirements:

1. Uppercase letters2. Lowercase letters3. Numbers4. One or more of these nine characters: ! @ # $ % & - \ _

Your security is very important to us. Therefore your one-time confirmation code is only valid for 48 hours andexpires on 27 May 2015.

If you have trouble signing in the Mako System, please contact your reseller Mako Networks for assistance.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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Password due to expire

Mako System registration noticeThe password is due to expire for Jen Erick.

Please sign in to the Mako System where you will be automatically redirected to the change password page.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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Password expired

Mako System registration alertThe password has expired for Jen Erick.

Please browse to the Mako System and click on the Forgotten/Expired password link where you will bedirected to the reset password page.

You will be required to enter your username and email address. Instructions on how to reset your password willbe then emailed to you.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

Page 6: CMS Email Reports - · 0 MB is the total usage of all Makos in the current cycle Mako Usage/Cap Current Last Previous Offline Alerts Failover Alerts Usage Alerts


New VPN user created: jen.erick.vpn

Mako System registration reportYour user has been createdHi Jen Erick VPN,

John Johnson has registered you as a VPN user.

To enable access to the Mako System for please browse to the new user registration page and enter thefollowing details:

Username jen.erick.vpn

Registration email [email protected]

Confirmation code 98765EDCBA98765EDCBA98765EDCBA98765EDCBA

You will be required to create a password to activate your new account.Your password must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least three of these four requirements:

1. Uppercase letters2. Lowercase letters3. Numbers4. One or more of these nine characters: ! @ # $ % & - \ _

Your security is very important to us. Therefore your one-time confirmation code is only valid for 48 hours andexpires on 27 May 2015.

If you have trouble signing in the Mako System, please contact your reseller Mako Networks for assistance.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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VPN tunnel active

Mako System VPN service reportBoth of the devices on the tunnel have been marked online, therefore the VPN tunnel is active.

Mako Mako

Demo Mako Demo Mako VPN

If you wish to make further adjustments, please sign in to the Mako System.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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VPN tunnel inactive

Mako System VPN service alertOne of the devices on the tunnel has been marked offline, therefore the VPN tunnel has been marked inactive.

Mako Mako

Demo Mako Demo Mako VPN

If you wish to make further adjustments, please sign in to the Mako System.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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PCI DSS template activated

PCI DSS service reportDemo Mako, Demo CompanyLAN 1 is setup in accordance with the PCI DSS template. The PCI DSS service has been enabled and iscurrently active.

Company name, Mako name Demo Mako, Demo Company

PCI Network LAN 1

Set by Jen ErickUsername: jen.erick

Details - The PCI DSS Template has been activated with the following settings:

Settings LAN 1 PCI activated

If you wish to make further adjustments, please sign in to the Mako System.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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PCI DSS template restored

PCI DSS service reportDemo Mako, Demo CompanyLAN 1 is setup in accordance with the PCI DSS template.

Demo Mako, Demo Company Demo Mako

PCI Network LAN 1

Set by Jen ErickUsername: jen.erick

Event details:

Event Deleted firewall rule

If you wish to make further adjustments, please sign in to the Mako System.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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PCI DSS template deactivated

PCI DSS service alertDemo Mako, Demo CompanyA network is no longer setup in accordance with the PCI DSS template. The PCI DSS template service hasbeen disabled and is currently inactive.

Company name, Mako name Demo Mako, Demo Company

Set by Jen ErickUsername: jen.erick

If you wish to make further adjustments, please sign in to the Mako System.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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Unauthorised device detected

Mako security alertDemo Mako, LAN 1An unauthorised device has been detected on a local network of the Mako, this device has blocked access tothe Internet.

Company name, Mako name Demo Company, Demo Mako

Unauthorised device AB12CD23EF45(MAC address)

Local network (LAN) LAN 1

If you wish to make further adjustments, please sign in to the Mako System.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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Mako failover initiated

Mako failover alertMako service has switched to Demo MakoFailover, Demo CompanyThe primary Mako device has stopped contacting our servers, a secondary Mako device has taken over theoperation.

Primary Mako device(Inactive)

Demo Mako, Demo Company

Secondary Mako device(Active)

Demo Mako Failover, Demo Company

All Mako to Mako VPNs will reconnect to the secondary Mako and all devices on the network will connect to the Internet viathe secondary Mako. Service will automatically resume via the primary Mako once its issue has been rectified.

If you wish to make further adjustments, please sign in to the Mako System.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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Mako failback resumed

Mako failover reportMako service has switched to Demo Mako,Demo CompanyThe primary Mako device has contacted our servers and has been marked as active, the secondary Makodevice is on standby.

Primary Mako device(Active)

Demo Mako, Demo Company

Secondary Mako device(Standby)

Demo Mako Failover, Demo Company

All Mako to Mako VPNs will reconnect to the secondary Mako and all devices on the network will connect to the Internet viathe secondary Mako. Service will automatically resume via the primary Mako once its issue has been rectified.

If you wish to make further adjustments, please sign in to the Mako System.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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Free usage threshold reached

Internet traffic usage alertThis alert is triggered when 300 MB of data is consumed for the current cycle.

Company name, Mako name Demo Mako, Demo Company

ISP, ISP Plan Demo ISP, Demo ISP Plan

ISP Plan free usage 400 MB

Current cycle usage 300 MB

End of billing cycle 31 May 2015

If you believe this information is incorrect, please sign in to the Mako System or contact your reseller DemoReseller on 1 800 851 4691 or [email protected] for assistance.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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Warning threshold reached

Internet traffic usage alertThis alert is triggered when more than 400 MB of data is consumed for the current cycle.

Company name, Mako name Demo Company, Demo Mako

ISP, ISP Plan Demo ISP, Demo ISP plan

ISP Plan free usage 500 MB

Current cycle usage 410 MB

End of billing cycle 31 May 2015

If you believe this information is incorrect, please sign in to the Mako System or contact your reseller DemoReseller on 1 800 851 4691 or [email protected] for assistance.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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Extraordinary usage detected

Internet traffic usage alertToday's Internet data usage has exceeded thedaily thresholdThis alert is triggered when more than 100MB of Internet data is consumed in a single day.

Company name, Mako name Demo Company, Demo Mako

Usage for the day 100MB(10% of free usage)

ISP, ISP Plan Demo ISP, Demo ISP plan

ISP Plan free usage 1000MB

Current cycle usage 600MB

End of billing cycle 31 May 2015

If you believe this information is incorrect, please sign in to the Mako System or contact your reseller DemoReseller on 1 800 851 4691 or [email protected] for assistance.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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Absolute threshold reached

Internet traffic usage alertLocal network access to the Internet has beenblockedThis alert is triggered when more than 500 MB of data is consumed for the current cycle. Internet access hasbeen blocked until the next billing cycle.

Company name, Mako name Demo Mako, Demo Company

ISP, ISP Plan Demo ISP, Demo ISP Plan

ISP Plan free usage 400 MB

Current cycle usage 500 MB

End of billing cycle 31 May 2015

If you believe this information is incorrect, please sign in to the Mako System or contact your reseller DemoReseller on 1 800 851 4691 or [email protected] for assistance.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

Page 19: CMS Email Reports - · 0 MB is the total usage of all Makos in the current cycle Mako Usage/Cap Current Last Previous Offline Alerts Failover Alerts Usage Alerts


Sahand's Company, 20 April 2015 to 20 May 2015, Page 1

Company-wide SummarySahand's Company , 20 May 2015

1 Online Makos

0 Offline Makos

0 Makos with warranties expiring within the next 30 days

0 Makos with expired warranties

0 Makos with usage over their warning thresholds for the current cycle

0 MB is the total usage of all Makos in the current cycle

Usage/CapMakoCurrent Last Previous






Sahand's Company, billingCycleTestPrimary WAN:Mako 6500-M/3GCurrent : 1 May - 1 JunLast : 1 Apr - 1 MayPrevious : 1 Mar - 1 Apr

0 MB/ 5000 MB

819600 MB/ 5000 MB

819600 MB/ 5000 MB

0 0 0 0 0 / 20

Secondary WAN:Current : 21 Apr - 21 MayLast : 21 Mar - 21 AprPrevious : 21 Feb - 21 Mar

12288 MB(No Cap)

819600 MB(No Cap)

0 MB(No Cap)

Sahand's Company, werwerewrewrePrimary WAN:Mako 6500-M/3GAwaiting Connection.Secondary WAN:Current : 30 Apr - 31 MayLast : 31 Mar - 30 AprPrevious : 28 Feb - 31 Mar

Sahand's Company, werwerewrewreasdasdPrimary WAN:Mako 6500-M/3GAwaiting Connection.Secondary WAN:Current : 30 Apr - 31 MayLast : 31 Mar - 30 AprPrevious : 28 Feb - 31 Mar

Demo Company, 20 May 2015

Demo Company, Billing cycle

Demo Company, Office Mako

Demo Company, PCI Mako

Demo Company, 20 April 2015 to 20 May 2015, Page 1

NotesThe warning threshold for each Mako is set in the Configure section of the Mako Networks website.IPSec Tunnels show the number of configured tunnels over the maximum number allowed by the Mako's licence.This report is subject to the Mako Networks Terms and Conditions available on our website.

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Mako Testing Group, 6500A. 01 May 2013 to 31 May 2013. Pg 1

Network Activity Management ReportMako Testing Group, 6500A. 01 May 2013 to 31 May 2013.

Protected Since 26 April 2011

Traffic Summary Report (Primary WAN)Total Megabyte Usage in: 453MBTotal Megabyte Usage out: 24MBTotal Megabytes Used: 477MBDaily average: 15MB

Plan SummaryTelstraClear 40GB PPPoE PlanFree Usage: 40,000MBRemaining Free Usage: 39,523MB

The following plans could be more suitable for your usage. Please note: Some plans may not beavailable for business users.

TelstraClear PlanBizBroadband Simple PPP0a 1,024MBBizBroadband Simple pppoe 1,024MB

You can contact Mako Networks (Ph +64 9 448 1340, Email [email protected]) and we willorganise your plan to be changed. Alternatively you can contact your broadband provider or ISP directly.

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Mako Testing Group, 6500A. 01 May 2013 to 31 May 2013. Pg 2

Total traffic used (Primary WAN)

Daily usage (Primary WAN)

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Mako Testing Group, 6500A. 01 May 2013 to 31 May 2013. Pg 3

Traffic usage breakdown by user

PC Traffic Report7 Users

User Usage1. 00:19:DB:53:EE:9E 169MB2. 00:1F:1F:2E:E4:F3 121MB3. a8:20:66:2a:4f:97 54MB4. 00:1F:1F:0E:33:13 16MB5. 30:1a:28:00:99:29 2MB6. 30:1a:28:00:97:b2 0MB7. 00:00:00:00:00:00 0MB

Total PC Traffic:* 363MB

* Excludes VPN traffic and overhead traffic

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Mako Testing Group, 6500A. 01 May 2013 to 31 May 2013. Pg 4

Internet addresses by popularity

Popular Internet Addresses

There were 382 addresses visited during the period.

Address Usage1. (Unresolvable) 32MB2. (Unresolvable) 21MB3. 19MB4. 18MB5. (Unresolvable) 14MB6. (Unresolvable) 11MB7. (Unresolvable) 8MB8. (Unresolvable) 5MB9. (Unresolvable) 5MB10. (Unresolvable) 5MB

372 Others 225MB

Total PC Traffic:* 363MB

* Excludes VPN traffic and overhead traffic

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Mako Testing Group, 6500A. 01 May 2013 to 31 May 2013. Pg 5

Internet services by popularity

Popular Services (Traffic Type)

There were 18 services used during the period.

Service Usage1. Web Traffic (HTTP) 286MB2. Secure Web Traffic (HTTPS) 40MB3. TCP-993 (TCP-993) 21MB4. 1064/UDP 14MB5. TCP-8000 (TCP-8000) 1MB6. Domain Name Service UDP (DNS udp) 0MB7. TCP-5222 (TCP-5222) 0MB8. Mobile me (TCP-5223) 0MB9. TCP-9000 (TCP-9000) 0MB10. Network Time Protocol (NTP) 0MB

8 Others 0MB

Total PC Traffic:* 363MB

* Excludes VPN traffic and overhead traffic

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Mako Testing Group, 6500A. 01 May 2013 to 31 May 2013. Pg 6

Websites by popularity

Popular Websites

There were 128 websites visited during the period.

Website Usage1. 49MB2. 47MB3. 30MB4. 16MB5. 6MB6. 6MB7. 5MB8. 3MB9. 3MB10. 1MB

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Mako Testing Group, 6500A. 01 May 2013 to 31 May 2013. Pg 7

Blocked Websites

Blocked Websites

9 websites were blocked 35 times during the period.

Website Requests Blocked1. 82. 83. 84. 45. 36. 17. 18. 19. 1

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Mako Testing Group, 6500A. 01 May 2013 to 31 May 2013. Pg 8

Network Event ReportWorm BlocksThere were 0 worm alerts during the monthUsage AlertsThere were 0 days with an abnormal level of usage this month

New ComputersThere were 2 new computers brought online during the monthIP Address Mac Address Comments192.168.11.5 00:19:DB:53:EE:9E Allocated by System200.200.200.1 00:1F:1F:0E:33:13 Allocated by System

Mako Configuration LogsThe Mako was accessed / configured 109 times during the monthUser Company CountAmnah Iqbal (amnahi.mako) System 25Bobby Sadaram (bobbys) Mako Networks Limited 9Chris Massam (chrism) Mako Networks Limited 1Jamie Stevenson (jamie.s) Jamie Stevenson 8Mark Croxon (markc) Mako Networks Limited 9Oleg Smirnov (Oleg.s) System 5Royce Noble (Royce.n) System 2Royce Noble (roycen) System 11Simon Pope (simonp.mako) System 1Srinivas Kalyanasundaram(Srinivask)

System 2

Vilisoni Tamanilo (vilisonit) System 36

Remote PPTP User SummaryYour network was accessed 2 times by remote PPTP users this monthUsername Usage Countmarkcroxon.vpn 0 MB 2

EventsThere were 627 events during the monthAdditional details on the below events can be found in the Status report on the website.Event CountAddress Changed 2Audit Logs Viewed 199Content Filter Changed 28DHCP Lease Created 2DHCP Lease Deleted 1End of Month report 1Ethernet Configuration changed 9Expired Licence Alert 2Firewall Rule Added 1Firewall Rule Deleted 4

Andrea Apple (andrea.a) Demo Company 4Barry Bonds (barry.b) Demo Company 1Celia Choff (celia.c) Demo Company 1Darren Dreager (darren.d) Sample Company 14Ed Ensign (ed.e) Demo Company 34Freya Fysson (freya.f ) Demo Company 2Gina Greem (gina.g) Sample Company 12Hank Hoddard (hank.h) System 7Indira Intol (indira.i) Demo Company 8Jeremy Jhodin (jeremy.j) Demo Company 19Karen Kodell (karen.k) Test Company 6

Hank Hoddard (hank.h) 0MB 3

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Mako Testing Group, 6500A. 01 May 2013 to 31 May 2013. Pg 9

Event CountIdentification Change 21Internet Configuration changed 9Licence Modification 3Mako Created 6Mako Selected 109Mako is online 9Mako started up 6Network Scan Detected 17Not heard from Mako 9PPTP Access Modified 2PPTP Access Removed 1PPTP Configuration Changed 2Remote Diagnostic 84Remote Diagnostic Failure 2Software Update 6Trace Logging Activated 1Trace logging Deactivated 1USB Key Configuration Downloaded 33Usage Threshold Change 20VPN Addition 2VPN Deletion 2VPN Modified 2WLAN Configuration changed 2Worm Detection Threshold Change 29

View more reports online


Unresolvable - Indicates that the IP Address could not be resolved to a DNS name in a limited timeframe. Try typing the IP Address into your browser to visit the site. Some hosted sites cannot beresolved in this way.

Overhead traffic - Includes Mako communication data and unwanted incoming connections dropped bythe Mako firewall.

Usage Rounding - Figures displayed in usage columns in this report have been rounded to the nearestmegabyte.

This report is subject to the Mako Networks Terms and Conditions available on our website.

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Demo Mako, Demo Company is online

Mako status reportDemo Mako, Demo CompanyDemo Mako, Demo Company has contacted our service and has been marked as online.

Company name, Mako name Demo Mako, Demo Company

Status Online

If you wish to make further adjustments, please sign in to the Mako System.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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Demo Mako, Demo Company is offline

Mako status alertDemo Mako, Demo CompanyDemo Mako, Demo Company has not contacted our service and has been marked as offline.

Company name, Mako name Demo Mako, Demo Company

Status Offline

If you wish to make further adjustments, please sign in to the Mako System.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

Copyright © Mako Networks Limited. All rights reserved.

This message is automatically generated by The Mako System.If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact Mako Networks.

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Cranbourne Holdings, CranbourneOffice. 01 April 2015 to 30 April 2015. Pg 1

Network Protection ReportCranbourne Holdings, CranbourneOffice. 01 April 2015 to 30 April 2015.

The report illustrates the type, origin and severity of intrusion attempts on your network.

Top 10 Blocked Intrusions by Source / Region

Demo Company, Office. 01 April 2015 to 30 April 2015.

Demo Company, Office. 01 April 2015 to 30 April 2015.

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Cranbourne Holdings, CranbourneOffice. 01 April 2015 to 30 April 2015. Pg 2

Top 10 Blocked Intrusions by Source / Region

Source / Region Count1. United States 1042. Unknown 473. China 314. Europe 225. Poland 126. Netherlands 87. Russian Federation 58. France 39. Germany 310. Czech Republic 3

Top 10 Blocked Intrusions by Type

Demo Company, Office. 01 April 2015 to 30 April 2015.

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Cranbourne Holdings, CranbourneOffice. 01 April 2015 to 30 April 2015. Pg 3

Top 10 Blocked Intrusions by Type

Intrusion Type Count1. SCAN_UPnP_communication_attempt 1812. PSAD_CUSTOM_Slammer_communication_attempt 313. POLICY_PCAnywhere_server_response 154. MISC_MS_Terminal_Server_communication_attemptS 85. BAD_TRAFFIC_tcp_port_0_traffic 56. P2P_Napster_Client_Data_communication_attemptS 17. BACKDOOR_DeepThroat_3_1_Server_Response_3150 18. BACKDOOR_DeepThroat_3_1_Connection_attempt_4120 19. BACKDOOR_BackConstruction_2_1_connection_attemptS 1

View more detailed reports online

NotesThis report is subject to the Mako Networks Terms and Conditions available on our website.

The manner in which intrusion attempts can potentially be masked can cause the type to bemisinterpreted effecting the absolute accuracy of reporting. All attempts are made to analyse data in anaccurate manner. Mako will not be liable to any party whatsoever for absolute accuracy.

To that end these reports should be treated as an indication of the Intrusion Detection activity for thenetwork outlined.

Demo Company, Office. 01 April 2015 to 30 April 2015.

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Worm detected

Internet traffic alertThis alert is triggered when a machine on your network tries to make more connections in 10 minutes than hasbeen permitted. This is can be the result of a virus infection. As a protective measure, the machine makingexcessive connections has been blocked from Internet access.

Company name, Mako name Demo Mako

Originating device Demo PCThis machine should be scanned by an antivirus software.

If you have made sure the originating device is secure, please sign in to the Mako System to remove the block.Alternatively, you can raise the worm detection threshold.Please contact your reseller Mako Networks on 1 800 851 4691 or mailto:[email protected] forassistance.

Kind Regards,Mako Networks

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