citizen (berea, ky.). (berea, ky) 1909-05-27 [p ] · f...

r4H t- woooohfooeueainoosiotll s boiotruwogeofpJuiut 1 I East Kentucky Correspondence I 1 r INews You Get Nowhere Else I ot4e c fuoiuktd cotta rtaei in tan by the wiitn The cams 1 fjlI t lot pptncauna st a ta tndtBoi of road UJtS Vrttt pltinlj 0 nYnAru1Dn000000OOgeq0041oqoootsoeoeooeo l Berea College Fair for Fireside J Industries Will be held Wednesday June 9 09 the Collego Commencement Day In Room 4 Lincoln Hall Read the list of premiums and pre ¬ pare to make an exhibit If you should not take a premium you will A show your skill and may have an op ¬ portunlty to sell something TAKE NOTICE Entries may be made at any time from noon to 4 p m on Tuesday June 8 or from 7 to 10 a m Wed- nesday ¬ Juno 9 1909 All goods entered for premiums must have been made since last Com- mencement ¬ Day Juno 3 1908 and must be the product of the person to whom the premium la paid For t Instance the premium will be paid to the WEAVER OF A COVERLID and not to the person owing It or the ma ¬ terial from which it was made No premium will be given two years in succession to the tame person WOMEN ATTENTION I IIAs we desire to encourage the f younger women to weave the pre¬ miums on Rag Rugs are offered this a year only to weavers under twenty of age any weaver under twenty years should be awarded a premium ftIt a coverlid one dollar will be add ¬ the usual premium products not included in our of premiums may be exhibited an offered for sole It We offer fine premiums for hickory or oaksplit baskets melonshaped There Is quite a demand for such t baskets if well made The size should not be over that of a halfbushel and smaller ones will find a readier sale I I The expenses of the HomeSpun Fair are borne by the Department of Fire Side Industries and we find c it necessary to charge 10 per cent r commission on all sales made I PREMIUMS OFFERED 1 andxl Coverlids Jioo f 100 l < llomeipun Table Spreads Coverlid Iattemsico sol Unen tOO sof soFt I I I Cotton ioo 50 I 1lns 8yards lw 50 Figured n 8 yard ioo 50 r soI IRag Rugs carpet weave ito jo or Oak Split melon I shaped Batketa 200 ioo Axbandle homemade to as Handmade split bottom Chair Iso 75 1 Handmade Rustic Chair ijo 75 L No premiums are offered for Linsey I or Linen which contains less than premiumsI I t cles when no firstclass ones are 1I entered I f d Committee on Home Spun Fair 4I JACKSON COUNTY IIUnLE- Yt t Hurley May 18 Several people at this place are hoeing corn this week The Rev Mr Bowman preached at t the Indian Creek church on the secon to a large crowdRegular meeting at i hasbeen changed from the Saturday to the third Saturday k month Grandpa Gabbard IIsecond very low His recovery is very Frank Lake is very poorly pleurisy There were services Bethel last Saturday and Sunday sat conducted by B H Cole The Infant son of Mr and Mrs Bradley Gabbard Missesl ll ban visited Mr and Mrs Ruford Calll ham of Doublellck Saturday and Sun ¬ B dayMrs Lizzie McCollum has the t i grip Messrs Wm and John Isaacs Riley and Nathan Gabbard visited at Parrot Saturday and Sunday Miss I Ellen Roberts who has been staying with her aunt Mrs John Gabbard re ¬ SundayIt R A Johnson attended a district convention ot K P S at Manchester Saturday The Rev W M Johnson attended church at Jit t Zion Saturday and SundayMr and 1 Mrs L C Little visited on Buffalo Saturday and SundayMr Geo Logs don announces that on Sunday evening May 30he will begin a singing school at Annville church house Mr L T Medlock who han been to Richmond t and Berea for several days has re ¬ turned Mr Grant Whittaker who lost his health in Montana has re ¬ r I headquarr ¬ King of Leslie Co Is visiting her brother O M RaderSeveral from this place were In McKee Friday and Saturday taking examination for County cretlflcates Farmers In this vicinity have the largest crops of corn planted that have been planted for several years but It Is 1no wonder since corn has gone to k u c t I 110 per bushel and hay to 110 per u a III 4Last Monday was I County court day but there were not m > ny in attendance and Ilothlllg much in court Wm Morris a member of the G A R has made nrrangments to have nllihe old soldiers graves In the County decorated on Saturday A memorial service will bo held at the church on Sunday and the soldiers graves in the McKee cemetery will be decorated on Monday Also com- mittees ¬ appointed to attend to the de ¬ coration throughout the county will report here on Monday County At- torney ¬ G I Rader has sold his resi- dence ¬ to Lewis Gabbard Price 800 He gives immdieate possession of his law office that Is connected with the residence Mr Gabbard has the partition torn out and will soon erect shelves and counters and he and Mr Mllas Sparks will remove their stock of goods there from the Ha s ¬ perty Mr Rader will keep 110I1Se8I Ion of the remainder ot the building until Jan 1 1910 the expiration of his term of office He has not yet decided where he will locateThere were thirtyone applicants In the ex- amination ¬ on the 21st and 22nd for teachers certificates One withdrew on the last day because she thought she failed In arithmetic Most ot the applicants thouht that arithmetic and grammer were pretty tough as they termed 1t1hree young ladles from Berea Misses Fannie Moyers Bettle Pointer and Margaret Williams were here taking the examination GUKEMIAM Greenhall May 24J N Smith in getting ort a mule landed on n nail and has a very bad footJohn- p Wilson brought out a fine bird dog from Beattyvtlle Tuesday Died Thursday John Lee with consump tion A short time before he pass- ed ¬ away he requested those standing DIPierson Richmond Tuesday Miss Nora Wil ¬ son who has been teaching school In Dakota for several months re ¬ turned home Monday also Miss Lena Wilson who has been going to school at Berea Miss Mattie and Mary Pe ¬ ters visited Mrs Phoebe Pierson Wed ¬ nesdayThe postofflce at Ethel on Bunkham was burned Friday night Andy PIerson filled his regular appointment on Maulden Sunday We are soon to have a singing school taught by I A Hunter Blrt Pier son and his baby girl visited Dunk Pierson Sunday Blja Smith and wife visited J N Smith Saturday night Samuel Evans caught a nice string of fish Saturday evening Sunday week will be the regular church time at Canons chapel The Rev Harvey Johnson will preach Silas Flanery has gone to Valley View to see his brother John who is very low with fever Jesse Pierson and W N Hughes are cultivating a crop of cane together and will divide sorghum fodder and seed as per agreement at harvesting time Chas Bowles who has been visiting home folks and friends for several days will return to Hamilton Ohio this weekWe learn that Leander Ding ham has made application for the school at Bethlehem Mr Blngham Is a nice young man and will do good work for any school he may teach The horse that was stolen at London last Monday was delivered to parties hunting for him by Gil las Crank who had swapped for the horse from a young man by name of Mason living near Boonevllle They are now after him There was a large crowd out at the baseball game play ¬ ed at the mouth of Grassy Branch Sunday- flOCKCASTLE COUNTS OAtTLKY Gauley May 25Sam Miller was In Corbin last week Bradley Robin ¬ son and Ben Ponder are home from Berea where they have been attend ¬ ing school Misses Mary A and Cor da Mullins visited relatives at Liv ¬ ingston last Monday and Tuesday Chester and Edgar McDanlel of Alta mont are visiting relatives here Dan Ponder was In Lexington last week on business Willie Campbell and his sister of Goochland visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday ISeveral from this community at ¬ tended church at Pleasant Run Sun ¬ meetinglot on May 2830th They have anex ¬ cellent program and dinner will be served on the ground on Saturday Every body InvitedI I Dlsputanta May 24People are planting corn The Sunday schools at 1 R INOW IS THE TIME TO BUY I A Cleaning Up Sale Bargains for everybody while they last 80000 worth of goods to go at a Bargain for Cash Mens and boys Clothing Shoes and hats will go so low that any one can buy I will also clean out a nice line of Ladies Hats at low values Everybody is invited to to attend this special sale which will open at my store on WEDNESDAY MAY 26 1909 and continue from day to day until all bargain goods are sold Be sure and come to this save Respectf- ullyWRENGLE Gray Hawk Ky this place are progressing nicely with good attendance Mr and Mrs John Simpson of Paint Lick visited the latters parents the Rev L R Row lett Sunday Bertha Rowlett enter- tained ¬ quite a large number of young folks at home Sunday Mrs George Payne Is slckIr James E Crouch er Is slckIr and Mrs Huston Row ¬ lett were guests of Mr and Mrs Thos Dullen of near Wild Ie Sunday H C Rowlett attended the Odd Fellows lodge at Orlando Saturday nlghtIr and Mrs Richard Shearer visited Mr and Mrs F F Miller Sunday UOIIINKT Roblnet May 25Sld Martin has been 111 with pneumonia and the grip but Is betterLena Coffey Is home from Richmond where she has been staying for some tlmeIf M Deese of Livingston and D J Car penter have bought a large boundary of tie timber on the Jackson land W S Ledbettcr and W C John ¬ son have tha contract ot doing their sawing The weather has put peo- ple ¬ behind with their corn planting John Martin of Wolfe Pa passed thru SundaE M Spence of Be ¬ rea passed thru town Saturday Alvin Carpenter sold Dillard Car I eueter a mule for 130Uncle Geo Stephenson gave a party Saturday night In honor ot his daughter who returned home In the later part thw weekDIII and Elihu litI went fishing May 3our school at Lone Oak Is progressing j very nicely this summer I CLAY COUNTY SEXTONS CUKKK Sextons Creek May 21Corn plant Ing Is on a boom In this neighbor ¬ hoodMrs Nannie Melton who lives near Lexington visited her parents and other relatives here last week John Oldham has just returned from three years service In the army Married on the 13th Inut Colney Kel ¬ ley and Miss Nettle Sandlin of Alger Rev J P Metcalf preachedI at Mt Carmel last Sundav Edwards of Grayhawk passed thru here Tuesday on his way home with a wagon load of corn Adeline Burch who has been ill for n few days Is somewhat better nowCap Saylor and Jonathan Decknell are working fur Sam Saylor this weekGrandma Jen ¬ kins Is visiting Mrs Lizzie Saylor OWSLEY COURT ISLAM CITY Island City May 20 Grandpa and Grandma Hoskins of this place left Sunday for a weeks visit with their son W A Hoskins at Blake Mrs Belle Moore and children visited Mrs Martha E Gentry SundayD G Wood ot Jackson county was on Is ¬ land Creek Saturday on business Mr and Mrs Joseph Moore stayed over night Wednesday with G J Gen ¬ trysMcQueen Bros moved their saw and grist mill last week to Sextons Creek Nancy Drograns who had been sick for the past week died May 16 She leaves one daughter nine grand ¬ children and many friends to mourn her loss She was sixtynine years old and was loved by all who knew her She was laid to rest In the new graveyard near David Chadwells She belonged to the Methodist church al Oak GroveNannle Mays of Blake visited W A Carmack Saturday and Sunday Gray D Bowman of Clay Co was a visitor at G J Gentrys Sunday and MondayDr J A Mahaffey ref turned home last week from an ex ¬ tended trip to Kelleyvllle Okla He was accompanied by his sister who Is in poor health MADISON COUNTY KINOSTON Kingston May 24Mr and Mrs Lewis SandlIn have just returned from a vlclt to Covington where Mr Sand ¬ lln attended the G A R encampment Mrs George of Richmond Is with her father Mr Stivers who Is sick Mr and Mrs Joe Maupin have return- ed ¬ from a visit to relatives at Paint Lick Mra John Powell spent Satur ¬ day afternoon with Mrs L C Powell jf Mote Mies Florence Lamb Is the guest of Mrs Chas Lamb She T111 leave In a few days tor her home In Ohio Several People from here attended church at Dreyfus Sun ¬ dayMiss Susan Doty Is visiting In Lexington thlo weekMr Tom Bal lard Miss Martha Powell and Roy Hudson wreJthe guests of Miss Dora Hudson at Dreyfuo SundayMr and I jU 45000000 H Rogers started life as a news ¬ boy IHe read the papers he sold and one anI gave a a I merchant He kept on keeping tip with the times and when ho died last week he left fortyfive millions after spending all he wanted to lie would have lived poor and died poor It he had not read that paper Almost every newspaper has valu- able ¬ Ideas In It for those that know how to use them You will not find those that are valuable to you un ¬ less you rend the paper and you will not rend the paper unless you take it There la no newspaper in reach ot the mountain people that contains so many valuable ideas as The Citizen Mrs Geo Moody made a business trip to Lexington Tuccday Mrs Mary Woods left last week for Clay County to visit her brother Pleas Murray Leonard and Mollle Sparks spent Sat- urday ¬ night with Sarda and Green Powell Miss Kate Maupln of Ten nEessee Is visiting relatives here this week f GARRARD COUNTY PAINT LICK Paint Lick May 22Mr and MM Turn Todd are the proud parents of two babies a girl and a boyMr and Mrs Green Gabbard were the guests ot their daughter Mrs Ebb Drock man last Saturday Ted the little child ot O L Gabbard has been quite illMrs Sam Eden Sr lit very slckG B Gabbard has returned from the G A R encampment at Covington Ky and reported a most enjoyable time May Ponder and family are visiting John Ponder of this placeMr and Mrs Jeff Davis were the guests of Mr John Davis last Sunday Childrens day at Wallace ton will be held Sunday June 13th at the Wallaceton Baptist church Every one invited Hamilton 0 Letter Hamilton 0 May 4Thero Are fiftyseven graduates In the Hamilton High school this yealThe new Fe ¬ deral building will be completed I- nJuneP M Reynolds has quit the grocery business In Hamilton and mov- ed ¬ with his family to Colllnsvllle 0 where ho and his son John will en ¬ gage In the blacksmith trade Mr wcreII Hamilton Y W C A Is planning to j have a picnic soon Rev W K Du- i gan ot San Francisco Cal preached at the First Baptist church last Sunday morning Bessie one ot the four year old twins of Mr and Mrs M Gabbard Is recovering from an attack of malaria A Martin a sopho- more i In Hamilton High School was drowned Friday while he and two High School girls were canoeing onI the reservoir The canoe upset girls were rescued by John Wood- ruff ¬ a fisherman The I O O F Lodge No 17 of Hamilton gave an elaborate celebration May 20 In honor i of the veteran Odd Fellows ot Hamil ¬ ton who had been members of the or- der ¬ for over 25 years Veteran Jewels I were presented them by prominent men Plans are being made here for the annual reunion of the 167th O V I which will be held at the home of Mrs Mary C Moore the widow of Col Thos Moore the commander ot the regiment The chief speaker will be I Congressman Jas M Cox Cengersvllle III Letter I Congersvllle 111 May 17Mr and Mrs Ed Alexander took dinner with Mr Lee Kelley Sunday Mr Jack Bur ton and family visited Mr apd Mrs andlfrJI I Smith and Ed Troutman visited Mr and Mrs J H Clemmons Sunday Mr Len Harris and family and Mr and Mrs Hubble visited Squire Young Sun ¬ day Congersvllle and Goodfleld had I a nice game of ball at Slabtown Sun ¬ day evening B Kindred is working for Mr Hugh Young this week and Ernest Baker for J H Clemmons i Congersvllle school will be out June 1C 1Nc Conors ODH H M I1ITilQ1fn sift tDy < stt Q u oMIDWI1ll r 1rrnllCCllt 1- j Copyright 1909 by American Pros Associationw 10 F the roses and the lilies and the violets today Are the old red white and blue which like the flag in bright array All are blowing i And aplowing t- In r v their beauty far and near JAnd There is not a cannon banging all the guns are still today And the flags in peace are flapping while the bands serenely play And the measure Of the treasure ° Of our love swift overflows + to like the perfume of each flower as each petal sweetly blows While the color combination is the right one through end through y For the north and south the colon are The red white and blue i Yet the flowers that neer perish as upon its course time speeds f- Aze the flowers of the soldiers deathless deeds l > fThick time tossesa its mosses r Oer graven name t < Will that name outlive the stone on the enduring scroll of fame While the roses and the lilies and the violets are due i > Both the north and south to honor with The red white and blue < MODEL OF MEMORIAL TO BE ERECTED AT GETTYSBURG IN 1910 BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA I J

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Page 1: Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1909-05-27 [p ] · f younger women to weave the pre¬ miums on Rag Rugs are offered this a year only


t-woooohfooeueainoosiotll s boiotruwogeofpJuiut

1 I East Kentucky Correspondence I

1 r INews You Get Nowhere Else Iot4e c fuoiuktd cotta rtaei in tan by the wiitn The cams

1 fjlI t lot pptncauna st a ta tndtBoi of road UJtS Vrttt pltinlj 0

nYnAru1Dn000000OOgeq0041oqoootsoeoeooeol Berea College Fair for Fireside

J Industries

Will be held Wednesday June 9 09

the Collego Commencement Day In

Room 4 Lincoln HallRead the list of premiums and pre ¬

pare to make an exhibit If you

should not take a premium you will

A show your skill and may have an op ¬

portunlty to sell something

TAKE NOTICEEntries may be made at any time

from noon to 4 p m on Tuesday

June 8 or from 7 to 10 a m Wed-



Juno 9 1909

All goods entered for premiumsmust have been made since last Com-



Day Juno 3 1908 andmust be the product of the personto whom the premium la paid For

t Instance the premium will be paid tothe WEAVER OF A COVERLID andnot to the person owing It or the ma ¬

terial from which it was madeNo premium will be given two years

in succession to the tame person

WOMEN ATTENTION IIIAs we desire to encourage thef younger women to weave the pre¬

miums on Rag Rugs are offered thisa year only to weavers under twenty

of ageany weaver under twenty years

should be awarded a premiumftIta coverlid one dollar will be add ¬

the usual premiumproducts not included in our

of premiums may be exhibited anoffered for sole

It We offer fine premiums for hickoryor oaksplit baskets melonshapedThere Is quite a demand for such

t baskets if well made The size shouldnot be over that of a halfbushel andsmaller ones will find a readier sale


I The expenses of the HomeSpunFair are borne by the Departmentof Fire Side Industries and we find

c it necessary to charge 10 per centr commission on all sales made I

PREMIUMS OFFERED 1andxlCoverlids Jioo f 100 l< llomeipun Table SpreadsCoverlid Iattemsico solUnen tOOsofsoFt I

II Cotton ioo 50 I

1lns 8yards lw 50Figured n 8 yard ioo 50

rsoIIRag Rugs carpet weave ito joor Oak Split melon


shaped Batketa 200 iooAxbandle homemade to asHandmade split bottom Chair Iso 75

1 Handmade Rustic Chair ijo 75

L No premiums are offered for LinseyI or Linen which contains less thanpremiumsI I

t cles when no firstclass ones are

1I entered If d Committee on Home Spun Fair





Hurley May 18 Several people atthis place are hoeing corn this week

The Rev Mr Bowman preached att the Indian Creek church on the secon

to a large crowdRegular meeting ati hasbeen changed from the

Saturday to the third Saturdayk month Grandpa GabbardIIsecond very low His recovery is very

Frank Lake is very poorlypleurisy There were services

Bethel last Saturday and Sundaysatconducted by B H Cole The Infantson of Mr and Mrs Bradley GabbardMisseslll ban visited Mr and Mrs Ruford Calllham of Doublellck Saturday and Sun ¬

B dayMrs Lizzie McCollum has thet i grip Messrs Wm and John Isaacs

Riley and Nathan Gabbard visited atParrot Saturday and Sunday Miss

I Ellen Roberts who has been stayingwith her aunt Mrs John Gabbard re ¬

SundayItR A Johnson

attended a district convention ot K PS at Manchester Saturday The RevW M Johnson attended church at Jitt Zion Saturday and SundayMr and

1 Mrs L C Little visited on BuffaloSaturday and SundayMr Geo Logsdon announces that on Sunday eveningMay 30he will begin a singing schoolat Annville church house Mr L TMedlock who han been to Richmondtand Berea for several days has re ¬

turned Mr Grant Whittaker wholost his health in Montana has re ¬

r Iheadquarr ¬

King of Leslie Co Is visiting herbrother O M RaderSeveral fromthis place were In McKee Friday andSaturday taking examination forCounty cretlflcates Farmers In thisvicinity have the largest crops ofcorn planted that have beenplanted for several years but It Is1no wonder since corn has gone to

ku c


I 110 per bushel and hay to 110 per

uaIII4Last Monday was

ICounty court day but there were notm >ny in attendance and Ilothlllg muchin court Wm Morris a member ofthe G A R has made nrrangmentsto have nllihe old soldiers graves Inthe County decorated on SaturdayA memorial service will bo held atthe church on Sunday and the soldiersgraves in the McKee cemetery willbe decorated on Monday Also com-


appointed to attend to the de ¬

coration throughout the county willreport here on Monday County At-


G I Rader has sold his resi-


to Lewis Gabbard Price 800

He gives immdieate possession ofhis law office that Is connected withthe residence Mr Gabbard has thepartition torn out and will soon erectshelves and counters and he and MrMllas Sparks will remove their stockof goods there from the Ha s ¬

perty Mr Rader will keep 110I1Se8I

Ion of the remainder ot the buildinguntil Jan 1 1910 the expiration ofhis term of office He has not yetdecided where he will locateTherewere thirtyone applicants In the ex-


on the 21st and 22nd forteachers certificates One withdrewon the last day because she thoughtshe failed In arithmetic Most ot theapplicants thouht that arithmetic andgrammer were pretty tough as theytermed 1t1hree young ladles fromBerea Misses Fannie Moyers BettlePointer and Margaret Williams werehere taking the examination


Greenhall May 24J N Smithin getting ort a mule landed on nnail and has a very bad footJohn-p Wilson brought out a fine birddog from Beattyvtlle Tuesday DiedThursday John Lee with consumption A short time before he pass-ed


away he requested those standing

DIPiersonRichmond Tuesday Miss Nora Wil ¬

son who has been teaching schoolIn Dakota for several months re¬

turned home Monday also Miss LenaWilson who has been going to schoolat Berea Miss Mattie and Mary Pe ¬

ters visited Mrs Phoebe Pierson Wed ¬

nesdayThe postofflce at Ethel onBunkham was burned Friday night

Andy PIerson filled his regularappointment on Maulden Sunday Weare soon to have a singing schooltaught by I A Hunter Blrt Pierson and his baby girl visited DunkPierson Sunday Blja Smith andwife visited J N Smith Saturdaynight Samuel Evans caught a nicestring of fish Saturday eveningSunday week will be the regularchurch time at Canons chapel TheRev Harvey Johnson will preachSilas Flanery has gone to Valley Viewto see his brother John who is verylow with fever Jesse Pierson andW N Hughes are cultivating a cropof cane together and will dividesorghum fodder and seed as peragreement at harvesting time ChasBowles who has been visiting homefolks and friends for several dayswill return to Hamilton Ohio thisweekWe learn that Leander Dingham has made application for theschool at Bethlehem Mr BlnghamIs a nice young man and will do goodwork for any school he may teachThe horse that was stolen atLondon last Monday was deliveredto parties hunting for him by Gil

las Crank who had swapped for thehorse from a young man by name ofMason living near Boonevllle Theyare now after him There was a largecrowd out at the baseball game play ¬

ed at the mouth of Grassy BranchSunday-


Gauley May 25Sam Miller wasIn Corbin last week Bradley Robin ¬

son and Ben Ponder are home fromBerea where they have been attend ¬

ing school Misses Mary A and Corda Mullins visited relatives at Liv ¬

ingston last Monday and TuesdayChester and Edgar McDanlel of Altamont are visiting relatives hereDan Ponder was In Lexington lastweek on business Willie Campbelland his sister of Goochland visitedrelatives here Saturday and Sunday

ISeveral from this community at¬

tended church at Pleasant Run Sun ¬

meetingloton May 2830th They have anex ¬

cellent program and dinner will beserved on the ground on SaturdayEvery body InvitedII

Dlsputanta May 24People areplanting corn The Sunday schools at




A Cleaning Up SaleBargains for everybody while they last80000 worth of goods to go at a Bargain for Cash

Mens and boys Clothing Shoes and hats will go solow that any one can buy I will also clean out a nice lineof Ladies Hats at low values Everybody is invited toto attend this special sale which will open at my store onWEDNESDAY MAY 26 1909 and continue from dayto day until all bargain goods are sold Be sure and cometo this save Respectf-ullyWRENGLE Gray Hawk Ky

this place are progressing nicely withgood attendance Mr and Mrs JohnSimpson of Paint Lick visited thelatters parents the Rev L R Rowlett Sunday Bertha Rowlett enter-


quite a large number of youngfolks at home Sunday Mrs GeorgePayne Is slckIr James E Croucher Is slckIr and Mrs Huston Row ¬

lett were guests of Mr and Mrs ThosDullen of near Wild Ie Sunday H C

Rowlett attended the Odd Fellowslodge at Orlando Saturday nlghtIrand Mrs Richard Shearer visited Mrand Mrs F F Miller Sunday


Roblnet May 25Sld Martin hasbeen 111 with pneumonia and thegrip but Is betterLena Coffey Ishome from Richmond where she hasbeen staying for some tlmeIf M

Deese of Livingston and D J Carpenter have bought a large boundaryof tie timber on the Jackson land

W S Ledbettcr and W C John ¬

son have tha contract ot doing theirsawing The weather has put peo-


behind with their corn plantingJohn Martin of Wolfe Pa passed

thru SundaE M Spence of Be¬

rea passed thru town SaturdayAlvin Carpenter sold Dillard CarI eueter a mule for 130Uncle GeoStephenson gave a party Saturdaynight In honor ot his daughter whoreturned home In the later partthw weekDIII and Elihu litIwent fishing May 3ourschool at Lone Oak Is progressing j

very nicely this summer I


Sextons Creek May 21Corn plantIng Is on a boom In this neighbor ¬

hoodMrs Nannie Melton who livesnear Lexington visited her parentsand other relatives here last weekJohn Oldham has just returned fromthree years service In the armyMarried on the 13th Inut Colney Kel ¬

ley and Miss Nettle Sandlin ofAlger Rev J P Metcalf preachedIat Mt Carmel last SundavEdwards of Grayhawk passed thruhere Tuesday on his way home witha wagon load of corn Adeline Burchwho has been ill for n few days Is

somewhat better nowCap Saylor

and Jonathan Decknell are working fur

Sam Saylor this weekGrandma Jen ¬

kins Is visiting Mrs Lizzie Saylor


Island City May 20 Grandpa andGrandma Hoskins of this place leftSunday for a weeks visit with theirson W A Hoskins at Blake MrsBelle Moore and children visited MrsMartha E Gentry SundayD G

Wood ot Jackson county was on Is ¬

land Creek Saturday on businessMr and Mrs Joseph Moore stayedover night Wednesday with G J Gen ¬

trysMcQueen Bros moved their saw

and grist mill last week to SextonsCreek Nancy Drograns who had beensick for the past week died May 16

She leaves one daughter nine grand¬

children and many friends to mourn

her loss She was sixtynine years

old and was loved by all who knew

her She was laid to rest In the new

graveyard near David Chadwells Shebelonged to the Methodist church alOak GroveNannle Mays of Blake

visited W A Carmack Saturday and

Sunday Gray D Bowman of Clay Co

was a visitor at G J Gentrys Sunday

and MondayDr J A Mahaffey refturned home last week from an ex¬

tended trip to Kelleyvllle Okla He

was accompanied by his sister who Is

in poor healthMADISON COUNTY


Kingston May 24Mr and Mrs

Lewis SandlIn have just returned from

a vlclt to Covington where Mr Sand ¬

lln attended the G A R encampment

Mrs George of Richmond Is with

her father Mr Stivers who Is sick

Mr and Mrs Joe Maupin have return-



from a visit to relatives at PaintLick Mra John Powell spent Satur¬

day afternoon with Mrs L C Powell

jf Mote Mies Florence Lamb Is

the guest of Mrs Chas Lamb She

T111 leave In a few days tor herhome In Ohio Several People from

here attended church at Dreyfus Sun ¬

dayMiss Susan Doty Is visiting In

Lexington thlo weekMr Tom Bal

lard Miss Martha Powell and Roy

Hudson wreJthe guests of Miss Dora

Hudson at Dreyfuo SundayMr and


jU 45000000H Rogers started life as a news ¬

boyIHe read the papers he sold and oneanIgave a aI

merchant He kept on keeping tipwith the times and when ho diedlast week he left fortyfive millionsafter spending all he wanted to

lie would have lived poor and diedpoor It he had not read that paper

Almost every newspaper has valu-


Ideas In It for those that knowhow to use them You will not findthose that are valuable to you un ¬

less you rend the paper and you willnot rend the paper unless you take it

There la no newspaper in reach otthe mountain people that contains somany valuable ideas as The Citizen

Mrs Geo Moody made a business tripto Lexington Tuccday Mrs MaryWoods left last week for Clay Countyto visit her brother Pleas MurrayLeonard and Mollle Sparks spent Sat-


night with Sarda and GreenPowell Miss Kate Maupln of TennEessee Is visiting relatives here thisweek



Paint Lick May 22Mr and MMTurn Todd are the proud parents oftwo babies a girl and a boyMr andMrs Green Gabbard were the guestsot their daughter Mrs Ebb Drockman last Saturday Ted the littlechild ot O L Gabbard has been quiteillMrs Sam Eden Sr lit veryslckG B Gabbard has returnedfrom the G A R encampment atCovington Ky and reported a mostenjoyable time May Ponder andfamily are visiting John Ponder ofthis placeMr and Mrs Jeff Daviswere the guests of Mr John Davis lastSunday Childrens day at Wallaceton will be held Sunday June 13that the Wallaceton Baptist churchEvery one invited

Hamilton 0 LetterHamilton 0 May 4Thero Are

fiftyseven graduates In the HamiltonHigh school this yealThe new Fe ¬

deral building will be completed I-nJuneP M Reynolds has quit thegrocery business In Hamilton and mov-


with his family to Colllnsvllle 0where ho and his son John will en ¬

gage In the blacksmith trade Mr

wcreIIHamilton Y W C A Is planning to

j have a picnic soon Rev W K Du-

i gan ot San Francisco Cal preachedat the First Baptist church lastSunday morning Bessie one ot thefour year old twins of Mr and MrsM Gabbard Is recovering from anattack of malaria A Martin a sopho-

morei In Hamilton High School wasdrowned Friday while he and twoHigh School girls were canoeing onIthe reservoir The canoe upsetgirls were rescued by John Wood-



a fisherman The I O O FLodge No 17 of Hamilton gave anelaborate celebration May 20 In honor

i of the veteran Odd Fellows ot Hamil ¬

ton who had been members of the or-


for over 25 years Veteran JewelsI were presented them by prominentmen Plans are being made here forthe annual reunion of the 167th O VI which will be held at the home ofMrs Mary C Moore the widow of Col

Thos Moore the commander ot theregiment The chief speaker will be

I Congressman Jas M Cox

Cengersvllle III LetterI

Congersvllle 111 May 17Mr andMrs Ed Alexander took dinner withMr Lee Kelley Sunday Mr Jack Burton and family visited Mr apd Mrs

andlfrJII Smith and Ed Troutman visited Mrand Mrs J H Clemmons Sunday MrLen Harris and family and Mr andMrs Hubble visited Squire Young Sun ¬

day Congersvllle and Goodfleld hadI a nice game of ball at Slabtown Sun ¬

day evening B Kindred is workingfor Mr Hugh Young this week andErnest Baker for J H Clemmons

i Congersvllle school will be outJune 1C

1Nc Conors ODHH

M I1ITilQ1fn sift tDy <stt Q

u oMIDWI1ll r1rrnllCCllt 1-


Copyright 1909 by American Pros Associationw10 F the roses and the lilies and the violets today

Are the old red white and blue which like the flag in brightarray

All are blowing iAnd aplowing t-



vtheir beauty far and near

JAndThere is not a cannon banging all the guns are still todayAnd the flags in peace are flapping while the bands serenely play

And the measureOf the treasure °

Of our love swift overflows+

tolike the perfume of each flower as each petal sweetly blowsWhile the color combination is the right one through end through yFor the north and south the colon are

The red white and blue i

Yet the flowers that neer perish as upon its course time speeds f-

Aze the flowers of the soldiers deathless deeds l >

fThick time tossesaits mosses rOer graven name t


Will that name outlive the stone on the enduring scroll of fameWhile the roses and the lilies and the violets are due i >Both the north and south to honor with

The red white and blue <