class 1 fall 2012

1 Leadership In a Technological World EDUC 33672 Prof Shawn Lennie [email protected]

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Leadership In a Technological WorldEDUC 33672

Prof Shawn [email protected]

Page 2: Class 1 fall 2012

Week Module

Date Topic Assignments

1 1 Sept 3-7 Intro to the course & Tech Aptitude Test

2 1 Sept 10 -14The World of ICT: Overview of ICT and its Impact on Society

3 2 Sept 17-21 ICT and Learning: TPACK Model Test #1 ICT History, terminology and impact (10%)

4 2 Sept 24-28ICT and Learning: Connectivism and Learning Networks

5 2 Oct 1-5 ICT and Learning: Social Software and Learning

6 3 Oct 8-12ICT and ECE: Integration of ICT into Professional Practice

7 3 Oct 15-19 ICT and ECE: Developmentally Appropriate SoftwareTest #2 ICT, ECE & Learning (10%)

Oct 22-26 Reading Week: No Classes

8 4 Oct 29-Nov 2 Software Evaluation PresentationsPresentations and Reports Due

9 4 Nov 5-9 Software Evaluation PresentationsPresentations and Reports Due

10 5 Nov 12-16ICT and Management: Planning, Communication and Organization

11 6 Nov 19-23ICT and Management: Marketing, Finance and Staff Evaluation

12 Nov 26-30 Etiquette and Cyber Ethics

13 Dec 3-7 Emerging Technologies E-Portfolios Due (35%)

14 Dec10-14 Last Week of ClassesTest #3: Cyber Ethics and Emerging ICT

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today’s class

• Intro to the Course & Assignments

• Intro to the instructor

• Intro to your peers

• Tech Use Survey and Aptitude Test

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Classroom etiquette

Classroom Environment• Respect

• Talking and Listening• Participation, Punctuality/Attendance

Email EtiquetteHello, Goodbye

•Who are you? Who am I?• What are we talking about?

Tech Etiquette•Facebook phenomenon ....

•Email and communication ...•Multi-tasking ....

•Lots of potential, if used properly....

Interested about ICT? Follow me on twitter @IClennieT

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Learning OutcomesEvaluate the effectiveness of various technology based tools and software as they apply to teaching and learning, and the administration of an early childhood workplace.

Recommend technological tools for advancement in appropriate pedagogical and workplace environments related to the field placement experience/internship.

Report on exploration of new paradigms for technology acquisition and delivery in the information-age as it applies in an early childhood environment.

Debate the implications that an increasingly technological world has on the management of early learning and care environments.

Critique pedagogical assumptions and conceptions about the use of technology with children through research on current data.

NOTE: You do not have to purchase the textbook for this course.

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Pedagogy: Project Based Learning

TraditionalTraditional Project BasedProject Based

Teacher lectures, students listen

Students work on projects, teacher facilitates

Teacher asks questions, students answer

Students ask questions, teacher and other students


Students take notes, try to memorize for tests

Students engage in problem solving, decision making, investigative skills, and reflection

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77Face to Face Component

Online Component

Context During Class (2 hrs) Prior to Class (1+ hrs)

Learning Activities

Application ActivitiesIn-Class DiscussionsStudent Presentations

Screen Cast LecturesVideosReadings

Assessment Quizzes Online Artifacts

What’s a Hybrid?

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Keys to success ...Come to class and Complete Online Work

Take Notes (if you don’t know how. You NEED to learn)

Ask Questions

Follow Instructions (one of the most underestimated things students don’t do)


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9Course Assessment

Assignment Weight Date

Software Product Evaluation 30% TBD

E-Portfolio 30% TBD

Online Module Artifacts 10% TBD

Tests (not necessarily summative evals) 30% TBD


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Course Resources


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Your Tech KnowledgeD2L > Module 1 > Tech Use Survey

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12Tech Speed Test (12 minutes)

Go to Slate > Class Modules > Tech Speed Test

Password is ....


NOTE: If you are not able to find the answer to the question or complete the task, SKIP IT, and move on to the next one. You only have 12 minutes. The test will be locked after that.

NOTE:THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL TEST. Record each of your answers in a word document.

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Next Week: TO DORequest access to the course wiki environment and get acquainted

Review the requirements for the Digital Portfolio Assignment

Read: The Medium is the Message by M. Federman Five Things you Need to Know about Technological ChangeNOTE: All relevant links can be found on the course wiki and D2L